Author Topic: A lower realm but a high shell. (rough draft) for Nobody32  (Read 3399 times)

Sasha Workbench

  • The cutest vixen ever!
  • Mage of Caerreyn, Level 2
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  • Posts: 353
  • Order and Chaos go hand and hand
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It started off as a normal day for Thomas, checking balances of different assets on different bank accounts for his taxes, it was all going well, not one thing to note and his taxes would be paid and he would be able to go to college soon, saving up was harder than he thought. He heard a ding from his email that snapped him from his bliss of taking notes and checking bank statements, he glazed at the clock to check the time 3:52 AM, he needed to get to bed soon, he would just check the email and finish tomorrow morning before he went to work, he moved his mouse over to his email tab and clicked it open and saw one message from his friend who he had not heard from in awhile. He clicked it open and saw what he could not believe, it was a link to a donation, Simon hated donations and felt that they were pointless. He clicked the link and read what the donation was for, which turned out to be a science grant of some sort.
   Luckily for Thomas he had a way of isolating where emails came from, he worked as an I.T. for a huge company for five years before being fired for not showing up to an important meeting. Thomas started the isolation to see where the email can from, no normally this would simple, as Simon usually sent his emails from a small cafe as he could not afford a computer from his house, but this was highly encrypted and had multiple drop off points, Thomas was gonna call the cops to deal with it in the morning, the would be able to track down what it was and where it came from, after all it seem to have one solid stream line of data. Not thinking about what he saw he turned off his computer with a click of a button and yawned, he would deal with in the morning, and then it would not be his problem any more, the screen glow died as he walked down into the hall, turned left and found himself in his room where his lamp light was glowing, laying down in his bed he turned it off and closed his eyes for some sleep. 4 AM it was not like anything was gonna happen for two hours.
   Thomas woke with a start, he looked around, he was in a chair that was in a big room that seemed to be empty of everything but him and the chair, the walls were white and the sound of silence must have been what woke him up, it was as quiet as the dead. He got up and stretched in the room looking around for the door, it was white and very fancy looking, he needed a key card to get out and clearly he didn’t have one, I mean where would he even get one for this door? Thomas sighed and pounded on the door, who would do this to him? Was this because he went looking around in the email Simon sent him? He pounded more, if he was stuck here he wanted to know, who was doing this and why he was not going to leave.
   Then and there the white door hissed like a snake a opened up to What Thomas could not believe he was seeing, it was an orange red snake with a moncal on his right eye, but the oddness did not stop there, the snake had arms and legs and was wearing a pine green suit and sky blue shirt underneath with a lemon yellow tie and black suit pant as though is was dressed for business. Thomas gulp and backed away as the snake lizard thing progressed towards him in a clam slow fashion, there was something about him that did not seem right, something about this snake that seemed down right scary and off settling, He looked into his brown eyes and backed into the other wall.
   “You are not the first to be filled with fear about just my looks,” the snake said cooly, “I for one am not comfortable with this get up as I prefer my robes, but such is this pitiful world of disappointments, honestly robes made of fine silk are higher priced then the last world I conquered, or at least tried too.”
   Words seem to be stuck in Thomas’ throat, conquer worlds? Why would someone do that? What did he have to gain? With a quick gulp Thomas  found his words that came out more trembling then he was trying to attempt.
“Why am I here?”
The snake gave a pleasant smile and chuckled, “You dug places you should not haved, and I feared you were going to call the authorities, I don’t believe yours would have a chance of doing me in, but careful is as careful does. The snake’s smiles widened.
Thomas understood what he was talking about, “Where is Simon, who are you?”
“Oh him? You will be joining him shortly, as for me, I am Thulssa Yii and I will conquer this world, it seems to have no magic and will be easy for me to grasp control of.
Thomas shook his head in disbelief, magic is not real nor would it be able to become real, “Someone will stop you!” Thomas said bravely, he could not believe that he said that as he was just as scared and unsure of this mad snake as anyone else would be.
“Tell me Thomas, do you have a magical thing protecting your world?” Thulssa Yii asked calmly as he stared at a wall uninterested in Thomas, “because that is what stopped me last time and if you don’t have that sort of said “Spirit” Thulssa Yii made quotation marks in the air, “ I feel as if you have no chance.” Thulssa Yii raised his hand at Thomas
Thomas gulped again, “What are you going to do to me?”
Thulssa Yii smiled happily, “putting you with your friend.”
“Where is he?”
“With all the other turtles”
Thomas felt a cold sensation spread into him as Thulssa Yii’s hands glowed green, Thomas felt whispers in his head as new thoughts and feelings spreaded through him, “ You can’t do this to me, I won’t let you!” Thomas shouted feeling his will slowly be torn out of him.
“I can and I will, you will become a turtle.”
Thomas’ mind seemed to be slipping from his grasp as he felt tingly all over, his mind was giving in to the whispers, he felt safe and out of harm's way he felt as if everything was going to be all right here as if though being a turtle was the best thing ever, he started to relax slowly, letting his mind be overtaken by this fuzzy feeling, and that is where it all began to happen. Thomas’ fingers started to shrink and fuse together as green scales started to spread on his fingers and slowly moving up his hands, but Thomas remained unaware in a total chaotic bliss as his humanity was being stripped from him. His arms slowly grew the same scales on his hands as Thomas’ skin began to scream for water as it slowly dried out, a feeling that he wanted to lay in the sun began to spread in him as his arms became green.
Thomas sat down but sitting felt off as his chest began to harden and bulge out slowly his skin on his sides becoming soft and wet and green, He squirmed a little as Thulssa Yii reached over and petted his head causing him to relax even more as his body began to take on a round shape all though as he was getting fat Thomas’ sides began to push out making him take on a oval turtle like shape. Chills ran down Thomas’ mind as sitting began to feel more and more uncomfortable, same thing with wearing clothing, he fell forward on to his belly as his back started to harden and arched out ripping his shirt and the waistline on his pants as he grew a shell he let out a groan and scratched at the floor with his claws on his hands as they changes into turtle paws his arm’s bones seems to replaces themselves to a more comfortable possession for crawling as his shell grew it’s rim and made a hole for a tail which quickly pop out all green and scaly it wiggled a little as his body finished change into a semi hollow shell made for turtles like him.
Thomas’ legs cracked and popped making him moan once more as the green scales began to crawl down his legs as the became inverted to become perfect for crawling and his shoes ripped and socks tore as his feet changes and stretched out  his ankle joins vanishing causing another pain filled groan as his feet began to grow into green turtle paws and began to demand water just as his hands and arms did before. Thomas’ will and brain started to change as the final legs of his transformation came, his neck growing the same green scaly skin as his arms and legs and began to stretch out and extend getting longer as ears shrinked as red marks appeared where his ear once were and his mouth extended and teeth changed as he became just a bigger version of a common household pet, but he could care less he felt wonderful.
Then soon as his face was done changing his mind snapped out of it and he tried to stand up, but he no longer could so he crawled slowly away from Thulssa Yii unable to move faster than his slow pace fear filling his head. Thulssa Yii smiled as Thomas began to shrink feeling his body being pushed from every angle and his mind tingled as he looked back at his new body Thulssa Yii picked him up and began to stroke his shell and up his head his hair vanishing as he shrank Thomas was no more than a normal turtle with a human brain.
The doors opened as Thomas was carried into a room full of terrariums all full of different reptiles. Thomas was placed into a terrarium full of other turtles like him as Thulssa Yii smiled, “You gave in easier than your friend and will make a fine addition to my collection.” Thomas felt his mind slowly slip as he was placed on a log near water he was happy as a turtle could be, he slid down into the water letting his new instincts carry over into his mind as he slowly began to forget about the worries of  a human life, the terrarium was perfect for turtles as Thulssa Yii chuckled as walked away, but Thomas did not want to leave, he smelled a familiar scent that he recognized and wandered towards it slowly as his eyes turned into different colors as he was the world in a new a way, a perfect way with no worries a perfect terrarium and plenty of food water and sunlight, because after all wouldn’t a reptile be the best owner for other reptiles?