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Messages - signawolf

Pages: 1
Role Play Theater / Potion roulette challenge
« on: December 26, 2018, 04:49:33 AM »
So I had an idea I wanted to try out.... I found 6 different types of potions and put them into a contraption that will administer one at random into the fur that uses it. One of the potions is water, but the other five are permanent transformation effects (this is optional, but if you want to do hardcore mode, change you're character description in accordance to the transformation) . I offer this challenge to any other willing furs. I'll go first.
1: plushification
2: petrification
3: feralization
4: mannequinization
5: life sized marionette
6: nothing happens
Thoughts Before My Roll: I think this may have been a mistake
My roll: 3
Well.. it could have been worse....woof...

Role Play Theater / Re: The Corrupted Wish
« on: December 26, 2018, 03:37:59 AM »
You wish for yes ehh? Well in that case you get no. You know what that means? Nothing happens at all, lucky you ;).

Let's give this a shot. I work a night shift, so sleep can be hard some times. So, For my wish I wish that sleep would come easier to me.

Pages: 1