Author Topic: Next commission opening likely in November 2023  (Read 11987 times)


  • Chaotic Neutral Cartoon Gray Fox Mage
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on: May 17, 2023, 07:04:48 PM
This is a preliminary announcement that I'm leaning towards opening commissions some time in November this year, after I'm done with the current Virmir-World story and Halloween sketches. I will likely do the same format as last time-- stay open for a week, then choose which ones to take out of the full list of respondents. I am leaning towards considering all commission sizes again, but I will decide closer to the opening date.

I will post the exact dates of the window I'm planning to open about one month before opening. So look out for that in October!

Please do not ask me to pre-approve your commission idea or to provide any more specific details until I'm open.

Thanks for your interest!

[fox] Virmir