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Topics - Virmir

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Website and Technical Discussion / Chat Logs
« on: April 05, 2009, 11:21:30 AM »
After rummaging through woefully incomplete documentation and then finally resorting to deciphering the code itself, I have discovered how to access the chat logs!

Chat Logs

You can set what date and time you want to look at at the top.  They take a while to load, so probably best to browse by the hour.  Also the box at the bottom serves as a keyword search.  Now all can peruse the epic recordings of the pirate ferret attack!

Crimson Flag Comic / Crimson Flag Avatars!
« on: April 04, 2009, 12:48:04 PM »
If anyone would like an avatar of a character from a comic panel with the speech bubbles removed, let me know!  Just post your request here or bug me in the chat. [;)  Also let me know if you have size preferences.

Avatars posted here are for free use throughout the web.  (Link-backs are most appreciated. [:)) If you want to use them for this forum, you can link to the image directly.  Otherwise, please save the image locally.

For Pontos:

Random Topics / Random Animal Transformation
« on: February 16, 2009, 05:36:21 PM »
Just for the fun of it:


Crimson Flag Comic / Vote Incentive Archive
« on: February 09, 2009, 03:49:55 PM »
Due to popular demand, I've put up past vote incentive images for easy viewing.

Of course, you can view the most current incentive by voting right now!

Writer's Guild / "Abysses"
« on: January 24, 2009, 03:27:29 PM »
This one is very short... Less a story and more a random idea.  I do need to get in the habit of jotting down random ideas more often, though. [;)

by Virmir

He sat in the open field, ears folded and head hanging low.  The false sun beat on his fur, and the false grass rustled with the breeze.

He felt this one coming for a while now.  Edging closer and closer to his domain.  His trap.  Oh, how he wished he could turn them away.  But it was far too late.  She appeared at the edge of the world and took her time inching through the forest, marveling at his trees, no doubt.

Too ashamed to look, he turned his head and shut his eyes as she approached the edge of the clearing.  She came closer, heart full of wonder.  He could feel it.  He could also feel the rules of the world begin to claw at her form.

"Hello?" she asked timidly.

His ears swiveled and he opened an eye.  They sounded different each time they came-- the work of centuries of evolution upon the spoken tongue.  How long had it been since the last one?  He did not know, nor did it matter.  "Hello, my darling."  He folded his ears, his tone sad.

She gasped as if she didn't expect him to speak.  The language was different-- far older.  But they always understood.  She stood on two legs, cloths covering her furless body.  He was like that one time, wasn't he?  Long ago, before he became what he was.  Forever.  Yes, he thought he remembered hands.

"Where... am I?"  Already she began to scratch at her skin.

He dug his paws into the dirt, turning his attention there.  "You've fallen into my trap, I'm afraid."

Another gasp.

"I'm... sorry."

Wide-eyed, she regarded her hands as they stiffened and darkened.  "W-what's happening to me?!"

"You cannot exist here...  No one can.  No one but me..."  It was his curse.  A curse he brought upon himself.  What a fool to think he could create his own world...  And now he was trapped.  Forever.  He stood and turned to walk away.

She attempted to grovel, but her knees froze halfway, legs fusing into a wooden trunk with roots burrowing into the ground.  "I-I'm sorry to offend you!  Please, make it stop, fox-god!  My entire village will worship you!  We will sacrifice in your name!"

He sighed, powerless against the rules.  "There are no such things as gods."  He'd seen mankind invent each one.  Worshiped until forgotten, then replaced by the next.  He walked away though the grass.

She screamed one last time.  Leaves sprouted from her head and her face became featureless, unmoving.  A sole tree stood in the open field.  A false tree, surrounded by false grass and illuminated by a false sun.

He sighed, alone once more.

He curled up to sleep at the edge of the clearing.  The tree would probably die before he next woke.  Then he could forget it. Just like all the rest.


He awoke to darkness.  Darkness?  No, this was wrong.  The sun never set.  His world was eternal, unchanging.

He stood, the dead grass crunching under his paws.  The trees were but skeletal frames and the sky was black.  What happened?

"Ssso, you ssstill live?"

He spun to face a shadowy thing.  Crimson eyes dimly glowing in a murky shape.

"The End of All has come," the shadow hissed.  "All other existence is gone.  I tried to steal your world, as it has stood as a refuge.  But no more.  The nothingness comes here too.  There is no escape."

"The End of All?"  He looked about, finding the edges of his world disappear into blackness.  The end had finally come.  It was finally over.  "So be it."

The shadow faded.  The trees disappeared, followed by the grass and the ground.   The black nothingness wrapped itself around him.  Crippling.  Crushing.  He closed his eyes and waited for it to claim him as well.

Was this what it was like to not exist?  He waited in the abyss, the coldness binding him.  Unmoving.  Unchanging.  Another eternity of nothing... how was this any different from his world?  Despair welled in his heart.  So it wasn't the end after all...

He opened his eyes after a long while, watching luminescent silvery paws float in the void.  No, he most certainly did still exist. But the rules-- the rules were gone.  His mistakes and failures were gone.  Nothing existed but him.  The slate was clean.

He could try again.

But no, this time it could be different.  Not a pocket dimension.  Not a prison.  But a real world. Determination welled in his heart.  He opened his mouth and bellowed.

"Let there be light!"

Writer's Guild / "Reyan Saga" (unfinished)
« on: December 07, 2008, 02:22:11 PM »
Been in a bit of a writing slump lately, and jotted this down in an attempt to pull myself out of it.  Not sure how far I'll go with this, but figured it was better to post somewhere rather than let it rot on my hardrive. [;)

This is essentially the start of a "kitsune" story.  However I wanted to make the race my own and changed around a few things about their powers/abilities, so just gave them a new name altogether.  Enjoy!


Reyan Saga
by Virmir

Part 1

"You owe me a wish."

The creature snarled, his hackles standing on end as his four tails stiffened.  "You dare demand a wish of me, human?"  Its fur seemed to glow crimson in anger.

"I have your little jewel," Gavin said in a smug tone as he clutched his fingers over the glowing marble.  It warmed his hand and pulsed with life.  Such an enchanting treasure.  And one that would grant him his inner most-desires.  "Those are the rules, kitsune."  He gave the gem a squeeze for emphasis.

The four-tailed fox cringed, its legs buckling.  Surprised at the power he held over the creature, Gavin softened his grip.  He didn't want to hurt it after all.  He just wanted his wish. 

"I'm no kitsune, human.  I am reyan.  You and your silly myths," it paused to catch its breath.  "Your kind has invented too many fairy tales."

Gavin held the gem more loosely so as not to strangle the creature. "Whatever your kind is called, the tale about the gem is true, am I wrong?  And the wish?"  He held the gem before his face.  Such an infinite beauty emanated from the tiny orb.  A deep cerulean glow emanated from the center of its infinitely dark depths.

The kitsune-- reyan, rather-- scowled and looked away.  Gavin clasped his fingers over the gem once more.  "Speak the truth while I hold your life in my hand."

"Yes."  The reyan sat on his haunches, two tails to either side. Its burning blue eyes bore into Gavin's soul.  "One wish, as long as it is within my power.  Then you will return my lifestone, lest horrible things happen to you.  The tales also speak of those."

Gavin nodded, uncovering the jewel once more.  "One wish is all I desire, noble fox."  He held it before his face and became lost in its beauty once more.  He imagined the glow in its center a swirling mass of stars-- a whole universe of mystique and magic.  Power that he desired.  "I wish to be a reyan, like you."

The reyan's mouth dropped. "No... no..."  It shook it head.

"You cannot or will not?"  Gavin clenched his fist around the stone once more as the creature dropped to the ground.  "Answer truthfully!"

"Anything!"  It gasped for breath.  "Anything else!  I can transform you into a fox, a wolf, a bear... But a reyan... do you know what you ask?!"

"I want to become a powerful sentient creature, not some mindless animal.  I've given you my wish."

"But to do so I must sacrifice one of my own tails.  Surely you will not be so cruel."

Gavin looked into the reyan's pleading eyes. "I'm bargaining a single tail for your life."  He waved the rayan's lifestone around once more.  "I don't think you are getting that bad of a deal."

The reyan sat up and growled.  "You won't change your mind..."

"I will not."

A long silence followed as the four-tailed fox studied him.  "Very well.  Your wish is granted."  It stood, its tails hypnotically waving behind as it began a slow circle around the human.  "If it is your wish to be reyan, you wretched fool, then reyan you shall be."

Gavin's heart throbbed in his chest and he began to sweat as the fox walked around him.  He kept the jewel tightly clenched in his hand lest the creature try anything funny.  But soon his muscles grew weak and his head spun.

Then the pain came.  A sweeping flame engulfed his flesh, and he screamed as the jewel flew from his grasp.  Oh no...  Bright fire overtook him, burning away his clothing and skin, and he fell forward for what seemed for an eternity.  By the time he hit the ground, the agony had dissipated, and the world assaulted him though foreign senses.

Before his muzzle lay not one, but two glowing stones, though one was larger than the other.  Two digitigrade feet stepped into his field of vision and a black furred paw-hand snatched up the bigger of the two.  "There."  His ears pulled upward as he heard the reyan speak.  "It is done."

Gavin sat up, mystified by his fur-covered body.  He shifted his weight to avoid pinching his tail.  "You did it... I-- I'm really a--"  He grabbed his throat.  Was that really his voice?   He sounded like a ten year old child!  He craned his neck upward to look at the now three-tailed, and much larger reyan.  "What did you do to me?!"

The reyan folded his arms, clasping his lifestone in one hand. "Fool.  One-tailed reyan are children.  You seriously thought you would gain power for nothing?  Now pick your life up off the ground.

Gavin looked down at the marble that was his very life force.  As soon as he touched it, he felt a calm soothingness engulf him.  The warm pulse inside the stone matched the beat of his heart, and as he held it in his pawpads, he knew everything would be okay.

Until he felt the wrenching in his stomach.  "Ugh..."  A million questions stood at the tip of his tongue, but he forced them back as nausea overtook him.  "Argh... what's... happening...?"  His heart skipped a beat as he looked down and noticed his hands had become translucent.  He was fading away!

"One-tails don't have enough energy to exist in Midgard, the plane where humans live.  Too bad.  You're moving to the lower plane.  Your new home."  The three-tail punctuated with a knowing and rather predatory grin.

The trees faded into blackness, swirling lights melding around their forms.  A bone-chilling cold made Gavin's fur bristle.  Some other world?  He didn't want to leave!  The terror faded as the trees returned.  But they were somehow... different.  Bigger, fleshier leaves in more jagged shapes.  The forest seemed much more overgrown, and the plants somehow had a more foreboding nature.  Especially in his smaller body.

He turned his head as the three-tail materialized before him, a look of annoyance across his muzzle.  But he banished the expression to look down at Gavin once more.

Gavin struggled to his two feet, nearly tripping over his digitigrade appendages.  Why were they bipedal?  The reyan walked on four legs before.  So many questions...

"Listen well, Gavin," the three-tail cut off his thoughts.  How the reyan knew his name was the least of his many and growing concerns.  "There are simple rules to survival.  Guard your lifestone.  Should you scratch it, you will become a cripple.  Should you part from it too long, you will die.  Should you shatter it, you will die."  Gavin gulped.  The three-tail grinned, obviously enjoying the look of fear upon his face. "And if someone steals it, by the three planes, you better do whatever he tells you to do to get it back." The one-tail nodded. 

"Guard your tail.  Should you loose it, you will simply be a fox.  Simple-minded animals do not last long in this plane..."  Gavin nodded again.  Geez... how many other weaknesses did he have?  This was nothing like what he imagined...

"And last of all, little reyan..." the three-tail bore down at him with a hateful glare.  "My name is Radis.  Remember it.  Never cross my path.  If I ever see you again, I will kill you."  He snorted and turned, then fell to all fours and made for the bushes with his nose held high and tails flowing behind.

"Wait!"  Gavin yelled, stumbling after, "Don't I have any abilities?  Any special powers?"

Radis turned and grinned as he peered from behind his tails. "Of course not, one-tail.  You need to earn your abilities.  Your second tail should sprout in a hundred years or so."

Gavin's jaw dropped.

Radis flicked his tails about.  "What were you expecting?  God-like power?  Humans are such impatient fools.  No wonder you die so young."  With that, he leapt into bushes and disappeared.

The new one-tail fell upon his rear and stared at the foliage.  One hundred years?  He took his tail in his lap and stroked it.  How could he possibly survive that long alone in the wilderness?  He was smaller and weaker than a human even!  Tears welled in his eyes.  No!  He wouldn't cry.  He was an adult!  This wasn't right!  This wasn't what he wanted at all!

He shut his eyes.  Focus, focus...  A wind rustled the leaves and passed through his fur.  It felt wonderful.  His ears flicked about.  If he were human, he'd be dead by age one hundred.  Or soon after.  But now he had been granted an immeasurable lifespan.  There.  That was something.  One glimmer of hope.  Surely there were more.

He opened his eyes and realized he was clutching his lifestone to his chest.  He slowly lifted it before his muzzle.  It seemed about the same size as the other reyan's when he looked at it before.  But his hands and body were smaller now, so that meant the stone was as well.  The inside glowed dimmer as well.  But it would grow... he knew that.

What else?  Radis seemed to be able to walk on either two legs or four.  Glimpses of other reyan he had seen had always proven the creatures to walk on four legs like normal foxes, yet Gavin seemed more a human-fox cross on two legs.  Could he shift as well?

Tenderly he set his lifestone in the soft dirt, then proceeded to fall to his forelimbs.  Much to his surprise, his spine snapped into place and walking as a quadruped seemed just as natural as walking on two limbs.  In fact, even easier.  He imagined he would be able to travel farther this way as he took a few experimental steps. 

Shifting back was a simple matter of rearing on his hind legs.  He stumbled a few steps, not quite used to balancing on his toes and imagined himself looking quite silly with his arms and tail splayed every which way.  Perhaps this wouldn't be so bad?  He had to admit his new body was quite fun.

His heart skipped a beat when he realized he left his lifestone lying in the dirt several feet away.  How careless!  In a near panic he ran back to it, stopping short to ensure he didn't kick dirt upon the delicate stone.  This thing was the only problem, really.  It was such a liability!  He took it in his forepaws and cradled it.  The thick canopy of leaves above rustled in the breeze and he pulled it close to his body, as if he needed to protect it from the cold.

A sweet sent came in with the wind, and his stomach growled.  What exactly the smell was he could not tell, but his new body seemed to recognize it as food.  And still tired and sore from the transformation, he figured it best not to protest.  But would he have to hunt or steal his food?  Or perhaps he could forage?  He knew foxes were omnivorous, but these reyan certainly had a whole new set of rules.

And that lead him to the biggest problem of all.  How was he to travel, let alone hunt-- or do much of anything at all while carrying this blasted stone around?!  He wrapped his fingers around the warm gem as he looked upon its enchanting dull glow once more, careful not to nick it with his claws.  His fingers and thumb had become significantly stubbier with his change, but it was still easy enough to carry in his hand.  Still, he felt it best to travel on all fours.  He could move faster that way, and would remain under the brush-line.  Who knew what other things inhabited the forest along with him...

Carefully he set the gem in his mouth and fell to four feet.  Well, it wasn't too bad...  The touch of the gem remained comforting, even within his mouth.  He wondered if it would be best to actually swallow it.  That way he'd never lose the thing.  But then again, it would be ironic if his lifestone killed him by obstructing his intestines... Or even if he did pass it, he'd have to-- Ugh.  Forget it.

So many questions.  So much wondering.  The wind shifted again and he once again caught the scent.  He would find answers eventually, but for now his hunger got the better of him.  Nose in the air, he shuffled his way into the thick shrubbery.

Random Topics / Emoticon test
« on: November 17, 2008, 05:36:57 PM »
Hmmm...  [fox] ... [;) .... [:)


 [:) {:) |:)

Crimson Flag Comic / Making of a Comic
« on: November 02, 2008, 02:47:00 PM »
Hey folks!

Just for fun I thought I'd go through a step-by-step how I make comics.  I'm always fascinated reading how artists do their work, so thought people may be interested in how I do things.  We'll be taking a look at how strip 13 for October 30th was put together.

Tod handles the pencil sketches, so first off I need to get scene and script info to him.  Usually I will give a general description of the setting and characters, then will describe how I'd like the pages to look frame-by-frame.  Sometimes I'll draw general diagrams like I did here for Lucian's apartment.

Next comes the script for the page!

Page 13

Panel 13-1 (Left 33%)

Upper torso view of Lucian reading the scroll.  His lips are pursed in mild interest and thought, though he doesn't seem very excited about it. Simple apartment walls background.

Narrator: "Father only wrote me for two reasons.  Either to demand I return home, or announce that he would be visiting me."

Narrator: "The latter of course only when he had official business in Caerreyn.  Usually a side trip before bickering with the Queen and the Council..."

Panel 13-2 (Middle 33%)

A blank open scroll from Lucian's point of view (so that I can fill in the text).  Lucian's thumbs can be holding it if you can make it work.



I will be arriving at noon on the day you receive this.  I implore you to meet me at the dock as I leave my ship, as we have much to discuss and I won't have much time before I meet with the Queen and Council.

Lord Julian Urocyon

Panel 13-3 (Right 33%)

Lucian rolls his eyes as he begins to crumple the paper.  Behind him, the messenger stands in the doorway, one hand extended as he asks his question.

Narrator: "Well, that was to the point..."

Messanger: "Do you require a response, Sir Mage?"

Lucian: "No, you may go."

Tod processes that information, then uses dark magic to produce a raw sketch of the page.

Now the fun begins! (For me, a least!)  I then cut the comic in half, convert the pencils to red, then print it out on matte photo paper.  This comic is a rare case in that it splits in half nicely.  Most of the time I will do two panels on one page, and the last on another.  The idea is to get the panels big enough to do a nice ink-over in pen.

I use Faber Castel pens and a few others to go over everything in nice thick black lines.  I used to just do this all digitally with the pen tool in Photoshop, but printing it out and doing it by hand is waaaaay faster.

After that it's just a matter of scanning it back in and piecing it back together.  Setting the brightness and contrast of the scanned image to 100% makes all the black lines stand out nicely and the red easy to erase.

Ready for coloring!

I use a Wacom tablet to color in all the areas coloring-book style.  Finally I add in text and speech balloons. 

The finished product!

Due to overwhelming demand, a vain attempt to make this forum seem active, and because it's my blasted website, I shall now bore everyone with images of my video game collection.

Bwa ha ha ha...

The primary game shelf!  Details below.

My NES games!  As of this post I have 108 (a few more are on the bottom shelf).  65 of them are my "definite keepers" shown here stacked horizontally.  The ones turned on the side are from a recent Ebay lot I haven't gotten around to cleaning/testing yet.  The duplicates and utter rubbish go on the bottom shelf. ;)

SNES games (right) and my paltry Genesis and Nintendo 64 collections.  Super Nintendo is my favorite system. :)  I have 58 of those, the 39 keepers shown here.

Bunch of empty game boxes and my Atari cartidges on the right.  Most of them are 2600 games except for a few 7800's.  Most of the Atari 2600 games I picked up for 50 cents or less. ;)  Adventure, Breakout, Indy 500, and Combat are all awesome.

Blargh.  The crap shelf.  Well not totally, as duplicate games also go here and I have a few good ones.  This is stuff I'll get rid of eventually to make room for better stuff. ;)

My disc based game collection.  There's room for more, obviously. ;)  These are newer games of course, so I'm not quite up to speed with them yet.  The top two shelves are Playstation games, which I've really grown an affinity for in the past two years.  Below that we have my tiny Dreamcast collection (plus a few CD-Rs... shhhh... ;) ) Then of course my Playstation 2 and Gamecube games.

The TV and console set up!  Television is used strictly for video games in my house mind you.  ;)

Here are the consoles lucky enough to live in the entertainment center thing.  Their positioning doesn't imply favoritism-- just the right size and cable connector locations. ;)

From top left to bottom right, Super Nintendo, Sega Genesis, Playstation 2, Gamecube (with Game Boy Advance player thing), and Dreamcast.  And yes, these are all hooked to the TV at once via my handy (daisy-chained) switchboxes. ;)

To the right of the television!  Details below.

The remaining three consoles and the ye olde VCR that hasn't been used in 5 years.  Nintendo 64, Nintendo Entertainment System, and the thing on the right is an Atari 7800 (which also plays 2600 games).

Nintendo Power magazines!  I have about 140 of them.  I canceled my subscription way back when they were moving from the Nintendo 64 to the Gamecube era.  I didn't get a Gamecube until last year so it was kinda pointless to continue. ;)

Here we can see my framed conglomeration of Nintendo Power posters and treasure chest. :)

Keep all my controllers in easy to reach bins. ;)

The treasure chest opens!  After the blinding golden light subsides, one can see it's just a bunch of AC adapters and extra controllers and junk. ;)

I've another treasure chest next to the couch!  Which is handy for placing my drink and veggie snack dish on during gaming sessions.  It actually isn't that dirty-- the flash made it seem that way.  You should believe what I am telling you and not what you see.

Nice sweeping view of the setup.  That's my 17" laptop in which I make the comic on, by the way.  Although I do real work in bed and not in the gaming room, of course. ;)

The second chest opens!  That's the left over innards of PS2s back from when I was buying broken ones and attempting to fix them.  We also have a Sega 32x add-on, an Atari 2600 Jr. (retired since I got my 7800) and a model 1 Sega Genesis, which really looks a whole lot cooler than the model 2 I have hooked up.

The six NES Mega Man games!  I love these, especially 2 and 3.  I got all of them in my childhood except for number 5, which was a recent ebay purchase to complete the set. :)

Final Fantasy games!  Final Fantasy 3 on the SNES is my favorite game of all time, followed by number 2. :)  Don't have any newer than number 9 yet.

Game Boys!  Lots of good memories with the brick in the upper left.  Thrown in are my Pokemon games, which of course are the second reason the Gameboy is awesome. (The first of course being Tetris.)

Well blast... that's about enough for now.  Hope these pictures were at least somewhat enjoyable. :)

Website and Technical Discussion / Welcome!
« on: August 03, 2008, 12:36:18 AM »
Welcome to the forums!

Not much to see at the moment, as things are still getting set up.  We've still got a month or so before the *big comic launch*, but anyone who arrives early is free to browse around and make him/herself comfortable. :)

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