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Messages - Draykin

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Role Play Theater / Re: Transformation Theater
« on: May 16, 2015, 07:40:25 PM »
These others are strange, Attor thought. Strange in so many ways. They do not look alike, but they speak the same. Except for that other wiggly one, the quiet one. Like a normal animal, it seems. Not the other two, though. Smart. Do not appear strong. What makes them special? Attor is not strong either, but he does not need to be. One good strike is all it ever takes. Except for when that strike fails and gets your hunt-pack killed. He remembers for a moment.

Attor is sad.

But then he thinks of other thoughts. He remembers being made alone, but does not remember how he came here. Was it to escape? Flee a failed hunt? Was that it? Was he brought here by these.... guards? No, guards guard things. That is what he had learned in various talks with the non-krait. Guards like the sentries that stalk the corals, yes, yes. But these guards... They no stalk corals. Yes, they keep them there. Like hunters and prey. But how to escape? To return to other krait-kin? Bite might allow him to escape... But it would be hard with the restraints. He also doesn't know where he is, and would likely get lost easily. Escape, no good now. Survive, yes. Bigger bodies may be of use. Yes, yes. The krait flicks his tongue out at the air-breathers. That is why they have the bubbles. They must be of the breathers of air, not water.

Attor thrashes his tail around some, but mostly just to move. He is not sure he has ever heard of Atlantis before. A name is good to know, though.

Role Play Theater / Re: Transformation Theater
« on: May 14, 2015, 09:29:43 PM »
I expected to be the worst stat-wise. I was so wrong.

Role Play Theater / Re: Transformation Theater
« on: May 13, 2015, 08:09:24 PM »
Silent are the predators that stalk the depths, striking suddenly from above or below. From the skies, the flying terror beasts will scoop up their prey from the waters, while below, unknown horrors lurk, who extend their reach when they feel the urge to feed. That is the believe of the Krait Vorzh, that the world is ruled by predation. Too swim too high is surely death, and to swim too low might be worse. Attor is no different from his kind. The young Vorzh is of average size, which is to say his serpentine tail is nearly 4/5 of his total body length. Sea Krait Vorzh greatly resemble the merfolk, keeping true to their aquatic brethren in lacking legs and having that lone fin at the end of their tail. Long and agile, the Sea Krait Vorzh cannot hunt as other Vorzh do. They rely on ambush and hunting packs to sustain themselves, and in most cases if avoided can simply be outrun. However, ambush works well when one venomous bite is enough to cease all attempts of escape. Sea Krait Vorzh also tend to be more ready to seek out aid from other races, as sometimes even their own numbers are not enough to keep them alive.

Attor is a young, male Sea Krait Vorzh. He sports a blue-and-black ringed coloration, with a pale underbelly. He is small in stature, being only some ten feet in length, and is more likely to try to avoid a fight unless absolutely necessary. There's nothing really too particular that sets him aside from other Vorzh of his kind, save for that his left fang is oddly like a precision needle compared to the other. Attor seeks companions so that he may survive, his last hunting party having been killed by aggressive Vorzh of larger species, and surely, alone, he will die.

Strength: A bit below average. Krait Vorzh do not rely on brute strength to overwhelm their prey, and this is very much reflected in their physiology.

Agility: Surprisingly, being able to twist and contort your body in a variety of ways tends to make you a tad difficult to hit. Scales also help to soften the blow when you are.

Magic: While magic is a part of Sea Krait Vorzh culture, mostly only those of the shaman-istic variety tend to practice enough to be any good at it.

Resistance: Living without magic as a part of your everyday life, it's understandable that you have very little resistance to the arcane.

Charisma: Being of the more sociable Vorzh means that you're better at talking to others than your average Vorzh! Unfortunately, that's compared to the average Vorzh.

Intelligence: It takes some brain to set an ambush. Some. Being part reptile, plus Vorzh, means that although you may be smart for a Vorzh.... Which means you're of average intelligence.

Role Play Theater / Re: Transformation Theater
« on: May 08, 2015, 07:01:52 PM »
I say go for your underwater setting, as I think it's pretty cool and deserves to be finally used.

Role Play Theater / Re: Transformation Theater
« on: May 07, 2015, 05:21:46 PM »
Hmmm, I think I'd be willing to give this a go, certainly. Transformational stuffs tend to be pretty cool. I hereby apply, be it for chittering chitin or clanking metal, shining scales or fluffy fur.

Crimson Flag Comic / Re: Comic 329
« on: December 05, 2014, 09:12:36 PM »
It's like if CF was an anime.

Crimson Flag Comic / Re: Comic 321
« on: October 10, 2014, 09:40:53 PM »
Is it just me, or does Julian look a little more buff?

Crimson Flag Comic / Re: Comic 320
« on: October 03, 2014, 09:03:30 PM »
So shapeshifting is a Gray Reyn racial ability?

Crimson Flag Comic / Re: Comic 318
« on: September 19, 2014, 09:12:55 PM »
With great power, comes great comedy.

Also tiny Lucian is adorable.

Crimson Flag Comic / Re: Comic 317
« on: September 12, 2014, 09:29:14 PM »
So they are only Reyn because they think that they are Reyn

Crimson Flag Comic / Re: Comic 316
« on: September 05, 2014, 10:35:22 PM »

Also, zero questions are asked.

Also, grief-stricken mother quickly accepts a substitute for her dead child? Way to be realistic.

Crimson Flag Comic / Re: Comic 315
« on: August 29, 2014, 09:20:08 PM »
Julian is the master of consoling the mourning, and knows exactly what is important and/or plot convenient.

Crimson Flag Comic / Re: Comic 309
« on: July 18, 2014, 09:09:05 PM »

Role Play Theater / Into the Fray. (OCT) Sign-Up and Rules.
« on: June 10, 2014, 03:09:28 AM »

The hall is dark, with what little light there is filtering in from the windows of stained glass, long since broken, shattered, and faded. Miniscule beams of light stream down from above through the bastion of fog outside, allowing only barely for one to see the markings on the floor of rock, obscured by dust, debris, and shadow. A figure sits upon an age-worn throne of tarnished gold and burned iron, elbow on knee and chin on hand. He cares neither for the torn tapestry behind him, nor the scent of decay.

He sends out a message, to all who will hear. It is a simple invitation, to those who will fight, or wish to seek the rewards he will offer. Wealth more than any one soul should have. A weapon made to bring peace at its brandishing. A tool to craft the finest creations unlike any others. Knowledge of that which is unknown. Perhaps even more.

As he sits there, stoic and still, he wonders who will answer. He grins with teeth bared.

Here's a little thing I thought of running, and I finally decided to follow through, mostly to see who would respond and take up the challenge. I would offer a drawing for the winner, but:
A) I'm not that great at art right now.
B) I feel that's a bit unfair, as it only rewards '1st' place.
This is just a thing for fun, and keep that in mind.

Now, onto important things. Like rules.

This will be a competition where each opponent combats the other through his or her desired art form.
This means that, each round, people will go against each other by writing a short story (or drawing a comic, or otherwise) and then that work will be judged to determine the winner. If you do not wish to do a story, it might to smart to run your idea on what you're going to do through me.

All stories are to be submitted through the attachment of a text file to your post in each round.
This is to save people from having to struggle through having to scroll through giant walls of text. Also, this includes the example required for character sign-up.

There is only one judge.
I determine the rules for this. If you have any questions, ask me. If you are unsure about something, ask me.
And remember, I decide who wins.

Stories are to be written with information and respect.
A duel with no background can be pretty dull. For each round, opponents will be given a certain 'arena' that they will fight in, and they will be informed who they will be fighting (duh). I expect you to use the information you are given wisely, and to treat other characters with respect, as they are going to (probably) be just as competent as you.

Stories will be judged on quality.
I will be judging based on what I think of your story. I will not choose a winner by favoritism. Flashy, excessive moves will get you only cookie points.

Each round has a due date. No extensions. No exceptions.
When a round starts, you will have at least a week to create and post your work in the appropriate round topic. As a reminder, I will have the due date for each round written in each topic. However, and I cannot emphasize this enough, when it is due, your work is due. If you do not produce your work in time, you will forfeit the round. I will not be giving extensions to anyone, for any reason. This is done for the sake of fairness, as you should not get extra time if your opponent does not as well. This is also a reason that I am not offering a prize, as some unfortunate bad luck could very well rob a person of victory due to this rule.

If there is an odd number of opponents, you will still fight.
I will determine whether you fight an NPC or multiple fighters.

Keep the narrative and your character in check.
A back and forth fight where it is nothing but sword-hits-sword is boring, dull, and uninspired. Likewise, a wooden character with no personality is only good for fueling a fire. You will be required to keep in mind the personality of your character, and make them act accordingly, as well as making the fight interesting. Remember the personality of your opponent's character, too.

Your goal is always to make your opponent unable to fight, without killing them.
Be creative, and know that killing a character is bad.

Character Sign-Up

Characters will require the following to join:

1. A name.
2. A description of their personality.
3. A physical description.
4. A list of what equipment (weapons, armor, etc) that they have.
5. A brief summary of how they fight.
6. A short bit of history about your character.
7. An example of the character fighting. (Also acts as a warm up for your story-writing.)
These do not need to be provided in this exact order.

Please, no outright toon or toy characters.
While I understand that some people very much like being overly toony, squeaky, toyish, and the like, I would ask that you please refrain from this if you wish to join. It makes it easier to have a general theme of characters if they're all humans or anthros (or possibly even ferals), and I feel that throwing in ink, vinyl, stuffing, and such really ruins it.

Characters must be reasonable.
Nobody is perfect, and I hate Mary-Sues. You might want to run your character by me, personally, before you post, if you want to be sure that I believe your character is reasonable.

Be ready to explain.
I may deem part of your character questionable, and may ask you about it. In most cases, if you are able to explain it, and I'm okay with it, it's okay.

Be creative.

All Character Sign-Ups are to be submitted by 11:59 PM on June 17th. I would like to have all characters ready by the morning of the 17th, so please, if you want to sign-up, do it early so that I can check your character over and make sure everything checks out okay. However, if you do submit a character on the 17th, I expect you to have everything for them ready.

Please remember that Virmir runs this forum, and likes it PG.

I will try to be available as much as possible.
If you want to contact me, either send me a message through the Crimson Flag Forums, or try to speak to me directly through the online Crimson Flag Chat.

Keep track of this thread, as rules may be added or changed, depending on circumstances.

Crimson Flag Comic / Re: Comic 302
« on: May 30, 2014, 09:03:38 PM »
C'mon, fold back from the impact and hit her in the face, scimitar!

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