The World Changes - Segment 3
Abe's Corn road wasn't so bad up north. A nice and large road to move on, but further south it gets really bad. Peter disliked the 'Count Down' roads with a passion. 37th, 38th, 39th, onwards to 60th and beyond. These roads were overtaken by the local plant life and crashed Fords from the past. The plant growth has gotten so bad that the road has splintered and split apart from the aggressive tree roots surrounding the roads. This often led to a terribly bumpy road and made Peter miss the more stable treeless regions for the sake of riding comfortably.
A few minutes driving down the road Peter came the DeRenne marketplace. The place was once in bad shape like the rest of the city though the nature of the two intersecting roads and location made a good marketplace. Those of the north go south, south go north, east and west and all. A good central location. Peter checked his pockets and pulled out an old watch with no wrist band and checked the time. Eleven in the morning, he was late. He accelerated down the road about a mile or so heading further south.
He soon arrived at his destination, Oge's Thorpe. It wasn't the tallest building Peter has seen, in fact the place only had one floor, but it was the most expansive building he has yet seen. Fact is this place had so many fords parked perfectly side by side, their tanks full of juice, that this place once made the perfect juice harvesting location. There was even a huge ford with a giant tank full of the stuff parked nearby. Peter would fill up soon but Doctor wanted to see him and quick.
Peter scampered off towards Oge's Thorpe and came in front of one of the many entrances. The original text above the entrance has fallen long ago, Peter can't remember what it said last time. Whatever it was this entrance led to a library of some kind. Books everywhere, and these so called "Re-Searching" fellows are reading through as many of them as they can. Peter never really had the patience to read one of these books, in fact it was almost impossible for him to put himself into the shoes of who the heck were the people being portrayed.
"How intriguing..." said a Re-Searcher, "These... Huh Mans seem to really like badly written romance."
The comment was followed by laughter from the other Searchers.
"You'll get used to it. Don't take any of those romances seriously, it is just Huh Mans making stupid things."
Huh Mans so they were pronounced, Peter saw that they were spelled Humans though he wasn't sure in which manner to pronounce it. These must have been the people that built the city in the first place considering their faces are everywhere. No mystery as to what they looked like. If they were any more interested in their appearance on books and signs then they'd be plastered on walls. Still, Peter gave them credit for leaving so much information behind.
Peter entered a large room that was once one of these clothes stores, converted into a sort of mini lab.
"Doctor Hannigan? Sorry I am late. Doctor?" Peter squeaked as he searched for the doctor.