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Other Realms => Writer's Guild => Topic started by: Geo Holms on July 20, 2010, 09:49:50 PM

Title: A Brief One-Sided Conversation
Post by: Geo Holms on July 20, 2010, 09:49:50 PM
A little dash of an experimental tail...ur...tale. A one-sided conversation inspired (obviously) by CF conversations. Wasn't going to be based on Geo or myself at first...but it snuck in during the course of writing. It may not be clear, it may not make sense, but as I said in the beginning, its an experimental tale to see where I would take the premise.

"Just listen to me. There is no need to panic. Certainly, you may feel like there is at this point, but just let me tell you that it is the lack of a breakable spine that is causing this sensation. And the general fluid nature of your current emotional structure.

"No, no. Don't panic. You do have a spine. Just take a deep breath, not that deep, heh, gotta love when a fellow expands his gut like that. Shows an initiative in breaking real world psychics. What? I keep telling you to not panic. Just. Hey. You. Don't.

"I didn't want to do this.

"Trust me, the frying pan was completely necessary.

"Look at the little birdies. Cute, huh? Hitting you produces these instead of pain now. Sure, you get a ringing in the ears, and through the entire bod at times, but as for pain, not an issue, dude. Well, unless you have an unfortunate run in with some paint thinner. Even then, its more your limbs get a little soggy rather than causing actual pain. Erasers, now those are tricky things...

"What? You want to be turned back? Now why would you want that? What? I'm really having... There. Aren't zippers nice devices in calming down? Now, now. No need to use that language. Zipper or not. Think of the kids. Ah, see. You felt that. Eh? The ink is getting to your brain finally. I can see how your pupils dilated there. Heck, your ears and the pencil work on your edges smoothed exponentially. I think we can unzip you.

"Why. A little bit existential of a question for a cartoon, don't ya think? I shall humor you. Only a matter of time before...

"You keep panicking when I say that. Like you'll be loosing something. Must say its fun to see your limbs flail like that. Right beginnings of a nice comedy routine. Also, the cap popping about is a nice touch. What? Of course you have a blue vest too. And a ringed tail. Ah. To be fair, you haven't seen a mirror yet. Yes. You're one of your own characters. And a right dynamic beastie at that.

"Again with the existential questions. Of course you can be something of your own creation. All creations are in turn a part of the artist and vise versa. So no issue. Eh? Now. Again with panic. I didn't want do do this. OK. You leave me no choice.


"D'aww. The way your ears perk and tail wags when that word is said is just adorable, dude.

"Who am I? Ah, now that's a question. And a belly rub? I see the ink is getting further into your thoughts. No worries. I'll oblige. I'm an idea. Just a little idea, whether good or bad is up in the air. Sometimes, ideas get a little out of paw and tend to take events into their own claws. Like now. But really, as I can tell from your chittering purrs, it all turns out alright sometimes, eh?

"Just let the world melt away, embrace the bright colors at the edges, seeping into your vision, just let the fluff take hold, just let yourself loose. Go forth to those shiny garbage cans over there.

"Yes, shiny. Shiny. Shiny.

"Sorry. Just love seeing you twitch like that. Go on. Have a dash of fun. You can decide if I'm a good or bad idea later.

"Beware of mallets though. Those can be troublesome.
Title: Re: A Brief One-Sided Conversation
Post by: William Swiftfoot on July 20, 2010, 10:03:54 PM
Creepy, and very good!
Title: Re: A Brief One-Sided Conversation
Post by: Jonas on July 20, 2010, 10:16:41 PM
A very good story! You can easily tell what's going on and what the new Geo is doing. Apart from some typos near the end when the Idea is mentioned and some difficulty understanding the zipper part, its all good, yip!
Title: Re: A Brief One-Sided Conversation
Post by: KaiAdin on July 21, 2010, 06:36:42 PM
Hmm! interesting story! *shakes head at all you tf fuzzies* ]:)
Title: Re: A Brief One-Sided Conversation
Post by: Virmir on July 22, 2010, 08:34:57 PM
Love this, Trax! Great job on the 2nd person perspective.  I love transformation stories like this. [:)