Art Gallery / Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
« on: October 20, 2023, 11:37:25 PM »
Number 57 (praise to the mighty Clay Mathews of the Cleveland Browns of the 80s!)
Kinda want an auto-closet TF this time.
My sona is stuck in a auto-closet. One set of arms on his ams, one on his legs, another has suction cup like things on his chest and manhood. We can tell cus his jacket is on the floor unTFed. And his headfur/hair is getting shaved off.
He has a shocked look on his face as he is NOW in a post TFTG into Juno from Beastars and is panicking cus he can't find or feel where his manhood once was. As he only in now a bra and panties set like Juno's from the show except now Juno's chest is massive DD cups but not as wide of hips post TF. As another arm gives has a japanese school uniform luring the background ready for fun forced clothing action to happen off screen.
https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1011058206845452450/1165141256935063652/FullbodyRem-1.png?ex=6545c55a&is=6533505a&hm=954eba1d391051c9df2ac07f790a55fb498b3a95ca10b1f4c2a86e54589d3b64&=&width=750&height=638 During TF unclothed. Jacket on the floor
https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1011058206845452450/1165141257199296552/large.jpg?ex=6545c55a&is=6533505a&hm=d29bcac2145d43e64d1d4384ee5a094748e98bc7d872255a412254b0487bb12b&=&width=398&height=670 Post TFTG all nice just more thinner hips not as big as these but chest size is perfect but panic state face. Please no sock leggings.
https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1011058206845452450/1165141257547431986/71GvPwUYdUL._AC_UY1000_.jpg?ex=6545c55b&is=6533505b&hm=290bb768b7c7967073d7b439980db84ae13bd0c82972a19c27a7786c914ec8ec&=&width=501&height=668 the uniform that looms implying future off screen torture-i mean fun!
Kinda want an auto-closet TF this time.
My sona is stuck in a auto-closet. One set of arms on his ams, one on his legs, another has suction cup like things on his chest and manhood. We can tell cus his jacket is on the floor unTFed. And his headfur/hair is getting shaved off.
He has a shocked look on his face as he is NOW in a post TFTG into Juno from Beastars and is panicking cus he can't find or feel where his manhood once was. As he only in now a bra and panties set like Juno's from the show except now Juno's chest is massive DD cups but not as wide of hips post TF. As another arm gives has a japanese school uniform luring the background ready for fun forced clothing action to happen off screen.
https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1011058206845452450/1165141256935063652/FullbodyRem-1.png?ex=6545c55a&is=6533505a&hm=954eba1d391051c9df2ac07f790a55fb498b3a95ca10b1f4c2a86e54589d3b64&=&width=750&height=638 During TF unclothed. Jacket on the floor
https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1011058206845452450/1165141257199296552/large.jpg?ex=6545c55a&is=6533505a&hm=d29bcac2145d43e64d1d4384ee5a094748e98bc7d872255a412254b0487bb12b&=&width=398&height=670 Post TFTG all nice just more thinner hips not as big as these but chest size is perfect but panic state face. Please no sock leggings.
https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1011058206845452450/1165141257547431986/71GvPwUYdUL._AC_UY1000_.jpg?ex=6545c55b&is=6533505b&hm=290bb768b7c7967073d7b439980db84ae13bd0c82972a19c27a7786c914ec8ec&=&width=501&height=668 the uniform that looms implying future off screen torture-i mean fun!