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Messages - Mehlahphuse

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Art Gallery / Re: FREE ART - Dragon Raffle!
« on: April 05, 2013, 11:36:29 PM »
3. Not very origional but me all easterny! :3


Art Gallery / Re: Mass-TF Comic!
« on: February 03, 2013, 01:09:48 AM »
Kinda on the wall about joining or not. Hard to say. I guess I'll wait a bit to see how many more will be joining in. This does seem like it'll be fun, though. :3

Art Gallery / Re: Sketches!
« on: January 23, 2013, 11:23:09 AM »

Okay, okay. So I stole ONE golden grapefruit, and now I'm turning into a dragon. SHEESH.

This is what you get for stealing from my...I mean, a dragon's garden. x3

Actually, if it was from my garden you would have probably been TGed too. x3

Random Topics / Re: Toy topic
« on: January 15, 2013, 10:43:06 AM »
I guess it is the fact that when you are a toy everyone wants to play with you. Plus all the toy shenanigans. ^^

Me, I become a plushy due to a magical misshap that has "cursed" me to become an inanimate plush dragon when the sun goes down (less wereplush and more reverse-gargoyle). As for other times I become a toy.....magic *snort*snort* xP

Art Gallery / Re: Toy party! (pic idea)
« on: January 14, 2013, 11:46:34 PM »
I guess I'm in, through whatever arrangment Trask has for me. ^^

Art Gallery / Re: Tech's Quest (Art requests!!!)
« on: January 05, 2013, 05:09:10 PM »
Human dude turning into a girly lizard maid due to an offscreen evil wizard. Would like swirly eyes for having mind altered and of course clothes changing into a maid outfit. Could just have a hand or shadow showing the generic evil wizard.

Art Gallery / Re: BlueDragon62's Artwork
« on: January 02, 2013, 08:55:05 PM »
That's supposed to be shock from being suddenly TF'd =p

I honestly can't see you being shocked from being TFed into an eastern. Maybe cause it just seems to suit you just as much as being a western dargon. x3

Art Gallery / Re: A Look into the Unfathomable Abyss that is Nagol's Mind
« on: December 27, 2012, 12:21:52 PM »
That is a fate worse then death. At least it is to me. >.=.>

Art Gallery / Re: "How Virmir Ruined Christmas!" by Dr. Rawr
« on: December 18, 2012, 04:22:34 PM »
Toast as the dog made me giggle. And that face is just creepy on Vir. x3

Art Gallery / Re: Sketches!
« on: December 17, 2012, 12:28:36 AM »
I hope that wasn't the wand I gave "her" earlier. ^.=.^;;;

« on: December 10, 2012, 12:49:31 PM »
Collab idea between Trask, Finalcord, Wolfe and myself. The premise is Trask is transforming me into a plushy using his spirit needle and thread while Final is turning Virmir into a pooltoy via a pooltoyification tank. As for Wolfe, he's  in taur form getting hit with the affects of both, becoming a hybrid of pooltoy and plushy. :3

My Ref:
Trask's Ref: (middle one)
Final Cord's Ref: (kinda obvious which one is Final x3)
Wolfe Refs:,
Refs for the Spirit Needle:

Art Gallery / Re: Cartoony Drawings
« on: October 27, 2012, 04:10:25 PM »
Yay! This looks neat. Love how you drew the light orbs I'm juggling. ^.=.^

Writer's Guild / Re: Pastries of Change
« on: October 16, 2012, 10:16:08 PM »
Honestly I think you focused on making the change a liiiiittle too "pleasurable" and it comes off at a little TF-porn-y.  The whole pleasurable sensation thing used several times kinda turned me off.

Cookie TFs are fun though. [;)

Eh, twas a spur of the moment kind thing. Kinda just went with the words that popped into my head and worked them into a readable TFTG narrative. Also...TFTGs are kinda my thing so.....yeah, in my head they generally will come out as such. ^^;;

Part of me has pondered an alternate version of this where I...I mean "Emien" becomes Marina, my fat charizard sona, instead. I also even considered a TF into a cookie too. x3

But yeah, I may go back and edit out some of that in the future if I don't get too distracted. Kinda wish I had someone to proof read this though. The person I normally would ask for help hasn't been online in a while (I often help her edit her own stories) and couldn't find anyone else to help among my friends. Well, hopefully next time I'l, find someone. Mainly cause I make a lousy proof reader of my own work. ^^;

Art Gallery / Re: Halloween Sketch-at-thon 3! (Open!)
« on: October 14, 2012, 10:01:14 PM »
16: Me as a vampire, perhaps with a cape or something, and with a air of dominance about me


Writer's Guild / Pastries of Change
« on: October 13, 2012, 10:48:27 PM »
Just a little short story I came up with during a art furmeet recently. To sum things up, the host of the meet randomly went at one point "Ok, everyone has to make one piece of art that involves a cookie in some way." So, since I was writing while there (well typing :P) I said screw it and wrote this TFTG story with a cookie as the trigger. Not a whole lot of thought went into this, just rolled with the theme and typed up the first thing that came to my head. Anyways, enjoy.


Pastries of Change

“Man, those cookies smell good,” Emien said, sniffing the air as the smell of freshly baked cookies filled his nostrils. Emien was walking through the mall, not looking for anything in particular, when the smell of fresh baked goods filled the air. The smell came from a small pastry shop that appeared to be new in the mall peculiarly named “Pastries of Change”. Out of curiosity, and maybe a bit out of hunger, he decided to walk in and check it out. The selection of pastries was immense, ranging from cakes to pies, strudels, donuts, breads, and cookies. Oddly enough all the bake goods seem to have some sort of animal or mythical creature design, whether baked in an animal design or baked with one on it. There even some cartoon creatures like pokemon and digimon among the various designs. While looking around, he noticed a table with a few plates of cookies and a sign that read “Free samples! One per customer”. Behind the counter stood a young woman who was wearing what appeared to be a very realistic lynx costume. In fact, looking around Emien saw that all the workers were wearing realistic animal costumes as well of different creatures. “Guess it is all part of the theme they have going here,” he quietly said to himself as he walked over to the free sample counter. The lynx woman smiled as Emien walked up to the table. “Wanna try our free samples?” she asked, looking at Emien with a cheery smile. “Sure, I'll have one,” he said, looking over the samples. There was a small selection of animal types to choose from, but the ones that caught his eye were the dragon cookies. There were two types, curiously enough. One was labeled “Dragon M” and the other was labeled “Dragon F”. He shrugged, not really understanding the labels, and decided the grab one from the “F” pile. He was about to take a bite when the lynx asked, “Are you sure you want to eat that one”? Emien pulled the cookie away from his mouth slightly, “Why? Do these ones taste bad or something?” “No, they all taste great according all that tried them. Just obligated to ask as it may not be to your taste,” she said, still smiling. “Well, won't know till I try, right?” said Emien as he brought the cookie to his mouth again. “Ok then. Just remember you only get one whether you like it or not,” The Lynx said, giggling as if to a joke he wasn't in on.

Emien took a large bite of the cookie and instantly his tastebuds were overwhelmed with how good the cookie tasted. To him it tasted like lemon meringue pie baked to perfection. His mouth watered as he devoured the entire cookie greedily. Once finished he licked his lips with satisfaction, but felt a bit disappointed that he couldn't have another. “Well, that tasted great,” He said, turning to the Lynx girl who had a big grin on her face. “Wait till the cookie actually kicks in, hun,” She said, giggling again. “Kicks in? What do..oooh!” Emien leaned against the table as an odd wave of pleasure flowed through him, his legs trembling a little almost causing him to lose balance. His body felt warm and tingly all over, and he could swear he was glowing. ~I feel so strange. Are those cookies drugged or something?~ Emien thought to himself as the warmth increased, though remained pleasurable. He raised his hand to his face and gasped when he saw what he could only describe as gold scales covering his hand, his fingers having lengthened dramatically and looking a lot like claws. He could should have been scared, but the feeling of scales spreading down his thinning arms felt so good. Emien felt the scales spreading across his chest, down his legs, and up across his face. His face started to lengthen into a snout and horns began to sprout on the back of his head as his hair shrivelled up into his skull, a finned crest taking its place. As Emien touched his new snout he realized he was changing into a dragon like the cookie he ate, though anthropomorphic. His guess was confirmed further when a pair of wings tore through the back of his shirt and a long golden tail exploded out of his pants, the same frill on his head travelling down to the tip of the new limb. For a sec he thought the changes were finished, but then another wave of pleasure shot through his body causing a moan to escape his lips. He covered his muzzle with his hand in surprise, the moan sounding distinctly feminine. Twas then he learned the meaning behind the “F” in the label as his chest soon ballooned out into two round mounds and felt a tugging sensation between his legs as well as an odd feeling in his lower belly of organs shifting around and a new one growing. Lastly, his... well, “her” torn clothes began to shift, her shirt changing into a silky blue armless dress shirt which showed off a bit of her altered chest, her pants shifting into a flowing matching skirt, and her underwear changing into something more appropriate to her new gender. Even a bra began to appear and wrap around her blossomed chest and her shoes changed from sneakers into a lovely pair of red high heels.

The transformed dragoness could only stare at her changed body and blush as the warmth and glow faded away, wondering if this was real or a drugged induced hallucination. She gingerly touched one of her new breasts only to pull her hand back quickly from the pleasurable sensation, confirming they were real. “So, do you like the cookie you just tried?” The lynx girl grinned, the look on her face giving away that she knew this would happen all along. Emien turned to the woman and was about to protest, but...looking over her new body again, flexing her wings a little, giving her tail a little swish, and lifting her chest a little with cupped hands...she couldn't help but start smiling herself. She was male before the change but something about this felt satisfying and filled her with a sense of joy she couldn't describe. She looked back at the lynx behind the table and smiled wider. “I love it,” she said with a girly giggle, “How long does this last and where can I buy more?” “The change lasts only a few hours in which you'll change back to your normal male self, clothes and all. And I can give you a bag right here if you want,” the lady said and pulled out a bag from behind the counter, placing it on the table. The lynx then pondered for a bit. “Hey, you wouldn't be interested in a job, would you? We only opened recently so we're still looking for more help with both baking and managing the cash register. We're willing to train and, if you are hired, you'd get a discount on all our products and..” She leaned in a bit closer, a wide grin on her muzzle, “we can even give you something to make that change more permanent. So, will you apply for a job that will literally change your life?” She smiled happily and pulled out an application form and a pen. Emien gave the offer some thought, scratching under her chin. She then smiled again and filled out the form. Emien passed the form back to the Lynx and they shook hands. She then took the bag of cookies and payed for them at the counter, walking out of the store with a sway in her hips, giggling at all the stares she got from onlookers and peering back to see some heading inside the bakery she had just left.

A few weeks later news spread across the city about this fantastic bakery that gave all who bought their products a literal transformative experience. Hundreds of people flocked to “Pastries of Change” to buy their baked goods, bringing in enough money for the bakery to branch out and start a chain of stores across the country. And at the location where it started, one could expect to be greeted by a gorgeous golden dragoness who's name was Mehl according to her name tag. And when asked for her story she'd only giggle and say that she was a completely different person before she came across this place, and that she'd always remember the day they changed her life for the better.

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