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Game Room / The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Review
« on: May 01, 2012, 12:34:00 AM »
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

The Legend of Zelda series has usually been outstanding games, with great characters, great stories, great gameplay, and great music. This game is no exception.

1.   The music

What can I say? They’re all great. They range from the beautiful Romance in the Air to the quirky Groose’s Theme. Each one holds emotions, powerful ones, that allows you to get into the feeling of the game. The Lanayru Desert area is unique since there’s a present version and a past version of the music, both of which are awesome.

Also, as a staple to the series, you can play a harp halfway through the game in order to unlock a item that’ll help you find the second dungeons in each area. As a nice bonus, you can see Fi singing the untranslatable lyrics (or screaming if you look at her face).

2.   The gameplay

As someone who leap into the Wii motion controls without any problems, I can safely say that the controls are outstanding. If you guys encounter problems, it’s probably because the controls has desync with the TV (which happens to me several times due to habits and my position) and/or you’re inexperience with motion controls.

The way to fight in the game is rather innovated. Unlike the Zelda games (or a whole lot of games) before, where you just press a button or swing the controls and you hit your opponent, the combat is like a puzzle. You have to watch your enemy and see how they react since they can defend this time by reacting to your attacks. Like with the Lizalfos, you can’t just slash at it with your sword since they block it with their rocky gauntlet; you have to first slash their non- gauntlet half of their bodies to get them to dodge and, while they’re taunting you, stab them in the face.

Also, you can’t just raise a shield and block attacks since your shields now got a damage meter that, if hit enough, will cause them to break. You’ll have to shield bash in order to knock back their attacks while preventing your shield from getting hurt. This will also disorientate the enemies, giving you the opening to attack. Even when you get the awesome Hylian Shield(which is indestructible), it’s best to shield bash their attacks.

Items also got a change. Now you can upgrade your items, like the shields, Bow, and the Beetle, and make them better than ever before, like making the Beetle into the Hook Beetle, making it able to pick up bombs and such and drop them. This also has the effect of making Rupees even more valuable in the game since you’ll be spending them for shields, repairs, potions, and upgrades. Also, you gain an Adventure Pouch for secondary items, like metals or quivers and shields, and, because you can’t carry them all, you have to send them to the Item Check for the nice lady there to hold for you.

Flying is rather cool in the game. It’s like Wind Waker, except the islands are on the sky and the dungeons are on the surface of the world. If there’s one nitpick I have to give for the flying, it’s that you gain a way to defend yourself from attacks in the sky rather late in the game. But, overall, it’s rather awesome.

3.   The characters

The characters in the game are all colorful and interesting, though I’m mainly going to talk about the one that made the most impact to the story.


Even though he’s mute in the game, you can feel his desire to rescue Zelda throughout the game. You can also feel his emotions by just looking at his face. You can make him into a noble or cheeky, but in the end, he’s the hero of the story.


Zelda, when she first appears, is a kind and loving person with a strong bond with Link, such as getting him to wake up early so he can get some last minute flying practice. In fact, the bond is so strong that that’s your motivation in saving her and you really want to save her.

When you met her later (or earlier since you two meet in the past), she’s reveal to us that she’s the reincarnated goddess Hylia so she can find use the Triforce to defeat Demise (since the deities of that world can’t use its power even though they created it for some unknown reason). She generally speaks with an air of wisdom by that point, though she’s still Zelda. It’s rather depressing to see her seal herself (ironically the music playing's Zelda’s Lullaby) to keep Demise from being released and even more so since she considers it her ‘punishment’ in using Link desire to save her to gain the strength he needed to save her.


When Groose first appears, he was the bully to Link though Groose himself back off when Zelda got involve due to his crush for her. So he was clearly crushed when he learns when Zelda was taken away.

Later, when Groose follows Link to the surface, he met the old woman of the Sealed Temple, who explained to him that Link was the destined hero to save Zelda. He initially rejected that notion until he saw Link singlehandedly defeat the Imprisoned. He acknowledges Link as the destined hero and became depressed at his uselessness, despite the old woman saying otherwise.

Later, with the old woman encouragement, he made the Groosenator, a device that’ll allow him to assist Link when the Imprisoned released a couple of times and, admittedly, the battles would’ve been lost without his help. Finally, in as sort of defiant of fate, he saved Zelda (or rather her soulless body). So, by this point, Groose grown from a bully of Link to a hero of his own right by helping Link in his quest. Groose is an example of a character growth done right.


Fi’s a rather interesting character. Though player often call her annoying like Navi, I don’t really see her as annoying though I have a strong tolerance for annoying character. In fact, she has grown on me when I saw her dance the first time. It was incredibly sad to see her go into deep sleep and, to see her grown much that, even though she’s a being of pure logic and see this quest as a job, she understood the emotion happiness and, to see her thank Link, is tear jerker.


The first of the main antagonists (and yes, he’s on that level). When you first met Ghirahim, he’s polite in a creepy way, yet, underneath that, is a real murdering lunatic. He’s flamboyant, yet has deep anger that barely under controlled. That bomb finally exploded and he’s reveal to really be Demise sword, almost exactly like Fi’s Link sword. This makes the relationship between Fi and Ghirahim to be both parallel and complete opposites.

Demise/The Imprisoned:

The second main antagonist of the game, Demise spends most of the game sealed except when he’s trying to free himself in the name of the Imprisoned. When he finally appears in full form, he’s looks like Ganondorf which makes sense since it’s revealed that Ganondorf’s the reincarnated hatred of Demise. Demise, despite the ambitions to conquer the world, seems to have respect for Hylia for her power and Link for his courage and, despite being defeated and cursing Link and Zelda descendants with reincarnated hatred of Demise, he actually takes it rather well.

Impa/old woman:

Impa, when you really talks with her, is rather angry with Link since he was late in saving Zelda in the second dungeon, causing Impa to save her herself. Also, while she has doubts that Link’s the destined hero, she encouraged Link to get stronger for Zelda sake. Later Link gains her respect when he saves her from Ghirahim(and you can even retort her with “Am I late”) later in the game. In the end, she went back into the past and remains there until she’s the old woman of the Sealed Temple.

There were subtle hints of her true (like the wrinkled tattoo, the Sheikah symbol, the fact that Ghirahim refers to them as one person, and the bracelet she’s wearing) throughout the game, though it only shows the bracelet as the reveal in the end. She’s rather sage-like, always helping Link and yet knowing more than she’s letting on. When she later disappears in a burst of light(since her duty is completed), it’s a rather sad scene, with Groose going onto his knees.

4.   The Story

The story, except for some plotholes (like that whole ‘deities can’t use the Trifore they created’), is a strong one, with great characters. Though it’s basically a ‘save princess from demon’ plot, it does it in a refreshing way that only Zelda can with enough twists to keep it interesting.

5.   Verdit


Check it out, but only if you’re into Zelda/adventures games and/or used to motion controls.

Writer's Guild / Foxgamer01: The Toy
« on: April 30, 2012, 06:55:57 PM »
I'm the toy who everyone forgot
I'm the toy who's in the bottom of a box
I'm the toy with stitches all over
I'm the toy who's covered in dirt
I'm the toy with its face smashed in
I'm the toy with a missing arm
I'm the toy with burnt marks on my foot
I'm the toy who's heart is broken

Art Gallery / Re: Free drawings
« on: April 29, 2012, 11:50:36 AM »
I agree. They look awesome. =)

Art Gallery / Re: Simple Inks Experiment (closed)
« on: April 29, 2012, 01:51:30 AM »
Awesome. =)

Random Topics / Re: Wanted: Soda Volunteers
« on: April 28, 2012, 10:55:41 AM »
I think I'll give one of my feral characters a try. (#3) (the fox one)

These are the only refs I got of Vulpes (his name) that have colors. Sorry. ^.|.^;

As for sodas, well, Gryphon Grape, Zaggin Dragin, Way-Up!, and Coyote Crush sounds good. =)

Crimson Flag Comic / Re: Comic 193
« on: April 27, 2012, 09:43:08 PM »
I hope he'll get out of there alive. o.|.o;

Writer's Guild / Foxgamer01: The Room
« on: April 25, 2012, 07:50:07 PM »
Well, here's a dark story from me.

I was put under trial. At least, I think it was a trial. There was a judge and a lawyer, telling the things I had done. There was no jury and no audience, making me feel so alone in this large empty place.

The main thing I had done to get here wasn’t murder, rape, theft, or anything wrong. I was here because I had helped a person get a home when things were going bad for him. They took me after that and here I was. There was more things I had done like listening and helping a depressed person, writing and telling stories for free, and helping any person with any problem.

As the lawyer continued to read, I noticed the light on my side was fading. I looked down and felt very cold and alone inside. Not even helping people had filled the empty space in my heart.

When the lawyer finished reading, the judge gave me two options for my sentence. One was to take a syringe filled with poison and injected upon myself. The other was to go to the room filled with people needing help and helped them. As much as I wanted to kill myself and end it there, I decided to take on the latter because I felt it was my duty to help others.

They took me to the room and the second I placed my foot in there, a person asked me for help. So I did. As soon as that problem was settled, another came and asked for help. So I did.

For 60 years I had helped the people there without end and without help of my own. Every week I was always taken back to court and was always asked me the same two options: Suicide or help others. I would always help others and they would take me back to the room.

There were people who come to watched me for as long as five minutes and then leave and never return. They were never the ones I had helped neither in the room nor in the past before I came here.

As much as I wanted to leave this place by suicide once and for all, I knew I would stay here until the day I die. The people who wanted me to help them would always make sure of that. Because of it, I hated myself with every cell in my body for being so willing to help others.

Finally it seems that I was in the last few minutes of my life. The raven flew above me as I helped the last person in the room. As soon as I finished, the raven touched me with the talons.

I then woke up from my dream. I was lying on the hospital bed, with much stuff hooked onto me. I was having cancer and I nearly died because of it. I believed the worse was over for now.

I looked at my side and I noticed my laptop with all four of my IMs on. There was only one person there trying to contact me. I knew who he was since he always chatted with me whenever I was on. I sighed as I weakly typed in my reply to him.

Writer's Guild / Re: Foxgamer01: The Wonder of Dreams
« on: April 25, 2012, 05:17:31 PM »
Good. Thank you.  {:)

Writer's Guild / Re: Foxgamer01: Husky TF
« on: April 25, 2012, 05:16:49 PM »
Thank you.

Yeah. I'd based the dream partially on a dream I had, so really I put it in because I thought it'll fit in somehow. ^.|.^;

But then, I let the reader interpret those stuffs in my stories.  {:P

Writer's Guild / Re: Foxgamer01: Fox and Wolf TFs
« on: April 25, 2012, 05:12:33 PM »
Yes, I admit that my story was really cheesy.

Thank you. I intended the whole alien thing.  {:)

Writer's Guild / Foxgamer01: The Flight
« on: April 24, 2012, 07:17:42 PM »
Ummmmmmmm. . . . I don't know what to say here. ^.|.^;


By the way, here's a super-short story that isn't edited by my friends who are better at grammar, so bad grammar commence!

There was a sea cliff that stood high above the sea. The water crashed to the cliff with a deafening sound that repeats itself endlessly. The rocks that were in front of the rock face were also hit by the waves and one, after centuries of being hit by them, finally collapsed into the sea.

On top of the cliff stood a griffin, standing upright, gazing towards the sea and sky ahead of him. His red eyes then looked at his yellow talons with white nails with his right one holding a necklace. His yellow beak remains closed while his yellow furry digitigrades paws kicked some dust and dirt to the sea. His blue feathers covered his head to this lower back and arms with black feathers around his talons. On his torso was white fur while blue fur went as far as his ankles. His wings were three feet longer than his height, with blue feathers covering them with white fur underneath them. His blue furry tail with a yellow bushy tip remains still while he looked down.

He raised his right talon and threw it off the cliff. As he watched it fell, he counted to three seconds and then jumped off the cliff headfirst after it. His wings were folded back so he could gain speed. Like an arrow he zoomed towards the necklace faster and faster until he caught it with his left talon. He then expanded his wings and he flew upwards, barely avoiding the sea and rocks below.

He flew upwards higher and higher until he was well above the cliff itself. He stared at the sea cliff as he flew towards the nearby forest. He flew above it just enough to see a bear eating berries from a bush. Because he was flying so low he was flying toward a large tree. He noticed it and barely managed to avoid crashing into it.

He then flew even higher to the clouds above. He was so close to them that he could reach out his talons and touched the clouds themselves. He then flew even higher, passing through the clouds.

As soon he was above the clouds, he stopped and curled up into a ball. He then fell towards the open plains as he spun around. He counted how much he spun around and when he reached 20, he extended outwards and flew upwards again, barely managing to avoid hitting the ground.

He flew over the open plains as he looked in front of him to see a human town. He flew higher so that they could not see him very clearly. He looked down below and while some of them did notice him, they just shook it off and continued on with their lives.

He saw a lake before him and decided to land there so he could get a drink. He lowers to the ground and tried to slow down, but he was too fast and, before he knows it, he was above the lake. He tried to fly higher, but he was too late to do that. He crashed into the water, barely managing to hold onto the necklace and avoid getting a broken bone.

He was submerged in the water for a few seconds before he got his head out, gasping for breath. He then sighed about his mistake and told himself to work on the landing.

Writer's Guild / Foxgamer01: The Wonder of Dreams
« on: April 22, 2012, 02:12:35 PM »
Well, here's another story, but this one have no relationship with my other stories. I know, the title's weird, but I thought it fitted with the story.

It's a gift story for two of my friends. So, for this occasion, I'd used a species made by one of the two friend, but I'd changed it quite a bit. Correction, make it a lot of changes. Here's the picture and compare what I'd described in my story.

I hope you'll enjoy this and the Dracotsune is (c) to Zethdracotsune/Blackfox1210/NicholasScribetail

Edited by Dracondo

There was a little town up in Canada, far away from cities, where amazing things would happen. Things that should be in the front page news of every city, but aren’t. The people of this world, except for a few, never saw why it was special. Their idea on what the world was not what the townspeople, or at least most of them, thought the world was. Because of this, they couldn’t see the town’s magic.

In that town, one summer ago, awoke Kyo Nettaichou. He had black hair, cyan eyes, and he was dressing into his black and silver sweater, blue jeans, and red and white trainer shoes. It was a special day for him because that day was the day he became an adult.

After he finished dressing, he went downstairs and met his parents in the dining room, sitting there, drinking their coffee. His dad had black hair, green eyes, and he was wearing a white polo shirt, black pants, and black shoes. He smiled when he saw Kyo.

“Happy birthday son,” his dad said. “How does it feel to be an adult now?”

“A bit exciting,” Kyo replied.

“Well,” Kyo’s dad said as he finished his coffee and stood up, “it’s time for me to go to work. I’ll see you this afternoon with a gift. Good bye.”

Kyo’s dad then left the house, jingling his keys along the way. As soon as the door closes, Kyo’s mom finished her coffee and said, “It’s time for me to go too. But before I go, I’ll give you a little gift.”

Kyo’s mom, unlike his dad, was a dragon; a brown, scaly dragon with wings and a tail. Her husband never knew. Not because he was put under a spell and not because she disguised herself as a human. He, with his closed mind on what the world is, chose to see her as a human subconsciously. Kyo, on the other hand, saw her as a dragon because he understood that the world was more mysterious than science had ever explained. Though Kyo, in his younger years, tried to tell his dad about his mom, he remained closed-minded and Kyo stopped trying.

Kyo’s mom went into her purse and pulled out a yellow dragon tooth. Kyo recognized it as the tooth for the rite of passage for half-dragon like him. When one wore it, it would change the half-dragon into a full dragon.

“Thank you mom!” Kyo excitedly said. He took it and put it on. Nothing happened.

“It’ll take some time,” his mom said.

“How much time?” Kyo asked calmly, yet with a slight impatience in his voice.

“Who knows? It’s different to every half-dragon in the world. Some of them never became dragons. Only time will tell.”

“I’ve got to go now. See you this afternoon,” she said and left. When Kyo heard the door shut, he sighed in frustration. Kyo loved dragons to the point that he wanted to be one. When his mom told him that he was a half-dragon and, when he turned 18, she’d give him the tooth that he thought it would make his wish come true. Now . . . he’d have to wait more, maybe forever.

Deciding to walk out his frustration, he went out the door and walked around town. It was a typical town with green grass on every lawn, tall trees on every street, and a few supermarkets. But it had a few things that would make a person new to this town magic wide-eyed throughout their stay. Kyo was used to it and very little surprised him here. Among the town are anthropomorphic animals, a blue lizard, a brown rabbit, and a cheetah, he passed by. Looking at the sky, there would be large birds the size of a car, griffins, hippogriffs, and dragons flying place to place.

Kyo, looking at the dragons flying, was feeling envious and was about to head back home when a voice said, “Kyo!”

He turned to the voice’s location and smiled. The person was a three-tailed kitsune named Larissa Tyler, Kyo’s longtime crush. She had brown hair, amber eyes, and she was wearing a red untucked shirt and blue jeans. Her fur was mainly brown, with her foxy ears black, white fur from her torso to her lower jaw, black hands, and white tips on her three tails.

Although Kyo’s mom approved of their relationship, his father was against it, though he kept it mainly to himself. It wasn’t not because she was ugly, crazy, or wild; it was because there was something inside of her that rubbed him the wrong way. The fact that Kyo would sometime act strange to his father after he visited Larissa also didn’t help.

The reason why Kyo acted ‘strange’ was because Larissa hobby is to transform others and Kyo was the willing victim. He told her it was because he could get used to the pain of transforming when he would finally change into a dragon. But it was really because he loves her to the point of being transformed by her. Sometimes he would transform into something feral and Larissa would have to help him get home. To his dad, he would’ve seen Kyo walking on all four for no reason when it was because Kyo was changed into a raccoon or a wolf. Because he never saw the world Kyo saw, he believed Larissa did something bad to his son and tried to hide it.

Now, with that excited look on her face, it looked like she wanted Kyo to be her guinea pig again. When he saw her like this, Kyo usually asked, “Which species is it this time?”

“I’m checking if you’ve changed into a dragon,” Larissa said. “I guess it didn’t happen yet.”

“Thank you for pointing that out,” Kyo dryly said.

“Sorry if it bothers you,” Larissa said. “But it’s good for me because I can transform you one last time if you let me.”

“Huh?” Kyo said confusingly. “What do you mean?”

“You know,” Larissa said. “Dragons are one of the hardest species to use magic against. It’s because of their tough hide that even the most skilled user of magic would have a hard time using spells on them. That’s why people don’t hear much of killing dragons using magic. I may be the best at transformation magic at school, but I’m sure I couldn’t be able to change you once you’re a dragon.”

“Oh, I see,” Kyo said while smiling. “One more transformation couldn’t hurt me. So, what will I be changing into?”

“It’s a bit home for me,” Larissa said. “I’ll be changing you into a kitsune.”

“Cool,” Kyo approved. “I never was changed into a kitsune before. Let’s do it!”

Larissa smiled and lifted her left hand. Then a blue sphere of magic appeared slightly floating on her hand, growing bigger and bigger until it was the size of a billiard ball. She then gently placed it above his heart and it entered his body. Kyo felt a warm feeling going through his entire body.

From the place where the magic entered his body, Kyo felt fur growing under his sweater. Though it had hurt the first time he was transformed, Kyo no longer felt pain whenever he was changed. The fur spread to his arms and when it reached his hands, he observed it was black. Kyo pulled back the left sleeve of his sweater and saw that the fur past his elbows was brown. His fingernails then lengthened and thickened into sharp claws and black pads grew on his palms.

Kyo felt his neck and he touched the white fur growing there. The fur spread up to his face as its color changed to brown once it reached his lower jaw. His hair color also changed from his usual black to brown as his nose and jaw lengthened into a foxy muzzle. Kyo put his hands on his ears and realized they were now a triangular shape, black ears on the top of his head.

The fur spread down to his legs and Kyo felt something growing at his rear of his pants. It ripped and four brown tails with white tips appeared and lengthened until they reached his ankles. He felt his shoes being discomforting due to his feet being changed beyond their abilities to hold them. They shredded his shoes apart and he moved his black, furry digitigrades feet from what remained of his shoes.

Kyo surveyed his new body with a foxy grin on his face as Larissa looked at him with her kind smile. They didn’t mind the destroyed shoes and torn pants because they knew that, once he changed back, they’d magically be restore to normal. After examining his kitsune body, Kyo looked a Larissa.

“This looks great!” Kyo expressed happily. “To tell you the truth, I love kitsunes almost as much as I love dragons.” Larissa slightly blushed at that comment. “How long will this one last?”

“For at least four hours,” Larissa answered.

“I see,” Kyo said. “Thank you for—”

“Kyo!” Larissa suddenly said with a shock tone. “What’s happening to your dragon tooth!?”

Kyo looked down and saw his dragon tooth glowing brightly. It then entered his body with a jolt throughout his body. Kyo looked at Larissa with his eyes very wide.

“Is it ti—” Kyo began, but felt intense pain on his back. Though he had been changed into many different animals thank to Larissa, there weren’t many changes done to his back before. Any changes there were only fur, not this. Kyo got to his knees and, feeling his back with his hands, he felt something growing there. The pain intensified and he put his hands on the ground, gritting his teeth hard. Unable to remove his sweater, he let it be ripped by what was growing there. When he looked at it, he realized it was a pair of brown, scaly, dragon wings. They were at least a yard and a half long each.

He looked up at Larissa with a shocked expression in his face. He was about to say something, but Larissa said, “What’s happening to your tails!?”

Kyo looked at his tails and saw two of the four tails were shedding their fur at a rapid rate. When the fur touched the ground, it faded into nothing. When all of the fur at the two tails was gone, in their place were brown scales. His kitsune tails then thickened into dragon tails with an arrowhead tip. At the tip are white scales.

Kyo slowly got up to his feet and observed his body. Most of the changes done by Larissa are still there. In fact, other than a pair of wings and two of his tails, his body remained unchanged. He looked like a cross between a dragon and a kitsune, mostly kitsune. Kyo then looked at Larissa and she still looked shocked.

“What the Hell just happened?” Kyo asked.

“I-I guess the dragon tooth activated and its changes are layered over my changes,” Larissa said.

“Is there a way to undo it?” he asked.

“I don’t think I can remove the dragon part,” she said. “As for the kitsune part, I think we can wait until the magic wore out.”

“OK,” Kyo nervously said. He looked at his body again and felt unusual. There has never been something like this before. Even when kitsune and dragons made children together, it’s always purely kitsune or purely dragon.  “Can we go to my place and wait there?”

“Alright,” Larissa said. “Let’s go.”


“Has it been four hours?” Kyo asked Larissa.

Kyo was lying on his bed in his room. He was careful not to hit his wings on the walls and do some damage. At the head of the bed were some fox plush and some dragon plush. Larissa was looking at the clock at the small table right beside Kyo bed. She looked at him and he noticed her eyes are filled with confusion.

“It has been four hours 15 minutes ago,” Larissa said. “I don’t know why my spell hasn’t worn out yet.”

Kyo sat up and looked at his black, furry hands with his face filled with sadness. “I’m sorry Kyo,” Larissa said.

“It’s alright,” Kyo murmured. “Do you know anyone who could know why this happened?”

Larissa looked up at the ceiling. “Well, one person might know. The Wizard.”

“Him?” he said. “The one who says all those movie and TV quotes?”

“Yes,” she said. “He may not be able to use magic himself, but he knows more about it than anyone I’d ever met.”

“OK. Can we use Skype to talk to him? I don’t want to leave the house just yet.”


Kyo jumped out of bed and the two went to the computer room downstairs. The room was almost empty except for a computer Kyo dad put together, a monitor, a keyboard, and speakers. Connected to the monitor was a webcam for Skype. The speakers also had a mic connected into it for Skype.

Larissa turned on the computer and, after a few minutes, went to Skype while Kyo waited at the doorway. She then called “The Wizard” and, after a few moments, he answered it. He didn’t have a webcam, so in its place was a icon, a wizard hat with a magic wand right next to it.

“Why, if it isn’t my favorite kitsune,” the Wizard’s annoying voice said through the speakers and Kyo felt jealous. “Of all the Skype accounts in all the towns in the entire world, you walk into mine. What do you want?”

“I need to ask you a few questions,” Larissa said.

“What happened?” the Wizard asked.

“It’s about Kyo,” she said and looked at Kyo. “Show yourself to him, Kyo.”

Kyo sighed and went beside Larissa where the Wizard can see him through the webcam. “Hmm,” the Wizard said, “very unusual, but not unheard of. What happened that caused this?”

“You see,” Larissa said, “I was turning him into a kitsune, but after it had finished, his dragon tooth activate and now he’s this.”

“I see,” the Wizard said. “I believe I know what happened. It’s what I call the Tape Effect.”

“Tape Effect?” Kyo repeated.

“Yes,” the Wizard said. “It happens when two or more transformation spells layer each other over like tapes. Think of a tape on the wall on the wall holding up a poster. Then it got another tape layer over it. They’re now one and the same, yet different, just as your kitsune and dragon are one and the same.”

“So, you’re saying is,” Kyo said, “they’ve fused together into one?”

“Yes, but not only that,” the Wizard continued. “Since they’re now one, the time you remain in that form is now different. The time you remain in that form is the longer of the two changes.”

“Surely you can't be serious.”

“I am serious,” the Wizard said, “and don't call me Shirley.”

Kyo slapped his head with his hand in annoyance. “That joke died 30 years ago.”

“Anyways, which one is the longest and how long that’ll last?”

“It’s the dragon transformation and it’s permanent.”

“Ouch,” the Wizard said. “You’re stuck that way.”

Kyo looked horrified, but Larissa asked, “Supposed if I use a spell to remove my kitsune transformation spell? Could that work?”

“I don’t know,” the Wizard replied. “I seriously doubt it could work.”

“Let’s try it,” Larissa said. She lifted her left hand and, like the transformation spell, a red sphere of magic appeared, slightly floating on her hand and grew to the size of a billiard ball. She gently placed it above Kyo’s heart, but it wasn’t entering his body. She looked at the sphere in confusion and put in some more magic into it until it was the size of a bowling ball. She again tried to place it above Kyo heart harder, but it shattered. The two looked at where the sphere was while the Wizard sighed.

“Just as I feared. Kyo, you’re now immune to magic.”

“But this is kitsune fur, not dragon scales,” Kyo protested. “Fur and scales isn’t the same thing.”

“Technically, they are,” the Wizard said. “They’re both made of keratin, though used differently by the reptile body and the mammal body. I’m guessing that your fur is taking on the component of dragon scales. This means that your fur’s now protecting you from all but the best magic.”

“So, I-I’m seriously stuck this way for the rest of my life?” Kyo weakly asked.

“Yes,” the Wizard said. “Just don’t worry about it.”

“What do you mean?” Kyo angrily demanded. “I waited most of my life to become a dragon! Now, I’m only part of a dragon.”

“If life ever gets crazy,” the Wizard said, “roll with it.”

“You quoted it from Nick and Sara who quoted it from Gil,” Kyo mumbled.

“Even if the people are fake, their words have some truth in them,” the Wizard sighed. “I got to go. See ya.”

The Skype call ended and Larissa closed the page. As Kyo pondered over this, she turned off the computer and she looked at Kyo. When he looked at her, he noticed her face is a bit annoyed.

“Well,” she softly asked, “are you ready?”

“For what?”

“To go outside for a walk with me?”

“W-what?” Kyo stammered. “But—”

“No buts Kyo,” Larissa said. “It may be hard now, but once you’re out there, you’ll realize you were fretting over nothing. Beside, didn’t you say that kitsunes are your second loved animal behind dragons?”

“Well, yeah,” Kyo sheepishly said.

“So you’re now two of the animals you love fused into one. Just go outside with me, please.”

Kyo sighed and said, “Alright.”

“Good,” she said, smiling. “Let’s go.”

Larissa took his hand and they went out of his house, though Kyo did it half-heartily. Kyo looked at the ground, unable to look at anyone watching. There were some who saw the kitsune dragon hybrid, but they didn’t say anything. They walked around town for twenty minutes with nothing bad happening, until—

“Hey look!” a jeering voice said. “The half-dragon’s now the freak of the town!”

Kyo looked down at the ground even harder as he recognized that voice. The person was Joshua Attor, a full dragon. He had yellow eyes with his scales a poison green with white scales on his torso and below his tail. On his head were two long horns with the same poison green color and yellow sharp spikes on his tail. He wore only a pair of black jeans, no shirt. Joshua looked at Kyo with an air filled with superiorly.

“Just ignore him,” Larissa said to Kyo. “He’s not worth listening to.”

“You actually think that having fur and three extra tails would look good on a dragon?” Joshua continued. “That’s almost as bad as being a kitsune.”

“Hey!” Larissa shouted while letting go of Kyo hand. “Don’t you dare insult the kitsunes with me nearby!”

“What are you going to do about it, huh?” he jeered. “My scales are more powerful than your kitsune magic and illusions!”

“That doesn’t mean you can insult us while acting all high and mighty! That’s wrong!”

“You know what’s wrong?” Joshua asked as he pointed at Kyo. “That’s what wrong! Freaks that don’t seem to belong anywhere! Freaks that shouldn’t even exist!”

This crushed Kyo badly. He was considering going home for the rest of his life, wasting all of his years. But then Larissa said something. Something he’ll never forget.

Larissa said, “Yes, I admit it. It was my fault he became like this. But I love him this way. Who cares if he has fur for scales, I love him either way.”

This brought Kyo’s spirit up. The kitsune of his life declared her love in front of him. This didn’t seem to unfazed Joshua however.

“HA!” he sneered. “You’re suggesting fur is a good substitute for scales? That’ll never happen!”

“Just because you don’t like it,” Kyo said, his spirit restored, “doesn’t mean you have to shove it to our faces. In fact, I’m now proud of being like this.”

“You-you what?” Joshua stammered, looking surprised. Even Larissa looked shocked.

“You heard me,” Kyo said and took Larissa hand. “Come on, let’s get away from him. Its people like him are why this world’s going downhill.”

Kyo and Larissa left Joshua, who still looked dumbstruck on what Kyo said. After they gotten far away from him, Kyo said, “I was a fool to believe him. That narrow-minded idiot. He probably can’t see humans.”

“Yeah, um, Kyo?” Larissa asked. “Do you really mean it? Are you really happy like this? Because—”

“Yes, I do,” Kyo replied. “I realized it when you said that you wouldn’t care what I look like. Kitsunes don’t go back on their words, do they?”

“I did say that, didn’t I? Since you’re also part-kitsune, this must mean you can’t either,” Larissa said. “Kyo, I really did mean it when I said I love you either way.”

“Larissa, I love you too,” Kyo said, smiling. “It’s the true reason why I let you transform me so many times.”

The two then went closer and closer together until they kissed. It was a long one, filled with large amount of love between them. After they finished, they continued on their walk, holding hands and Larissa foxy head leaning onto Kyo shoulder.


Later that day, Kyo’s mom discovered what happened, but she loved her son either way. His dad also went home and gave Kyo a cell phone for his birthday. He never did realized what had happened.

Over time, the town residents realized what happened to Kyo. Some are amazed. Some, like Joshua, felt he’s a freak. Some attempts to have the same thing happen to themselves, though never as unique as Kyo, who’s called a dracotsune.

“Dream is the personalized myth, myth the depersonalized dream; both myth and dream are symbolic in the same general way of the dynamics of the psyche.”-Joseph Campbell The Hero With A Thousand Faces

To my friends Apollo94 and Blackfox1210 who are among the ones who help me get started in writing stories.

The End

Writer's Guild / Foxgamer01: Husky TF
« on: April 21, 2012, 03:26:15 PM »
Well, here's a story. Enjoy.

Edited by Wyraachur.

Ho-Oh TF:
Lugia TF:
Fox and Wolf TFs:
Dragon TF: (Can't post link.)
Werewolf TF: (Can't post link.)
Husky TF: Here.
Griffin TF:

A young teenager in his early twenties was walking through the forest, his expression fairly peaceful given his calm surroundings. He brushed his raven colored hair away from his shoulder as his kind green eyes looked at the brown bark of the trees that were surrounding him. The leaves crunched on the ground whilst he continued walking through the somewhat bare forest.

Though all the trees were bare of leaves, there was no sunlight shining through the branches, that's if it was even daytime right now. Either there was some odd form of light in the forest, or he was capable of seeing in the dark. And aside from the crunching of leaves under his feet, there were no other sounds. He felt a shiver run down his spine, despite that he wasn't feeling cold or hot.

The tree bark darkened as he continued on the path to nowhere. He turned around, but all he saw behind him was a field of brown grass as far as the eye could see. He was wondering if there was a troll nearby, despite how childish that idea was, or if there even was an end to this place.

He started thinking about turning back when he suddenly caught his foot on something, tumbling forward into a dark pit that suddenly appeared in front of him. There was no light coming from it, nor was there any darkness - just nothingness. He tried to scream for help, but the sound didn't travel - it was like he was caught in the vast vacuum of space.

After what felt like a hundred years had passed in a matter of seconds, he found himself tumbling down the green grass of a hill. He looked up and saw the calm blue sky and the sun, but the nothingness that he fell through was gone.

He quickly got up and brushed away the dirt and grass from his dull red jacket and dull blue shirt. An endless sea of green grass was reflected in his eyes.

He let out a heavy sigh as he sat down on the ground, thinking. Right now it didn't matter where he stayed in this place, it all lead to nowhere. but they all lead to nowhere. There were no pathways to follow, and everywhere he looked, it was all the same.

Green. . . . Nothing but green. . . .

Then a sudden flash of red. . . .

His eyes widened as he looked at that flash, slowly coming closer to him as the figure within it became clearer. The eyes of the red creature glowed a feral amber, looking at him curiously. It was then that he realized that the creature was a fox, with its acute muzzle and black ears.

The two stared at each other, their eyes locked onto each other, before the boy decided to kneel down to the ground. The fox carefully walked closer until the two of them were an arm's length away from each other. They continued to stare at each other, with the fox sitting down on the ground, when the boy lifted his arm slowly.

He hesitated. This is the closest he had ever got to a wild animal before, and he really wanted to pet one. In fact, he has a great urge to softly pet it ears as if it was a pet of his own. But he knew that, as a wild animal, there was a chance that it could give him a very nasty bite. So he put his hand down and sighed lightly, when he noticed the fox winking at him.

The boy cocked his head, confused, when he suddenly looked down at the ground, a look of disbelief spreading across his face. The grass has disappeared and instead there was a path made of carefully placed cobblestones. The path seemed to lead from where the boy was, all the way around to behind where the fox was sitting.

The fox got up and nodded its head, as if beckoning him to follow. Too confused to think, the boy got up and followed the fox along the path.


“RYAN TRAUM!!!” a shrill voice said. “WAKE UP!!!”

Ryan woke up from his dream of the fox as he heard the rest of the class laughing. One angry glare from the teacher's hawk-like light green eyes was enough to silence the laughter. Her gaze changed to Ryan as he felt chills running down his spine.

“What is your excuse this time?” she said from her beak-like mouth.

“I was working on homework really late at night,” Ryan tried to explain. “I-”

“Then you should’ve worked on it earlier!” she retorted.

“As I was saying, I couldn’t work on it sooner because my job has me working from four till ten pm every day of the week. Als-”

“You don’t need a job with a mother like yours!”

“Let me explain... my mom won't give me any of her money, not even a single cent. Sh-”

“Even if you only got one hour of sleep, I still can’t believe that you would fall asleep whilst watching a movie like this!” she remarked furiously, hitting the desk hard.

“It's a boring movie,” Ryan admitted. “I don’t know why Citizen Kane was known to be the greatest movie of the 20th century.”

This struck a cord in the teacher. “Ryan, you’re to stay for one hour after classes!”

“What?” Ryan nearly shouted. “But my job-”

“No exception! Now as we've settled this disruption, class, we'll continue with the movie.”


When it finally reached four, Ryan left the school, feeling rather frustrated with his teacher and his mundane life. No matter how hard he looked, he just kept coming across dead ends, and no one was willing to help him out. Stupid, selfish humans, who think they can just leave behind the weak so that the strong can become stronger because it’ll promote progress and growth. Yet they didn’t even think that those weak people could do things that the stronger ones were incapable of. Humanity, in the end, is so close-minded that they just seemed to ignore any and all criticism.

Then again, Ryan thought, he was also being close-minded in thinking that humans had no good in them.

Unfortunately, none of those thoughts were brought on by his mother in recent years.

A few years ago, Ryan parents divorced after his dad won ten million dollars on the lottery. His mom wanted the money, but her husband had the dignity to give her enough so their son could go to a good college. They went to court and the divorce was finalized, with the mother winning half of the money and her son. The father tried to guarantee that the money would to Ryan, but was rejected.

Now Ryan is still living with his mother in a good house with a servant and such, but Ryan was unhappy. His mother would ignore his requests, especially if it involved money, and just lives in her dream world.

Ryan wanted to live with his father, but is unable to since the court gave his mother sole ownership. Especially since his dad’s now living in the English countryside’s, and that the court have limited contact between the two. Every day he wondered what his father was doing and whether or not if he was thinking of him.


Ryan, deep in his thoughts, kept on walking until-


Ryan was knocked back to the ground as the woman that bumped into him just continued to run. There was complete terror in her eyes, Ryan noticed. Right beside him was a bag with something in it.

“Hey!” Ryan called out to her. “You dropped your-”

“Keep it!” she shouted back, still running.

Ryan pushed himself up off the ground, dumbfounded, as the woman continue to sprint like a jack rabbit. Ryan looked at where she came from, but there was nothing. No one was chasing her and there was nothing that he could see that could scare her like that. Just empty stores and buildings.

Without any further thinking, he picked up the bag and continued to walk home, letting his thoughts continue to argue on whether or not humans are the evilest creatures on the planet.

Eventually he was standing outside of his house, the size of it was three stories high, taking up a good half of the block. Silently he entered the house, looking around as his hands twitched about. When he saw no one, he stopped twitching and went to the worse part of the house, his room.

Ryan sat on his bed, looking around his dust-free room, which was also really small. He looked at the only other piece of furniture he had other than his bed; his bookshelf. It’s filled with fantasy books, including the Discworld books, The Hobbit and all three Lord of the Rings, The Inheritance Cycle, and Beowulf. He then looked at his closet, where all his clothes were stored.

He looked down and he noticed that he was still holding the bag he picked up earlier. He tilted his head a little as he opened it up. He pulled out a husky plush, which had a tag on it that said nothing except a bar code. The code merely said 151793.

Ryan shrugged his shoulders and laid down on his bed, hugging the plush tightly as he slowly drifted to sleep. The last thing he felt was a shock running through his body, making him feel a little sick.


Ryan was walking on the cobblestone road, looking for something. Something he’d forgotten. Something important.

His sneakers rubbed on the rocks below him, scraping a little of the rubber off as he slowly broke into a run. The stones were kicked off the ground along with a little bit of dirt, until he found what he was looking for; the fox. It’s not too far off, but the water separated the two from each other.

Ryan shrugged and put his foot in the water. It reached as high as his ankles, he noticed, and put his other foot down. He walked across the water, slowly reaching towards his fox companion, when-


Ryan fell face first into the shallow water as his feet started to wobble violently. He looked up to the fox, but then the rest of his body started to creak and shivered. He crawled to the other side, gritting his teeth, when his shoes tore off of his feet.

He looked back at his feet in complete disbelief. He saw that his feet has grown longer and larger. He pushed himself onto his back, his deformed feet stretched out above him. He felt his feet go numb as they continued to grow and alter. He let out a loud scream as he felt his back violently snap, as if he was being split in half. When the pain subsided, he looked up and saw that white fur was now covering his feet, black claws poking out from his toes, gleaming in the light.

Then the rest of his body goes numb to the point that he couldn't even feel the water that was washing over him. The numbness passed after a few moments as he was able to lift his hands up, resting them on his chest, only to suddenly withdraw them when he felt something furry resting against them.

“This can’t be happening,” Ryan said to himself. “This can’t be. . . .”

Ryan looked under his shirt and saw that there was fur there. He kept muttering to himself when he felt something growing in the back of his pants. Before he could take them off to examine it, said thing forced it way out, wagging behind his legs. He looked around and saw a gray tail with a white tip, resting behind him. After a few brief seconds, he tugged at it, feeling pain running through his spine. He grunted, realizing that it was HIS tail, as he flipped back onto his hands and knees to crawl, his tongue hanging out.

He managed to drag himself through the river, almost reaching the other side, when his hands cracked loudly. He collapsed, looking at his hands as the nails broke away, large black claws growing from his fingertips. His hands went numb, and he looked away for a moment, knowing that they were slowly covering in white fur. When the numbness faded away, he let out a sigh as he examined his changed hands.

Looking up, he saw the fox in front of him, now only a few feet away from him. He finally reached the other side, a foot away from the fox, before he was struck with the feeling this his head had been struck with a sledgehammer, his ears feeling like they were being torn off. Closing his eyes, he forced himself to reach the fox, despite the intense pain he was in, placing a hand on the creature.

Suddenly, as quickly as it had started, the pain stopped. Ryan opened his eyes, seeing a muzzle where his nose and mouth was, as well as the fox before him. Everything else, however, was gone. The fox grinned to him as it faded into pure light, covering everything around him.

The next thing that Ryan knew, he was lying on the grass, the sun shining through the branches. His eyes closed as his now triangular ears twitched, picking up on the sounds of mechanical grinding.


Ryan eyes slowly opened, widening when he saw a white muzzle before his eyes.

“What the? But-”

Ryan looked at his hands, covered in fur, lined with claws and thick pads.


He then looked at his feet, the shoes completely torn away. His feet was stretched and twisted into a digitgrade posture, forcing him to walk on the balls of his feet.


He then saw his tail, covered in grey fur, wagging behind him.

“-that was a dream!”

Then the closet door swing open as a man stepped out from inside it, closing the doors behind him. With a skip in his step, he hopped in front of Ryan, speaking in a British accent.

“You see? I told you that it’ll change you, Miss-” He suddenly stopped when he saw Ryan. “Wait a minute. You’re not the lady that brought the husky plush from me, unless you changed gender... even then, you don't even look-"

“Who the hell are you!?” Ryan shouted.

“Oh!” he said and took a step backwards. “My name is Undecim Medicus, the owner of this store.” He gestured to Ryan's closet.

“Mr. Medicus,” Ryan asked. “First off, how did you get into my house and inside my room? Second, why are you here? And finally, that’s my closet, not your store!”

Mr. Medicus, with a rather sour face, asked, “You mean this?” He said as he opened the door.

“Yes, that’s-”

But Ryan stopped short when he saw that on the other side of the door, it wasn't his closet. Instead there was a store. “What? But-”

Mr. Medicus motioned him to go inside. Ryan eventually did so, and once he was inside, he felt like the only person in the entire world. The place was huge, much bigger than the house.

“That’s... that’s impossible.” Ryan uttered.

“No,” Mr. Medicus said. “Just a bit of-”

Suddenly they heard a door slamming, a loud voice booming through the area. “OK, who’s making the loud noises!?”

“Mom!” Ryan said, recognizing the voice.

That was followed up by a loud scream. “THIEF! THIEF! WE’VE GOT A THIEF IN THE HOUSE!!!”

“No! I’m not a thief!” Mr. Medicus yelled as the doors slammed shut.

Mr. Medicus hopped back inside, his tweed coat floating as he did so, locking the door behind him. “I guess I should remember to not deal with a mother wh-”

“What are you-”

“Oh,” Mr. Medicus said, looking at Ryan. “I’m very sorry for what has happened to you.”

“Huh?” Ryan said, confused. “What are you talking about?”

“You see this shop,” Mr. Medicus said, now seemingly very old. “What kind is it?”

Ryan looked around and saw that, for what seemed to be miles, there were plushies on the shelves... wolves, dragons, Poké name it, he had it. Ryan then thought for a moment as he looked at the tag of a nearby fox plush. The tag read 151793.

“You were the owner of that husky plush,” Ryan said.

“Yes,” Mr. Medicus said, straightening his bowtie. “The reason why this store is in your closet is the same as why you've been turned into an anthromorphic husky, and why the store is so big. It’s powered by Athrú technologies, and was made a long, long time ago.”


“Yes,” Mr. Medicus said, feeling more energetic by the sound of the word. “They were an old and mighty civilization from the planet Glas. Very advanced, they spread across the universe alongside the others. Athrú technologies are a mix in with magic and, since their technologies center around transforming, the magic leaks and effect non-Athrú by changing them.”

“So, this is why I’m a husky now?” Ryan asked.

“Yes,” Mr. Medicus answered. “You weren’t meant to have it though. I sold it to that nice lady earlier today.”

“I met her,” Ryan told him. “She was scared for some reason. So scared that she dropped that plush and didn’t pick it up. She just continued running.”

“It might have been because I moved to another spot,” Mr. Medicus said. “The empty room where my shop used to be must’ve scared her out of her mind. She did seem nervous when I talked to her.”

Ryan sighed and thought for a moment.

OK, I’m in a shop where my closet used to be, I’m talking to a strange man, I’m not human anymore, and I doubt that my mom would accept me with open arms when she sees me like this. What a great day...

“Sorry,” Mr. Medicus said again.

“It’s OK,” Ryan replied halfheartedly, looking away.

“But I may be wrong when I said that you were not meant to have that plush.” Mr. Medicus said, walking to Ryan and patting his shoulder kindly. “After all, what may be a wrong place and time may actually be the right place and the right time. Maybe you were meant to have it.”

“How can you be so sure?” Ryan asked, looking at him.

“I don’t,” Mr. Medicus replied, walking away.

Ryan thought for a few seconds and asked, “Did you say that you can move this place?”

“Yes, I did.” Mr. Medicus answered, turning around.

“Any limits?”

“As long as there’s a room that has no people in it, there are no limits.”

Ryan smiled. “Can you take me to my dad?”

“What? Isn’t he- Oh. I see. Sure, can do! By the way, what’s your name?”

“Ryan. Ryan Traum,” Ryan responded.

Mr. Medicus nodded as he ran through the seemingly endless shelves of plushies and rings.

“You might want to hold onto something!” Mr. Medicus shouted back to him.

Ryan just stood there, confused. After a while, the place started to shake wildly as the same mechanical grinding he heard earlier echoed through the store. On impulse, Ryan grabbed onto one of the shelves, which seemed to be welded onto the floor. Then it all stopped, though Ryan remained holding onto it for dear life until Mr. Medicus came back.

“We are here!” Mr. Medicus said with glee whilst jumping about. “In the English countryside!”

“Wait,” Ryan said. “How did you-”

“I can track down anyone with this girl,” Mr. Medicus responded, patting one of the shelves. “I just tell her to track down your dad and here we are. So let’s meet him!”

“So you got a plan on explaining my dad on why I’m a husky?” Ryan asked as Mr. Medicus walked past him.

“Yes,” Mr. Medicus answered. “I’m going to tell him everything.”

“What? Wait!” Ryan uttered, but Mr. Medicus already left. “Great... Can’t wait to see his reaction...”

Ryan looked at the plushies at the store as he waited for Mr. Medicus to come back. There were so many of them... Where does that man get them all?

The door once again swung open.

“OK Ryan. You can-”

Mr. Medicus started as Ryan's dad pushed him side, rushing towards his boy. Father and son looked at each other, their faces going from shocked, to confusion, to curiosity. They didn’t say anything. They didn’t need to. As if they’ve been talking to each other for a long time, they came to accept what had happened and hugged each other hard, their faces wet with tears.

“How can you people breathe like that?” Mr. Medicus commented as he watched the two with a soft smile.

The two stopped hugging after a few moments, starting to walk out of the store. Before Ryan could leave though, he felt Mr. Medicus place a hand on his shoulder.

“Wait,” he said, pulling out a necklace with a ruby in it. “This will change you back to normal, if you so desire.”

Ryan looked at it for a few seconds before he gently pushed Mr. Medicus's hand away. He understood as he placed it back in his pocket, Ryan waving goodbye to him.

I don’t know what will happen now, Ryan thought. But I have a feeling that, from this point on, things will only get better.

The End

Writer's Guild / Foxgamer01: Fox and Wolf TFs
« on: April 21, 2012, 03:18:34 PM »
Here's another old story I've written in . . . 2010. Ohhhhhh boy. Anyways, enjoy the bad writing.

Edited by Dracondo

Ho-Oh TF:
Lugia TF:
Fox and Wolf TFs: Here.
Dragon TF: (Can't post link.)
Werewolf TF: (Can't post link.)
Husky TF:
Griffin TF:

I stood in the corner of the room, watching my classmates have their conversations that lead to nowhere. Talking about the usual; sports, girlfriends, boyfriends, cars, fashions, and more. I didn't join into those kinds of talk because I didn't have anything to talk about. I was the ghost of the school, the alien, the one who didn't belong to any social groups.

Even if I did have something to say, I was usually ignored for no reason. Perhaps it's because I was the alien there that people didn't pay any attention to. It got bad when I would play a team game with my classmates because, usually, no one except me knew which team I was on. But it was silly and stupid when my classmates were encouraging me to speak out more, be more social, but how could I have if the same people ignored me, making the whole argument pointless?

'I don't belong here,' I thought. 'I belong somewhere else.'

There' were times, like being ignored, that made me feel like I was being abused by everyone around me. Some I would help in their personal crises and they promised to repay the debt they owed, but never did. Some I would ask for help, but I was ignored in the end. And some would make me take the fall someone else’s problems. Maybe it was because I was too nice for my own good, something that even my dad criticized me for it. But the one thing I couldn’t stand in the world was to see others cry.

"Ok class," our teacher, Miss Levo, said, "It's 3:15. Have a great day."

'Ok,' I thought. 'Time to go home.'

I grabbed my backpack and walked out of the room. Walking to the bike racks at the side of school, I thought about how alien I was there. I had few, if any, friends there in that school and they hardly got into conversations with me unless they wanted something from me and, even then, I got nothing from it. Perhaps, there was a place where I could go and feel normal for once.

I reached my bike, which was gold and silver in color, unlocked it, and rode it on my way home. Along the way home, I passed by Ashlei Lupus’s house. She was the new girl in school who had just entered a year ago. She had brown hair with blond highlights, blue eyes, always wore her necklace, which had a red gem on it, and she was the star of our chess club and softball team. I admitted that I loved her, but so did all of the guys at school and, with all of the competition for her, why would she have cared about the alien of the school?

I then passed by the shopping center of our town, or what was left of it. Most of the stores here were closed due to the failing economy there. Sometimes, I wondered, if the future was bleak, that we were heading into dark times last seen less than a century ago. If so, did we let it happened? Did we make mistakes that shouldn't have be made? Or was it bound to happen?

I then noticed a store I had never seen before. It was an video game store, with images of video game characters, like Mario and Solid Snake, on the windows of the store. I would’ve loved to go into the store and buy a game, but I didn't have any money. Besides, it looked like it was closed for the day. So I had no choice but to go home.

After a bit, I reached my home, which was one floor and blue and white. I got off my bike and walked it to the side of the house where I left it leaning on the wall. Pulling out my key, I unlocked my door and entered my house.

It was empty, just as I expected it would be. It was still before four o'clock, which was when my sister would come home from college. It felt strange though, coming home alone those days. My mom died of lung cancer four years before then and my dad left here last December to work with my great uncles at their farm at California, leaving just my sister and me to take care of the house. It wasn’t that bad, it just got lonely at times.

I placed my backpack on the couch and opened it. I then pulled out a book, The Three Investigators: The Mystery of the Coughing Dragon, and opened it. But then a folded slip of paper had fallen from the book and onto the floor. I picked it up, unfolded it, and read it.

It said:

Dear Matt Vulpes,

Can you meet me at my house at 5:00? I have something to show you.

Ashlei Lupus

My heart gave a leap of joy, but my mind filled with questions. Why should she send it to me when she could invite another cooler guy? Still, since she asked me to come, I decided I'd go.


"Ok," I said. "I'm going out."

"Ok," I heard my sister say. "See you later."

I went outside at five and went to my bike. I then road it to Ashlei house, passing by the shopping center in the progress. Looking at the stores, I noticed that the video game store that was here less than a couple of hours ago had vanished. Instead there was a rings and plush store in its place. In front of the store was a man with long black hair, blue eyes, and he was wearing a brown tweed jacket with elbow patches that were left unbuttoned, a fashionable shirt, a bow tie, red braces, rolled up trousers and black boots. He smiled and waved at me as I rode by.

After awhile, I reached her house. It was like my house, only brown and white. I looked at the door and saw her in front of it. She was wearing a green shirt, brown pants, the necklace she usually wore, and white running shoes.

When she gestured me with her hand to come, I got off my bike and put it down on the ground. I walked towards her and, for a few seconds, we stood there, face to face, without talking.

"Hello Matt," she finally said.

"Hello," I said. "What do you need?"

"If you'll come," she said, "I'll show them to you."

She then turned around and opened the door to her house. She entered it with me following, with questions filling up my head. After a bit, she stopped at the wall with some type of symbols I've never seen before in a shape of a triangle. The top symbol was red, the lower left was blue, and the lower right was green.

"Matt," she said. "Do you remember what happened a year ago?"

After a bit of thinking, I said, "I think I know what you mean..."


I was riding my bike home, just like any other day. There was nothing interesting usually on the way.

But then I saw her standing there. She had on a blue shirt, the necklace with the red gem, and jeans. I was so startled by her appearance that I hit a part of the sidewalk and fell down onto the ground. Getting up, I felt the opened wounds burning and the bones aching. I heard running and, when I turned around, I saw her running to me.

"Are you ok?" she said.

"Y-yes," I said.

"That's good," she said.

"Well, well. What do we have here?"

We turned around and, when I saw him, I groaned. Drew Infirmus, the troublemaker of the school. He had blond hair, purple eyes, and he was wearing a black shirt with a black jacket over it, black pants, and black shoes.

"What do you want?" I said.

"Nothing from you," he said. "What I want is that thing around that girl’s neck."

"What?!" she said.

"Yeah," he said. He ran up and forcibly removed the necklace from her. "I'll be taking that."

"Hey!" I said.

I felt my blood becoming hot, even hotter than those scrape wounds, and heard the blood running through my ears. Without thinking, I gave Drew a punch in the nose, breaking it. Drew stepped back a few steps and dropped the necklace. He then ran off the opposite direction, holding his nose and crying. I picked it up and handed it back to her.

"Thank you," she said.

"You're welcome," I said. I walked to my bike, picked it up from the ground, and prepared to continue on my way home. "See you."

"Wait," she said. "What's your name?"

"Matt Vulpes," I said. "What's yours?"

"Ashlei Lupus," she said.


"If you mean the day that I stopped Drew from stealing your necklace, then yes," I said.

"Yes, that's it," she said. "Do you know why I wear it all the time?"

"Other than the fact that you've got it as a gift from your dad, then no," I said.

"Now," she said, removing her necklace, "you'll find out why."

A few seconds had passed and there was a ripping sound. To my shock and surprise, a wolf tail appeared behind Ashlei. I then saw her hands transform into a mix between a hand and a wolf paw with gray fur spreading up her arms. Then there was another ripping sound and, when I looked down at her feet, I saw her shoes ripped apart as they became digitigrades-like wolf legs. I looked up to her face and saw her ears moved up her head and became more pointed, like wolf ears. While her brown hair became gray, her blond highlights remained the same. Finally her face became covered in grey fur as her nose and mouth turned into a wolf muzzle. I rubbed my eyes, trying to tell myself that people didn't transformed in front of me, but when I opened my eyes again, she was still an anthro wolf.

I stood there in shock for a few seconds, and then I said, "W-what the heck just happened?"

"I'm not human," she said. "I'm actually a Wilk, a species from the planet Eckzahm."

"From another planet?" I said. "So you're a-"

"Alien?" she said. "Yes. I was sent here to observe this planet for about a year for my school report."

"So that necklace turns you into a human?" I said.

"Yes," she said. "My dad got it from a man he called Mr. Crevan."

"Wait a minute," I said. "It turns you into a human as long as you're wearing it, right? So why didn't you turned back into your true form when Drew removed it a year ago?"

"Because," she said, "as long as I don't want to changed back, I'll remained in human form for about a minute or so."

"Why are you showing me this now?" I said.

"Because this is the last day I'll be on earth," she said. "But I want you to come with me."

"What?" I said.

"You see," she said, "when Drew took my necklace, I was scared. Scared of what everyone around me would think if they saw me when I changed back. Imagined, your first day at observing the humans and your true form is about to be revealed any second. I was really scared.

"But then you got it back from him in time. I had never been more thankful before in my life. I wanted to repay it back to you in any way I can. Now here's the chance I had been waiting for. So, will you come with me?"

I thought for a moment and said, "Yes."

The anthro wolf smiled and said, "Good. Here."

She handed me some type of ring. I looked at it and I noticed that it had a fox head engraved on it. I looked up at her questionably.

"What's this ring for?" I said.

"It's a ring that can transform you into what's engraved on it," she said. "I got it from a ring and plush shop run by a man named Undecim Medicus. He said it's due to the shop having Athrú technology powering it up."

"Athrú technology?" I said.

"Yes," she said. "It's technology that has powerful magic running its power, so the species were one of the five greatest civilizations since over thousands of years ago."

"What happened to them?" I said.

"They had gotten into what's known as the Last Great Transformation War," she said. "A war between them and the Nex Mutatio, another of the five great civilizations that could transform species, only darker. Both civilizations are destroyed now that they tried to kill each other. Now most, if not all, of the two species are dead."

"I see," I said.

I looked at the ring for a few seconds and then I put it on. As soon as I put it on, I felt a jolt running through my body. I looked at my ring for a few seconds before I heard a ripping sound from behind me. I turned my head around and saw a fox tail coming from me.

"Whoa," I said.

I looked at my hands and I saw them becoming a mix between a hand and a fox paw with black fur appearing there. The black fur on my hands-paws went up to my elbows where they were now rusty red. I then heard another ripping sound below me and, when I looked down, I saw my feet tearing apart my shoes at they became more digitigrades-like. The black fur on my feet-paws then spread up my legs where they became rusty red as they reached my knees.

"Incredible," I said.

I felt the fur spreading under my clothes and now they were going to my head. I felt a slight tingling from my ears and, when I felt them, they were moving up my head and are becoming more pointed now. Finally, I saw my nose moving more forward with my mouth as they were turning into a muzzle. I felt my muzzle with my hand-paw and looked at Ashlei.

"Fantastic," I said.

"Do you like it?" she said.

"Boy, do I!" I said.

"That's good," she said. "You know, ever since you've gotten my necklace back, I've fallen in love with you."

"You have?" I said. "Why, the first time I saw you, I've fallen in love with you too."

We both smiled for a few seconds and then we got closer. We then kissed on the spot for a few seconds. After awhile, she pulled away and turned to the wall.

"Tairsearch," she said and the three symbols span around until it became what looked like a whirlpool of white energy on the wall. She then turned back to me. "Are you ready?"

"Yeah," I said.

She smiled and went into the portal with me following her. As I followed her, I realized that this is where I belonged, I no longer felt like an alien anymore. I'm where I should be for the first time in my life.

'Let's go across the universe.'

The End

Writer's Guild / Re: Foxgamer01: Griffin TF
« on: April 17, 2012, 07:32:36 PM »
Thanks and I see. {;)

I'll think of alternative titles for the rest of this series of short stories. I merely use it because that's how I began when I first wrote the first story of this series. I never imagine that it'll extend this far. I only intended it to end with Ho-Oh TF, but people asked for one for Lugia and I did and then I got an inspiration for the next story, Fox and Wolf TFs, and thus the series really began.

If you want to know the name for the series, it's the Medicus Short Transformation series, though that needs to be renamed and quickly. {:P

I hope to post the rest of the series. Well, most of the series since the other two, Dragon TF and Werewolf TF, can't be posted since it has swearing and bloody fights respectively. ^.|.^;

Oh well. {:)

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