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Messages - SCKnight14

Pages: 1
Crimson Flag Comic / Re: Potential Romance?
« on: April 17, 2010, 07:51:20 PM »
Good question!  Though yep, this would be the sort of thing better address through the comic. [;)

You know there does seem to be a romance going on between the Bryce and the Queen.  Of course, he might be doing his job.  I wonder how Sierra would blush, since she has red fur.

Crimson Flag Comic / Re: Comic 087
« on: April 17, 2010, 12:29:48 AM »
This looks bad, but then again, maybe it looks good.

Crimson Flag Comic / Re: Potential Romance?
« on: April 15, 2010, 10:07:09 PM »
Haha welcome SCknight14!

Well, while I haven't quite noticed something between Lucian and Sierra... I Bet there is something going on Between Sir Bryce and The Queen.. why would he be *so eager* to go out and rescue her without organizing some proper military force..

Anyway welcome again! ]:)

Well, Sierra nearly cried when she thought that Sir Bryce was going to kill Lucian, and she seemed saddened that Lucian didn't remember her name.  When he reminded her about her training, she seemed happy.  I'm just guessing here.  Unless, Virmir actually shows it in the story or just tells me outright.  By the way, can Red and Gray Reyns get married, or is there a lot of cultural and social restrictions prohibiting such relationships?

Also, thank y'all for the welcomes!   [:) {:) |:) ]:)

Crimson Flag Comic / Re: Comic 086
« on: April 15, 2010, 01:22:05 PM »
Someone is going to get chewed out by a certain Queen's guard.

Crimson Flag Comic / Potential Romance?
« on: April 15, 2010, 01:06:41 PM »
Hello everyone.  I'm new here, and I just started reading this comic, and I'm enjoying it.  However, I've noticed what appears to be a possible romance growing between Lucian and Sierra.  Who else has noticed this?

Pages: 1