Author Topic: Comic 357  (Read 8060 times)


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on: February 26, 2016, 09:00:50 PM

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Reply #1 on: February 26, 2016, 09:01:27 PM

🏳️‍⚧️Princess is a contagious condition🏳️‍⚧️
She/her pronouns please ❤️


  • Mage of Caerreyn, Level 2
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Reply #2 on: February 26, 2016, 09:04:14 PM
Ahh... a kid and their new pet. Heartwarming.


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Reply #3 on: February 27, 2016, 02:49:24 AM
Oh carp! ];)

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Reply #4 on: February 27, 2016, 07:39:58 AM



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Reply #5 on: February 27, 2016, 08:39:31 PM
I'm sensing some sort of bizare hydra-esque monster afoot

Tyla: Ty Ty ty Ty Ty Ty
Tyla: we need more tys
Selden: No, no, no. Then we'd need a tybreaker.
* Tvorsk snickers!
Tyla: ...
Tyla: that was...
Tvorsk: Tyla, the word you're looking for is "beautiful". {;)
Virmir: I need to hire Selden as an editor. [;)

Jarrod Dark

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Reply #6 on: February 28, 2016, 09:59:02 AM
He looks way to happy. {;)


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Reply #7 on: February 28, 2016, 07:31:28 PM
Oh wow, a cerberat and a way-to-happy Julian. That is worrying, especially if he has another "Brilliant Plan."

Generic Meatbag #14

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Reply #8 on: March 02, 2016, 12:24:22 AM
That ain't happy, that's manic.

"There is a theory that states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable.

There is another theory which states that this has already happened."
- Douglas Adams