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Messages - Kasimir

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Loose Ferrets / Re: Comic 147
« on: April 24, 2012, 01:04:31 AM »
2i < 6u  ]:P

EDiT:- I know, I know.... It isn't a very clever response by comparison.

Crimson Flag Comic / Re: Comic 192
« on: April 20, 2012, 09:19:18 PM »
Diving Rod found fox instead of water.
That's "divining" rod. Common misteak. ]:)

Art Gallery / Re: Cartoony Drawings
« on: April 19, 2012, 12:54:56 AM »
Eh, its just paint. Not like hes really becoming a Jackal.

...Oh, whooops. ]:(

Art Gallery / Re: Cartoony Drawings
« on: April 18, 2012, 10:30:53 PM »
Dude, what the eff? You're being bound and TF'd against your will, and that's all you're concerned about!?

Art Gallery / Re: Free drawings
« on: April 18, 2012, 08:34:40 PM »
Holy WoW!! ]:O

When other toons are drawn super-realisticly, they're hideous and creepy. Apparently Virmir is the only exception to the rule!

Loose Ferrets / Re: Comic 145
« on: April 17, 2012, 02:35:51 PM »
They suddenly have more detailed mouths in the first panel.

Writer's Guild / 4). Misc.
« on: April 15, 2012, 05:39:32 PM »
4). Misc.

Quote from: Risu's Brain

Items, Tools, & Weapons

* Multiblade[1]:- The hilt of a sword that can conjure one of four diffrent kinds of blades, one for each Affinity.
* Hammerspace Cube:- A 4D manifold encased inside a box the size of a Rubiks Cube.
* Wristpad[1]:- Simular to a contemporary smartphone, except for these are worn on the wrist. They are foldout / popout / collapsible, as not to takeup space.
* Anchor:- A rope made of plasmic energy. It can't be undone until its caster wants it to. Basicly it's just like a weld in GmodD.
* EARWIG:- Ascronym for "Electric Audio Robotic Winged Information Gatherer". It's a miniature spy drone in the form and size of a housefly.

[1](Raydar has one of these built into his bionic arm.)


* Hovercraft:- These include hoverboards, hoverbikes, and hovercars. They are used for passenger trnasportation. Bikes & cars typicaly run on autopilot, but the rider can manually override if necessary. Boards however, are controlled by the rider's foot/leg movements, but mostly mental willpower.
* ATEX tubes:- The mass transit system within cities. Spacious pods travel quickly thru pressurised, low-friction passageways.
* Spaceplane:- A generic term referring to any mobile, operable ship that atleast 3 or more people can occupy.
* F5:- One among the fleet of spaceplanes that transport masses of migrants from Earth seeking refuge on Escape. Obviously, its name is an homage to the refresh key on a typical keyboard.


* Propagand-O-Tron:- Floating holographic billboards that drift around the city. They alert the citizens of breaking news, but usually they just show reruns of Defacto promoting the ideals of the Orion Empire.
* Uryocon:- The glowing blue-green liquid metal that can be shaped into anything. It's easier for one to manipulate it if they have alot of darkness in their minds.
* The Elder Gods:- They appeared in the world from the universe which the Anthromorphs came. They are the creators of the most ancient of all the "ancient powers". Every now and then thruout the course of history, they intervene by incarnating themselves into certain key individuals which then proceed to become iconic figureheads.

Writer's Guild / 3). Places
« on: April 15, 2012, 05:37:01 PM »
3). Places

Quote from: Risu's Brain

Orion City:- The main setting where alot of the major action happens.

* Parrow's penthouse:- A luxurious midrise condo complex. Parrow & Raydar are fortunate enough to live in the very top suite.
* Everymeal:- The fastfood chain that serves all 5 cuisine (Greek, Italian, Chinese, Fake-xican, and Americanese) at anytime of the day.
* The Academia:- Think of it as the basterdized mutant lovechild between Hogwarts, the Starfleet Academy, and a regular community college.
* Postal Park:- A wide-open community park green. Otherworldly strangers can sometimes appear, found laying unconscious on a bench.
* RES-Q:- The base of operations for the Island's equivalent of a police force, disaster response team, and a paramedical unit; all consolidated as one.
* The Foundary:- A vast plain of ultra-efficent solar powercells and a winding network of pneumatic pipes cover much of this area. Also the site of Defacto's labratory.
* Orion Group HQ:- A range of domed arcologies, isolated across the River from the rest of the Island, at the foot of the Peregrine Moutains.
* The Scum-Dwellings:- The slummy lower layer of the multi-tiered cityscape. 95% percent of everyone else reside here.
* The Undercity:- Far beneath the Scum-Dwellings are the ruins of a long-forgotten civilisation, haunted by ghosts of those who once lived there.
* Championship Level B0WL:- The stadium where the Tournament (???) is staged to happen later on in the series.


Lazarus City:- A neighbouring Island connected by a bridge-tunnel 300 miles long. It's populated primarily by the humans.

Fostoria:- A towering canopy of supergiant redwoods flourish in this sunlit region.
* Vitae:- A massive fortified city nestled among the treetops. The "tree-towns" are connected to eachother by a network of ATEX Tubes. Perhaps the fastest advancing technology and magic exists in Vitae.

Zuthora:- A foreboding swamp illuminated by an eerie yellow ambient glow.
* Outcrops:- Mysterious abandoned watchtowers standing neglected and deteriorating above the mucky water. They've been there for atleast a hundred years. No one knows what they might've been used for.

Tundaria:- A mountain range spanning for hundreds and hundreds of miles.
* Krymonelia:- It used to be the toughest maximum security prison on Escape, until one day all the inmates rebelled and overtook it. Now it acts as a retreat and a refuge for outlaws, public enemies, and those on the lam. The city that's now sprawled around the old main cell bloc, is so well-protected that even RES-Q can't get too near it.

Writer's Guild / 2). Characters
« on: April 15, 2012, 05:35:46 PM »
2). Characters

Quote from: Risu's Brain

Anthromorph Archetypes

* Standard:- Typical proportions, altho' slightly shorter than the average adult human.
* Chibi:- (Think of it as how I used to draw Pocky and co.)
* Feral:- About the same size as chibies. They primarily walk on all-fours and, despite their apposible thumbs, have limited dexterity.

Main Protagonists

* Parrow (artic fox, standard):- A spazzy, energetic, strong-willed individual. He unknowingly posesses a unique ability to befriend almost anyone he meets, by elimonating the darkness in their minds. He loves to hoverskate and often has a massive appetite. He specialises in the magical science of evasion; which involves decoys, teleportation, invisibility, antigravity, and the ability to pass thru solid matter.
* Raydar (praerie dog, standard):- The world's very last praerie dog. He wears goggles, a scarf, and orange parachute pants from an original gemini spacesuit. He also has a biomechanical left arm, which serves as a "swiss-army knife"; holding an arsenal for an array of diffrent tools & weapons. In general, his magic is very limited.
* Jasper (folf, standard):- Jasper was deserted by her parents when she was very young. As a result, she tries to prevent others from suffering the same fate. Altho' she will still distrust strangers, until she gets to know you. But she will guard her friends to no end. Additionally, she secretly studies to learn temporal manipulation, so she can go back in time in order to

Recurring Minor Antagonists

* Vash (porcupine, chibi) & Dex (meerkat, chibi):- A duo of dumbasses who try (and frequently fail) to acheive acclaim by any means. Their limited ability to get along results in missing important details, which inevitably foils their schemes.
* Cassie (Ermine, chibi):- Parrow's fangirl and stalker. Jasper can't tolerate her at all, and often drags her away to beat her up out of the scene. She seems to have some sorta resilience power, or can endure alot of pain.
* Napalm (Wolf, feral/chibi):- A crazed wolf who hatches dangerous plans to either take over or destroy Orion City. He carries a Hammerspace Cube filled with powerful magical & hi-tech weapons. Despite this, he is easily defeated and poses very little threat otherwise.

Writer's Guild / 1). Teaser & Background
« on: April 15, 2012, 05:33:40 PM »
1). Teaser & Background

Quote from: Risu's Brain

It's the future, again. It isn't as bad as one would think, it's actually quite rather utopian otherwise, but it sure is crowded. They tried everything; drifting island-cities, flying sky-cities, underground colonies, even moon bases; but the demand keeps on rising.

In the year 2095 Common Era, one of the lunar colonies excavated a mythical artifact called the Yggdrasil Seed. It was hardwired to a satellite and sent across the Sun from Earth, and then grown into a planet, which they named "Escape".

But by the time the first humans arrived on Escape, they were shocked and disappointed to discover that someone else had beat them to it - A race of trans-dimensional creatures; the Anthromorphs (or "furries" as they were affectionately dubbed.) Fortunately everyone was able to coexist, as more and more human refugees migrated to Escape. Within a few years, cities already began to spring up, altho' the ecosystem hadn't entirely been implemented yet.

And yet, with the arrival of the Furries, envoked another one of those "ancient powers".... but this time perhaps, the earliest and most potent of them all!

Writer's Guild / Table of Contents
« on: April 15, 2012, 05:31:55 PM »
Table of Contents

1). Teaser & Background
2). Characters
3). Places
4). Misc.
5). Magic

Writer's Guild / Escape to Escape! by Risu
« on: April 15, 2012, 05:28:57 PM »
In this thread, I will post various ideas I have as I get them, about the details of my eventual Webcomic. Alot of them will likely be unintelligible tho', but they're already seperated into categories. Each category is gonna be updated with more stuff periodicly, so if you care enough to follow my progress....

Writer's Guild / Re: Risu's Story-Attempt Ideadumps
« on: April 15, 2012, 05:19:12 PM »
I'm gonna start anew thread for this. Apparently I was told I posted it wrong. I shoulda revealed it little by little at a time, 'stead of cramming it all into the first post.

But don't worry tho', the idea still hasn't been scrapped, yet if ever.

Loose Ferrets / Re: Comic 144
« on: April 12, 2012, 11:40:02 AM »
Quote from: Radioactive Toast
This is why I don't drink coffee at all.

I like my coffee extremely deluted, 20:1 specificly. The former 95% of course, is chocolate milk.

Loose Ferrets / Re: Comic 144
« on: April 12, 2012, 01:06:01 AM »
'Sides, hazelnut is better.

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