Author Topic: Dawn of Worlds  (Read 115846 times)


  • Mage of Caerreyn, Level 1
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Reply #180 on: March 06, 2012, 04:55:11 PM
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The revelation given to the Order of the White Dragons came at a harsh surprise. Not that it was not to be expected, however. The interracial politic that has dominated Larepin interests for centuries has resulted in a partial blindness to their surroundings. Not that things got any better. Seeking to better relations with the Goblins, the White Larepin deployed several of their White Guard and shipments of Magitek weaponry in which to arm themselves and a select few of the Goblins to improve aerial skirmishing. However the sudden deployment of arms and armies did not go unseen.

After a few weeks of cooperative training, two dozen Normal Larepin suddenly appeared from the mountains in Goblin territory. The group was led by one 'Ambassadeur Joliis' escorted by a fairly tall Larepin clad in red cloth and steel and holding a massive spear lance. Following the two were twenty two yeoman from the capital. Joliis and his men came into the camp oddly without question, the White Larepin from Irfang failed to mention their neighboring kin.

Joliis shifted his eyes watching the Goblins straining to train under sunlight hours. 'All hour/weather' training the Whites claimed. "I demand an audience with the commanders of this camp." he demanded to a young Goblin. Joliis was taken to the commander's tent.

In the tent was an aide to the Goblin commander as the commander was currently napping under the strain of daylight training.

"The Whities are a minor offshoot of our race, I am honestly ashamed they failed to mention our very existence the Goblins. I am quite certain that they were surprised by the presence of a hostile force south of your borders yes? Well I say two can play at that game..." Said Joliis, curling his long head fur, "Our fishing fleet spotted what appears to be a race of cannibalic and evil.... 'bunnies' advancing through the crystal lands. We have known of this threat for a while and have trained our vast militias to fight this strange foe when the time comes. Perhaps you can 'convince' our kin to open the border for our armies to come and assist you. In fact... I suggest you... 'transfer' your inexperienced White allies someplace where they won't get themselves into trouble when our spears and bows do the heavy lifting."

With that message, Joliis and his guard retreated into the mountains once more to evade Irfang border patrols.

The Goblins now have a rough choice. The vast militias and armies of Guerrier are able to assist the Goblins during any possible conflict, however the relations with Irfang could be strained and the use of advanced Magitek weapons taken away from any upcoming battle. Granted the Goblins could play both sides of the game, but neither Larepin race enjoys being used. Or perhaps a joint agreement can be made by the Goblins to placate both sides.

I forgot to add a response to this thread. It probably needs one soon, so here it goes: (also, not sure what type of action this counts as)

Ambassador Jollis was awakened far outside the bounds of his customary hours by one of his aides. "What could it possibly be at this hour?", he asked.

"It's a courier sir, from the Goblins."

The ambassador quickly shrugged into his waistcoat and made himself as presentable as he was going to get at who knew what hour. He emerged into his office, coming face to face with the courier, who was hanging from his chandelier! Jollis blinked once or twice. "Ah, it is good to hear from our newly acquanted neighbors. What brings you here ... at this time of night?"

The courier hummed a squeak or two, then began: "Ah, yes. Our apologies for getting back to you so late. It takes the governing conference time to arrive at a conclusion, though the majority had pretty much made up their minds a good week ago. The chairs have the following reply:" The creature brought out a scroll and unrolled it.

"From the Goblin Council to the Guerrier government:

Greetings! We have recieved your offer for aid against the Scourge, and appreciate it very much.

However, we are now aware that perhaps all is not well within the Larepin nation, or should that be plural? You obviously don't get along with your cousins from Irfang - that is especially apparent because, as you have pointed out, they saw fit to refrain from mentioning your mere existence to us in all our dealings to date. (We are somewhat cross about that). However, the internal politics of the Larepin are not our concern - we do not at present seek to involve ourselves in favor of any of your parties against the other. Any alliance we make is solely to fight the Scourge. And your armies would complement us tactically better than the weaponry Irfang has helpfully provided so far.

We will continue to rely on the aid of Irfang, however. Our problem is a strategic one, one of geometry: In order for your armies to reach us, they would have to pass very close to Irfang and its surroundings, which would antagonize the White Larepin. I do not know how much influence you believe us to have with them, but you can imagine where they will probably tell us to stick any request to allow a potentially hostile army to march through their borders."

(Privately, the Goblins wonder about the nature of the militia army in the first place - it could be a ploy to gain an advantageous siege position on the Whites. After all, was that large army in an otherwise insular country really raised to deal with an *external* threat? In addition, in the event that Guerrier becomes hostile to the Goblins, whether because of this diplomatic slight, or any plotting on their part, having Irfang between them and Guerrier may be advantageous. On the other hand, in the event of hostilities with Irfang, the White Larepin would be caught between the Goblins, the Greys, and the Scourge - a position the Goblins doubt they will put themselves in willingly. The Goblins don't at present place high probability on hositlities with either Larepin nation, but it doesn't hurt to think these things through.)

"If an arrangement could be made to transport your troops via ship, that may be advantageous. After all, we welcome any and all aid against the Scourge - once you and the Whites are clear of each other's territory, our expectations of each parties interests are that it would be a best response for all of us to fight this threat together. We will contact the Jaeskine and see if they will loan any ships to help in such a scheme."


the thirtieth Goblin governing conference and grant allocation board.

PS - in the interest of keeping everything above board, Irfang will also be copied on this communication."
« Last Edit: March 06, 2012, 04:59:23 PM by EccentricOrbit »


  • Mage of the TabletPC
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Reply #181 on: March 11, 2012, 09:16:28 PM
Hehe sorry for my tardiness, GDC and whatnot. Nice post EO.

Starting Points: 13

It was a sunny bright morning when Kycaly woke from his long sleep and crawled out of the nest.
"My big day...!" He yawns loudly, waking up his Krump companion, "And you too Vlorm!"
"It's Vlormorhd, small-ling," he sighs, standing slowly and slowly trodded his way into the equipment room with Kycaly behind.
In a blur of red, Kycaly dashed around the room grabbing every Kycalloy plate in sight and affixes them to Vlormorhd and his massive arms and legs. "Neh! I prefer Vlorm! Long journey ahead, yes sir! My first Mission! Must protect ourselves!"
Vlormorhd shakes his head slowly and feasts on a bowl of flowers, holding still as Kycaly equips him in heavy, ornate body armor. Pearl white dominates his color with lustrous gold borders reflecting everything around them.
Kycaly gave Vlormorhd a strong pat on the leg and equips his missionary garb.... with similarly lustrous plated armor.
"I don't know why the Imperium gave me this armor! But I love it!"
"Indeed. Our heading is north?" Vlormorhd scratched his plated leg, getting over minor discomforts.
"Faaar north! Unexplored! Unknown! Heathens! We will convert any we shall find to the Flower and Mushroom!" Kycaly finally straps on all his armor then operates a wooden crane to place a small hut on Vlormorhd's back, acting as Kycaly's home away from home on the long journey.

And with that... Kycaly and Vlormorhd ride north...
Advance Civilization: Mounted Krump Cavalry (-6)

The duo marches west through Oryxian territory and passing briefly through Jaeskine lands, buying a few trinkets from the squirrel taurs before making the trip up the isthmus and into lands unknown. They kept their pace and did not turn left as they probably should have. Instead the duo waded through the small lake northeast of the fortress Gaertanz and proceeded further up north, entering the Crystal Lands.

"This place... I am speechless!" Kycaly exclaimed, hopping excitedly in his micro house. However, Vlormorhd was not so excited. His massive feet could sense vibrations hounding them from behind for miles. Something was stalking them.
"Curse this armor." he muttered silently and began to stride at his best (though slow) pace.

Before the end of the day, when the sun began to set, the duo were beset by several small.... cute predators. They did not hesitate and tried to latch their maws on Vlormorhd's massive legs, failing instantly as the Kycalloy broke their teeth and Vlormorhd crushed each one under his feet.
"Gah! What are these things!? So cute but... ewww~!"
"Predatory beasts, scouting party. Likely attack in numbers." Vlormorhd mumbled and strode on north along the coast.

For the next 3 days they were under periodic attacks, each in greater numbers with the last attack forcing Kycaly to use his Kycalloy sword and cut down a few Scourge that attempted to climb.
"A...are we going to diiiieee!?" Kycaly said in desperation and fear as he see's a large swarm running up from behind.
Vlormorhd had been wounded minorly, a chomping scourge got a small bite off his thigh between armor plates, "I smell something different north and to the east. Must not give in."
Kycaly looks to the east and see's something going on in the sea... as if something was rising from the depths.

Command Race: (-3)
A small fleet of ships were ferrying large amounts of wood, steel, and iron onto a large artificial platform in the middle of the sea northwest of Guerrier and southwest of Les Poissons. The Guerrian sea fortress put in place to guard the bay and to facilitate safe passage of landing forces into Scourge territory. Guerrier had grudgingly accepted the Goblin's accords to cooperation, finding the Scourge a more urgent foe than bitter politics. Though they would have preferred to leave the Irfinians in the dirt in this conflict.

Through their use of militia training and preparation, Guerrier raises two armies from their cities and assembles on the coast.

Command Race: (-3)
As the days go by, Kycaly and Vlormorhd start to run low on supplies and energy under the constant attacks by Scourge. Vlormorhd's armor and thick skin are all that stands between the Scourge and their next meal. As the duo pass by Yallwall, they are finally beset by a massive swarm, intent on tearing them to pieces. Kycaly holds his blade shakily, likely preparing his mind for suicide over being eaten. Suddenly from the distance, a massive THUMP is heard.... followed several seconds by an explosion of ice mere meters from where Vlormorhd strode. The barrage continues for what seems like hours, ripping into the Scourge horde but with no regard for Vlormorhd and Kycaly. Vlormorhd keeps a head up, ignoring the Scourge whom are squished under his feet in favor of dodging the Ice Bombs that the newly formed Irfinian army are firing upon and goblins up in the sky are dropping. Passing finally into Goblin territory, Vlormorhd comes to a stop in a Goblin camp, laying down silently for the first time in weeks. Intrigued, the Goblins attempt to facilitate communications with Vlormorhd, but he directs inquiries to Kycaly... who had fainted in the barrage.

Some kind of new Scourge creature? "Unlikely." said a Goblin to some Irfang infantry, "For one it is pink. And is covered in flowers. And is working together with another being whom smells of rotten mushrooms. I don't believe Scourge work with anyone. Whomever these are, they are new to these lands.

Remaining Points: (1)

One of the few survivors of the barrage on the border of Goblin territory licked his chops. He had managed to get a bite into the large creature from whom he heard tasted oddly good... He and the other survivors followed the creature's scent path from where it came from. After several weeks of pathfinding the scourge come upon the guarded isthmus. They deducted that whatever that tasty beast came from, it came from here...
« Last Edit: March 11, 2012, 09:32:39 PM by Donnie »

William Swiftfoot

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Reply #182 on: March 19, 2012, 10:45:21 AM
Yo Fax, you still around?


  • Mage of Caerreyn, Level 2
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Reply #183 on: March 19, 2012, 11:16:45 AM
Hey, I'm not dead or anything. Just been getting buried by classes and work. I hope to have the update posted by wednesday, however the maps themselves have been completed and uploaded to the wiki already.

advance civilization (Jaeskine) - Skystones (6) - The Jaeskine make a great discovery in their rune magics. By an esoteric series of treatments coupled with a uncommon mineral they succeed in creating a stone which is capable of levitation! They quickly make great use of these stones to create  ships capable of soaring across the skies alongside the grand dragon!

Command race (open mercenary services) (3) - In response to the requests of the other races, the Jaeskine begin offering up their services as mercenaries, particularily to the Greryn. The Jaeskine gladly battle against the Red Reyn pirates as well as all others who would do ill to those under their protection, having been victums of such bandits in the all too recent past. As for the proposed alliance with the Noctus, they Jaeskine accept the offer and open up further relations with them whilst still remaining cautious of the shadowy creatures.
Further, with the advent of the skystones aand the incredible range of transit that they enable the Jaeskine begin to open up trading relations with all other races that are willing to undertake legitmate relations with them.

Create Order (Jaeskinian mercenaries) (4) - The Jaeskine see a great deal of potential benefits in assisting the Greryn merchants with the defense of their merchant ships and so quickly begin to form mercenary bands to hire out their services to those who are willing to pay for them. These bands provide the benefits of helping fund themselves while also providing Jaeskine soldiers with valuable combat experience for the anticipated war with the scourge.

Command City (raise army) (2) - The soldiers of Gaertanz, many of whom are on periodic duty form a large scale mercenary force from those who are not on the current force rotation but wish to make use of their skills as well as gain some potential profit.


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Reply #184 on: March 19, 2012, 03:49:16 PM
Umm... the wiki maps are updated?

I'm looking and there's several changes that I don't see shown in the latest turn 12 maps :/

🏳️‍⚧️Princess is a contagious condition🏳️‍⚧️
She/her pronouns please ❤️


  • Mage of Caerreyn, Level 2
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Reply #185 on: March 19, 2012, 04:30:18 PM
Thats because its actually turn 13. The files are up but I haven't had a chance to add the page for this turn. I'll do that right now actually, just to get that cleared up.

*Edit* And they're up: */edit*
« Last Edit: March 19, 2012, 04:33:24 PM by Fax »


  • Mage of Caerreyn, Level 2
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Reply #186 on: March 19, 2012, 04:46:41 PM
Fax - 15 - 15 + 2 + 3 =  5
Dragyn - 24 - 13 + 8  =  19
Kenku - 11 - 11 + 3 + 3 = 6
Fen - 9 - 1 + 6  = 14
EccentricOrbit - 13 - 4 + 11  = 20
Raf_Cian - 13 - 8 + 8 = 13
Radioactive_Toast - 14 - 13 + 10 + 3 = 14
Nagolinc - 7 - 4 + 10 + 3 = 16
Donnie - 13 - 12 + 6 + 3 = 10

And here's the update! The world continues to gear up for conflict and while no outright battles have yet arisen, it is merely a matter of time!
Apologies to all for taking so long to get this up, as previously mentioned i've been busy dealing with work and classes recently and expect this to continue a bit longer so here's a bit of forewarning that the next update may also be a little slow in coming.



an eldritch abomination - sleeping somewhere deep and dark in the world
-Created by Fax
Tek'Rael, The Grey Father - a giant eyeless, tailless grey quadrupedal skink
-Currently residing in the floating city of the Tek
-Created by Fen
The Grand Dragon, Raval Brightwing - wandering the skies the world round
-Created by Fax
"The Flames Hand" - a 9 tailed kitsune associated with the burning lands
-currently in the burning lands
-Created by Kenku
Miserable Failure - A depressed walrus monoped in a knit sweater
--Currently in self exile north of the burning lands
-Created by Nagolinc
The Lord of Balance - A potent grey fox who is a lord of balance and order.
-currently somewhere in the Oryxian lands
-Created by Donnie
Noctellus, the Animate Shadow - A shadow Demon based out of the southwestern island chains
-Created by Dragyn
Andarcas, the blond afro'd inventor - big talking, lazy bully of Miserable Failure
-currently in the burning lands
-Created by Radioactive Toast
Garath Copperspire, Brother of the Azure Flame - A Jaeskine explorer knight
The Takers - A group of Rakey who took power from the great red crystal in the middle of Recycled
Shard - A fragment of the great Glyph
Terros - A giant Golem alligned with the Tek that arrived in a meteor from the sky.
Toe-stub - The enormous disembodied purple toe of Andarcus
Vedirai - An incompetent Edraei who is transformed into an immense white dragon by Andarcas' experiments

-Turu'hraim - a reptilian-like race with a love of explosives
-Neutral (+0)
--Order: The Cult of Kerspelowd - a religion focused on explosives and explosions
---Subrace: Hraim'turu - A subrace of the Turu'hraim primarily focused on implosions
-Advance - explosives & explosive excavation
-Created by Radioactive_Toast

-Phoraj - a sulphur dwelling race of crustacean like traders
-Neutral (+0)
--Order: The Guild of the Flaming Ice - The Phoraj's guild of traders and merchants/ diplomats?
-Created by Radioactive_Toast

-Edraei - A race of faries dedicated to serving the avatar Miserable Failure
-good (+2)
--Order: Order of the Plaid Sweater - Dedicated to creating a beautiful sweater for Miserable Failure
--Subrace: Glueiao - an offshoot of the Edraei who believe Miserable Failure doesn't need a new sweater but rather something else entirely that has yet to exist
--Advance: magic-infused fabrics
--Order: The Fire Weavers - a skilled group of Edraei that have mastered the flaming loom, and act as caretarkers of the landscape to which their magic is fed.
-Created by Nagolinc

-Larepin - Extremely individualistic rabbit-fox-cat people created by the Lord of Balance
-Chaotic neutral (0)
--Order: Order of the White Eagle - Warrior Priests dedicated to guiding the Larepin and providing them with wisdom
-Created by Donnie
--Subrace: White Larepin - Tolerant albino larepin
-Advance City: Gurrier - Martial Skill and Minutemen
-Advance City: Irfang - Magitek Capabilities
--Order: The Ministry of Order - The Ministry of Order's current goal is to prepare for potential hostilities as well as an ambitious project to be performed in due time.
-2 armies (gurrier)

-Oryxians - Oryx people
-Good(+1), The Oryxians are very much of family based society that does its best to keep everyone within it safe and protected.
--Order:Ring of 5 and Council - Leaders of the 5 major villages(not yet cities), and the council of representatives below them, elected by the villages.
--Advance - Agriculture
---Note: Currently recovering from widespread paranoia due to the actions of the Lord of Balance.
-Created by Kenku

-Greryn - A race of Grey Fox people
-Nuetral(0), Wealth can lead a person down many a path
--Order: Merchants and Explorers guild: Wealthy Nobles of the Race who lead expansion and trade.
--Order: The Humane Society - A group dedicated to putting Miserable Failure out of its misery
--Advance - Naval Powerhouse
--Advance - Traders
-1 Army at Redwood
-Created by Kenku

-Jaeskine - Ferret-Squirrel-Taur metalsmiths and miners
-Neutral (+0)
--Order: The Order of the Rune Smiths - Teachers of the art of metalsmithing
--Advance - Metalsmithing
--Advance - Rune Enchanting
--Advance - Clockwork
--Advance - Runecast Ships
--Advance - Runecast Cannons
--Advance - Rune Engines
--Order: The Brotherhood of the Azure Flame - Wandering, benevolent explorer/ guardians tasked with protecting the common people of all races. They are to act in accordance with what they believe is right.
--Order: Bordermarch Gvantanz Regulars - Guardians of the Bordermarch based out of Gvantanz, an organzied military force.
--Order: Jaeskine Mercenaries - Jaeskine soldiers for hire by most anyone willing to pay them.
   -1 army
--Advance - Skystones
-Created by Fax

-Rakey - a race of tree dwelling monkey-rats
-Good (+1)
--Order: The Watchers - A group of Rakey who are mesmerized by the great red crystal of their island and work to protect it
--Advance: Architecture
--Subrace: Resalk - Much more rat-like cousins of the Rakey
       -3 armies
       -Advance Civilization : The art of Prolonged Warfare
       --Order - Red Rats - A Red Reyn/ Resalk gang secretly formed by the Takers
--Order: The Guild of Towers - The Rakey Trade and development guild
-Note: The city of Recycled is currently Neutral (0)
-Created by Raf_Cian

-The Goblins - A race of fruit bat people
-Good (+1)
--Order: The order of the spiral nerd-glasses (aka the mathematicians guild) - exactly what it says on the tin. Also they act as teachers and students
--Advance: Abstract Thought and Higher Mathematics
--Subrace:The Vampires - Goblins who drink the blood of innocents to extend their own lives.
--Subrace: Survivors of Archive - The survivors of the disaster that destroyed the city of Archive, all of whom have been transformed into shapeshifting silver liquid.
     --Subrace Advance: Shapeshifters
     --Order: Shapeshifting Spies - Shapeshifting goblin explorers
-Order: Vampire Circles
-Order: They Must Never Know What They Will Never Know
-Created by EccentricOrbit

-Tek - Magical grey lizard people, children of Tek'Rael.
-Good (+1)
--Order: the Grey Robes - 'a religious/magi group based in the capital city, devoted to discovering new magics and worshiping Tek'rael.'
--Order: The Scales - A group dedicated to exploring the world outside of the boundries of the Green bastion and Tek lands in general.
--Advance - Magic
--Order: Cothar's Blades
--Advance - Magic Amplification
-Note - Due to the arrival of Terros, the Tek have gained a new interest in Astrology
-Created by Fen

-Noctus - Bipedal red marked black wolves created by Noctellus
-Neutral (+0)
--Order: the Cult of the Animate Shadow - A religious cult dedicated to the demon Noctellus
--Advance: Shadow Magic
--Sybrace: Abyssus - Aquatic Noctus focused on the deep sea trench
--Advance: Longshadow Spires/ Shadow travel
--Advance: Noctus Spy Network
-1 Army
-Created by Dragyn

-Krump - Aggressive Giant flower lizards
-Evil (-1)
--Order:  Templarians - A faction that constructs temples entirely out of flowers
--Order: The Society for Appreciating the Subtle Artistic Difference between Flowers and Walruses - The society dedicates itself to expressing the beauty of flowers through art, primarily in the form of paintings similar to the Japanese style of painting water-lilies.
-Created by Radioactive_Toast

-Dreoinin - quarrelsome Bat-like cliff dwellers of the bottomless pit who believe all others to be lesser than they.
-Evil (-3)
--Order: Bottomless Secrets Society - a society dedicated to seek out the secrets hidden in the depths of the bottomless pit
--Advance - Dark Magic
--Advance - necromancy
-1 Army
-Created by Nagolinc

-Kycamuuni- A race of very fuzzy four tailed zealots
-Chaotic Evil (-1)
--Order: Order of the Shroom - An ultra-religious cult that worships EDOPS
--Order: Order of the Secondmost - seeks to understand the mystery of Miserable Failure's misery
--Advance: Kycalloy Armor
--Advance: Mounted Krump Cavalry
-Note: The Kycamuuni continue to attempt to convert the Krump over to their mushroom loving ways
-Created by Donnie

-Red Reyn - distant relatives of the Greryn
-Evil (-1)
--Order: Assorted Pirate Ships
--Advance - Naval Powerhouse
--Order - Red Rats - A Red Reyn/ Resalk gang secretly formed by the Takers
--Advance City: Las Flotas - Gladiatorial Combat
-Created by EccentricOrbit

-The Scourge
-Evil (-3)
--Order: the Temple of the Maw
-Advance - Swarm
-2 armies
--Order: Bite his Butt! - A gathering of the scourge who attempt to devour the newly arrived Miserable Failure
-note: Currently the Lord of Balance is encouraging a group of Scourge who preach the ideas of 'Moderation' and 'Control', particularily with regards to the Scourge's massively expansionistic worldview
-Created by Radioactive_Toast

-The Glyph Scarred
-Evil (-1)
--Order: the Shard Blessed - The Glyph Scarred with the greatest "Crystal Corruption"
-Advance - Corruption
-Note - The Glyph Scarred are at open war with the Scourge
-1 Army
-Created by Kenku

-Good (+1)
--Order: The Circle of the Dead - a religious order dedicated to listening to the wisdom of those who have passed away
--Order: Well, Let's Celebrate Society - A group of Wattor who spend their time throwing lavish parties in honor of Miserable Failure
-Created by Raf_Cian

-Fennecs - A race of desert dwelling fennec foxes living in the eternal desert
-alginment ??
--Order: Desert Rangers - The Fennec Desert Rangers are a group that keeps the peace in Fennec territory. There is no place too barren for these foxes to survive, or too remote for them to reach. They have a proficiency with skirmish tactics, and know how to hide in desert territory.
-Created by EccentricOrbit

-Misc. Orders
--Order: The cult of the true seeing eye - the cult is composed of all races, drawn in by the Eldritch Abomination. Their primary goal currently is simply to spread the word of the abomination worldwide, however they are currently situated primarily on the southern continent.

William Swiftfoot

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Reply #187 on: March 20, 2012, 06:31:53 PM
Command Avatar - Create Order The first blessings of the Flame's Hand, is to help to strengthen the Red's craftmans. To do so, he creates a small guild of metalworkers to which he teached the way of steel and fire. (The Hot Steelworkers Guild is formed)

Advance City - Los Flotas This guild and the teaching of the flame hand lead to better tools and weapons among the Red, and starts to make Los Flotas a hotbed for trade in arms.(Los Flotas is now reknown for quality weapons and ship armorments.)

With the blessings done, the Kitsune leaves, but leaves with a warning on the wind. "Do not use my blessings agianst my faithful, or be prepared for my flaming wrath"

Remaining points: 0

William Swiftfoot

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Reply #188 on: March 30, 2012, 05:39:22 PM
Ok, what happened to everybody?


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Reply #189 on: March 30, 2012, 07:47:23 PM
I really wish I knew. I've just been holding off making my move until the end as I always do


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Reply #190 on: March 31, 2012, 03:57:47 PM
Hehe I suppose I should stop waiting for EO to post. I'll write up mine soon.


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Reply #191 on: March 31, 2012, 06:41:14 PM
Command Order, 2 points Use Army

It has been too long since a large conflict was waged in the lands of the Scourge; unrest threatens to billow and tear apart their burgeoning empire.  If they can’t fight outsiders, then they will fight each other; that is the way of the Scourge.  Seeing this rising tension as a threat to their power, the Temple of the Maw seeks to marshal their gathered forces together.

It’s time for full scale war.

More than that, the Temple has become fascinated with the workings of the Glyph Scarred corruption; it somehow controls any species it is in extended contact with, works over any distance, and is so far without cure.  If such a power could be harnessed, the power at the Temple’s disposal would be beyond their imagination.  Eagerly they make preparations, and when they are ready, they launch their army in an invasion of the Green Crystal lands.  Their objective: drive at the other worldly crystal and secure it in the name of the Temple.

Command Order, 2 points Use Army

Meanwhile, the Temple’s focus south leaves much agitation on the eastern borderlands, a factor aggravated  by the departure of Miserable Failure.  In his absence, a large group of Scourge follow the banner of the order known as Bite His Butt roam restlessly, desiring once again the presense of the monopod so they can have their chance at deification, as a theology quickly develops that the one(s) that successfully devour Miserable Failure will attain the power of a deity.  The order soon swells into its own horde, and indeed actually attracts one of the Scourge’s main armies.

The only fact known about Miserable Failure now is that he headed north, into the land of the Goblins.  Therefore that is where the Scourge must follow.  In defiance of the Temple of the Maw’s efforts, Bite His Butt leads the 2nd main army of the Scourge north to find Miserable Failure: and assault and destroy any Goblins or others who get in their way.

Command Avatar, 1 point Create Army

In the south, the new dragon Vedirai adjusts to his new form, and is off to venture into the world!... to be helpful.  Somehow.  He doesn’t know actually how to accomplish this, just that he could start with one thing he knows how to do better than anything else; cleaning!

With this knowledge, he flies north, ambling around before turning northwest, and eventually finds himself in the lands of the Krump, who have in recent ages settled into a subordinate supportive role in the empire of the Kycamuuni.  There, he is instantly struck by the overabundance of flowers; seemingly growing everywhere, even over buildings!!  It’s very pretty in a way, but it’s so disorganized!  He decides there is no alternative but to help clean up right away.  He starts with a rampant growth of flowers that look strangely like a temple…

To the dragon’s shock, the Krump react to his attempts to help with blind furious rage!  Quickly they mobilize together, grouping into a veritable army to hunt down and crush the outrageous dragon that has defiled their gardens!

Command Order, 2 points Use Army

The Templarians, custodians of the Krump flower temples, are as enraged as anyone, and harness the outrage among the populace and seek to punish the interloping dragon responsible for the desecration of their temple.  Seeing him flee southeast, they follow.
Vedirai, confused and frightened by the response of those he was just trying to clean up for, seeks to rest in the lands of the Red Reyn, who don’t quite know what to make of this arguably clueless dragon.  The Krump, and the Templarians leading them see this in simple terms of the Red Reyn harboring a hated enemy, and assault the vulpines accordingly.  

Command Avatar, 1 point Create Order

Andarcus has left the south for the time being and meandered back north; at the moment he has given up on finding the whereabouts of Miserable Failure, and decides to check in on the Turu’hraim and their perpetual love of explosives.  There, he sees quite inventive pyrodestructive practices at work, but they mostly seem geared toward tunneling and engineering.   While extremely useful, they could have more amusing potential in more... martial persuits…

With this in mind, Andarcus gathers several plucky and particularly quick thinking Turu’hraim together, to see if he can get them to focus on things a bit more martially oriented.  This effort pays off, and soon the Turu’hraim boast a new order: The Engineers of Destruction.

Command City, 2 points Create Army

With the Engineers as a core, the city of Y’srhealkt contructs for itself its own army.  Trade relations with the Jaeskine and Tek are always unpredictable, and the Phoraj are only growing more uncooperative as time goes on… best be prepared…

14 points,  - 2 – 2 – 1 – 2 – 1 – 2 = 4 points remaining
« Last Edit: April 01, 2012, 12:39:26 AM by Radioactive_Toast »

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Reply #192 on: March 31, 2012, 11:25:43 PM
Starting Points: 13
Command City: Las Flotas (-2)
In Las Flotas the Red Rats where already preparing to move this year to slowly but surely build up their power base so as to recover from the disaster of pirate captain operation from last year. This would normally be a slow and gradual process so that by the end of the year the pirate captains would be none the wiser.

The rampaging mass of a few of the planets largest creatures into Red Reyn territory speeds things up a bit.

Rallying the populations of Las Flotas, the Red Rats organize an army to turn back the invading behemoths. Giants versus highly combative well armed foxes and rats. Still doesn’t quite seem an even match...

Command City: Salkyn (-2)
Back in Resalk territory, the Seekers were preparing for the mobilization commands from the Takers. This involved gathering more potential warriors from the countryside and organizing them into a proper Blade division. This of course means that  Salkyn has now raised a fourth army.

The Seekers where about to send out warning to the Greryn that they would be moving though their territory when suddenly news of the army marching on Red Reyn territory reaches Salkyn. This gives the Takers a plan... which is never a good day for Seeker blood pressure.

Command Order: Seekers (-2)
The Seekers rush to pacify the Greryn of Redwood about what is about to happen next. While potentially able to crush the city, that is not currently the aims of the Takers and would be a distraction the Resalk race would like to avoid. They of course put it much more diplomatically when they assure the Greryn that no hostile actions are being taken against them.

Command Race x2 (-6)
As for what that action is... a large selection of the Takers take march two of their four armies northwards, along with several working class Resalk and their families. They do not take any aggressive action against any Greryn settlements along the way, bypassing Redwood and heading into the northern mountains.

It’s there, at about the dead center of H7 that this large force of rats found the Quesalk. With a year being a turn in the current age, it will take almost the entire turn to make it even a small settlement, but it’s a crucial point in the Taker’s ultimate strategy. At the very least it’s a well protective settlement, even with the prices the Seekers have to negotiate to allow establishment of the supply lines.

Command Avatar: Takers (-1)
And then of course comes the adaptation that recent turn of events brought forced the adaptation of the original plans. Originally only two to three Takers were going to come to oversee the construction of the new city. Twice that many came because the Takers saw an opportunity to help cement their influence over the Red Reyn even further.

Marching into the Red Reyn territory, in the path of the invading Krump army, a band of Takers with minimal escort put themselves in the line of fire... literally as their use their power to combat the army. Not even the Seekers have seen the Takers demonstrate their full power since the creation of the Resalk race. Fire reigns down from the sky, flesh distorts and fails, and ground itself betrays the feet that attempt to find stability. It’s not enough to route the army, but it’s enough to rally another. Using the demonstration of their power, the Takers rally an Army of Red Reyn within the foxes’ territory. Two armies plus representation of the Taker Dynasty... that should prove to challenge to the invading Krumps.

Ending Points: 0


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Reply #193 on: April 03, 2012, 01:40:44 PM
Addendum: On Turu'hraim society

Written in the year 67, 2nd Age of Scepters, by noted chronicler Rur'darkt

The authority of the Reigning Scepter was not always as prominent was it has become.  In the Ages of Quakes especially the Turu'hraim were a loose people, cooperating for benifits as neighbors, but not as brothers.  We fought amongst ourselves as much as we fought, and nearly brought ruin upon ourselves *F1.  It took many long years of strife and treachery before the fallen ways could be rooted out, and authority restored to the lands of the Bright Seekers *F2.

The rise of the Reigners was a slow process.  Reading the Legends at face value, one can (and many do) conclude that with the advent of Burak'al the Bright that our system of elected monarchy was firmly established, and that he won over the consensus of the heads of the Matriarchs as a fait accompli after his storied life of great accomplishments.  However, even slaying two dragons does not automatically confer one great political authority.  More than a few arms had to be twisted and several obstinate tongues had to be discreetly silenced before the Matriarchs conferred the title of Reigner of the Turu'hraim upon Burak'al. 

Even here, as soon as the Reigner's successor was elected, the Matriarchs ate at his power, and the rule of Urg'engh was one marked by bickering and strife.  The great estates of Undergrowth*F3 under control of the Martriarchs families only grew in this time; indeed they were one of the principal driving forces of expansion of our lands, so they could procure more Undergrowth Caves for their offspring and for new rising families that were agitating for power.

Several Reigners did not simply abide being reduced to a unifying figurehead, and aggressively fought to preserve or expand their power.  But the Matriarchs held fast, and have continued to act in their own interests, largely rendering the Reigned Lands more a collection of smaller nations than one great united one. 

Even so, the Reigners have increased their authority in some matters, such as the granting of charters and in the commencement of large investment ventures.  Slowly over time the Sprawl Caves that connect our Reigned Lands have come under the overall authority of the Scepter, even though the estate controlling nobility retains command of the application and organization of arms, and over the authority the Reigner has in regulating their practices and caves.  The balance has shifted slowly, but as the ages pass the Reigners wax as the Matriarchs and the families wane; they have lost a greater deal of of power outside the "status" areas of authority than they would care to admit.

F1 The author here is drawing on legends, which in this case were consolidated at a time when political centralization was underway and the decentralized, tribal social structure of the past was being heavily critisized and castigated as a decrepit system that if allowed to continue would lead the Turu'hraim to ruin.  Many narratives of the demonstrate this developing Social Myth, that without strong authority the Turu'hraim face total destructive anarchy

F2 Term that the Turu'hraim often call themselves, deriving from their mystical views of the flash accompaniying an explosion.  For them, it is a brief window into the uncontainable unobtainable divine nature that lies Beyond.

F3 Large cultivated subterranean fungal farms; basically the equivalent of large landed surface estates

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Reply #194 on: April 03, 2012, 02:25:27 PM
The Noctus, through their own network, observe the Scourge spreading.  They see the Grey Reyn and the Red Reyn, and the new army of Fox and Rat in Quesalk.

The Order of the Animate Shadow seeks guidance from Noctellus, who tells them only to wait--to bide their time, and continue to expand their network. 

The Order establishes itself as the head of the Noctus Spy Network, collecting and archiving the information they gather deep within Noctellus' sanctum in Shadowdeep.  This allows them to more easily cross reference and identify patterns, as well as standardizing their information, for more convenient use as a trade currency.  (Command Order:  Advance Race:  Noctus Information Trade)(-2)

The Noctus continue to spread their network, using their tenuous alliances to find new lands and (hopefully) more allies.  These emissaries also aim to construct "shadow shrines"; simple structures that house enough shadow to allow shadow travel, and little else.  Though harmless, these shrines may cause some level of distrust. 

(The Noctus now have agents within all known societies, though there is a high mortality rate among agents around the Scourge.)

(Command Race, -3, Advanced Noctus Spy Network)

The Noctus of the Longshadow Spire take Noctellus' words as an ill omen, and continue to grow their armies.  (Add another army at Longshadow.)  (Command Race, -3)

Starting Points:  19 - 8 = 11 Ending Points

Aside:  Sorry it took me so long.  Been busy, and wasn't really sure what I wanted to do.