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Messages - Stormkit

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Role Play Theater / Re: Condition Red RP thread
« on: May 31, 2010, 01:16:55 AM »
OOC: The hinges maybe, but the screws themselves are not accessible unless the door is already open. Unless you mean the ones on the knob.

Role Play Theater / Re: Condition Red RP thread
« on: May 31, 2010, 12:11:02 AM »
OOC: Actually the screws holding the hinges of a door in are on the inseam, not accessible when the door is closed. It would be far more effective to pop the pins out. This is of course assuming the hinges are on the right side of the door.

Role Play Theater / Re: Condition Red RP thread
« on: May 30, 2010, 06:23:59 PM »
OOC: Hehe, for the record though, I don't actually have any dice aside from the three I just picked up.

"Well you see... I want to know what's on the other side and I don't like breaking stuff." Cosmo said, blushing a little as he tried to cover his oversight. Really, it was things like this that gave him the nickname he had, 'brilliant as the stars, but mind oh so far away.' "I've been at this for a bit though so if you want to just break it down, go ahead."

Role Play Theater / Re: Condition Red RP thread
« on: May 27, 2010, 09:08:23 PM »
Well Cosmo decided to keep the gum, marbles, dice, and calculator. He already had a swiss tool with a screwdriver and a deck of cards, and the rest of it was either uninteresting or unwieldy. As for the laundry room... well Cosmo always kept a small lockpick set handy in one... of... Cosmo started fumbling around his different pockets before managing to find what he was looking for in an inner labcoat pocket. He then set to work trying to open the door.

Role Play Theater / Re: Condition Red RP thread
« on: May 23, 2010, 11:05:35 PM »
All right! With directions in hand (or in mind really) Cosmo went over to the claims room to look for a left behind badge. After checking there, he would then visit the laundry room. However just before leaving (and logging out) he checked over the map for other important looking rooms like the C block reactor, generator, or network hub area. He would have to look around given the chance to see if anything was important.

OOC: Just assume I go to them in order unless there's something blocking the elevators and hallways, etc.

Writer's Guild / Re: Comission #2: Circus Act
« on: May 23, 2010, 02:05:42 AM »
Actually if you notice she was sorta trying to avoid him the third time. Plus the fourth time she stopped 'to see the animals' with her dad. Plus clearly her dad noticed the whole multiple recurrances thing and would probably not let her get hit if he's still with her.

Writer's Guild / Re: Comission #2: Circus Act
« on: May 22, 2010, 07:50:43 PM »
Oh no, the light will still fall, she just won't be there. She wasn't there the first two times and was only there the third cause of something the main character did. As the main character is now locked up in the stall, that won't happen so Rose won't die.

Random Topics / Re: Weird Dreams
« on: May 21, 2010, 03:01:58 AM »
Interesting about the fake gun. I remember I had a dream once where my grandmother had a stache of guns in case of emergencies. And when we found ourselves on an island with dinosaurs that seemed to qualify, but all the guns just shot nerf bullets. Twas weird.

Okay, so I had a dream last night that I was trying to invade some complex or other (I think by the name of Williams). At first it was in third person and I think I was trying to attract attention by teleporting us up the line. I don't remember quite where that went, but next I remember was just outside the actual complex. I was waiting for a break in the incoming members so I could sneak to the side and get in through a window, but someone actually came from the other direction and I had to hide. However there was no where to hide and I ended up trying out an 'ignore me' spell and lay down in the grass next to a hedge. (tiny hedge, no way you could hide in or behind it) The other fifteen or so people ALSO trying to sneak in did a much worse job than I did but the passerby didn't notice any of us. That didn't say much for my spell, but the other 15 not noticing me did. One of them even lay on top of me.

So of course I realized I didn't need to bother waiting for a break in onlookers and just walked over, somehow acquiring a partner on the way. Inside were a whole lot more people looking for an actual way in. After a bit of exploring my partner suggested we go up, so I teleported him up a floor and then proceeded to use my newfound gravity powers to walk up a nearby wall. When I got to where I wanted, I looked at my target and changed gravity in that direction and jumped! Let me tell you, gravity flying is kind of difficult. From what I figured out in the dream, I have to be able to focus on a target in order to accelerate that way which is difficult with the sky in the dark. Also you can't anti-accelerate or decelerate. This means I'd often find myself shooting past my targets, or sometimes even into them. But regardless...

Skipping past the mishaps and dead ends, I found myself in a room with a spiraling (square spiral) staircase suspended in midair. It started shaking so I instantly threw up the 'ignore me' spell and threw myself into a corner against a wall. A woman in a catsuit landed in the middle of the room and shouted, "Don't Move!" and proceeded to throw ninja stars into the wall I was leaning against. I threw up a shield (another spontaneously acquired power) and closed my eyes hoping she wouldn't notice me or hit me by accident. I felt a few collide with the edges of my shield and slide sideways, but I'm not sure a direct impact would have held. When she stopped I opened my eyes and she looked at me and said, "He moved," and then walked out the door we came in.

When I looked over at my partner, he was quite definitely dead. I'd be sadder if I knew who he was :/. Anyway, apparently she overkilled him and the extra damage had to go somewhere cause when I looked down I saw a GBA with a picture of a unicorn on it and a rainbow health bar that was slowly decreasing. I tried to give myself the power to heal by turning MYSELF into a unicorn (digital so I could 'heal' the machine) but it didn't work and neither did my attempt to outright heal the unicorn. I was then struck with the brilliant idea of savepoints so I turned off the machine and tried to turn it on again, but it required the unicorn's cellphone to input a password. I abruptly remembered (don't ask me how, dream logic doesn't really make much sense) him leaving his bag and a cellphone behind a bush outside so I left and flew out on my way, having to dodge an inordinate amount of telephone wires. I managed to find the bag and phone by comparing their location to my car, but it was getting dark so not only did I have trouble finding the complex again, I had trouble actually flying. The dream left off with me asking various people for directions on how to find the complex again.

Role Play Theater / Re: Condition Red RP thread
« on: May 21, 2010, 02:52:12 AM »
Well... that made his next step fairly apparent. Now if only he knew how to get to C705 or C502... Looks like the situation called for a map! A good memory would probably work also, but Cosmo was notorious for forgetting directions from one location to another unless he used them recently or frequently. As the C block constituted of neither of these, Cosmo opted to go back to the computer room, log in and open the map function to see if he could find a way to the necessary rooms.

Role Play Theater / Re: Condition Red RP thread
« on: May 19, 2010, 05:18:36 PM »
Well that was certainly a disappointment. Cosmo logged off and considered where he might be able to find what he was looking for. It stood to reason that the most likely place for someone to leave an ID relavent to the reactor was in the reactor control room, so Cosmo turned out the hall, took the elevator (successfully this time) and entered the reactor control room to see what he could find.

Role Play Theater / Re: Condition Red RP thread
« on: May 14, 2010, 03:20:21 PM »
Hmmmm.... thought Cosmo. First order of business seemed to be figuring out just what the difference between the regular areas and ones that were grayed out. On a hunch he started navigating randomly through various floors to see if anything interesting popped up and if other gray areas also had the word 'storage' in their name. He quickly ascertained that gray had more to do with lack of connection than any sort of storage. On floor six however he found the Reactor 1 Control Room and opened it up saying, "Jackpot!"

Role Play Theater / Re: Condition Red RP thread
« on: May 13, 2010, 11:00:00 PM »
"Oh!" Exclaimed Cosmo as the new screen went up. The sectors must refer to the general areas. If Cosmo remembered right they were currently in section B5 so he went back to the previous screen (by clicking on the minimized squares) and going to section B instead, making sure to choose floor five.

Role Play Theater / Re: Condition Red RP thread
« on: May 12, 2010, 06:13:04 PM »
Hmm... still not very descriptive but Cosmo guessed sectors A and D didn't have power or something else was wrong with them so he tried opening sector C instead. After all C stood for Cosmo right?

Writer's Guild / Re: Collision
« on: May 12, 2010, 06:10:30 PM »
Interesting. I've actually been playing with the idea of how my imagination creates a world and in this world would exist a connection to everything I had ever created. And of course I came to the natural realization that I'd be essentially the leader of this world with powers not unlike that of a god. Never thought to turn it into a story though.

The one thing I found disappointing though was how idiotic the 'devil' seemed to be. He should know everything about the characters but didn't remember the captain was literate? Didn't already know the doctor was bored of a perfect world? Didn't even know enough about the wanderer to realize he would never kill any of those people? The only possible explanation is that he WANTED to lose and that just doesn't seem in character.

Role Play Theater / Re: Condition Red RP thread
« on: May 12, 2010, 04:13:24 AM »
Well that was sort of helpful and sort of not. Cosmo found himself staring at the line saying how he could activate the reactor from the computer. Gesturing aimlessly with both hands at the computer screen, he asked in a somewhat bewildered and somewhat annoyed voice, "How?!?!?"

After a minute or two of glum thought he went back to where he started and decided to try the 'remote access' function in hopes that it was related to the reactor.

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