Author Topic: An amulet  (Read 5673 times)


  • The possessor of the almighty tail snap
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on: August 13, 2012, 07:47:09 PM
   Of all things the young mage has done in his life, this would be the grandest of them all. It had taken so many months to get the item, so many deals he had to make to secure it. Of course, he had finished each one in a manner that no one would bother to ever concern him again. Until it was too late. Making sure the lock on the cabin door was secure again he started to prepare himself for the magic transfer. Clearing the living room of all the furniture was a pain in the ass, but the mage was weighing on the side of caution. He had heard stories where objects like the amulet on the floor would cause other reactions then what they were suppose to and a lot of destruction as well. He had no doubt that he had the right one, he had made sure of it, but he still had to be sure. It would do no good if the amulet caused him to grow into a fifty feet tall dragon instead of giving him the power of a dragon. He’d be spotted so fast by magic users and normal people that he’d be dead before he could do a single thing.

   Sighing, he started to undress himself to his boxers. The only reason he did this was because of amulet’s nature as a transferring device. No matter what kind of magical transferring device it was, all magical objects caused the body of the magician to shift to the point were their clothing would be destroyed and he had no desire to clean up torn clothing instead of using his new powers right away. He placed his shirt and pants on the side.

   Taking the time to breath in and out, he rested his hand on his chest. He was of average build, no real muscle mass with messy brown hair on his head. He had blue eyes that did little to hide his desire for power. Standing in the middle of the room, he activated the amulet.

   Instantly, he felt the surge of power course throughout his body and tingling sensations instantly told him that he got the amulet’s power wrong. It would not give him the power of a dragon; he could tell it was changing his body. He felt his organs change around inside him and suddenly he lost his footing and fell onto his back. His feet had stretched out angularly, with his heel growing out to a point. His outer two toes on both sides of both his feet fused into a single toe that grew a large claw. His middle toes also grew thicker and grew a claw as well. His human skin started to flake off revealing scales, black and blue with the latter forming starting on the inside of his ankles racing up his legs. Besides the scales, he also felt and saw his legs grow outwards in size as the changes decided to go from bottom up. He watched as the magic spread past the top of his boxers, with blue scales near center of it. He felt his stomach also stretch and grow outwards as the rest of his torso did.

   Letting out a groan, he rolled over onto his stomach, as he felt three things pushing outwards. Turning his head to look backwards, he saw that he was growing a longish black tail with a blue center on both sides of it. The long tail ended in a spade that was all blue in colour. It seemed that it was done growing in length and now grew in size. His eyes widen as a bone-like object came into view, growing from his shoulder blades. With little time, folds of skin grew and formed a wing that was about the size of his arm. Turning his head, he saw that there was another wing on his other shoulder, both of them with the same blue colour that was on the center of his body. Blinking, he felt the tingle go down his arms, growing out a bit. Moving back onto his ass to stare at his arms, he unconsciously moved his tail to the side and watched his fingers began to change. They grew a bit, but not to the same length as his toes did. His finger nails grew out into claws like his toes had done and his fingers moved a bit a part.

   Then the change went up his neck, causing it to stretch and grow out. Then came his head. His head become angular, his nose moving down to his longer mouth, with the skin on his face shedding away with scales underneath like the rest of his body had done. His felt his ears fold inwards and became little holes and suddenly notice his hair had vanished at some point. He then felt two things come out the side of the top of his head and raised a hand to feel what it was. He felt a surge of the magic in his mouth that made him pause, with his teeth changing around as well as his tongue. Blinking, he felt the magic at his eyes and then nothing.

   The change took all of a minute to finish.

   Placing a hand on the floor, he unsteadily lifted himself up to his feet. He then fell back to the floor as his new wings gave a gust of air. Trying again, but using the wall, he pulled himself up and took a step to his bedroom as it had a full-length mirror on the back of his door and he could see what exactly happened.  Once again, he nearly fell over again. Looking at his feet, he lifted one up to look at the sole. It had changed more then what he thought it had. He’d need to learn how to walk all over again. Placing the weight on his toes, he took a tentative step with his right foot and almost fell over. Waving his arms and wings, he took another step and this time he felt his tail swished over to his right side. Smiling to himself, he took another step and his tail swished to the left. With confidence, managed to walk to his bedroom without needing to hold the wall, swishing his tail as he walked. Closing the door, he turned around and got a good look at himself.

   He had become a dragon. Of sorts. His face was covered in black scales with a strip of blue scales going between his now oval eyes and to the tip of his mou-er, snout and under his chin. Opening his mouth, he saw that his teeth were much sharper now and his tongue was forked. Stepping backwards, he looked up to see what grew on his head and saw two slightly curved horns.

   Stepping back again, he took in his new body. He had an impressive body now, with a much slimmer and muscular look- frowning, he felt his arm and let out a curse. While he was taller and slimmer now, the magic of the amulet didn’t give him any new muscles, just building up on the ones he already had.

   Giving out a chuckle of relief, he nearly fell back again as a bit of smoke came out. Blinking, he breathed out again and felt something switch inside his mouth and air came out. Reaching in again, he switched the thing in mouth and this time a bit of flame came out. Smirking, he switched again and again his mouth, getting used to switching between breathing out air and breathing out fire.

   Forcing his mind to focus, he took stock of his situation. He was now a humanoid dragon and he was able to breath fire. He could still access his magic, and his wings might be strong enough to fly. He would need to do more tests to what all the changes were and he needed to change his clothing for his new bod-he placed a hand on his stomach. He felt very hungry all of a sudden and realized that while the magic caused all of the changes, it had drained him. Opening the door, he took a step towards the kitchen.

“First food, then deal with the other stuff.”

(07:46:59) Robak: watch the horns they are pointy
(22:04:28) Risu: omg, its raining antimuffins!
(00:42:42) * (Rage_plushie) doesn`t move. instead he ponders the secrets of the universe...and wonders why trask smells faintly of strawberries.
(00:36:36) Virmir: It's fattening celergy!


  • The Mage Forsaken by Time
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Reply #1 on: August 13, 2012, 07:51:42 PM
It seems the scenario you were dreading was not to be, Evil.

Revivification! *sips his tea*


  • The possessor of the almighty tail snap
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Reply #2 on: August 13, 2012, 08:13:18 PM
It seems the scenario you were dreading was not to be, Evil.

Come again?


I get it now
« Last Edit: August 13, 2012, 10:25:46 PM by Evilhumour »

(07:46:59) Robak: watch the horns they are pointy
(22:04:28) Risu: omg, its raining antimuffins!
(00:42:42) * (Rage_plushie) doesn`t move. instead he ponders the secrets of the universe...and wonders why trask smells faintly of strawberries.
(00:36:36) Virmir: It's fattening celergy!


  • The possessor of the almighty tail snap
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Reply #3 on: August 13, 2012, 08:30:16 PM
If you want more stories like this, tell me so.

(07:46:59) Robak: watch the horns they are pointy
(22:04:28) Risu: omg, its raining antimuffins!
(00:42:42) * (Rage_plushie) doesn`t move. instead he ponders the secrets of the universe...and wonders why trask smells faintly of strawberries.
(00:36:36) Virmir: It's fattening celergy!


  • Chaotic Neutral Cartoon Gray Fox Mage
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Reply #4 on: August 16, 2012, 08:20:59 PM
Not a bad transformation description, to be honest, though using some lewd words drags it down a bit.  We don't really have much of a hint about what happens before or after though-- it's just a scene, not a story. If you fleshed out why he wanted the amulet  or how he deals with his new form, then this would be interesting.

[fox] Virmir


  • The possessor of the almighty tail snap
  • Mage of Caerreyn, Level 3
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Reply #5 on: August 16, 2012, 08:27:10 PM
Not a bad transformation description, to be honest, though using some lewd words drags it down a bit.  We don't really have much of a hint about what happens before or after though-- it's just a scene, not a story. If you fleshed out why he wanted the amulet  or how he deals with his new form, then this would be interesting.

 I did finish the second part but I'd need to reward it to avoid lewd words.

(07:46:59) Robak: watch the horns they are pointy
(22:04:28) Risu: omg, its raining antimuffins!
(00:42:42) * (Rage_plushie) doesn`t move. instead he ponders the secrets of the universe...and wonders why trask smells faintly of strawberries.
(00:36:36) Virmir: It's fattening celergy!