Author Topic: Dawn of Worlds  (Read 124340 times)


  • Mage of the TabletPC
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Reply #195 on: April 03, 2012, 04:55:28 PM
Starting Points: (10)

It was a dark time for the Kycamuuni. Kyca missionary and ambassador Kycroy Kynkins investigated the informed desecration of a Krump holy temple by a certain dragon named Vedirai. At first Kycroy was skeptical of the possible damage, flowers after all were not as holy as the shroom. Kycroy stood before the temple and fell to his knees in tears. On the facade of the temple once had a planted field of flowers with five shrooms in pentagonal formation symbolizing unity with the Krump. Said shrooms were picked, pulled, and their roots removed along with the flowers. In rage, Kycroy Kynkins performed what historians may call the "Longest Charge in History", where Kycroy ran for countless miles to attack Vedirai, only to trip and land headfirst onto a rock, killing him instantly. Many Kyca were there to witness the holy warrior's zeal in the face of death by rock. At first the Kyca had followed the Krump to watch the battle unfold and share pop-shroom, but the unfortunate sacrifice of Kynkins has stirred a holy fervor in the ranks of those who watched, carrying word back to Argonev of the bravery of He Who Rushed Forth.

Command Order x2: Raise Armies (-4)
The Order of the Shroom dictates forced conscription and harsh training performed on all recruits and conscripts as well as mobilizing their dormant standing forces into two massive armies. Cooperating with the Krump, the Kycamuuni set forth their greatest horror:
Kyssack Mounted Heavy Cavalry

Command Order: Use Army (-2)
With calming chants and behests to reasonable logic, the Kycamuuni generals herald the rampaging Krump, still bright pink from rage, into something reasonably resembling an organized army. Preaching holy fervor and also inserting a few sensible (though impractical) tactical advice, Kyca General arranged the formations with Kyssack Mounted Cavalry up front with the normally unmounted Krump taking the flanks. Taking advantage of a Krump's massive size and many points to grip upon their backs, the Kyca ground troops mount on the backs of the large Krump to act as a rudimentary transport that upon a charge, will dismount and fight on their teeny talon tipped feet.

Promising the revenge the Krump howl into the air for, Kyca General Kyshtalin marches south into Red Reyn territory....


To the far north....

It was an amusing sight really. A horde of Lare eating, cute looking, snow furred abominations swarming to the border. Holding the line against the darkne----- LIGHTFURRED tide are the White Larepin army and some Goblins as well. With a slight hesitation at the sordid sight in front of them... the Whites charge their Magitek guns and open fire on the horde.

Command Order: Use Army (-2)

The Whites fire Ice Bombs and shells into the Scourge lines and activating Ice Mines which shoot razor sharp spikes through the ground into those who tread on the grounds. White line infantry take aim with their Springers and fire shards of enchanted ice shards with the power of the spring at the Scourge. The so called 'agreed' upon plan with the Browns have them flank the incoming Scourge from the sea.

Command Order: Use Army (-2)

The thought had passed the Fortress Commander of Guerrier's sea fort. He wondered in private if he should in fact wait to deploy his troops to flank the Scourge charging the Goblin's borders... After all his orders said to flank the Scourge when the opportunity presents itself. But of course he must not jeopardize the Goblins. That'd be a relations nightmare! Looking upon a map made from the latest scout report, the Commander formulates a small plan....

He lands the two Guerrier armies onto the Scourge lands and splits them into two divisions. They will help the Whites in a small part... but he has other plans. One division marches on Yallwall. The other, at a slower pace, marches to Gotldle and by extension, Horgharghn. The Fort Commander leads the march West.

Remaining Points: (0)


  • Mage of Caerreyn, Level 1
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Reply #196 on: April 04, 2012, 06:02:38 PM
Hehe I suppose I should stop waiting for EO to post. I'll write up mine soon.

Eep. Sorry about that! Yes. Ignore me for now. The end of the semester is rather frantic right now.


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Reply #197 on: April 04, 2012, 10:40:04 PM
Hey Dragyn, you can't use 'command race' or 'command order' to give a race an advance. That has to be done with Advance civilization/ race move (it costs 6 points)


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Reply #198 on: April 05, 2012, 12:30:49 AM
Heh, oops.  Ah well, I've the points.  Did that twice, once with each, so that's 11-7 = 4 ending points.


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Reply #199 on: April 07, 2012, 06:11:37 PM
Starting Points: 14

Catastrophe: (-10)

Having long dealt with their neighboring Turu'hraim, the Phoraj are not caught totally off guard when the receive an order from the Turu'hraim's little-brother race, the Hraim'turu.  Much to the Phoraj's delight, the Hraim'turu are interested in buying copious amounts of a certain mineral, Implodium.

Unbeknownst to the Phoraj (though it should have been obvious from the name), Implodium is actually the most implosive chemical-compound in the entire world.  And the Hraim'turu are trying buy literally tons of the stuff in order to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of their capital city of Squish. 

Unfortunately, as has often happened in the history of high-imposives, mistakes were made.  The Phoraj's first mistake was in deciding that it was a good idea to story all of the implodium in a cave not too far from their city of Lythr.  The second mistake was lighting a match in a cave containing a larger quantity of Implodium than had ever been assembled in the history of the world.

To say that the results were catastrophic would be an understatment.  A giant sucking sound roared from the cave, the likes of which would make even Ralph Nader tremble in fear.  Rocks, dirt, mountains, anyone standing nearby, and in the end half of the city of Lythur were draw into the implosion, never to be seen again.

At the end of it all, the Phoraj stared down into the massive crater that had consumed half of their city with a look of disbelief.  Foolishly, they thought to themselves, "Well, at least it can't get any worse".

They were wrong.

Command Army: (-2)

Precisely halfway around the world, a group of Dreonin, members of the Bottomless Secrets Society were nearing what they believed to be truly the bottom of the bottomless pit in which they lived.  For the last several days, they had been climbing not down, but up, as the gravitational pull in the pit had mysterious switched directions.   

Some wise-cracker had the audacity to suggest that they had just passed through the center of the earth and were now approaching its surface on the other side.  He was promptly informed that "everyone knows the world is flat... it doesn't have a center... it's turtles all the way down"  The wise-cracker was then pushed off the edge of the pit and plummeted back towards the core, where he would yo-yo back and forth around the gravitational center of the pit long after he had starved to death.

The very next day, a vast sucking sound was heard overhead and the entire pit trembled for several minutes.  "Sounds like your mom last night," one of the younger dreonin foolishly suggested to the team-leader.   And he too was pushed off the edge of the pit.

When the dust had settled, however, the group of dreonin explorers looked up and were surprised to find themselves staring out at daylight.  It was far away, and even with their bat-like night-vision the Dreonin had difficulty seeing it, but there was no denying it.  The bottomless pit had another side.

This surprising fact was immediately reported to the leaders of the Bottomless Secrets Society using a skull that had been enchanted using dark-magic to allow instant-communication over long-distances.  The very next day, the Dreonin army was mobilized with orders to "find out what's on the other side of our hole, and conquer it."

The battle would be long and bloody (the Dreonin preferred it that way), but in a war between the evil and dark-magically enhanced Dreonin and the relatively peaceful and defenseless Phoraj, there could be little doubt who would win.

Command Avatar: (Raise Army) (-1)

News of the Dreonin's brutal conquest of the Phoraj city of Lythr soon reached the Hraim'turu city of Squish.  Mostly because they had sent an emissary on the day after the disaster, demanding to know where their Implodium was. 

Sheer panic rocketed throughout Hraim'turu society, threatening to cause a collapse of all social-order (an event whose occurrence was all-to-common in Hraim'turu society).  In the end, it was left for the founder of the city of Squish, Toe-Stub, to restore social order.  Finding the neatest soap-box, Toe-stub climbed on top of it and began to speak:

"These bat-fanged, bug-eyed, big-eared monsters don't have what it takes to crush us!" Toe-Stub shouted, hopping up and down on his soap-box.  "They think all they have to do is apply a little pressure and we'll collapse.  But I'll tell you what.... when squish comes to kersplat, they don't know nothing about us.  We're not going to cave-in just because the scrunch us a little bit.  But I'll tell you what we're going to do.  We're going to pound 'em in.  Then we're going to flatten 'em.  Then we're gonna compress 'em so much they won't know what hit 'em.  We won't bulge, we won't buckle, and we won't break down.  We won't so much as bend till ever one of 'em is crumpled up back in that little hole that they came from.  Now if you can only squeeze one little thought into your head, let it be this:  WE... WILL... SQUISH... THEM...."

The entire crowd spontaneously broke out into a chant of "Squish! Squish Squish! Squish!"  and before long, Toe-stub had summoned an army to fight against the Dreonin.

Command Avatar: (Create Order) (-1)
Sheer panic begins to set into the mind of Miserable Failure.  With both the Scourge and the Goblins hunting him, it seems certain that his life is going to become even more miserable in the near-future. 

Finding himself in the lands of the Larepin, Miserable Failure goes from door-to-door begging for help.  In the end, a few kind souls agree to let Miserable Failure hide in their cellars, mostly because it's the only place where they won't have to hear him crying at night. 

Even so, no one is willing to put up with him for more than a few days, and Miserable Failure is forced to move from place-to-place.  In this way, The Underground Walrus-Road is formed, a group of Larepin who willingly shelter Miserable Failure in exchange for the promise that "someone else has to take him next week".

Ending Points: 14 - 10 - 2 -1 -1 = 0


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Reply #200 on: April 08, 2012, 12:15:13 PM
To say that the results were catastrophic would be an understatment.  A giant sucking sound roared from the cave, the likes of which would make even Ralph Nader tremble in fear. 

*coughs* That's Ross Perot ;)

🏳️‍⚧️Princess is a contagious condition🏳️‍⚧️
She/her pronouns please ❤️


  • Mage of Caerreyn, Level 2
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Reply #201 on: April 19, 2012, 09:18:29 AM
Hey Fen and EccentricOrbit, we're just waiting on you two


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Reply #202 on: April 19, 2012, 10:51:46 AM
Eep. Sorry about that! Yes. Ignore me for now. The end of the semester is rather frantic right now.

I think it's safe to assume EO's out, for this turn at least.  That just leaves Fen.

🏳️‍⚧️Princess is a contagious condition🏳️‍⚧️
She/her pronouns please ❤️


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Reply #203 on: May 03, 2012, 07:15:33 PM
The Jaeskine scouts soon hear news of the scourge moving on the Goblins and Larepin and decide that the time to deal with vicious creatures has come. Upon receiving the news Garreth Copperspire mobilizes the Azure Flame airship fleet and goes to assist in the defense of the combined Goblin and Larepin armies. Meanwhile the 1st Bordermarch fleet and a fleet of Jaeskine privateers move on Yaliwali and the lands between them and Gotidle.


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Reply #204 on: May 03, 2012, 08:52:21 PM
Fax - 5 - 5 + 8 + 3 = 11  
Dragyn - 19 - 15 + 12 + 1 = 17  
Kenku - 6 - 6 + 5 + 3 = 8
Fen - 14 - 0 + 9 = 23
EccentricOrbit - 20 - 0 + 6 = 26  
Raf_Cian - 13 - 13 + 10 +1 = 11
Radioactive_Toast - 14 - 10 + 7 + 3 = 14
Nagolinc - 14 - 14 + 9 + 3 = 12
Donnie - 10 - 10 + 7 + 3 = 10

And the wars have begun! For this turn I will give a more extensive explination for the results of each battle but will condense it on later turns for simplicity's sake.


The Scourge army swarm following the order of Bite His Butt! attacks the combined Goblin-White Larepin-Jaeskine army, failing to destory either the Goblin [Scourge - 2+ (1 for advances) = 3 vs. Goblins - 3] or the Larepin forces [Scourge - 2 + (1 for advances) + (-1 for fighting a second opponent in one turn) = 2 vs Larepin 1 + (1 for advances) =2]. The Jaeskine fleet however succeeds in routing the Scourge swarm [Scourge 2+(1 for advances)+(-2 for fighting a third opponent in one turn) = 1 vs. 2 + (5 for advances) = 7]

The combined Kya/Krump attack on the Red Reyn is ultimately unsuccessful. (Kya/Krump - 3 + (2 for advances) + (1 for a second army) = 6 vs. Red Reyn 1 + (2 for advances) + (2 for extra armies) = 6]

The Larepin attack on Yaliwali is ultimately unsuccessful in taking the city, instead resulting in the destruction of the invading army [Larepin - 2+(1 for advances) = 3 vs. Scourge - 3 + (1 for advances) = 4]

However, the subsequent Jaeskine attack on Yaliwali crushes all defenses, allowing the invaders to take the city. [Jaeskine 1+(5 for advances) = 6 vs. Scourge 4+(1 for advances) + (-1 for fighting a second opponent in one turn) = 4]

The Dreonin attack on the remains of Lythr is completely unopposed and they take the ruins trivially [Dreonin 5 + (2 for advances) = 7 vs. Phoraj 6 + (-2 for disaster)]

The Larepin attack on Gotidle is successful [Larepin 3 + (1 for advances) = 4 vs. Scourge 1 + (1 for advances)]

The Scourge attack the Glyph Scarred but both sides fail to achieve any success [Scourge - 2+ (1 for advances) = 3 vs. Glyph Scarred - 2 + (1 for advances)]


an eldritch abomination - sleeping somewhere deep and dark in the world
-Created by Fax
Tek'Rael, The Grey Father - a giant eyeless, tailless grey quadrupedal skink
-Currently residing in the floating city of the Tek
-Created by Fen
The Grand Dragon, Raval Brightwing - wandering the skies the world round
-Created by Fax
"The Flames Hand" - a 9 tailed kitsune associated with the burning lands
-currently in the burning lands
-Created by Kenku
Miserable Failure - A depressed walrus monoped in a knit sweater
--Currently in self exile north of the burning lands
-Created by Nagolinc
The Lord of Balance - A potent grey fox who is a lord of balance and order.
-currently somewhere in the Oryxian lands
-Created by Donnie
Noctellus, the Animate Shadow - A shadow Demon based out of the southwestern island chains
-Created by Dragyn
Andarcas, the blond afro'd inventor - big talking, lazy bully of Miserable Failure
-currently in the burning lands
-Created by Radioactive Toast
Garath Copperspire, Brother of the Azure Flame - A Jaeskine explorer knight
The Takers - A group of Rakey who took power from the great red crystal in the middle of Recycled
Shard - A fragment of the great Glyph
Terros - A giant Golem alligned with the Tek that arrived in a meteor from the sky.
Toe-stub - The enormous disembodied purple toe of Andarcus
Vedirai - An incompetent Edraei who is transformed into an immense white dragon by Andarcas' experiments

-Turu'hraim - a reptilian-like race with a love of explosives
-Neutral (+0)
--Order: The Cult of Kerspelowd - a religion focused on explosives and explosions
---Subrace: Hraim'turu - A subrace of the Turu'hraim primarily focused on implosions
-Advance - explosives & explosive excavation
-Order: The Engineers of Destruction
-1 Army at Y’srhealkt
-Created by Radioactive_Toast

-Phoraj - a sulphur dwelling race of crustacean like traders
-Neutral (+0)
--Order: The Guild of the Flaming Ice - The Phoraj's guild of traders and merchants/ diplomats?
-1 army in Squish
-Created by Radioactive_Toast

-Edraei - A race of faries dedicated to serving the avatar Miserable Failure
-good (+2)
--Order: Order of the Plaid Sweater - Dedicated to creating a beautiful sweater for Miserable Failure
--Subrace: Glueiao - an offshoot of the Edraei who believe Miserable Failure doesn't need a new sweater but rather something else entirely that has yet to exist
--Advance: magic-infused fabrics
--Order: The Fire Weavers - a skilled group of Edraei that have mastered the flaming loom, and act as caretarkers of the landscape to which their magic is fed.
-Created by Nagolinc

-Larepin - Extremely individualistic rabbit-fox-cat people created by the Lord of Balance
-Chaotic neutral (0)
--Order: Order of the White Eagle - Warrior Priests dedicated to guiding the Larepin and providing them with wisdom
-Created by Donnie
--Subrace: White Larepin - Tolerant albino larepin
-Advance City: Gurrier - Martial Skill and Minutemen
-Advance City: Irfang - Magitek Capabilities
--Order: The Ministry of Order - The Ministry of Order's current goal is to prepare for potential hostilities as well as an ambitious project to be performed in due time.
-2 armies (gurrier)
--Order: The Underground Walrus-Road - a group of Larepin who willingly shelter Miserable Failure in exchange for the promise that "someone else has to take him next week".

-Oryxians - Oryx people
-Good(+1), The Oryxians are very much of family based society that does its best to keep everyone within it safe and protected.
--Order:Ring of 5 and Council - Leaders of the 5 major villages(not yet cities), and the council of representatives below them, elected by the villages.
--Advance - Agriculture
---Note: Currently recovering from widespread paranoia due to the actions of the Lord of Balance.
-Created by Kenku

-Greryn - A race of Grey Fox people
-Nuetral(0), Wealth can lead a person down many a path
--Order: Merchants and Explorers guild: Wealthy Nobles of the Race who lead expansion and trade.
--Order: The Humane Society - A group dedicated to putting Miserable Failure out of its misery
--Advance - Naval Powerhouse
--Advance - Traders
-1 Army at Redwood
-Created by Kenku

-Jaeskine - Ferret-Squirrel-Taur metalsmiths and miners
-Neutral (+0)
--Order: The Order of the Rune Smiths - Teachers of the art of metalsmithing
--Advance - Metalsmithing
--Advance - Rune Enchanting
--Advance - Clockwork
--Advance - Runecast Ships
--Advance - Runecast Cannons
--Advance - Rune Engines
--Order: The Brotherhood of the Azure Flame - Wandering, benevolent explorer/ guardians tasked with protecting the common people of all races. They are to act in accordance with what they believe is right.
--Order: Bordermarch Gvantanz Regulars - Guardians of the Bordermarch based out of Gvantanz, an organzied military force.
--Order: Jaeskine Mercenaries - Jaeskine soldiers for hire by most anyone willing to pay them.
   -1 army
--Advance - Skystones
-Created by Fax

-Rakey - a race of tree dwelling monkey-rats
-Good (+1)
--Order: The Watchers - A group of Rakey who are mesmerized by the great red crystal of their island and work to protect it
--Advance: Architecture
--Subrace: Resalk - Much more rat-like cousins of the Rakey
       -4 armies - 1 in Salkyn, 2 in Quesalk
       -Advance Civilization : The art of Prolonged Warfare
       --Order - Red Rats - A Red Reyn/ Resalk gang secretly formed by the Takers
--Order: The Guild of Towers - The Rakey Trade and development guild
-Note: The city of Recycled is currently Neutral (0)
-Created by Raf_Cian

-The Goblins - A race of fruit bat people
-Good (+1)
--Order: The order of the spiral nerd-glasses (aka the mathematicians guild) - exactly what it says on the tin. Also they act as teachers and students
--Advance: Abstract Thought and Higher Mathematics
--Subrace:The Vampires - Goblins who drink the blood of innocents to extend their own lives.
--Subrace: Survivors of Archive - The survivors of the disaster that destroyed the city of Archive, all of whom have been transformed into shapeshifting silver liquid.
     --Subrace Advance: Shapeshifters
     --Order: Shapeshifting Spies - Shapeshifting goblin explorers
-Order: Vampire Circles
-Order: They Must Never Know What They Will Never Know
-Created by EccentricOrbit

-Tek - Magical grey lizard people, children of Tek'Rael.
-Good (+1)
--Order: the Grey Robes - 'a religious/magi group based in the capital city, devoted to discovering new magics and worshiping Tek'rael.'
--Order: The Scales - A group dedicated to exploring the world outside of the boundries of the Green bastion and Tek lands in general.
--Advance - Magic
--Order: Cothar's Blades
--Advance - Magic Amplification
-Note - Due to the arrival of Terros, the Tek have gained a new interest in Astrology
-Created by Fen

-Noctus - Bipedal red marked black wolves created by Noctellus
-Neutral (+0)
--Order: the Cult of the Animate Shadow - A religious cult dedicated to the demon Noctellus
--Advance: Shadow Magic
--Sybrace: Abyssus - Aquatic Noctus focused on the deep sea trench
--Advance: Longshadow Spires/ Shadow travel
--Advance: Noctus Spy Network
--Advance: Noctus Information Trade
--Advance: Advanced Noctus Spy Network
-2 Armies, 1 in longshadow
-Created by Dragyn

-Krump - Aggressive Giant flower lizards
-Evil (-1)
--Order:  Templarians - A faction that constructs temples entirely out of flowers
--Order: The Society for Appreciating the Subtle Artistic Difference between Flowers and Walruses - The society dedicates itself to expressing the beauty of flowers through art, primarily in the form of paintings similar to the Japanese style of painting water-lilies.
-1 Army
-Created by Radioactive_Toast

-Dreoinin - quarrelsome Bat-like cliff dwellers of the bottomless pit who believe all others to be lesser than they.
-Evil (-3)
--Order: Bottomless Secrets Society - a society dedicated to seek out the secrets hidden in the depths of the bottomless pit
--Advance - Dark Magic
--Advance - necromancy
-1 Army
-Created by Nagolinc

-Kycamuuni- A race of very fuzzy four tailed zealots
-Chaotic Evil (-1)
--Order: Order of the Shroom - An ultra-religious cult that worships EDOPS
   -2 armies, currently outside Las Flotas
--Order: Order of the Secondmost - seeks to understand the mystery of Miserable Failure's misery
--Advance: Kycalloy Armor
--Advance: Mounted Krump Cavalry
-Note: The Kycamuuni continue to attempt to convert the Krump over to their mushroom loving ways
-Created by Donnie

-Red Reyn - distant relatives of the Greryn
-Evil (-1)
--Order: Assorted Pirate Ships
--Advance - Naval Powerhouse
--Order - Red Rats - A Red Reyn/ Resalk gang secretly formed by the Takers
   -1 army at Los Flotas
--Advance City: Los Flotas - Gladiatorial Combat
-2 armies at Las Flotas
--Order - The Hot Steelworkers Guild - An group of Red Reyn taught to work metals by The Flames Hand.
--Advance City: Los Flotas - reknowned for quality weapons and ship armorments
-Created by EccentricOrbit

-The Scourge
-Evil (-3)
--Order: the Temple of the Maw
-Advance - Swarm
-2 armies
--Order: Bite his Butt! - A gathering of the scourge who attempt to devour the newly arrived Miserable Failure
-note: Currently the Lord of Balance is encouraging a group of Scourge who preach the ideas of 'Moderation' and 'Control', particularily with regards to the Scourge's massively expansionistic worldview
-Created by Radioactive_Toast

-The Glyph Scarred
-Evil (-1)
--Order: the Shard Blessed - The Glyph Scarred with the greatest "Crystal Corruption"
-Advance - Corruption
-Note - The Glyph Scarred are at open war with the Scourge
-1 Army
-Created by Kenku

-Good (+1)
--Order: The Circle of the Dead - a religious order dedicated to listening to the wisdom of those who have passed away
--Order: Well, Let's Celebrate Society - A group of Wattor who spend their time throwing lavish parties in honor of Miserable Failure
-Created by Raf_Cian

-Fennecs - A race of desert dwelling fennec foxes living in the eternal desert
-alginment ??
--Order: Desert Rangers - The Fennec Desert Rangers are a group that keeps the peace in Fennec territory. There is no place too barren for these foxes to survive, or too remote for them to reach. They have a proficiency with skirmish tactics, and know how to hide in desert territory.
-Created by EccentricOrbit

-Misc. Orders
--Order: The cult of the true seeing eye - the cult is composed of all races, drawn in by the Eldritch Abomination. Their primary goal currently is simply to spread the word of the abomination worldwide, however they are currently situated primarily on the southern continent.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2012, 09:50:52 PM by Fax »


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Reply #205 on: May 03, 2012, 09:58:54 PM
The Temple of the Maw’s plan comes to fruition as they charge the Scourge swarms deep into Glyph Scarred lands.  The invasion by the northern races, which penetrate ancestral Scourge lands immensely, is largely ignored by the Temple leadership.  The northern adventure by the heretic Biters of the butt of the one known as Miserable Failure have paid for their folly in due course.  But soon this will be irrelevant once the Temple has control over the power of the Green Crystal.

Their army fights ferociously, smashing south through wave after wave of corrupted Glyph Scarred at staggering cost to both sides, the fervor and fanaticism of the Temple’s disciples fight on day after day, week after week, month after month.  The armies are unable to break the lines directly, but they are able to break open several holes which can be broken through.  The disadvantage of this is that any breakthroughs can be found and pursued to be crushed in a short amount of time

The Scourge need very little time though. The Temple leadership has been waiting for this moment.  They are already with the army prepared.  They are present to ensure their ascension to deity.  

The ritual they invoke utilizes the blood sacrifice of thousands of their own kind, as well as countless corpses of corrupted Glyph scared.  They intend to bind the power of the Crystal to every living Scourge at once, and giving the Temple leadership an even greater connection to the vast reservoirs of power within.  

Blood spills, the earth quakes, the heavens thrash as they initiate the ritual, ready to taste godhood.

The Crystal has other plans.

The unholy magical connection is established between all living Scourge, and immediately things go wrong.  They go wrong so quickly it’s unlikely any Scourge are aware of their fate, as instead of their kind harnessing the Crystal, the crystal harnesses them.

In an instant, the Scourge are no more.  There are only the transformed remnants who are one with the Glyph Scared.  The Shard, avatar of those corrupted beings, now has the powers of the Scourge swarm, including their incredible reproductive abilities which have been instantly converted and now spawn more Scarred Scourge.

Instantly the combined allied forces of the Goblin, the White Larepin, and the Jaeskine face Glpyh Scarred in their paths in the place of the Scourge.

Command Order 2 points create army
Word of the Dreoinin invasion sends the Turu’hraim lands alight in terror and fear.  The Matriarchs are stunned and political order is in chaos; the time is ripe for a bold seizure of power.  The current Reigner is the ambitious Nod’ark, and with the support of the Engineers of Destruction calls a meeting of the Matriarchs, and forces them at spear point to hand over direct royal authority to him to deal with the invasion.  Stunned and frightened, the body agrees.

Another army is gathered for the to face the Dreoinin invaders.

Command Order 2 points lead army

The Cult of Kersplowd is brought in line quickly by the bold decisive actions of Reigner Nod’ark, and they marshal the collective forces of the Turu’hraim to march south and blunt the Dreoninin’s advance before the spill out from the ruined husk of the Phroaj’s capital.

(14-10-2-2=0 points remaining)
« Last Edit: May 03, 2012, 10:15:42 PM by Radioactive_Toast »

🏳️‍⚧️Princess is a contagious condition🏳️‍⚧️
She/her pronouns please ❤️

William Swiftfoot

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Reply #206 on: May 03, 2012, 10:16:24 PM
Command Race - Glyph Scared+ Command Avatar - The Shard(3+1) As the Shard collected the new influx of power and influence its glow grew brighter, and more controlling of the changed. Its commands however had not changed, and it began to rapidly increase the Glyphshard's numbers. (Use both actions to create 2 armies at as close to the front as possible. In Gotidle from enemy fallen even if viable.)

Command Avatar - The Flame Hand(1)
Tired of the foolish persecution of the people he just promised help to, The Flame Hand decides to intervene into the conflict between the red reyn and the Kyca/Krump force. Moving through Los Flotas as a swift but gentle flame, he finds Vederai. Looking at him angirly, he demands that the dragon hand himself over to the Kyca/Krump to end this conflict. While scared at first, the Dragon agrees at the request he does not be harmed in the agreement. The Flame agrees to this, and in a fast moving gout of flame, the two of them arrive in front lines, to determine the dragon's fate. (Vedrai is brought to the Kyca/Krump by The Flame Hand in hopes of ending the conflict with the Reds.)

Command Race - Oryxians
It does not take long for the news of the "Great Corruption" to reach the Oryxians, and cause whispers among the race. The Tricksters worlds seem to carry with them and solemnly and make them fear the corruptors growth. It is decided through the discussions of the 5 circles that something must be done. While the Oryxians only have enough strength to defend their own lands, it is decided that an increase of aid and trade to the Jaeskine is needed, including an opening of closed stores. (Oryxians use their Agriculture advancement to help boost Jaeskine supplies.)
« Last Edit: May 09, 2012, 08:22:10 PM by Kenku »


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Reply #207 on: May 04, 2012, 02:00:02 PM
Starting Points: 11
Command City x3: (-6)
New armies rallied in Salkyn, Quesalk, and Las Flotas.

Command Order: (-2)
Seekers openly approach the pirate lords of the Red Ryen with interest in the protection of Las Flotas.

Command City: (-2)
Red Rats begin construction of a galleon fleet at Las Flotas, secretly for benefit for Takers.

Command Avatar: (-1)
Have a ‘meeting’ with the secret societies infesting your civilization.
Ending Points: 0

At the beginning of the new year, the Seekers and the Red Rats continue strengthening the Taker’s various armies. Not that the forces at Las Flotas consider themselves the Takers at the soldier level, but their generals know better. In any event, by the end of the year Salkyn, Quesalk, and Las Flotas will each be supporting a new army.

Additionally throughout this year the Taker’s plan for the Red Ryen are pushed forward with a sense of urgency. The Seekers use the recent attack against Las Flotas, and their masters’ help in repelling that attack, as an opening to approach the pirate lords of the Red Ryen concerning assistance in the protection of Las Flotas. In preparation for the opening this will create the Red Rats begin construction of a fleet of ships in the harbors of Las Flotas. Not an unusual activity in Las Flotas, but for the Red Rats who normally use their employers’ transportation it does raise an eyebrow. The Red Rats simply claim that one of their employers has need for both men and transportation and assure the pirate lords that they aren’t going to be infringing on their rights of pillage.

All these actions, as grand as they are, pale in comparison to the activities of solitary member of the Takers in the city of Quesalk. Her actions if fruitful will soon alter the season of the world on its furthest shores.

--- --- --- ---

The unimportant quarter mistress named Tuilan didn’t know what to expect as she sat in lavishly decorated sitting room. Rooms like this were uncommon in Resalk culture, too many thrills and not enough practicality. Practicality was in the eye of the beholder and one did not question the decisions of a Taker unless one was a Seeker, and even then with great care...

Of course that brought to attention how to react to the woman sitting across from her. By now reaching middle age, Lady Ressalon was far from the most impressive Taker; many of them where as impressive as their Blades ready to fall at the emperor’s command. For some reason this made Lady Ressalon as her position as fifth to the emperor as all the more impressive.

Putting down her ‘tea’, the Lady Ressalon raised an eye at Tuilan’s untouched cup. The quarter mistress took it up immediately and almost choked as she struggled to gulp down a sip. This appeared to assume the Lady Ressalon as she smiled for a moment before finally speaking, “So the Seekers tell me that your son has been accepted into the Blades.”

“Yes your greatness. He is a great honor to the family,” Tuilan responded with a hurried caution, particularly making sure to the ‘the’ rather than ‘our’. The Takers rarely took kindly to others claiming ownership of... anything, and only tolerated it in those who didn’t know better. And they always knew if you knew somehow as more than one foreign merchant had discovered over the decades to the detriment of their small cloth.

“Yes... an honor,” the lady responded with a smile... though there was a small frown in her undertone. “I’m certainly your father must happy. Particularly after his bother said he was such a fool for sending such a gifted prodigy into the lion’s den.”

Tuilan paled slightly. “My... there is no uncle, greatness.  Father was an only child.”

“You mean your cousin, the one posing as a merchant in Las Flotas?” Lady Ressalon said with a small frown, “Well, given the last time he’s seen his sister he may as well be an only child, but honestly this meeting isn’t about your family.”

If not for her brown fur, Tuilan would almost be sheet white. “What is it about, greatness?”

This earned a mild glare from Tuilan, “We tolerate deception rarely and only when it’s polite, but even more infrequent do I tolerate idiocy. You know very well what I know, Tuilan. After all, we know everything.”

Tuilan tried to stand only to find a pressure keeping her seated. Glancing with panic at Ressalon, all she saw where dark features and fiery eyes. The entire room seemed to glow with an inner light, dispelling all shadows as the doors and windows slammed shut. “Greatness... I assure you I...”


Standing, Lady Ressalon advanced on the trembling Tuilan, “YOUR SECRETS ARE AN ILLUSION... A DECEPTION THAT WE GIFT TO YOU AS WE GIFT TO ALL OTHERS. A GIFT WE NOW REVOKE.” Snapping her fingers, Tuilan’s form shimmered a lost all color briefly before taking on a liquid metal sheen.

Turning around and taking a seat, Lady Ressalon lets the sense of exposure sink into Tuilan before speaking up again, “Sorry about that. It’s a bit of a right of inniations for the Seekers.”

Tuilan bubbled for a moment before refirming her vocal cords, “Greatness?”

“Surely you must have suspected we knew? The shifters have been trying to infiltrate all levels of Resalk society for generations. Is it any surprise you’ve failed to infiltrate the Seekers for so long if we didn’t knew? We are the FIRE that once guided the Watchers of Recycled, free from our crystal prison and given flesh now for generations. We know much of what happens on foreign shores, and most assuredly EVERYTHING that happens in our domain.”

“As such,” Lady Ressalon continued, “We know that things are changing... and not entirely in ways we can turn to our advantage. To pull things back on track we need contacts with those who think themselves beyond our interest.”

“You’ll soon be getting messages from your homeland that the war against the Scourge has just taken an... unpredicted turn. While distant to us, we’ll soon be recruiting allies who can provide assistance in your war... rapid assistance. Even if that turns sour, with the threats against Las Flotas diminishing we’d like to offer aid... even for those who we might have once waged war against. Do not ask questions, as Seeker you are privileged to such information only as we delegate.”

Rising, Lady Ressalon walked to the door and opened it, “You may resume your deception. Such are the games we allow the Seekers to play amongst themselves.”

Regaining her brown fur, Tuilan hastily stood and bowed. “Thank you greatness. Your intentions will be relayed at once, greatness.” And with that the quarter mistress and spy rushed out of the room.

Closing the door behind her, Lady Ressalon looked at the perfectly sealed and impossibly lit room. Truly impossible if not for her power, for even between the floor and the carpet there was light. Not a shadow was tolerated within the room. Well, almost no shadow. “You may come out, Namco of the Noctus. Or would you practice idiocy?”

After a moment of hesitations, a shadow that had been desperately trying to escape the room slid out from the bookshelf and stretched out into a canine form. Lady Ressalon evaluated the Notcus critically, almost seductively... though truth be told it was an entirely different hunger in her eyes. “You would have made such warriors. Given time we would have relished making you ours, but we barely have time to finalize our acquisition of the Red Ryen before we must act or lose all.”

“When you return to your precious spire, news of the disaster the scourge’s efforts against the glyph scared will be spreading like wildfire. What was once a minor threat might overtake the north west continent. Slaughter is slaughter, but if they breach Eis Wand... than the rest of the world might soon fall. The White Larepin do not know what they play with. We might want to rule the world, but you’d prefer living in our empire then becoming one with the swarm.”



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Reply #208 on: May 11, 2012, 08:01:33 PM
Starting Points: (12)

Command Avatar: (Raise Army) (-1)

News travels fast.  Bad news faster.  It's a matter of hours, not days, before Miserable Failure discovers that the Scourge are attempting to join forces with the Glyph Scarred.  And they're coming FOR HIM!

"Please!  You have to help me!" Miserable failure begs of the Larepin who have been sheltering him.  "I don't want to be eaten!"

Most likely because he won't stop bugging them, the Larepin eventually give in and authorize a personal bodyguard for Miserable Failure.  It is an army whose morale is low, but they are relentless in battle.  If only because death is their best chance at getting out and not having to hear any more of Miserable Failure's whining.

Command Avatar: (Command Army) (-1)

Having successfully rallied the Hraim'Turu, Toestub leads them south to do battle with the Dreonin.  Along the way, however, his army comes across another army, that of the Turu'Hraim.

"Hey, it's you!" the Hraim'Turu say excitedly, recognizing their explosion-addicted cousins.

"What do you want?" The Turu'Hraim leaders demand.  Having just seized power from the matriarchs, it's fair to say that they are a little uneasy.

"Why do you always have to be so mean?" the Hraim'Turu leaders demand.  "And always making fun of us.  You said implosions would never amount to anything... Well, hear this:  we will crush anything that gets in our way."

"What's with you guys and implosions?" the Hraim'Turu demand.  "Don't you realize explosions are the only way to truly pulverize one's enemies?"

It doesn't take long before the old rivalry flares into a full-fledged argument.  And, well, both sides have an army.  Toe Stub was never quite clear on who exactly threw the first punch.  But it looked like fun, and so he joined in.  Soon enough, a full-fledged battle was raging.

Command Order: (Raise army) (-2)

News travels fast.  Bad news faster.  It isn't long before the Humane Society catches wind of the fact that Miserable Failure has his own private militia.  They remember the ancient stories of how they stuffed him into a crate and tried to drown him at sea.  The Society decides that it might be prudent to... defend themselves.  

Command Order: (Raise army) (-2)

The Edraei are positively enraged when they find out that their neighbors have raised an army, ostensibly with the sole purpose of wiping out their creator, Miserable Failure.  After a long and arduous debate, the Order of the Plaid Sweater comes to a decision.  It's time that they stopped bombing their neighbors with love and use something a little more... persuasive.  

The Edraei call out to their neighbors the Glueo to find out "what are the pointiest weapons we can buy?"

Command Order: (Raise army) ] (-2)

During the ongoing Krump/Red-Reyn war, one of the Krumps' precious flower-gardens is trampled during an especially hasty retreat.  The SASDBWF decides that it's time they do more than just think about how beautiful flowers are.  No, this time they will paint in a darker hue: blood.

Command Order: (Raise army) (-2)

Whispers in the dark:  "The secondmost is making his move."  News of Miserable Failure's new army has at last reached the ears of the Kyacamuuni order that worships the next-to-ugliest being in all of creation.  It is decided at once, they will join their idol on the hideous plain of battle.

Command Order: (Command army) (-2)

After plundering everything of value from the city of Lythr, the Dreonin hunger for more conquest.  Greedily, they turn their eyes south to the relatively undefended Phoraj city of Alyu to the west.
Surely fate will smile on them once again.

Ending points: (0)

« Last Edit: May 11, 2012, 08:05:52 PM by nagolinc »


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Reply #209 on: June 09, 2012, 02:05:41 AM
Starting Points: (10)

Tis was a time of healing for the Kycamuuni. With the return of the heretical dragon that desecrated the sanctity of both Krump and Kyca kind temples the angry armies of the Krump and Kyca return home. Although the Krump mourn the loss of a great many flowers and less importantly: Krump holding flowers, they replant and rebuild. The Kyca, however, are less than pleased to a slight degree. For centuries they have noticed a lack of progress. Most races seem to ignore the Kyca's grand gods of mushrooms (and flowers) and have grown tired of their missionaries' slow progress. It is time to kick things up a notch...

It had taken a while but the Kyca have decided to try to extend support for their operations by indoctrinating less violent cultures. To achieve this goal they expand missionary activities in Oryxian territories to do more than just spread the word.... the Kyca missionaries are to construct embassies and Religious Orders to not simply spread word... they shall blot out the Oryxian's original culture with their own...

Create Order: Oryxian Holy Order of the Shroom (-4)
The Kyca starts with one, the one convinces the few, the few convince the many. This is the basis of the Kyca's new methodology using new conversion techniques. This order shall be the Kyca's stronghold in the Oryxian territory, and from there they shall spread further.

To the far north....

Advance scouts from the Brown Larepin's detachment occupying Gotdle have returned from their stealthy mission deep into Scourge Territory. They brought with them grim news of the merged foe, the Glyph Scarred are now marching to claim all that approach. However the Fortress Commander seems confident in his massive army's ability to hold the line thanks to a recent shipment of training manuals and new equipment from Guerrier, they are confident in their ability to form a stronger defense.

Advance City Guerrier: Stone Wall Tactics & Equipment (-6)
The Browns develop sophisticated, multi tiered stratagems and formulas for defending a defensive position using every available bit of Larepower. The Browns in Gotdle construct imposing, multi tiered defenses that go on for what seems like miles. Miles of murder trenches, spike traps, vantage points for crossbowmen, and acute angled construction on the fortifications to prevent enemies from scaling the walls. The Brows have fortified Gotdle and are hunkering down, using whatever they can get to create hundreds of thousands of arrow bolts and throwing spears. The Browns will not abandon their victory to the Glyph.

To  the East...

To say Irfang command was enraged was an understatement, the whole military command was almost awash in fire from anger due to the Browns' treachery during the defense of the borders. To say nothing of the least that they deliberately split their force to pursue personal glory over the cooperation of their allies, this was near betrayal. But for now there was little else they can do.

Worse yet, however, a new even greater army approaches, called the Glyph Scarred. Irfang scientists believe they may be able to find a way to better counter this corrupted threat.... if they can obtain specimens..... Maybe even use them as weapons against the Browns should they turn traitor.

Irfang will launch a scientific investigation into the Glyph Scarred in a later turn.

Remaining Points: (0)