Thanks for the feedback, Virmir! It is greatly appreciated.
The guy commanding the army all by himself was a bit of a stretch for me. I would expect him to have subordinates to relay the orders to, who break off and order the troops in groups. Getting thousands of soldiers to orchestrate just by yelling at them is a little unbelievable.
This will likely be an issue I "correct" if I do decide to try and publish this. The idea is that every Luos in the army is a member of the Luos Enforcement Unit which Reimon is in charge of, so like a bunch of police officers being commanded by a sergeant, they're very much in-line. However, since they are from different units across the region, it'd make more sense to have some of the other leads give orders as well.
This is something I didn't really take into account until after posting. Since it was a short scene where it was just him, I didn't go through the process of thinking "Hey, maybe there's some Luos in the way back or way off to the sides that can't hear him!"
The "reveal" in chapter 6 wasn't all that surprising-- but I think this was intentional since you hint at it quite a bit throughout the previous chapters.
Nope! Not a surprise at all! Like you said, I'd been alluding to it since the first chapter.
However, there is still much to the puzzle that needs solving, and that will seen soon enough. I'm hoping that when I really get into Ko's backstory, you'll be saying "Holy [insert expletive of your choice here]!"
The big bad being a super powerful ice wizard is so fitting-- ice is a horrible thing.
Well, this one uses ice. The other not quite so much, but you'll be seeing him later.
Again, thanks for the feedback! It helps a lot, Virmir. Hope you look forward to the next chapter.