Author Topic: Dawn of Worlds  (Read 124339 times)


  • Mage of Caerreyn, Level 2
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Reply #210 on: June 09, 2012, 05:32:43 PM
Starting Points: 17

Namco had quickly slipped away once Ressalon's message had been delivered, sliding through the next shadow he came across, and emerging directly in the temple of Noctellus to give his report to the priest on duty.

But it was no priest who greeted him.  Noctellus, lurking ever in every shadow, had seen the armies of the Glyph-Scarred Scourge for himself.  He knew it was only a matter of time before the Noctus were involved in the war, one way or another.  And so he had been waiting for the first offer of alliance or request for aid to filter in, though he had not expected it to come from the fire. 

"The Fire offers to create shadow for our use?  They, who so cherish the light?"

"They are fire, Lord Noctellus."

The Shadow that was Noctellus shifted slightly, glowing red eyes glancing down at Namco's prone form.  "And they say we would be unwise to reject their offer.  In that, they may be right.  The Longshadow Spire is by far the most reliable means of moving our armies."

"I think-" Namco began, then stopped, remembering to whom he spoke.


"I think they expect us to raise more armies, Lord Noctellus.  'The time is not now,' as she said."

There was an extended pause, where neither red-marked shadow spoke.

"You have done well, Namco.  Go to Longshadow.  Tell the priests there to raise an army.  I will meet them soon."

Namco rose, turning away from his deity.  "As you command."

The next moment, he was gone.  In a sanctuary of shadows, the Noctus didn't even have to move.

Alone in the darkness, Noctellus considered his people.  They weren't warriors.  They were listeners and travellers.  Having armies didn't really make them warriors.

If the Noctus were to survive in war, they would need more than just shadows...


Command City:  Raise Army (2 pts):
With Namco's message delivered, Longshadow rallies more Noctus to the Spire. 

Advance Race:  Longshadow Stealth Combat Tactics (6 pts. - 2pts for previous error):
At Noctellus' recommendation, the armies of the Noctus resume training in Stealth Combat Tactics.  Slipping between shadows in the middle of combat, it is hoped, will give them some advantage.

 (How that would actually work in game mechanics is not clear to me...)

(Also, in a previous post, I (mistakenly) tried to advance the Noctus with the same combat tactics, but I used command city instead...because derp.  You corrected me on that when I tried to do the same thing again later, and I fixed it then...but nothing ever happened for that post.  As such, I'd like to take the 2 points spent there and apply them toward the advancement here, making the total spent this turn 6 points, rather than 8.)


  • Mage of Caerreyn, Level 2
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Reply #211 on: June 22, 2012, 08:30:17 PM
Advance Civilization: Sweep and Purge tactics (6)
Command Order: Attack Glyph Scarred (2)
Command Avatar: Purge continent (1)

Command Order: Build army(2)

The Jaeskine, after their campaign against the Scourge develop new tactics to deal with the new scourge threat. Deciding it is not worth the risk of letting any of the scourge infected entities escape, the Jaeskine adopt a polict of purging the entire infected portion of the continent. Thus, they begin to burn everything within sight that hasn't already been secured.

Further, with the assistance of the Oryxians the Jaeskine are able to  launch a new fleet.
« Last Edit: June 22, 2012, 08:59:55 PM by Fax »


  • Mage of Caerreyn, Level 2
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Reply #212 on: June 22, 2012, 09:14:58 PM
Fax - 11 - 11 + 7 + 3 = 10  
Dragyn - 17 - 6 + 12 = 23  
Kenku - 8 - 8 + 8 + 3 = 11
Fen - 23 - 0 + 2 = 25
EccentricOrbit - 26 - 0 + 9 = 35  
Raf_Cian - 11 - 11 + 10 + 2 = 12
Radioactive_Toast - 14 - 14 + 12 + 3 = 15
Nagolinc - 12 - 12 + 6 + 3 = 9
Donnie - 10 - 10 + 11 + 3 = 14

Alright, this is the prospective final turn of the game! Please include in your post your vote on if we continue the game for another turn.


The Cult of Kerplowd advances on the Dreoninin forces by the ruins of the Phroaj Capital. [Cult - 2 + (1 for advances) = Dreoninin - 6 + (2 for advances)] The attack fails miserably as the cultists are routed by the Dreoninin forces and slain in their totality

The Hraim'Turu forces, led by Toestub engage the Dreonin invaders who have begun to pillage Alyu. In their disorganized state, the Dreonin are caught unawares and crushed by Toestub's forces. [Toestub's Army - 5 + (1 for advances) = Dreoninin - 2 + (2 for advances)]

The Jaeskine proceed to burn the western continent to the ground, catching everything in the area including one of the glyph scarred armies! [Bordermarch Fleet - 4 + (7 for advances) = The Glyph Scarred - 2 + (1 for advances)] Continuing their purge, the Jaeskine burn the lands surrounding Horgharghn.


an eldritch abomination - sleeping somewhere deep and dark in the world
-Created by Fax
Tek'Rael, The Grey Father - a giant eyeless, tailless grey quadrupedal skink
-Currently residing in the floating city of the Tek
-Created by Fen
The Grand Dragon, Raval Brightwing - wandering the skies the world round
-Created by Fax
"The Flames Hand" - a 9 tailed kitsune associated with the burning lands
-currently in the burning lands
-Created by Kenku
Miserable Failure - A depressed walrus monoped in a knit sweater
--Currently in self exile north of the burning lands
-Created by Nagolinc
The Lord of Balance - A potent grey fox who is a lord of balance and order.
-currently somewhere in the Oryxian lands
-Created by Donnie
Noctellus, the Animate Shadow - A shadow Demon based out of the southwestern island chains
-Created by Dragyn
Andarcas, the blond afro'd inventor - big talking, lazy bully of Miserable Failure
-currently in the burning lands
-Created by Radioactive Toast
Garath Copperspire, Brother of the Azure Flame - A Jaeskine explorer knight
The Takers - A group of Rakey who took power from the great red crystal in the middle of Recycled
Shard - A fragment of the great Glyph
Terros - A giant Golem alligned with the Tek that arrived in a meteor from the sky.
Toe-stub - The enormous disembodied purple toe of Andarcus
Vedirai - An incompetent Edraei who is transformed into an immense white dragon by Andarcas' experiments

-Turu'hraim - a reptilian-like race with a love of explosives
-Neutral (+0)
--Order: The Cult of Kerspelowd - a religion focused on explosives and explosions
---Subrace: Hraim'turu - A subrace of the Turu'hraim primarily focused on implosions
-Advance - explosives & explosive excavation
-Order: The Engineers of Destruction
-1 Army at Y’srhealkt
-1 Army led by the cult of Kerploded
-Created by Radioactive_Toast

-Phoraj - a sulphur dwelling race of crustacean like traders
-Neutral (+0)
--Order: The Guild of the Flaming Ice - The Phoraj's guild of traders and merchants/ diplomats?
-1 army in Squish
-Created by Radioactive_Toast

-Edraei - A race of faries dedicated to serving the avatar Miserable Failure
-good (+2)
--Order: Order of the Plaid Sweater - Dedicated to creating a beautiful sweater for Miserable Failure
--Subrace: Glueiao - an offshoot of the Edraei who believe Miserable Failure doesn't need a new sweater but rather something else entirely that has yet to exist
--Advance: magic-infused fabrics
--Order: The Fire Weavers - a skilled group of Edraei that have mastered the flaming loom, and act as caretarkers of the landscape to which their magic is fed.
-1 Army
-Created by Nagolinc

-Larepin - Extremely individualistic rabbit-fox-cat people created by the Lord of Balance
-Chaotic neutral (0)
--Order: Order of the White Eagle - Warrior Priests dedicated to guiding the Larepin and providing them with wisdom
-Created by Donnie
--Subrace: White Larepin - Tolerant albino larepin
-Advance City: Gurrier - Martial Skill and Minutemen
-Advance City: Gurrier - Stone wall Tactics & Equiptment
-Advance City: Irfang - Magitek Capabilities
--Order: The Ministry of Order - The Ministry of Order's current goal is to prepare for potential hostilities as well as an ambitious project to be performed in due time.
-1 army (gurrier)
--Order: The Underground Walrus-Road - a group of Larepin who willingly shelter Miserable Failure in exchange for the promise that "someone else has to take him next week".
   -1 Army led by the Walrus

-Oryxians - Oryx people
-Good(+1), The Oryxians are very much of family based society that does its best to keep everyone within it safe and protected.
--Order:Ring of 5 and Council - Leaders of the 5 major villages(not yet cities), and the council of representatives below them, elected by the villages.
--Advance - Agriculture
---Note: Currently recovering from widespread paranoia due to the actions of the Lord of Balance.
-Order: Oryxian Holy Order of the Shroom - A group of Oryxians who have finally been convinced by the Kyakmuni to worship mushrooms
-Created by Kenku

-Greryn - A race of Grey Fox people
-Nuetral(0), Wealth can lead a person down many a path
--Order: Merchants and Explorers guild: Wealthy Nobles of the Race who lead expansion and trade.
--Order: The Humane Society - A group dedicated to putting Miserable Failure out of its misery
   -1 Army
--Advance - Naval Powerhouse
--Advance - Traders
-1 Army at Redwood
-Created by Kenku

-Jaeskine - Ferret-Squirrel-Taur metalsmiths and miners
-Neutral (+0)
--Order: The Order of the Rune Smiths - Teachers of the art of metalsmithing
--Advance - Metalsmithing
--Advance - Rune Enchanting
--Advance - Clockwork
--Advance - Runecast Ships
--Advance - Runecast Cannons
--Advance - Rune Engines
--Order: The Brotherhood of the Azure Flame - Wandering, benevolent explorer/ guardians tasked with protecting the common people of all races. They are to act in accordance with what they believe is right.
--Order: Bordermarch Gvantanz Regulars - Guardians of the Bordermarch based out of Gvantanz, an organzied military force.
--Order: Jaeskine Mercenaries - Jaeskine soldiers for hire by most anyone willing to pay them.
   -1 army
--Advance - Skystones
--Advance - Sweep and Purge Tactics
-Created by Fax

-Rakey - a race of tree dwelling monkey-rats
-Good (+1)
--Order: The Watchers - A group of Rakey who are mesmerized by the great red crystal of their island and work to protect it
--Advance: Architecture
--Subrace: Resalk - Much more rat-like cousins of the Rakey
       -7 armies - 2 in Salkyn, 3 in Quesalk, 1 in Las Flotas
       -Advance Civilization : The art of Prolonged Warfare
       --Order - Red Rats - A Red Reyn/ Resalk gang secretly formed by the Takers
   -1 Army (Naval Fleet) at Las Flotas
--Order: The Guild of Towers - The Rakey Trade and development guild
-Note: The city of Recycled is currently Neutral (0)
-Created by Raf_Cian

-The Goblins - A race of fruit bat people
-Good (+1)
--Order: The order of the spiral nerd-glasses (aka the mathematicians guild) - exactly what it says on the tin. Also they act as teachers and students
--Advance: Abstract Thought and Higher Mathematics
--Subrace:The Vampires - Goblins who drink the blood of innocents to extend their own lives.
--Subrace: Survivors of Archive - The survivors of the disaster that destroyed the city of Archive, all of whom have been transformed into shapeshifting silver liquid.
     --Subrace Advance: Shapeshifters
     --Order: Shapeshifting Spies - Shapeshifting goblin explorers
-Order: Vampire Circles
-Order: They Must Never Know What They Will Never Know
-Created by EccentricOrbit

-Tek - Magical grey lizard people, children of Tek'Rael.
-Good (+1)
--Order: the Grey Robes - 'a religious/magi group based in the capital city, devoted to discovering new magics and worshiping Tek'rael.'
--Order: The Scales - A group dedicated to exploring the world outside of the boundries of the Green bastion and Tek lands in general.
--Advance - Magic
--Order: Cothar's Blades
--Advance - Magic Amplification
-Note - Due to the arrival of Terros, the Tek have gained a new interest in Astrology
-Created by Fen

-Noctus - Bipedal red marked black wolves created by Noctellus
-Neutral (+0)
--Order: the Cult of the Animate Shadow - A religious cult dedicated to the demon Noctellus
--Advance: Shadow Magic
--Sybrace: Abyssus - Aquatic Noctus focused on the deep sea trench
--Advance: Longshadow Spires/ Shadow travel
--Advance: Noctus Spy Network
--Advance: Noctus Information Trade
--Advance: Advanced Noctus Spy Network
--Advance: Longshadow Stealth Combat Tactics
-3 Armies, 1 in longshadow
-Created by Dragyn

-Krump - Aggressive Giant flower lizards
-Evil (-1)
--Order:  Templarians - A faction that constructs temples entirely out of flowers
--Order: The Society for Appreciating the Subtle Artistic Difference between Flowers and Walruses - The society dedicates itself to expressing the beauty of flowers through art, primarily in the form of paintings similar to the Japanese style of painting water-lilies.
   -1 Army
-1 Army
-Created by Radioactive_Toast

-Dreoinin - quarrelsome Bat-like cliff dwellers of the bottomless pit who believe all others to be lesser than they.
-Evil (-3)
--Order: Bottomless Secrets Society - a society dedicated to seek out the secrets hidden in the depths of the bottomless pit
--Advance - Dark Magic
--Advance - necromancy
-1 Army
-Created by Nagolinc

-Kycamuuni- A race of very fuzzy four tailed zealots
-Chaotic Evil (-1)
--Order: Order of the Shroom - An ultra-religious cult that worships EDOPS
   -2 armies, currently outside Las Flotas
--Order: Order of the Secondmost - seeks to understand the mystery of Miserable Failure's misery
   -1 Army
--Advance: Kycalloy Armor
--Advance: Mounted Krump Cavalry
-Note: The Kycamuuni continue to attempt to convert the Krump over to their mushroom loving ways
-Created by Donnie

-Red Reyn - distant relatives of the Greryn
-Evil (-1)
--Order: Assorted Pirate Ships
--Advance - Naval Powerhouse
--Order - Red Rats - A Red Reyn/ Resalk gang secretly formed by the Takers
   -1 army at Los Flotas
--Advance City: Los Flotas - Gladiatorial Combat
-2 armies at Las Flotas
--Order - The Hot Steelworkers Guild - An group of Red Reyn taught to work metals by The Flames Hand.
--Advance City: Los Flotas - reknowned for quality weapons and ship armorments
-Created by EccentricOrbit

-The Scourge
-Evil (-3)
--Order: the Temple of the Maw
-Advance - Swarm
-1 army
--Order: Bite his Butt! - A gathering of the scourge who attempt to devour the newly arrived Miserable Failure
-note: Currently the Lord of Balance is encouraging a group of Scourge who preach the ideas of 'Moderation' and 'Control', particularily with regards to the Scourge's massively expansionistic worldview
-Note: The Scourge were absorbed into the hordes of the Glyph Scarred in their entirety.
-Created by Radioactive_Toast

-The Glyph Scarred
-Evil (-1)
--Order: the Shard Blessed - The Glyph Scarred with the greatest "Crystal Corruption"
-Advance - Corruption
-Note - The Glyph Scarred are at open war with the Scourge
-3 Armies
-Created by Kenku

-Good (+1)
--Order: The Circle of the Dead - a religious order dedicated to listening to the wisdom of those who have passed away
--Order: Well, Let's Celebrate Society - A group of Wattor who spend their time throwing lavish parties in honor of Miserable Failure
-Created by Raf_Cian

-Fennecs - A race of desert dwelling fennec foxes living in the eternal desert
-alginment ??
--Order: Desert Rangers - The Fennec Desert Rangers are a group that keeps the peace in Fennec territory. There is no place too barren for these foxes to survive, or too remote for them to reach. They have a proficiency with skirmish tactics, and know how to hide in desert territory.
-Created by EccentricOrbit

-Misc. Orders
--Order: The cult of the true seeing eye - the cult is composed of all races, drawn in by the Eldritch Abomination. Their primary goal currently is simply to spread the word of the abomination worldwide, however they are currently situated primarily on the southern continent.
« Last Edit: June 22, 2012, 10:42:43 PM by Fax »

William Swiftfoot

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Reply #213 on: June 24, 2012, 01:12:53 PM
I think at this point its best to close the chapter on this. I think alot of people are burned out.

Command Avatar - Create Army Seeing a greater conflict coming, The Shard builds the army greater.
(Glyph Scarred Army +1)

Command Race- Glyph Scarred The shard continues its conquest for making all races one...(Glyph Scarred marches on the Goblins if this map is right)

Advance City - Virmir - Center of Trade To better thier sea strengths, The Greyryn create a center of monetary and goods trade within their port city of Virmir.

Thats all I have(unless there is something simple out of Auroa I can do)
« Last Edit: June 27, 2012, 03:35:57 PM by Kenku »


  • Mage of Caerreyn, Level 2
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Reply #214 on: July 11, 2012, 12:16:58 AM
Starting Points: (9)

Steal a Point from Toast: (+1)

Catastrophy: (-10)

How to begin?  It started as a rumor, the rumbling of a terrible thing.  When the first tales of the darkness reached the burning lands, it shook the Edraei to the core.  Refugees from strange lands carrying with their few belongings a look of shock and horror.  It was if the gates of hell had been broken open and from out behind them bloodthirsty armies had flooded out, devastating everything in their path.  

At first the Edraei wondered, what maddness, what hatred spurred these armies onward.  But in time they came to known.  Behind the terror was a name, a name that they knew well: "Miserable Failure".  This name shocked the Edraei to their core.  What madness, what self-loathing had caused their creator --whom they loved more than anything in the world-- to inspire such chaos?  

Seeking answers, the Edraei hunted down their maker.

"Why!?" the demanded of the walrus-faced monopod.  "Don't you know, you're tearing the world apart at seems?"

"Why should I care about the world?"  Miserable Failure retorted.  "It's never done me any favors."

"It gave you life," the Edraei argued.  "All life is a gift."

"What sort of life is this!?" Miserable Failure whined.  "I'm a good-for-nothing ugly one-legged monopod.  You--in your beautiful bodies-- would never understand my suffering."

"Is that all it would take to make you happy?" the Edraei asked.  "A new body?"

"YES!  A new body!" Miserable Failure agreed.

And so the Edraei left him, bringing this knowledge back with them.  There they labored diligently, wondering how their maker's wish could be granted.  Alas, there was no magic in the burning lands that could do such a deed.  And so the Edraei turned to darker methods,  seeking their answers among the dark magics possessed by the Dreonin.  

Finally, after much seeking, they arrived at the answer.

"And this will turn me into anything I want?" Miserable Failure asked, eyeing the strange-smelling brew distrustfully.

"Anything," the Edraei promised.

Greedily, Miserable Failure drank.

Instantly, Miserable Failure's miserable failure began to morph.  In the place of one leg, he grew two.  Arms and shoulders extended themselves from his lumpy torso till he stood tall and handsome.  Smiling at his own reflection, Miserable failure began to think.

"Why be human when I could be so much BETTER!"

Within a few moments he had morphed between a dozen different forms: a four-armed centaur, a dragon, a glowing crystal being that shimmered with light.  His form shifted faster and faster, becoming increasingly hard to follow in its intricate folds and twists.

"Why settle for anything at all?" Miserable failure wondered, his voice echoing like a chorus of angles.  "Why, I could be everything!  Everything at the same time."

His body twisted once more, this time changing too quickly for mortal eyes to follow.  For an instant, all of eternity seemed to glimmer from his sparkling form.  Brighter than the sun itself he glimmered in all of his glory.

Too late did he realize realize the change was slowing.  His form freezing into place.  And in the midst of all his changing, Miserable Failure was frozen into place, a hideous misshapen thing.

And so Miserable Failure was more miserable in the end than the beginning.

Ending Points: (0)

I'm for ending, things have been moving pretty slowly recently
« Last Edit: July 11, 2012, 12:18:30 AM by nagolinc »


  • Mage of Caerreyn, Level 2
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Reply #215 on: July 11, 2012, 04:55:37 AM
((Nagolinc:  By the Nine that is horrifying!  Awesome.))

(Starting points:  23)

Noctellus looked through the myriad shadows of the world, staring stolidly across the chaos, desolation, and wanton destruction that had erupted. 


Deep within the caves of ShadowDeep, the Noctus Spymaster Namco, at this point the most experienced Noctus in all the lands, turned to face the red-tinged shadows that filled the greater portion of the complex.  "Yes, Lord?"

"Send word to the Flames.  The Noctus will stand on their own.  We will accept their offer, but we will not fight their war."


"Any who seek refuge are welcome to retreat with the Noctus.  Our armies will defend Longshadow Spire.  We, at least, will survive."

Namco nodded, turning to leave the room.  "I bow to your infinite wisdom."

That taken care of, Noctellus turned his attention deep beneath the waves.  Politics had never been his preference.

The Abyssus Priest stroked the eye ridges of his sea serpent calmly.  He didn't bother turning to face the shadows.  "I greet you, Noctellus.  There are many here who would claim you had abandoned us."

"Perhaps they would be right, High Priest Gnossus."


There was an extended pause.  The priest picked up his helmet, and placed it expertly on his head.  As he turned, at last, to face his god, he unstrapped the dual-tipped spear from his mount.  "I assume, then, that this is not a social visit."

For the first time in centuries, Noctellus took a form distinct from the shadows.  Shadows wisped away from his fur, drifting away in the currents of the sunken temple, and latching on to other shadows.  "No.  It is not."

"Would it be too bold to inquire further?"

Noctellus shook his head slowly.  "No.  It is time for my people to reunite.  You came beneath the waves, seeking Leviathan, shadows larger even than I.  For that, I thank you.  Every shadow you found, I have claimed.  I have chosen not to interfere, because I feared you would stagnate in your efforts."  He grinned, his eyes glowing intensely red.

"My Lord?"

"The surface world is in turmoil.  For too long I have stood idly by.  Now, I must protect my people--all of them."

Gnossus knelt, spear held firmly in his right hand.

Noctellus swept the back of his hand against the ceiling, smashing it open wide, exposing the seemingly infinite void of the Chasm.  "Don't you see, Gnossus?

I am Leviathan."

Noctellus pulled the shadows of the Chasm into himself, stretching and coiling, his canid features melding with the Abyss, forming a massive black-furred sea serpent, eel-like fins and enormous teeth.

Gnossus rose, and crossed his left arm across his chest in a salute.  "I will ride with you."

"No, Gnossus.  Go to ShadowDeep.  Join my lieutenant Namco--keep my people safe."

Gnossus faltered for a moment, but recovered.  "It will be done."

The Shadows of the Abyss surged away, tendrils of shadow waving in the current; Noctellus the Leviathan would fight, as long as the shadows persisted. 

And somehow, the Abyss remained entirely in shadow, in its seemingly limitless expanse.

Point Breakdown:
Starting Points:  23

Event:  Noctellus The Leviathan (-9 pts)
Command Race:  Abyssus:  Rejoin the Noctus (-3)
Command Race: Noctus:  Evacuate the World. (-3)
Command Avatar:  Noctellus:  Reject War Alliance with Fire (-1)
Command Order:  Spy Network: Aid Refugees (-2)

Total Spent:  18 pts.
Remainder:  5 pts.

I happily vote we end it at the end of this turn.

Also:  if anybody needs a few points, the 5 I have left aren't doing anything.


  • Mage of Caerreyn, Level 2
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Reply #216 on: July 11, 2012, 02:55:24 PM
Starting Points: 12

Command Avatar Takers position themselves to fulfill bargain(-1)
While the Takers are mildly upset at the Shadow’s decision of only partial acceptance, they made the offer and they uphold the bargain. Besides, there is much for them to reap in this upholding this bargain. Chief amongst them is that it requires positioning a small grouping of Takers at the Notcus center of... everything. To that end a select group of Takers and their honor guard will make their way to the Longshadow Spire to... set up shop until their power is called upon.

Command City x2 Raise Armies in Salkyn and Quesalk (-4)
The Seekers, continuing with their standing orders to prepare, increase the size of the Blades in the Resalk cities. When suddenly the order to act finally arrives, the new armies find themselves in the position of home guard as the rest march out...

Command Race March 5 Resalk Armies towards Las Flotas (-3)
...towards Las Flotas.

Command Order x2 Seekers and Red Rats displace the Pirate Lords (-4)
It’s been a longtime coming. While the Taker’s appreciate the brutality and ruthlessness that Las Flotas, its Pirate Lords have made nothing but stupid decisions over the years. With one army under control of the Red Rats and another inspired by the Takers themselves, the remaining armies loyal to the pirate lords will be under pressure to maintain control even before the rest of the of the Taker’s Blades march their five armies on Las Flotas’s doorstep.

Assuming something doesn’t happen to displace their advantage, the Seekers keep the populace inline by handing control of the city to the Red Rats, and who promptly ask the foreign armies to camp outside while allowing recreational ‘leave’ inside the city. At least until they’re ready to depart in phase two of the plan...

Ending Points: 0

Vote: End Game
While some of us still have plans, even more of us have lost interest. Even those who are still interested probably see the current game as mostly a learning experience. I certainly would do things differently the second time around.