Author Topic: Epic Tales of Clashing Empires  (Read 62913 times)


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Reply #30 on: September 26, 2010, 06:26:19 PM
"I guess I'll follow, I've got nothing better to do." Ril'Trag got onto all six of his legs and scuttled along side the lupin to watch the rest of the invasion.

Geary: That means you get a companion for four levels, then it gets an upgrade.
Draykin: A very PAINFUL upgrade.
* Digital_Vulpine eeps, since the rules don't specify that I'm exempt from the psychic link that Wizards have with their familiars. o_o;

Digital Vulpine

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Reply #31 on: September 26, 2010, 06:37:28 PM

Simon orders some tea and a light meal of chicken and a baked potato.  He sips the tea, then puts it down and says,
"Well I wouldn't be too surprised about the scalies collapsing, I've heard they didn't have it too nice up there.  Oh sure, the Blendscales themselves had it great, with their palaces and servants and all, but everyone else?  Awful.  Rumor has it their most recent Emperor over there didn't have all his pieces on the board, if you know what I mean."  He tapped his head as he said the last part, then picks up his fork and begins to eat his dinner. Outside, the lamps are lit as the sun disappears over the horizon.

"Old soldiers never die, they just fade away for a little while..."


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Reply #32 on: September 26, 2010, 06:48:30 PM
Sennel pays little attention to the people around him as he wanders across the fallen city's streets. Such nice homes, he thinks. The market stalls are in shambles, many of them half-emptied either by looters or panicking merchants. He spots a familiar figure as he nears the palace.

"Oh, you!" he exclaims as he runs up to the bandit from the carriage. "I don't think I introduced myself last time. I'm Sennel. Do you know how long till they breach the castle?"

((Should I bother giving a direct explanation for Senny's reaction to the rebellion or should I just let it come up on its own?))

"Technically speaking, phoenixes are actually pretty flammable." --Donnie


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Reply #33 on: September 27, 2010, 03:25:26 AM
-In a nearby inn-

Al peered out the window while El talked to the innkeeper ordering a room for the night. As they headed up the stairs to leave their stuff in the room Al gave a general update. "It seems whoever was attacking managed to break through. The gates are open again and they don't seem hostile to anyone unarmed, but all the same I'd rather not try to leave just yet."

Eltanin nodded thoughtfully. "I'm going to go ask them what's up," he said as he put his bags on one of the two beds.

Altais, who had just let his wings out for a quick stretch, performed a quick double take and looked back at his brother, "Are you crazy? I thought *I* was supposed to be the senseless impulsive one!"

El smiled and replied, "That's right, and right now you're senselessly trying to hide in our room until this problem goes away. Clearly whatever just happened is major and will not be going away anytime soon. Besides, does it look like these people are axing random citizens? They didn't even break into this inn to check for enemies. Clearly they're heading straight for the castle to continue their attack. I don't look armed, but I can bring a whallop into a fight that anyone tries to start so it's not like I'd be in any danger anyway. You can come with me or stay behind, but I think I'll take a walk."

Then heading downstairs and out the door, El headed for the nearest person who looked like they knew what was going on while Al lagged behind grumbling while trying to make his wings go away again and put his jacket back on at the same time. Managing the feat after a short amount of time, he hurried after his brother, catching up just as El asked what all the ruckus was about.

OOC: Yeah, leaving just who he's talking to open ended. It could be some other character, one of Jenia's important peoples, or even just some random soldier that Jenia controls.

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Reply #34 on: September 28, 2010, 08:19:34 PM
((Stormkit, NPCs are for everyone to control for a reason XD But in the interest of keeping this going, I'll pick up this glove))

- Obsidian City Square -

Feeling he had helped enough, Kigar broke off from the troops trying to breach the castle, and headed a little ways off the entrance, to the square.
The city square was, ironically, very round, with an even rounder fountain right smack in the center. The statue of some sort of dancing lisk adorned the center of the fountain, water spilling from her mouth into the otherwise clear pool.
At present, the square is mostly empty of people, most of them hiding or gawking closer to the palace.
As he admired the careful care that's being put into maintaining the city and keeping every stone polished, Kigar was approached by the anthro he spoke to earlier. Looked like he wanted to have a deeper conversation this time, it seemed, as he had actually bothered to introduce himself.

Curious Kigar thought, wondering what ulterior motives this wolf-man could possibly have...

Having decided to play along, he nodded.
"Well, Sennel..." he adjusted his left gauntlet while taking a good look at the anthro's face "I don't think the castle can be breached from the outside. They will either have to be starved out, or we'll get someone on the inside to open the door for us."

Kigar decided to sit down on the fountains edge. His armor wasn't very soft, and the stone didn't make sitting any comfier, but he would make do.
"My name is Kigar." he decided to introduce himself after all, seeing as it was common courtesy "I'm a traveling scholar, even if I do not look it. And I'm here, assisting the rebellion, because I feel I have to. And you, gray one? I've not seen your kind before. You're not some old lisk, are you? And, aren't you in favor of oppressing those that would subjugate you?"

- Obsidian City, Market District -

The mysterious bearded shilton was busy barking orders to various gruff looking individuals whilst those would bark "Yes, Raven!" or mutter "Whatever the Raven says..." back before heading off.
He cringed as the zohal approached him, obviously not expecting it.
"By the fated, reptile! Don't you scare-" he paused, apparently some realization dawning on his face.
"...You two aren't from around here, are you?" he grunted, looking at the two siblings "There are rebels storming tha dang city, and have already taken most of it. You're not slaves, are you? Do you even CARE if this empire falls today? Because it will! And I'll be damned if I see a non-grarim NOT celebrating when tha' happens, ya hear?"
'Raven' turned to spit aside, just as a little ruko with a headband pulled on his pants.
"Raven man!" the ruko exclaimed "They're asking if we've got eggs-plow-zeeves!"
'Raven' blinked at him, then muttered
"We've got tha powder, but ne' enough ta blow a hole in THIS! You tell 'em that!"
The ruko barked a YES RAVEN and ran off, allowing the old man to finally spit at the otherwise clean pavement, at which point he turned back to the siblings.
"If ye's looking for a chance at fortune or glory, now's the time! Anybody opening tha' danged castle'll be a hero to queenless folk everywhere, I tell ye'!"

Wanna buy something? I sell pineapples, counsel, hugs and self esteem, usually for souls, but this is open for bargaining and haggling.

Or you could repay me with service. Got talent? I want it.
Don't be shy and beep me! The Jenia wants to research meet YOU!


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Reply #35 on: September 28, 2010, 08:42:41 PM

*After munching on his ham and chugging down his glass of milk, Joshua notices the lights coming on *

Well. It looks like its almost time to hit the hey! We have a full day ahead of us. The capital is soooooo close from here! *looks at Simon* Say, wheres this room you ordered?

(02:16:36) KaiAdin: 2dogs is Famous in Europe XD XD


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Reply #36 on: September 28, 2010, 09:48:47 PM
Sennel tilts his head. "I'm a Lupe, not a Lisk. We don't often stray from the eastern forests but I have my reasons. I'm looking for someone, you see, family of a friend of mine. I'm a bit of a scholar myself actually--spent the last few years with my muzzle burried in books. I'm not familiar with the political situation here but that doesn't seem to matter as it stands."

He regards the castle walls. "I've seen this kind of momentum before, though in much smaller instances. These rebels will win sooner or later. And as to your questions, I do not favour oppressing my enemies, merely defeating them."

"Hey," Sennel adds, looking around for the insect-person "You, mister...uhh...wasp-thing. You said one of your kind could burrow through these walls in minutes, right? How good are you at obsidian?"
« Last Edit: September 29, 2010, 11:07:27 AM by Jonas »

"Technically speaking, phoenixes are actually pretty flammable." --Donnie

William Swiftfoot

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Reply #37 on: September 28, 2010, 10:10:47 PM
Having seen most of the group left the Carraige, Vandme decides to follow twoards the town. While exploring was an issue with the current conflict, it still seemed like an interesting experience. Looking over the square with a calm and careful eye, he can see what Kigar had seen. He stops near the others as not to disturb the current conversation, and to admire the surroundings.

Digital Vulpine

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Reply #38 on: September 28, 2010, 10:42:52 PM
Simon pushes his now-empty plate to the side and yawns.
"We do have a long day's travel ahead of us tomorrow, but hay is for horses, I'm hitting the sack.  Second floor, number seven."

Simon then stands up and turns to go, but stops as he hears a commotion outside... the lights outside the northern window are brighter than they should be, and moving around too much.  As he considers what's going on, a great deal of shouting breaks out and the sounds of battle descend upon the sleepy town.

"What in blazes?!"

Just as he says that a citizen of the town stumbles into the inn, gravely wounded.   Simon rushes to him and helps him into a chair.  The Ruko, as he turns out to be, raises his head and coughs before saying,
"Bandits attacking the town *cough* say they're taking the whole empire... it's war..."

Simon then feels the innkeeper's large hand on his shoulder.  As the Ruko in the chair closes his eyes and breathes his last breath, the innkeeper says,
"Ye said ye were going ta the capitol lad?  I've got a pair o' fine horses in the stable, it's two days from here to the capitol, but if ye go at a gallop ye can make it by morn.  I'll rally what folks I can to hold 'em off, but ye've got ta get outta here and warn the Queen, ya hear?  The stable's out back, I'll fix ye and yer friend up with the horses and ye don't stop fer nuthin'!"

"Old soldiers never die, they just fade away for a little while..."


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Reply #39 on: September 29, 2010, 05:37:35 AM
-Obsidian City, Market District-

The brothers shared a look, El thoughtful and Al gleeful. As they sought a more private area to argue it out, El started the conversation. "We shouldn't get involved. Empire means stability, stability means we know what to expect. Besides, the stage is pretty much set, nothing we do will make a difference here."

Al frowned (an expression that always felt weird with a flat face) and retorted, "But what KIND of stability? A stability where at any time we might be identified as non-slaves and end up with soldiers on our tail trying to capture us! And you know better that to say we won't be much help, either one of us is a formidable force... both of us together could definitely tip an otherwise even battle."

El seemed to mull things over a little more, clearly weighing the merits of the current way of things that he knew, and chaos that would follow the upsetting of this empire after the blendscale empire had just fallen. Eventually he gave a sigh, "You're right, as much as I hate to take down the sole order left in this land, it is not a very good order. I'm trusting you to get us through afterwards though. I know you'll be better at navigating the aftereffects better than I will."

In accord, the two brothers dropped the transformative magic holding them as blendscales and launched into the sky under illusion cloaks heading towards the newest battlefield.

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Reply #40 on: September 29, 2010, 03:10:23 PM
Ril'Trag thought about the question given to him by Sennel. "Let's see, this rock isn't too hard, but if I'm going to make it big enough for people to travel through quickly... I'd say four hours, give or take. Why ever do you ask?" The korg readied his claws and started searching for a point near the wall that would allow for them not to be spotted, but still close enough to the wall that he'd be able to did quickly for one side to the other. "I suggest you make it appear as if the army is focusing their attention elsewhere, but start mobilizing them through alleys to avoid being spotted." The korg found and alley, somewhat neglected due to lack of use by either building next to it. "This should make for a good entrance." The korg set down his bag and crossbow and started digging downwards with all six of his limbs.

Geary: That means you get a companion for four levels, then it gets an upgrade.
Draykin: A very PAINFUL upgrade.
* Digital_Vulpine eeps, since the rules don't specify that I'm exempt from the psychic link that Wizards have with their familiars. o_o;


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Reply #41 on: September 29, 2010, 10:26:56 PM
Sennel nods and his eyes unfix. For a moment it looks as if the Lupe is about to faint but then a wall of rubble appears at the entrance of the alleyway.

"Just an illusion." He explains. "Obviously won't work if someone touches it but it'll keep the hole hidden for the time being. A quick trick, really."

He blinks and grins widely. "Hehe, quicky tricky. A tricky quicky!"

"Technically speaking, phoenixes are actually pretty flammable." --Donnie


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Reply #42 on: September 30, 2010, 04:07:36 AM
-Airborne over Obsidian City-

From the sky it was a lot easier to see the progress of battle. Soldiers filled the streets, especially in the parts of town towards the castle where a siege was being set up. Flying overhead though, Al spotted a small group of people inside a closed off alleyway with no apparent way of having gotten there. Suspicious, he signaled El over and the two dropped their illusion cloaks and landed at the entrance of the alleyway just behind (or in front of depending on which side you're on) the rubble blocking it off. With a last flap to cancel any downward momentum, their wings 'reverted' to cloth in midair dropping the two the last foot or so onto the ground as their newly formed bifurcated cloaks settled behind them. Al's cloak was somewhat reminiscent of the wings they just were, appearing to have been designed with the arm along the outer edge, and what seemed to be claw tips on the bottom. El's cloak on the other hand looked like a regular cloak, green in color, with the exception of the rims of the cloak which were embroidered with gold colored lettering in the shapes of various symbols and archaic looking words that repeated themselves at regular intervals.

El stepped forward and introduced himself to Kigar, "Greetings, my brother and I are interested in helping your cause and you appear to be in charge, or at least giving a good impression of it. Is there anything two mages can do to help?"

OOC: To the people just meeting them, my characters would appear to be Greenscale Zohal, similar to Kenku's character. Their wings in this state look and act exactly like a very sturdy cloak would and as they are obviously magical in nature, it could easily be assumed they are enchanted cloaks for flight rather than enchanted wings for concealment. I have actually found a picture that is actually really good for what the twins would look like. If you turn this into blendscale Zohal, that is what my characters would look like in their regular concealed form. Clearly that one would be Eltanin :p Anyway, picture that cloak split downside along the middle of the back and that's what their wings would look like in the post described above plus added details. I imagine doing this would be easier than concealing their wings altogether so from now on (can't believe I didn't think of this before) I will have them using that trick. Obviously they can't take off their 'cloaks' but they can go farther into not having wings at all where it seems like they're not wearing the 'cloak' with a bit more concentration and effort.

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Reply #43 on: September 30, 2010, 02:26:29 PM

"Thanks old man. We'll have to repay you some day." Joshua said. "But surely instead of running away like cowards, We could help you out in some why; I'm armed and could probably cut down everyone of those idiots! *Draws his Falchion in his right hand and a pistol in the other. "There's noway I can stick idly by and know that this place is under attack and going up in smoke."

(02:16:36) KaiAdin: 2dogs is Famous in Europe XD XD

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Reply #44 on: September 30, 2010, 08:24:40 PM
Vandme watches in slight wonder as the wall of rubble suddenly appears. Walking up to the wall, he places his hand agianst it, and watches it dissapear. Seeing this, he quickly reels back confused, and see his hand is find. Curious he walks through the "wall" to see whats happening on the other side.