Author Topic: Islands of Infinity OOC  (Read 61664 times)


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Reply #90 on: July 14, 2010, 08:55:35 PM
Name: Sennel Wright
Affinity: Feytouched
Age: Pending

   Preferred form is a humanoid fox, averaging around 5’5” in height (goes up and down, though rarely enough to matter). His fur colour is typical of a red fox, though it is noticeably brighter than average. The fur around his paws tends to change colour depending on his mood, as does the pattern of symbols that runs along his body. His eye colour changes in the same manner as anything else about his appearance. All these changing aspects are under his control, though some have become habitual and reactive.
   He keeps at least one small witchlight active whenever possible, and it usually does little more than hover around his upper body. The illumination provided by this is negligible, and its main purpose is to impress his nature upon others and assist with gestures. It dissipates if something causes it to be more than a metre away from him.

Affinity Details:
   He is able to assume the form of any animal with strong magical associations to it, such as foxes, cats, wolves, ect. His elemental forms typically take the form of elemental beasts, such as wolves with fur made of fire or serpents with scales that run like water. The appearance of these forms is cosmetic only, as is the unusual coloration, patterns, and/or appendages exhibited by his more ‘mundane’ forms.
   As he possesses one of the magical affinities, he is affected by the abundance or lack of aura in an area. Areas with very little or no aura cause extreme agitation and hot-temper, while those with a concentrated abundance (like the inside of a magitech workshop) create an intoxication-like effect. Regardless of the disruption/annoyance caused to himself or others by his condition while in high-aura locations, he still seeks them out.


   Aside from a book bag (with the obvious inside), he carries a staff at all times that he uses as like a conductor’s baton while casting. He also has a habit of collecting any magitech items he comes across. As he can only keep what will fit in his book bag, most of these items are of questionable use and some are in varying states of disrepair. The other two items of note are a strange clockwork device, and a book written in a bizzare language he can't understand. Despite his inability to read the book though, he is fairly attached to it and often looks through it when bored. The rune patterns in his fur were taken from one of the book's diagrams.

   Not a wanderer, but tends to move around a lot. Generally stays in one place until something interferes with his access to the closest high aura area or he finds one with a larger aura concentration.

« Last Edit: August 08, 2010, 09:57:33 PM by Jonas »

"Technically speaking, phoenixes are actually pretty flammable." --Donnie


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Reply #91 on: July 15, 2010, 06:58:33 AM
also, as happy as i am that the RP has stated, I don't have a clue what to do XD

"Technically speaking, phoenixes are actually pretty flammable." --Donnie


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Reply #92 on: July 15, 2010, 04:49:45 PM
Well I'm afraid I don't have anything for you TO do just yet. For the meanwhile you'll be reading some book or other in the lounge. You'll probably notice things around you and once Dragyn's gambling starts really going badly and a fight breaks out you'll probably be forced to leave and go somewhere else. We'll see what happens when the bridge gets here.

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Reply #93 on: July 15, 2010, 10:38:27 PM
Right, I should probably tell you guys how people recognize each other in a place where everyone can turn into anything. The answer is a person's aura. While people really can't sense aura in general for the most part, they do tend to bring about certain effects. Like how Sieg always seems neat, and shadows seem to cling to Nightmare. Sennel probably has sparkles that float around him (you really don't need that witchlight thing...) and Fen might often have a leaf sticking out of him somewhere. It differs from person to person, but it's always unique. Obviously it's easy to miss such tiny clues if you're not particularly observant, but I'm fudging reality a little bit so that even though people can't see a person's aura, they tend to recognize it like we do each other's faces and voices and stuff. There are of course ways to obscure this which Nightmare and the hare were most probably using, in which case they'd have to fall back on the observation of the tiny clues.

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Reply #94 on: July 16, 2010, 06:56:43 AM
Okay, with the newest changes made, and a drawing created, to ensure that everyone is seeing this guy the same way (at least in black cat form):

Name:        Kyan Entierus
Affinity:    Luck
Age:         21
Occupation:  Street Magician/Gambler

      Kyan usually represents himself as a humanoid cat, either a short furred tan with lots of
       jewelry and bright blue eyes, or a mid-length furred black with mismatched eyes, one
      yellow, one green.  
      He has only minor magical abilities, which are limited to basic cantrips and magic tricks,
       which he has augmented by use of sleight of hand and his own natural luck.
Affinity Details:
      Kyan's affinity allows him to take the forms of animals and elements oft associated with
       luck, both good and ill,  such as cat, Raccoon, coyote, rabbit, elephant, goldfish, water,
       and lightning, to some degree.  His aura is one of pure luck, however, this luck will usually
      come in streaks, and his form tends to change based on this, though usually only when he
       actively does so. (He will, for example, switch to the black cat form when he reads his luck
       as ill).  He can read his own luck reliably most of the time, since his income and survival
       relies on knowing when to fold, or when to run.
      He has almost no control over other people's luck, though some people think of him as a
      lucky charm.
      Kyan prefers loose fitting clothing, often wearing a long, open fronted shirt and loose
       fitting shorts.   He wears fingerless red leather gloves, which are buckled on halfway to his
      elbow,  and wide brimmed, droopy hats, along with a simple leather cord with a die
      pendant (showing a die with the 6 face up) around his neck.  The pendant is largely non-
      magical, and any effect it has is likely due to its constant proximity to Kyan.
      Kyan carries with him no less than three decks of cards at any time, each concealed in a
      pocket somewhere on his person:
       Of the 3 he always has, one is a standard deck of playing cards.  
      The second is a modified deck of cards, pre-prepared for stacking the deck for magic tricks.
      The third is a magitech deck of tarot cards, including the Major Arcana.  This deck is keyed
      off of the Master Card, in his case the Fool of Fortune, and the other cards respond to his
      aura when drawn, taking on the appropriate semi-random card from the deck.
      He may also carry spare decks of any of the above (save the Tarot deck, of course).
      He also carries several sets of dice, with both standard and weighted/rigged versions of
      Kyan's fighting style is flexible, though he generally prefers to keep his distance.  When
       close, Kyan fights with the metal reinforcement in his gloves' knuckles, along with any
      natural claws, weapons, or abilities his current form possesses.   From a distance, he fires
      rocks, dice, or whatever else comes to hand from his slingshot.
      The cards, stones and bones can also be used in fortune telling and dice games.
      Kyan is a wanderer.   He makes his living as both a street magician and a gambler, staying
      in one town while his luck is good, and either moving between towns or hovering at the
      outskirts should his luck turn.

Does everything work right, now?

EDIT:  Oh, by the way:  What effects would Kyan's aura have?  Luck doesn't really have a tangible effect, that I can think of...
« Last Edit: July 16, 2010, 06:59:38 AM by Dragyn »


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Reply #95 on: July 16, 2010, 04:21:33 PM
Kyan's is the only character of IoI so far that doesn't have a tangeable effect from his aura. That's why I hand waved in that people can 'recognize' auras the way we would recognize faces. They can't really identify what the affinity is from the aura though, so don't worry about that. And like I said, there are ways to obscure it and make in unrecognizable instantly like wearing a mask, etc would for us. I won't specify what these ways are cause I haven't thought of them yet.

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Reply #96 on: July 16, 2010, 04:28:06 PM
erm, righty. I should run one of those updated sheeties up I guess.

Eik "Tree" Drauger
Affinity: Forests
Occupation: Odd Jobs

Description: Drauger spends large amount of time as one of two forms, either an Earth Elemental or a "Tree" Elemental, standing at 6 and 11 feet respectively. The Former is of rocky composition, the latter looks more like dirt with a tree growing out of his back, taking up 5 feet. When not in either of these forms Drauger is a usually human, humanoid wolf, or full-form wolf. Usually unclothed in Elemental form, save for a large pair of metal gauntlets on each hand. When clothing is needed, usually simple clothes are used.

Affinity (Expanded):
Drauger is from an island which was densely wooded, for some reason everyone born on it had an affinity reflective of this, regardless of situation, including one child born on a boat docked on the island.
He can take the form of Earth and, to a small extent, Water elementals, in addition to woodland animals. Fire is an issue for him, as are areas lacking in plant life or incapable of sustaining it.

Two Metal gauntlets sized for his fists in Elemental forms, nothing special other than being noted as remarkably durable.

Six Spheres, which can keep a single object or substance in them for extended amounts of time. (Magitech Item) radius 10cm

Stone Necklace made from rock (home island)

Brown Backpack for holding supplies, currency, etc.

Locale: Drauger wanders from island to island based on formations the ground makes when he punches it, a ritual he always performs whenever he leaves an island without having a destination already in mind. The direction with the largest chunk is the one he travels in.
« Last Edit: July 16, 2010, 10:54:55 PM by Fen »

When was the last time you hugged your sammich?


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Reply #97 on: July 16, 2010, 05:45:05 PM
Okay, these magitech items are a lot more reasonable that your other suggestion. They'll have a preservation field that sort of suspends activity inside of them which can keep things at the same temperature (mostly) and stop decay as well as a few other things. You can fit things in them that are a little bigger than should be possible, but there's most definitely a size limit on these things so don't go trying to stick trees or anything in them. They use up energy at a rate proportional to how difficult it is to keep the item sustained. Fire is easier to keep than lava, one sphere's worth of water is easier to keep than two (in the same sphere of course). If a sphere runs out of the energy to keep an item sustained, the item stops being contained within the sphere. This can cause a variety of effects depending on what's inside. If the item is bigger than the sphere, the item will crush or the sphere will break (possibly both). If you have lava in there for some reason, the lava will harden and/or melt the sphere. You get the general idea.

Now since there's an issue with getting things in and out that shouldn't fit, the sides of the sphere are sort of transient. That is to say you can put a rock directly through the side so long as that rock is something you're trying to put inside. When trying to put something bigger than the sphere inside it, place sphere inside object and it will pull object into it. Should be simple enough. As for estimations... you could propably keep a campfire or something two times its size indefinitely so long as the sphere stays on a steady income of energy. The sphere will answer to whoever's aura is currently powering it only (unless drastic measures are taken) but when the sphere is low on energy and about to have what's inside of it stop being sustained, anyone can take what's inside out.

Of the four elements,
None is predominant.
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Reply #98 on: July 16, 2010, 10:53:28 PM
Right, update about general rules. I should probably have covered this earlier, but try to keep posts longer than at least a sentence. Two would be preferable.

Other things that may come up...

  • You can extrapolate NPC actions. If something is wrong with it, I will retroactive fix it.
  • You cannot extrapolate PC actions unless you have talked with the character's controller about it first.
  • While not exactly against the rules, I have found that trying to solve most problems by use of magic makes me titchy. Please keep in mind I've given you a whole slew of alternate forms to work with.
  • Magitech was made to be abused. If you're creative enough you can turn them to many problems.
  • Finally... try to think of a reason your character might leave the island. It's no fun if they stay home ;)

Of the four elements,
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Reply #99 on: July 20, 2010, 04:15:24 PM
Adrian "Patches" Thornton
Affinity: Collector
Age: 29
Job: Peddler


Patches wears a big patched up coat with lots of pockets.  He travels between islands in an equally patched sail-glider and sells interesting nick-nacks.  His most commonly used alternate form is a 4 foot high dust-devil that is very effective at picking things up.  He can also change into animals that are good at collecting or hoarding things.

Equipment: Patches carries a monocle for seeing things, a walking stick for walking, and an endless supply of things that seem useful until you actually think about it.  Also a sail-glider.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2010, 08:33:33 PM by Alias »


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Reply #100 on: July 20, 2010, 04:20:37 PM
Cool. Just for clarification, what's a corvid and is a sail glider like a hang glider?

"Technically speaking, phoenixes are actually pretty flammable." --Donnie


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Reply #101 on: July 20, 2010, 04:23:32 PM
Corvidae is a cosmopolitan family of oscine passerine birds that contains the crows, ravens, rooks, jackdaws, jays, magpies, treepies, choughs and nutcrackers. The common English names used are corvids (more technically) or the crow family (more informally), and there are over 120 species. The genus Corvus, including the jackdaws, crows and ravens, makes up over a third of the entire family.

Also, a sailglider is another name for a glider airplane, but I don't think that's what he meant here...

Thanks for reading,
-- Tvorsk

Draykin: And blast it, what is the world coming to when one cannot find a decent metal remix/cover of the Imperial March?


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Reply #102 on: July 31, 2010, 09:17:31 PM
Well I gotta go for two weeks <.< So sorry bout that.

Eritreus Dranajek

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Reply #103 on: August 08, 2010, 02:34:09 PM
Name: Sephiria Ambrose
Affinity: Fire in all its forms
Age: 23 (in apperance) 230 actual

Sephiria is a young and strong willed Kitsune, well ok young for a kitsune as shes simply a 3 tails, nto one fo the more powerful and older ones, yet. She is a shapeshifter, often taking the form of either a feral 3 tailed fox, a humanoid one or a human like fox eared, fox tailed girl with fox eyes and fangs, as if she cannot take ful humna from but can do it to hide in their realms, realms she can access through a secret gate her people have managed to restore.

She often wears black clothing, sometimes some red and gold are mixed in, but generally black, when in her humanoid forms. Her hair is long, black, with fiery red tips, she has tribal patterns in her fur, they become tattoos in her almost human form. her fur is standard red fox style witha white ehar pattern on her butt. her tails are somewhat longer and move more elegantly than a normal foxes. her eyes are sky blue, glow amber when she's in battlemode or when using ehr powers at max level. She has a sometimes playful, sometimes hard temper, prone to being ticked off quite easily so yeah a 'fiery temper' pun intended. in ehr humanoid form she is tall and fit with a well curved bodyshape and ample 'endowments'.


Sephiria is known as a Kaaran Shaqui by her people, a Fire dancer. They are strong, agile, nimble female warriors trained in the fire arts of bending, creation and transformation, able to wield fire in all its forms from a fairly early stage, with varying degrees of success, Sephirira has mastered bending to the point where it si second anture to her, she can gnerate heat and fire at will, up to the heat needed to melt even  the strongest of alloys but ahsnt yet mastered the flow needed to destroy anti fire magicka enchanted objects. As for transformation fo fire, she has a good basis on magma and embers, she can wield lightning but only for short periods as she cannot keep it stable for long. She can create weaons out fo erh fire enegry aswell, but not for long periods of time and no ranged weapons,  only meelee, as it drains her.


Two black bladed katanas with fire runes etched in them sheathed in an X pattern on her back.
1 black travel pack for medicine, food and other essentials.
2 combat knives, black bladed with fire runes etched in them.
1 Collapsible combat bow, scababrd and 20 arrows she can enchant with her fire powers for various effects.


Black trenchcoat with a hood, dark metal greaves and gauntlets, a lightwieght flexible protective vest under the jacket, over her shirt, belt, black combat boots, black comfortable flexible pants. Protective enchanted slowly self repairing bodysuit under her clothes. traditional Fire ktisune female warriors headband with ehr clans marking on the front, shinobi style.

Localeout searching for an evil entity who murdered her entire clan safe for a handful of sages and children she managed to save who are now at the secret location of their gateway, she will not stop till her clan and family ahve been avenged as shes the alst surviving ambrose and the last kaaran Shaqui.

(hope this is ok as a charry ^^)


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Reply #104 on: August 08, 2010, 10:25:26 PM
Name: Sephiria Ambrose
Affinity: Fire in all its forms
Age: 23 (in apperance) 230 actual
Okay, this seems fine, but I think the 230 years old thing and being a kitsune really isn't necessary. I'll get to that in a bit...
Sephiria is a young and strong willed Kitsune, well ok young for a kitsune as shes simply a 3 tails, nto one fo the more powerful and older ones, yet. She is a shapeshifter, often taking the form of either a feral 3 tailed fox, a humanoid one or a human like fox eared, fox tailed girl with fox eyes and fangs, as if she cannot take ful humna from but can do it to hide in their realms, realms she can access through a secret gate her people have managed to restore.
Right, keep in mind that in this universe, everyone can turn into anything. This means that except in small communities like the one Sephiria came from, there really is no such thing as being normal or blending in. It's like New York City, people will overlook anything because it's really no more unusual than the crazy homeless guy just down the street.

By similar merit, it is certainly within reason for Sephiria and even her entire clan to be (or at least look like) kitsune. Islands of Infinity really does mean infinity and you get all sorts of cultures that people come from, including the one you described. However I should point out that this gate you're suggesting is rather complicated magic/technology/whatever and is really not something you could easily carry around. As such whereever this gate is, it would be stationary and probably hidden. You wouldn't be able to use it as a quick escape because it's just impractical and people WOULD find you anyway by following you. You're not allowed to be from the advanced hidden civilization that beats the pants off of everyone else in advancements because that's ridiculously unbalanced.

She often wears black clothing, sometimes some red and gold are mixed in, but generally black, when in her humanoid forms. Her hair is long, black, with fiery red tips, she has tribal patterns in her fur, they become tattoos in her almost human form. her fur is standard red fox style witha white ehar pattern on her butt. her tails are somewhat longer and move more elegantly than a normal foxes. her eyes are sky blue, glow amber when she's in battlemode or when using ehr powers at max level. She has a sometimes playful, sometimes hard temper, prone to being ticked off quite easily so yeah a 'fiery temper' pun intended. in ehr humanoid form she is tall and fit with a well curved bodyshape and ample 'endowments'.
Actually there's nothing wrong with this. Except what you designate as her powers which I'll get to in just a...

Sephiria is known as a Kaaran Shaqui by her people, a Fire dancer. They are strong, agile, nimble female warriors trained in the fire arts of bending, creation and transformation, able to wield fire in all its forms from a fairly early stage, with varying degrees of success, Sephirira has mastered bending to the point where it si second anture to her, she can gnerate heat and fire at will, up to the heat needed to melt even  the strongest of alloys but ahsnt yet mastered the flow needed to destroy anti fire magicka enchanted objects. As for transformation fo fire, she has a good basis on magma and embers, she can wield lightning but only for short periods as she cannot keep it stable for long. She can create weaons out fo erh fire enegry aswell, but not for long periods of time and no ranged weapons,  only meelee, as it drains her.
Right, this is where shit hits the fan. I completely nerfed the magic system of this universe because everyone can turn into anything and I didn't want there to be a ridiculous overbalance. You can certainly turn into fire, and if you're clever about it I'll even let you get away with generating obscene amounts of heat if it originates from your internal systems and you consider that it's a lot like an intense workout where it's difficult and sucks up energy.

However bending and creation are really out of the question except on small scales. You could light or extinguish a torch from a distance or create small objects for short amounts of time. Transforming is really limited to just you so if that's what you meant, good. But if you meant turning one object into another... no, that doesn't work except again with the small changes for limited amounts of time. The main thing you need to remember for this universe is that MAGIC IS HARD!


Two black bladed katanas with fire runes etched in them sheathed in an X pattern on her back.
1 black travel pack for medicine, food and other essentials.
2 combat knives, black bladed with fire runes etched in them.
1 Collapsible combat bow, scababrd and 20 arrows she can enchant with her fire powers for various effects.
Okay, magic is hard, but MAGITECH is not. I mean it is, but once made just about anyone can use it. This means that if you'd like, you can set up your knives and katanas to be a magitech set. I'm not entirely sure how you'd want to do that just yet and you'll have to tell me just what you mean by 'other forms of fire', but these seems like the best way to get you what you seem to want.


Black trenchcoat with a hood, dark metal greaves and gauntlets, a lightwieght flexible protective vest under the jacket, over her shirt, belt, black combat boots, black comfortable flexible pants. Protective enchanted slowly self repairing bodysuit under her clothes. traditional Fire ktisune female warriors headband with ehr clans marking on the front, shinobi style.
I'm limiting everyone to only one enchanted thing at start up, so you may have to downgrade that equipment a little if you want the magic blades of fire. You may need to keep in mind this RP is more of a sandbox than an action combat so you really don't NEED a self repairing body suit and some of that other stuff. Design wise however, pretty much anything is allowed. Again... New York.

Localeout searching for an evil entity who murdered her entire clan safe for a handful of sages and children she managed to save who are now at the secret location of their gateway, she will not stop till her clan and family ahve been avenged as shes the alst surviving ambrose and the last kaaran Shaqui.

(hope this is ok as a charry ^^)
Aside from that you seem to have thought this through quite a bit although 'last of the [insert name here]' and 'mission of vengence' is kind of cliche. It works though and currently you are the character with most background story and motivation. The other people are really just wandering around so far. Just make sure you fix for compatability with this universe and you have a relatively solid reason to travel with the rest of the group when they're not seeking out the enemy of your clan and you should be good. Try to read through any posts I have made in the past that are terribly long because that's where I talk about things like magitech, travelling, laws of physics, etc.

Of the four elements,
None is predominant.
Of the four seasons,
None lasts forever.