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Messages - Stormkit

Pages: 1 ... 22 23 24 25
Writer's Guild / Re: "Reyan Saga" (unfinished)
« on: October 09, 2009, 04:20:19 PM »
But that's like keeping yourself for a pet. It's just not quite the same somehow...

Writer's Guild / Re: "Reyan Saga" (unfinished)
« on: October 04, 2009, 12:00:14 AM »
Ah yes, the Daemon. They weren't exactly pets so much as the souls of those people outside their body.

Art Gallery / Re: Cartoony Drawings
« on: September 14, 2009, 07:45:38 PM »
What can I say? I walk a unique life and refuse to look at it through the eyes of someone else.

Ekwara / Re: Congrats!
« on: September 10, 2009, 07:19:54 PM »
Now THERE'S a circular paradox if I've ever heard one. Kind of like my infinite notebook universe.

Art Gallery / Re: Cartoony Drawings
« on: September 10, 2009, 07:17:58 PM »
It looks cool, but I somehow just can't quite see Jay as a fox. Maybe in time... *shrugs*

Ekwara / Re: Congrats!
« on: September 08, 2009, 09:29:55 PM »
Dang it! Your little chimpanzee things owe me several trinkets that I really like, including most recently a tiger's eye marble >.<

Nevertheless, looks to be an interesting concept.

Writer's Guild / Re: Conversations
« on: August 02, 2009, 01:49:13 AM »
You COULD via tools such as accents and mannerisms. But it's much easier this way. The fonts denote the different tones and pitches in voice one can HEAR but not read.

Art Gallery / Re: DessertFox's Icon Fun!
« on: July 25, 2009, 12:20:47 AM »
Was gonna mention... Why is Vir's paw still missing?

Art Gallery / Re: DessertFox's Icon Fun!
« on: July 20, 2009, 05:54:48 PM »
Ah, very true. I've seen forums that get VERY cluttered with that. There should be a function where only the most recent post of a person shows their siggie however.

edit: and  by 'should' I don't mean it would be a good idea, I mean I think it exists though I'm not sure if CF actually has it or anything.

Art Gallery / Re: DessertFox's Icon Fun!
« on: July 20, 2009, 02:04:13 AM »
yeah, but you're post is gonna be just as tall as your avatar and stuff anyway, so if the siggie expands upwards to the text, it's a good way to FILL space rather than waste it.

Art Gallery / Re: DessertFox's Icon Fun!
« on: July 20, 2009, 01:21:17 AM »
Alternatively you can make them something completely different that just requires the extra space. Every banner for a webcomic you have ever seen can be used as a siggie (signature). They don't even technically need the signature, it's just standard fare.

Art Gallery / Re: DessertFox's Icon Fun!
« on: July 10, 2009, 06:13:48 AM »
Pish Kai, I've already settled on lynx for the forseeable future. (warning, information is presented in a very jumbled format. I hope this does not confuse too much.)

Right, aside from that, no art*, which is actually the main reason I'm doing this. I'd make some of my own as a sample, but I take so darned long to get anything I'm reasonably satisfied with** that I may as well just give you details. As I've stated, I'm a lynx. Digitigrade/plantigrade doesn't really much matter to me, but definitely anthro and I wear clothes (unlike Vir... that cape really doesn't count). I wear glasses, a tee shirt, and cargo pants/shorts. Other stuff.... penchant for trickery, chaos, transformation (of self), books, wind, and snow. Eye color changes sometimes based on the environment, but is generally a dark blue towards faded slate. Of interesting note however is the left iris.  Both irises consist of an outer ring and an inner ring, the outer ring being lighter and on top of the inner ring (yay for probably unneccesary background explanation!), but the left iris's inner ring dips down at the bottom so it looks almost like an unformed tear. It is the one thing about my fursonas that remains constant. Hair isn't something I've actually settled yet, but I suppose it'd be either shoulder length parted to either side and dirty blond, or pretty much just headfur. On a side note, the shortness of a lynx's tail annoys me and so my fursona's tail is of proper length for a feline. Not sure if that will matter though. Anyway, I think that should be enough random details for you to pick and choose what you want. It should be interesting to see what comes out ^^

*With one exception of a sketch Vir did once, but I'm not sure where that is.

** Avatar not included. Oddly enough that only took me an hour to get it to the level I liked it. That's probably because there's no one in it besides the cloak though.

Art Gallery / Re: DessertFox's Icon Fun!
« on: July 07, 2009, 08:27:03 PM »
Hey, these are pretty neat. Didn't see this thread earlier. I've always wondered what an icon for me would look like. Can you do me next?

Writer's Guild / Re: The Swoopiness of Ferrets, Genetics and Time
« on: July 05, 2009, 10:11:30 PM »
Heh, I DID notice that actually. Myself? I'd probably leave immediately but want to be able to come back whenever. After all, I have friends here and a life I like. For me it's not the other side of the fence that's greener so much as being able to hop over the fence whenever I darn well feel like it.

Writer's Guild / Re: Ring.
« on: June 26, 2009, 01:52:31 AM »
Ah, but what LIVES there? What HAPPENS in this pocket verse? Altered laws of physics are fun and all, but what does it MEAN?

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