Author Topic: Weird Dreams  (Read 161913 times)


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on: January 14, 2010, 03:12:52 PM
I'm surprised no one has made a topic about this yet, especially Kit.  

One of the weirdest I had recently involve climbing a mountain range looking for some kind of (army?) camp.  Why an army would be camped on top of a mountain, I have no idea, but as I climbed it went from snow drifts and rocks suddenly back to trees.  I peeked over a ridgeline which was now more like low tree covered mountains than snowcapped, and suddenly behind me was a giant county fair/bake sale.  

As several vendors tried to accost me with their various homemade foods I declined as I had to be home in time for breakfast (and it was in the middle of the day).  So, I turn away from the giant fair and begin walking down the mountain as slowly the context begins to shift and I'm running and scouting for AT-AT's from Star Wars.  Suddenly the dream's perspective switches to a roughly 3rd person and I'm watching things like snowspeeders do their tripline thing against the walkers and what not, and something about the greater war against the empire.

And then... everything switches to Han Solo.  Except Han Solo is not fighting the war or flying the Millennium Falcon.  No, Han Solo is in a college dorm on a computer dressed like a girl and chatting online with some chick trying to make her believe that he is girl.  For whatever reason this other girl is somewhat suspicious of this idea, and in true dream fashion she's both chatting through the computer and looking at him square in the eye.  She then bluntly states that she believes that he is lying.  Han Solo freezes and shifts embarrassed, and tries to salvage the situation  by responding, “I’m really a girl.”

Then the girl goes berserk and screams at the top of her lungs “No you’re not!!!”  The girl then spontaneously changes into a pregnant chimpanzee and begins thumping her rotund belly shouting “You’re not a girl, you won’t ever have to deal with this!  Oh noooo, you stupid pretender!”

And then I wake up.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2010, 04:00:09 PM by Radioactive Toast »

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Reply #1 on: January 14, 2010, 03:26:39 PM
Haha I can see any dream posts people make here ending with "And then i wake up"

Edit: Somewhat relevant, How to tell someone about your dreams. Dont take it too seriously ];)

« Last Edit: January 14, 2010, 03:28:31 PM by KaiAdin »

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Reply #2 on: January 18, 2010, 07:12:25 AM
I had the weirdest dream last night and I NEED to write it down somewhere before I forget it.

Ever wonder what it's like to be an immigrant? Well, that's how I felt, getting off the boat, with a few of my classmates from school. Everything was boats, here. Reminded me of the piers I see while I'm on the train coming home from school. But there was something a little different.

THE boat.

THE boat was off in the distance. It was massive. It must have been 90 stories tall, and a mile long. Bigger than any cruise ship. It was always being built. Again, it was massive.

The city looked like New York City, but I knew that it wasn't; it couldn't be. George Bush Jr. was still president (I had seen him on TV on Saturday.) But it also reminded me of Oblivion, or Morrowind.

So, this came to that and us classmates had to stick together. But we needed supplies to have a boat of our own.

My job was to collect screws and bolts. No, I don't know why these were suddenly rare commodities, but that was the truth. I tried drawing a bolt, but failed epically.

At first, it was easy. Pick a few pockets for screws, (When I say "Screws and bolts", you might try putting "Money" to have it make more sense,) Shoplift a little. Found someone from a rival group and beat them up for their screws and bolts. I usually got 36 out of them.

Then, there was the girl.

She was loaded, we heard. I went with a partner. We tracked her down to an alley and cornered her. My partner took her inside, and I kept watch on the street. He started to question her. Tough questions. Where's your group's hideout?, ("was she from a rival gang?" I thought, "She's only nine, just grab her bolts and get out of there.) I watched the street, and got more and more nervous. People walking by. People I knew. People I loved. People I respected. I saw the president (Bush) walk on the opposite side of the street.

Then he shot her. With a silencer, of course. I winced multiple times, for each and every shot. I could hear it, but no one else could.

My partner came out, "Come on, let's go."

Later, I was walking by church, and heard a service being performed. That was strange, since it wasn't a Sunday. I decided to walk in and see what it was all about.

It was her funeral. Everyone was there. Bush, the rival gang, my gang members.(Was she the mayor's daughter; the president's daughter?) The organ music was beautiful. I saw one of my classmates standing outside the door to the chapel, and I started crying. Then I ran.

I ran as fast as I could. But no matter how fast I ran, I never seemed to be able to escape the boat. But then, I ran so hard that the overhead map zoomed out, and I saw that I was on the West Coast.

I saw how big the map was. I would have to do this for every single location that was highlighted on the map. It was a map of the United States. I knew with every location I went to, there would be more people I would have to kill.

Then I woke up.

((Wow, I hope I never join a gang. Must be terrifying.))

...but that's just my opinion, so don't let it bother you too much!


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Reply #3 on: January 18, 2010, 11:20:59 AM
I had a multi-dream night recently (I kept forgetting to write it in here) but only one of them managed to stick. Being multi-dream, they were pretty short, about five of them. Anyway, it began with a person (if any of the people had names, I don't remember 'em.) who was not very intelligent, and got a surgical brain implant to give him a computer in his noggin to help him out with that. Skip ahead awhile, and he's gone and lost it. It is inferred that it is inside of an old spaceship out in the middle of nowhere, which three enter, one being the guy who lost his brain computer, the 'main character' of the dream, and someone else. They entered from the top, through a large stubborn sort of panel-door. It was dark, and despite the age, the ship's on board computer was still on. A brief conversation happened between it and the main character as the group crawled through some extremely dusty tunnels (by extremely, I mean like a constant anthill mountain range, only with dust), but all I could remember were the last three lines:
"There is a lot of dust in these tunnels."
"Yes, I like dust."
the main character suddenly stopped, saying "We need to get out of here."

dream terminated, consciousness achieved.
my guess was the computer would lure people into the ship, close off the exits, and wait for them to turn into dust, and that this had happened a lot of times.

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Reply #4 on: January 18, 2010, 12:12:22 PM
Lopez: Whoa.  Epic.

Hmmmm... last night I dreamed I turned into a foxtaur. [;)

It was just the lower half, but still surprisingly realistic.  It started with a fairly realistic tail, then nice digitigrade footpaws.  And then all of a sudden I was on all fours. (Whoa!)  I think it might have continued up my body more, but after a few seconds the changes went in reverse and I woke up. (Blast!)

Anyway, the best part was it was all correct Virmir colors. [;)  The proportions were fairly toony too-- very much like I draw Virmir as a foxtaur.  I could feel all four limbs fairly well.  Though the front two, which mapped to my normal legs, came in a bit better.

This is the second lower-half foxtaur dream I've had.  (The first was probably about two years ago.)  I usually have a transformation dream once every couple of months or so, probably because I spend a lot of time thinking what it feels like to be the critters I write and draw about. [;)

(And yeah... GREAT topic. [:))

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Reply #5 on: January 18, 2010, 03:43:13 PM
Gah.  I've had semi lucid dreams where I tried to turn myself into something else, but it's one things that never seems to work.  It's somewhat frustrating...  Seems if I can't get a good grasp of what it physically feels like, I can't make it happen.  I remember one dream where I tried to make my stomach explode.  Failure there too.

Also, I forgot to mention the dream I most remember.  It's sketchy, but many many years ago I had a dream where my brother was too stupid to die.  As in he was given a can of baked beans and a flamethrower and we threw him at some bad guys in space and a nuclear explosion resulted... and a minute later he just walked up to me in this giddy stupid laugh saying how awesome it was.

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Reply #6 on: January 19, 2010, 12:08:55 AM
Yeah, I actually rarely do these anymore cause the net result is I always end up being the only person talking in the end and it gets weird.

Lol at pregger chimp

I've tried to make my stomach explode too! I've even gotten it to work once or twice, though it was more a disembowellment that resulted in a tail coming out of the fish variety.

And yeah, I can't ever seem to get TFs on purpose either. During all my lucid dreams I can't make dream powers work, but I can apparently control the setting if my most recent lucid dream is anything to go by. I will have to experiment next time (assuming a next time is anytime soon).

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Reply #7 on: January 19, 2010, 01:56:45 AM
@ Kit: well were all patiently listening... (or not.. who knows)

ANyway I figured I should post this:

Something from when I was on...Grade...8? or something.. and I don't remember much, but I do Know it was Inspired by one of the rare dreams I had.

I remember being an anthro Cat on the rooftops and there was this girl, as depicted in the picture.. (or was that me.. AS a girl.. I dunno time and the whole weird dream thing blurrs things) and obviously as a cat you get better night vision, able to see into the shadows better yet able to see the bright moon light too. So there I was standing on the rooftops seeing deep into the country side as the full moon glittered on the landscape with a silvery glow.

Alas thats all I remember of the dream. I made it with these awesome Fan Brushes I was given as a present, and some black fountain pen ink. I believe the white glow on the girl was made with a white colour pencil.

Edit: hehe thanks you guys for reminding me about this piccy too! ]:)
« Last Edit: January 19, 2010, 02:02:31 AM by KaiAdin »

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Reply #8 on: January 19, 2010, 07:37:54 AM
I'll share another of mine now!

At first, it took place in a sort of festival, primarily around a building based off of Greek architecture. One of the participants came down off the stage the building had become and asked me to escort her home, though I'm not sure why. My brain kicked into quest mode and I immediately accepted, asking her to show the way. We went along a polished white marble hall, and when we had reached a certain point, she revealed a secret passage, which we entered. I remember it being a sort of library, and I went over to a small stand which had coins with skulls on them, a bit like Halloween-based poker chips. She urged me to hurry on, forcing me to abandon further inspection of them, and as we continued we nearly fell into a pit trap! It was at this point she kindly told me this shortcut was trapped. That portion went on without incident, and the marble halls faded away into the scenery of what I would call a haunted house. various decapitated appendages, brains in jars, dark, spookiness, the whole lot.

For no apparent reason at all, we walked into one room and encountered mummies. You'd think I'd have the intelligence to give up by then, but nope.. we rushed past them, as mummies are rather slow things. Mummies were really all we found, until some hulking... figure of some sort got in the way. I pointed a flashlight I conveniently produced out of nothing at him, and the area around his eyes lit up like a Las Vegas sign. he stopped attacking, just staring into the flashlight. I edged over to a closet and tossed it inside, locking him in when he went for it.

At this point we (finally) reached her father... while still in the haunted house area. apparently she lived there. He was playing with a knife, lounging in a chair. When he noticed us, he began to give a speech, playing with his knife the entire time. Multiple times, he threw it at me, just close enough to not hit me and imbed itself in the floor. When he was finished, he threw it in my left shoulder, said a few more words, and shooed me off. I returned to the festival, a good deal more grumbly than before...

that'll show me to accept escort missions. I wish I could remember what he said, though. The knife distracted me quite a bit.

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Reply #9 on: January 19, 2010, 12:17:19 PM
Random thought: are theese dreams 'especially' weird or something, by default I would think dreams are weird... sooo a better title for this would be 'normal' dreams ]:)

« Last Edit: January 19, 2010, 12:23:02 PM by KaiAdin »

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Reply #10 on: January 19, 2010, 09:29:17 PM
Wow, Kai.  That's really cool.  The accompanying picture makes it awesome. [:)

True, most dreams of note are "weird". I don't think we bother remembering or telling other people about the boring, normal ones. [;)

I remember my first "furry" dream, I was the leader of a pack of four-legged feral, but sentient, talking wolves.  There was some dispute in the pack of some sort, and some of them wanted to mutiny.  But I yelled at them and made them listen. [;)

This was way back in middle school, in the 7th or 8th grade.  Up to that point I had never even considered the fantasy of being something other than human, and it really blew my mind.  I think that was probably the first step in my current direction. [;)

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Reply #11 on: February 11, 2010, 03:30:05 PM
Ack, odd one last night. 
Started I was naked... in a walmart restroom.  Only the restroom lacked walls and was at best obscured by a counter from the rest of the store, and the toilet was located UNDER an alcove and you couldn't get to it.  Fortunately there was no one else in the Walmart, so my worries weren't too bad after all. 

I decided to move on, (of course completely forgetting about the clothes issue) and the Walmart it turned was connected to a mall, which was connected to a Mass Relay (can anyone tell I've been playing a lot of Mass Effect recently?).  I end up on a ship and we're heading toward a spatial anomaly of some type and as we approach it turns out to be inhabited by spirits or noncoroporal life forms or some garbage and they periodically posses the crew and have small snippets of conversation with me. 

We approach the big extra-spatial anomaly and for whatever reason the ship is headed straight in and we can't go with it, so we hightail it to the escape pods... only to immediately decide to leave the whole anomaly and promptly head BACK to the ship so we can make our getaway.  Of course the baddie... things decide to start shooting at us.

As we try to gun it we realize we can’t get away, so somehow I get the bright idea that the only way to survive is to toss an old lady out of the airlock to distract our pursuers.  I approach her to start the… rather odd request, but I wake up before anything can happen.

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Reply #12 on: February 11, 2010, 04:03:28 PM
And you were in the nude during the entire duration of this dream?

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Reply #13 on: February 11, 2010, 05:09:15 PM
That would have been hilarious but no; when my dreams change context usually everything else changes with it like it was never even a factor.

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Reply #14 on: April 04, 2010, 12:37:55 PM
   Somewhat odd one last night; it started in some kind of shrine that also housed a military complex and we were trying to unlock some great big secret sealed behind this big stone door.  Well, it turned out there was a fairy that was supposed to control this door, but somehow it contracted the ebola virus and died (and we all promptly forgot about the ebola virus afterword…).  So we were left with no fairy and no way to get through this door, till I suddenly get the idea to steal some stone artifact locked away in one of the base’s vaults that might open up a back way.  I end up travelling alongside this Chinese guy whom everyone is convinced is a spy.

The sentry guarding this stone artifact turns out to be no problem as the Chinese dude turns out to know the Vulcan nerve pinch, and stealing this MacGuffin I bolt for a security door that only the base’s commanding general has access to, but for whatever reason as I go through this big high tech metal and glass door no alarms whatsoever go off.

Soon I find myself in great big temple room with an altar up front and suddenly a hundred people are gathered around wondering what’s going to happen.  I touch a glowing blue glass dome on the altar which apparently represents the happiness and goodwill of the universe as everyone agrees that we have to use this at the 2012 London Olympics, it being such a good beacon of international harmony. 

So, as we set that up a bunch of people leave through a narrow hallway which unfortunately turns out to be Indiana Jones temple-trap laden and they end up crushed and roasted to death by various ancient traps.  I run and try and escape from the temple but just as I hit day light I find myself in custody of the police for the murder of politician.  And then it just ended.

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