Crimson Flag Comic Forums
Other Realms => Art Gallery => Topic started by: Virmir on July 15, 2024, 02:47:17 PM
Post references to your Pokemon characters you would be okay with me including as a cameo if, in theory, I were to be in the middle of writing a 150-200 page Mystery Dungeon comic which, if, in theory, I decide I like, I may end up drawing.
Also check which of the following apply:
_ I am okay with this character appearing in a background shot.
_ I am okay with this character having a speaking role, and I'm okay with having no input on how this character is used.
_ I am okay with Virmir brutally killing this character.
This script, if it exists, is an 11 on the snark level. Like a full level beyond Virmir-World.
This story focuses on lower level Pokemon. (At least, THIS part of it.) But higher levels may appear in backgrounds occasionally.
This is not a request topic, and I definitely will not be including all characters. Only those that happen to fit.
I'm probably not going to include any character with crazy colors or major alterations or complex outfits. Think Eevee with stylish hair and cape ( or Riolu with purple highlights and an eyepatch (
I'm more likely to cameo established characters VS. ones that people just made up because they saw this topic.
You can use my typhlosion if you want, either as is or as a quilava or cyndaquil if you prefer to draw low level Pokemon. Can't say he's established or used in any campaign, though.
And yes for all three checks.
Well I might as well apply for a cameo spot. See how it goes.
- I am okay with this character appearing in a background shot.
- I am okay with this character having a speaking role, and I'm okay with having no input on how this character is used.
I am not ok with grizzly death though so that is a no for me.
Have my zard form. Or charmander variant since lower levels suggested.
You can feel free to include Team Heritor! You already drew them a few times, in the comic you made here:,_page_14
I don't own all the characters in the team, but I did speak with everyone and get their approval for being included. We're all okay with being a part of the background.
Same goes for Team Destiny, which can be unevolved or evolved as you like. References in the attachments. One is sappy enough to make you vomit, I'm sure. They would also probably be part of the background!
X I am okay with this character appearing in a background shot.
X I am okay with this character having a speaking role, and I'm okay with having no input on how this character is used.
X I am okay with Virmir brutally killing this character.
Meet Team Providence, a go-getter Fighting type team. In canon, they were friendly rivals to Team Destiny (above).
Pancham (F): The leader, a very cocksure but good-hearted person who loves to fight and loves to poke fun at others. Very stubborn as well. Her tendency to start problems gets her in trouble though.
Mienfoo (F): Quiet and reserved compared to the other two, provides an important rock of stability for the rest of the team to revolve around. Definitely the smartest.
Tyrogue (M): Acts like a kid taking karate classes who's taking it all very seriously. Bows to show respect, speaks formally at too high a volume. Seems to think about nothing but fighting and training even during leisure time.
I am okay with this character being in the background and/or talking to Virmir/character
Normal colors, wears a dark blue cape, if they are in an illusion form they are a normal braxin so they can hide from those looking for them, glad I decided this for Sasha awhile ago though I don't know what happened to the sketch, was looking for it and couldn't find it, additional refs can be provided there is a pre-evolution design if you would prefer.
You can use Auroz if you'd like.
X I am okay with this character appearing in a background shot.
X I am okay with this character having a speaking role, and I'm okay with having no input on how this character is used.
X I am okay with Virmir brutally killing this character.
Any of the 2 designs is applicable, yes. Keep in mind my Smeargle has a Pair of Goggles on his Beret-Shaped Head above his Hairstyle, yes.
Oh man I only saw this now, well hey I might as well submit anyways lol
X I am okay with this character appearing in a background shot.
X I am okay with this character having a speaking role, and I'm okay with having no input on how this character is used.
X I am okay with Virmir brutally killing this character. (this sounds very fun tbh)
On one hand, she's got more clothes than the average PMD oc, but on the other hand it *is* literally just a grey Lucario with a jacket and shirt so not too complicated (I'm perfectly fine with no pants to make it more "PMD-like"). Also unfortunately an evolved form but hey I'm fine with a Riolu form instead, just the same jacket/shirt with no pants. Perfectly fine with you making any changes you want honestly I'd be flattered if there was just a grey riolu LOL
I only just saw this. If you're still accepting applications, here you go.
X I am okay with this character appearing in a background shot.
X I am okay with this character having a speaking role, and I'm okay with having no input on how this character is used
Alolan A-Ninetales:
While I don't have proper refs for Alolan A-Ninetales and Midna, their pictures can still work since they have all the details. You also don't have to make them big.
Are Pokemon versions of our sonas acceptable here?
If you have a version already that you use, I may throw it in. If you're making a version specifically for this thread, then probably not, but maybe.
This is just a casual thing I may reference at several points where it makes sense to throw in background characters during the 2-ish years it will take to draw all 200 pages of this (theoretical!) comic.
X I am okay with this character appearing in a background shot.
X I am okay with this character having a speaking role, and I'm okay with having no input on how this character is used.
Thanks for the oppo in any case Vir. Rather curious what Choas is brewed!
My Braviary form is a staple, and I'll be happy to allow you to use him.
X I am okay with this character appearing in a background shot.
X I am okay with this character having a speaking role, and I'm okay with having no input on how this character is used.
Sure, I'll throw Arcanine Dom ( in!
X I am okay with this character appearing in a background shot.
X I am okay with this character having a speaking role, and I'm okay with having no input on how this character is used.
Mao as a Sandslash.
X I am okay with this character appearing in a background shot.
X I am okay with this character having a speaking role, and I'm okay with having no input on how this character is used.
I'm okay with this character appearing in the background.
I'm okay with having a speaking role and no input on how it's used.
I am ALL FOR having this character brutally killed off. ..Was that too enthusiastic? Anyways. Yeah. All three ticks.
PMD!Kevin is literally just a shiny rockruff with goggles. That's it. I'm so creative.
i swear if you give him pony eyes i will bubble you
x I am okay with this character appearing in a background shot.
x I am okay with this character having a speaking role, and I'm okay with having no input on how this character is used.
x I am okay with Virmir brutally killing this character.
I admit originally I was considering to bring a pokemon character and say im not okay with it being brutally killed, but then i remembered my old pokesona that also dubbed as my first fursona.
It has a lot of bad memories attached, and as such, I'd be glad if he is killed and I would be very okay with any way you decide to do so. I could post a bit of lore about him but truth be said, I dont think it'd be relevant at all xD
.... and just now I realized he was just a mudkip with no special defining features LOL Ah well
The pic just shows that I had him around 2009 or so.