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Messages - Feartiger

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Art Gallery / Re: FREE ART -- Dragon Raffle, Year Two! (Closed)
« on: June 02, 2014, 02:52:47 PM »
I promised myself I wouldn't get my hopes up but I'm still disappointed my number didn't come up. Well congratulation to those that did when anyway, I'll be sure to take a look at each one as their finished.

Art Gallery / Re: FREE ART -- Dragon Raffle, Year Two!
« on: May 28, 2014, 02:51:44 PM »
Here I go jumping at the sight of the word free again, I don't really expect to win but might as well try my luck.
The subject of the request will be my tiger cub Fear transformed into a dragon. Since he has a bit of a mischievous personality the scenario will just be someone getting payback for a prank Fear had just pulled, while Fear is still laughing and hasn't noticed yet. The person transforming him is up to you since I doubt my number will be pulled.

Considering my guy is already a child I suppose it wouldn't be that far of a stretch for him to allow himself to be adopted by such a beautiful dragoness. I only see one problem and that is payment since I have no online cash flow. I'll probably try drawing a dragonfied version of my little Fear just for reference even if I'm not accepted into the family.

Art Gallery / Re: Another group project idea!
« on: May 12, 2014, 01:28:04 AM »
Sounds like a very intriguing idea, you definitely have my attention. I'd pay my way in if I had a online means of transferring money, of course being an amateur artist I could always attempt to use you as the subject of my next piece as a trade.

Art Gallery / Re: Chase wants to do draw stuff
« on: April 14, 2014, 04:09:24 PM »
I'd love to see what you could think of using the little guy in my avi. He's kind-a-shy but very mischievous as well as a novice at magic if that helps you come up with something. A full body version can be found here:

A chance at free pokemon art huh? I'm in, my reference is the same as for the Halloween sketch-o-than.

Art Gallery / Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 4 (closed)
« on: October 28, 2013, 01:32:48 AM »
I think we should just let him do what he feels like doing for the last 4 days of October. We shouldn't push him too hard, maybe one more page of Halloween sketches if he feels he's for it.

Random Topics / Re: Trask's Toy Armory
« on: October 27, 2013, 08:56:22 PM »
Sorry, I might be using your Spirit Needle and Thread or at least a close replica of it without your permission. It seems mine just isn't quite as fancy, seeing as it appears to just be an over sized sewing needle with no real power source other than the fact that the thread it uses is drawn from the dream realm.

Role Play Theater / Re: Mystic Empyran: Forum-Based RPG Scenario
« on: October 21, 2013, 11:58:15 AM »
(Ya it means I quit. Like I said in the chat I only skimmed through the booklet.)

Role Play Theater / Re: Mystic Empyran: Forum-Based RPG Scenario
« on: October 18, 2013, 02:30:27 AM »
(*Sneaks off at the realization that he might have to be GM later on*)

Role Play Theater / Re: Mystic Empyran: Forum-Based RPG Scenario
« on: October 17, 2013, 03:34:44 AM »
Silvar blushed hard when he heard the last part of what the cart owner had said upon seeing them, he vaguely remembered his father mentioning Kinado but had never really made the connection. He really wanted to help now so he walked around the cart to survey the damage but his lack of confidence got the better of him after the first pass. He took a deep breath to try to calm himself before looking at the others."I don't think I'll be of any help but I'll be sure to watch closely so I know what to do next time I come across something like this." He managed to stammer out before drooping his head in disappointment.

Art Gallery / Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 4 (open)
« on: October 12, 2013, 11:00:06 PM »
My OC's cub form dressed up like the Grim Reaper and struggling to hold a scythe in his mouth with a few bones scatted about and a satisfied look on his face, suggesting that he'd attacked the real Grim Reaper to obtain his new realistic costume (The accessories were just added for fun so they don't have to be in the image.)

Role Play Theater / Re: Mystic Empyran: Forum-Based RPG Scenario
« on: October 10, 2013, 05:55:36 AM »
Silvar was on even higher alert after hearing Hikaru's explanation and tugged at Bridges sleeve when he realized Ren was gone." Uh... Sir. I think we're missing someone." He commented with his tail tucked between his legs as he looked around. It took him awhile to spot the other kid halfway to the cart owner. "I suppose there's no point in hiding anyway." He reluctantly followed Ren to the cart at a slow pace since the owner would probably be less likely to attack children.

Role Play Theater / Re: Mystic Empyran: Forum-Based RPG Scenario
« on: October 09, 2013, 03:37:28 AM »
Name: Silvar
Profession: Orphan, Merchant's apprentice
Likes: Animals, Candy
Dislikes: Crowds, Pointless cruelty
Physique: Scrawny
Attitude: Shy, Cautious
Appearance: A small, pale child with silvery hair covered almost head to toe by a cloak that is obviously too big for him. Hidden beneath the cloak are a set of wolfish ears, a tail, and sharp claws that all are the result of the family heirloom he wears as well as a small dagger that he rarely uses.
"Crest of the Alpha": A necklace in the shape of a combat scarred wolf's head that ensures that the wearer is never truly alone. It allows its owner to summon a fairly large wolf for whatever means they have in mind, be it foraging food or helping in a fight, at the cost of a darkness anima. Strangely enough the necklace has a small curse on it that gives the wearer wolf like featured that won't go away even if the necklace itself is removed. On nights of the full moon the necklace's power grows to the point where it forces it's owner to be transformed fully into a wolf, and if the necklace(in the form of a collar so it fits better) is somehow removed the person will become trapped in that form if the crest is not returned before the end of the night. If this happens the only way to turn back is to get the crest back and be wearing it at the end of the next full moon. There is also a rumor going around that say's the necklace will grant great strength to those with great confidence but that one is much harder to prove.
"The path to battle is best avoided."
"Home is where ever your most welcome."
Character Traits:
Ghostly(Self Conscious)Air: The Eidolon is able to become invisible at will. At the deep level they are also intangible while invisible and can make others in direct contact with them invisible as well for up to 5 minutes after they have lost contact.
Keen Sense(Vigilant)Light: All the Eidolon's senses are above average. At the deep level the sense are improved even more and they are able to completely process a situation in less than a second, such as knowing how much money someone has just by listening to their pockets while they walk.
Silvar covered his ears and hid behind Bridge when the rifle was fired. He only calmed down enough to come out when he heard his mentor address him. He shook his head nervously when he was asked if he'd be fine in a fight, but seemed to give his abilities a thought before responding, "N-not sure how good I'd be at negotiating right now sir but my senses are certainly better than most." He peered at the cart owner while still firmly gripping Bridges shirt then into the woods behind the man before shuddering."Are there any large predators known to live in these wood?"

Art Gallery / Re: Halloween group pic signups
« on: October 05, 2013, 08:56:45 PM »
I might be new but it doesn't mean I don't want to party.
Name: Lance Ironclaw
Reference: It's kind of old it's the last anthromorphic version I did
This is more recent so I'm more satisfied being used for marking reference of his markings
Monster: Gargoyle
Reaction: His body turns to stone from the feet up as the changes near completion and panicking as he tried to move one of his legs with his arms if it's set during the day, testing out his new wings with an excited look on his face if it's set at night

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