Author Topic: Hello!  (Read 7659 times)


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on: November 03, 2012, 01:41:53 AM
I am pretty bad with titles, so let us move on to the matter at hand, shall we?

Just today, I was looking at my profile page on these forums. Not sure what information I was looking for, but what I found was that I have been a member of this forum since 10/30/2011. I still remember when I registered, with the full intention of becoming a regular poster and member of the community. Well, it only took me the better part of a year, but hey, here I am now. And my goodness, how time flies sometimes.

Some of you have encountered me in the CF Chat, and I really enjoyed my time chatting with you. I look forward to joining you more often in the future. So, to simplify things for myself and hopefully everyone else, I'll just throw together a bit of an introduction to myself. I'll start with Me, as a person, then move to Dmitriy, my character. It won't be really in depth, but at least give you an idea of who I am and where I come from.

 Oh boy, where to start. I'll avoid giving you my life story, wouldn't want to bore you to death. So lets start here: I am 24 years old, grew up in southern Illinois, then joined the Air Force. I currently live in Delaware, two guesses as to where. I do aircraft maintenance as my job, and my hobbies are mainly video games and cars. I try to be a good person, I am horribly forgetful at times, and wield sarcasm like a hammer. I love reading more than watching TV and movies, and really enjoy the writing subforum here. Anyway, enough about boring old regular me, lets talk about the fuzzy me!

Dmitriy is a Swift Fox, about 2'6'' (76.2cm) tall. Very much average in appearance for one of his species, but he prefers it that way. Always tries to be quick with a joke, enjoys bad puns more than a normal person should. He has a very sharp mind, but doesn't go around making that obvious. Enthusiastic about helping others, he'll gladly go to nearly any legnth for his friends and occasionally even complete strangers. He has a tendency to call nearly anyone he meets a friend, and it takes quite a feat to make him dislike someone. Growing up he held an interest in things of the mechanical sort, dissasembling things simply to find out how they work and occasionally even reassembling them properly. His parents gladly supported his tinkering, encouraging him to take it further. Every opportunity to grow his skills, he'll take. The end result of this is that Dmitriy is more than simply mechanically inclined. He also is quite passionate about nearly anything that flies; be it an airship, airplane, or spacecraft of any sort.

I hope I was able to give you a good look into just who this Dmitriy Fox person is. It's really not as simple as I originally thought it would be. When I first started this post, I was thinking it would simply be a couple minutes of description and bam, done. Here I am an hour later, trying not to build myself a fortress of text as I suddenly found myself building an increasingly interesting
 character. On a completely unrelated note, I'm not a huge fan of chiclet keyboards. Next time, I'm typing this on a real laptop, not my silly tablet.

Feel free to ask questions and discuss, and critique if you want. Also, let me know if I am really bad at grammar. I feel like I abuse commas really hard.

TL;DR: I make my own topic, and I still manage to go off topic. That takes some skills. {:P


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Reply #1 on: November 03, 2012, 09:47:21 AM
Hello, You, greetings, Dimitri.
Time flies indeed - usually forward, although sometimes it runs into turbulences.
But, Mr. Fox, better late than never, isn't it? {:)

I had a chance to talk with you a few times, and I'm looking forward to seeing you around more often.
Hopefully you can stand the times when everything drowns in one or another kind of cartoon sillyness. {:)

You sound like quite the fox - I see quite a few traits common to other vulpines I know (and myself, for that matter). {:)
And speaking for myself - glad to see that a tinkerer with (a bit) more common sense will join the pack. Maybe you'll manage to talk the other fuzzies out of an explosion or three. {;)

I'd say "you would be surprised how characters can grow on you", except you already are. That's a good thing, you know. Give it a few months, look behind you at your story, and smile at how it matured.

I may not be the best judge of that, but I haven't noticed any flaws in your writing during my readthrough. And as of chiclet keyboards - do you include the island keyboards common to many new laptops in this? Because I find those way more comfortable to use than traditional ones...

Congratulations for your first anniversary of membership, and welcome again!

Thanks for reading,
-- Tvorsk

Draykin: And blast it, what is the world coming to when one cannot find a decent metal remix/cover of the Imperial March?


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Reply #2 on: November 03, 2012, 05:16:36 PM
Welcome again! Since you've made it official now. [;) Hope to see you in chat and around the forums more often!

Short foxes are the best. [;)

[fox] Virmir


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Reply #3 on: November 03, 2012, 05:29:41 PM
Welcome again! Since you've made it official now. [;) Hope to see you in chat and around the forums more often!

Short foxes are the best. [;)

... for picking up and hugging!

Also, it will be nice to meet you, Dmitriy.   |:)

Tyla: Ty Ty ty Ty Ty Ty
Tyla: we need more tys
Selden: No, no, no. Then we'd need a tybreaker.
* Tvorsk snickers!
Tyla: ...
Tyla: that was...
Tvorsk: Tyla, the word you're looking for is "beautiful". {;)
Virmir: I need to hire Selden as an editor. [;)


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Reply #4 on: November 04, 2012, 03:13:08 AM
I found it pretty funny when  I finished writing it, as I originally just intended to make a simple description of appearance and a bit of personality. Then it just sort of started running off on it's own, went and achieved critical mass, and I ended up with a new character.

It truly is better late than never. A missed opportunity is a horrible thing. As for time, I really prefer that it continue in its normal course. I'm not a big fan of paradoxes and the like, they can get confusing.

And as of chiclet keyboards - do you include the island keyboards common to many new laptops in this? Because I find those way more comfortable to use than traditional ones...

You are correct. I've heard them referred to as such somewhere, thought I can't be sure of the source. I would say that it's probably not that type of keyboard in general that I'm not a fan of. The one that I have for my tablet probably suffers most from the software, as it'll miss keystrokes and the backspace takes two taps to actually start working. That said, I do still prefer a normal keyboard myself.


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Reply #5 on: December 04, 2012, 03:30:55 PM
I am not yet familiar with these forums but I think I am in the right place...

Hello, I am Miles, and I am not entirely sure where to start... perhaps why I joined the forums?

In all honesty, I simply had to get away from the forum I used to be in (I voluntarily left, and I want to stress that part before the moderators here think I've been banned) because I discovered something about the ruling administrator there that I did not like... not one bit. So I've "disappeared", still haven't figured out how to officially leave yet but I'm working on it.

I first came upon this little site when someone from your forum joined my old one, and after reading what he had to say about this site I came and spied on you for a little while and found nothing wrong with the place. Few weeks later, I discover the administrator is not what I thought he was and decided to leave for this site.

I am something of a writer, and one of the reasons I joined here is the rather extensive Writers Guild (I will be posting stuff there once I've settled in and become familiar with the place). There were other sites with places for writers too but they tend to angle for one of two extremes; they would either update daily (which I can not follow, far too much to read and far too little time to do it in) or update rarely (sometimes going whole months with nothing new).

Another reason I joined here is because it was far smaller than the one I came from, I wanted to integrate myself into a much more smaller, tightly knitted group rather than keep track of lots of different people. Lets see how well my plan holds up.

I guess that will do for my very first post, and be sure to say hello. Though I am not the most social person in the world, I always give everyone a chance be friends (or associates, if "friends" is too juvenile for you).
« Last Edit: December 04, 2012, 03:33:23 PM by Miles »

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Reply #6 on: December 04, 2012, 08:03:15 PM
Welcome to CF, Miles! There is absolutely nothing unappealing about me at all, so you should be good. [;)

[fox] Virmir


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Reply #7 on: December 05, 2012, 07:31:55 PM
Welcome to CF, Miles! There is absolutely nothing unappealing about me at all, so you should be good. [;)

Note, for instance, the refreshing lack of false modesty.  |:P

Tyla: Ty Ty ty Ty Ty Ty
Tyla: we need more tys
Selden: No, no, no. Then we'd need a tybreaker.
* Tvorsk snickers!
Tyla: ...
Tyla: that was...
Tvorsk: Tyla, the word you're looking for is "beautiful". {;)
Virmir: I need to hire Selden as an editor. [;)