Crimson Flag Comic Forums

Other Realms => Writer's Guild => Topic started by: foxgamer01 on March 04, 2023, 11:19:11 AM

Title: Alephmon's New Recruits
Post by: foxgamer01 on March 04, 2023, 11:19:11 AM
Commissioned by Aleph

Alephmon and Stry were training on the roof of their crumbling castle when Alephmon got flattened as usual. Usually, that wouldn't be a problem. Except that new recruits are coming and he wants to be presentable with his dignity intact. Stry promises to help him hide, but will he succeed?

Note: This story is unrelated to the previous Aleph stories. This is an alternative universe Aleph where he was a human before using his Digivice to turn himself into a Digimon.

This is another fun story that I wrote. Aleph always wanted a story where he remains flat for most of it. I hope that I succeeded.


The art in the thumbnail is made by Aonik (!
Nekozukimon belongs to
Stormymon belongs to
Castmon belongs to
Toximon belongs to

(Will be posted in two parts)


The sun shone upon Alephmon the Flof Digimon. He wielded his sword, Checksum, up into the sky. The sun’s light reflected cold and bright on its polished iron blade. When Alephmon smiled, his two canine teeth poked out in a cute way. His yellow eyes glimmered from the sunlight.

He stood on an improvised battlefield on top of a castle’s ruins. Around him stood three cobblestone pillars, the fourth fallen long ago. The castle itself once belonged to a knight Digimon millenniums ago. He vanished without a trace of where he went or what happened to him. What remained of his existence were carvings of his knightly form with armor from head to toe. One such is a statue erected near the battlefield atop the castle. Bits of blue and white paint remained on it; the rest decayed away.

Alephmon swung his sword at Stry the Veemon. Stry jumped to the side while grinning with confidence. His red eyes narrowed at the blade. He bent his knees low as soon as his feet-paws touched the ground. He pounced forward, aiming his yellow V on his forehead at Alephmon. He leaned back with a grunt to avoid the attack. Stry grumbled as he instead zoomed toward a pillar. He headbutted it so hard that it collapsed with cobblestones flying all over.

“You need to do much better than that, maf!” Alephmon flipped back onto his feet-paws. His long, white claws scratched against the mossy stones, leaving behind scratch marks. His black, fingerless gloves snug tight against his swollen hand-paws. He pointed Checksum at Stry. “What do you say about that?”

“You’re getting much better at dodging,” Stry said. He rubbed his unharmed forehead to dust away any dust on it. He wiped away the sweat while ensuring none got on his red bandana around his neck. He turned around at Alephmon and gave him a thumbs up. “Even when you were a human and a lot frailer, you often stood there like a tree!”

“Don’t remind me.” Aleph blushed. He rubbed against his khaki shorts with his other hand-paw. He tightened his own red bandana around his neck with a grin. The bandana itself lay over his white, extra-fluffy chest. “Again, maf?”


Stry swung both arms in a circle. He charged at Alephmon with a loud battle cry. Mossy stones flew off from Stry’s claws from how fast he dashed. “Veveveve!”

Alephmon braced for the attack by raising his sword to block it. His muscles tensed up. His other hand-paw pressed against Checksum’s flat side with the blade shining cold. He lowered his head and swallowed. He dug his claws deep into the mossy cobblestone ground.

Stry struck his sword with enough force that a shockwave emitting from it. Alephmon slid back until his back smashed against another pillar. He wiggled his feet-paws to dislodge any stones that stuck onto them.

“You really should’ve dodged that one!” Stry jumped three times while charging at Alephmon. With the final jump, he leaped high before rocketing toward Alephmon with both feet-paws forward. Alephmon grinned with his short muzzle and jumped away. Stry’s kicks instead crashed through the pillar, kicking out a bunch of cobblestones. He landed and spun around, blinking in confusion. “Huh?”

The remaining stones that held the pillar up shattered. It creaked as it toppled toward Stry. For his part, he folded his long, floppy ears back. His eyes widened in anticipation and horror.


The pillar crashed on top of Stry. It squashed him as flat as paper with cracks all around his body. His eyes spun until they became black spirals. Alephmon rubbed the back of his fluffy head with a satisfied grin. He stepped toward the shattered pillar and planted his palms on it. He pushed it with a grunt, rolling it off of Stry.

Stry groaned. “Who called in the train three hours early?”

“Whew. I’m getting better at being sneaky, maf,” Alephmon said. He crouched over to Stry. The wind blew; Alephmon’s light blue fur swayed with the breeze. A few seconds passed and Stry popped back to normal. “Alright there, buddy?”

“Uggggggh.” Stry rubbed his blue head before he shook it. He opened his eyes, with them back to normal. He turned to Alephmon and gave him a thumbs up. “OK. You tricked me there.”

“Yay!” Alephmon danced around while blushing pink. His two black belt suspenders hanging against his legs bounced up and down. He sheathed Checksum into the scabbard on his back. The black belt that held the sheath wrapped around his right shoulder and left waist. “I’m improving!”

“Um, Aleph?” Stry swallowed. The third remaining stone pillar cracked. The shockwave from his attack damaged it much more than he thought. “Pay attention.”

“When the new recruits come and join our freelance agency, I’m sure they’ll look up to me!” Alephmon fluffed up his fur. He closed his eyes and leaped up in joy. “And I won’t be lagging behind, maf!”

“Aleph.” Stry took a couple of steps forward. “Open your eyes and pay attention. You’re—”

“I’m so hoping that they’ll be impressed with me!” He pressed his palms together before rubbing one of his hand-paws’ backs against his cheek. Joy-filled sparkles emitted from his body with a couple impacting the pillar. The pillar cracked more, with a few pieces falling off. “I can guess what one of them would say, maf. ‘Oh, Alephmon—’”


Alephmon winced and opened his eyes. He turned over to Stry in confusion. “Wha—”

The pillar made an audible crack as it crumbled. Alephmon blinked and turned to the pillar. Dread crawled up and down his body, knowing what will happen. It toppled and fell toward him with its shadow all over his body. He gulped and, out of nowhere, pulled out a white flag.


It crashed down on top of him with a loud boom. Cracks spread out all around, almost like a spiderweb. Stry smacked his hand-paw against his forehead. Regardless of what he did, fate or luck always flattened Alephmon in one way or another. He gritted his teeth for several seconds before he sighed. He hurried over to the pillar.

“Oh, Aleph. What am I going to do with you?” Stry crouched down next to the pillar. Sweat drops formed behind his head in an exaggerated manner. “Doing alright there, buddy?”


“Good.” Stry dug his palms underneath the fallen pillar. He lifted with his entire body while trembling. He grunted and wheezed while gritting his teeth. The pillar cracked as he elevated it inch by inch. He flipped it off of Alephmon with sweat all over his body. When the pillar landed with a bang, he sat down next to it and Alephmon. He planted his back against the pillar and panted. “I swear this kind of bad luck happens to you a lot.”

Alephmon’s eyes spun into black spirals. His mouth hung open with a tongue sticking out. The white flag he held disappeared by that point; its purpose fulfilled. He wiggled his flat head until his eyes returned to normal. He rolled up halfway and lifted his hand-paws in a thumbs up.

“It-it could’ve been worse.” Alephmon snickered. He got up and stood with his two paper-flat feet-paws. He stumbled a bit before he steadied himself and stood straight. He twisted around, his body remaining as flat as paper. “It could’ve been raining, maf.”


Thunder rumbled across the cloudless sky. As though by command, clouds rolled in within seconds, blocking the sun. Stry gritted his teeth and slapped his forehead just above his pointy nose. Alephmon hung his mouth open in a wide smile. Thunder roared again and, following that, the ringing sounds of rain.

“Never mind. False.” Stry stared at Alephmon with half-closed eyes with wrinkles below them. Rain drenched them so they became soaked all over their bodies. Alephmon wiggled in defiance despite the shower feeling like countless punches against his flat body. Stry sighed and piled Alephmon up over his shoulder. He carried Alephmon over to the hatch. “What else can go wrong?”

He lifted the hatch with exasperation. A moment later, he stepped down the ladder with Alephmon. Before he got to the bottom, he closed the trapdoor so no more rain got in. The weather may have turned for the worst, but at least they were close to home.

Much like before, the clouds swept away along with the rain as though by command. The sun shimmered down upon the Digital World as though it was never cloudy in the first place.

If Stry realized it happened as soon as he closed the hatch, his brain would crash and need several minutes to reboot.

He swung the flat Alephmon around until all water droplets sprayed off of him. Alephmon blushed in embarrassment, his head bright pink. Stry carried him to the clothesline that held several clips. He grabbed two of those clips and checked them. Satisfied, he hung Alephmon on the clothesline with the clips on his long flat ears.

“That’ll be a good place for you to dry off.” Stry rubbed the back of his head. He added in a low voice, “And hopefully won’t get into too much trouble in the meantime.”

“Maf?” Alephmon wiggled. “What was that?”

“Oh! Nothing!” Stry grinned wide at Alephmon. “While you hang there, I best prepare for the incoming new recruits today.”

“Today?” Alephmon folded his face forward. “I thought they’ll come in tomorrow.”

“No. It’s today.”

Alephmon kept silent for several seconds. One could almost hear his head processing this information, like gears turning or fans blowing. Once completed, his eyes turned white in a panic with a black outline around them. He wiggled and flapped against the clips, trying to break free. Stry widened his eyes and sweat-dropped in shock.


“I CAN’T LET THEM SEE ME LIKE THIS!!” Alephmon’s entire body turned white with black outlines. “IF THEY DID, THEY’LL NEVER TAKE ME SERIOUSLY AGAIN!!”

“Aleph, buddy! Settle down!” Stry rushed forward and grabbed his legs. The ruins became somewhat agitated by Alephmon’s screaming to the point that cracks formed. “It’s not that big of a deal!”

“I’LL BE A LAUGHING STOCK!!” Alephmon’s tail puffed up despite remaining flat. “HOW WILL—”

Stry punched Alephmon’s face hard enough for it to stretch out. “CALM DOWN!!”

Colors returned to Alephmon’s body. He panted with his flat tongue sticking out and his ears drooping low. He rolled down his head. “Thank you, maf. I needed that.”

“OK. Now that you’ve calmed down, let me show you something.” Stry reached over to a wall where an Agumon clock lay. He took it off from the wall. He showed the clock to Alephmon. “As you can see, it’s about 1:07 PM. They’ll be here by three. That’s plenty of time.”

“B-but I won’t be able to pop back to normal by then, maf.” Alephmon’s eyes became white with a black outline around them. “H-how will I—”

“Relax, buddy.” Stry patted Alephmon on his flat head. “I don’t think they’ll look down upon you for it. If anything, they’ll be amused by it, especially since it always happens.”

“S-still, that isn’t the impression that I want to make.” Alephmon wiggled closer to Stry. “I want to be seen as awesome, not silly. Maf.”

“That’s a tough call,” Stry said in a low voice. He added in his normal voice, “But if you’re still worried about that, when they come and you’re still flat as paper, I’ll do my best to cover for you. OK?”

“Whew.” Alephmon relaxed. He closed his eyes in exhaustion. He raised his flat arm up and gave Stry a thumbs up. “Thank you. You’re the best partner a Digimon could ever have, maf.”

“It’s what I’m here for, buddy.” Stry gave Alephmon a thumbs up in return. He strolled away with heavy lines over his eyes. “Welp, luck be a lady today.”

#   #   #

Time passed by with the sun crawling from the top of the sky to the west. Scattered clouds covered the sky, each avoiding the sun’s path like the plague. Meanwhile, the sun baked the ground below with its sunlight. A cool summer breeze went by to combat the heat, with the leaves and grass wiggling. A droplet strugged to remained on a leaf, but it fell and landed beautifully on the ground.

In short, a beautiful day in the Digital World.

Stry stepped outside through the tall front doors. Little of the original wood remained on the door; the rest rotted away. The replacement lumber for the door stuck out from how crudely they were nailed on and how little they matched the original. Stry stretched out with a grunt that turned into a yawn.

“One of these days, we’ll get this place repaired,” Stry said to himself. He turned ahead and blinked. He leaned forward with his hand-paw over his large eyes. Ahead traveled four figures coming to the castle. “They’re here!” Stry waved at them with a wide grin. He whispered to himself, “It’s a good thing I already hid Aleph in the closet. That should be a good hiding spot.” The four travelers rushed forward, though two hurried their walk instead of running. “Welcome!”

The foremost ran with his arms spread out behind him like a bird or a plane. His long, maroon hair-mane flowed behind him down to his tail. Short, sandy-colored fur coated all over his body. Six bright vertical red lines lay on his cheeks with three on each, becoming shorter as they reached his muzzle.

“You must be Nekozukimon,” Stry said. He extended his arm to him. “Welcome!”

Nekozukimon the lion Digimon poofed into white smoke. Stry flinched and took a step back. A plushy version of Nekozukimon rolled out and stopped against Stry’s feet-paws. He felt a tap on his shoulder and turned in that direction. Nekozukimon stood there while spinning a kunai on his finger.

“Pretty cool, eh?” Nekozukimon winked one of his brown eyes at Stry.

“W-woah!” Stry took a step back. Nekozukimon snickered at him. “H-how did you d-do that?”

“Nothing you need to worry about.” Nekozukimon snapped his fingers, summoning a fire above them. “After all, you’re not a ninja like me!”

Stry nodded and turned to the next one rushing in. He recoiled and widened his eyes. The one rushing in reminded him somewhat of Alephmon until she got closer. Unlike Alephmon’s light blue fur, she held light green fur with sick green eyes. Her short and fingerless gloves contained dark green pigments. Her eyes flashed sick green in joy.

“S-so you must be Toximon,” Stry said. He recomposed himself and extended a hand-paw to her. “Welcome!”

Toximon the chincat Digimon nodded with a wide grin. She reached out to his hand-paw, but missed. She tripped and fell down with her face planted on the ground. Nekozukimon laughed and helped her up. Toximon blushed bright, but she laughed. Stry winced at the sight, especially at the grass dying where her face landed.

“I’m OK!” Toximon giggled. She brushed off the dirt from her red bandana around her neck. “I heard so much about you and Alephmon! You guys are like super awesome!”

“Um, thanks?” Stry shook Toximon’s hand-paw. “It’s good to have you here.”

The remaining two Digimon walked over to the others. The front of the two stood a half-foot taller than the rest. Black and blue fur coated much of his body with blue on his torso, hand- and feet-paws, and the bottom of his tail. White wrappings covered his forearms and right foreleg. His electric blue eyes sparkled as though they contained lightning.

“So you must be Stormymon!” Stry extended his arm to him. “Welcome!”

“Likewise.” Stormymon the wolf Digimon said. He took Stry’s hand-paw and shook it tight. His facial expression remained cool as the wind. Stry thought an electrical spark had come from his hand-paw. His black and electric blue cape fluttered with the breeze. “Hmm. Didn’t think your base would be in such condition.”

“Oh, this?” Stry blushed. He glanced back at the castle with some embarrassment. The cliff behind it helped protect it from possible attacks and weather. Even so, parts of it fell off with gaping holes. “We’ve been trying to repair the place. Hopefully—”

“Hmm. Just concerned. That’s all.” Stormymon set his hand-paws behind his back. “Can’t be too safe.”

“Right, right.” Stry nodded. He blushed more despite himself. If only Alephmon didn’t get himself flat. He sighed and turned to the final one.

The fourth one blushed out of shyness, enough that his face was more pink than light brown. Brown, fingerless gloves stretched up as far as his elbows. A plaid red and black scarf wrapped around his neck and extended down to his feet-paws. His golden eyes glistened in the sunlight.

“And you must be Castmon!” Stry grinned. He extended his hand-paw over. Castmon the fox Digimon glanced from side to side before he took it for a shake. His grip felt rubbery to Stry. “Welcome!”

“Th-thank you!” Castmon kept his tail, light brown with a pale tip, still. He inhaled and exhaled to calm himself down until he stopped blushing. “This sure is an interesting place.”

“Why, thank you!” Stry bowed to him several times. “Alephmon and I found his place. It’s practically a gold—”

“I’m sure you can show us,” Stormymon said. He leaned his elbow on top of Nekozukimon’s head just above the headband. Nekozukimon lifted his sleeveless shirt’s collar to cover his frown. His tail tip burst into a flame. Stormymon ignored that and added, “Though I can’t seem to find Alephmon.”

“You know, he got a point.” Toximon twisted around. “Like, I came to see him specifically. But where is he?”

“He, uh, got tangled up in a mission,” Stry answered. Sweat drops formed on the back of his head. “We got one at the last minute and he volunteered to take it. It offered good money for repairing the castle.”

Stormymon half-closed his eyes with them full of doubt. “Really?”

“Yes, really!” Stry laughed for a few seconds. “Why? What do you think happened to him?”

“Hmm.” Stormy stopped leaning on Nekozukimon’s head. Instead, he rubbed his smirking snout. “Perhaps he’s hiding? That’ll be a clever thing to do.”

Toximon gasped. “You mean like hide-and-seek? That’s my FAVORITE game!”

“That’s not what I—”

“Why, I bet he saw us right now and is hurrying to find the PERFECT spot to hide in!” Sparkles emitted from Toximon’s body. “And I bet the one who finds him first gets a super special gift!”

Toximon rushed to the high doors. She swung them open with a great deal of force. The hinges groaned from the stresses. She entered the castle while leaving the others behind. Stry stared out with wide, horrified eyes over losing control. Stormymon rubbed his face in exasperation. Electrical sparks emitted from his body.

“Toximon, come back. It’s dangerous to go in a half-collapsing castle.” Stormymon stepped inside with his head low.

Stry stammered. “I-er-uh—”

Nekozukimon laughed. The fire on his tail sputtered and fizzled out. He slapped Stry’s back. “Oh, Toximon. Always getting into so much trouble.” He set his hand-paws on his hips where the fiery design on his shirt lay. The red and orange fire pattern separated the solid black jeans from the black shirt. “Might as well join them, then!”

Before Stry could stop him, Nekozukimon slapped his palms together. Despite the sudden force, he did not make a sound. In a blink of an eye, he disappeared from the area with a whistle. Stry dropped his jaws to the ground, turning white in dismay. Castmon shifted around before he tapped his shoulder. Stry flinched and turned to him.

“Um, permission to go in?” Castmon asked. He blushed with his ears folding back. “I-I know that the others haven’t, but—”

“No. It’s OK.” Stry sighed. He patted Castmon’s shoulder in a feeble attempt to relax. “Let’s go in.”

“OK.” Castmon nodded.

The two stepped inside without a sound. Stry smiled at Castmon, though he was panicking in his head. The shade covered them up from the blazing sun. Stry closed the doors behind them with a loud thud. It echoed in a doom-like sound throughout the large hallway. The door handle cracked somewhat, though Stry overlooked it for other problems. For example, finding the others. He swallowed and went up the stairs. Behind him, Castmon followed close.

#   #   #

Alephmon lay hidden against a wall within a closet. Ahead several clothes, including some oversized coats, hung above. Dust hovered above his flat nose to the point of tickling it. He wiggled in an attempt to suppress a sneeze. The inch grew more potent to the point that he doubted he could contain it.

Outside, a door crashed open just as he almost gave in.

“Alephmon! I know you’re here somewhere!” Toximon said in a teasing tone.

Alephmon wiggled his ears in fear. He covered his nose and pressed hard against it. Meanwhile, Toximon rushed through the room in glee. She pulled on blankets and sheets on beds for a hiding Alephmon. A peek under the bed proved the same. Drawers opened up, curtains pulled away, and chairs pulled out from desks. She even checked the blue vases on the bedsides. All showed to Toximon that Alephmon was not hiding there.

Stormymon stepped in while shrugging. “Toximon, this is a bedroom. It’s rude to search in here like in the last few rooms.”

Alephmon inhaled. He recognized that voice anywhere.

“But like he must be hiding here!” Toximon spoke with a cute tone. “He must be an expert in hide-and-seek!”

“Toximon, I didn’t brink it up because I thought he was playing a game. I thought—”

Alephmon’s face turned bright red. He pressed on his nose harder, trying to suppress the sneeze building up within. It won, and he sneezed.

“What was that?” Toximon twisted toward the closet.

“Hmm. Perhaps he hid here after all.”

Alephmon shifted from side to side in a panic. He brushed against an oversized coat and an idea formed in his head. He slipped into one of the coats with it covering much of his body. He folded his head into the collar. The closet door swung open with light filling it up.

“Huh?” Toximon bent down below. “I KNOW I heard something from here.”

“Hmm.” Stormymon checked the sides and the ceiling. “I don’t see anyone. Do you?”

“No. Wait! I know!” Toximon grinned. She got up and grabbed some of the clothes. “He must be hiding behind these clothes!”

“Um, Toximon. Unless he weights as much as a piece of paper, he couldn’t have—”

“It’s something that I would do!” Toximon yanked the clothes out, batches at a time. They fell on the floor behind her. Stormymon flattened his ears back and shook his head in disappointment. All of the clothes lay outside on the pile. No Alephmon hid in the closet. “Huh. He wasn’t.”

“And now you made a mess.” Stormymon sighed. He tapped his foot against one of the oversized coats. He rolled his eyes. “I’m not cleaning that up.”

“There you two are!” Nekozukimon appeared between them out of thin air. Toximon yipped and fell on her rear. “Woah. There’s a lot of clothes on the floor. What happened here?”

“She did it.” Stormymon crossed his arms.

Toximon giggled and rubbed the back of her head in awkwardness. She blushed with her eyes shifting up to her upper right. She got up and blushed some of the dirt off. “I guess I did, like, let myself get carried away.”

Nekozukimon glanced inside the closet. “So, what’s with tossing out the clothes from here?” He snapped his fingers and a fireball formed above his palm. Orange light filled the closet with all the nooks and crannies visible. “There’s nothing here.”

Alephmon poked his head out from the coat. Blue lines covered much of his face in dread. The clothes on top of him pinned him down with little wiggle room. At least the other three stared into the closet instead of at the clothes. If they did, they would have seen a panicking Alephmon wiggling.

“Toximon here thought that Alephmon must be hiding in the closet,” Stormymon answered. His ear flicked with electrical sparks falling out.

Alephmon swallowed and wiggled out of the coat bit by bit.

“Yeah! Like, we heard a sneeze coming from there!” Toximon giggled again.

Alephmon loosened himself out from the coat and clothes pile.

“So, you thought that he might be behind the clothes?” Nekozukimon smirked. He laughed and his tail tip burst into flames. “That’s so like you, Toximon!”

Alephmon twisted into a spiral from side to side. The bedroom door remained open as though granting him freedom from the other. He tensed at the thought of a quick escape through there. He wiggled toward there until he heard pawsteps coming up. He paled and stopped himself. He pressed his head against one of the two beds and an idea formed.

“Yeah! I must say that Alephmon must be a better hide-and-seek player than I thought!” Toximon laughed.

Alephmon swallowed and inhaled. He knew it was a silly idea, but he had little choice. He slipped between the bunk and mattress. His tail flicked before it hid with him. It was a tight squeeze, but he sighed in relief.

“Like, really good!”

“Would you please let me complete what I think he’s doing?” Stormymon shook his head. “Alephmon isn’t hiding for som—”

“What in the wide Digital World just happened?!”

Stry the Veemon stood at the doorway. His eyes widened in horror with his arms hung loose on his sides. Beside him, Castmon glanced around with a curious expression. He took a couple of steps in before he stopped. He blushed out of shyness.

“I. Have. Nothing. To do. With this.” Stormymon gritted his teeth. His tail flicked out of annoyance. “That was all Toximon’s doing.”

“It was a clever hiding spot.” Toximon stuck her tongue out. “Like, I bet you’ll do it too if you were hiding.”

Once Stry’s head rebooted, he shook it. He rushed in in a fury. He shoved Nekozukimon aside as he headed into the closet. He turned all around in the closet down to up. He sucked his lips from how out of control everything got. But where did Alephmon go?

“And to think all of this happened is because you heard a sneeze.” Nekozukimon laughed into a screech. He produced a kunai out of thin air and spun it on his index finger. “But there is one thing you’re all missing.”

“What’s that?” Toximon rubbed her palms together. She wagged her tail fast.

“A ninja like me!” Nekozukimon smirked. He flung his kunai into the air and caught it. “You see, we ninjas are experts in hiding. It’s part of our jobs, in fact. We know all about the art of hiding. How well? Why, I might be hiding as we speak!”

Stormymon rolled his eyes. He snapped his fingers to generate an electrical spark on one of his fingers. He poked Nekozukimon’s shoulder with it to transfer the shock. Nekozukimon jumped into the air with all of his fur standing up.

“Hmm. Nah. You’re not hiding.” Stormymon chuckled.

“That was a figure of—”

“Could everyone PLEASE step out of mine and Aleph’s bedroom!?” He twisted back to the others. His blue and white face turned red. “You lot shouldn’t even be here in the first place!”

“That’s what I thought as well,” Stormymon said. He sighed and strolled over to one of the beds. “And with all of the other rooms Toximon searched. Besides, as I was saying, Alephmon wouldn’t be here. And he’s not doing it because of—”

Stormymon sat on a bed at that moment. The same one that Alephmon hid under.


A cold chill crawled into the room that only Stry and the hidden Alephmon felt. Stry flinched back in horror with his face turning white. Stormymon blinked and got off the bed. Toximon and Nekozukimon stared at the bed in confusion.

“Could it be that he hid underneath that bed all this time?” Nekozukimon asked. He folded his left ear to the side.

“B-but like, I checked that bed. Even underneath the blankets.” Toximon folded her ears back. “He wasn’t there.”

“But did you lift the bed off from the mattress?”


Alephmon breathed faster. He poked his arm out the other side and slid it underneath the blanket.

“It’s nothing!” Stry stomped a couple of times. “And again, Aleph isn’t here! I told you that he’s out on a mission!”

“That’s what you say.” Stormymon gripped the mattress tight. “But I doubt it.”

Alephmon gritted his flat teeth. He slid out more until he hid underneath the blanket. He held his breath and clutched the sheet tight.

Stormymon lifted the mattress up at a forty-five-degree angle. Nothing, not even dust, hid underneath it. He frowned and lowered it back down. “Hmm. Strange. I know something yipped underneath it.”

Nekozukimon pulled down his shirt’s collar to rub his chin for a few seconds. He closed his eyes, deep in thought. Toximon and Stormymon heard a sneeze of some kind from the closet. They searched it and discovered nothing. Now, everyone heard a yip from a bed for sure. Stormymon searched, but he did not find it. Strange, was it not?

The fire went out from Nekozukimon’s tail. He paced around for a few seconds. Twice, a sound was heard. Twice, they searched for the source but could not find it.

Unless it moved.

Nekozukimon snapped his eyes open and snapped his fingers. “Aha! I figured it out!”

“What?” Stormymon turned around while crossing his arms. “What are you talking about?”

“Oh, that Alephmon is such a genius! I could learn a thing or two from him!” Nekozukimon grinned as bright as his reignited tail. “He is here!”

“Ohhhh?” Toximon’s eyes dazzled. She rubbed her palms together. “I knew it!”

“Why are you guys LIS—”

“Look, you said that you heard something in the closet, correct?” Nekozukimon cut through Stry’s words. “Here’s what I think happened. He WAS in here! And he hid in the one place that only a ninja like me could think of!” He pointed at the tossed-out clothes. “In there!”

Stormymon flattened both of his ears back. He let out a smirk before he snorted. “Hiding in the clothes? Really?” He leaned back and laughed. “That’s the silliest thing I heard all day! Even if he was in those clothes, we would’ve spotted him as soon as we opened the doors!”

“Not if he was flatter than paper.” Nekozukimon grinned.

Stry sweated at the words. At least, until his mind clicked. He strolled away from the group without a sound. He sighed in his mind when even Castmon got absorbed by the conversation.

“Oh, come on!” Stormymon shook his head. He laughed again. “You’re telling me that our brave new leader is malleable like that? Really?”

“Why not?” Nekozukimon smirked. He leaned in closer to Stormymon. “It’ll be beneficial for a leader to become flat.”

Stry tiptoed to the other side of the bed.

“Uh-huh.” Stormymon shifted his eyes away. “Supposing that he was ‘flat’ and hid ‘in the clothes,’ where else could he go?”

“Simple! He snuck underneath the mattress to hide!” Nekozukimon winked in confidence.

Meanwhile, Stry checked underneath the blanket. Alephmon remained still underneath it, sweating flat sweat drops while sucking his lips. With his one chance, Stry rolled him up bit by bit.

“However, you blew his cover by sitting on the bed!” Nekozukimon grinned with his teeth sparkling.

Stry held the rolled-up Alephmon while glancing around. A blue vase lay nearby on the bedside. He swallowed and stuffed Alephmon inside it. He set the blanket back as before and strolled away. It all comes down to this.

“Uh-huh. One problem.” Stormymon half-lowered his eyes in sarcasm. “I just checked under the mattress. Still, nice theory.”

“Except that he managed to sneak out quick enough!” Nekozukimon stepped toward the bed. He glanced at Stry leaning against the wall. “May I?” Stry flinched but nodded. Nekozukimon smirked and gripped on the blanket. “So, the one place that Alephmon snuck into, the only place that he could hide in quick enough, is right under—”

He yanked the blanket off.


Nekozukimon blinked in confusion at the Alephmon-less bed. He patted it a few times and checked under the bedsheet. Stormymon gave a slow clap before he laughed. He shook his head.

“Hmm. You were saying?” Stormymon asked in a half-joking tone.

“B-but he should’ve been there!” Nekozukimon lifted the mattress up. “H-how? Why?”

“Hmm. Maybe you’re being too clever for your own good.”

“Awwww. I wanted to see Alephmon. Like, even a flat Alephmon.” Toximon’s ears drooped. “It made so much sense too.”

“Yeah. So much sense.”

“Like, really?”

“No.” Stormymon shrugged. “Hmm. I think we’re done here. Right, Stry?”

“Oh? Um, yeah!” Stry nodded. He puffed his red cheeks out in anger, though it was half-acting. He pointed at the door. “Now that you’re done searching, PLEASE LEAVE ALEPH’S AND MY BEDROOM!!”

“Sure.” Stormymon wiggled his index finger until electrical sparks came from the tip. He poked Nekozukimon with it while smirking. His sandy and maroon fur fluffed up or stood up straight from the shock. “Come on. Let’s head out.”

“Y-you don’t need to do that!” Nekozukimon flattened his ears. He stormed out of the room in a huff.

“Yes, I do.” Stormymon chuckled. He crossed his arms again. He took a couple of steps forward before glancing back. “Come on, you two.”

“Alephmon must be, like, an expert hide-and-seeker even for a ninja. I’m liking him so much more now.” Toximon rubbed the back of her head. Castmon stood next to her and his eyes shone. He clapped his palms together. When he pulled them away, he held a flower between his fingers. He offered it to Toximon while blushing. “Awwww. Thank you.”

Toximon and Castmon strolled over to Stormymon as though he was their big brother. He rolled his eyes in disbelief but led them out. Stry waited until the remaining recruits left the room. Once that happened, he rushed to the door and shut it tight.

“As I keep trying to tell you all, Alephmon isn’t doing this to play a silly game. He’s hiding from us so he can observe us from a distance. That way, he can judge us better on how we behave without his presence affecting us.”

“Ohhhhh. I get it.” Toximon paused for a few seconds. “I don’t get it.”

Stry ignored Stormymon’s sigh and the following comment. Instead, he rushed over to the blue vase. He flipped it over and tapped on the bottom. A rolled-up Alephmon slid out and unrolled on the floor. He sighed in relief, his dignity intact. Stry picked him up and carried him back to the closet.

Stry gave Alephmon a thumbs up and a grin. Alephmon returned the gesture with his own flat thumbs up and grin, despite the flat sweat all over his body. Stry picked up the clothes and dusted the dirt off. He hung them back into the closet. Once done, he shut the door somewhat hard. Relief washed all over him. So much so that he did not notice that he lay his back against it and slid down. He sighed.

“That was a close call.”

He got up with determined renewal. He picked up the pillows and fluffed them up. He set them back onto the bed. The blankets followed, covering the pillows halfway. If one could take a look at the bed, it would be picture-perfect.

Stry wiped away the sweat and inhaled long. He followed it up with an exhale, which is perfectly normal behavior. He went to the bedroom door and opened it.

“—and being flat is such a ridiculous—oh!” Stormymon spun over to Stry.

“All done!” Stry said. He gave them a thumbs up. Nekozukimon grinned and gave a thumbs-up in turn. Stormymon nodded and turned away. Toximon wagged her tail in eagerness. Castmon blushed so hard that he seemed to shrink in size. “And now that you’re all gathered here, I’ll show off the castle, ending with the special secret in the basement.”

“Special secret, eh?” Stormymon raised an eyebrow. “What is it?”

“It needs to be seen before shown.” Stry winked. “All I can say right now is that it’s the reason why Aleph and I chose this castle as our home and base.”
Title: Re: Alephmon's New Recruits
Post by: foxgamer01 on March 04, 2023, 11:19:47 AM
The five Digimon traveled through a castle with Stry leading them. Well, as much as Stry could, with plenty of areas being blocked off by rubble. Toximon almost leaped over a gap in the floor before Stry stopped her.

“You can’t make the leap from here!” Stry said. Bits of red appeared on his cheeks. “Both Aleph and I tried and it’s too wide.”

“I-I can make it,” Castmon said in a voice so low that no one heard it.

Still, plenty of rooms were still open. For example, the kitchen and dining room were almost pristine outside of a hole in the ceiling. The ground floor held a sizable training room for all kinds of Digimon. A lovely garden lay on a roof section with gorgeous flowers and a couple of fruit trees.

“And now for the main event!”

Stry lead the group down the stairs. Toximon ate through a peach fast before it rotted too much. The pit decayed into nothingness. Stormymon glanced around for any possible danger for the others, such as missing steps or falling ceiling. Nekozukimon kept to the shadows much like a ninja trying not to be seen. Though, in some ways, Castmon did a much better job at shrinking into the shadows.

“How far is it?” Stormymon asked. He stepped over a hole.

“Not too long now!” Stry pointed at a doorway at the other end of the hallway. He led them over to the door with a spiral symbol on it. The group traveled over there with anticipation building within their bodies. Stry stopped before the wide door and swung them open. The others stood next to him, three blinking in confusion. Castmon, the exception, gasped in wonder and shock. Stry said, “And here it is!”

The room, at a mere glance, appeared to hold nothing within. No treasure, no weapons, not even photos and whatnot. With that kind of perspective, the room itself was an overhyped disappointment like several AAA games.

At least until the floor symbol glowed somewhat. The symbol itself looked like a four-corner diamond. Four spiral arms extended out from the center, never crossing over the other. They stretched out through the four diamond corners and only stopped at the walls. The glow ebbed with only markings remaining.

“Woah.” Castmon kneeled down in wonder. “I-I only read about this in books, but to see that it actually existed is-is shocking.”

“Looks more like a strange symbol to me.” Stormymon snapped his fingers with electrical sparks generating out. He pressed it on Castmon’s head. Nothing happened with not even a tail or ear twitch from him. Stormymon lifted his hand-paw up and frowned at it. “Hmm.”

“Wooooah! That is so coooooool!” Toximon stared at the symbol. “What is it?”

“It’s a portal,” Stry answered.

“N-not just any portal,” Castmon said. He blushed deeper. He glanced at Stry. “Um, is it alright?”

“Go ahead.” Stry patted Castmon’s head-fur.

“W-well,” Castmon began before stopping, losing his nerves. He breathed in and out for a few seconds. “As Stry said, it’s a portal. But this portal doesn’t open pathways within this universe. It’s a portal to other universes.”

“Wait. You’re telling us that this can access the multiverse?!” Nekozukimon asked. He widened his eyes.

“Yup!” Stry nodded. “How this came to be, Aleph and I have no idea. We found it like this when we founded the castle and even tested it. To our surprise, even after thousands of years, it still works. We guessed that the previous owner, the Digimon knight with his image all over this place, created it somehow.”

“Wooooooooooah!” Toximon’s eyes sparkled. “That’s like amazing! You two are awesome!!”

“Ah, shucks.” Stry rubbed the back of his head while blushing. “Thanks.”

“Hmm. Interesting.” Stormymon nodded. “If any other Digimon, even other agencies meant to help others, found out about this, they’ll do everything they can to seize this castle and the portal.”

“I know.” Stry leaned forward. He became exhausted all of a sudden. “We’ve been keeping it a secret for that reason. It’s hard to do so when you’re with Aleph.” He shrugged. “Though I like to see them try using it without a way to guide it. Any notes on how to do so got destroyed by time. And it’s only because we got lucky that our first few attempts didn’t trap us.”

“Hmm. Do you know how to?”

“I got an idea now. And we once got into a universe that does use a portal system like this somewhat regularly. They promised to send us documents on how to tune it for accurate multiversal travel.”

“Hmm. What kind of universe is it? Another Digimon universe? Maybe a human universe?”

“Neither of those things, actually. It was—”

Behind came a pitter-platter of feet-paws steps. The five Digimon spun around in confusion. The sound came closer with a silhouette of a flof Digimon running in. Stry gasped before giving a wide grin to the other.

Alephmon rushed over to them with a wide grin and a wave. He wagged his tail, no longer flat as a piece of paper. And he still maintained his dignity with the others. Stry rushed over and pounced Alephmon in a hug with surprising force. So much so that Alephmon yipped and fell on his rear.

“Welcome back, buddy!” Stry said.

“Thanks, dear buddy,” Alephmon said. He rubbed Stry’s head a few times. Stry got off of him while chuckling. Alephmon rolled up while brushing away any dust on him. He snickered and approached the four Digimon recruits. “Hello, new friends!”

“Oh hey there, Alephmon!” Nekozukimon poof to his side. He gave Alephmon a wide, confident grin.

“It’s the hide-and-seek master!” Toximon rushed over to Alephmon. She bent her knees in admiration.

“Sigh. Forget it.” Stormymon shook his head. He approached Alephmon and extended his hand-paw. “It’s good to see you.”

“Good to see you too, maf!” Alephmon took Stormymon’s hand-paw and shook it.

“H-hi, Alephmon.” Castmon blushed. He took little steps over to Alephmon and smiled. “H-how are you doing?”

“I’m doing great, maf! How about you?” Alephmon grinned at Castmon.

“W-well here.” Castmon bowed to Alephmon. By the time he stood straight, he held up flowers out of nowhere. “Th-these are for you.”

“Woooooah!” Alephmon accepted the flowers. He sniffed them, filling his nose with a sweet aroma. “How did you do that, maf?”

“W-well, I-I always wanted to be a-a magician.” Castmon blushed some more. He glanced away out of shyness. “B-but I g-get so overwhelmed by stage f-fright.”

“Awwwww.” Toximon patted Castmon on his shoulder. “Like, you’ll do fine.”

“Hmm.” Stormymon nodded to himself. He turned to Alephmon and winked. “Say, how did we do?”

“Maf?” Alephmon blinked in confusion.

“Come on. I know that the whole ‘mission’ that Stry said that you’re on is pure bogus. You were here all along, observing us new recruits and seeing who we are without your presence.” Stormymon wiggled his fingers when he said ‘mission.’ “So—”

“That’s right! You were, like, playing hide-and-seek with us!” Toximon giggled. Stormymon sighed and rolled his eyes far back. “You, like, did an awesome job hiding from us! Even from a ninja like Nekozukimon!”

“Hey! I still think you managed to hide from us by being flat!” Nekozukimon rubbed behind his left ear. “Only a ninja would think of that. Where did you hide, though?”

“Oh!” Alephmon blushed deep. “Er, maf—”

“Say, everyone?” The other Digimon turned to Stry. “Try not to overwhelm him when he just got back. OK?”

“Y-yeah! M-maf!” Alephmon nodded. “Say, let’s step outside, maf.”

“Hmm. OK.”

“Like, sweet!”

“Sounds cool to me!”


“Stry?” Alephmon winked at him. “How about you?”

“I can’t just leave my best buddy behind, can it?” Stry winked back. “Let’s go!”

All six Digimon nodded at each other. They stepped through the hallway and then up the stairs. The stairs crumbled beneath them, but it held. Alephmon led the group with a confident grin. Toximon followed close behind while admiring him. Stormymon crossed his arms while glancing away. Nekozukimon pressed his palms together before he disappeared in a puff of smoke. Stry and Castmon walked side by side while having arms over the other’s shoulders, almost like a father helping his shy son.

Up they went until they reached the ground floor. Nekozukimon reappeared beside the group and winked at them. Stormymon rolled his eyes in annoyance before poking him in an electrical shock. It coursed through his body, causing his fur to stand up. He frowned and stomped his feet at a smirking Stormymon.

“Maf. How long have they known each other?” Alephmon asked Toximon. Stormymon turned his back on Nekozukimon, which proved to be a mistake. Nekozukimon snapped his fingers to summon a fireball. He set it under Stormymon’s tail; his childish smirk became wider. Stormymon yipped, jumping up and down until the fire went out. Alephmon sweated before he continued, “They really want to get the other.”

“It’s their way of teasing the other.” Toximon giggled.

Stormymon rubbed his tail, nursing it. The burnt-off fur fell out with fresh one regenerating a moment later. He closed his eyes and hummed. Tense seconds passed as though the world paused for an explosive response. At the end of the final second, he chuckled. He patted Nekozukimon’s head.

“Like, trust me,” Toximon stuck a tongue out, “you don’t want to be in their way when they’re serious.”

“Maf, if you say so.” Alephmon grinned. He waved at the others toward the large double doors. They all gathered before him and it. “Know that, from this day forward, we are a team, maf. We work together, eat together, and live together. We help anyone who’s in need, maf. That is our creed. Are we in this together?” He raised his fist into the air. The others followed his gesture. “Good! Now, let’s—”

Alephmon pulled on the door handle, but it snapped off. The hinges holding the doors cracked off. The doors leaned over to them as though a beast pouncing on its prey. Alephmon flattened his ears back while widening his eyes. The white flag from before appeared on his other hand-paw.


The doors landed on top of the six Digimon with a squishing sound. Each one yelped in surprise with no time to avoid. The door pinned all six flat on the ground in a quarter of a second.

Well, five of them.

Nekozukimon slid out from under the door with ease. He held up his hand-paw and twisted it into a spiral. He grinned despite his entire body being flat. He spun his fingers around until two flat kunai appeared around them.

“Good thing I’ve been trained in the martial arts of flatness!” He tossed the two flat kunai at the door. They quickly burned down the doors with little ashes remaining within half a second. The others lay there, each one as flat as him. He snickered. “I didn’t realize how squishable you are, Stormymon.”

“S-shut up!” Stormymon growled between gritted teeth. “If you tell anyone about this—”

“EEP!!” Castmon planted his flat hand-paws against his red face. “Th-this is just as bad as on stage!”

Toximon rolled herself up. She stood against a flat Alephmon and a flat Stry. The white flag had disappeared already, its purposed fulfilled again. She planted her hand-paw against her face to hide her giggle. “W-woah! Like, I didn’t know you two could get so flat as well.”

“W-well, there’s one thing you did right, buddy.” Stry’s eyes were spinning in spirals. “You found the right Digimon to recruit.”

“Maaaaaaaaf!” Alephmon blushed deep. His self-dignity before the others lost. What will they do now?

#   #   #

“So, that’s what happened,” Nekozukimon said.

The six Digimon sat underneath a tree’s shade. Alephmon and Stry were still blushing in embarrassment at how luck or fate turned out. Meanwhile, Stormymon faced away from the group with his arms crossed. Nekozukimon snickered at him and even folded himself into a shuriken to tap on Stormymon’s head. Stormymon responded by tossing him at the tree.

“I swear, if you lot told anyone else about this,” Stormymon said through gritted teeth, “I’ll—”

“Awwww. You, like, shouldn’t be too embarrassed about this,” Toximon said. She hugged Stormymon with her flat arms. “After all, you’re in good company! Even our awesome leader Alephmon is super-squishable!”

Stormymon growled with his face turning red. “I have my pride to maintain!”

Nekozukimon unfolded himself back to his normal but still flat form. His foot-paw remained on the tree, but he dislodged himself off with a shake. He snickered some more. “It seems like you have a pride of a cat.”

“Wolves are meant to be noble, elegant, not silly.” Stormymon glowered.

“Well, aren’t you going to admit it?”

“Hmm. Admit what?”

“That I was right!” Nekozukimon winked. “Not just that he was flat when we checked that room, but I also managed to trace his movements accurately! If it wasn’t for you, Stry,” he stuck a flat tongue at him, “we would’ve found him.”

“Hmm. Fine. I admit it.” Stormymon shrugged. “Just don’t let anyone else know about this. OK?”

“I wouldn’t tell another soul!” Nekozukimon said. His tone suggested otherwise.

Stormymon folded his flat ears back in annoyance.\

“I-I guess that trying to hide what happened to me what kind of pointless after all,” Alephmon said. He blushed so bright that his flat head might explode. “Is it?”

“Well, kind of.” Nekozukimon snickered. “If you didn’t, maybe Stormymon wouldn’t stay after all and he wouldn’t show himself—MROOOOW!!” He jumped in the air. Stormymon chuckled with his hand-paw glowing from flat electricity. “What was that for!?”

“I won’t let you wound my pride any longer.” Stormymon shook his head. He glanced at his hand-paws. “Hmm. I would like to pop back into shape right about now.”

“Oh? You don’t know how?” Nekozukimon tapped his nose. “Why, it’s a simple technique that all ninjas know. So simple, in fact, that I’m going to help teach you all free of charge.”

The other five Digimon turned to him with greater interest. Toximon’s eyes sparkled as though fireworks went out in her eyes. Stormymon sighed but stared at him with a hunger for knowledge. Stry and Alephmon glanced at each other before nodding. Castmon twiddled his thumbs while glancing at Alephmon with greater interest.

Nekozukimon gave a thumbs up. “Excellent! Of course, it’s all unique to each Digimon who are super squishable like us. But there is a common theme, though.” He held a finger at Stormymon, who nodded. “It’s to use our personal theme to pop back into shape.”

“Personal theme?” Stormymon half-closed his eyes sarcastically. “What do you mean like that? That I must summon a mighty bolt from the sky and it’ll pop me back into shape?”

“Say, I didn’t know you took ninja classes as well,” Nekozukimon said teasingly. Stormymon blinked, but he let Nekozukimon continue. “That’s the secret. Watch.”

Nekozukimon pressed his palms together before making hand-signals with his fingers. Once completed, his entire body burst into flames from head to toe. The other Digimon stepped back in surprise. The fire, rather than spread to the grass or to the tree, faded away. Nekozukimon posed for them, showing that he returned to normal instead of being flat.

“Nekeke. See?” Nekozukimon winked at Stormymon. “Now, you try.”

“Sigh. Why me?” Stormymon got up while frowning. He stepped away from the tree, grumbling all the while. The wind blew by and slammed against his flat body, which almost caused him to fall. He fought against the win to remain standing, which he won when the wind died off. He lifted his hand-paw up. “Awooooooo!”

A lightning bolt fired down upon him despite no clouds in the sunset sky. Electricity crawled through the ground, shocking everyone within the distance. The very air sparked with light and sound. A fluttering sound came from Stormymon, though it was not because of his flat body. It was because of his cape.

Stormymon gazed with shock at his hand-paws, even flipping them over. “I-I’m not flat anymore.” He jumped into the air with joy. “Yes! No longer will I have to wait for hours!”

“Well, at least he’s happy. I think that’s the happiest I have ever seen of him.” Nekozukimon turned to Stry. “Want to try?”

“No worries.” Stry crossed his hand-paws together so they formed a V sign. The V on his cheeks and forehead glowed somewhat. He swung his palms down, which made a whistling sound. By the time they lay on his side, he had popped back to normal. “When you’re dealing with someone like Alephmon every day of the week, you learn quickly how to restore yourself.”

“Maf? But I haven’t known how and I’ve been flat just as many times as you!” Alephmon’s eyes widened before they turned white with black outlines.

“Maybe you haven’t found your style. Veveve.” Stry winked at him.

Alephmon opened his mouth wide. His face turned blue from the shock. Toximon giggled and rubbed Alephmon’s flat shoulders, which calmed him down. He twisted his head at her.

“To be honest, I, like, don’t know what counts as my own style as well.” Toximon blushed at him. “Perhaps we can, like, figure it out together.”

“Maf? But how?” Alephmon folded his head to the side.

Toximon hummed for a few seconds. “If you, like, want to know, I always wanted to join with you. I heard of your exploits and your drive to be a Digi-paladin. And, like, hearing your speech reaffirms what I always like about you.” She reached behind her back. Out of nowhere, a mallet was pulled out from behind her. “I also want to be a Digi-paladin.”

“Maf. You-you do?”

“Yes! And let’s do it together!”

Alephmon’s lips curled into a wide grin. He reached for Checksum and unsheathed it. He held it pointing up at a sixty-degree angle. Toximon grinned as well. She raised her mallet toward his sword

“Maf. Together.”

Their weapons collided and a shock went through both of their bodies. They both blinked in confusion. With a couple of pops, Alephmon and Toximon returned to normal along with their weapons. They blinked some more before they grinned. The two hugged each other close.

“Now ain’t that sweet,” Stry said. He turned to Castmon. “What about you?”

Castmon blinked for a few moments before he flinched. His focus on Alephmon broke for the moment. He blushed some more. Stry chuckled and patted his neck.

“What’s the matter?” Stry asked in a somewhat teasing voice. “You’ve been focusing on Alephmon since we all got flat.”

“I-I—” Castmon blushed bright red. “I’m so impressed with how toony Alephmon is. I-I thought I was the only one like that.”

“Ain’t that sweet. Looks like you got another fan.” Stry winked at Alephmon. “But what is your unique style in popping back to normal?”

“Oh? It-it’s this.” Castmon stuck his thumb into his mouth. He chomped on it and blew. His limb swelled up, which spread all over his body. A stretching, rubbery sound came from his body. Once he popped back into shape, he removed his thumb. “It-it’s what I always do. Wh-what do you think?”

“Well, that’s simple and yet effective.” Nekozukimon nodded in approval. “And you see? All of you are now back to—MROOOOW!!” He leaped into the air from another massive shock. Stormymon snickered some more. “What was that for?! I helped you!!”

“I wanted to tease you.” Stormy laughed. He turned to Alephmon. “Hmm. I can’t say that I approve of being flat, but hearing you and Toximon’s little speech touched my heart.” He rubbed his hand-paw against Alephmon’s hair-fur. They all stuck upward when he removed his hand-paw. “Very knightly of you.”

“Maf, thank you.” Alephmon nodded while blushing.

Stormymon turned to the others. “Hmm. Now, here is the one who brought us all here to join his agency. And though I haven’t seen him in combat, I have no need to. I can see the type of Digimon he is. For he is the one I want to help and support. Do all of you agree to join him, despite being, er, squishable?”

The others said, “Yes!”

“Good. Very good.” Stormymon nodded to Alephmon. “We will help you, our leader.”

“Maf. All, shucks.” Alephmon blushed while rubbing the back of his head. His stomach rumbled, which was followed by everyone else’s belly rumbling. He blushed. “Maf, it seems like our first mission should be to get dinner first.”

“Sounds like a great idea.” Stormymon’s eyes sparkled like thunder. Then, without waiting for a response, he sprinted for the castle. “Last one there gets to cook!”

“Hey! That’s not fair!” Stry sprinted after Stormymon. “You can’t just announce that while running while we just stand still!”

“Hmm. Yes, I can.”

Nekozukimon laughed. “No one can outrace a ninja.”

He slammed his palms together and disappeared in a puff of smoke.

Castmon blushed deeply. “I-I guess I should catch up, then.”

“Maf, you better start now, or else—” was all Alephmon said when Castmon stretched his arm out. It stretched farther into the distance, five, ten, fifteen, twenty feet. His arm squeaked and creek louder the farther he stretched it out. Once he reached thirty feet, he grabbed the ground. Castmon rocketed forward with his arm retracing back to shape. He became a blur, passing by Stry and Stormymon.

“Wooooooooah! A rubber Digimon!” Alephmon’s eyes became stars.

“Woooooooow! Like, I have never seen him do that before!” Toximon’s eyes also became stars.

They turned to each other with a grin on their face. Without another word, they nodded at each other. They sprinted forward, catching up to the rest of the group. All the while, the two laughed in joy.