Author Topic: Epic Tales of Clashing Empires  (Read 62895 times)


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Reply #105 on: December 25, 2010, 08:08:02 PM
Sennel looked down out the window. "Yes, I can do something to break a fall but I'd rather not let 'Senny' appear until I'm in a safer--oh BLAST" he suddenly interjected as his ears spiked in alarm. "No one's watching the queen!"

He grabbed Vandme's arm and ran to the throne room. It was empty save for a few battered guards. There were no other doors and the outer hall was filled with rebels. Sennel immediately dropped to the floor and scampered over to the vacant throne. Caught up in the moment and adrenaline of the siege, his hunting training burst to the forefront of his mind.

Find the scent, pup. Find that one scent that speaks loudest out of all the others. Find it, and don't let go.

It was hard. The queen's pheremones filled the room and Sennel struggled to keep it from interfering as he sorted through the scents. Two belonged to the fallen guards, one was his own, another was Vandme's, and then there was the blasted pheremones again. No--wait! That wasn't the pheremones! Well, it was, but it was harder, firmer, more intense and tinged in coppery fear. Panic, flight, it was the queen!

Sennel tailwagged as he circled the throne, trying to find where the queen's scent led. It was frustrating, the queen had obviously moved from her throne but the blasted pheremones didn't lead anywhere! They just stayed clustered on top of the throne, or at least...beneath it?

"Ahah!" The Lupe exclaimed as he jumped up and grabbed hold of the throne's backside. In one of the rare moments where Sennel's size was an advantage rather than a hindrance, Sennel pushed against the throne until it began to slide--forced along normally mechanical guides--until it exposed a staircase leading downwards through the castle.

"Technically speaking, phoenixes are actually pretty flammable." --Donnie

William Swiftfoot

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Reply #106 on: December 25, 2010, 08:12:12 PM
Vandme gives Sennel a confused look as he pulled back into the throne room, and waited to see what Sennel was so crazy about. Seeing the passageway he sighed. "Such a coward she is, I guess we better follow her." he says as shouting his heard down the hall. It seems Sennel's message was enough to turn the tide in the stalemate, as Kigar's forces began to rout what was left of the Castle's defences.

Digital Vulpine

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Reply #107 on: December 29, 2010, 06:59:52 PM
-Outside the Obsidian Palace-

Simon walks toward one of the encampments, looking up as he does so and seeing that the Imperial banner no longer flies over the citadel, but a new banner has not yet been raised in its place.  Looking around, he sees a tent where some of the wounded were being taken for treatment, and nearby a campfire where some people were enjoying their morning meal. He approaches them and says,

"Excuse me, what's happening here?  I have been traveling for a long time, and was not aware of such turmoil! In what name do these armies gather, and who now holds the castle?"

One of the people, a Lisk like himself, looks up and replies,

"It's revolution, boy.  A new order around here.  I don't know too much for sure, I just joined up for the pay, and because I could tell which way the wind was blowing you know?  But there's been a name going around, Kigar, a lot of orders have come down with his name on them.  Say, just how far are you from anyway?"

"I'm from Southforge, but if you could--" Simon stops suddenly and looks up, as a shadow seems to fall over the encampment.

From all around, but mostly from the south due to the castle's location, a massive flock of birds flies in low, converging on the castle and spiraling in, before scattering, their landing site disturbed, and settling all around.  The other people are looking at the birds too, many wondering why they were there.  One Ruko picks one up and says,

"I used to send these out when I worked at the post office, these are mail birds!"

Looking around, Simon asks, "Why are there so many of them?"

The Ruko puts the bird back down and replies, "Well this is the capitol, and they're only sent once a month unless it's an emergency so there tends to be quite a backlog.  Hey, you said you were from Southforge?  What's your name?"

"Uh, Simon, nice to meet you mister..." Simon holds out his hand.

The Ruko shakes his hand and replies, "Luke, and this one's for you."  He hands Simon a small canister, designed to hold a roll of paper and be attached to a bird's leg.

Simon takes the canister, unrolls a long, thin strip of paper and reads,

Dear Simon,
I don't know when you will get this, or if it will reach you at all, but I had to at least try to tell you that war has broken out here.  Our town is holding out against the raiders for now, but the forces of the Empire are nowhere to be seen.  Everywhere we've seen warlords setting up their own little kingdoms and struggling for dominance.  A few of the towns around here have pulled together and established a provisional Council, to restore order until we can get word from the Empire again.  I have been elected to a position on this council, so if you make it back I should be able to put in a good word for you.  Look for the Compass and Sun.

With love,
Your father, Matthew Renault

"Old soldiers never die, they just fade away for a little while..."


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Reply #108 on: January 02, 2011, 03:22:01 AM
"Hmph....Needless Violence."
 Joshua propped himself up against a wall. He was watching the sky the whole time, seeing all the messenger birds blacken the sky made his skin crawl.

"It seems to look more like a dark omen of if the Gods are getting fed up with this madness." He continued to stare and scowl at the sky.

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Reply #109 on: January 06, 2011, 08:33:25 PM
Well behind the front lines, Altais leaned against a wall as soldiers ran this way and that and his brother Eltanin was fiddling around with a magic looking construct of some sort. With the gate open and rebels all over the castle, it didn't seem like they really needed any help and it was more the rebels' fight than theirs anyway. Maybe if another emergency came along they couldn't handle they'd pitch in again...

OOC: Going on family vacation and will have unreliable internet for next week. Don't count on these guys to actually do anything in the meanwhile ;>.>

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Reply #110 on: January 10, 2011, 11:10:29 AM
The secret passage was, naturally, dark and long as it wound constantly around the castle's floors and foundations. After only a few feet in, the light from the throne room had faded and Sennel and Vandme were plunged into blackness. The good news was that the queen's scent was easier to track since the passage was less traveled than the throne room. The bad news was that being able to follow the fleeing Grahim didn't preclude Sennel from walking into walls in the darkness.

"Ooogh..." Sennel rubbed his muzzle after the third such incident. "This is getting old very fast."

As much as he disliked admittin it, now was as good a time for magic as any. One spell later, the Lupe's fur glowed bright in the din and offered enough illumination to see the way ahead.

"Onwards!" He yapped happily, bouncing from footpaw to footpaw as he bounded through the passage.

"Technically speaking, phoenixes are actually pretty flammable." --Donnie

William Swiftfoot

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Reply #111 on: January 10, 2011, 07:08:30 PM
Vandme stumbled for the moment and covered his eyes as the illumination forced them to adjust. "Ack...please warn me next time" he says before looking further down the tunnel. As the Journeyed on, they started to hear voices up ahead.

"So what are we to do my Queen?"

"I...don't know...surely there is a brethern city who we could escape to and setup a reprisal."

"You are probably right my lady"

"We must be close" Vandme whispered. "Any plans outside of following them?"


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Reply #112 on: January 20, 2011, 01:29:15 PM
-Outside the Obsidian Palace-

"Well, hey" The merchant said. "One faction is as good as the other, both have money and both need to spend it."

Lagart looked towards the merchant and held out his hand.

"What? Oh yeah, your pay. Well, uh about that."

Lagart growled. "Fair work, fair pay."

"Oh yeah, well, uh. I don't necessarily have the exact money on me right now, but believe me. I'll make enough here to pay you, and even to guide me back."

"No." Lagart stated angrily.


"I not take you back. You're jerk, treat me like dumb thug. I more than that."

"Pah, you keep telling yourself that." The merchant laughed. "Now if you excuse me I have customers to attend to. Come back in a little while to get your pay, zohal."

Lagart snarled at him and then stormed off. He was sick of getting treated like this, but it was the only way he knew how to make a living. He began to contemplate just sucking it up and agree to take the merchant back, but was it all really worth it to him?


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Reply #113 on: January 20, 2011, 04:27:44 PM
Sennel bounded forward and waved to the Queen and her guard. "Hullo! I know we didn't get a chance to talk much back in the throne room but if you come with me and my friend I'm sure we can have a fun chat! Or some lunch! I'm hungry--are you? We could get sandwiches!"

There was an awkward pause. Then the Queen turned and sprinted further down the passage.

"Hey! Come back here! I went through all this to meet you!" Sennel barked as he chased after. He pushed the guard out of the way and dashed after the fleeing Grahim. Turning a corner, the glowing Lupe saw the Queen's foot vanish through the ceiling. Approaching the spot illuminated a ladder. Sennel's tail wagged happily as he climbed up after the Queen and into whatever lay beyond.

((NOTE: This is intended to bring the people outside the castle into more of the action. If your character(s) are not inside the castle siege atm then feel free to have the Queen pop out nearby!))

"Technically speaking, phoenixes are actually pretty flammable." --Donnie

Digital Vulpine

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Reply #114 on: January 28, 2011, 04:05:11 PM
Simon folds the letter up and puts it away, looking up just in time to see the zohal storming off.  He had overheard just enough of the conversation to gather that the merchant had stiffed him, and walks after him.

"Hey, uh, I didn't catch your name, but you don't look like you're from around here.  What are you doing all the way out here with that weasel anyway?"

"Old soldiers never die, they just fade away for a little while..."


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Reply #115 on: January 31, 2011, 12:23:18 PM
Lagart glances at Simon. He was so used to getting tormenting all the time that he almost thought he was making fun of him for a second, trying to get his hopes up. But he could tell he was being sincere with his concern.

"Lagart. My name, Lagart." He replied. "I'm a bodyguard. People hire me to protect them on dangerous trips. I am large and scary so not many people like to mess with me, so I can make a decent living. But I get pushed around a lot by people, cause I'm not so smart."

Lagart grunts and crosses his arm.

"The merchant not giving me his fair pay. I like to rip his arms off, but that not look good. People see a zohal attack somebody and they assume I the bad guy."

Lagart sighs "It not fair. Because I'm good at what I do. Not a single client get hurt when I'm around. One time I on a job and a bunch of bandits attack. They assume I not so quick because I big. Well, I'm not really fast, but I'm fast enough to slash one of them and take him down, one swipe. Rest of his friends go running."

Lagart shakes his head. "Sorry for rambling. Not many people come talk to me."


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Reply #116 on: February 01, 2011, 03:48:09 AM
Joshua, who had been gazing at the sky just a few feet away from Simon and the Zohal. He smirks at their conversation and walks over.

"Hey big guy, um... Lagart yes?" He walked over in between the two and looks up at the Zohal. "How about I do something that could help all of us out." The Djuni smirked. "How about Lagart works for us and we'll pay him TRIPLE the price that no good merchant didn't pay him!"

The Scarlet Haired man wrapped an arm around Simon's shoulder and said "Doesn't that sound like a fantastic idea?!"

(02:16:36) KaiAdin: 2dogs is Famous in Europe XD XD

Digital Vulpine

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Reply #117 on: February 03, 2011, 05:08:05 PM
Simon looks at Joshua incredulously, then shakes his head and says,
"I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I can't offer anything like that.  If you two want to work out a deal between yourselves that's fine, but I'm not about to make a promise I cannot keep.  It looks like Southforge managed to hold out and strike an alliance with some nearby towns.  They're hardy people, I'm sure they can take care of themselves, for now I'm going to try to find out more about this... Kigar..."

Looking past Lagart, towards the edge of the woods around the palace, Simon sees some unusual movement well off the path.  Several figures seem to emerge from inside a boulder, pursued by one or two others.  They are too far off and too obscured for Simon to determine who they are, but the nature of their arrival certainly strikes him as curious.  Deciding to investigate he half-mutters, "I'll... be right back." and walks past Lagart, glancing around to see if anyone else is watching him and trying not  to move so fast as to attract attention.

"Old soldiers never die, they just fade away for a little while..."


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Reply #118 on: February 07, 2011, 01:20:30 PM
Lagart watched Simon take off, he thought he'd follow him. But the way he moved so cautiously made him think he'd want to go alone. He then turned back to Joshua.

"It not just about money." He explained. "It about being treated fairly. Which I don't most the time. So I work for you, as long as you don't treat me like some dumb thug. Because I'm more than just that."

"You two seem like okay people to me though. So no need to pay so much, no doubling or tripling his price. Just enough for food and supplies." He then looks himself over and then sniffs, grimacing almost immediately afterwards "And maybe clean clothes too." He then chuckles out a raspy laugh.