Okay, so thought about this for a while and did some research. Think I'm going to go through with it.
Like I've seen a few artists do, I'm going to make a deck of playing cards. Just your standard deck of 54 cards (4 suits + 2 jokers)-- That tarot stuff looks cool, but I'm not familiar with any of it.
Every single card is going to be a face card and feature a different character, much like this:
http://gallery.virmir.com/main.php?g2_itemId=1684I intend to get this deck printed and sell it. I've found a few sites that offer this service, so it's just a matter of making a few cards to send in as demos and picking the best one.
I'm leaning towards one that offers a print-on-demand service much like Zazzle, but there's another where I can buy in bulk affordability that looks good too. (Though I'd have to ship myself, and that'd be a pain. So not too sure on that one.)
Now here comes the fun part. Half of this deck is going to be my characters, and I'm going to open up the other half to the CF community to submit their own characters. That's 26 of your characters I will be including.
The suits are likely going to look like this:
Spades - Virmirs: All Virmir variations, plus a few characters from my written stories
Clubs - Crimson Flag: The Crimson Flag cast, as drawn by me
Diamonds - CF Community Foxes and Canids: Foxes and Canid characters/fursonas
Hearts - CF Community Cats and Others: Kitties and their non-canid counterparts
May tweak the last two based on response I get here. (I was originally going to make one suit Epic Battle, but not enough characters have been introduced there yet to avoid spoilers.
) Also, have ideas for the Jokers, but we'll see...
Submissions are closed! Thanks for submitting, folks. If you'd like to submit a character for consideration, please post below! You can submit as many characters as you like. Note that I'm not going to accept everyone's characters and some people may get more than one character put in. I'm picking and choosing who I think will work best for the project. I might lean more towards a fantasy feel for the entire deck, but will see what I get to work with first. Please note that I'm selling this deck, and by posting below you give me rights to sell artwork of your character (as drawn by me) for the purposes of this deck only. Also... don't freak out/get depressed if I make you a 2 or something. 2's can be a lifesaver in black jack, anyway.
EDIT: Also note that I'm not taking requests on who gets what number. I'll decide that.
EDIT 2: Also forgot to mention that there's a chance I'll be reusing some artwork I've already done. 80% of this or so will probably be new drawings though.
EDIT 3: Ooops, yes, please post references if I haven't drawn you or your character before.
Spades (Virmirs and gang)A:
The King (Epic Battle)Q:
Virmir (Metamor Keep)10:
Gramps (Metamor Keep, feral fox)6:
The Fennec (Fennec and the Naga)5:
Lucile (MK, feral fox)4:
Turstin (Downward)3:
Gavin and Mara (Reyan Saga)2:
Feral VirmirClubs (Crimson Flag)A:
Emiline (Dragon)9:
The Fen Assassin7:
Sierra's Summon3:
Emiline (Fox)Diamonds (Foxes/Canids)A:
Hanse (Donnie)
Iasha (Donnie)
Dracula (Tod, Dracula)
Dr. Richardson (Digital Vulpine)
Medik Jackal4:
Fen Wolf3:
Donnie (Overgrown Lands)Hearts (Cats/Others)A:
Ethaniel (Pontos, OL Armor)K:
Prince Kai (Epic Battle)Q:
Kayla AdinJ:
Ginger (Tod, Ekwara)10:
Geo (Traxer)9:
Beastling (Dragyn)3:
Ethaniel (Pontos, Metamor Keep)2:
West (Tod, Ekwara)JokersRed Joker:
Radioactive ToastBlack Joker:
VirMech, Piloted by DonnieAll completed cards gallery