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Messages - Stormkit

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Random Topics / Re: Weird Dreams
« on: May 10, 2010, 05:20:19 PM »
Interesting... I dreamt of an artifact that is painfully hot to touch if you're unpure of spirit (or something. I found it warm but tolerable), but then I put my palms on it and froze it in a outspreading frost sort of way. Kind of like this window but with a different frost pattern. I then proceeded to freeze the entire room I was in. I'm not sure what happened in between but I also remember standing outside my house at night while I shook my hands (in a jazz hand sort of way, but both in front of me palms down) and snowflakes fell out. Their size was proportional to how wild the shaking was.

Also recently I had a dream where I found a magic book with incantations, a dream with royal twins on vacation, another with two people who inherit a prank from their dead uncle, there was a canal with pirates on it, and yet another dream where I fought someone in a duel of summoning monsters (and also we fought ourselves) and every once in a while something would repeat but go a different way.

Role Play Theater / Re: Condition Red RP thread
« on: May 10, 2010, 05:13:01 PM »
Well... that quite possibly made things incredibly easy. Unless of course Cosmo was the one who had actually written this document (and with time travel you never know) in which case he might have made it vague and riddled with obscure hints just to piss himself off. Cosmo wouldn't put it past himself to do that just for laughs sometime in the vague far off future even if it incredibly inconvenienced him in the present. After all, if you live through something it can't be too bad right? "Oh god, please don't let me be that much of an asshole to myself until later," he muttered in what would be a prayer if he were religious as he selected the document and opened it.

Role Play Theater / Re: Condition Red RP thread
« on: May 09, 2010, 10:56:29 PM »
Cosmo looked thoughtfully at the computer. It was rather smaller than he was used to and he didn't really quite know what to do with the white thing. This was clearly more advanced technology than he was used to which supported the whole 'in the future' theory.

Cosmo poked the white thing somewhat suspiciously. It moved. He pushed one of the buttons. It made a clicking sound. The other button also made a clicking noise and the wheel didn't seem to do anything at all. Aside from that nothing seemed to happen.

So shrugging, Cosmo turned his attention to the icons and was rather surprised to see a white box with words in it had popped up. He tried moving the white thing and this time noticed that there was a white arrow on the screen which moved and highlighted the words in the box. After a quick trial and error run he managed to figure out mostly how it worked and moved the arrow to 'Documents' which seemed to be the most promising thing on the screen. Cosmo wondered what he would find as he clicked it to highlight and then hit 'enter'.

Role Play Theater / Re: Condition Red RP thread
« on: May 07, 2010, 11:28:38 PM »
Cosmo was halfway through a box of random clothing* when all of a sudden the lights flickered on. "Yes!" he said, "Our mechanic must be a genius! I wonder how he did it." He then stood up, stretched, and headed over the the information hub which should be open now in order to do a search for important information prioritizing anything that might explain their current situation.

Writer's Guild / Re: Tuning (WIP)
« on: May 05, 2010, 02:04:37 PM »
Some things I noticed:

1) Trevor's 'peaked ears' were a sign of NOT paying attention? That kind of an interesting turn around. Usually peaked ears mean they ARE paying attention, but I suppose in a way the very existence of those 'ears' sort of prove that he's not.

2) I feel for Trevor, I really do. English seems to me like it SHOULD be creative but essays are always so strict. Why should we find the 'official' deep meaning when there could be so many more? Is it really so necessary to find hidden meanings the author never put in the work in the first place?

3) Wait... the teacher was... panting? I bet this has to do with some sort of twist ^.^

Role Play Theater / Re: Condition Red RP thread
« on: May 02, 2010, 08:50:07 PM »
So close! If Cosmo weren't an athiest, he'd be convinced that god did that on purpose to spite him. But nonetheless, it was clear that continuing to search through the storage room would be pointless as even if he did find more belts they would probably be just as fragile as the first.

Returning to the generator room to report his findings, Cosmo's eye was caught once more by the obnoxious out of place painting. His eye twitched visibly, and under his headband, his ear did so as well. Such a painting really had NO business being in the generator room and was just out of place and somehow it being there on top of getting flung through time just broke Cosmo's last straw of temper. So instead of telling the mechanic about his (lack of) progress, he grasped the painting by the edges, turned around and brought it to storage where he set it down again. Then since there was really nothing better to do he started to open random boxes on the off chance of finding anything useful.

Art Gallery / Re: Drawing Requests 2 (Closed)
« on: April 30, 2010, 02:32:38 AM »
Ah, looks like you hit the 'end at the elbow' method for wing-arms ^.^

Role Play Theater / Re: Condition Red RP thread
« on: April 30, 2010, 02:16:06 AM »
"Ooo! Network hub! I'll have to check that after we get the power running again," Cosmo said to no one in particular as he read the sign. However there was no new revealed information that would help with the generator so he headed over to the synthetic materials lab to see if he could manage something like rubber belts for the generator, however he found the doors quite locked and requiring power to get in at all. It seems almost nothing could be done around here without power.

Cosmo decided that perhaps a better first order of business might be to figure out what DID work and what rooms he could get into at all, so started down the first hallway trying the various doors to look everywhere.

Art Gallery / Re: *blink* *blink*
« on: April 27, 2010, 01:59:13 AM »
Just so you know... the sound effect is delayed by about half a second. Maybe it's just my computer, but I'd look into that anyway (unless for some unfathomable reason you did it on purpose)

Art Gallery / Re: Drawing Requests 2 (Closed)
« on: April 23, 2010, 01:17:15 AM »
Wow, sounds like Anter's may be a challenge for Vir. I don't think he's ever done anything like that before (with vague exception of Yuro who was a little similar).

Also: nuts, left just before and got back just after! :p

Writer's Guild / Re: The Storm's Eye
« on: April 23, 2010, 01:14:34 AM »
I also get the feeling there's more to this, but I can't quite pin it. I'm reasonably certain it's not a thing of irony where he's hallucinated himself into an asylum as a means to escape the actual end of the world. I think rather it has to do with the idea of the eye of the storm. Even without the title, it seems to fit somehow. I think perhaps the idea is that the 'storm' is this fellow's problems, his delusions. He's already come through a pretty bad time, almost killed a few people and while he's fine now, he doesn't know whether or not it will ever come back. Is the storm truly over or is he just in the middle of it? This plus the line, "That's... that is true Radek." (I misread 'Radek' as 'Ragnarok') makes it seem extra foreboding. It seems to suggest that if ever he were to pass out of the eye and back into the storm, things will go badly for him. Whether he kills himself, or does something horrible that causes him to be locked up forever... it would in a way be the end of 'his world'.

(Heh, I sound like Lopez ^.^;)

Writer's Guild / Re: Comic Genesis
« on: April 23, 2010, 12:58:44 AM »
I get the idea by that point the comic is drawing itself. Aka, you've living the comic and it just sorta updates itself.

Role Play Theater / Re: Condition Red RP thread
« on: April 23, 2010, 12:57:37 AM »
"Well it looks like it needs new parts. Think they'd be in one of the rooms? I think I saw some signs back at the staircase," Cosmo said thoughtfully before heading back to inspect the signs. As he read the various signs he started muttering to himself, "Network Hub... that'll be worth a look when we get the generator working. Heh, a janitor closet? Seems so out of place among the rest of this.... Synthetic Materials Lab... now that looks promising..... Maybe we'll find something in storage? Hmm... I wonder what the rest of this sign says." Frowning to himself, Cosmo tried to rub off the dirt with a finger to little avail. Then, remembering the janitor's closet, he headed to the sixth floor to see if he could get some cleaning materials to make the sign more legible.

OOC: Please assume Cosmo goes as far in this task as he is able. It's just silly making an entire post to say he goes to the janitor's room to see what's there, and then another one to come back and clean off the sign.

Writer's Guild / Re: Tuning (WIP)
« on: April 18, 2010, 11:40:05 PM »
Interesting, I have to wonder just what happens when someone 'toons out' (you know, aside from not paying attention) and how exactly they go about 'doing their own thing'. Also I have to wonder why Jonas hasn't already been toon'd :p

Role Play Theater / Re: Condition Red RP thread
« on: April 15, 2010, 08:04:53 PM »
"Hmm..." said Cosmo looking over the interior of the first aid kit. "I think some of this might be useful later. Let me know if there's anything left after you guys finish treating each other okay? Meanwhile I will look around for the generator along with anyone who wants to join me." With a nod towards the soldier that probably wasn't very visable, Cosmo bent down and picked up the rifle before opening the door and walking down the hallway and turning left. From the extra light and movement behind him he could tell that at least the engineer and the professor had followed him out. After another turn he got to an elevator, pushed the 'down' button, and started to wait for it to arrive. A moment later Jake caught up and after a brief pause, cleared his throat. "Are you sure the elevator works when the power's out?" He paused to let that sit for a moment as he moved his flashlight off to the side to point at a door. "I think the staircase is over here," Jake continued, moving the open the door and descend two floors to where the generator should be. "Right...." Cosmo trailed off weakly, glad that in the darkness no one could see his heavy blush as he followed the otter down the stairs. In short order their party arrived at the generator and started looking around to see if they could figure out how to get it running.

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