Author Topic: Faith's Travel  (Read 9991 times)


  • Solid Fox, Daren Crevan
  • Mage of Caerreyn, Level 2
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    • Foxgamer01 of DA
on: June 05, 2022, 07:00:10 PM
With a volcano due to erupt in a few weeks, A-Ninetales was called in to deal with the situation. However, his apprentice, Faith the Vulpix, partly out of duty but mostly to see how big she would get, decided to jump in for the mission. And when she does absorb its lava, how big would she grow?

Just a story that I wrote on a fly for Vulpix Day. Then again, considering how big she got, I think the day should be called Faith Day instead.

In any case, enjoy!


It was burning hot when Faith the Vulpix climbed up a volcano. But, of course, being a Fire-type Pokémon, it doesn't bother her as much, especially when compared to other Pokémon types. In fact, she enjoyed how hot it got up high. And it was only going to get hotter.

Her red-orange fur puffed up even as she hopped from one boulder to the next, her paws snow-white rather than light brown. Her six tails, orange and curled up at the tips, wagged even as she grinned, her baby blue eyes shining in the sunlight. Yet, smog grew thicker as she climbed, with her cream underbelly darkened from it and her dark brown nose creased from the smell. Yet, she pressed on, her lime green bow wrapped around her neck swaying in the breeze along with her fur on hair, curled into three orange locks and ending with bangs.

Soon enough, Faith got up to the top, and she gasped. Below, glowing red and orange lava bubbled and turned, with the heat becoming overwhelming even for her. The ground rumbled a bit, and she almost slipped before steadying herself, stopping herself from falling down the volcano. It would be such a shame that she would climb up here only to fall over.

Faith gave out a wide grin, her tails wagging even faster. She stepped around the edge of the volcano, her eyes skimming through the rocky and sometimes molten landscape, which she stepped around. It was too soon to touch them anyways. But after fifteen minutes, she shook her head and sighed.

"Darn. I was hoping for a landscape to hop out from," Faith said to herself. "But it seems that this volcano doesn't have anything like that. Such a shame. It would've been dramatic if it did."

Still, Faith turned to the bubbly lava, her heart beating from the excitement. Few Fire-types Pokémon would get close to lava like this; fewer would swim in it. But then, Faith had one unique attribute she got from her mentor, A-Tales.

She gave a massive grin as she made a mighty leap off, falling towards the lava. Her instincts screamed out that this was a bad idea, but she couldn't turn back at this point. It became hotter as she fell, her fur sticking up at their ends. Soon, she landed in the lava, with only a few waves flowing from it.

She just floated in the lava for a moment, her back and head exposed and her bow unharmed. But then, her body glowed gold, and she grew. Within seconds, the one foot eleven Faith became ten feet, and she swung her tails up high. Yet, she still remained a mere dot within the crater, which expanded as she kept growing.

Faith had already reached fifty feet as she giggled, not feeling any pain or burn from the lava. Instead, the lava flowed into her, fueling her growth. Her Flash Fire ability, copied from A-Tales's modified Flash Fire ability, allowed her to grow from fire. Yet, lava worked just even better than fire, with the lava flowing up from her expanding body.

By the time she reached one end within the volcano, she had gone up to a hundred and fifty feet, with plenty of room around her. It rumbled all around her, but she sighed, blushing in joy and excitement. So much so that it took a bit before she realized how cramp it got when she grew to four hundred feet.

Faith's head poked out from the volcano, her golden glow glowing brighter than before. She laughed, her voice heard for miles as she turned herself upright, her paws holding onto the edge. But it crumbled as she grew, and the volcano's sides became too small even for her position. Part of her wanted to stay within the crater, still feeling exhilaration from expanding from the lava. But she wouldn't want to be stuck—

She grunted, cramped within the volcano crater. She closed one of her eyes as she tried to pull herself out, yet even at this size, the rocks held up. Instead, the entire volcano groaned and rumbled. Faith blinked, turning down, and she gulped.

The volcano cracked, with loads of steam flowing out, followed by lava. It then shook, with multiple Pokémon feeling earthquakes for hundreds of miles. Faith swallowed, her body continuing to grow within.

Soon, the volcano erupted.

Or, to put it more accurately, Faith erupted from the volcano.

Vast amounts of rocks shattered out from the volcano, with massive lava flowing out. Faith breathed in, touching the lava as they came out, with the lava sucked into her like a sponge. Indeed, as she kept growing bigger, she absorbed the lava quicker, with her giving out a nervous grin. But soon, any overflowing lava was absorbed into her, and she stepped out from what remained of the volcano, her paw larger than the crater before she burst out from it.

Yet, her body continued to glow bright, almost like a star that had landed on this world. And she kept on growing, despite no longer absorbing any more lava, with only a bit of it left. Faith grinned wide, her heart slamming against her chest as she stepped through the land.

Various Pokémon turned to the sky, dominated by a growing Vulpix with a lime green bow that grew with her. Many of them gasped and ran even as she stepped towards them, yet her expanding paw was challenging to avoid. Soon, she landed on several Pokémon and an entire Pokémon village. She then continued onward, with the Pokémon she stepped on blinked at her, unharmed with not a single property destroyed; it felt more like a cushion that landed on them.

Just another trick that A-Tales taught her.

Faith kept expanding in size, her body still glowing brightly as she wagged her tails. Clouds rubbed against her face and neck as she traveled, becoming more like a horizon to those below her. She turned to the sun, with it becoming whiter as she grew more prominent to the world. Lakes became nothing more than dots to her, forests that stretched on for hundreds of miles became a few seconds' walk, and oceans became visible.

But as she grew, her glowing body faded bit by bit, with other colors of her body becoming visible to all, including herself. Yet, she smiled, her tails wagging even as she grew some more, with the sky becoming darker with countless stars appearing all around. In time, she stopped glowing, and after a few minutes, she stopped growing.

By that point, even calling Faith massive would be an understatement.

Indeed, she has grown so huge that she could see the continent she was on and many others all around her. Her tails splayed out behind her before curling up on the planet, engulfing entire lands with them. She stood tall, about a third of the world's size. And to think that was all because of one volcano.

Gears turned within her head, and she turned to the sun, still shining before the world, with darkness underneath her body.

Her lips curled into a wide grin.

#   #   #

David the Zoroark groaned, his yellow eyes straining as he opened them. Various screams and cries came to his room, and he leaned himself forward, yawning and stretching. His bones cracked, his nose stuffed, and he leaned back a bit, trying to wake up from his nap.

He turned to the window, and he blinked at the darkness outside. "Huh? I couldn't have slept more than an hour, and it was midday then."

Soon, David stepped toward the window, the red rimmings around his lips and eyes somewhat wrinkled. He extended his red claws before pulling the window up, and he poked his head out. His massive red mane, with black tips and ending like a ponytail with a teal that acts as a 'tie,' pressed against the window frame even as various Pokémon pointed at the sky, with a few of them screaming out. He squinted his eyes a bit before turning up, and his eyes widened.

Right above was a humongous Vulpix with snow-white 'socks' for paws and a lime green bow.

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?!" David yelled out, his earrings swaying as he stretched his neck out, his right ear having a blue earring and the left one red. "DID YOU ACTUALLY ABSORB THAT VOLCANO'S ENTIRE WORTH OF LAVA!? YES, IT WAS GOING TO ERUPT, BUT THEY SAID IT WON'T BE UNTIL—" He blinked, with the Vulpix turning to the sun, having a massive grin on her face. "What are you— DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT ABSORBING THE SUN!"

(19:14:28) Virmir: All of Foxgamer's pics are either super happy or BATTLE.
(19:14:53) Virmir: Except that one roo one.


  • Solid Fox, Daren Crevan
  • Mage of Caerreyn, Level 2
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  • Posts: 324
  • Allons-Y
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    • Foxgamer01 of DA
Reply #1 on: June 05, 2022, 07:01:22 PM
Here is a bonus ending crafted by Midday-Mew!

The sun got absorbed. The planet careened into space in a straight line, as it had nothing to hold it in orbit, and the people on it died as well from the extreme cold, no longer having the sun's protection. Plants withered and died from the icy temperatures and lack of sun, wrecking entire ecosystems from their foundations. Soon, the former planet became unsustainable for life entirely. What a cold and bitter end.

(19:14:28) Virmir: All of Foxgamer's pics are either super happy or BATTLE.
(19:14:53) Virmir: Except that one roo one.