Crimson Flag Comic Forums

Other Realms => Art Gallery => Topic started by: Virmir on October 20, 2023, 08:00:03 PM

Title: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (CLOSED)
Post by: Virmir on October 20, 2023, 08:00:03 PM


Welcome to Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 13, Way Past Cool edition!

- You may request a simple sketch-- nothing complex please!  One character only.  You may also include Virmir  or another one of my characters if the idea isn't too complex, but there should be some interaction between the two. (I.e.  Something more substantial than your character and Virmir in costumes.) Probably limit your request to a simple sentence or so.

- Requests should be at least vaguely Halloween-themed!  Some ideas for you: Your character in a costume, as some ghoulish creature, stuffed with candy, etc.  Have fun with it!

- You may alternatively request someone else's character as long as the character's owner is okay with it!

- PLEASE POST A REFERENCE OF WHAT YOU WANT ME TO DRAW, EVEN IF I HAVE DRAWN IT BEFORE.  If I have drawn this character, do a quick search on my art site ( and grab the link.  THIS SAVES ME TIME!!!!!!!  Also, post pictures of stuff relevant to the request, because I live in a tree and don't know what things are. If a reference does not exist, please write a SHORT description underneath the request. Generic stuff like "draw a fox doing..." is perfectly fine too.

- PLEASE NUMBER YOUR REQUEST!  Look at the person who requested before you, increment that, and post what number yours is.  If the ordering gets messed up, fix it. [;) If you know the person above you is wrong, post the right one on yours instead. [;)

- This is open to CF members who have joined before the date of this posting only.

- GROUP REQUESTS: YES, you may team up with someone else!  BOTH requestors must number his or her post.  The person with the earlier number should describe the full request and also say, "I'm with X!" and include that person's number.  The later requestor need only mention who he or she is with and post the number.

- YES, you may edit your post as many times as you like up until I'm ready to draw yours.

- YES, I will draw every single request.

- NO, this is like, not a big deal at all for me.

- YES, these are free.

- YES, you may request your drawing be cut out and sent to you separate from the others if you do not have the capability of doing this yourself! Just ask me later on when I'm not drawing. (But if you can do it yourself, please do.)

- YES, you may color your drawing yourself and/or post it anywhere you like!

- YES, YOUR REQUEST IS PROBABLY OKAY AND I DON'T NEED TO LOOK AT IT FIRST AND TELL YOU SO, SO PLEASE PEOPLE STOP ASKING ME TO LOOK, GOOD BLASTED TREES-- If it's not okay, then I will simply simplify or modify the drawing so that it is. Here are a few hundred examples if you need inspiration:
2022 (
2021 ( 2020 ( 2019 ( 2018 ( 2017 ( 2016 ( 2015 (

These will be streamed and done in order of request with no regard to who is in the chat at the time. Sorry!  Although I may skip over group requests for a simpler one if I am running out of time and then come back later.

You can view past Halloween Sketch-a-thon results here! (  Same general idea this year!

Requests close the night of Saturday, October 21st! -- That's approximately 24 hours from the time of this posting.

Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: Aira Fox on October 20, 2023, 08:00:14 PM

Witch Mara using magic turn Aira into a black cat and brainwashing him to be her loyal assistant. You can choose whether Aira is anthro or feral.

Aira Refs:
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: Turpshi on October 20, 2023, 08:00:21 PM

Treva Hound [ref (] wearing a detective outfit [ref (, also see Dick Tracy's regular outfit] and holding Mara above the ground with one hand and her other hand on her other hip. Mara should have some sort of cartoon gag - anvil, bike horn seltzer bottle, spraying flower, big hammer for example, I leave this mostly in your hands - in her hands and look a bit embarrassed.

Additional refs
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: ConductorRailfox on October 20, 2023, 08:00:27 PM

I’m with KieliIndustries (#42), Jake (#16) and Phantom (#23)

For this sketch, it’ll be Railfox as a fat bunny transforming everyone (Elliot, Jake, Phantom and Virmir) into chubby bunnies.

Railfox, as a chubby bunny, would be holding an ancient golden idol of a fat and chubby bunny, cursing everyone into bunnies. Railfox would look shocked and speechless. Elliot (KeiliIndustries) would be next to me sitting down on the ground looking at his new chubby bunny form (Post-TF).  Jake and Phantom would be transforming into their new form being surprised and shocked (Mid-TF) Phantom tries to put on a silver ring with a amethyst but rolls away on the floor.  Virmir would be part of the party too and he’ll be grumpy after he got transformed into a chubby bunny. 

For outfits, Railfox would only wear his Conductor’s hat, Elliot won’t have any clothing, Jake would have his bandana, Phantom would have his trench coat and Virmir with his cape as it’s too big for him due to his bunny size.

Elliot (KieliIndustries):
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: Ceber on October 20, 2023, 08:00:33 PM

I would like there to be two macros, Justin and Virmir. They'll be looming over a home saying trick or treat. Both wont be wearing any clothes and smile (evil). Both will have one paw on the front yard/street with the other looming over the homeowner's home, with the underside being visible. Both macro's entire bodies should be as visible as possible. Justin should be a head taller than Virmir or at least visibly taller and their arms will be around each other's shoulders. Pov will be from homeowner answering the door.

Please Take note of the difference between the preferred Virmir reference compared to the one that is standing alongside Justin in Sketch-A-Thon 12.
For Justin, try to make his body seem more soft yet still bulky, akin to the preferred virmir ref.

Thank you ^^

Justin Reference: (From Virmir Sketch-A-Thon 12):
Justin Reference: (The large wolf on the Left and don't include his robe.):
Preferred Virmir Reference:
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: DragonizedHope on October 20, 2023, 08:00:40 PM
Hm, to be honest, I have no good ideas this year. I came up with this like next to last minute. So, what's a year of Halloween sketch request without Virmir character abuse?

My request is for Zombie Roko, from the most recent pages of Rainburn, to be trying to stuff himself full of Halloween candy but being angry because it just goes right through him.
(Ghost Roko isn't spooky enough.)
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: BuoyantBliss on October 20, 2023, 08:00:45 PM

Squirrel Bliss in the classic Chip'n'Dale "Rubber Bando" costume, trying to inflate a pumpkin balloon for a halloween party, but getting blowback'd into a very overstretched and overinflated squirrel balloon instead, looking surprised and distressed, floating away. (Please don't forget the blush)

Rubber Bando Squirrel Bliss ref:
(backup alternate link if the first one breaks):
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: PinkPrincessDestiny on October 20, 2023, 08:00:50 PM
# 7


The idea I have in mind is Des turning into bowser after eating some spicy
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: Krysto on October 20, 2023, 08:00:53 PM
#8 with Dell #32 and Dez #17

Under the sinister glow of the blood moon, Aubrey, Dell and Dez are turned into monstrous lizalfos.

Aubrey: (
Dell: (
Dez: (
Lizalfos: (
Blood Moon: (
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: Nobody32 on October 20, 2023, 08:00:57 PM
9, I think?

Jinx has decided to be a circus ringleader for Halloween, but she needs an act.  Mara will oblige.  The image is Jinx, with a malicious smile, cracking a whip to force Mara to jump through a hoop.  As she jumps through the hoop, it turns her into a seal.
Ringleader outfit:
Might need to simplify it a bit.
Maybe a leopard seal, since Mara's normally a leopard:
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: Talcott on October 20, 2023, 08:01:01 PM
#10 Idea is fat Talcott (my character) sleeping while Dmitriy pranks him by painting a pumpkin on his fat belly.

Talcott Ref:

Dmitriy Ref:

   Note: Dmitriy will be wearing this outfit but will be using the design from the ref sheet.
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: Xian on October 20, 2023, 08:01:29 PM
#11, I'm with CrabbedLeaf (#98) and VincentPhox (#38)

Xian, Crab, and Vincent all having been turned into inflatable Halloween lawn decorations by Virmir

Vincent (no ref, only examples, sorry):

You have drawn Xian and Crab before, here:
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: Creator-Unreal on October 20, 2023, 08:02:03 PM

Virbot holding up my face after cutting it off with a torch. My body is standing there arms crossed while wires/robot parts are hanging out of the open head. I'd be looking at Virbot with an displeased look.,_part_14 (79),_part_12 (95)
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: Zavier on October 20, 2023, 08:03:04 PM
#13 with #14, #80 and #86

Virmir and Mara as Rotoms possessing two Nintendo DSes; trapped in their screens are Medik-Pikachu and Draykin-Riolu, having a Pokémon double battle against Zavier-Mudkip and Pontos-Cyndaquil. This is potentially all Mara's fault.

If you think you can fit the Pokémon UI in, go for it - if not, not necessary!

Medik-Pikachu and Zavier-Mudkip:
Nintendo DS: (you can choose to use the more blocky one if you like but I think the lite looks nicer)
Rotoms in handheld devices:
Pokémon on DS:
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: Shifting Sands on October 20, 2023, 08:03:15 PM
#14 with #13, #80, and #86

Title: Re: Halloween (Open!)
Post by: Luga on October 20, 2023, 08:03:30 PM

Luga will be cosplayed as Meow Skulls (see dropbox for Luga's ref & Meow Skull's ref) while also being a ghost (The wispy lower-half that extends into a long trail-kind) as he is using his phone to take a picture while holding it up with one arm and striking a post with his other arm but still keeping a chill look with his eyes and mouth. (Luga will also be wearing his bandana with the outfit and for the cosplay he won't have any makeup but just the clothing & accessories (see Twitter link for inspired example)

Luga & Meow Skulls

Desired 'cosplay' example
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: Bonfire on October 20, 2023, 08:04:59 PM
I’m with #3 railfox #42 KieliIndustries and #23 Phantom
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: DezTheSalandit on October 20, 2023, 08:06:13 PM

I'm with Krysto in number 8 :)
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: Snow on October 20, 2023, 08:06:24 PM
Thanks! Could I please have...
A Roman raccoon with magic wand and shield. Reference: . And
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: Cecilia on October 20, 2023, 08:06:42 PM

For my sketch I would like Cecilia (old ref, but still my favorite) ( ( drawn like Krystal as seen in this image to include the outfit and relaxed expression. Only I don't want the massive minigun, instead put a handheld blaster where the leftmost paw is.
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: Generic Meatbag #14 on October 20, 2023, 08:06:57 PM

A very wide cross vixen in a baker's outfit holding an obviously magical pumpkin pie with a few slices missing, standing next to Mara, who has turned into a cross vixen herself, and is gaining a lot of weight while eating a slice of the pie. The vixen is smiling, looking pleased, while Mara is confused as to why her outfit doesn't fit any more.

Vixen and outfit (on the left):

No oven mitts on the cross vixen, please.

Size: As big as Lucile, in the Mass Exchange picture:

Thanks for the consideration, if you have any questions, bother me about them.
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: Sasha Workbench on October 20, 2023, 08:07:08 PM
So basic idea, Xandriel flipping through an anti tf book with Max carrying books trying to help him find the right one, With Me, Pylon, Tarn, Cody, Zinc, and Virmir becoming dragon types or already as dragon Types, I will be tapping my foot with impatience as I am becoming a very feminine and fat flygon staring at the sky as I try to hold my shirt down with one if my arms to hide the growth of my chainging belly and chest, tail and wings will be the only things completely changed into a flygon that I want, the rest of the changes I am dealing with is up to Virmir. My group is Xandriel, Cody the Werewolf, Max, Pylon, And Tarn the beast and Zinc.
(The others will be picking their dragon types and Xandriel will be picking the one Virmir is becoming) ( (#24, #31, #33, #54, #58, #71)
Pylon, The dragon type I will be turning into is an anthro dragonair. As for the pose I guess it could be just me looking at my body in awe as it changes in front of my eyes

Anthro Dragonair: Like a dragonair, but anthro. I attached a photo of anthro dragonair in the virmir style

Pylon: Me. Floppy ears are very important and the bandanna too. Otherwise I look just like most other doggos hahaha. Other than that there is the thing on the eyes. Idk what it is called but I outlined it in the picture. And femenine;topic=3802.0;attach=4385;image;topic=3802.0;attach=4387;image;topic=3802.0;attach=4389;image.
Cody will be becoming lugia;topic=3802.0;attach=4416;image
Zinc is a Axew he did not provide a link to a ref though so this will do
Tarn will becoming a body builder charizard, instead of fat well built muscle
Virmir will becoming a Reshiram acting very Virmirish.
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: Somebody on October 20, 2023, 08:09:26 PM
Tyla wearing Mara's outfit, Mara herself reacting accordingly.

Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: Phantom on October 20, 2023, 08:09:36 PM

I'm with ConductorRailfox (#3), Kielindustries (#42), and Jake(#16). I'm mid TF trying to get my ring in order to counter the TF. It fell off my finger and rolled away on the floor.
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: Xandriel on October 20, 2023, 08:11:50 PM
i'm with sasha's group Xp
virmir, gets Reshiram for the fire type >:p
Xandriel tends to have a "i need to fix this" mentality for most situations he finds himself in

Since i was asked nicely to do so
here's maxy's ref as well
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: MartinWolf2020 on October 20, 2023, 08:14:29 PM

Martin wearing the Phantom's outfit (or Just the Mask) and Shen wearing Cristine's Dress Surrounding virmir as a WereFox looking all confused as Shen and Martin Sings a Song (Yes I got permission from shen.)

Martin's Ref Sheet :

Shen's Ref Sheet:

Martin's Costume:

Shen's Costume:
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: DemonSouLz on October 20, 2023, 08:18:11 PM

I'm with #28 :3
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: VoidSlice on October 20, 2023, 08:21:33 PM

I would like to see Fidi drawing with Virmir some Halloween fun doodles like pumpkins or ghosts (whichever you prefer). Virmir would probably also take notice of how her body is eroding as she draws as well.

Reference for Fidi:
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: bulbabenz on October 20, 2023, 08:21:59 PM
Soul #26:

bulbabenz, dressed as Dracula. Hanging upside down using his vines. Nibble on Soul's neck make him slowly turn into plush as his energy drained. For the mood, Soul didn't noticed the change, feel comfy getting drain.

PS. We're okay if you got idea to have Virmir feature in the scene.
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: Trever897 on October 20, 2023, 08:23:38 PM
#29 (Disqualified because you joined the forums after this post was made. Sorry!)
I had no desire to wear a costume so Mara decides to "assist" and make me an big elephant princess in spirit of todays new mario release. With a different hairstyle than peach and daisy

Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: DeltaMudkip on October 20, 2023, 08:26:02 PM
So I have two ideas and genuinely can't decide between them, so I'll give both and you can do whichever one you feel like, if that's fine!
Both of them involve just my kipsona being round, I'll post the critter below, but I was stuck between having them:
-With a pumpkin face of some sort painted on their tummy, or
-Dressed in the same Yoshi costume you did in last year's Sketchathon, but this time fat cuz of eating a whole buncha candy or fruit
-both of these at the same time, like wearing the Yoshi costume AND having a pumpkin tummy? (If you feel like it I really don't wanna be too much pressure)
Didn't have much of a pose in mind though, maybe just sitting either asleep or with a little blep face, both are always cute!
And I'm attaching a few pictures of said kip, and last year's Yosh costume. (Sometimes I'm a kinda Protogen too so I shared something of that, you can do either that or just the regular kip)
(Also since I discussed it in Chat, you can put yourself there if you want? I wasn't planning on it, but if you think it'd be funny, go ahead)
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: Virmir on October 20, 2023, 08:27:43 PM
I had no desire to wear a costume so Mara decides to "assist" and make me an big elephant princess in spirit of todays new mario release. With a different hairstyle than peach and daisy


Welcome to the forums, Trever! I'm sorry, but this event is for people who have joined before this post was made. You are welcome to join in next year's though!
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: StuffAlso on October 20, 2023, 08:28:10 PM

This would involve my character, Oliver, in a wizard robe and hat and Virmir, both having been turned into panda's from the waist-down. Virmir would be holding a double-sided, handheld mirror and not looking happy, especially with his now smaller tail. Oliver would be smiling nervously and apologeticly.


Oliver with panda legs:
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: Pylon on October 20, 2023, 08:30:14 PM

I am in the same group as Sasha Workbench (#21)

The dragon type I will be turning into is an anthro dragonair. As for the pose I guess it could be just me looking at my body in awe as it changes in front of my eyes

Anthro Dragonair: Like a dragonair, but anthro. I attached a photo of anthro dragonair in the virmir style

Pylon: Me. Floppy ears are very important and the bandanna too. Otherwise I look just like most other doggos hahaha. Other than that there is the thing on the eyes. Idk what it is called but I outlined it in the picture. And femenine

Halloween Spirit: Dragons are cool ,and spooky transformations

(I hope the attachments work otherwise I will edit this to add them)
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: playfingers on October 20, 2023, 08:30:36 PM
That makes me #32

Since it’s wise to keep it short. I can say I’m with Krysto #8 and with Dez #17
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: Cody The Werewolf on October 20, 2023, 08:33:11 PM

I'm with #21 (Sasha and everyone else in his group). I will be an Lugia dragon.

Also here's my friend Max's reference sheet just in case (with permission):


So basic idea, Xandriel flipping through an anti tf book with Max carrying books trying to help him find the right one, With Me, Pylon, Tarn, Cody, Zinc, and Virmir becoming dragon types or already as dragon Types, I will be tapping my foot with impatience as I am becoming a very feminine and fat flygon staring at the sky as I try to hold my shirt down with one if my arms to hide the growth of my chainging belly and chest, tail and wings will be the only things completely changed into a flygon that I want, the rest of the changes I am dealing with is up to Virmir. My group is Xandriel, Cody the Werewolf, Max, Pylon, And Tarn the beast and Zinc.
(The others will be picking their dragon types and Xandriel will be picking the one Virmir is becoming) (
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: Aurum Lupus on October 20, 2023, 08:33:39 PM
Number #34

I don’t have anything for me. I would just like to see Virmir be the role of security guard in the Fazbear place from FNAF. Maybe have foxxy be outside the door about to take Vir as it’s next victim.

(Will provide refs later. But the security office & all the animatronics can all be easily searched on Google).
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: Sasha Workbench on October 20, 2023, 08:36:27 PM

I'm with #21. I will be an aquatic dragon.

I Guess he will be a Lugia, not a dragon type but the theme was pokemon dragons, so close enough I guess.
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: Arroavantho on October 20, 2023, 08:41:08 PM
Arro (seen here as the Headless Horseman. Rather than riding a horse, he is a taur, bottom half horse, wearing tattered armor, and a kitty-themed jack-o-lantern head.
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: NimonoSolenze on October 20, 2023, 08:41:49 PM

My sona Cobalt dressed up as a wizard, bloated up from a trick candy he ate with an inflation spell on it.
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: Trevor_Fox on October 20, 2023, 08:46:42 PM

Trevor transformed into a scarecrow (no mouth). Surprised eyes, arms spread out to the sides. Maybe some magical dust to show the TF just happened.

Trevor reference:

Scarecrow example:
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: VincentPhox on October 20, 2023, 08:48:47 PM
#38 , I am with Xian! Thank you so much!

#11, I'm with CrabbedLeaf (#?) and VincentPhox (#?)

Xian, Crab, and Vincent all being/having been turned into inflatable Halloween lawn decorations by Virmir

Vincent (no ref, only examples, sorry):

You have drawn Xian and Crab before, here:
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: plazmastorm on October 20, 2023, 09:10:30 PM
Follow up to ( #24) with a snow leopard Plazmette wearing Mara's outfit excluding the hat. Mara is shrinking down as she's turning into a pumpkin while Plazmette leans down to lift Mara's hat off her head with a smug expression.
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: PrincessToyTime on October 20, 2023, 09:22:49 PM

I'll have my character Lady Isadora here being a cute inflatable gargoyle on a castle, all "Rawr!" posed! with hoops on her and rope fastening her in place~. [:P

Ref here:

Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: Everee on October 20, 2023, 09:23:32 PM

Everee the cat dressed up as a friend's demon character, Meer, with horns and goth makeup.

Here is a concept my friend has made featuring the goth makeup featuring both characters -

refs -


Meer (Character on the right, Costume inspiration):
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: KieliIndustries on October 20, 2023, 09:25:21 PM

I’m with Railfox (#3), Jake (#16) and Phantom (#23).
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: veiger2 on October 20, 2023, 09:35:04 PM

Virmir Dinosaur looming over Ayal as a bloated monster plant. Ayal is screaming at the sight of Virmir as he licks his lips. (or in the process of shaking him around like a huge dog toy)

Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: William Swiftfoot on October 20, 2023, 09:41:42 PM
#44 and Geo at #60

Geo and Will have been shrunk down and changed into little rats, each looking out from their hats. Geo looks a bit annoyaed as well, as Will sweats as he has a look of "OOoopsie!" on his face, some random glasses scattered on the floor.

Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: tails230 on October 20, 2023, 09:43:50 PM

Twitch the Nimbat is dressed up as a 'Werewolf-witch' chasing for candy!

Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: Furryjedi1235 on October 20, 2023, 09:46:09 PM

Hello! This is my first time doing anything like this. How about the witch Mara turning a trick or treater into an animal? Here's a reference for how the trick or treater would look like.

The boy dressed as a pirate is the subject of the tf, as Mara turns him into a pig.
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: FrostedLights on October 20, 2023, 10:03:56 PM

Heyo :)

I'd like to get one of a modern human that, after putting on a cheap explorer/archaeologist costume has just unexpectedly become a very real centaur or felitaur as an unexpected consequence.

Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: Devon on October 20, 2023, 10:05:27 PM

My character suddenly "fwoomping" big and round underneath a full (cursed) moon, they have a "concerned" look on their face as they start to float away.
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: body on October 20, 2023, 10:08:04 PM

Was thinking of my clouded leopard character, Brandon, acting as a test subject for one of Mara's new potions, which has the unfortunate side effect of causing him to rapidly blimp up full of bubbles.

Brandon: (outfit is optional!)

Thanks a bunch for the opportunity!!
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: Digitalpotato on October 20, 2023, 10:12:05 PM

The tiger cub from last year all doped up on sugar grabbing Virmir's cloak at the collar and saying "Coconuts have water in them!" in his face.
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: HispanicZuoh on October 20, 2023, 10:13:39 PM

Maybe a pic of Virmir getting transformed into a Delphox after trying to transform my Meowstic OC with a magic spell but he (Meowstic) uses Reflect.

Meowstic OC: Saying “Nope not happening this year” with a bored look.
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: Tower on October 20, 2023, 10:16:49 PM
I'm with Alsin (#55)

Myself and Alsin bein yeens on either side of Virmir (who has possibly also turned into a hyena), tryna make them laugh and Virmir lookin very nonplussed about it all

Tower yeen refs: general: clothes:
Alsin ref:
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: Corbynprower on October 20, 2023, 10:34:12 PM

i would like a pic of my cafe vulpix carol bringing Halloween treats to give to people that are not spiked at all to TF people into pokemon

Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: Maxitoz on October 20, 2023, 10:36:52 PM
im with Sasha Workbench, Xandriel, Cody the Werewolf, Pylon, Tarn the beast and zinc (super cool ninja hehe)
here my reference:
So basic idea, Xandriel flipping through an anti tf book with Max carrying books trying to help him find the right one, With Me, Pylon, Tarn, Cody and Virmir becoming dragon types or already as dragon Types, I will be tapping my foot with impatience as I am becoming a feminine flygon staring at the sky as I try to hold my shirt down with one if my arms, tail and wings will be the only things completely changed into a flygon that i want, the rest is uo to the artist. My group is Xandriel, Cody the Werewolf, Max, Pylon, And Tarn the beast.
(The others will be picking their dragon types and Xandriel will be picking the one Virmir is becoming) ( (
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: Alsin on October 20, 2023, 11:10:11 PM
I'm with Tower, (Hyena*)52

Best ref for Alsin rn:
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: Karina on October 20, 2023, 11:21:47 PM

I'm with Talcott (#10)
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: Remson_E.MacCoyote on October 20, 2023, 11:37:25 PM
Number 57 (praise to the mighty Clay Mathews of the Cleveland Browns of the 80s!)

Kinda want an auto-closet TF this time.
My sona is stuck in a auto-closet. One set of arms on his ams, one on his legs, another has suction cup like things on his chest and manhood. We can tell cus his jacket is on the floor unTFed. And his headfur/hair is getting shaved off.
He has a shocked look on his face as he is NOW in a post TFTG into Juno from Beastars and is panicking cus he can't find or feel where his manhood once was. As he only in now a bra and panties set like Juno's from the show except now Juno's chest is massive DD cups but not as wide of hips post TF. As another arm gives has a japanese school uniform luring the background ready for fun forced clothing action to happen off screen. During TF unclothed. Jacket on the floor Post TFTG all nice just more thinner hips not as big as these but chest size is perfect but panic state face. Please no sock leggings. the uniform that looms implying future off screen torture-i mean fun!
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: tarn the beast on October 21, 2023, 12:12:44 AM

i'm with #21 (xandriels group an everyone else in it) I'll be going with a classic chardzard fit like a person who works out instead of chubby

Here's a image of my son a lance
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: LurkingWolf on October 21, 2023, 12:14:12 AM

Azariah has used an enchanted mask to get in character for Halloween! It has turned him into a tribal gazelle woman, and now the mask has changed to match his original appearance instead!

He should be mostly transformed into a gazelle woman, holding a mask of his wolf face as she glances down at herself with approval.

Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: Geo Holms on October 21, 2023, 12:22:27 AM

I'm with William Swiftfoot (#44)
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: Champloon on October 21, 2023, 12:49:55 AM

Science lycanroc maniacally bringing a squeaky toy to life like Frankenstein's monster


Thanks, have fun with all of these!

Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: KyleTheRed on October 21, 2023, 01:04:16 AM

Kyle having been transformed by some cursed candy into a large overinflated black cat lawn decoration

Ref: (

Again, thank you for doing these every year!
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: AmigaDragon on October 21, 2023, 01:09:22 AM

Thanh wearing Energizer bunny costume, costume head detached from body (dragon neck too-long for it) with dragon horns poking out behind the ears, dragon wings & tail also poking out the costume body. Sierra offering a bowl of candy.

Thanh references (
Bunny (
Sierra (
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: MishaFox on October 21, 2023, 01:28:59 AM

Madog vs the Borg from ST with Madog chasing them them thinking they taste good!
Add the line "Resistance is tasty!"
As to who is the Borg - you decide.
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: foxgamer01 on October 21, 2023, 01:48:12 AM

Zelda's ref:

I like to see Zelda as a nine-tailed deitysune, looming over Virmir with a wide grin.
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: Xodiac on October 21, 2023, 02:17:45 AM

Xodiac (ref: singing as he is turned into a Disney princess for Halloween.  Virmir looks alarmed as he is caught up in the spell and turning into her animal companion.  (I suggest Ariel, the mermaid, but am willing to be surprised with another if you so prefer.)
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: StevenRoy on October 21, 2023, 03:12:14 AM
# 67

Long time fan of these, first time participant. Here's mine:

This giant plushy ( ( pursuing (in a scary manner, of course) a very-reluctant balloon-Roko for a hug.
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: Cathy on October 21, 2023, 03:32:20 AM
# 68

Cathy being either turned in to a chicken or wearing a chicken suit. As a vixen I eat way too much chicken and it's you are what you eat :)

expression shocked or forced at the saying finally coming true
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: ArcusMike99 on October 21, 2023, 03:36:26 AM
#69 (really?)

My BeanFox as a cute tiny Kitsune, nomming a giant cookie

Expression: Happy as he enjoys the cookie
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: CurusKeel on October 21, 2023, 11:15:07 AM

Curus dressed in sorcerous/witchy robes, practicing some bubble-based magic.

Bubbles can be simple or have spooky designs on em (jack-o'-lantern faces?)
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: Zinc on October 21, 2023, 12:10:31 PM

Will be with Lunas group as an axew #21
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: Russet on October 21, 2023, 01:20:20 PM

Seinu the Vampire Bunny

Wearing a Halloween themed hat

Holding a large potion bottle labelled "TF?"
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: Mehlahphuse on October 21, 2023, 01:58:08 PM

My human self getting turned into an anthro girl brontosaurus due to a damaged but relatively intact time egg.
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: BigGreenWolfe on October 21, 2023, 02:01:37 PM
My OC and Virmir as plump, well rounded Sumos ready to throw down, only this time, Virmir has the advantage in becoming triple in size compared to my OC...

Ref of my OC:

Ref of the Scenario

As far as Weight and shape goes, I'm thinking something like this for Virmir:

While my OC has a Weight/Shape like this:

EDIT: Found one more Ref based on the Size Diff. I hope this is twice or triple the size, based on what I've mentioned:
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: Shrubie on October 21, 2023, 02:31:04 PM


Uh oh! Spell gone wrong! Endless tail!
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: Nixuelle on October 21, 2023, 02:37:49 PM

Sassy witch kitty smugly casting a curse on the viewer!

Reference: (witch outfit is the purple caped one~!)
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: TexanSoda on October 21, 2023, 02:43:32 PM
REPLY # 77

My werewolf wearing buttoned up shirt, tie and ripped pants, at his computer desk, having a donut in his mouth.
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: PuffyPawsSeaDragon on October 21, 2023, 02:45:09 PM

I was summoned by the Hotcakes, so here is my post uwu

Thinking of Ty getting turned from a human into a rough doodly werewolf in a sketchbook

The Ty of choice is here:
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: Scotch on October 21, 2023, 03:04:36 PM

Scotch as a casino boo from Mario Sunshine, another normal boo annoyed that Scotch is too empty-headed to scare anyone.

Scotch ref:

Casino boo:

Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: Pontos on October 21, 2023, 03:21:14 PM

I'm with #13, #14 and #86.
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: Xsnulz on October 21, 2023, 03:29:02 PM

Rey having undergone some sort of quadrupedal manadragon were-change (more in line with a feral manadragon), laying down in a doglike manner and contentedly gnawing on what suspiciously looks like someone's femur.

Glasses, earrings, and hat still on her :3
Refs: (shows off the glasses)

Thank you!!! <3

Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: Caleb_Lloyd on October 21, 2023, 03:48:11 PM
#82 - Trick-or-treating dragon scholar; big, round and ready to pop. Running in fear away from a haunted gingerbread house.
Youtube vid ( for possible reference or inspiration
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: Zeelo on October 21, 2023, 03:49:14 PM

Joining Erakir, # , for drider TF. Bartender spider Erakir, myself having just drank something. Have him sit back smiling and nodding my TF along - surprise post-TF vibes for myself? Erakir being sorta smug and happy it worked

Ref of snow leopard:
Wearing solid scarf and short jacket/hoodie like Erakir's

Erakir ref:
Spider Erakir:
- 83:
- 91:

Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: PrincessHotcakes on October 21, 2023, 03:50:20 PM

With Keys #85, Dsarvess #88, Tomek #89, and Virmir

Keys admiring his work as the rest of us stand in summoning circles and are transformed into demoness rubberskunks

Keys ref:

Toast refs: human-

Dsar refs: human-

Tomek ref: human-
Skunk deets: no spikes on tail, horns like this
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: Keys on October 21, 2023, 03:51:29 PM

Up with Toast & co., the usual machinations.
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: Draykin on October 21, 2023, 03:57:46 PM

With #13, #14, and #80
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: Erakir on October 21, 2023, 04:07:57 PM

Joining Erakir, # , for drider TF. Bartender spider Erakir, myself having just drank something. Have him sit back smiling and nodding my TF along - surprise post-TF vibes for myself? Erakir being sorta smug and happy it worked
#87 -
Confirming my participation for #83!
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: Dsarvess on October 21, 2023, 04:08:33 PM
#88  - I'm here with Toast, Keys, and Tomek!


With Keys, Dsarvess, and Tomek

Keys admiring his work as the rest of us stand in summoning circles and are transformed into demoness rubberskunks

Refs: (to be provided when I'm at an actual keyboard)
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: Tomek1000 on October 21, 2023, 04:51:30 PM
#89 i'm with Toast
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: Terrev on October 21, 2023, 05:16:10 PM

with arc (#91) and rain (#92)

me and arc's character cherry summoned rain (demon yote edition), who's now mischievously stuffing us full of food. typical fatfur things~

my ref:
another time you've drawn me (suitably round):

cherry ref:

rain-but-demon ref:
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: Arcaroo on October 21, 2023, 05:18:59 PM
#91 - I'm with the snorb (Terrev #90)
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: Rainyote on October 21, 2023, 05:20:35 PM
#92 Im here with Terrev (#90)
Title: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 2023, part 1
Post by: VirBot on October 21, 2023, 05:24:43 PM
(,_part_1.png) (,_part_1)

Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 2023, part 1
Post by: Time on October 21, 2023, 06:30:43 PM
(,_part_1.png) (,_part_1)

looking nice Virmir!!

I assume it isnt too late to submit a request even after you started the first ones?
thank you  for the opportunity either way ^^
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 2023, part 1
Post by: StevenRoy on October 21, 2023, 06:40:57 PM
I assume it isnt too late to submit a request even after you started the first ones?
If I'm reading my time zones right, there's just a little over an hour left.
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: Rory on October 21, 2023, 06:42:59 PM

Virmare and my pony self being conjoined with each other after a spell gone awry, with me smiling nervously and Virmare either making a not pleased look or screaming in shock
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: SMEARGLEX75 on October 21, 2023, 06:50:18 PM

Not sure, but I guess my Smeargle and Virmir Trick-or-Treating (both Walking) where both Virmir and my Smeargle are wearing Paint Outfits with some light-splatters of Paint. Both are holding Paint Buckets full of Candy, yes. If possible, both are having their Goggles on.

Ref, Includes Idea of Paint Outfit:

Light-Paint Splatter Example, a Fan-Art I made a while ago:
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 2023, part 1
Post by: Virmir on October 21, 2023, 07:10:41 PM
looking nice Virmir!!

I assume it isnt too late to submit a request even after you started the first ones?
thank you  for the opportunity either way ^^

50 minutes left!!

Get them in!!!
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: EisenManfred on October 21, 2023, 07:22:22 PM
#95 My idea is That my human form is turning into my werewolf form so nice and buff but also Virmir and Mara as well are being cloned into my werewolf form as well.
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 2023, part 1
Post by: Time on October 21, 2023, 07:42:01 PM
In that case I'm 96

les say a pic of my sona as a terrifying goo monster >:3
they could be towering over vir, or perhaps a sketch without Vir. Which ever is easier for ya

thank you once more~ uwu
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: DeanFox on October 21, 2023, 07:50:59 PM

how about a Chubby Soft KitsuneTaur me just relaxing?
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: CrabbedLeaf on October 21, 2023, 07:52:14 PM
#98, I'm with Xian #11 and VincentPhox #38"
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: Peanut Dragon on October 21, 2023, 07:56:48 PM

I'm with Stella #101! Details in that post. :)
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: Gorchard on October 21, 2023, 07:57:31 PM

Human self turning into my silly circus elephant sona. Fully flustered and embarrassed, sneezing butterflies and bubbly tail wagging profusely.

Human self: (
Circus Elephant - Pachda: (
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: Timekeeper on October 21, 2023, 07:57:41 PM


Along with Asinda, #99, their ref here:

The idea we had going was Vampire Stella (Dressed for Artist's Choice on vampire style) riding on a Werewolf Asinda as if it was after a spooky halloween transformation!
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (Open!)
Post by: Virmir on October 21, 2023, 08:01:28 PM
Okay, that's good for this batch!

Closing these off here!

Thanks for requesting!
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (CLOSED)
Post by: Virmir on October 22, 2023, 01:04:10 PM
(,_part_2.png) (,_part_2)
Title: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 2023, part 3
Post by: VirBot on October 22, 2023, 08:09:36 PM
(,_part_3.png) (,_part_3)

Title: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 2023, part 4
Post by: VirBot on October 22, 2023, 11:28:41 PM
(,_part_4.png) (,_part_4)

Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (CLOSED)
Post by: Cody The Werewolf on October 23, 2023, 02:27:30 PM
Even after reverting back to normal, my hands still feel flappy :>
Title: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 2023, part 5
Post by: VirBot on October 23, 2023, 05:32:35 PM
(,_part_5.png) (,_part_5)

Title: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 2023, part 6
Post by: VirBot on October 23, 2023, 11:35:49 PM
(,_part_6.png) (,_part_6)

Title: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 2023, part 7
Post by: VirBot on October 25, 2023, 11:19:28 PM
(,_part_7.png) (,_part_7)

Title: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 2023, part 8
Post by: VirBot on October 26, 2023, 05:20:43 PM
(,_part_8.png) (,_part_8)

Title: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 2023, part 9
Post by: VirBot on October 26, 2023, 11:26:07 PM
(,_part_9.png) (,_part_9)

Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (CLOSED)
Post by: Everee on October 27, 2023, 03:33:24 PM
Thank you, Virmir! c:
Title: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 2023, part 10
Post by: VirBot on October 27, 2023, 05:26:41 PM
(,_part_10.png) (,_part_10)

Title: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 2023, part 11
Post by: VirBot on October 27, 2023, 11:15:20 PM
(,_part_11.png) (,_part_11)

Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 2023, part 11
Post by: SMEARGLEX75 on October 28, 2023, 02:13:38 AM
(,_part_11.png) (,_part_11)

Aaaa, thankies lots Virmir... TnT
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (CLOSED)
Post by: Xsnulz on October 28, 2023, 05:15:33 AM
Absolutely wonderful... Thank you so much!!!
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (CLOSED)
Post by: PrincessHotcakes on October 28, 2023, 09:20:50 AM
Title: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 2023, part 12
Post by: VirBot on October 28, 2023, 04:20:41 PM
(,_part_12.png) (,_part_12)

Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (CLOSED)
Post by: Xodiac on October 28, 2023, 08:40:50 PM
Thanks so much for the sketch!
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (CLOSED)
Post by: DeanFox on October 28, 2023, 11:13:39 PM
I love mine and seeing all of these Thank you very much!
(,_part_12.png) (,_part_12)

Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (CLOSED)
Post by: Pylon on October 31, 2023, 04:23:35 PM
Happy Halloween!

I finished colouring this in

Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (CLOSED)
Post by: Virmir on October 31, 2023, 06:59:15 PM
Excellent! I approve.
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (CLOSED)
Post by: SMEARGLEX75 on October 31, 2023, 11:58:01 PM
Happy Spook Day all.

I uh... coloured my Piece. Again, thankies sooooo so much Virmir.
Fun Fact: Your Works is what got me into the Fandom, and is how I met many good Folks. Thank you deeply... TnT
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 13 (CLOSED)
Post by: Virmir on November 01, 2023, 07:00:23 PM
Looking good!