Heyo there! I'm unsure if anyone else here asides Niro or Geary play it, but there is a fun free game called 'League of Legends'. It is a tactics based game based off a warcraft 3 custom game called DOTA.
Its focused around player vs player at the given moment, with the choice of a 5v5 or 3v3 game for actual games (these give substantial exp and influence points, the second being a form of cash, in comparison to custom) or a custom game in which you choose who you fight and what bots are on the map.
The game works around there being two bases, yours and theirs. Each base produces a predictable army of 3 warriors, 3 casters down three different lanes (so a total of 18 minions each wave). Every third wave will contain a tank along with the normal ones. The players will play the 'champions' of each base, being significantly stronger than the minions, and and leveling up during the battle off of fighting the minions + the other teams champions. Each base consists of 9 towers, 3 inhibitors, 2 super towers, 1 god tower, and the main base. Being that there are three seperate lanes you have to fight and defend from: this leaves 3 towers behind one another in each lane, with an inhibitor at the back, then two super towers directly in front of the main base, and the 'god tower' at the spawn point (This last one is mainly to prevent anyone from getting you at the spawn.
Towers are very, very tough early game, and in fact will kill you almost instantaneously if you try to fight them: however they will always attack minions first before attacking a champion... unless a champion hits a champion allied to the tower. The tower then immediately switches to hitting the person harming its ally. The goal is to destroy the towers, pushing your minions into the enemies base and then destroying the main building.
There are other factors, alot of them in fact, but I can easily explain those and give a good tutorial if necessary upon any appearance of interest.
Its free to play, although cash will certainly make you look... different. It's also fairly small size program wise and graphic requirement wise. It's community has been vastly improving lately, and its very harsh to events such as people ditching a team mid-fight and ect.
I play the game myself quite alot, usually 4-5 matches a day with each one at least being around 45min-1hr. Matches can however end very fast (20-30min), 25min being the most common since if its an inevitable loss this is when the other team has the freedom to surrender. However, I have been in a match which lasted over and hour and twenty: so a long match is very possible.
And sadly, there are no foxes... but there is an anubis-like and set-like champion: as well as a werewolf.