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Messages - Mehlahphuse

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Art Gallery / Re: Team Fortress 2 drawing event!
« on: September 23, 2012, 10:49:51 AM »
I'd like to enter myself for both Medic and Heavy. However, I'm entering...

Mehl as medic:

And Marina as Heavy:

I know I can win only once but they each fit seperate classes in the game so...yeah. ^.=.^

Writer's Guild / Story: Pool Crasher
« on: September 21, 2012, 11:15:26 PM »
Tis a story I wrote up as a gift for a good friend of mine, Gcdm. Wanted to do something nice for him as he's left for the US Navy. Managed to give it to him before it was too late to get a hold of him. If it seems sloppy it is cause I am still in need of practice and also I rushed it a fair bit to make sure he got the story in time.

Anyways, hope those who read enjoy.


   “Man, is it hot out today,” said Gcdm, wiping the moisture condensing off his forehead. As the young, red, feral dragon flew over the city he observed his surroundings. It was a boiling hot summer day. The sun was beating down over the city. Most people remained inside with their AC’s turned all the way to max. Some were out either in pools or just having general watery fun too cool off. Others took to the beach off the lake not too far from town. Overall, people were finding their own ways to deal with this sudden heat wave. It wasn't the worst heatwave experienced, but it was bad enough to even make a dragon uncomfortable. Gc needed a way to beat the heat, and fast. He would head to the lake, but with so many humans crowding it to keep cool it would be hard for him to avoid attracting unwanted attention. The humans of this city may be tolerant of him and his mother, a gold dragoness named Mehlahphuse, living in the area, but that doesn't mean some weren't afraid of them even though both of them have proven they meant no harm to anyone.

   Gc sighed and continued flying around, searching for a means to cool down without having to fly a great distance from his home. As he was flying, he looked down and noticed one home had a rather large pool. He knew he shouldn't trespass on someone's property but the water looked so inviting. Without a thought more Gc gliding down from the sky and landed softly and in the backyard with the pool, pulling close to the walls of the house and taking a quick peek through a couple windows to see if anyone was home. Sure enough, it seemed whoever lived here was gone out for now. He couldn't be sure for how long but at least he had a chance to at least have a quick dip before resuming his search and finding someplace else that didn't involve intruding in someone else's property. Gc smiled to himself and soon dived into the pool, splashing merrily, enjoying the coolness of the water against his scales.

   “Ahhhh, this feels nice. Time to sit back and relax,” said Gc as he floated along the water's surface on his back. He relaxed in the pool and closed his eyes, not really noticing a tingling sensation the water was giving him, nor the fact that something akin to a rubber valve has appeared on his chest. It wasn't until he heard a weird hissing sound that he opened his eyes again and looked around for the source of the sound. He then started feeling a little bloated and looked down, going wide eyed when he saw the valve on his chest and his belly was slowly taking on a vinyl sheen, scales looking more painted on as the vinyl start spreading around his body. “What the heck?1?” He gasped, flailing about in the water, starting to paddle towards the closest edge of the pool to get out of it. However, as he paddled he started finding it harder and harder to move his limbs, till eventually he couldn't paddle at all. He looked around himself to find that the vinyl coating had almost completely covered his legs. His legs were then forced out, sticking up on the sides of his body, becoming all puffy and thick, and his clawed toes fusing together into a cone shape, looking painted on like his scales.

   Gc watched in amazement as his wings shrank in size and were becoming all rubbery and squeaky. It was then he noticed handles appearing on his back and fully realized what was happening to him. “I can't believe it. I'm becoming a pool toy!” Gc cried out, squirming but barely able to move. Soon he felt the weird sensation of air being pumped into his tail, making it puffy and forcing it out straight, scales turning into vinyl. It was at this point Gc noticed how the water felt against his changing body. It actually felt oddly pleasant, the water lapping at his squeakifying body. He started to feel a little relaxed as the transformation started crawling up his neck, forcing his head forward. He didn't even have a chance to react before his mouth sealed up, a smile painting itself on his muzzle, and his eyes becoming forced forward as  they too became painted on, sealing Gc in his now pool toy form. Even though his eyes have become merely painted on he could still see. But, more importantly, he could still feel. Gc felt he should be panicking, but the water felt so calming and soothing against his pool toy form. <Maybe this isn't so bad. I could just float about and not have a care in the world. God, I do hope someone gets home soon though. I want someone to play with me.> Gc thought, the idea of being played with made him want to giggle happily.

   Eventually, a car drives up in the driveway and a relatively middle aged man hops out of the car, dressed up in a t-shirt and shorts, just having come back from the beach with his son who jumps out of the vehicle and runs towards the house. The man smiled, locking up the car and then casts a spell on it to deter any thieves brave enough to try and steal something from a wizard. He was about to walk inside when his son started shouting. “Dad! There is a new pool toy in the pool!” the little boy shouted, hopping up and down by the gate to the backyard. The wizard walk over and took a peek to find there was a dragon pool toy floating in the pool. “Can we keep this one, daddy?” The kid asked, smiling and going all wide eyed. “I'll think about it. Go inside son. I'll be with you in a minute”. He patted his child on the head softly and the son nodded and heading inside. The wizard opened the gate and walked into the backyard, walking up to the edge of the pool. “I know you can hear me, so listen up. I am sick of you pool crashers trespassing on my property and leaving messes in my backyard. I would have thought that the tales of some of you disappearing for a while after having a dip in my enchanted pool would scare you all off. But I guess you kids don't learn do you?” The toy dragon merely squeaked in response He walked around the edge of the pool, inspecting the new toy. Something about it struck him as familiar but he couldn't quite place it.

   It wasn't until he brought the toy closer that he recognized the dragon toy before him. It was identical, albeit an inflatable one, to the youngest of the pair of dragons that flew over town from time to time. This started to worry the wizard. Normally he kept the trespassers as toys till the end of summer when the spell would wear off and he'd send them away, knowing no one would believe their story. It also helped that their forms changed into various animal forms to disguise their original identity. He'd also convinced his son that was actually a lost toy that belonged to someone else and could only play with them till the owner was found. A lie, but he didn't want his son to get into his head he could go around turning people into toys on a whim. But this was a different matter. Not only did the young dragon's form remain the same in shape and colouration, but his mother would likely track him down and sense him out due to her magical nature. He frowned and sighed. “Tell you what, dragon. Seeing as this is your first offence I'll let you go with a warning. Do it again and I'll tell your mother as well as leave you this way for the rest of the summer. Deal?” Gc squeaked again, the wizard assuming that meant yes. After bringing the Gcdm toy out of the pool the wizard cast his spell and , with a flash, Gc was back to normal again.

   Gc padded himself, checking to make sure he was back to normal again. “Thank you, Mister. I'm sorry for trespassing. I was just so hot and your pool looked inviting.” Gc looked down, ashamed. He then looked back at the pool, remembering how good it felt to be a pool toy. Even remembering the happiness he felt when he saw the boy, eager to play with him as eager as he felt to be played with. He then turned back to the wizard. “Ummm... sir? Would it be possible for me to... ummm... come back every so often and become a pool toy again? I wouldn't mind if your son played with me too.” Gc blushed as he asked this. The wizard rubbed his chin. This was the first time he's ever been asked such a question. Normally no one has ever even wanted to return after being changed back. He then thought of his son, who would probably be disappointed if he didn't get a chance to play with the dragon pool toy he saw. He would have to come up with a new lie or something, but this did seem like a interesting opportunity to see this spell work on a willing subject. He smiled and nodded in agreement. “Very well, you may return when you wish and become a pool toy again, provided I'm around and you ask first. I'm sure my son would be very glad to play with you once in a while.” Gc smiled happily and they shook in agreement.

   Every so often each year Gc would return to the wizards home in the summer and he'd play with the kind man's son, thoroughly enjoying being played with as a pool toy and being splashed about in the soothing water. Even his mom visited after a while and got to know the wizard, who goes by the name Jego. They would have tea and share spells while their sons played in the pool. It was the beginning of a great friendship between their two families and Gc couldn't be happier... or squeakier.

Art Gallery / Re: Be in a pic!
« on: September 21, 2012, 11:04:32 PM »
I guess I could go for it since it is a group pic and the cost would be split several ways.

Art Gallery / Re: Who I owe Commissions...
« on: August 31, 2012, 11:55:07 PM »
Soda TF? As in TF caused by soda or TF into soda? o.=.o

Also, Virmir dino. Must see. :3

Art Gallery / Re: Drawing Requests! (Closed)
« on: August 27, 2012, 07:44:44 PM »
Teeheehee~!  ]:P
Such a wonderful device that rod!
Just as long as I'm not expected to kidnap the new princess

But I like being kidnapped by the dargon. x3

Art Gallery / Re: Drawing Requests! (Closed)
« on: August 27, 2012, 06:23:58 PM »
Yay! I make for such a cute little princess. :3

And it is Mehla"h"phuse. x3

Art Gallery / Re: Tech and you sketch requests! (open)
« on: August 22, 2012, 11:51:27 AM »
Tech getting smooshed hugged so tightly into Marina's (my zard character) belly that Tech is practically being absorbed by it.

Marina ref:

Random Topics / Re: Species of Users
« on: August 21, 2012, 01:33:03 PM »
Me, I am a gold dragoness. My name is pronounced Meh-lah-foosh-eh. Mehl for short.

Though sometimes I am a fat charizard. xP

Random Topics / Re: 3 Letter nicknames!
« on: August 21, 2012, 01:29:40 AM »
Mehl is my nickname, but that is only cause "Meh" would sound terrible. x3

Random Topics / Re: Random question on dragons
« on: August 21, 2012, 12:44:11 AM »
Honestly, as a dragon I prefer to lay eggs. I have thought of what it would be like to give birth live in comparison and honestly I rather go with eggs. ^^;;

As for other dragons, I generally see them as egg layers. However, I can give exception to dragons who are more mammal then reptile (aka ones that are furred and have more mammalian traits then reptilian but can still be classified as a dragon.

Art Gallery / Re: Drawing Requests! (Open)
« on: August 18, 2012, 12:33:55 AM »
I think I like to see you draw my dragonself as a feral toon dragon. Personality wise Mehl is generally kind and somewhat motherly, but can be mischevious at times as you already know x3.

Here's my idea, human me being TFTGed into a young anthro version of myself by Vimir with one of his staffs/wands. And I mean little girl young. Also wearing a little pink princess dress and a silver tiara. ^.=.^

human ref:

Edit: Decided to change my idea. Kinda like this one better. ^.=.^

Writer's Guild / Re: Stuck in Bed [For Trask!]
« on: August 16, 2012, 02:23:15 AM »
I think this was a cute story. Wish there was more to it, but I liked it. ^^

Writer's Guild / Re: A Soft and Cuddly Night
« on: August 15, 2012, 02:12:19 AM »
I agree that it is sort of a horrifying concept if you stop and think about any sort of immobile toy transformation. [;)

That said, good transformation sequence!  You do flop between present and past tense a few times, which is a big no-no, but apart from that it's a nice visualization. Do write more!

Yeah, I try to keep everything the same tense but I often don't realize I'm flipping between the two. It happens in some of my RPs as well on occassion. Guess it helps to get some outside editing. ^^;

I do plan to write a pool toy TF story after I'm finished with one I'm working on right now which won't be posted here due to mature content. Tis gonna be a gift for a good friend of mine before he leaves for the navy. So, when I do the pool toy one I'll submit it here for you all to read. ^.=.^

Art Gallery / Re: Cartoony Drawings
« on: August 13, 2012, 10:47:12 PM »
Random cameos and fusion ftw. x3

Writer's Guild / Re: A Soft and Cuddly Night
« on: August 13, 2012, 12:22:50 AM »
This is a horrifying story. To be honest, it is written well and flows nicely, but loosing one's mind and body and having it changed against one's will really terrifies me. This is why I refuse to be pooltoy or plushy and I don't see how so many can like this. I know many people here do like it, but it's not my thing.

Tis hard to explain why, Evil. I'm not entirely sure why I sometimes like it myself. But at the same time it is fiction and does have a happy ending if you look at it in a different way. But tis not the same for everyone.

Also, not everyone goes for being innanimate when becoming a pool toy or plushy. There are living plushies. :3

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