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Messages - Stormkit

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Role Play Theater / Re: Condition Red RP thread
« on: April 11, 2010, 07:42:04 PM »
Orr..... maybe he was. Cosmo resisted the urge to facepalm as he considered the professor's words. It look a bit of extra time to translate the heavily accented words to english, but he quickly got the gist of it. "Through time? Can't be backwards or there wouldn't be an empty room here, so I guess we went forwards. Huh, I wonder if future technology will be able to get us back to our time," he pondered as he absentmindedly stared at the paper in his hands. "I agree. Those of us not injured should take a look around and see what we can find."

Role Play Theater / Re: Condition Red RP thread
« on: April 10, 2010, 11:32:53 PM »
Cosmo stared owlishly for a brief moment at the golden retriever before returning his attention to the professor. Looks like he HADN'T playing it up time, but there wasn't any way for Cosmo to have known that.

Role Play Theater / Re: Condition Red RP thread
« on: April 10, 2010, 08:14:34 PM »
OC: Of.... course we're the only survivors >.>

After a quick look around, Cosmo realized that of the four people clearly alive, only two of them were injury free. The engineer was looking at one and the other one was prone to playing up injuries for sympathy and would probably be fine, so he started looking at the rest of the room in the meanwhile. He winced a little as he passed over what were surely dead bodies (no one could survive being crushed at the waist, and even if they did, it might be better they didn't. However there were a few boxes moving a little and Cosmo moved over to try clearing them out of the way. They were pretty light, which was probably why the person under them was still fine so Cosmo had no trouble lifting them out of the way to find... the professor! "You survived!" Cosmo exclaimed, helping him to his feet. "Looks like you're uninjured. Do you know what went wrong?"

Role Play Theater / Re: Condition Red RP thread
« on: April 10, 2010, 03:48:49 AM »
Cosmo landed, but not hard enough to really hurt anything. He was a little sore and had a scratch on his cheek (it stung anyway) but hopefully nothing was worse than that. He did a quick pat down and found nothing missing or out of place, though there was a brief moment of panic when he found one of his pockets was wet. 'That had BETTER not be the isopropyl alcohol,' he thought as he brought his hands up to his nose to sniff... grape? "Aw man... that was my lunch!" he exclaimed, pulling out the soggy remains of a sandwich from his pocket morosely. Not really hungry anymore and knowing that the sandwich wouldn't last, Cosmo tossed it aside and fumbled around his pockets to pull out his keychain mini-light and taking a look around.

Role Play Theater / Re: Condition Red RP thread
« on: April 07, 2010, 09:51:28 PM »
Cosmo frowned slightly as he felt something in his shoe. Lifting his foot, he slid the shoe off long enough to pull out... a piece of paper? That didn't seem right and he couldn't recall putting it there, but now was not the time for distractions so he put his shoe back on and slipped the piece of paper into a free pocket with a few pens. Matter quickly forgotten he turned his attention back to the experiment as the tunnel started to activate.

Role Play Theater / Re: Condition Red RP thread
« on: April 06, 2010, 09:56:46 PM »
Cosmo transferred his gaze from the ceiling to the engineer next to him, calculations tumbling in his head as his thoughts flying every which way including, 'He's an otter? I thought for sure he was a mink...' After a second or two to gather his scattered thoughts he replied, "I believe it's cause the more specialized you are, the less likely you are to know other stuff. Also I have a theory that the professor likes to just insult people and be able to get away with it due to eccentricity. Haven't been able to prove it though. But try not to hold it against him, he just has an odd sense of humor."

Role Play Theater / Re: Condition Red RP thread
« on: April 06, 2010, 07:00:14 PM »
Cosmo sighed with a slight rueful shake of his head. That was the Professor alright... brilliant as Einstein and just as senile. He was sure it had something to do with both of them being German. Cosmo didn't even bother pointing out that it's pointless to try to explain higher dimensional physics to the non-scientists who would never be able to understand the principles of it because the professor himself didn't understand such a thing as a lack of understanding, an ironical twist to be sure. Instead he started a last moment check of everything that could possibly go wrong and whether or not it was accounted for, staring with a slightly unfocused gaze towards the ceiling. He may have gotten to where he was by brilliance and goofing off, but he probably wouldn't stay there long if he messed up.

Art Gallery / Re: Cartoony Drawings
« on: April 05, 2010, 10:44:09 PM »
Indeed, by having to draw something with such small ears, you've finally managed to get your pictures down to proper feline proportions!

Role Play Theater / Re: Condition Red RP thread
« on: April 05, 2010, 10:37:36 PM »
"Well it's SUPPOSED to be a subspace transporter, allowing us to bend objects through a fourth dimension to bring them here or send them elsewhere. In layman's terms, this is a teleport device," said one of the scientists known by the people around the work area as 'Cosmo'. He looked human and had light shoulder length hair, a pair of glasses on his face, and a very long labcoat that was almost brushing the floor. Poking out underneath you could see the tips of his sneakers and on his forehead was sported a headband and pair of perscription goggles which were worked under his hair, which he brushed out of his eyes as he continued, "I'm worried though, the higher ups haven't given me much time for experimenting, so I get the feeling we're playing with fire here." He stared through the window at the machine with a slight frown, and a careful observer might notice the bottom of his trenchcoat fluttering a very small amount as the tip of his tail twitched in agitation.

Random Topics / Re: Forms!
« on: April 05, 2010, 08:49:39 PM »
Really most I can say about that are that I tend to frequent snow leopard, lynx, and arctic fox. Also if I choose something else, it's likely to be feline about maybe 50% of the time. I haven't really worked out properly how and if they're related to my moods for sure so I can't really say much about that.

Random Topics / Re: Forms!
« on: April 05, 2010, 02:09:22 AM »
This thread would probably be really helpful if I could keep it updated properly. But as there's no way this is possible, I'm just gonna state my situation. As many regulars know, I don't really keep the same form for any given length of time. I will frequently hang around in the feline spectrum, but will in no way remain confined there. Generally what I look like isn't really all that important as I will mostly react and act the same, though rules of magic using, favored elements, etc are just as subject to randomosity as I am.

I think a friend of mine once said it best, "Oh, we just ignore you. We get really confused if we don't."

Writer's Guild / Re: A Not So Soft Start To Life (behind the scenes)
« on: March 27, 2010, 05:20:58 AM »
Most characters of note have drastic histories that threaten civilization as we know it.

Writer's Guild / Re: Mercy
« on: March 26, 2010, 05:32:32 PM »
So my question is... the first two attempts to reach him, who were they? The caller that knew his name might be Mellanie herself, but who was the man talking about the mirror?

Also, to me, what Mel did is just as bad as death is, if not even worse. But then things like that are really up to perception.

Writer's Guild / Re: Transgressions
« on: March 26, 2010, 04:51:05 PM »
Actually Lopez I found myself incredibly disliking this person during the argument itself. I didn't even read the rest of it (having thought that to be the start of he story due to the forum settings) at first, but I can recall thinking to myself as I read that this person wasn't really all that better than those he criticized. And that was BEFORE he started to set people on fire. I'm not sure if and how this might have changed by reading the story from the proper start, but it was certainly a strange look into this person's mind. It's easy to see how a person can completely overlook any fault they have and even sometimes think it's a good thing about them until something can happen to give an overhaul to their outlook.

Role Play Theater / Re: Ready Check!
« on: March 26, 2010, 04:03:51 PM »
Q1: Did you finish your character sheet?
A: I'm afraid not.

Q2: Can you post at least once a day?
A: Physically yes, but figuring out what's going on, what I can do, and what I should do, etc will take too much time I don't have. (I believe I mentioned this in the last thread.)

Q3: Do you have a color to use that is easily visible?
Q: Does it really matter?
A: No, I guess not.

Q4: What's your name and race?
A: Never did decide on a name, but darned if I wasn't going to make a vale sorceror.

Q5: Did you finish your stats and stuff?
A: You know I actually did! But I've lost track of where I put them.

Final Summary: Midterms may be over, but I don't think I'll be able to get into this for real until after the semester's over. If you guys haven't managed to start by then and still want me, I'll reevaluate. But in the meanwhile, good luck and happy adventuring!

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