Author Topic: From the notes of Tuesday West  (Read 11414 times)


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on: September 04, 2012, 11:52:33 PM
((these are some things I wrote in my spare time in a slow moving RP. The character who is dictating them is an Anthro Wolf who jumps randomly through time. I may explain later on as I add more. But anyhow, these are all formatted as if someone had taken and compiled them based on subject later on. Enjoy!))

An excerpt from the notes of Tuesday West volume 1 of magic study
Pertaining to Magic and it's role within the various dimensions.

.... Magic is a fickle energy. In all of my travels I have never encountered such a odd and curious happening that is so prevalent thought the various worlds I have visited. As with all the other collected items within this volume, I am mainly writing this for my own use, due to my progressive function of memory loss.

Lest I forget, I shall put down the basic construction of the universes, and work from there. All this information is subject to change at any point, as I keep seeing new worlds and circumstances.

Reality as a whole is built upon two things, matter and energy. Mostly the easiest thing to observe is matter, and that will be the main focus of this information. The following is mainly how magic works and interacts with matter and ti an extent, energy.

Matter itself has three main components, neutrons, electrons, and protons. Anyone with basic physics knowledge can attest to that, and based on the amount of protons or electrons the particle has, it will behave differently, ergo, hydrogen is light and floats in most substances, while uranium is heavy and unstable due to the amount of subatomic particles contained within.

Magic is an odd energy that seems to bridge the gap between energy and matter. Energy can affect matter, but it is not part of it. Magic attaches itself like a parasite to subatomic particles, changing how the interact with their surroundings based on the kind of magic bound to the particle.

This is by no means a permanent thing, unless lasting spells or enchantments are involved.

Let's take a basic example that most students attempting to learn magic use, a ball of fire. There are multiple ways one can achieve such a task, but I will focus upon the effects. A spell is cast, and the magical energy surrounds the nucleoli of the air particles, dormant as we are speaking in terms of nanoseconds. The magical 'haze' around the particle then begins to convert the kinetic movement of the atoms into heat, causing fusion to occur. Then, drawing power from the spell caster's body, a process I will go into detail more thoroughly later on, it add kinetic energy the now burning and fusing mix, in a very specific direction, assuming the intention was to send the burning ball into its intended target.

Much of how magic works is similar to the above fashion. I must now stop my notations, as I feel a jump approaching. It is good, I am sick of the revolutionary war, the mages can be extremely ill tempered....

An excerpt from the notes of Tuesday West, Volume 2 on magic
Pertaining to long lasting spells and enchantments

.... And with the drive core inoperable for the next few weeks, much of ship life will be stagnant for the time being. I now take the time to continue my observations upon magic, and its apparent effect on reality as a whole.

I devote this section to the interesting circumstances surrounding enchantments and charms, forms of spell casting that are both extremely useful, and extremely dangerous.

All spells require energy from some source to operate, being as magic blurs the line between matter and energy, and the source for small-scale or temporary spells is generally the spellcaster or some other nearby source of energy. But for long term spells and enchantments, those needed for protecting, hiding, or otherwise altering an area of matter for a long term effect require massive amounts of energy.

A curious parallel I've noticed between magic users and science is the conversion of mass to energy, namely the reaction of fission. Fission releases unholy amounts of energy from a very small atomic space. When compounded, the results can be quite impressive.

Science uses this idea in much the same way magic does, though magic allows a greater range of materials to be split as it does not require tools and technology to operate.

One of the easiest ways to power a long lasting enchainment is to con very an entire object to energy, such as a rock or patch of ground. But this set of basic materials will not make for an efficient power source, for reasons unknown, materials that are either extremely dense, or living currently, provide a quality-long lasting effect. As it is hard to obtain super dense materials, as most in magical worlds have not been discovered due to the very existence of magic, the next most common source are of course, the local fauna or wildlife.

Enchantments and charms are constructed differently than your average fireball or banishing spell. As a spell takes effect, you must provide the fuel immediately, lest you consume yourself within. As the spell takes effect, a large quantity of energy is used directly upon casting, consuming most of the fuel provided. The more available, the more the enchanter can construct the enchantment to use at a given time. Once most of the groundwork has been set in reality, I say reality because I notice my sword's enchantments seem to persist throughout my travels, the power requirements slow to a dribble, allowing the spell to take effect, and be used. Eventually the spell can be used up, and the enchantment will die off, but the groundwork will still remain for those who can sense it.

It is possible to 'refuel' an enchantment, though the process is tricky at best. If you are attempting to add more mass to your own enchantment, you have an easier time, because you know the exact nature of what you cast. You must still be cautious. Even if the enchantment is devoid of any catalyst, you are still adding what may be considered 'gasoline upon a fire'. The enchantment may violently restart as if being cast for the first time, and consume all of your fuel at once, but with a difference. It will attempt to lay the exact same groundwork that is existing, and the conflict between the two identical constructions stops the process dead. But all that energy must go somewhere, so it is released as heat and light in one violent blast, similar to a nuclear bomb.

Thus concludes my musings upon enchantments and their confusing array of requirements, as I dictate this, I do thank once again Pernicolous, for his sacrifice to make the required energy for dragonsbane. Your death has brought much good, and the sword is my constant companion wherever I go.

I hear an odd amount of silence in the bulkheads, no speaking, no humming. I must finish this dictation. There is something wrong inside the ship...

An excerpt from the notes of Tuesday west, Volume 3 on magic
Pertaining to magic and its use and effects upon spell casters

...His condition is stabilizing, though I don't think he'll ever look at shrews the same way again.

I find myself returning yet again to the study of magic with this new development. It has given me an opportunity to observe the potential dangers of over-exerting one's self while dealing with magic.

Contrary to popular belief in many of the universes, save for the ones where magic is based off a being, not a physical occurrence, magic cannot be learned without the proper circumstances.

While it is possible to 'graft' the knowledge at a older age, magical instinct sets in at a very young age. This is due to magic's habit of attaching itself to matter. The magical energy can be left as a residue on an organism's brain, allowing new connections to be forged between synapses. Depending on the type of residue left, the organism may be more adept at certain tasks in magic than others.

This residue allows for the groundwork of the energy spell at the heart of almost exclusively all spells. The spell becomes an instinctual occurrence, allowing for more thought into the current task. The spell itself is one which takes the easiest for of energy available from the body, the conversion of food and liquid into energy. The spell simply takes the energy from the reaction instead of giving it to the body. This creates fatigue and tiredness, as the body is being deprived of energy while still active. A spell can be formulated to use fat, rather than the energy from food, though this is infinitely more dangerous, as one must know the exact nature and structure of the fat upon the body lest the spell caster accidentally consume himself for energy to power the spell.

The residue upon the minds also allows for the control of magic via the electrical nervous system found in most animate organisms. The nerves can be configured utilizing the magic to boost the signal, creating a powerful electromagnetic field. This field is how spell casters can manipulate the magical energy susceptible to electromagnetic fields.

This is not easily achieved, and requires much practice and time, as the initial shock to the nervous system can leave one paralyzed or heavily injured.

Roger is stirring now, so I think I'll drop a shrew on him and see his reaction...

An excerpt from the motes of Tuesday West, Volume 4 on magic
Pertaining to magic and its relationship to technology

.....The Ashongari have decided to abstain. This will mean war. But there is nothing i can do, but prepare.

It seems so long ago I last commented upon magic, so long, too little. This will be my final musing, stored in a separate file for later use.

Magic and technology, the two seem like extremes. But there are ways to make the two cooperate.

A common theme with technology is the electrically based components. No matter what the outcome seems to be, or where the tech evolves to, it usually begins at the electrically based level. Now, when computers are brought into the midst, things get a little more problematic. Magic users rely upon fine and extremely powerful electromagnetic fields to manipulate magic. This creates an electromagnetic pulse which decimates most advanced electronics. 

There is a path that allows for magic to coincide with advanced technology. But several key factors much come into play. First, magic must not be involved for the first stages of advanced technological development (ie: advanced computers). As this will let the researchers experiment without the fear of their work being destroyed. Secondly, the culture itself determines the likelihood of technomagical development. The more militaristic, or the more peaceful the nation, the more likely technology and magic will be able to coincide, as there are more resources devoted to research with either style of culture.

Now, on to the more direct relationship of magic and technology, the termmi used earlier, technomagical, is the term used to describe magic and technology working in tandem. The best way to cause magic to not interfere with the circuits of computers is to insulate the components against outside EM fields. Then you can use differing techniques to bind spells to augment the use of the item, which in of itself can lead to a extremely powerfully upgraded version.

The uses can be endless, but I fear I must stop, this is not the best of my memoirs. But i can hear the artillery beginning their bombardment they didn't waste any.... 

((these are how I believe that magic would work in a rational world. There could be many theories, but I have yet to find one totally compelling))

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William Swiftfoot

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Reply #1 on: September 05, 2012, 08:12:56 AM
Rather cool story set there Shadow. Good explanations and a nice tidbits of flavor to make it flow well.


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Reply #2 on: September 05, 2012, 12:13:55 PM
Thanks! I plan to add more when I get the chance, maybe on different worlds, more on himself. I dunno..

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Reply #3 on: September 06, 2012, 08:11:39 PM
Interesting tidbits here, though I'm honestly more interested in the guy's actual story. Still, kinda cool!

[fox] Virmir


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Reply #4 on: September 06, 2012, 08:25:37 PM
I will add more on himself later when i get the time. He's featured in multiple RP's a hiatus webcomic, a graphic novel, and random sketches and drawings. Tuesday will return, so just watch this area for the time being.

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Reply #5 on: September 06, 2012, 10:36:09 PM
((since you asked Virmir, here's a bit on Tuesday.. Heed I'm being rather cryptic, but I'll get to him prolly in the art section later...))

An excerpt from the notes of Tuesday West, Volume 1 on dimension hopping.
Pertaining to the nature of Personal dimensional travel and it's limitations.

....This last jump landed me twenty feet above a hard rock. I take this as further evidence the universe hates me. I set the broken bone in my arm and now have to single task in combat.. Should it arise at least. I haven't seen anyone at all since I arrived, perhaps this will be an empty world? In any case, I have this dictation and my notes to keep me sane for however long my stay here will be.

Taking some time to think back on it, I realize I've never clearly defined the nature of my jumps. I've had sections mention scientists and mages who have attempted to figure it out. But I feel I have the better option, being as I've been around far longer than any of them.

My involuntary jumping at first glance would seem like a forced jaunt through time, landing wherever and whenever the whims of the universe take me. But the reality is much much more complicated than that.

Our reality as we know it isn't comprised of one timeline within one universe. In fact, reality is comprised of infinitely numerous dimensions and points in time. Whenever any time passes, a new universe is created. This makes a mindbogglingly astronomical amount of universes, but as with all things tied to reality, one must shrug and accept.

Now, any of these universes may be different only slightly, or entirely and fundamentally different. A good example is the existence of magic, magic starts as a byproduct of the creation of the universe, the exact specifications are unknown to me. If this process of universal creation does not create this byproduct, then magic simply won't exist.

This is a great example of how universes differ, and as far as I've been able to tell, my theory has not been met with any argument as of yet.

As for myself? I somehow am pulled by an extra-dimensional force that let's me travel in the multiverse unharmed. The locations at first glance appear random, but I've noticed that none of them have been in uninhabitable locations. True, some have been deserted, but for the most part, there is either sentience or some other form of life thriving where I land.

This leads me to believe that this is not all by some random accident. I believe that God is pulling me through these adventures and locations to either teach me something at each stop, or teach them something. Either way, i do my best.

I see a small glow upon the horizon, I believe it is torchlights from a town. There is still some night left, perhaps I will observe and see what manner of inhabitants this world calls its own...
« Last Edit: September 07, 2012, 08:01:37 PM by Shadow99611 »

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Reply #6 on: September 08, 2012, 11:47:15 AM
Very interesting.

It'd be hard to not take notice of huge apparent similarities between this and my own life.
At the same time, if I understand right, there are just as huge differences, even opposites, in our experiences.

I orignate and spent most of my time in a very definitely nonmagical universes. I've had short episodes in ones where magic exists; and they're just as uncomfortable (and weird) to me as my home world would be to Trask the magically-alive plush.
At the same time, I seem to be just about completely unaffected by the kinds of magic practiced anywhere I ever went to.

My own travel ability, "shifting" as I tended to call it, is as far as I and everyone that helped me to understand it, completely innate and physics-based. I'm pretty sure that we'd be able to detect "enchantment residue" like you described it, tho; the world I'm proud to call home since a few decades is quite advanced, and has both very good analytical equipment, and their own quantum-assisted matter and energy manipulation technology. Besides, I'm working with electronics all the time, and don't kill them. {;)

Since a while, I have it mostly under control, too. In the past, I shifted when facing sure death (or in at least one case, actually "dying" due to massive bleeding) - we theorize it might have been a sort of a last ditch survival instinct. Due to the extreme energy requirements, it made me suffer a memory loss more than once... tho, once I've found out about it all, I've managed to recover some of the memories.

I'm definitely interested in knowing more about your case, to find more similarities or differences.
-- Tvorsk

Thanks for reading,
-- Tvorsk

Draykin: And blast it, what is the world coming to when one cannot find a decent metal remix/cover of the Imperial March?


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Reply #7 on: September 08, 2012, 03:27:49 PM
Well, I'm not Tuesday, these are just his notes and recordings Ive gathered together. But I'm sure I can dig up one if you want, just gimme a idea of what youre lookin' for. Anyhow, here's a description he logged away, i'm not totally sure why...

An excerpt from the command logs of Tuesday West. Keyword=Image
Holographic scan.

*Recording activated*
"Tuesday West."
*Voice authentication complete*
*State nature of access*
"Digital scan."
*Digital scan command recognized*
*Setting up.... Done*
*Scanner ready*
"Initialize full body personal scan."
*Scan initialized.*
*Converting to data*
*Textual reference stored. Text to voice command available in place of image.*
*Comparing textual to visual*

"Base observation: Subject is 6 feet 2 inches tall. Subject is male and has green eyes. Subject is a bipedal grey wolf in species, postulating possible occurrences, genetic manipulation?interspecies crossin-"
"Cancel postulation."
"User input, canceling postulation. Non attire observation: Subject has fur patterns coinciding with a member of the Grey wolf species. Fur is white under the extremities. Fur is blue almost entirely. Exceptions, fur is black around neck, nose, sides of the head, and is consolidated in dual stripes down the back, ending in a single stripe to the end of the tail.
Attire observation: Subject is wearing attire appropriate for rough 1800's American west. Subject has a faded red vest, faded bile jeans, cowboy boots, a western belt (style unknown), a flat brimmed circular cowboy hat (commonly associated with gunslingers of the era), a sword belt with a sheath containing a pompeii gladius on the right side (gladius is unscannable, unknown reason), a gun belt with a Single action revolver on the left side, and a oilskin duster.

*Checking textual reference against visual*
*Within parameters?*
*Saving reference....done.*
"Power down."
*Manual override detected, powering down*  

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Reply #8 on: September 08, 2012, 04:33:49 PM
I have no idea what, if anything, I'm looking for.
I'm pretty sure I haven't met him, though. {;)

Thanks for reading,
-- Tvorsk

Draykin: And blast it, what is the world coming to when one cannot find a decent metal remix/cover of the Imperial March?


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Reply #9 on: September 08, 2012, 04:56:44 PM
Yeah, he is kinda an interesting fella. I'll add more when I can find more, he has quite a bit of notes stored away in random files that he leaves all over the place. I dunno if it's like a wanting to be noticed thing or what, but he's got thousands of years stored..

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Reply #10 on: September 11, 2012, 08:01:18 PM
Looks cool! Write a story next. [;)

[fox] Virmir


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Reply #11 on: September 11, 2012, 09:11:23 PM
Already on it.

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Reply #12 on: September 12, 2012, 03:00:24 AM
(and now for a real story to sink your teeth into! Just as a worning there is violence and death inside this story, but i believe it doesn't break the PG rating. But if it does, please oh please tell me so I can iron out the problamatic parts)

An excerpt from the notes of Tuesday West. Security log.
Auto activated by removal from user.

*Sensor cord disconnected. Begin security recording*

"Gah.. Heh, c'mon, what is it you really want eh?" *spitting sound*
"Don't play games with me Mr. West!" *someone gets punched,
"You know where they are. Is it in this?" *mic proximity distortion* "Yeah, I can see it in your eyes."
"*cough* That's just a little bauble I picked up in my travels, it was a gift from your mother."
"Your insults will get you nowhere Mr.West."
"Please, call me Tuesday."
"Ah good, now we have a name to announce at the funeral service. Good day Mr.West, I'll be back."
*impact upon mic*
"Deactivate mic"
*user input. Manual deactivation*

Tuesday reached for the dog-tag left on the floor, clicking it once like a button. The electric blue lines running its length dimmed and faded. Tuesday grasped his hand tighter around the cool metal.
Sleep for now will ya? He thought. He groaned and looked about the small room he was imprisoned in.

The room was dark, roughly bedroom sized, with one door where the man tormenting Tuesday had just left through. The door, as with the walls floor and ceiling were made out of an extremely uncomfortable metal, as Tuesday was quickly discovering more and more as his incarceration continued. He licked his lips, the unfortunately familiar coppery taste greeted his senses again.
Right, I think i've overstayed my welcome here.

Grunting, he ousted himself off the cold metal floor and onto his feet, re-donning the dog-tag as he did. He bent over with his hands on his knees, pretending to catch his breath, concealing his quick glance at the camera. There was no good way to do it. The instant he made his move it would be a firefight all the way out. Considering how far Reinstein had descended into madness, he could probably count on the entire facility to be focused on him.
At least I never thought it would be easy... He straightened, and pounded his fist on the door.
"Hey! Morons! What does a wolf have to do around here to get some intelligent conversation around here?!" 
The slat at the door slid open with a 'clank'.
"You talk to the boss." Dang, they were competent, who hired intelligent guards anyhow?
"Yeah? And how mad would he be if I told you I wanted to confess, and you were stopping me?" There was a pause,
Ah, so he only appeared intelligent... The man seemed stumped, his brain trying to work out the non-logical statement that Tuesday had said. Another few hopeful seconds passed, then the guard resolved to simply beat Tuesday. He had before tons of times, and simply would again.

Tuesday quickly readied himself as the metal slat slammed shut and the door beeped and clunked open with a stereotypical metal 'clunk'. The guard walked in and cracked his knuckles.
"Ah, you're much bigger than you sounded."
"I'm big boned."
"Right you are."
Tuesday wasted no more time, he darted forward, catching the big man off guard, who thought Tuesday was too injured to move fast. In a moment Tuesday's fist connected with the guard's chin. A wet 'crack' soon followed, and the man fell to the ground like a sack of potatoes. 

Grabbing the man's pistol and spare clips from his belt, Tuesday ran through the open door moments before the main control room noticed something was wrong.

But there was something wrong, Tuesday could feel it, but there was no time to contemplate, these things always seemed to work themselves out. The underground facility was composed of many small hallways lined with pipes and machinery of all sorts. It was a design feature, as pipes in the inside of the wall were easier to work on when the outside of the wall was simply dirt.

Alarms and klaxons began blaring along with red flashing lights.
I can't possibly be THAT import a- His thought was cut off as a bullet pinged off the wall next to him. 
"Dang!". He flattened himself, he hadn't watched around a corner and a few guards had spotted him and were bringing their weapons to bear.
"Open fire!"
The world went deathly silent to Tuesday. The gunshots in the enclosed space deafened his sensitive canine ears, and he closed his eyes, feeling the vibrations format the rates of fire. Now. He opened his eyes and dove across the open hallway, firing the pistol as he did so, but not at the men, but the pipes on the wall next to them. He scored a hit, and scalding hot steam engulfed the small party.

Screams of agony went unheard as Tuesday reloaded and counted his ammunition, moving away from the men in pain. He twisted and turned through the metallic hallways until he reached his destination. The armory. Using his gun as a fake code to get through the door, he smashed the remnants of the keyed with the but of the gun, double checking that it was no longer useable. Rifling throughout the large room, he found a locker that smelled recently opened and familiar. Opening it, he took a moment of victory.

Inside were all his personal belongings, what he had on him at least, and Reinstein hadn't had a chance to catalogue them. He clipped his sword-belt on first, then his gun belt with his single-action Ruger revolver. Next he donned his duster, and finally, his hat. He missed his hat, but now all was right with the world.

Stepping out, one aspiring guard dripping wet and covered on burns stood shakily hooding his pistol at Tuesday. His hearing had since returned and Tuesday said,
"Look pal, this ain't no heroic act you're doin'. Put the gun away, and you won't be meeting the devil t'day."
The man gritted his teeth and Tuesday watched in what seemed like slow motion the man's grip tighten.

Tuesday's hand snapped down to his revolver and he unholstered and fired within a split second, revolver smoking like a bad habit. The man's gun went off, sending the shot wild and causing Tuesday to duck. He collapsed to the ground and moaned, bleeding profusely from his chest. Tuesday ducked low next to the man, 
"Last words? Or do I end it now?" Then man put a hand on Tuesday's chest.
"We are all dead men." His eyes grew blank, and his hand fell away.

Tuesday cursed vilely. He got the meaning. The madman had rigged the place to blow. That's what all the alarms were about.
Does he really want me gone that badly?
Tuesday racked his brains, trying to think of a way out of his situation, then one came to him.

Racing down the hallways, taking heed of the men only to drop them quickly with either his blade or firearm, he came upon the door marked 'Control'. He knew what he would find inside.

He opened it and stepped inside.

The room was roughly the size of a small house with rows and rows of computer screens leading up to the far wall which held a massive monitor half the size of the wall. All the screens were displaying an identical red message.


And so on. In the middle of it all, in a chair that could only be described as a throne, sat Reinstein.

"I've been expecting you." The man said from his chair. Shadows obscuring his face and body.
"I knew something was wrong the minute that guard came in." Reinstein chuckled,
"Oh come now Tuesday. You're quick, I'll give you that, but you aren't that bright are you?" Tuesday set a hand on his revolver.
"I'd shoot you right here and now if I wasn't so sure you could stop the bomb."
"Aww, but whose to say I will?"
Tuesday lowered his headmaster concealing his eyes with the brim of his hat,
"Because I know you, I know your type. You're self absorbed with yourself and like yourself too much to commit suicide."
The man laughed again, Tuesday was really beginning to get annoyed by the sound. The time was ticking down, giving Tuesday a very real sense of how long this conversation could possibly last.
"Heh. You're right about that. Oh, but I guess I didn't mention something. I have a way out." Ah, there it was, the way out. Now the evil madman would bargain,
"And I'm willing to let you share of course. Just tell me -Hurk!" His last sentence was cut off as an arrow seemed to sprout out of midair in his chest. Tuesday did a double take and looked back. Then his jaw dropped.

Before him stood a young man with dark hair dressed in a dark green ranger's cloak wielding a bow and arrows.

"Blaise?! What the hell are you doing here!?" Then ties day looked behind the young man. There was a shimmering pimple oval with a translucent window. On the other side a snow leopard was holding her hands out and panting with the strain. She spoke and her voice sounded slightly distorted through the portal,
"You can catch up later Tuesday. You coming or not?"
Tuesday glanced at Blaise, who simply gave him a thumbs up. And jumped throug the portal. 

Tuesday shrugged.


He stepped through the portal.

These things just seem to work themselves out.

(hope you enjoyed!)

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Reply #13 on: October 30, 2012, 10:16:52 PM
Anyone want me to continue the story? I got no response, so I'm mashing the 'revive' button here, just to get a tad bit of attention, and see if it's worth it to keep going. Don't get me wrong, I won't stop writing about Tuesday, nor stoo drawing him, it'll just be on backburner until I really feel like it.

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Reply #14 on: November 07, 2012, 09:14:47 PM
Sorry again for missing this the first time!

I do like where this is going. You've got kinda a video-game-ish intro going on here with some fun action. Just a few typos you'll want to touch up on another editing pass (looks like some auto-correct stuff-- you've got "ties day" instead of Tuesday at one point. [;)) but it's generally not bad at all.

Looking forward to reading the next part!

[fox] Virmir