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Messages - kylr23

Pages: 1
I shall roll to attack you!:O

Ps I didn't know you could do that lol

Not the best of Refferences But here we are:

X I am okay with this character appearing in a background shot.

X I am okay with this character having a speaking role, and I'm okay with having no input on how this character is used.

(While a little worryed about this, I understand its your comic just keep in mind Kyle Isnt actually annoying, He just has a hard time connecting or reading the room half the time lol)
Nice guy, prefers protecting people, slow to trust people (this will be doubled if VIrmir Ego irks him)

X I am okay with Virmir brutally killing this character.  (Only because I have a running Joke where Kyle is Killed before, or after helping save the world in this case, it can be before. since he just wakes up in yet another reality anyway)

Pages: 1