Crimson Flag Comic Forums
Other Realms => Art Gallery => Topic started by: Virmir on May 01, 2009, 11:31:31 PM
Mwa ha ha ha... some recent artwork. [:)
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My favorite one is still the Virbot drawing. You look like a mad scientist with that grin.
Though i still really like Bryce and his armor.
Ha ha, thanks. [:)
You forgot "Virmir meets Madog" |:P (it's fairly recent as well)
My favorites from this bunch are Bryce, the *cough*futurecfchar*cough* Fennec Warrior, Virumiru and you in your workplace |:)
Haha Sir Bryce has already shown up! In this and last weeks strips! ]:)
Haha Sir Bryce has already shown up! In this and last weeks strips! ]:)
You misread my post, i was talking about the Fennec War... err, ejem, what do you mean with "showing up" in the comic? |:P
Oh I though you put your *cougthFutureCharCOugth* at the end of Sir Bryce, instead of in front of the Fennic Warrior.
Edit: I like the fennic warrior too!
Hotel room coloring. [:)
Ah i like how pointy the ears have gotten. [:P
*Tests his digit against the tip of Virmir's ear*
Owch, they're sharp!
Ooops! Careful. [;)
Nice pics.
I like this pics

Just did the coloring on this one. Sketch was a commission. [:)

Teafox. [;)
Thought tea was black?
mebe he's actually having... hot chocolate!
Is it really...?
*facepaws because he knows nothing about tea*
Hehe, yeah, tea is a bit darker than in your drawing |:P
Of course there is also Green Tea and Red Tea, but this looks more like hot chocolate as Ozy mentioned.
Thought tea was black?
mebe he's actually having... hot chocolate!
He could be having black tea with milk? It looks like hot chocolate from a distance, but tastes much better ];)
Oh and I dunno about you guys, but I've never heard of Red Tea? whats that???
Oh ALSO: Hows Easy Paint Tool SAI Virmir? is it worth it?
I do have some minor quibbles with it, but altogether it's a very nice program. Somehow I like the way the brush "feels" more than Photoshop. Basically it's a stripped down Photoshop that focuses only on brushes/inking, etc. Should be very easy to pick up. The fact that it does vector pens AND normal brushes is a huge plus. It's slightly annoying that I have to export the image as a PSD and do things like the gradient in Photoshop, but then again the transition back and forth between the two file formats and programs is seamless. Another plus is it runs more smoothly than Photoshop on my tablet as well. I'm definitely going to play around with this more.
Hmm... I feel like taking pictures of tea all of a sudden....
I Another plus is it runs more smoothly than Photoshop on my tablet as well. I'm definitely going to play around with this more.
Well you seem to like SAI painter a lot, I guess I'll give it a whirl ]:)

Collaboration with Donnie (line work) and Pontos (flat colors). [:)

Base pic I will cut up/resize for my new avatar across the net. [:)

Eeee~! (now in color!)

Mmmm.... Space Nutrient Mush. [;)

Spatula Rat! For the Spatula Rat (Thaeus)!
Yes, it's a spatula.
No, I don't know why. [;)

Doodle for a fellow MK writer. [:)
Dessert's profile. [:)

And a 100x100 icon for ya:
Hope you like!
Dessert's profile. [:)
<img src="" title="Silver Fox Portrait" alt="Silver Fox Portrait" border="0" /> (
And a 100x100 icon for ya:
Hope you like!
Thank you Virmir! <3 thank you thank you thank you. [:3
He he, no prob. Glad you like. [:)

Ustream drawing. :)

For all those out there who get Virmir from Metamor Keep (left) mixed up with me. [;)
...They are somewhat alike, yet different somehow...

Collaboration with Donnie. [;)
Collaboration with Donnie. [;)
hehehe, this is a really awesome piece of art Donnir and Virmir :D
it was uploaded to so many galleries... I dunno where to comment now ]:P
Ha ha, thanks. [:)

In the world of Overgrown Lands, the evil fire mage Virmir with hired mercenary Ethan and ice mage/corrupt wheat merchant KaiAdin plot to steal a flying volcano from the child machine mage Donnie and his friends. [;)

Jay wanted to see himself as a gray fox. He came to the right person. [;)
It looks cool, but I somehow just can't quite see Jay as a fox. Maybe in time... *shrugs*
You always have trouble seeing people as things. [;)

Mailed this one to Donnie the other day. [:)
What can I say? I walk a unique life and refuse to look at it through the eyes of someone else.
Based on a true story...

Bring it. [;)

For Tvorsk. [:)
Yay for Tvorsk and lord Virmir!

Super Hero Weasel! What are his powers?
I didn't ask, unfortunately... probably would have been a good idea before drawing the pic. Oh well. [;)
Make something up. Also, he should fight pirates. Ferret pirates.
those ferret pirates never learn
No they do not. Which is why The Golden Weasel must put a stop to their villainy!

DessertFox drew this doodle and wanted to see it inked and colored by me. So here you go!
He looks very intent on his purpose. I hope where he wants to go isn't blocked by where I'm standing. ]:O
It looks like he should be holding a fireball in his left paw.
DessertFox drew this doodle and wanted to see it inked and colored by me. So here you go!
Dess's stuff looks cool, In Virmir's Cartoony colouring! It makes me wonder how dess would have coloured it in his painterly style ]:)
It looks like he should be holding a fireball in his left paw.
Yes he should be holding a fireball, but Virmir never shows his trump card until its to late for them to realize.
DessertFox drew this doodle and wanted to see it inked and colored by me. So here you go!
Dess's stuff looks cool, In Virmir's Cartoony colouring! It makes me wonder how dess would have coloured it in his painterly style ]:)
Well it was meant to be a bigger picture, but I ran out of time before class. It was also a practice on drawing antro fox heads. I have a hard time with that
Probably should have caught the fireball in left hand thing myself... *facepaws*
Oh well. [;)
Ah no worries, I usually do fire without guide lines is all

Another crazy Doodle for Morgan (a.k.a. the Space Horse). [;)
Buckminster, and Fullerene? I could have sworn I heard that somewhere ;D.
Hey, I just drew it as told. [;)
I like the rocket ship! The whole pic is awesome.
Thank you. [:)

Not again!
Hehehe, I spotted the Crimson Flag reference in that picture!
Hehehe, I spotted the Crimson Flag reference in that picture!
O where?
and be sure not to step on the lines! [:O
On the set of runes closest to Virmir, there's a picture of a fox with a crown. That is also the emblem on the Red's flag.
What is going on in the pic?
Go to read these. (

Had the chat all roll dice. First winner gave me a species, second clothing, third emotion/action. Then drew this on ustream. ;)
Pontos: Bunny Moogle (Those kind from Final Fantasy 12... not the real ones from FF6 [;))
ShazerFox: Heart Boxers
2dogsandaDJ: Embarrassed
If only I was here for that...
Oh I love the BG! nice and watercolour-ly
I could imagine the caption "Mog's teleportation spell didn't quite work like he hoped."
well that came out great XD


Doodle for Kiba of his character getting zapped by the curse of Metamor Keep. Gah!
i like the robes a lot.
good job again :)
Lovely drawing. The story is in the metamor archive, yes?
It's not yet, but Kiba's working on it and it will be up soon. He actually started posting it to the forums here ( too.
Keep being it.

Waaaait a minute... SOMETHING's not right here. [;)
Waaaait a minute... SOMETHING's not right here. [;)
The tail is way too long! Am I right? [:)
Waaaait a minute... SOMETHING's not right here. [;)
The tail is way too long! Am I right? [:)
No~! Its Wayyy too short and Unfluffy! ];)
/me shifts his eyes.
The tail of a fox is roughly the same size as its body (sometimes longer). Depending on whether you count the torso, it's either the right length or not long enough. Now that I've gotten that utterly pointless factoid out of the way, well done on another wonderful picture. I also share your sentiments on the main page--taurs aren't for me but the idea has a strange allur that I've toyed with in various mild forms.
Waaaait a minute... SOMETHING's not right here. [;)
The tail is way too long! Am I right? [:)
No~! Its Wayyy too short and Unfluffy! ];)
you're both wrong! the cape doesn't flow right when you are a taur(fixed the spelling :P)!
Waaaait a minute... SOMETHING's not right here. [;)
The tail is way too long! Am I right? [:)
No~! Its Wayyy too short and Unfluffy! ];)
you're both wrong! the cape doesn't flow right when you are a tuar!
What tuar?
"Taur" refers to a creature with the upper half of a humanoid and the lower half of a quadruped animal. Basically 'taur means a non-horse centaur. The word can either be used on its own or combined with another species as a suffix (if used in this instance, Vimirs drawing would be of a "foxtaur").
"Taur" refers to a creature with the upper half of a humanoid and the lower half of a quadruped animal. Basically 'taur means a non-horse centaur. The word can either be used on its own or combined with another species as a suffix (if used in this instance, Vimirs drawing would be of a "foxtaur").
I know, I already called him a foxtaur. I was just messing with LoCk because he said tuar by accident.
Mmm...seems like Virmir is stuck in 'taur at the moment.

There is very much of it
In the larger version, the expression kind of makes it look like you're trying to seduce the camera.
Suitably goofy...though I understand Lloyd's point... *snerks at the thought* Perhaps this deserves some Photoshop manipulations.
Its not a bad thing. You know how in cartoons/anime there's usually that one character who tries to hit on every girl he sees? The pic sort of gives off that vibe to me.
Its not a bad thing. You know how in cartoons/anime there's usually that one character who tries to hit on every girl he sees? The pic sort of gives off that vibe to me.
You owe me a new kidney.
Its not a bad thing. You know how in cartoons/anime there's usually that one character who tries to hit on every girl he sees? The pic sort of gives off that vibe to me.
Haha THAT would be Funny to see ]:P
You owe me a new kidney.
Kidney? *headtilts*
You owe me a new kidney.
Kidney? *headtilts*
You can damage your kidney by laughing hard enough and long enough.
What I said was funny?
What I said was funny?
very funny indeed

Scene from "Bat Girl" (, written by Feathertail and involving Yurodivy's character. [:)
neat! i like the lighting you did
Thanks. [:)

For Kit... in the horrible, horrible snow. [;)
Snow is EBIL!
Snow fight!
Yes, he does look like he's scheming about who to throw the snowball at. On a less-positive note though... he looks more like a fox with a leopard tail than a lynx.
Well this is Vir we're talking about, he's not very good with the not-foxes. Half the reason I made him do this was to give him practice. (the other half being of course to get a picture of myself, though come to think I told him to make this in the first place on a dice roll whim >.>) Besides... with me? You can't really be sure I'm NOT part fox in this thing... ^.^;

Reference sheet thing. [:)
Not sure what to say... it's so weird seeing a picture of you without a dramatic pose {:O
As well as both bipedal and capeless! GASP!

i like the lighting you did |fox|
flying candle
Dungeon Crawling Virmir? ];)
flying candle
haha Its actually a magic ball of glowing magic, that Virmir calls a 'witchlight', (I prefer magelight though). A candel would probably be wayyy to dim for the circumstances
Sadly, the first thing I thought when I saw this picture was...
Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen! Hey! Listen!
hehe... oh Navi... I still love you

Happy Birthday, Tvorsk!
Okay? Done?/me pounces the cake, devouring half of it immediately.
/me tailwags.
Oh, wait.../me cuts the remaining half into slices.
Please, have some.
{fox} Urm... did I ate the candles?
Okay? Done?/me pounces the cake, devouring half of it immediately.
/me tailwags.
Oh, wait.../me cuts the remaining half into slices.
Please, have some.
{fox} Urm... did I ate the candles?
just one candle ;)

Collaboration with Donnie. [:)
You tow should make more collaborations! They always turn out awesome, and it takes less effort on each of your parts!

Lucile and Kayla pose for the camera. [;)

Doodle for Fenrs. [:)

Annnnd a random doodle. [;)
/me gives Viri belly rubbings
yaaaaaaay me doodle!

Feral Donnie and Virmir. [;)
Heh, Donnie wins the cuteness war in the picture!
He he... compare the expressions: Virmir's having his usual smile (which's a bit hard to describe for me, but leaves the feeling that there's something more than it seems...) ... Donnie's just playfully happy.

Older art. Forgot to post. [;)
I love this focus on scene here, especially the lighting. You tend to focus entirely on character in your other works, so it's really interesting when you show us what you can do with the world around your character. ]:) I'd really like to see more of this.
I remember how long it took just to make sure none the the character's eyes were creepy.

Hehhe thankyou again Virmir! *Hugs his taur back*
Glad you like it. It was a drawing for myself too. [:)

Not even being fluffy adorable can stop Tvorsk from being grumpy

Entry for a contest over on Deviant Art. [:)
Aww, I thought you were going to have him covered with paint in the sign one. Anyway, nice work!

Collab with Donnie. [:)
D'awwww/me hugs Viri
Yay. [:)

Look out! He's going to shoot lasers at you!
CF suddenly went Steampunk o_o
haha SteamPunk Foxies!
Though... in the Cf verse its not really steam? thats that Magical lifeforce energy stuff XD
Yeah, i remember calling it Magicpunk or the like |:P

For Alias. [:)
Yay! Great job on the hat!

Sketch by Donnie, rest by me. [:)
This is the most awesome picture ever made and nothing will ever be able to top in the history of the universe. ];)
Untill Virmir Draws a picture of himself with TWO Cakes... ]:P
What be this? No foul deception doth cloud mine eyes, yet behold! Behold before us this Cake, thrice layered and frosted in untainted Truth! Verily the tale of this discovery shall be told unto generations. /Shakespeare
Awesome job, Virmir and Donnie.

The sentiments are mutual Viri ];)
Behold the newest internet meme! ]:)
To bad those of us that write can't join in, oh wait...Yes we Can!
"Alex Shrub, embarrassed by taking blackmail photos of his GTA Congressman self, facepaws heartily."

Art trade with DessertFox. For Kai and Dess. [:)
Ohh, that's so sweet! I bet whoever requested that one loves it alot.

Magic foxification wand!
Awesome, just plain awesome.
Specially with the glow-effects, nice touch there [:)

Doodle for FoxMarine of his Metamor Keep character. [:)

For Pontos. [:)
I love the fuzziness.... =3

For LurkingWolf. [:)
haha I'm loveing the last few pictures... Finally something Other than foxes!
But yea.. I like the look of the ermine , he almost looks cattish in way.. and the pose is more dynamic then the usual standing up/portrait stuff you usually do! ]:)
Indeed, by having to draw something with such small ears, you've finally managed to get your pictures down to proper feline proportions!

Doodle for Richardson of his blue foxtaur girl in space. [;)
Lose a bet Viri? Also, I see no Death Star
Dahak ('_Moon) > Death Star
Ohh Interesting story series Tvorsk ]:O *notes to try to find it sometime*
- And thank Fizzie for mentioning that book to me in the first place.
Also, check out in general. I can already recommend David Weber's Honor Harrington and Dahak series (CD #20) and, the one that I actually have already had in print, David Drake's Republic of Cinnabar Navy (CD #15).

Possibly proto-concept Crimson Flag art. [;)

Collab with Donnie. Was an interesting one. We started with a base skeleton, then took turns adding to the drawing, creating a blend of styles. [:)
it is a collab of DISTILLED AWESOME.
Okay, that's one fox I'd be afraid to challenge... {:P

Just sitting on a random branch. [;)
Look like you had great fun with the lighting of that shot.


Birthday Lick for Kai!
The tongue looks a bit off-centre from where it should be, but other than that it is a very cute picture. Grats to Kai on his 20th.

Took some shout-outs from the chatroom. [;)
You totally should finish these. Awesome they are {:)
Also, the armored dragon there sorta reminds me of the cover of the most recent Dragon Book ( (the purple one)... with a twist. {;) (Here are the covers: Green (, Red (, Purple (
Actually that was supposed to be a crocodile ];) Though I think it looks cool anyway. The fuzzy dragon is the best though.

Doodle for the hosted site directory page. [:)

Avatar for Jonas. [:)
Might have screwed this up though and made the book too large in proportion to the portrait... here's what it looks like shrunken down.

Two fuzzies engaged in civilized conversation. [;)

That's some rockin hair

Doodle for Fireboy. [:)

Virmir Gang. [;)

Mwa ha ha ha... [;)
Nothing's better than some relieving destruction when you want to actually enjoy a Friday.
This MUST take place in America. Europe just doesn't have roads that big... Actually I'm not sure America does either, but it's much more likely than Europe. All their roads are descended from the olden days when cars weren't invented so roads were kinda teenie.
It takes in the US for two reasons:
One, every catastrophe movie takes place there (as long as it's not about Zombies, where England is also a possibility).
Two: Virmir lives in the US, so where else would he go on a destruction rampage? |:P
Then again, I'm in there somehow XD
You're a Special Guest Star, duh!
One, every catastrophe movie takes place there (as long as it's not about Zombies, where England is also a possibility)
Dude, you totally forgot about Tokyo. That is THE hip place for giant monsters to go on rampages. And since Virtaur has two sets of hips, he's twice as likely to be there.
Dude, you totally forgot about Tokyo. That is THE hip place for giant monsters to go on rampages. And since Virtaur has two sets of hips, he's twice as likely to be there.
Oh, i was not considering Japanese movies or anime.
In that case yeah, Tokyo ends up winning in the count of how many times it gets pulverized (and not necessarily by monsters) |:P
Id say its in the US. Where? Philadelphia of course!

Possibly a scene from a story I'm working on... ;)


In-between drawing cards. [;)
You still draw awesome stuff. I dunno why there haven't been many recent comments.
You still draw awesome stuff. I dunno why there haven't been many recent comments.
Hehe, People are commenting more on th chat when Virmir when he posts the link there! ]:)
All right, back to the old Cartoony Drawings topic. [;)
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"Hmmmm... now how am I gonna get the mattress UP there..."
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"Why do I have four arms...?"
Spoof of the Ozy and Millie spoof of that one Da Vinci drawing.
(Thanks go to Pontos for suggesting. )
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Virumiru trains, balancing atop a pole in the mountains while some some guy plucks a kitar and randomly yells "Yoooooooowl!!" in the background.
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I was minding my own business, smashing cars, when KaiAdin unprovokedly attacked me with his Giant Kitty Mech. Pontos and Tvorsk worriedly look on.
At last!
Kai in all his EEEVIL diabolical glory! >:D
At last!
Kai in all his EEEVIL diabolical glory! >:D
HAHA Indeed! though I think in this case I was a force for good? ]:O
At last!
Kai in all his EEEVIL diabolical glory! >:D
HAHA Indeed! though I think in this case I was a force for good? ]:O
That is correct! You helped people! You're a good guy! Virmir is therefor a villain! Virmir is therefor evil! Everything is solved!
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Merry Blasted Christmas. [;)
Well if you're going to be a blasted Christmas curmudgeon, you might as well be totally and unbelievably awesome about it.
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Doodle I made for the registration page on the CF site.
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Weird Sketchy thing... dunno, was just scribbling around.
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Quick doodle for Xandalstrokl. [:)
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Medik Jackal solves his height problems by trying out one of Kenku's Giant Taur Potions, based on my recommendation.
This is a trade with Kenku. He's writing a story to go with this.
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Uwe he he he~!
that is an awesome cape.
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Just some romping.
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Art trade with JGGC.
Heh, It's interesting to see them in such a different style. Rika is tinier than usual...and cuter. =D
I'll see if I can finish mine soon, thanks for the trade.
Who are they?
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Retaliation to Donnie abusing me...
The abuses in question:
First you put the "Cutesie Feralization Potion" in there, and then a Poke'Mon reference?
This is one of the greatest comic pages you have ever done. ]:)
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A bit of half-fan-art for Donnie, since he's drawn my characters like 50 times.
I paired our two main characters with our two oriental-ish sword wielders.
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I had to send Pontos an important package, so snuck this doodle in with it.
I still love your style, Virmir. {:)
Thanks. [:)
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Three tails I can handle. I dunno about three heads though...
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Quickly colored sketch thing.
Not really "finished work". I'll have to make a new category if I draw more of these...
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One, two, and three-tailed Virmir Variations.
[thecount]One tail! Two tails! Three tails! Three fox tails! Ah ha ha ha![/thecount]
He seems to get more and more serious with each tail.
Virmir's happy is inversely proportional to his tails and directly proportional to the weight of his weapon.
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Cirrulean drew this fantastic piece of work for me, so I just had to try drawing that crazy outfit myself.
Still extremely awesome.
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Bit of weirdness that started as a simple doodle, then turned into a trade with Toast (and Medik).
Awesome awesome awesome AWESOME
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Villians from Crimson Flag.
Poster available here!
Awesome awesome awesome AWESOME
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He's kinda still getting used to the idea.
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Those things are dangerous.
Hardly dangerous! Being helplessly lifted into the sky by your own inflated body is fun! ]:P
I agree with Toast.
Inflation is always fun! {:)
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Doodle for Donnie.
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Absolutely nooooooothing happened here.
Pure win.
Virmir and Tvorsk look great in blazers and ties. ];)
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Donnie has been on a moogle kick lately and I hear those pom-pom things spread the symptoms.... not gonna risk touching it!
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*gets on LiveJournal,, DA, FA, maybe even Facebook to SPREAD THE WORD*
Well that clears that up. {:)
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Just some Lucile poses.
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Verifying I look good before heading out.
So that's what it looks like behind the antennae hair.
very cool to see things from Virmir's eyes
The muzzle and antennae hair are blocking a decent chunk of your field of vision, Vir.
I know! *stumbles around*
I know! *stumbles around*
*sticks out his leg in front of Virmir's path*
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Be careful with those neatherworldly teleportation spells.
Oh Virmir, tempt fate and this is what happens.
You should trick some other people into that teleportation spells and see what happens >:)
I'm with Toast, more teleporty coolness!
Toast has the right idea
wait, according to the law of getting (or perpetuating) ideas that may or may turn out badly, does this make us volunteers?
yes it does Fen.
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Commission for Foxgamer01.
cool fire fox
He's soooo cute XD
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Commission for KeenyFox.
wonderful shading and eyes!
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Commission for Sergeant.
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Commission for Bartolo Polkakitty.
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Another commission for Bartolo Polkakitty.
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I never drew Lucile as a taur before, and have been poked by a few to do it with increasing frequency (looks at Medik ) and I also needed a new desktop background, so here we go.
Cute. {:P
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Taur time! In a taur-ish mood lately.
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Still in a taur mood.
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Be careful what you eat. Or are forced to eat.
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Sequel to this.
Could not resist.
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One of these days he's going to figure out to stop messing with spell circles.
Interestingly enough, I never taur-ed Virmir in my Metamor Keep stories, though they are quite canon in the setting and actually where I first heard of and became interested in them. If it ever happened, it would very likely be a side effect of a spell go awry such as this. He's pretty used to this sort of thing by now.
Naaah, he should neeeeeeever learn! Toons don't always have to learn! Did Wiley E. Coyote ever learn? ];)
Bugging you for days on end for this drawing was SO WORTH IT.
Virmir with that belly is sooo cute XD
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Comission for DailenWolf.
You know, this makes me want to see a Highlander Virmir...
You know, this makes me want to see a Highlander Virmir...
There can only be one Virmir!
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Commission for Jaryn Frostwing.
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Commission for James Fox.
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Hey, you'd be grumpy too.
Story here:
Dunno, might make that into a comic sometime. *grins*
Well I don't think I'd be grumpy ]:P
Nor would I
You know you love it!
*hands Vir a lump of coal to stoke his fire* Have to say you look preety cool...although I do wonder what it would be like watching you rage with GTP [;)
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Commission for Foxgamer01 for his friend.
I'm normally more of a red person than a blue but this is cooooool.
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Meeeeh, did not turn out so great. Oh well.
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Virumiru-Taur! Why the heck not.
Now all we need is a VirBot-Taur and we'll have all five! Doooo eeeeet!
Now all we need is a VirBot-Taur and we'll have all five! Doooo eeeeet!
Then draw Virberus-Taur!
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Pick one!
*buries their faice in tummy fluff*
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Must be done regularly.
So THIS is what Virmir looks like every time he enters the chat!
The cliff overlooking the sea makes this better. Though, honestly, knowing Virmir, this is probably moments before the cliff crumbles apart beneath his footpaws and he falls into the water. ]:P
The cliff overlooking the sea makes this better. Though, honestly, knowing Virmir, this is probably moment before the cliff crumbles apart beneath his footpaws and he falls into the water. ]:P
And then he shakes out the water and gets SUPER POOFY! This must be drawn.
The cliff overlooking the sea makes this better. Though, honestly, knowing Virmir, this is probably moment before the cliff crumbles apart beneath his footpaws and he falls into the water. ]:P
And then he shakes out the water and gets SUPER POOFY! This must be drawn.
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Commission for Emerald_D.
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Commission for Jaryn Frostwing.
This commission thing is taking off more than you thought it would eh Virmir? ]:P
It's weird that people are paying me money to do this sort of thing. [:)
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This was a fun pic! And I got to draw a Virmir I had not drawn for five years. Hopefully this will clear up some confusion about some of my characters that look a tad similar.
This is just the "Virmir chain" of characters, or more specifically-- gray foxes with that weird "antennae-hair" thing going on. I could probably extend this thing back 15 years with hundreds of characters and thousands of arrows if I wanted to increase the scope. (Not gonna happen. )
Some short explanations of the characters. The numbering is a rough ordering I'm pretty sure they were conceived. What appears here is the most current design for each. Some of these had some tweaks to them
1) Kendo Virmir - Dark Age Legends (2006)
My very first fox character was in a story-based forum RP. He wasn't the main focus-- I had several more foxes in there and 20 or so other assorted characters, but he's the start of this particular branch of craziness. (Yes, he is floating. )
2) Julian Urocyon - Crimson Flag (2007)
There was actually a prototype version of Crimson Flag I attempted to draw back in 2007 that never really took off... because I couldn't really draw back then. A sort of proto-Julian was to be the villain. Later on in 2008 when I recruited Tod Wills to help with the latest, and current version of Crimson Flag, I pulled Julian from the proto-comic and the rest is history.
3) Kendo Virmir - Metamor Keep (2007)
This is "MK Virmir", or the "grumpy one" from my Metamor Keep Tales. Do not blame him. He has his reasons.
Though my MK story arc is complete, I love MK Virmir to death and will continue to torture him FOREVER. More recently I threw him into the Epic Battle universe because I thought it would be funny. However as a sort of recompensation, I let him destroy Santa. He's shown here as being in both the Metamor Keep section and the "Virmir Gang" section, since I sort of inducted him in as an honorary member to do fun side comics with and such.
MK Virmir is probably the closest I ever came to writing "me" into a story. A lot of his thought patterns are based on my own-- with a few minor but crucial differences. (Basically, the whole anger/irritations/resentment thing. )
4) Kendo Virmir - Author/Artist/Fursona (2007)
When I started interacting with the Metamor Keep community back in 2007, as usual I took the name of the primary character of my stories as my pen name. I had done this with past projects before, but never really felt a personal connection to the character.
However, people very quickly (albeit jokingly) associated me with "the grumpy one", which is very much not me, so I pushed that author and character were not the same more and more, building my online image in my head long before I was able to draw. Pretending to be a cartoon animal in a chatroom was incredibly relaxing and fun, and thus the toony Virmir was able to express himself for the first time.
5) Lucian Urocyon - Crimson Flag (2008)
People who have been following my comic for a while know that I did not always draw it by myself. Tod Wills sketched the first big chunk of it, while I inked and colored his sketches. Way back when we were working out character designs, I showed him an old crappy picture of MK Virmir I drew and said "kind of like this". And that's why Lucian looks the way he does today.
I do regret this a bit. Lucian is very different from MK Virmir, and I should have been a bit more original with his design. But on the other hand... MK Virmir was just a character from an unrelated story! It's not like I'm suddenly going to get good at art and start drawing him myself constantly years from now or anything!
6) Lucile (2008)
One day I noticed that a *lot* of people have an opposite gender version of their online selves. "Ha ha!" I thought, "Those people are weird. I'm gonna try and draw a girl Virmir just for kicks!"
And, well, I kept drawing her.
I honestly really like her design, especially with the hat/sword additions I made recently. Her robe is kind of similar to what I imagined on my personal fursona waaaaay back in the beginning before I got the idea for the cape and pantslessness. The basic idea behind Lucile is I, as a male, do not have very many stereotypical male traits (HATE sports, HATE cars), and a few downright girly ones (YAY! Cute foxes!!). So as an inverse-- a female version of me would likewise not have many stereotypical female traits and also a few male ones. I.e. she and I would be exactly the same.
If the main Virmir were taken out of this batch and I had to choose a new primary out of the remaining 9, I would choose Lucile.
7) Lucile - Metamor Keep (2008)
Lucile from Metamor Keep has nothing to do with the above mentioned Lucile, and is really included here just so I can say that. I have a *terrible* habit of recycling names. Back in 2008 when I first conceived the character, I did not know I'd be drawing girl-Virmir Lucile so much in a few years. Phooey, happend again.
On the flip side, the Virmir/Lucile combo does provide some sort of consistency throughout my works that I'll probably revisit.
8 ) Virumiru (2009)
"Three tails is a good number, I think. Much more than that and it becomes difficult to do basic things like sit down. "
That is... really all there is to Virumiru. He's just a kitsune parody. I'm not a terribly huge fan of kitsune or multiple tails, but he's fun as heck to draw. I'm not sure if I'll ever think of a story for him though. He's just out there doin' oriental stuff!
9) VirBot (2009)
When I set up the chat room for Crimson Flag, I changed the generic sounding "ChatBot" which announces system messages to "VirBot" because the world revolves around me, pretty much. Also I added some basic AI when chatters mention his name, and of course, I had to draw what he looked like.
The glowing red eyes are inspired by the ex-animal bots in that one Sonic the Hedgehog cartoon.
10) Lucile - Crimson Flag (2010)
Did I mention I really love Lucile's design? I did intend for Lucian to have family apart from his father and sister in the comic from the beginning, but the more I drew the original Lucile above, the more I wanted to use some variant of the design in Crimson Flag. CF Lucile has only been in one short scene so far. You can probably guess she'll be back.
You did it!!
And to believe this all originated from a character who, basically, looked like Sephiroth in fox form. ]:P
Amazing you crazy little fox. Now in five or six years you can do this all over again!
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Careful with those transmutation spells in the attic.
Yaaaay for weird CF chat shout-outs!
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Little fan comic for Traxer's Loose Ferrets: Go check it out.
He cameoed my character a while back (wearing a hat and glasses disguise), and portrayed me as being very calm and patient... I couldn't help but think how amusing it would be if I *SNAPPED*.
You know, sometimes I think I should have you as my Time Management, Virmir. Sometimes I think I really need the consistency... and the last straw beatings so I actually get stuff ACCOMPLISHED XP
Virmir totally needs to be my 'Motivation' X3
Reminds of pokemon so much.
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Eh, might as well try and enjoy it.
Almost looks like you're eying prey and ready to swoop down from your tree.
Hmm.... Maybe it's unsuspecting EBay deals.
Virmirgon is cute! ]:)
Almost looks like you're eying prey and ready to swoop down from your tree.
Hmm.... Maybe it's unsuspecting EBay deals.
might be unsuspecting campers in their SUV.
I originally planned this as a quick sketch, ready to pounce a fuzzy below. But I changed my mind and decided to go "all out" and focus on Virmirgon instead. [;)
so, Virmir, in dragon-fox form, you have those wings... if they work, does that make you a...
Flying Fox?
I already did the flying fox thing, actually. [;)
Wait... but if you're such a wimpy fox (foxgon), wouldn't you be more likely to just splat onto a fuzzie below like a tossed pancake?
Wait... but if you're such a wimpy fox (foxgon), wouldn't you be more likely to just splat onto a fuzzie below like a tossed pancake?
Well, Toast, I'm not sure Virmir got the size of a dragon as well. He's probably still tiny. ]:P
I can pounce from tree-height distances effectively regardless. [;)
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Trade with Kenku.
Most of his shape-shifting sodas do not work on me.
*Mad deranged overwhelming SQUEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!*
Too cute!
*explodes from cute overload*
Most that is :P. Excellently done Vir. Ill have my half done as soon as I can.
I want to HUG baby Vir.
Virmir, I demand that you draw more age regression. TOO CUTE!
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"Your glowing eye modulator appears to have malfunctioned."
Commission for Creator-Unreal.
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Commission for Creator-Unreal. Very fun character to draw.
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Could not resist coloring it.
I'm sooooo getting fireballed for this...
Okay, am I the only one finding MK Virmir adorable when he's angry? I just wanna hug him. ]:)
That would just make him even more angry.
and as a result, more adorable.. I don't see the problem here. [;)
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Commission for Foxgamer01, for his friend, Jay.
Super cuddly dwaggie needs cuddles! :D
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Meh, came out kind of lame. Oh well.
Is it just me or does Virmir's tail look bigger as a taur?
It does get bigger because the lower "feral" half needs to size up to support the upper half, and thus the tail increases proportionally. [;)
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Some folks were interested in seeing my current work space setup.
very nice, Virmir! looks comfy.
Hmm... Looks like you'd have to stretch a loooot to reach anything Virmir =P
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Just a quick spell.
*Runs before the globe becomes a deadly projectile*
Is it bad that I would seriously be willing to pay money to see Toast get attacked with a globe? ]:P
Is it bad that I would seriously be willing to pay money to see Toast get attacked with a globe? ]:P
*Preemptively strikes Zavier with a blue whale*
/me orders an orbital laser strike on the area that's server is located in retaliation.
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Sort of a trade with Medik.
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Following up comic from last year:
Kind of wanted to do another comic this year, but didn't find the inspiration. There was no half moon anyway, so assume what is pictured happened last year. We'll see what the moon is doing next year.
That is...quite terrifying, really.
actually, this makes me wonder. Virmir seems to be bigger in this picture... how big does he get when he turns into a were-fox-fox?
actually, this makes me wonder. Virmir seems to be bigger in this picture... how big does he get when he turns into a were-fox-fox?
At the very least, an impressive five feet or so. [;)
At the very least, an impressive five feet or so. [;)
GIANT Virmir!!
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Niro requested VirBot posing as the Headless Horseman for the Halloween requests. I could not resist substituting the horse for taurism, and then could not resist coloring the result.
The neck is sparking... I'm not sure the head is supposed to come off like that O.o
How'll he reattach it?
The neck is sparking... I'm not sure the head is supposed to come off like that O.o
How'll he reattach it?
Through sweet, magic-y SCIENCE!
...Also, I just realized this is a VirBot taur. That means our collection of ( Virmir ( taurs ( is ( complete (! Hooray!
Through sweet, magic-y SCIENCE!
My favourite! ]:P
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This is why I do not do science.
But it's cooooooool!!! Admittedly a little sticky.
but.. isn't Virbot Science? He isn't all goopy!
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Commission for Emerald_D.
...You know for some reason I had this idea in my head that all darksabers had to have a purple hue. Then Force Unleashed came along and showed me white, but I still never thought of other colors >.>
I had no idea they could be black in the first place until I saw this video game screenshot. [;)
...You know for some reason I had this idea in my head that all darksabers had to have a purple hue. Then Force Unleashed came along and showed me white, but I still never thought of other colors >.>
Fun fact, all lightsabers were going to be white, until they decided during production to give the Sith red ones and the Jedi blue ones. Luke's lightsaber was changed to green (it was originally also going to be blue) so it would be easier to see against Tatooine's blue sky. Later on Mace Windu's purple lightsaber showed up (because Samuel L. Jackson likes the color purple) and is probably the reason lightsabers are such a wide variety of colors in the expanded universe. "If we can go green and purple as well as blue and red, why can't we do any color we want?"
The next time you want to know something, go research it! Never know what you might find. [;)
Actually Expanded Universe depictions show multiple colored lightsabers well before the prequel trilogy came out. Up until Episode II came out it was assumed Jedi had all kinds of colored lightsabers, until during Attack of the Clones showed a huge army of Jedi (except for Mace Windu of course) using just blue and green crystals. When I saw that scene in the theaters I was actually shocked that that was so, since so many books and a couple video games had depicted Jedi with more than just two colors of lightsabers. This was later explained ( in the Expanded Universe lore.
Actually Expanded Universe depictions show multiple colored lightsabers well before the prequel trilogy came out. Up until Episode II came out it was assumed Jedi had all kinds of colored lightsabers, until during Attack of the Clones showed a huge army of Jedi (except for Mace Windu of course) using just blue and green crystals. When I saw that scene in the theaters I was actually shocked that that was so, since so many books and a couple video games had depicted Jedi with more than just two colors of lightsabers. This was later explained ( in the Expanded Universe lore.
Actually Expanded Universe depictions show multiple colored lightsabers well before the prequel trilogy came out. Up until Episode II came out it was assumed Jedi had all kinds of colored lightsabers, until during Attack of the Clones showed a huge army of Jedi (except for Mace Windu of course) using just blue and green crystals. When I saw that scene in the theaters I was actually shocked that that was so, since so many books and a couple video games had depicted Jedi with more than just two colors of lightsabers. This was later explained ( in the Expanded Universe lore.
And knowing is half the battle!
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Commission for Radioactive_Toast.
...Ow, my ears.
...Ow, my ears.
There's stuff written on Toast's belly. I could read:
"Toast ??? RA??? dragon
Belong(s to?) Med(ik) of J???"
Someone identify the whole text?
There's stuff written on Toast's belly. I could read:
"Toast ??? RA??? dragon
Belong(s to?) Med(ik) of J???"
Someone identify the whole text?
"Toast the WAWR Dargon
Belongs to Medik of the Jackals"
I believe that's it, anyways.
There's stuff written on Toast's belly. I could read:
"Toast ??? RA??? dragon
Belong(s to?) Med(ik) of J???"
Someone identify the whole text?
"Toast the WAWR Dargon
Belongs to Medik of the Jackals"
I believe that's it, anyways.
You got it.
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Random Doodle.
F(mortal danger level)=males+firespells. F(mortal danger level)x3=females+firespells
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The secret is revealed!
So... if we gave you a samurai sword you'd sprout two extra tails Virmir?
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Commission for LupusSLE. Photo background provided by him.
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Hey, I'm new at this.
Thanks to Toast for his dialogue, and for playing along.
I had to look at the super-big version to read all the text. but it was worth it.
Behold my almighty power to RAMBLE!!!
Alright, the description of a German stereotype made me giggle.
But to be fair...Toast, is it fair to compare dragon stereotypes to German or American stereotypese when dragons are a species and the latter are both nationalities?
Behold my almighty power to RAMBLE!!!
You're almost as good at it as my alcoholic dad.
Alright, the description of a German stereotype made me giggle.
But to be fair...Toast, is it fair to compare dragon stereotypes to German or American stereotypese when dragons are a species and the latter are both nationalities?
Well, for a more appropriate stereotype, he'd have to delve into RACISM! *Thunder clap* And that's no good.
Alright, the description of a German stereotype made me giggle.
But to be fair...Toast, is it fair to compare dragon stereotypes to German or American stereotypese when dragons are a species and the latter are both nationalities?
Well, for a more appropriate stereotype, he'd have to delve into RACISM! *Thunder clap* And that's no good.
Or he could just use stereotypes of other animals. Like foxes being sneaky, manipulative jerks.
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I'm in a weird Virmir-variations mood lately.
Four arms would be awesome though! I could type twice as fast and draw twice as much.
Vir-iations? ]:P
I picture the abdomen would quickly get in the way though Virmir =P
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Breaking in new tablet. [;)
YAY, you have finally drawn the harmless kitten! He's so CUTE!
YAY, you have finally drawn the harmless kitten! He's so CUTE!
Not as cute as Kai, but still very cute.
KITTENS are NEVER harmless! >:3
Not as cute as Kai, but still very cute.
]:) *snugggggles Zavier* X3
KITTENS are NEVER harmless! >:3
Not as cute as Kai, but still very cute.
]:) *snugggggles Zavier* X3
Huh? I thought I said that.
Huh? I thought I said that.
/me snuggles a WOLF too! X3
Huh? I thought I said that.
/me snuggles a WOLF too! X3
snuggles KAT back
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Commission for Desmond Fallout. [:)
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Trade-half for Nako. [:)
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Commmission for Toast for Medik. [:)
More awesome hooman to fuzzie TFs, Virmir! :D
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Client came to me wanting to be taller.
I didn\'t know!!
Commission for Aussie Luvtail. [:)
Yeeeeeeeees! Draw more "giantification"!
Yeeeeeeeees! Draw more "giantification"!
I second this!
*Is only disappointed that there couldn't have been clothes shredding to go along with it*
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Needed to fill my \'taur quota. [;)
I remember stalking the MK forums looong ago and seeing posts of "I'm not really going to make Virmir do taur. It's not my thing." =P
MK VIRMIR in MK STORIES (where everyone else did it).
Art is totally different. [;)
MK VIRMIR in MK STORIES (where everyone else did it).
Art is totally different. [;)
I believe Toast more meant the whole "taur is not my thing" thing there.
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Doodle for Draykin. [:)
I'm normally rather ambivalent towards steampunk but there's something really cool about this one
Only thing better than anthro steampunk is taur steampunk! :3
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Trade-half for BlueDragon62. [:)
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Happens sometimes. [;)
...Um...tree bark isn't exactly smooth, Vir. ]:P
It can be, in Puerto Rico we have a "paper tree" with extremely smooth bark.
Oooo... then we could make paper out of Virmir, and draw FOXES on it... so Virmir could be a fount of fox art! :D
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Commission James bought for Trask. [:)
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Been sipping the Giant Taur Potion again... *shifts eyes*
Guest staring Jonas and Nikolai Clarkson. [;)
If you MUST take out your anger on cars, might as well do it in awesome over the top style ]:P
*Sighs* I told them not to give him it near Nik's car...
YAY, it's about time we got another full-color giant taur pic. ]:)
I am beginning to wonder how well Virmir can spell at times. Notice 'Gaint Taur Stomp' is the title. Now notice 'Gaint'.
Oh, Virmir. I need to take advice from you. I so hate cars and my parents want me to drive.
*Ty tackles before he can crush the car*
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Be careful what your zappers are set to. [;)
I still love that 3rd panel. It just screams "UNDERWATER HORROR" or "TERROR BENEATH THE DEEP." The darkness and the water obscuring in the way really adds magnitudes to the effect.
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This is why I don\'t cook. [;)
You should cook more often. Definitely.
*whistles as he walks away with sonic whisk*
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Be nice to bugs. [;)
The two things that come to my mind is Bug's Life and Monty Python
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Anti-Valentines! Print out, cut out, give to people you wish to sever any relation with. [;)
Can't. I don't know enough people to sever relationships with them =P
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Commission for Radioactive_Toast. [;)
He was very specific about the details. No, I still don't really know what's going on here... [;)
Yaaay!!! AWESOME Virmir! That's the best TF I've seen out of you yet!
Singularity what....??
There is logic in here, I just know it.
Awesome TF, and spoooky background to go with it :)
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Blast, I have been weird lately. [;)
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^ How awesome I will never be.
Niiiiiice. I really like the lighting in this one.
I kneeeeew you'd get around to coloring this Virmir =P
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Have not drawn a flying fox in a while. [;)
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Commission for Mathgrant. [:)
The blocks he is holding are from a game he designed.
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Duel with Rawr. I'm combating his air pump with my baloon-taurification rod. [;)
Have not drawn a flying fox in a while. [;)
Great! ]:P Now do more reverse-treefox next!
Duel with Rawr. I'm combating his air pump with my baloon-taurification rod. [;)
I must confess, I wouldn't mind being subject to such a rod. I wonder what being a taur is like.
I approve of such inflation duels
I approve of such inflation duels
And appropriately, when I saw this post, your avatar was the pooltoy one. {;)
I question the value of tauring your opponent in a magical duel.
Oooops. Neglected to auto-post the final version of this. [;)
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You should do an inflation one next time Virmir, with you puffing up and rising off the top of the screen =P
And thus has begin Virmir's journey to Flash animation greatness. I wouldn't be surprised if Vir is regularly churning out very nice Flash animations regularly in about five or six years. ]:P
I wouldn't be surprised if Vir is regularly churning out very nice Flash animations regularly in about five or six years.
Or even fewer, for that matter. ]:)
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Trade-half with TechtheWolf. [;)
Virmir's happiness in the last pannel is because for once he's not the one getting abused {;)
Virmir needs to draw himself happy more often. SO HUGGABLE
I'd almost swear Virmir is a LITTLE KID himself! =P
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Just a small mishap... [;)
That thumbnail is... odd...
*looks curiously and pulls on Vir's ears*
Yeah, the thumbnail seems sorta glitchy.
Anyways, kids, this is why you don't touch a broken magic wand. Instead, call for an adult like Virmir to touch it for you. ]:P
Although, you know, this may hold the record for actually being the worst thing we've seen happen to Vir. Or at least compete with it. Think about it: he can't sit in chairs due to the tail, he can't draw due to the hands, he can't get peace and quiet to the ears being larger...
That thumbnail is... odd...
It also suffered an... accident...
It seemed like a good idea at 11PM when I was tired and rushing to get to bed at a decent time. [;)
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Still Toast's fault. [;)
And I accept this fault gladly! =P
If there's one thing Toast has learned here, it's responsibility! |:P
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But it clashes with my cape!
But you look cute!
Dude, what the eff? You're being bound and TF'd against your will, and that's all you're concerned about!?
Dude, what the eff? You're being bound and TF'd against your will, and that's all you're concerned about!?
Eh, its just paint. Not like hes really becoming a Jackal.
Eh, its just paint. Not like hes really becoming a Jackal.
...Oh, whooops. ]:(
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Commission for JarynFrostwing. [:)
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When this was being drawn, I thought Virmir was posing for a statue:
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Commission for Zhed. [:)
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Commission for Ronin Foxtail. [;)
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Another commission for Ronin Foxtail. [:)
Virmir has now drawn moooooor inflatables!
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Commission for Phaedrus. [;)
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Commission for Zhed. [:)
You missed one detail:- His eye-lasers shouldn't still be lit. ];)
His head is still powered - otherwise, how could it look so shocked? {;)
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Commission for Zachariah Corvish. [:)
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Moral: Don't buy killer vacuums.
You have now officially exploded Virmir. Congratulations! =P
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Commission for Toast. [;)
*hugs the tail once again for good measure!*
This one was done for you, right, Toast? Any story behind it?
No. The Wildlife Rescue thing came up on the last minute after Virmir jokingly put FOX on the back of the shirt.
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Accompaniment to a video I made. [;)
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Another accompaniment to a video I made. [;)
Seriously how could that be more awesome than it already is?
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Blasted mitosis!
ooooh, that thing on Vir's forehead was an eye. I couldn't tell in the uncoloured version.
ooooh, that thing on Vir's forehead was an eye. I couldn't tell in the uncoloured version.
what did you think it was?
I wasn't sure. Couldn't tell if it was an extra set of hairtennae, a 'tear', or just empty space
I wasn't sure. Couldn't tell if it was an extra set of hairtennae, a 'tear', or just empty space
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Commission for Fiona Lovecraft. [:)
You may hate drawing them... but I think you do floppy ears squee-adorable.
That's a very curious-lookin' creature.
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Those bugs are dangerous. [;)
Trade-half for Danwolf15!
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Last one was kiiiiinda out of date. [;)
1st one really shows how fox-kit ish you are =P
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Commission for SuburbanFox. [:)
I foresee you getting hit up for more of these for some reason Virmir. ]:P
And daaang the top left looks SO plushie-like!
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Doodle for Draykin. [;)
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Blasted flight spell!
Awesome technology, followed by adorable technology
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I drew this while marginally annoyed, waiting for something. [;)
Breathes fire I take it?
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Commission for TyVulpine. [:)
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Commission for Zhed. [:)
Awesome. Both of them. {:)
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Pooltoyification tends to cause some mild disorientation. [;)
Commission for Pawpy and Digitalpotato. [;)
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This is a banner commission for Mathgrant's blog. [:)
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Commission for Icarus Dragonmew. [:)
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Commission for Floatr. [:)
This is the 9th pooltoy pic by my count that you've drawn. Mwahahahahaha! :D
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Commission (sort of... he did pay for it [;)) for Icarus Dragonmew, featuring Kai Adin. [;)
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Haven't drawn enough Feral Virmir lately. [;)
From a distance, the "chewing spambot arm" pic looks like a frustrated attempt at drawing.
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Not again!
Oh poor room... oh well, DRAGON
Hope the neighbors didn't hear that.
Do any of Virmir's spells actually work?
I was going to ask the same thing Jonas did. Oh well - spell failures are more amusing. |;)
Those wings don't look big enough for him to fly on though.
Do any of Virmir's spells actually work?
Yes, the "set-things-on-fire-and-make-them-explode" spells. {;)
Do any of Virmir's spells actually work?
Yes, the "set-things-on-fire-and-make-them-explode" spells. {;)
He should be a pyrotechnician.
Do any of Virmir's spells actually work?
Yes, the "set-things-on-fire-and-make-them-explode" spells. {;)
He should be a pyrotechnician.
Fox'd. {;)
Yes, the "set-things-on-fire-and-make-them-explode" spells. {;)
He should be a pyrotechnician.
Fox'd. {;)
Classier my way.
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Commission for Toast. [;)
Soooooooooooo many arms to hug with! :D
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Guest-starring Geary and Medik Jackal. [;)
The bigger the mouth, the bigger the uvula. ]:P
Spare the fotter! He's innocent.... sort of! |:P
Someone call Godzilla.
And those buildings are terribly out of scale.
Someone call Godzilla.
And those buildings are terribly out of scale.
Maybe Virmir hit Geary and Medik with a growth spell so they'd be bite-size!
Someone call Godzilla.
And those buildings are terribly out of scale.
Maybe Virmir hit Geary and Medik with a growth spell so they'd be bite-size!
That seems unnecessarily complicated.
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Must... obey...
Unlimited... leeeeeeeeeegsssss...
(Drawing dozens of legs during a power outage has a significant effect on one's psyche... [;))
(Drawing dozens of legs during a power outage has a significant effect on one's psyche... [;))
So can knowing Toast for any length of time! |:P
...muuuuuuuuust obeeeeeeey
*starts drawing legs*
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Blasted fusion earrings!
Special thanks to Selden for playing along. [;)
Medik and Draykin cameo at the end.
Random cameos and fusion ftw. x3
I enjoy the idea of Virmir as an RPG adventurer ^^
I think it's my fault, Jonas. I'm always wandering around looking for things to tinker with - I guess I got Virmir to tag along for an expedition.
Won't happen again, I bet! |:P
Stay tuned for more adventures of rudder-rear and brush-butt!
Stay tuned tooned for more adventures of rudder-rear and brush-butt!
Fox'd, as some people around here might say. |:P
I enjoy the idea of Virmir as an RPG adventurer ^^
I agree with this, I think he is perfect for it! [:P
Also, I'd totally watch rudder-rear and brush-butt! sounds like a very good show! [;)
It's actually given me an idea for a possible Gears plot. Imagine Flynn and Coby fused as an anthro {;)
"Walking would be easier if you'd stop freaking out."
I enjoy the idea of Virmir as an RPG adventurer ^^
I agree with this, I think he is perfect for it! [:P
Also, I'd totally watch rudder-rear and brush-butt! sounds like a very good show! [;)
Second that
It's actually given me an idea for a possible Gears plot. Imagine Flynn and Coby fused as an anthro {;)
"Walking would be easier if you'd stop freaking out."
Ha ha! That sounds awesome. Go for it!
( (
Trade-half for Trubbol. [;)
Daaaang you NEED more dragon TF, Virmir. You're hitting a stride with it!
I love the little blue guy!
If I was Tonbo, I wouldn't be kidding with a dragon that had that kind of flat, unamused stare. |:P
( (
This is actually a commission for Trebor/Avzin who wanted to see a Virmir-Lucile fusion with the stipulation that they fuse willingly. This is pretty much the most logical reason, I think. [;)
I find it amusing that the cape is the only way you can tell the difference between fused and normal lucille.
( (
Random doodle. [;)
All the more reason why you should always carry EMP grenades.
Man, that would be a pain if only half of you worked...
I think Virbot's going to want his parts back.
Is that...the Virmirnator?
( (
Commission for Foxgamer01, featuring TyVulpine. [:)
Hehe. I love it. ^.|.^
( (
He needed a disguise... [;)
Doodle for Tech!
- that's where all those capes come from...*backs away slowly*
( (
Commission for Nik Clarkson. [:)
( (
I thought scouters were cool before the internet. [;)
Virgeta-geta! Ge-ge-ge-ge-geta! Virgeta-geta! Ge-ge-ge-ge-geta! Whoooou! (
Sorry =p Even though Virmir will be TOTALLY clueless
( (
Seems pretty effective. [;)
Trade-half for Doxial!
Actually, with the way the jackalope is positioned, cutting the line would probably just make him smack into the tree.
( (
Okay, okay-- it's out of my system now. [;)
Nonsense, I'm sure you could easily go with twice as many legs Virmir! :D
Hmm, I didn't actually think you'd colour that one.
( (
Commission for FrostedLights. [:)
Ooh, shiny.
Ooh, shiny.
( (
Trade-half for Finalcord. [;)
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My favorite pic so far.
And at least it wasn't a headcrab.
This made me laugh more than I was comfortable with... Good work!
Awww... Virsaur looks so cute with his favorite chewDonnie!
Awww... Virsaur looks so cute with his favorite chewDonnie!
Second that!
( (
Blast it. [;)
Trade-half for Airking!
( (
Blast, this took forever. [;)
Biiiiiiig commmission for TyVulpine and Foxgamer01, starring: Traskfox, Davidwaite, Corbyn Prower, Mehlahphuse, Alephgon, Buckywhitetale13, Tails230, Blacktail, Midsnow, MrKTE, Renton Whitetail, Airking, Jonas, and Pokeglitch!
Yay! This looks neat. Love how you drew the light orbs I'm juggling. ^.=.^
( (
Her full name is actually Lucile Virmir (not to be confused with Lucile Urocyon from Crimson Flag), however because Virmir is so awesome he is referred to by his last name and I often get Lucile and Virmir drawn together, I figured putting this tidbit on the ref sheet itself would be extremely confusing. [;)
( (
Something's fishy... [;)
Don't worry Virmir, I won't dip you in tartar sauce. Cause I hate tarter sauce. I'll just take Virfish plain, thank you! =p
( (
There might be a business in these... [;)
Commission for Tyla!
Fancy lighting effects.
(,_i_lost_my_head.png) (,_i_lost_my_head)
Oh, never mind. Here it is. [;)
What does he plan to do with it?
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Trade-half for DanWolf15. [;)
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Commission for TheLupineOne for Trask. [:)
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it's funny...this made me think of how awesome CF would be as an rpg game...
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Commission for Tyla. [:)
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( (
Doodle for Creator-Unreal. [;)
No! Virbot! Don't do it! Without your space capacitator how will you store all those harmless kittens!
( (
( (
Pretty much all there is to it. [;)
I have no idea why, I don't even care for long hair tons, but Virumiru just would look so much cooler with a ponytail
I have no idea why, I don't even care for long hair tons, but Virumiru just would look so much cooler with a ponytail
That's probably because of Fizzie ];)
( (
Here's my team. [;)
( (
Commission for Dmitriy Fox (correct spelling). [;)
Name spellings reminding me of Lobachevsky(i)(ii). Had to write a paper on the guy, and every source I consulted spelled his name differently.
I do see a lot of different ways to spell the name. I like mine best though.
And always remember, safety first when hammering!
*Ignores the fact he's not wearing anything on his feet*
( (
Just a taur hammer doodle. [;)
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Novel cover design for Kris Schnee. [:)
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We have a problem. [;)
At least it's not of Gordian proportions...
( (
Commission for Dmitriy Fox. [;)
Oh that's awesome!
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Commission for Digitalpotato. [;)
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Commission for Cyrin, staring Klo and N8 [:)
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Commission for Desmond Fallout. [;)
Better be careful with that christmas tree mug. [;)
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Works on dragons too. [;)
Commission for KD!
Moooore buuuuugs
( (
Trade-half for BlueDragon62. [:)
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( (
Commission for Coco Eagle!
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Commission for Emerald Defender/Zeo with Trask!
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Trade-half for Caleb Lloyd!
He wanted me to re-draw a page he sketched out. I tweaked some of the dialogue a bit. This is just a one-shot. I won't be drawing any more pages unless we strike up another deal. [;) (I'm not even sure what's going on here, to be honest. He he he)
Most unceremonious non-zombie reanimation ever. Of all time.
( (
Notes to self:
1. Replace safety mechanism in cheap wands from Hong Kong.
2. Never touch cheap Hong Kong wands in the presence of mirrors.
( (
Commission for AvzinElkin, who wanted to see a more fuzzy VirBot. [;)
Now VirBot can infiltrate the flesh-creatures muuch more efficiently. Suuure he means it when he says he has absolutely no desire to subjugate the flesh-creatures whatsoever?
We may put up with you, Toast - but I don't think anyone else can get away with glowing suspiciously like that. |:P
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Sierra is one of my favorite Crimson Flag characters to draw, mainly because she's nice and simple and super adorable.
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Commission for Dmitriy Fox. [:)
People keep making me draw planes!!
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Commission for Nik Clarkson. [;)
He says it's just a hologram... I-I hope so!!
He's getting bolder.
( (
Hmmmm... could work. [;)
And now Vir-Magus =p
( (
Another commission for Dmitriy Fox!
He really likes planes. [;)
Planes are awesome.
Planes are awesome.
It's so true. Great picture.
( (
Anti-Valentines! Print out, cut out, give to people you wish to sever any relation with. [;)
Last year's batch:
Reeeally need to be a yearly tradition from now on ;)
Can probably count on the likes of Selden and Geary to come up with good ones =p
( (
Giiiiiant group commission spearheaded by Trask. 25 characters, ~30 hours of work. GAH!
( (
It is said that if one collects all seven Foxballs, the Great and Very Long Shin Foxdragohu'hil'heen'' shall appear in the sky and listen to one and only one wish of absolutely anything one's heart desires. After listening to the wish, the Great and Very Long Shin Foxdragohu'hil'heen'' shall then hand one a coupon to the nearest oriental take-out restaurant and tell one that depending on floating magic sky dragons to fulfill one's desires is, in fact, an incredibly lame and lazy thing to do, and one seriously needs to rethink one's life goals.
( (
Biiiig commission for Desmond Fallout. [;)
Was one of those very specific commissions, with all the frames and dialogue laid out for me. Was fun!
I have a sneaking suspicion Virmir will now be veeery careful with any drinks given to him to make sure there's no motor oil in them ]:P
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Icon commission for Andy Bigfeet for Jacoyotequest!
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Commission for K.D. [;)
I think we've achieved overkill, sir. |:P
Only if it has laser eyes and breathes both fire and ice.
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Another one for the closet. [;)
Commission for Nik Clarkson!
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Commission for Blackwolf. [;)
The (cheese)cake is a lie.
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Commission for Zeo/Emerald-D for Merm!
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How many different ways are there? TREES.
Commission for Blackwolf. [;)
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Icon commission for Akashifoxski!
as I said on FA, with all the times you've been plushied by Trask and friends, one would think you'd make a counter spell by now.
Because it breaks the cartoonish rule of Never Get in the Way of a Good Gag ];)
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Commission for Juubi!
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Everyone else was doing it!
( (
Not again!
*Ty hides the helium tank*
*happily snuggles the belly*
Very cute! The expression on the last panel makes it even better.
( (
Commission for Blackwolf!
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Commission for Mathgrant!
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When turned into a monstrosity... at least try to make the most of it!
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I'm probably going to taur all my characters eventually. [;)
I'm probably going to taur all my characters eventually. [;)
Voltar Taur! All the better to run you down and get in your face to sell you hats.
Sierra is a very cute taur.
I love how she's sort of hugging one of her taur forepaws in the third panel.
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This is pretty much what I think of whenever I see winged ponies.
Shifting Sands is Medik's pony. [;)
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Commission for ZiggyFox. [;)
The killer vacuum definitely needs to become a serial exploder.
The killer vacuum definitely needs to become a serial exploder.
Just install the Pick of Destiny into it... {;)
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Aww. Does he bite?
( (
Trade-half for Finalcord!
Nice pic. FinalSpider is cute ^^
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Commission for Jonas for Wrathofautumn!
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Trade-half for Ash Foxer. [;)
Ash wanted something un-Virmirish for his half of the trade, and I warned him that heavy adjustments would have to be made for it to comply with Virmirish standards, but he insisted that we see a movie. Soooooo... [;)
This may be the best depiction of you ever, Virmir ]:P
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Trade-half for Airking. [;)
once again your plane art amzes me (even if its just part plane ]:P )
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... Ouch. [;)
Commission for Foxgamer01, featuring Mathgrant!
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Those blasted enchanted fossils!
I still like the 5th pose the best; veeery TFy and TAILGROWTH
( (
Blasted vague labels!
fly Virmir fly! :D
Well it worked vir! :P
You can fly with the eagles but weasels never get sucked into a jet engine.
You can fly with the eagles but weasels never get sucked into a jet engine.
Yeah, they always find some way to weasel out of it.
Sorry, but it's the traditional pun for this kind of thing. I just had to.
( (
Commission for Aira Fox!
Coincidentally only one out of the last three pics involving me with wings was my idea. [;)
It came out awesome, Virmir! Thanks! [:)
( (
Entertaining the idea of Virumiru being somewhat toned under the robe, being a more physical fighter and all.
There's a comic about him in my head I need to get out sooner or later. [;)
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Trade-half for Keldorfeign!
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Commission for Kenku. [;)
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Pontos and I had a mixup... Gah!
( (
Sometimes I sip a transgender potion and then put on a robe and hat and then grab a sword and pose in front of the mirror.
dont we all :P
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Down, Down-Left, Left, Ferret
Commission for ChaseReynard. [;)
The local Association for More Ferrets approves of this content.
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Trade-half for Pineapples!
Trading vacation TF disaster themes. [;)
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Don't you hate it when that happens? [;)
( (
Some Chinese bootleggers made a counterfeit Virmir-toy who became sapient and called himself Trask and then proceeded to spread gushy bubbling happy-friendship everywhere and we can't have that! Need to protect the image. [;)
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Oooooooh... noooow I get it.
( (
Virumiru was able to slay the dread roolord, but unfortunately fell victim to dark magics in the process...
This image is Selden's fault. [;)
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One of ours is broken... [;)
Commission for Vaculity!
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I told Donnie original brick Gameboys had mystical powers!
Speed art video of the above!
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Commission for Nik. [;)
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Pokie mans tf is shiny and cute!
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Commission for K.D.!
I will totally turn Pony characters into weird things for money any time. [;)
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Trade-half for LurkingWolf!
If I haven't made it abundantly clear already, I am really very happy with how this came out! Thanks for drawing it up so quickly!
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One-page comic commission for LurkingWolf and Trask!
Toys doing terrifying things to each other. [;)
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Commission for Coredeath, featuring Toast. [;)
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Trade-half (sort of) for Medik!
Scene from a story he is working on. :)
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Trade-half for Vulpinekeyblader!
The crazy-glowy pic of the week. [;)
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Trade-half for Finalcord. [;)
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Commission for K.D. [;)
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Trade-half for Tomek1000. [;)
^^ Mrrrr
Yay a proper Lucilegon pic! ]:P
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Commission for ChaseReynard. [;)
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Commission for Zeo Fawx!
Had fun in the chat during the stream. Nice to meet so many new people.
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Some believe the Vir-Mech-Taur-itron 9000 was destroyed during the Great Pomharpii Invaision, however this is entirely false. In actuality, the Vir-Mech-Taur-itron 9000 played an instrumental role in beating the invading force back and, despite protests of strictly-Pomharpi historians, the eventual retreat of the war-mongering race from the planet and banishment to the Dark Space of Doom where they were eaten by the star-spanning metal colossus serpent, Godmodingsucksitron. The false version of the story where the Vir-Mech-Taur-itron 9000 loses was dreamt up by the few Pomharpii survivors, who, having fallen into a deep depression, took up the tragic habit of hallucinogenic substance abuse which caused them to believe they had ascended to godhood.
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( (
( (
Maaaaaybe two taurs crossing a rope bridge at the same time is a bad idea...
Sorry, Ty's toe stepped on one end of the bridge!
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Commission for Aira_Fox! Follow up to this:
His mental reconditioning is coming along well. [;)
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Donnie and I drew each other's characters insulting each other. [;)
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Logo for the next upcoming side-comic, since I finished Epic Battle and want to do more comics than just Crimson Flag. This one will be simple inks like most of my commission comics and split into stand-alone short story chapters. The first one will be about Virumiru's origins, because people will not stop asking about who he is and where he came from. [;)
Coool Beans!
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Doodle for I.S_FoxMkloud. [;)
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Commission for FrostedLights!
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Luckily I have TF insurance.
Commission for Zeo Fawx!
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Watch the spikes :P they hurt.
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Commission for Avzin, who wanted Virmir and VirBot to swap places. [;)
( (
GAAAAAAAAAAAAH~!!!!! (Commission for Toast)
Don't worry Virmir, I'll take good care of you! Or maybe Medik can, I'm sure he'd have a blast driving you.
Fluffy spoiler. {:P
( (
*Irritated bird noises*
Pontos - Fellow victim
Donnie - Red-eyed pom-head imp
*kwehs unamusedly*
( (
I've been Chased!
Commission for ChaseReynard. [;)
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Commission for Foxgamer01!
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Hate it when that happens.
( (
GAH, pointy things!
Trade-half for Sebastos. [;)
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I decided to invade Donnie's space-sune universe. [;)
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Actually, this isn't even her final form.
Those arms just confuse me. For a little while I thought that Lucile had 7 arms. Whatever; this is STILL an awesome pic!
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Commission for K.D.!
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Commission for Mathgrant for 2dogsandaDJ!
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Ooooh, so that's what that thing does.
Commission for Nik_Clarkson. [;)
(I never actually had a Gameboy Color. [;))
I've had ever GB and DS version except Micro and 3DS...
( (
Sleeves are expensive!
Commission for Arthais. [:)
( (
"We vwill now offer you six months FREE membership to da Buff Genie Gym, yah?"
Doodle for Medik, featuring Zavier. [;)
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They do this every four years, just like the Olympics. Pick a city and then wreck it.
Commission for Foxgamer01. [;)
Ty gets winner! :3
( (
Commission for DarkwingDork!
( (
We just need Water and Air now. [;)
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We just need Water and Air now. [;)
Gotcha covered on the airspace Vir :P
Dangit Virmir you make me want to throw more money at you so I can see how I'd look with that dimly shiny scale effect.
Dangit Virmir you make me want to throw more money at you so I can see how I'd look with that dimly shiny scale effect.
*looks at empty wallet and sighs* lucky you... :P
( (
Commission for Jonas!
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Commission for LurkingWolf!
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Commission for Seph!
Yaay more human faces. Practice for human --> fuzzy TF ;p
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Featherfall -- Perpetrator
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Featherfall -- Perpetrator
Need some lights on those antlers, and red swirls around the taur body :3
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Haven't drawn with real media in a while. [;)
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Surprise! You're a dragon!
Doodle for Nolhyaa. [;)
Best Christmas surprise ever
Hooray, more TF!
( (
"That's a-- GAH!"
Commission for Chase Reynard. [;)
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Commission for KD. [;)
Yay for Awesomenauts!
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Commission for Trask!
Love it! ^^
( (
Commission for Trask!
Hehe, Trask should be a dragon more often. [:)
Hehe, Trask should be a dragon more often. [:)
He really should stop dragon his paws about it :P
Is he bigger this way? Is there more Trask to hug? =D
( (
Sebastos -- Helium Gremlin
What's wrong Virmir? You look so distressed at being adorable =p
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Just remember, crotch shots are fair game in war.
Pants shmants
( (
Commission for Foxgamer01!
"We come in peace
Shoot to kill, shoot to kill"
... and you leave in pieces.
( (
Commission for KD. [;)
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The Bird Bot Ray works!
Commission for Digitalpotato. [;)
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Commission for Chase Reynard!
Just don't make Ctrl and Del boxes, please. |:P
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A reclusive, unpersonable mare. Arrived in a mysterious flash of light. Possibly psychotic: often mutters incoherently about "escape" and "thumbs." Seen applying gray paint to flanks. Refuses to address others by their proper names. Time equally divided between attempting to destroy music and complex magical experiments involving interdimentional portals. Employs a rogue changeling as a bodyguard/assistant.
Magical spells:
Fire ball
Fire blast
Fire beam
Flaming impalement horn
Singing at
Magical friendship
Normal friendship
So all we have to do is sing and kill you with friendship =p
What Virmir says to friendship.
( (
Yep, it's a commission for Toast. [;)
See, that's how you do vore ;)
Artificial apple and bone flavor sounds pretty awful.
( (
Commission for LurkingWolf!
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"But I don't have any quarters! Go away!"
Commission for Syos. [;)
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With space delivery.
Doodle for Caleb. [;)
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( (
Fine! Fine! I'll take a pamphlet! I'LL TAKE A PAMPHLET!!
Commission for Syos. [;)
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Commission for Dmitriy, who wants me DEAD.
Hey virmir, I found you a job!
They need a new puching bag for the smash bros. series!
( (
Doodle for Tomek1000. [;)
Yup, Lucile fixed that up good!
Now we need a grumpy Lucile wearing a pretty dress. ;)
( (
( (
Commission for Nik Clarkson!
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Commission for Chase Reynard!
On the one hand... Awwww plantigrade legs. On the other... YAY FLUFFY TAIL!
On the one hand... Awwww plantigrade legs. On the other... YAY FLUFFY TAIL!
I don't think I've ever seen an anthro skunk drawn with digitigrade legs. I'm sure they are out there, but I can't think of a single one.
I usually try to match up plantigrade/digitigrade with how the species is. I agree that fuzzies look better digitigrade, but skunks are plantigrade, he he he.
Think I meant digitigrade. I wrote that post at 1 in the morning local time. *goes back and edits*
( (
Commission for Chazori. [;)
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Commission for Zeo and Trask!
I'm sorry, Zeo, but that angry pose in the last panel is just adorable. {:P
( (
Commission for Chase_Reynard!
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Anti-Valentines! Print out, cut out, give to people you wish to sever any relation with.
2013 Batch
2012 Batch
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Meanwhile, at the gates of fox-art-heck.
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Commission for Foxgamer01, featuring Trask!
Pretty much the only way Trask could become more terrifying is take up dentistry.
(,_page_23.png) (,_page_23)
Page 2 of 3! Commission for Foxgamer01, featuring Trask.
(,_page_33.png) (,_page_33)
Last page! Commission for Foxgamer01, featuring Trask!
XD love it. Kinda made him a "Kaiju"
XD love it. Kinda made him a "Kaiju"
Nah, just jealous of Ty's height :P
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I am now equipped and ready to take on the trendy modern era.
Your shoes are not fancy enough.
( (
Hate it when that happens.
Sebastos -- Will need significant amounts of glue.
Eeeep! >//w//<
I'm totally heading back there anytime I can X3
Hate it when that happens.
You know Virmir, that's like your new catchphrase by now.
( (
Commission for Vaculity!
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Careful, you're in a Virmir drawing.
Commission for Desmond Fallout!
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Commission for Kirydos!
( (
Happens sometimes.
( (
Looks like a tie.
I can't help but wonder what kind of fruit tree-virmir produces
I can't help but wonder what kind of fruit tree-virmir produces
Nuts to you, Toast! |:P
( (
Blasted card catalog.
( (
Hmmm? Why yes, yes you are interrupting.
( (
Gonna have some problems in the hallway...
It's so loooong and huuuuge though! Best tail you could ask for!
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Just testing out the obligatory snake powers on Aira Fox and Medik Jackal.
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Taur-argument with FrostedLights.
A taurgument, you say?
( (
Does magic and has a cool name.
Commission for Chase Reynard!
( (
Commission for Foxgamer01. [;)
Oh come on. The salad obviously wasn't fancy enough!
Oh come on. The salad obviously wasn't fancy enough!
I know it's hard to tell with the transformation and all, but that isn't Kai. |:P
( (
Crazy huge group commission, spearheaded by Trask!
Also featuring:
Chase Reynard
Dmitriy Fox
Generic_Meatbag #14
( (
She's only about 40% cursed.
Commission for FrostedLights!
I wonder what 40% of her is cursed.
( (
Commission for Simon!
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Commission for Trask, featuring Selden!
Otter-gon, what's this lizard thing? {:P
( (
I was thinking about putting in a garden this year.
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This is the last time I let a giant yellow dragon in.
Commission for Mehlahphuse!
First off, GOLD!
Second, time for you to go outside and play. You need some sun and some time away from all that work nonsense. x3
( (
Commission for Foxgamer01, featuring Mathgrant!
( (
I thought I should return Vulpinekeyblader's stick.
That Tail
( (
Hip-wings are cool.
Dangit you really make me think what Hotcakes would look like in Valkyrie armor
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Can never had enough Virmir faces.
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Commission for Benjamin Mahir, featuring Medik!
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Commission for Benjamin Mahir, featuring Medik!
This idea has been in my head for a few months now... literally, the RP it was based off of happened on October of last year. Without going into excruciating detail of a private RP, Ryan made it his personal mission to take Medik to the gym and keep him from getting demoralized as he slowly worked his way to building some real muscle. While it's obvious that Medik will always default to an enternal child as a character, I wanted to show what would happen if time progression was allowed to happen and what the results of all that tutelage would be.
Additionally, I wanted to Virmir to have a reference of Ryan in the bossfox's own style. The Iron Cross makes a pretty good reference pose, so the two birds with one stone nature of this commission made it a winner for the fist ever commission I've paid Virmir for. Besides, if Virmir draws a few hundred more Mediks he might receive the same discount as adding a Virmir to a picture.
But yeah, once again Virmir this picture was done really well. You have a growing talent in drawing toon muscle without resorting to the typical toon overbuffness. While it might not be soon, I think there will be more pieces with Ryan in them requested/commissioned in the future.
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A logical way to solve a problem.
Commission for Aira Fox, featuring Medik!
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Commission for Zendrick!
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As someone who recently started eating the occasional fish dinner, I can testify the realness of this danger.
Commission for Dmitriy!
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Insecticides, flyswatters, newspapers... my fellow buggies, we shall stand this intolerance no longer!
*attacks the gathered swarm with her fire breath* Damn bugs! Get out of my garden! >.=.<
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Commission for Trask and Tails230!
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Commission for Foxgamer01!
He's having some power level issues.
( (
Doodle for Nolhyaa!
We are not scientists.
( (
Commission for Toast, featuring Anubis-Medik!
( (
Commission for Aleph, featuring Foxgamer01. [;)
( (
Not the switcher wands!
Doodle for Shiiriru. [;)
( (
Hate it when that happens.
Commission for AruGard!
( (
Str +2000%
Def +1000%
Dex -50%
Mag -50%
Transformation time: 60-90 seconds (do not use amongst fragile items!)
Effect duration: 30-40 minutes
Side effects: Virmir-Co is not responsible for any incorrectly redistributed mass post-TF.
Are you sure it also doesn't restore 50 HP? {;)
( (
One of them started singing at me, so this is okay.
Shifting Sands (who is definitely not a changeling)
Frosted Lights
Waning Brilliance - Draykin
Tangent - Snow
Tech the Pony
Misty Twilight - BlueDragon62
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Commission for Zhed!
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Commission for Phlosioneer!
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Sketched this a few months ago, but just colored it now.
This one is Donnie's fault. [;)
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I am the most dashing Pokemon.
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Commission for Mathgrant!
(I have no idea either.)
(,_take_2.png) (,_take_2)
I know I'm always breathtakingly dashing... but something feels different this time.
Commission for K.D. [;)
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A-Fox deserved it. [;)
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Experimental Pizza Bot, using Caleb Lloyd protocol.
So that's how you manages to squish A-Fox {:)
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Includes Space Gun and Space Armor.
Doodle for Digital Vulpine!
Now we just need to subject him to various Terminator parodies.
cool..... ]:O
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Commission for 2dogsandaDJ, featuring Medik Jackal!
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Commission for Reski!
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Commission for Selden, in which I helped!
Hurzah for fluffy fox tails!
At least, if he sees it in a positive way, he's not otterible person anymore :P
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Commission for Foxgamer01! Starring Kenku, the Big Gray Fox.
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Doodle for Tomek1000. [;)
Forgot to tell Virbot to post this one.
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How I coped a few weeks ago, with tendonitis in both arms.
Slowly getting better, but won't be at full speed for a while still. Got CF buffer caught up, so can at least start poking at non-CF drawings now.
That's some nice patterning.
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Happens to the best of us.
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So... I've got to collect hundreds of coins or something? To trees with that. *kills everything until it wears off*
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Shiro-style behemoth-ed, due to OVERWHELMING DEMAND.
...that's nice...
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Yaaaay! :D
Think you're gonna color mine at some point? :P
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Commission for Chase Reynard!
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I don't think we're grape-flavored.
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Commission for Avzin, who wanted to see a taller Lucile while conserving mass. Seems reasonable!
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Accidentally got my front half stuck in a vat of bird transformation potion that was also flammable.
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One of these ideas is more dangerous than the other.
Commission for Foxgamer01, featuring Draykin!
i'm scared about the air pump ideas...
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Commission for Frost Endwood.
He looks better!
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A collaborative commission with Marquis2007 for Mathgrant, who hired us both to draw him and approach this task in a totally fair manner.
At least you got a cut of the grant money.
At least you got a cut of the grant money.
That....that pun actually hurt.
I approve.
At least you got a cut of the grant money.
That....that pun actually hurt.
I approve.
Why, thank you!
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Concept for a potential future Virmir-World villain, some number of stories down the line.
Doesn't look like the Mara we remember...
Doesn't look like the Mara we remember...
Obviously she became a shape shifting witch. And upgraded her tail in the process!
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Done entirely with the left hand.
Been using it more and more over the past few months, especially with CF comics. I figure one of either the right healing or me becoming left-handed will happen eventually.
Signed it backwards because the left hand is the bizzaro hand.
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Welcoming Loofy the Fox to the world of spontaneous taurism. Happens sometimes, kiddo. Happens.
Another left-handed doodle! Just gonna start clearing out my backlog of doodle ideas from the past... three months with my left hand now.
Heeh, he looks rather cute in your style ^^
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Kouryuu has flown into restricted air space. You must be at least 50% giant bird monster to fly here.
Incidentally, anyone can cast this spell by flying around a target and shouting "Griffon, gryphon, griffin!" You just need to spell it right.
Blast guys are making me feel 'squawkward'...!
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Wanna see my new speeeeeeell??
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Some Virmirgon poses!
Needs a bigger & longer tail.
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I drew a reference specifically for my hair.
Hm. I've never noticed that third strand before.
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Virmir Co. field tests have resulted in the recommendation that warp tiles should only be used by more than one persons of similar mass.
SuchacutechubbyVirmir *dies*
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Featuring Aira Fox's Auroz and Vulpinekeyblader.
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Starring DumbFox.
RIP DumbFox.
« Previous | Next »
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venison virnison
You forgot the glowing red nose, Kendo. {;)
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Blasted stand.
If your ears get much bigger you'll be able to use them as sails.
Which actually would make for an amusing pic.
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Finished up the earlier sketch in a series of short sessions. Both hands taking turns again. It seems that when drawing right-handed if I hold the pen between my thumb and pointer finger I can avoid using the supremely irritated middle finger and thus draw a little longer.
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Drew Virmir with the left hand and Lucile with the right!
Considering making Lucile left-handed to symbolize my newfound ambidextrous-ality.
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Blast it... I thought this was skim.
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Why hello there, my adoring internet public.
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This was tied with cockroach, so I don't think I made out tooooo badly.
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Some evolutions of your Virvee are recommended over others.
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Pegasuses are fun to draw.
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The most terrifying of the ancient mythological centaur races were the Pinkietaurs.
I've heard that they threw great parties, though.
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Hey now, just a moment here!
Hehe. Looks like you're being blessed by Mars XP
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The mandatory every-three-years reference! I kind of wanted to draw this with the right hand, but ended up doing it mostly left-handed due to current drawing restrictions (and thus am not entirely satisfied with some things like the first pose face, but it gets the idea across).
Designated hair reference:
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My mega digi-evolution.
Reminds me more of the T-1000 XP
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Hmmmm... may have misplaced a decimal.
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Geo's magic hoop thing has a design flaw.
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Hopping mad.
Whoo that was reply 1000! First time on this forum.
Which means this is also the first reply #1002. ;)
Poor Lucy bunny...but, hey, she's cute when angry!
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If ponies can do it, so can I.
My sore-neck-avoiding, mouth-drawing setup:
Is... is the tablet pen tasty?
I have to ask, because the brother-unit's baby has a habit of sticking everything and anything in his mouth, so I assume there's some secret he and you aren't telling us. Om nom nom.
Tastes like plastic.
: O
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Urf... turning into a pokemon messes up your metabolism.
Another doodle using only the mouth! I feel kind of silly for not trying this out a year ago. Also some experiments in highlighting.
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Okay, okay, don't panic. That time era transference egg must have landed around here somewhere...
(Yes, another mouth doodle! Getting the hang of these. [;))
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Since this is the first thing people assume when I tell them I draw with my mouth.
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Since this is the first thing people assume when I tell them I draw with my mouth.
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They are a key item.
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Happens to the best of us.
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Alex, its rude to quadrupedize people while they are attempting to flee.
Guest starring Scothandnitro!
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Alterflane, I do believe you've contacted a case of moderate to severe taurism.
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I made some improvements to FrostedLights.
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After the round flareon picture, I casually mentioned I should draw all the evirlutions round and this was met with thunderous approval.
I can only imagine the round Glaceon or Sylveon
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Arin is so thoughtful with his gifts, I figured I should return the favor.
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Doing some example doodles for updates to the commissions page.
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Donnie and BlueDragon62 collaborated to make this dragon and I had to make my own!
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Obligatory round Virmir-eon drawn with mouth whenever I finish CF comic early on Thursdays.
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Just your typical Toast and Trask commission.
A good one to open back up on.
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Commission for Foxgamer!
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Commission for Chase!
As per standard toon regulations, all workers must experience one significant OSHA safety violation per week.
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Commission for Arroavantho!
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Commission for Nik!
Why can't I feel anything below my-- oh.
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Flat color commission for Kenku, featuring Cleo!
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Don't get on the magical dragon girl mafia's bad side.
Commission for Tyla!
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Commission for TyVulpine!
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Commission for KD!
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Flat color commission for EisenGsolf!
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Face icon commission for EisenGsolf!
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Hmmmmm, were those there last night?
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Commission for PheagleAdler!
This game looks really boring, so I'm fixing it.
Fixing games is against league policy. I doubt you'll be coach for long at this rate.
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Commission for Arroavantho!
You can get these on eBay.
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Commission for Terrev!
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Reasonable approximation.
Commission for Trask, featuring Toast!
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Anti-Valentines! Print out, cut out, give to people you wish to sever any relation with.
2015 Emergency Disability Rescue Batch (Technically canon, since I wrote them.)
2014 Batch
2013 Batch
2012 Batch
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So, I was helping this guy with his teleporter experiment...
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Commission for Foxgamer01!
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Seriously, he will make you redo them.
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Commission for Alynna!
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Group commission for Toast! Staring Medik, Foxgamer's Glorfindel, Mehl, Foxy Mary, Tyla, Woxie, and Zarla.
Remember, don't forget your immunizations this year.
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Commission for BlueDragon62!
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Commission for LoneWolfPro9!
At least they are not that pointy.
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Face icon commissions for Arro!
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Commission for FrostedLights!
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Commission for Bingleborf!
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Face icon commission for Alynna!
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Commission for Alynna!
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Part two of six! Next part will probably come in May.
« Previous
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Commission for Toast, featuring Beobachten!
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Commission for Foxgamer01!
He didn't like my Light of Judgment and started sounding like pages from a self help booklet, so had to do something about that.
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Commission for EmperorDJ!
Prince Medik and royal mechanic Donnie help prepare the emperor for his royal address.
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Accidentally burned my cape off.
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Commission for Mehlahphuse!
Apparently it is Toast's objective to get everyone he knows to buy one of these from me.
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Commission for Chris Rat!
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Flat color commission for Alynna!
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Makes walking normaly difficult.
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Guest starring Trubbol's magic bunny, because he deserves what happens next.
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Flat color commission for Alynna!
Good trees, the colors.
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Flat color commission for Eisen!
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Flat color commission for Silvergriffin21!
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Commission for Trebor!
For a nominal fee, I perform mysterious magical item analysis. Particularly helpful in cases where the instructions are written in Engrish.
In the end, I always find out what they do.
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Not a Pokemon.
Commission for Arroavantho!
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They don't work very well.
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SPACESUNE requirements:
- Must have space accessories.
- Combined mass of tails must be greater than or equal to body mass, including accessories.
Inspired by Donnie's SPACESUNEs.
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Blowing up planets with their blasted Doom Egg.
Radioactive Toast
Medik Jackal
Bah, you're a Gray Jedi. Why do you care if a few random planets get blown up?
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When you see pink, you know you're in trouble.
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Reading is hard.
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Helping Jau out with some height problems.
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24 frames, 16 FPS.
Hate it when this happens.
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So you want me drawn more, ehhhhhhh?
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Experimenting with shading a bit.
Yeeees Virmare is adorbs and needs to be drawn all the times
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My monthly horrible contribution.
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Hate it when this happens.
« Previous
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Day 3
The search for an escape from Griffinworld continues. Any attempt in asking the natives results in blasting with horrifying screeching sounds. Getting pretty hungry. Uncertain about the local cuisine.
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Summer art exchange thing for Verace!
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Trade with Cervelet!
This sort of thing happens.
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Those feral balloon animals.
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And then some short dude with green clothes and a magic sword beats you to death.
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Commission for Foxgamer01!
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Commission for Zavier, featuring Medik!
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Commission for Talcott, featuring Selden!
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Commission for RicochetWolf!
Those acute triangles are dangerous.
Yes, they can make you acute pooltoy.
Yes, they can make you acute pooltoy.
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Commission for Chase!
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Commission for Nik!
Jakkai are from Slightly Darned.
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Commission for TheRedKnight100!
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Commission for Baypup!
More effective on some than others.
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Commission for Foxgamer01, master of the letter A.
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Including exploding pizza-discs and general apathetic demeanor.
Commission for Caleb Lloyd!
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Karasu was not expecting hearts when he picked up the staff in self defense.
Commission for Gatonom!
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Flat color commission for GreenDragon!
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Commission for Arroavantho!
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Commission for Talcott, starring Clue!
Poor Clue...
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Commission for Toast!
He has annual shark problems.
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Commission for Chris Rat!
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Commission for Nik!
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Kind of want to draw some more stages of this as a vehicle transformations are strange and fascinating.
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Kind of want to draw some more stages of this as a vehicle transformations are strange and fascinating.
And because recycling is important.
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What do you mean? I feel perfectly norm-- ohhhhhh, blast it.
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Doodle for Ryusuta!
I wanted in on her kolbold thing but it turned out we wanted to commission each other, so an art swap made more sense, ha ha
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Or more successful than usual summoning spell, depending on how you look at it.
Yup. Take one cute character, add another cute character, get an even cuter character.
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Drawing these in random order... Will probably add a bit of exposition in the first frame to explain why Virmir would ever agree to this, he he he
%70-ish transformed
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Drawing these in random order... Will probably add a bit of exposition in the first frame to explain why Virmir would ever agree to this, he he he
%70-ish transformed
"It's this, or hydraulic fluid for both of us. Do you want to be stuck here forever working instead of drawing?"
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Commission for Grannysoups!
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Flat color commission for TrailCutter, featuring Lirleni.
All better now!
Still hereafter known as Morgue Dude.
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Commission for FrostedLights!
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Commission for Mephis!
Hate it when this happens.
(,_dark,_darker.png) (,_dark,_darker)
Commission for Aurorasuicune!
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Just your standard Radioactive Toast commission.
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Hate it when this happens.
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This one is FrostedLight's fault.
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Meanwhile, in the jungle, in 1965.
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Hey now, just a moment here--
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Day 3493: Get Vulpinekeyblader and Scotch Back Day
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One of the more awkward parts of turning into a bug.
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Playing around with this new style.
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Black and white doodle for FrostedLights!
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I was going to make a joke about drawing ponies in the black and white style, but then I tried coloring them when I was done and this happened.
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Doodle for Radioactive Toast!
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This forest guardian thing is not going to work out.
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Flat color reference. I suddenly realized that when making references, it's probably best not to shade them.
New references are easy when you don't change your characters!
Designated Hair Reference applies when she is not wearing the hat.
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I don't know, someone probably made a fat joke or something.
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At least it's tasty.
(,_there_will_be_a_cost.png) (,_there_will_be_a_cost)
The Great and Very Long Shin Foxdragohu'hil'heen'' (Eastern Virmirgon) accepts a commission.
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Some stream doodles! The theme was ponies or ferals. Everyone picked dragon. Or robot.
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Two more!
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Fortunately, with enough gold you can ebay the cure for most curses.
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Unfortunately, they are difficult to tell apart.
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DeanFox contemplates life under the sea.
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Kenku spots his prey.
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Comments about me being draconic.
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Asked the CF chat what sort of abusive picture I should draw and they wanted Lucile fat and a dragon.
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I've been playing Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Red on the GBA since I can sort of press buttons with one hand now and that's a good candidate, and of course fudged the questions at the beginning so I could turn into an eevee with the side effect of being female.
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Did not expect that magic power regeneration spell to work like that.
Side effects. I get it. |:P *pats the expansive sides*
... I swear that was unintentional!
... I swear that was unintentional!
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At least they work.
« Previous
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Now people are going to go calling you evil again, you realize.
It's more important to be funny than right.
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Bits of a collaboration with Tomek1000, who will be drawing part 2.
Nothing bad can happen here.
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Mind-control is hard.
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One of those days.
At least otters are still cute when wet. Not like foxes. |;)
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Cursed to roam the earth until he draws all his ideas (i.e. forever).
More of a poltergeist animating his old skeleton. Possibly could possess other things.
Jumping on his head causes him to fall apart.
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Hate it when this happens.
(,_with_virmir.png) (,_with_virmir)
Anyone see one of those Virmir heads lying around?
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Just Flammie.
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Heeeere we go again.
Commission for Nik!
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First time is always the biggest rush. [;)
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Flat color commission for Chris-Draws!
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Commission for Beobachten!
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Commission for ToyCritter and Arro!
Now you've done it. You've gone and activated the thousand year incorrect badge curse.
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Need to prepare for winter.
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Commission for CurusKeel!
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Innocent Dragonite assaulted by corrupted Ninetales.
Commission for Foxgamer01, featuring Sebastos/Bliss!
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Commission for Foxgamer01 and Talcott!
Suspects have fled the scene and are still at large.
Suspects have fled huh, they could be anywhere.
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Commission for Desmond!
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Second commission for Desmond!
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Hopefully she has a free a slot.
Final commission for Desmond!
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Commission for Nik, the delicious ripe tomato.
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This trustworthy-looking Shifting Sands fellow said he wanted to show me something.
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Reference for Darrath!
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One of the more awkward parts of turning into a bug.
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Sneaking one of these in during my commissions break weekend.
Admittedly, when I saw the sketch, I had thought you were doing a GIANT PAWS thing.
This is cooler.
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I would like to return this bottle.
Question being if someone hid the bottle in sand and Virmir pounced the wrong spot... or if he was trying to suck his lips into the bottle and went too far.
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Wanted to try my own interpretation of Faegon Virmir by Scout.
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Commission for Talcott and Arro!
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Commission for Lt. Fennec!
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Face commissions for Lt. Fennec!
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Commission for Foxflego!
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Commission for Chase!
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Commission for Keys!
Hate it when this happens.
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Flat color commission for Huffzie!
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Flat color commission for Mathgrant!
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Commission for Rune!
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Commission for Caleb Lloyd!
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Hate it when this happens.
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Commission for Koroyoto!
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Face commission for Koroyoto!
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Commission for Playfingers!
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Commission for Talcott, including Darrath and Selden!
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Flat color commission for Arro!
Possibly a magma leopard.
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One of the more common magical afflictions most wizards encounter. Analog to the common cold. Symptoms include innards and skeleton evaporating, skin transforming to a stretchy glossy substance known as polyvinylrubberpvcstretchuthene, and growth of handles and air nozzles. Afflicted tend to experience air canister or, in more extreme cases, helium cravings. Symptoms tend to last a few days to a few months depending on natural curse resistance and individual curse removal skills.
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Doing what she does best.
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Scotch thinks fattening Santa hats are funny.
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Maxsilverfox is having one of those days.
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Haven't had the need to draw with my mouth for over four months now, so was going to disassemble the designated mouth drawing station for the sake of tidiness. Figured I would get one last mouth drawing in! I'll probably still do this occasionally because it freaks people out and that amuses me.
Designated mouth drawing setup:
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I never actually played Bubble Bobble.
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Chase the Skunk needs it.
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Shifting Sands needs it.
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Caleb Lloyd needs it.
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I am informed the last several drawings have not been weird enough.
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Commission for Jau!
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Commission for Eisen!
Sometimes the fusion blender works better than others.
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Flat color commission for Huffzie!
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Commission for LordHayati!
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Commission for Plazma!
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Flat color commission for Toast!
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Commission for Nik!
I have no idea what's going on here. Something about a cake.
Now we need someone turned into a tesseract (or however you spell it)
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Commission for FrostedLights!
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Commission for FireLapisJade!
I enlisted the help of a local to find some MP restoring fruit, but unfortunately the tree had a Can't Eat Just One curse on it.
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Commission for Zincxiron!
Nothing bad can come of this.
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Commission for PsychoFloatzel!
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Also, one is fat.
The ottertaurs look so weeeeird
The ottertaurs look so weeeeird
You're just jealous.
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Volunteer: Aira Fox
Nobody tell him the wand made the monster giant.
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Nothing official yet-- figured I would send some pages to a printer to see how they look before deciding if I wanted to make an actual print book and wanted to draw up a cover, so naturally drew the most complex thing imaginable.
I wanted to make an actual print book and wanted to draw up a cover, so naturally drew the most complex thing imaginable.
Sounds about right.
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Talcott learns a new move.
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I only intended to do the first image but then Scotch made a comment.
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Kouryuu enjoys his local cuisine.
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Anti-Valentines! Print out, cut out, give to people you wish to sever any relation with.
2016 Batch
2014 Batch
2013 Batch
2012 Batch
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Reference I drew for recent fusion comics a while back that I can post now since it's no longer a spoiler.
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Hate it when that happens.
« Previous
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Worse than taking your medicine.
You make a very good motorcycle Virmir. I should try using you in a race sometime.
I think, were you to use him in a race, he would simply refuse to run on race gas, sputter in complaint, and then his forks would snap off from overuse.
(,_round_3.png) (,_round_3)
Scotch and Max will make the perfect guardian for my moat as the two-headed snake-beast X'hin'nagrendu''.
Round 1:
Round 2:
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Chase's green dragon thing. Needed to combat all those blue dragons.
I bet such a leafy being looks really tasty to you Virmir
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Day 27: Still unable to find escape from pony world. Local literature only appears to deal with coping.
Yay! More Virmare! If you need some additional reading material, I'm sure Misty Twilight could scrounge around and find you some more interesting books.
Also, out of curiosity, is "Your Horn and You" by Arin? Seems like something he'd write...
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Day 27: Still unable to find escape from pony world. Local literature only appears to deal with coping.
Here's the plan:
Kidnap some of the ponies. Lock them up in separate cages, where they can hear but not see each other. This step is important.
After several hours and maybe a little persuasion to call for help, they'll start using that friendship magic stuff to try to help each other. Not themselves, they aren't in direct trouble - they can just hear someone crying over that way somewhere. They don't have line of sight, so it'll be vaguely directionless.
Tap into all that magic getting cast about to create a portal. It's all trying to help someone escape, so you'll be using it for its intended purpose... should make things easier. Once you've left pony land, you'll hopefully be able to get back to normal. There might even be enough magic left over to help your captives, maybe.
Virmare is best mare
Yay! More Virmare! If you need some additional reading material, I'm sure Misty Twilight could scrounge around and find you some more interesting books.
Also, out of curiosity, is "Your Horn and You" by Arin? Seems like something he'd write...
It is not, however there is a possibility I've been drawn too often by him.
Here's the plan:
Kidnap some of the ponies. Lock them up in separate cages, where they can hear but not see each other. This step is important.
Diabolical otter plan.
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This one is Arin's fault:
Poor cars what did they ever do to you besides terrify you and threaten to kill you
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The next 20 or so years are going to be awkward.
*picks up the cute widdle baby Virmir*
I will hug you and love you and call you George
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Misty graciously volunteered to help.
Misty, the bluest pony, belongs to BlueDragon62.
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Did some random transformations with Tomek1000: sketched/inked the results, then swapped and finished eachother's.
I have a chronic marine creature curse.
I have a chronic marine creature curse.
It means you need to be an otter more often. A fine mix of aquatic and land dwelling. |:P
(,_round_6.png) (,_round_6)
Scotch and Max will make perfect work bots.
Round 1:
Round 2:
Round 3:,_round_3
Round 4:
Round 5:
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From the story arc where the entire cast turns into dragons.
(Note this story arc does not exist.)
I vote her dragon name be Sienna. Burnt Sienna.
*Suddenly imagines Voltar as a dragon. Hoarding hats*
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From the story arc where the entire cast turns into inflatables.
(Note this story arc does not exist.)
*Suddenly imagines Voltar as a dragon. Hoarding hats*
But.. Voltar is a merchant. He has to sell his stuff. But he's a dragon, so he's too greedy to just SELL his stuff. But he- *head cartoonishly explodes*
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This is pretty much my new hobby.
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Suddenly flowers are significantly more exciting.
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Suddenly flowers are significantly more exciting.
Considering your luck with magic, I'm surprised you didn't wind up half beet instead.
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Those days when you ask the mysterious forces of the universe to stop turning you into things and it doesn't work.
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Featherfall poses for her mug shot.
(,_round_9.png) (,_round_9)
Scotch and Max have made some pony related comments.
Round 1:
Round 2:
Round 3:,_round_3
Round 4:
Round 5:
Round 6:,_round_6
Round 7:
Round 8:
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Meanwhile, in the Bottom-Half-Has-Been-Replaced-With-a-Pokemon timeline.
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Medik has Opinions.
(,000_years,_im_free.png) (,000_years,_im_free)
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DestinyZekrom thinks turning people into seals is funny.
(,_round_12.png) (,_round_12)
Sailor Max and her magical sidekick Scotch must hunt down and defeat the 100 jewel monsters if they are to have any hope of returning to the Normal Realm.
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Chase and I discuss ways of reversing bunny curses.
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RattleAndBolt tries out a mysterious, viscous golden potion.
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Medik Jackal is not helping.
Kind of want to see a sequel with a rounder Virmir and a more muscled Medik.
I second this
( (
This is what happens when you play too much Pokemon.
( (
Collaboration with BlueDragon62!
He did a rough sketch, I refined (and took some liberties), inked, then sent back to him for coloring.
( (
Oh. So that's what they do.
( (
Collaboration with BlueDragon62!
He did a rough sketch, I refined (and took some liberties), inked, then sent back to him for coloring.
You should be a Magical Dragoness much more often
Also Blue definitely should draw more :D
( (
Help, I played Pokemon X and now I can't stop drawing Pokemon.
( (
Group commission organized by Aira Virmir!
Also including:
Best description you've ever done
That takes care of the "who's in an who's not" thing very well. X3
( (
Did Virumiru have something to do with this one?
( (
The exciting conclusion!
( (
Destiny thinks hypnosis is funny.
( (
Was wondering what that did.
( (
Always read the warning label.
Commission for Toast!
( (
Commission for Nik and Arro!
Only after he inflates 100 victims will the curse be broken.
( (
Commission for Talcott and Arro!
Greens will get you every time.
( (
Commission for Caleb Lloyd!
(He was already fat.)
( (
Commission for Nobody32!
Hate it when this happens.
( (
Flat color commission for Mitch!
Hang on-- I need to think about this.
( (
Commission for Foxgamer01!
( (
OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW (commission for Foxgamer01)
( (
Collaboration with Bluedragon62! He did colors and I did line work.
( (
No, don't touch--! ... Never mind.
( (
From the story arc were the cast gets trapped in Griffin World.
(Note that this story arc does not actually exist.)
( (
SolarKnight99 explains the benefits of modularity.
I didn't know it would turn out gold, >.> I missed the best part.
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Careful with the large mushrooms that move along the ground in a straight line.
( (
Doodle for Dsarvess!
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Doodle for Selden, featuring Foxgamer01!
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Page 1 of 6!
This is a collaboration with Joltink! He drew the sketch, I inked and colored. Next page I will sketch and he will finish and we will alternate until the end.
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Doodle for Selden, featuring Kenku!
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Commission for Chase!
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Commission for Toast!
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Commission for Curus!
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Commission for Cecilia!
Taking time off being amazing for the fans.
( (
Commission for Fire Jade!
Those mana berries will fill you up fast.
( (
Commission for Plazmastorm!
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Commission for Arro, featuring Talcott!
Now, to discuss the situation in bird language.
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Commission for:
Medik Jackal
(,_page_2.png) (,_page_2)
Collaboration with Joltink! Sketch by myself, ink/color by him.
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Destiny -- deserves it
Pontos -- is griffin-curious
Considering how long we've talked about Pontos as an MLP griffin it's about time this got drawn =p
( (
Destiny thinks making me pink is funny.
( (
These are horri--MMMPH
( (
They're everywhereeeeee...
( (
Just, what, Trask.
( (
Collaboration with Ryusuta! Sketch by me, Ink/color by her.
I don't even know what a prinny is-- oh, wait, now I see.
( (
As a young dratini, Zaithriel was scratched in the eye by a radioactive meowth.
(,_page_3.png) (,_page_3)
Collaboration with Joltink! Sketch by him, ink/color by myself.
I don't trust musicians.
« Prev
Sometimes, when the going gets tough you need a boulder fox.
(,_page_4.png) (,_page_4)
Collaboration with Joltink! Sketch by myself, ink/color by him.
I really don't trust musicians.
« Prev
That is one magical guitaur. I would be careful smashing it and causing more tunes XP
Hehe, tentacle Virmir. I like it :P Joltnik looks neat too. :3
( (
Excessively large group commission for Curus and Krysto and their gang of carnies who abduct people, inflate them, then charge admission.
32 characters, ~60 hours
BONUS: Find and circle all the Trask symbols!
( (
I always wanted to try this.
( (
Never buy inflatable evolution stones.
(,_page_5.png) (,_page_5)
Collaboration with Joltink! Sketch by him, ink/color by myself.
I hate music.
« Prev
And you thought sharing a body with me was bad!
( (
May play around with some crazy-long flat color sequences some more.
(,_page_6.png) (,_page_6)
Collaboration with Joltink! Sketch by myself, ink/color by him.
Last page!
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( (
Flat color commission for Destiny!
( (
Flat color commission for BlitzArcticWolf!
I told him to stay out of the dangerous book section.
( (
Flat color commission for Mitch, featuring Talcott!
( (
Commission for Her Royal Majesty Princess Hot Cakes I, featuring Beobachten!
( (
Commission for Her Royal Majesty Princess Hot Cakes I, featuring Beobachten!
Toootally isn't my PC background now >.>;
( (
Commission for Her Royal Majesty Princess Hot Cakes I, featuring Beobachten!
Trees, don't tell me she has a succession plan.
Now that you think of it I could use some pics of possessing other bodies and reshaping them so that I can keep living on
( (
Commission for Chase!
Business as usual.
( (
Commission for Chase!
Business as usual.
Virmir, rolling his eyes instead of looking at the hideous client. |:P
9 Silver is s little steep for a poor tf! I would demand a refundXD
( (
Flat color commission for Plazmastorm, featuring Arroavantho!
Kitsune powers seem useful.
( (
Commission for Shrike and Curus!
The successor has been chosen.
( (
Commission for Foxgamer01!
( (
Flat color commission for Mitch!
Just another Trask victim.
Yay a new Mitch action figure!
( (
(Flat color commission for Mitch)
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Commission for ArcusMike99, featuring Bliss!
( (
Face for Zincxiron!
( (
Now we can hide under the sea from generic Disney villains.
( (
Simple, easy to use.
( (
Happens sometimes.
( (
Happens sometimes.
Sometimes the gods smile upon you and you get an awesome form like that!
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Last page!
This is a problem, but with the combined intelligence of two minds we should be able to figure this out--my problem solving skills combined with-- ohhhhh candy!
« Previous
I can think of at least a dozen ways violence could solve this problem
Starting with a chainsaw
( (
Doodle for Chocolatechilla!
Virmir does not do children.
"Defective wands"... wonder if that holds the one wand that turned me into a dragon princess waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back. :P
Looks like a giant centipede is going to happen!
( (
Medik begins his career returning heroes to the beginning of dungeons.
( (
I found Google's BMI calculator and immediately entered in Virmir values and then started playing with them, and then had to draw what I did.
Should've gone bigger, although the calculator would probably just consider you "deceased". XP
( (
Medik begins his career returning heroes to the beginning of dungeons.
Wait a minute. That's not a Wallmaster. That's Glover!
( (
( (
Commission for Zincxiron!
( (
That walk on water spell didn't go as planned.
Still works though! Poofy pony is wonderful. :3
( (
Commission for TheDualInfinity!
( (
Commission for Soul Dragon!
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Face commission for Soul Dragon!
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Commission for Railfox!
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Face commission for Rail Fox!
( (
Fire Jade is getting ready early.
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Ink commission for Patashu!
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Commissioned for DigitalPotato!
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Commission for Jau, featuring Destiny!
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Flat color commission for Aurorasuicune!
( (
I tried to make a simple Virmare reference, but then it turned into this.
( (
I approve of the ribbons :3
Trains and foxes!!!
( (
Doodle for Kylr23!
I don't even like Tim Burton.
( (
The worst part about the holiday season is when you spontaneously transform into a deer.
Virmir the red nosed raindeer, had a very shiny nose, if you ever saw him. Youll see the way it glows
( (
Ethaniel catches a case of the common cold/deerizm.
( (
Removing that pesky sapience should keep Destiny out of trouble.
I have to wonder; was this sudden explosion of deer TF inspired by that cartoon Chase linked last month?
Poooooossibly, among others.
( (
Doodle for Foxgamer01!
It's bubblegum flavored.
Haaah more Easterns!
( (
Doodle for Kenku!
Cookies are bad for you.
( (
Doodle for Kenku!
Cookies are bad for you.
*Peppi shakes it's head and devours said cookie*
( (
Eisen wonders if he made the right selection.
( (
Wait, if this is Tomek, why does this deer have antlers-- oh, never mind, female reindeer still have antlers. Carry on.
( (
( (
Doodle for Arro!
( (
Some people are having trouble.
Guest starring Scotch, who explicitly states grumpiness on his reference sheet.
Are you sure the one on the left isn’t really Virmir? After all a body swap is possible
( (
Went hiking in this bizarre place with no lines this weekend.
You made a wrong turn at Alburturky
( (
Alex learned Sky Uppercut.
( (
Pink Princess Destiny: Goats
( (
I just realized in a few months time this thread will hit 100 pages
( (
Anti-Valentines! Print out, cut out, give to people you wish to sever any relation with.
2017 Batch
2016 Batch
2015 Batch
2014 Batch
2013 Batch
2012 Batch
(,_page_16.png) (,_page_16)
Well, it can't be thaaaaaat bad.
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They surprise you every time.
(,_page_36.png) (,_page_36)
And I thought the first part felt weird.
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That might be a pain to deal with.
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This is a problem.
(,_page_66.png) (,_page_66)
Good job, Keys.
(How did he get my crystal ball number, anyway?)
Been waiting for this for a whole yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeear <3<3<3
I think the main use for a tail that long is someone else sticking a valve on the end and inflating you from three rooms away.
( (
It looked like a good deal.
Doodle for Krysto!
( (
I'm not so sure about this HM.
( (
That might cause a disadvantage.
That lifted front foot looks a lot like a reversed hind leg. It's rather distracting.
That lifted front foot looks a lot like a reversed hind leg. It's rather distracting.
It does look like that.
Did not notice until you mentioned. Probably should have added a pawpad, but wasn't sure if vaporeons had one, ha ha
( (
Commission for FrostedLights!
( (
( (
Commission for Soul Dragon!
Those mornings when you wake up with inflatableitus...
( (
Bit more of a partial collaboration with Caleb, who sketched the muscles.
( (
Commission for Foxgamer01!
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Commission for TheDualInfinity!
Even Oscars need to eat.
( (
Commission for TheDualInfinity!
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(Inflatable) Princess Nidocakes
( (
Flat color commission for Rune! Featuring Princess Hotcakes.
( (
I don't even know anymore.
( (
Commission for Talcott and DeanFox!
( (
Seven people suffer disfiguring curses while sliding down water tubes.
Princess Hotcakes
Medik Jackal
( (
Pony magic is hard.
( (
Arroavantho has a condition involving ribbons.
Those things are dangerous
( (
Now, to figure out how to swallow people.
( (
Now, to figure out how to swallow people.
For practice, I vote we put Virmir into a little maze in which apples spawn. He can only turn in 90 degree angles and will get his head squished if he runs into walls or himself, and every apple he swallows makes him longer.
( (
Commission for Toronia!
You need to make due with what you have.
( (
Commission for Toronia!
Hmmmmm, the last one might have been better.
How come i know this form somewhere leh?
From where?
( (
Commission for Toronia!
You need to make due with what you have.
That's 'make do', Virmir.
( (
Commission for Tau!
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Commission for ArcusMike99!
Hate it when this happens.
( (
Bill's latest experiment.
Well could we add more to that?
( (
Has anyone seen any broken glowing crystal shards lying around?
( (
Commission for Chase!
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Commission for Phantom!
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Commission for Redline!
( (
A handy reference!
( (
Doodle for Tallarra!
( (
Tomek1000 is expecting trouble.
( (
Also, they are inflatables.
Doodle for Champloon!
( (
Commission for Zinc!
I do not like this wand.
« Prev
( (
This is going to be confusing.
Doodle for Krysto! Featuring Arin.
( (
Can be difficult.
( (
I underestimated Dashie-Toast's condition.
( (
Commission for DigitalPotato!
I do not like this puzzle box.
( (
Commission for the Pink Princess Destiny!
( (
After their first case, roo-ism sufferers can expect relapses once every 6-18 months, lasting anywhere from 3 to 14 days.
( (
Commission for Eddyboy1805 and Sigmaw!
( (
Face commission for Eddyboy1805!
( (
Doodle for Caleb, who wanted it bigger.
( (
Soooo, uhhhh, can anyone untie that magic tail ribbon for me?
*ties several pink ribbons on that tail*
( (
Selden probably punned too much or something.
( (
The obvious next step in roo-ism.
( (
We don't see level 3 until the Buu saga.
( (
We don't see level 3 until the Buu saga.
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I'm not sure I'm doing this right.
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Seven page comic!
An unrelated sender sends a new, exciting product.
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They're only bubbl-- GAK-GRBGHKGHLH
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Commission for Kylr23!
Quickest way to improve your mood.
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Commission for Kylr23!
Quickest way to improve your mood.
*art to draw
(,_page_3.png) (,_page_3)
Staring to feel uncertain about bubbles.
< Previous
And the first thread to reach page 100 is brought upon us by inflation
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Unfortunately for Shiro, that enchanted wizard's hat comes with obligations elsewhere.
( (
Meanwhile, in the Virassic period.
( (
Only dragons allowed. (Also, girls.)
Commission for Beobachten! Featuring Princess Hotcakes.
Couldn't resist the pun could you =p
Couldn't resist the pun could you =p
I like to think I'm a good influence there.
(,_page_4.png) (,_page_4)
Running out of room for bubbles.
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Pretty much every one goes like this.
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Commission for Dsarvess, featuring Princess Hotcakes and Keys!
Now wait just a moment here...
( (
Commission for Dsarvess, featuring Princess Hotcakes and Keys!
Now wait just a moment here...
I like how the other two aren't even done transforming yet but already have their dresses on, while Virmir is still refusing.
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Should have expected weight loss as a side effect.
Wouldn't that be density loss, rather than weight loss?
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Really glad I didn't install that spiked ceiling.
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Last page!
Submit your own product for review to:
His Excellency Sir Mage Lord Virmir
001 Virmir Tower
Outer Realms
(May do an actual user submitted one at some point, ha ha)
< Prev
( (
Helping JacFox out with his squeak problem.
Jac is becoming a real fox!
( (
Commission for AnHanora, featuring Princess Hotcakes!
They probably shouldn't have tried those dresses on.
( (
(,_guuuuuuuuys.png) (,_guuuuuuuuys)
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Time to engage in fish-vore.
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Commission for Foxgamer01!
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Another short thing! Probably 7-8 pages.
Goofing around with a new background style.
Good thing I don't have spring/summer allergies.
( (
Commission for Curus, featuring Princess Hotcakes!
Huh? What do you mean you need a third dragon gir--GAH!!!
(,_page_2.png) (,_page_2)
Hate it when this happens.
< Previous
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Commission for Evroxt!
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Commission for DemonSouLz!
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Commission for DemonSouLz!
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Commission for DemonSouLz!
Hate it when that happens.
(,_page_3.png) (,_page_3)
Blue cartoon water is the best.
< Previous
( (
Commission for Curus, featuring Darrath!
Cerulean Tempest recruits another.
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Commission for FrostedLights!
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Sand is a bad place to take root anyway.
< Previous
( (
Dear Sir or Madam,
Upon review of your record, we have found that you have not met your mandatory goodra time quota within the last 12 month period. Therefore, please find enclosed members of our elite Goo Force, who will ensure your mandatory goodra quota plus penalty.
The Goodra Time Commitment Agency
( (
Commission for Arroavantho!
Well, they are.
( (
Princess ToyTiiiiiime, why do you need all this stuff?!?!
( (
Doodle for Pontos!
When a departed spirit wants you to sign a contract, don\'t hold up your hands.
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These feet are problematic.
< Previous
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\"Why yes, the mass exchange spell did, in fact, work.\" -- Virmirgon, from the dragon hospital emergency room
With apologies to Tallarra.
( (
Medik explains that pears are not, in fact, a problem.
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In order to reduce penalty time, the Goodra Geas will ensure you assist others meet their Goodra Time Quota whenever the opportunity presents itself.
Doodle for Tomek1000!
Wait, why did this one spontaneously turn female?
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Always remember sunscreen.
< Previous
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Turns out trees don\'t like this.
< Previous
( (
Commission for The8Madness!
This is like a Tuesday for me.
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Commission for Eisen and Talcott!
Those are some powerful shorts.
( (
Commission for Eisen and Talcott!
Those are some powerful shorts.
Well at least we look good now
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Shaking never helps, but you need to do it anyway.
< Previous
( (
Commission for Neybulot!
Maybe I can put him on eBay Motors or something.
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Doodle for Tomek1000! Her chosen victim individual to assist with Goodra Time is Deiser.
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It\'s annoying when squirrels build nests in your mouth.
This was supposed to be the last page as I only intended to do a simple mindless transformation comic, but then I went and thought of an epilogue, so stay tuned for that.
< Previous
(,_epilogue.png) (,_epilogue)
Okay, that\'s enough of that.
< Previous
You should have a fox in socks trying to help Treemir with his tongue twister
( (
Commission for the Anthro Pony Princess Dress-Up-Gang:
Pink Princess Destiny
Princess Toytime
Princess Radiant Hotcakes
( (
Commission for the fertility idol, Plazmette.
doubt I'd get used to it
( (
No more plus sign.
( (
( (
( (
Next image: Zinc wears a cheerleader\'s outfit.
( (
Kieli from Kieli Industries visits Virmir-World and experiences culture shock.
( (
This is pretty much what happens.
With apologies to Joltink and ScotchHideyoshi.
( (
I do not know.
( (
It might wear off after a few months.
( (
AlphaZeron appreciates arms.
( (
Feeling extra flareon today.
( (
Sierra saw other people doing it, but they didn\'t come out like this.
Dragonair seriously is up there with a lot of reptiles for anthros that are way more human than they really should be. More full dragonair tf's are welcome as far as I'm concerned.
( (
The worst part about October 31st is all the rampant demons possessing appendages.
This raises the question of if your own tail can eat you
Possession is bad, but when it gives you a tail maw it’s the worse
( (
The worst part about October 31st is all the rampant demons possessing appendages.
I knew you couldn't trust that thing.
Possible Virmir excuse: "It wasn't me, it was the blasted tail! Don't expect me to apologize! I wasn't even hungry!"
Side note: Evil tail possession curses do not care if you're hungry or not. [:O
( (
This was mentioned while I was doing the other picture and it had to be drawn.
( (
This was mentioned while I was doing the other picture and it had to be drawn.
Don't be scared, he doesn't bite. That's what his tails are for! [;)
I think I may have been involved in this, thanks for drawing this idea Virmir!
*Doesn't bite with his MOUTH. Always an important distinction. [:)
( (
Book cover commission for Zinc, who is writing a book which includes (non-Virmir-canon) Virmirs, but doesn\'t know the title yet so I just made one up.
( (
Working on a Crimson Flag book and obviously need to include the obligatory world map.
This is looking really good Virmir! [:)
(,_moss-covered_rock.png) (,_moss-covered_rock)
So, I\'ve been playing Pokemon Platinum.
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Doodle for BloatedGoyle!
Cost me an arm, too.
( (
( (
So, we\'re having a taur problem.
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I wrote this relatively simple idea out and accidentally made it 18 pages.
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The first course of action whenever experiencing any sort of transformational anomaly is finding somewhere out of public.
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Always check the scouter first.
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Muggers:hey there little girl give us your coins and maybe some-
Lucile:*shift eyes*Kadoom!
Mugger:never mind I’ll go else where *passes out
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It\'s just an explosion. Nothing to see here, really.
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Inns are good places to deal with transformational curses, right?
Shouldn't have had that third bowl of chili...
I sense naga TF
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Alex the ex-little-dragon comes to terms with the fact that most dragons grow up pretty huge.
I'm liking this one- good work so far Virmir! Wonder where this leads... going to become some sort of problem for Lucile!
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He\'s adjusting just fine.
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Hate it when this happens.
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Sometimes you get them to bend the rules if you ask nicely.
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But it's only 3:PM
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Sometimes you get them to bend the rules if you ask nicely.
< Previous
Other times it takes a little "convincing," right around the scarf area. Unfortunately, the "cute Lucile" trick doesn't work on everyone, though it's proven to be about 99.995 percent effective. She's working on that.
But it's only 3:PM
Hotels often won't accept guests checking in before a certain time because they are getting rooms ready before then.
Oops, my mistake. Maybe I'm just too used to being late, haha
(,_page_6.png) (,_page_6)
But it's only 3:PM
I think it's almost dragon o'clock. We'll know when it is, doesn't mean we can stop it.
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Guess it worked.
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Well, it\'s worth a shot.
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Well, it\'s worth a shot.
< Previous
I always enjoy these Virmir-Brand products, any chance you've got a roll of "Transformation Reversal Wrap" or something as well? Those little arms could get pesky under there.
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You can\'t fit a whole lot in a belt, so you need to make sure to cover the basics.
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Those are going to be a pain to brush.
< Previous
( (
Pink Princess Destiny attacks.
( (
These chaos-beings are so annoying.
Aira Fox and Esper
Shadow Virmir? Is that a new form for you?
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I\'m not sure enough wrap was used.
Next >
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Oh, well, that\'s a problem.
For as obviously thing as this is, I don't think I've seen the legs pop off. I find it pretty funny, though.
(,_page_13.png) (,_page_13)
Oh, well, that\'s a problem.
You know, "Long Night" is shaping up to be a great comic, standalone Virmir TF adventure comics can never go wrong! Good job Virmir, this craziness works perfectly here!
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Max spreads Chilean monster awareness.
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BlueDragon62, who is actually Rarity, gives Virmare fashion advice.
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Appendage management can be tricky.
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Six-armed robes are hard to find.
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Pontos expresses opinions on shape.
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I asked who to make fat next and Pontos immediately said BlueDragon62.
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Draykin eats well.
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Cecilia is contractually obligated to enjoy cheese.
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Transformational curses work up an appetite.
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Not the healthiest choice, but selection was limited.
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Not the healthiest choice, but selection was limited.
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Not the healthiest choice, but selection was limited.
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I see this worlds rules are a bit lax XP. Best hope to sneak out and not be paying a massive replacement bill.
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Well, that didn\'t turn out so bad, all things considered.
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Well, that didn\'t turn out so bad, all things considered.
< Previous
What happened to her leeeeggggsss???
Well if they were left behind that would be a very amusing surprise for housekeeping to find
Well if they were left behind that would be a very amusing surprise for housekeeping to find
Just throw them in the bin with all the other magically detached limbs, remark how you hate it when that happens and get back to work. That room is rumored to be cursed anyways...
(,_you_are_turning_into_an_airplane.png) (,_you_are_turning_into_an_airplane)
Happens to most of us at some point.
Just as long as you have some good mechanics looking after you who don't break anything :3
(,_you_are_turning_into_an_airplane.png) (,_you_are_turning_into_an_airplane)
Happens to most of us at some point.
You should've used up all those extra miles, Virmir. Magical flight rewards cards deserve extra attention.
(,_you_are_turning_into_an_airplane.png) (,_you_are_turning_into_an_airplane)
Happens to most of us at some point.
Can I please get a ticket from Katherine to Victoria two ways
( (
I need to redraw this exact same thing every few years due to style aging.
( (
I need to redraw this exact same thing every few years due to style aging.
Can you please do one of them for lucian it would be a good reference
( (
I need to redraw this exact same thing every few years due to style aging.
you can see how much better virmirs art work gets if you go thru the older ones
( (
Figured I should draw some modern Virumiru.
( (
Figured I should draw some modern Virumiru.
This is great!
( (
I need to redraw this exact same thing every few years due to style aging.
Looking good, Virmir! Your style has aged very well! Your character has a sort of charm to him that adds to his attitude.
( (
Anti-Valentines! Print out, cut out, give to people you wish to sever any relation with.
2018 Batch
2017 Batch
2016 Batch
2015 Batch
2014 Batch
2013 Batch
2012 Batch
( (
Hello, Sonic fans.
( (
I should probably draw Lucian outside of Crimson Flag every once in a while so people stop thinking he\'s Virmir.
( (
Does stuff like this:
( (
I just played the PS1 game and it is amazing.
( (
Scotch has awakened the Minccino curse.
( (
Scotch has awakened the Minccino curse.
Great job Virmir love to see more like this one
( (
Having a Lucile Day isn\'t so bad in itself; it\'s just a pain when it starts in the middle of the day.
( (
Having a Lucile Day isn\'t so bad in itself; it\'s just a pain when it starts in the middle of the day.
Look good Virmir great job
( (
At least the food is good.
( (
At least the food is good.
How did this happen?
( (
Having a Lucile Day isn\'t so bad in itself; it\'s just a pain when it starts in the middle of the day.
What have we got here, self-changing clothes, or clothes-changing self? Those Lucile days sneak up on the best of us.
( (
Somewhat tiring.
12 frames, 16 FPS
*sings* And I ran, I ran so far away, I just ran, I ran all night and day.
You running but you are going nowhere
( (
Hate it when this happens.
( (
Hate it when this happens.
Looks like you would make a OP Pokémon
( (
Joltink made a comment about my Pony Eyes.
( (
( (
Joltink made a comment about my Pony Eyes.
You made him look so very cute Virmir
( (
Coming soon to a theater near you.
( (
When Princess ToyTime says it is Toy Time, the universe obeys.
Great job
( (
( (
Where did that five gallon container of tail potion go?
( (
Where did that five gallon container of tail potion go?
"Virmir's Tailor Shop: We Make Alterations"
( (
Aira Fox teaches the basics.
I\'m not so sure about this.
( (
Aira Fox teaches the basics.
I\'m not so sure about this.
But you look like you are having fun 😂
( (
Gumdrop is sticky.
( (
Gumdrop is sticky.
( (
Kieli picked up Queen Avelina\'s sword from Crimson Flag, and we all know what happens when you do stuff like that.
( (
Kieli picked up Queen Avelina\'s sword from Crimson Flag, and we all know what happens when you do stuff like that.
Love it great work Virmir
( (
Kieli picked up Queen Avelina\'s sword from Crimson Flag, and we all know what happens when you do stuff like that.
It looks great! Thanks Virmir!
( (
Time for dragon.
(,_page_1.png) (,_page_1)
Quick 7 page thing!
The older the video game cartridge, the more likely you are to be sucked into it.
(,_page_2.png) (,_page_2)
Maxed out the EVs too.
I accidentally finished these two pages too quickly and have commissions to do the next two weekends, so page 3 will be a little bit.
( (
Time for dragon.
Looking a lot more comfortable in your dragon form than when you got transformed in "Dragon Problems!" Learning to enjoy it?
( (
Time for dragon.
Looking a lot more comfortable in your dragon form than when you got transformed in "Dragon Problems!" Learning to enjoy it?
I really like that comic that Virmir made Dragon Problems its was the only comic that I have seen back when that I like. I know that its have ended but I would like to more
( (
Commission for Railfox!
I try to stay away from the cursed berries, myself
( (
Commission for Russet!
( (
Commission for Plazmastorm!
I\'m sure it fit yesterday.
( (
Commission for Foxgamer01!
( (
Partial collab/commission for Caleb_Lloyd! (He doesn\'t like my sketches, so draws all over them and then makes me finish them.)
( (
Commission for Cecilia!
She found a vat of blue Kool Aid or something.
( (
Commission for The8Madness of TigerheartFire\'s character!
( (
( (
Commission for Sigmaw!
( (
Zinc couldn\'t decide on dragon or pony, so this is what we got.
( (
Zinc couldn\'t decide on dragon or pony, so this is what we got.
I haven’t seen a dragon pony before
( (
Commission for DigitalPotato!
( (
Commission for Airking!
( (
Commission for Kylr23!
( (
Commission for TheRedKnight100!
( (
Commission for Chase!
He had a few rough years a while back, but he got back onto the wagon.
( (
Commission for Aurorasuicune!
Just a common case of Goodraitus.
( (
Commission for DemonSouLz!
( (
Commission for DemonSouLz!
( (
Commission for Tian!
( (
Commission for Arro!
The more tropical, the more cursed the waters tend to be.
poor Arro
(,_page_3.png) (,_page_3)
Hate it when the enemies level with you.
(,_page_4.png) (,_page_4)
IIIIIIII\'m oooookaaaaay, guyyyyyys...
IIIII\'m ooookaaaaay~
(,_page_5.png) (,_page_5)
I don\'t think that was edible.
(,_page_6.png) (,_page_6)
Fairly certain that wasn\'t edible.
(,_page_7.png) (,_page_7)
They make it look so much easier on the cartoon.
(,_page_8.png) (,_page_8)
I\'ll get him next time.
(,_page_8.png) (,_page_8)
I\'ll get him next time.
Although I've never played Pokémon myself, I've got to admit- this was entertaining. [:P
(,_page_8.png) (,_page_8)
I\'ll get him next time.
Love it I would love to know what happen next
( (
Doodle for Creature Unknown!
Don\'t touch the crystals.
( (
Doodle for Creature Unknown!
Don\'t touch the crystals.
Everybody always picks up the shiny stuff... one minute you're thinking "this could be valuable," and the next it's just "Aarrghgghghhh!"
( (
Pretty much what I imagine happens.
( (
Pretty much what I imagine happens.
Then you've got that other subset of people who want it to happen to them next! [:P
( (
Doodle for Draykin!
( (
Doodle for Draykin!
The certified proper response for when Virmir spontaneously yells "Blast it!" at his desk.
( (
Commission for Xavier!
Apparently Heart Swap swaps more than just status changes.
( (
Just feral Virmir.
( (
Just feral Virmir.
( (
Ezmerelda of Star Warriors continues her tour of the Crimson Flag world.
Sequel to
( (
Ezmerelda of Star Warriors continues her tour of the Crimson Flag world.
Sequel to
"Put me down, you lunatic!"
( (
Careful which fruit you eat, unless you\'re prepared for the night shift.
( (
Shifting Sands was made comfortable.
( (
Oh, Tiana, be careful not to step in the bat pony circle.
( (
Oh, Tiana, be careful not to step in the bat pony circle.
I'm liking this! And that's coming from someone who doesn't know much at all about pony stuff- somehow you pull it off great!
( (
Oh, Tiana, be careful not to step in the bat pony circle.
I'm liking this! And that's coming from someone who doesn't know much at all about pony stuff- somehow you pull it off great!
Same here I like it to and I don’t know nothing about the new MLP
( (
Zukaro Travon deals with a potential design flaw.
( (
Joltink recently drew his top three Pokemon so here are mine.
( (
It\'s happening again.
( (
Joltink drew an amazing Scotch so I had to draw it too.
( (
Krysto possesses Bon Bon.
(,_part_2.png) (,_part_2)
Commission for Chase!
Just clearing out the basement.
( (
It\'s a diplomacy thing. Don\'t worry about it.
(,_page_1.png) (,_page_1)
In which Sierra discovers some strange alien food.
( (
Okay, who let bugs in Gumdrop\'s sugar/biomass subsistence?
(,_page_2.png) (,_page_2)
Once you start going goo, there\'s no turning back.
(,_page_3.png) (,_page_3)
Goes straight to the bottom.
(,_page_4.png) (,_page_4)
No sense in just going half way.
( (
Collab with RattleAndBolt!
I did the sketch, he did ink and colors, then I did final shading.
( (
Kouryuu should have asked more questions when the kobolds moved in and started taking care of his stuff.
( (
I like ponies.
( (
Doodle for Rayadra/AmethystDust!
( (
In my headcannon the reason you can\'t use weapons while a bunny is because you have no thumbs.
( (
Destroying everything with one-hit-tackle Eevee in Explorers of Sky.
(Kind of tempted to do a Mystery Dungeon comic at some point.)
( (
Destroying everything with one-hit-tackle Eevee in Explorers of Sky.
(Kind of tempted to do a Mystery Dungeon comic at some point.)
The badge that Virmir have on look like the badges in Aezae's Tales and Hope In Friends comics on DA
Yep, those are the badges in the game. The blue is "diamond rank" which I thought was a high rank but I guess it's kind of middling. It's probably as high as I'm going to go since I'm 54 hours into the game now and that's enough, ha ha
Yep, those are the badges in the game. The blue is "diamond rank" which I thought was a high rank but I guess it's kind of middling. It's probably as high as I'm going to go since I'm 54 hours into the game now and that's enough, ha ha
Oh ok I haven’t played many of the Pokémon games I have only seen the badges in the two comics I said
( (
Super Potion.
( (
You know how it goes-- grab the cursed starfish to survive the sinking ship, worry about the singing crabs later.
( (
Wings are hard.
( (
Wings are hard.
I bet they are.
( (
There are over 40,000 documented cases of ribbon attacks in the Kanto region alone each year.
Scizors solve this problem handily.
( (
Is this thing even safe?
Doodle for Akaji!
( (
I accidentally spelled EXTEND in Scrabble and then I woke up like this.
( (
Don\'t sleep with a Silver Wing under your pillow.
( (
Only playing the Mario Paint BGM in streams from now on.
Technically a left-handed doodle, I suppose.
( (
Only playing the Mario Paint BGM in streams from now on.
Technically a left-handed doodle, I suppose.
See? That wasn't so hard Virmir.
(,_page_48.png) (,_page_48)
Not sure whether to be relieved or offended.
( (
I jumped on Shifting Sands\' back just as we stepped on a warp tile.
( (
Collaboration with Tomek1000!
I never did trust candy.
( (
One of PinkPrincessDestiny\'s truer forms.
( (
Featuring Zinc and... \"Octavia?\" ...?
( (
Title card for the latest Virmir Dies In Castlevania 3 video:
Thanks go out to Zinc for editing!
( (
The fans demanded it.
( (
Amy went and bit me:
( (
Doodle for DragonizedHope for Turpshi!
( (
You know how this stuff goes.
( (
Doodle for KieliIndustries! Featuring Jake the tree.
( (
Alex\'s typical decision making process.
( (
Doodle for Railfox!
( (
Doodle for William Swiftfoot!
( (
Never step in chocolate syrup.
( (
Commission for Princess Hotcakes!
( (
Commission for Arrovantho!
The pearl is all his now.
( (
Commission for Hispanic-Zuoh!
( (
Commission for Keys!
He paid me to try his latest pendant on, so sure, I\'ll whOA-GOOGHghgbglghl...
( (
Commission for Conductor Railfox!
( (
Getting the pink out.
( (
Doodle for Alsin!
( (
Doodle for DragonizedHope!
( (
Doodle for Creature Unknown!
It\'s hard to find good magically enslaved help these days.
( (
Zinc makes himself useful.
( (
Doodle for Cyanity101!
( (
Been playing Bubble Bobble Part 2 on the NES.
( (
Dealing with deer curses never gets any easier.
( (
And the plan is...
( (
Group commission for Krysto!
Featuring the following appliances:
( (
The second evolution.
( (
Is the best link.
( (
She says, \"hi\". (No subject)
( (
Oh nooooooo...
(,_page_1.png) (,_page_1)
Just a random 8 page thing.
Hate it when that happens.
(,_page_2.png) (,_page_2)
That might be a problem.
( (
Random doodle.
( (
Oh nooooo, that wasn't grape juice.
( (
Lucian practicing TG powers.
( (
Zinc finds himself in a primitive situation.
(,_page_3.png) (,_page_3)
Accidentally using an item by holding it too tightly is always a pain.
(,_page_4.png) (,_page_4)
Hate it when that happens.
( (
Doodle for DragonizedHope!
( (
With apologies to Princess Hotcakes.
With blame to Princess Destiny.
(,_page_5.png) (,_page_5)
That's a problem.
(,_page_6.png) (,_page_6)
That's also a problem.
(,_page_7.png) (,_page_7)
That's a bigger problem.
(,_page_8.png) (,_page_8)
Okay, that's enough of that.
( (
Commission for Hotcakes featuring Dsarvess under Keys-influence which radiates onto Digi, Typhin, Seacigar, and myself.
( (
Dear Princess Celestia,
( (
Meanwhile, in the Crimson Ponies Comic timeline.
( (
Meanwhile, in the Crimson Ponies Comic timeline.
looks kinda like a Vulpix for Pokemon...
( (
Commission for Foxgamer01!
( (
Commission for Kylr23!
( (
Commission for Plazmastorm!
That's one way to get a character complexity discount via my commissions calculator.
( (
Commission for Surge!
( (
Doodle for Dubnium32x!
( (
Which FF1 class are yooooou?
( (
Commission for Zinc! Who is totally going to blow our cover.
( (
Commission for DragonizedHope!
( (
Commission for Talcott!
( (
Commission for Aira Fox!
I haven't seen the anime yet but the manga is amusing.
( (
You know how it goes.
( (
Maybe I should capitalize and do one of those growth drives.
( (
Who magic-fusion-paired our cape and shirt?!
( (
It's all fun and games until the indigestion kicks in.
( (
This is going to make a large number of tasks difficult.
( (
Anti-Valentines! Print out, cut out, give to people you wish to sever any relation with.
2019 Batch
2018 Batch
2017 Batch
2016 Batch
2015 Batch
2014 Batch
2013 Batch
2012 Batch
( (
Doodle for DragonizedHope!
( (
I don't even know.
( (
Sent Joltink a thank-you note after his sending me that stick (again).
( (
Shifty has too many friends.
( (
There is a sword on his head, which is wonderful.
( (
Gumdrop got into the cabinet again.
( (
Just helping Tomek1000 fit in.
( (
( (
Water safety spells always work too well.
( (
It's a flavor explosion.
( (
This is Princess Hotcakes' fault. (And also SoulSilverDragon for drawing these things so well.)
( (
Been playing Oracle of Ages.
Those puffed cheeks look like he's holding his breath. Why would merfolk need to do that?
Because it's more amusing to draw.
( (
That's one way to combine interests.
( (
Suddenly, dental hygiene has become priority one.
( (
Just look at how happy he is.
( (
Effects may be more potent if you've absorbed curses from a certain amulets in the past.
( (
Feet-hands are such a pain.
( (
Meanwhile, in the timeline when the CF cast gets turned into harpies.
( (
She might actually canonically be able to do this.
( (
Jacklyn enjoys a pretty, pretty feather.
Are you doing any of these by request or commission? Because I'm interested!
( (
Ethanielle is surprised behind.
( (
I don't even trust regular vixen Chase.
( (
Gumdrop becomes more pesky.
( (
Who wants taur?
( (
I don't know how it works either.
( (
Sierra has been selected to put in extra hours.
( (
Need to use the taur spells in moderation.
( (
When a wild Mew uses reverse-transform on you, then flees.
(,_page_1.png) (,_page_1)
Just a quick eight page thing.
Sometimes you need to improvise.
(,_page_2.png) (,_page_2)
Improvisation not working is a pain.
(,_page_3.png) (,_page_3)
Involuntary posing is always a pain.
(,_page_4.png) (,_page_4)
( (
Turns out the ingredients in Pony World are slightly different.
(,_page_5.png) (,_page_5)
That had a bigger kick than I expected.
(,_page_6.png) (,_page_6)
There's always a catch.
( (
Doodle for Kimera!
(,_page_7.png) (,_page_7)
Seems to work.
(,_page_8.png) (,_page_8)
Guess I'll keep it.
( (
Hate it when that happens.
Medik the Kobold and BlueDragon62.
( (
It's only fair.
( (
No, wait! I'll take the antlers! I'll take the antlers!
( (
Zinc makes too many suggestions.
(,_page_1.png) (,_page_1)
Just a quick 14 page thing.
Need to spray regularly.
(,_page_2.png) (,_page_2)
Hate it when that happens.
( (
Arcaroo fanart.
Never ask inflatables if they have anything to eat.
( (
Just some Virmirgon.
(,_page_3.png) (,_page_3)
Luckily, I have that.
(,_page_4.png) (,_page_4)
I'm sure that's nothing.
(,_page_5.png) (,_page_5)
That's no fair.
(,_page_6.png) (,_page_6)
This might be a problem.
(,_page_7.png) (,_page_7)
Those are always a pain.
(,_page_8.png) (,_page_8)
I'm sure this is fine.
(,_page_9.png) (,_page_9)
I don't think she read Dragon Problems.
(,_page_10.png) (,_page_10)
Life finds a way.
( (
On to the next highly transformative series.
(,_page_11.png) (,_page_11)
Poke skill up.
(,_page_12.png) (,_page_12)
A final charge.
( (
Mara contemplates Taur Time.
(,_page_13.png) (,_page_13)
Probably the most effective way to ground a wasp.
(,_page_14.png) (,_page_14)
I get offers to take pest extermination jobs due to my success rate, but I dunno, they are still marginally annoying.
( (
This game is hard.
(Bubble Bobble Double Shot)
( (
By popular demand.
( (
One of two things happened.
( (
Commission for Turpshi!
( (
Commission for Cylonmaverick featuring Vinomath’s Naftessa!
( (
Commission for Zavier! Medik reads one of those self-esteem pamphlets.
( (
Commission for TheRedKnight100!
( (
Commission for DragonizedHope!
( (
Commission for Plazmette!
Standing next to her is a hazard.
( (
Commission for Everee!
They are apple and cherry flavored.
( (
It's been a long day.
( (
Commission for Shifting Sands! Featuring Zavier with much improved IQ Skills.
( (
Probably could have done the hoof-smooshing-nose better.
( (
Commission for Nobody32!
( (
Commission for AzariahWolf!
( (
Commission for Zinc!
( (
Commission for Nobody32!
Better HOP to it and get that Halloween candy ready!
( (
Commission for Pink Princess Destiny! Featuring Champloon.
( (
Commission for StuffAlso!
( (
Commission for Nick! Featuring DragonizedHope and SushiIzzy.
( (
Sequel to
Mine is different!
( (
Hate it when this happens.
( (
Time for Virmirberus.
( (
"Are you a boy or a girl?"
Psh, the boy's outfit looks doofy. *transgenders*
( (
Princess Hotcakes is a prefect vessel for the new line of moon-activated inflatables.
( (
Zinc's wish is granted.
( (
Commission for Electuroo!
( (
Commission for Wintie!
T-shirt modeling is harder than it looks.
Do you have that in a size 114XL?
( (
Combining powers with Scotch and Joltink.
( (
Commission for Princess Hotcakes!
Some are more enthusiastic than others.
Shifting Sands
( (
Actually the very first Virmirgon, from 2011.
( (
Lots of orange.
( (
( (
Zinc becomes a super villain.
( (
Commission for Dragonized Hope!
( (
Doodle for Railfox!
( (
Needed to get the quota in.
( (
Gumdrop is a professional.
( (
Not sure I trust otters.
( (
Pink Princess Destiny.
( (
Doodle for KieliIndustries!
( (
Needed to redraw the characters in the logo because the old ones were looking too 2013-ish.
Old one for reference:
( (
Oh, noooooooo~
That's not good.
( (
Medik moves into the entertainment industry.
( (
I like red better.
( (
Happens to most of us at some point.
( (
Also known as Complex Character Mode.
(,_page_1.png) (,_page_1)
This is a 10 page comic for Chase who sent me a large amount of vintage Pokemon Cards.
Story by Chase.
Warp traps are such a pain.
(,_page_2.png) (,_page_2)
It's instinctual defense.
(,_page_4.png) (,_page_4)
Story by Chase!
To be fair, a lot of wands do that.
( (
You know how it goes.
(,_page_5.png) (,_page_5)
Potentially useful.
(,_page_6.png) (,_page_6)
Not fair!
(,_page_7.png) (,_page_7)
Not all that tasty.
(,_page_8.png) (,_page_8)
(,_page_9.png) (,_page_9)
Story by Chase!
The only true way to solve anything.
(,_page_10.png) (,_page_10)
Story by Chase!
Hate it when this happens.
( (
What shall we do with Medik?
(,_page_16.png) (,_page_16)
Being an upstanding citizen.
( (
Is pretty great.
( (
Why, hello there.
( (
Anti-Valentines! Print out, cut out, give to people you wish to sever any relation with.
2020 Batch
2019 Batch
2018 Batch
2017 Batch
2016 Batch
2015 Batch
2014 Batch
2013 Batch
2012 Batch
( (
Tomek chooses her fortune.
( (
Gumdrop digivolves into.
( (
I noticed something about these magical transformative hoops.
( (
Tiana tests out her magical eastern dragoness powers.
( (
By popular demand.
( (
It's going to be one of those days.
( (
Linework doodle for Nobody32! Who paid me off with NES games.
( (
Sierra in That One Outfit was actually the second most popular demand.
Fem Lucian was the first.
( (
Sierra in That One Outfit was actually the second most popular demand.
Fem Lucian was the first.
Can I please ask... Why...?
(,_part_2.png) (,_part_2)
It'll be fiiiiine.
Part 1:
( (
Medik figures out how they work.
(,_part_3.png) (,_part_3)
(,_part_4.png) (,_part_4)
All right, that's enough of this for now (until I spontaneously decide to flesh out this idea in a 30 page comic or something like that).
( (
Did I win? It went in.
Featuring Zinc the golf club.
( (
After graciously granting Tomek the perfect form,
She went and did this to me:
So, seeing how much she obviously likes small things, I helped her out again.
( (
Zinc causes inflatable dinosaur problems.
( (
This exotic-smelling incense makes the holder bloated and slow moving.
( (
Be careful where you step, or you'll have to step twice more.
( (
Then she proceeds to soak her hat and cape.
( (
Eevee problems.
Medik | Destiny | Zinc
( (
Finished a sketch of Caleb_Lloyd's. Guess which part he did.
( (
Started playing Gates to Infinity recently.
( (
Certain influences from certain individuals (Tomek/Hotcakes/Keys/Dsarvess).
(,_page_43.png) (,_page_43)
It is a reasonable question.
( (
Snowy meets Mara and helps her out.
( (
Doodle for Foxcleo!
( (
Didn't see you down there.
( (
( (
I guess you guys probably want a sheep or something?
(,_page_1.png) (,_page_1)
Just a quick thing. Will probably only be a few pages.
(,_page_2.png) (,_page_2)
Never trust free goggles.
(,_page_3.png) (,_page_3)
Looks like it's probably safe after all.
(,_page_4.png) (,_page_4)
Well, that's a pain.
(,_page_5.png) (,_page_5)
This shark is just unexpectedly not as great as a swimmer.
(,_page_6.png) (,_page_6)
I'm sure that will be fine.
(,_page_7.png) (,_page_7)
Above-water fireballs work much better.
(,_page_8.png) (,_page_8)
(,_page_9.png) (,_page_9)
Here we go again.
(,_page_10.png) (,_page_10)
Well, it was right there.
(,_page_11.png) (,_page_11)
Just a small snag.
(,_page_12.png) (,_page_12)
Probably an even trade off.
( (
Meanwhile, in Pony World.
( (
Time to invoke more speculation.
( (
I'm sure just a quick bite won't hurt.
(,_page_14.png) (,_page_14)
That wasn't so hard.
(,_page_15.png) (,_page_15)
Wasn't quite ready for sushi.
(,_page_16.png) (,_page_16)
Aquatic transformation pyramid schemes are such a pain.
Okay, that's enough of that.
( (
Doodle for Luna Eclipse! Featuring Pylon and Lapis.
Those wifi trades can have unexpected results.
( (
I ran out of UPS-es.
( (
The ever dangerous Zinque strikes again.
( (
Moderately played, but still.
( (
AlphaZeron invokes some dark magic.
(,_part_12.png) (,_part_12)
Inked doodle for Nobody32!
Hate it when this happens.
(,_part_22.png) (,_part_22)
Inked doodle for Nobody 32!
Now we're even, I guess.
( (
Meanwhile, in Pony World.
i like this kind of drawing 3d xD
( (
Champloon can't decide.
( (
Time for spider.
( (
Gumdrop makes it difficult.
( (
Qualia experiences one of those confusing moments where you think you may have passed through some sort of intangible barrier and now you need to sort between your real memories and your really-real memories.
( (
Is that right?
Featuring Zinc the Leafeon.
( (
Tomek-- I mean Mara-- meets Mara.
( (
Doodle for Cleo!
( (
Maybe I'll do a 40 page origin comic at some point.
( (
Joltink goes for a swim.
( (
Fortunately, the Medik-Zinc alliance did not last long.
( (
Tentative cover for the Virmir-World book, which will I will publish after I finish up the current story! This will be a collection of all five Virmir-World stories, so everything I've made so far. More details in a few months!
( (
Doodle for DragonizedHope!
( (
Because as an animate inflatable toy, you're technically no longer "alive" in the same sense.
( (
It was a long night for Sierra.
( (
Well, that might be a problem.
( (
Someone made fun of my gray dragonair-hair, so I tried to offer alternatives, but ended up accidentally making NFTs.
( (
Did it get *this* big last time?
( (
Just a quick thing I decided to split into four parts instead of one giant long page.
I'm sure that's probably not a big deal.
( (
Might be a slightly larger deal.
( (
Featuring Zinc, Princess Hotcakes, Shifting Sands/Medik.
I stole my pose from an Eevee card.
( (
Hate it when this happens.
( (
It's fine... it's fine... we'll figure this out... as soon as we figure out who we are and what spells we know.
( (
Doodle for Chase!
( (
That personality test is completely random.
( (
A simple Crimson Flag ad to go at the end of the upcoming Virmir-World book. I enjoy reading ads for contemporary comics at the end of manga books, so want to do something similar.
( (
Can contain a lot of built up dino energy after several million years.
( (
Perpetrated by Inflatable Flammie Princess Hotcakes.
( (
Anti-Valentines! Print out, cut out, give to people you wish to sever any relation with.
2021 Batch
2020 Batch
2019 Batch
2018 Batch
2017 Batch
2016 Batch
2015 Batch
2014 Batch
2013 Batch
2012 Batch
( (
Always a pain to deal with.
This one kind of looks like Zinc for some reason...
( (
Now in color.
( (
Doodle for Big Galactic Dragon!
( (
Mara tries on the blue fish collar, by popular request.
( (
( (
Why, hello there.
( (
Commission for PinkPrincessDestiny!
( (
Lily is very good at one thing.
Commission for Generic Meatbag #14!
( (
Commission for SushiIzzy!
Sunken treasure weaponry always has side effects.
( (
Commission for MartinWolf2020!
( (
Commission for Russet!
( (
Commission for Cylonmaverick!
( (
Commission for IDS Agent!
( (
Commission for IDS Agent!
( (
Commission for Kradantor34!
( (
Commission for Surgelion!
( (
Commission for Peanut Dragon!
( (
Commission for Jovan!
( (
Commission for StuffAlso!
( (
Commission for Cecilia!
( (
Commission for The8Madness!
( (
Commission for HispanicZuoh, featuring Destiny!
Illusion nullification via thrown objects is such a pain.
( (
Commission for Perfect Pixie!
Mara expands her business horizons.
( (
Commission for Plazmette!
The hipbump spreads multiple status effects.
( (
Commission for Plazmette!
( (
Time to subjugate the surface-dwellers.
( (
Meanwhile, in the crossover episode.
( (
Commission for Aira Fox!
We can rebuild him.
( (
Commission for Aira Fox!
This one's much more complacent.
( (
Commission for Aira Fox!
Hate it when this happens.
( (
Commission for DigitalPotato!
( (
Somehow, I think this is Gumdrop's fault.
( (
A couple more random questionings later.
( (
Commission for DragonizedHope!
( (
Commision for SeragusBadger!
( (
Commission for DragonizedHope and PrincessToytime, featuring PrincessHotcakes!
Hate it when this happens.
( (
Tomek1000 has a quetz problem.
( (
Some times are better than others.
( (
Linework Commission for ScottDerg!
( (
Linework commission for ScottDerg!
( (
Commission for Champloon!
Careful where you step.
( (
Linework Commission for Nobody32!
Hate it when this happens.
( (
Time for taur.
( (
Commission for Keys featuring Dsarvess!
Be careful around goodra fumes.
( (
Commission for Keys!
I thought something smelled funny in there.
( (
Commission for Keys!
He's not being helpful.
( (
Commission for Keys!
With expected results.
( (
Hasn't happened for a while.
( (
Commission for Mr. Unknown Alien!
( (
Commission for Chase Reynard!
Coffee is bad for you.
( (
Commission for Chase Reynard!
They just randomly pop up.
( (
Commission for Chase Reynard!
He keeps taking my stars.
( (
Hate it when this happens.
( (
Hate it when this happens.
( (
Commission for RailFox!
( (
Commission for RailFox!
( (
Commission for LurkingWolf!
( (
Commission for PrincessHotcakes, featuring Tomek1000!
( (
Commission for PrincessHotcakes!
The law dictates there shall at all times be exactly one of each reindeer.
( (
Commission for PrincessHotcakes!
( (
Commission for PrincessHotcakes!
( (
Commission for Rory!
Probably one more will do it.
( (
Commission for Foxgamer01!
Careful where you step when putting it on.
( (
Commission for PheagleAdler!
( (
When you get sucked into the Pony universe, the role you randomly fill fits better for some than others.
( (
Long day.
( (
The full effects of spending that much time stuck in Pony World are only now being discovered.
( (
Linework commission for SeragusBadger!
Nobody32's Thulssa Yii is hiring.
( (
Commission for Krysto!
I keep finding statues of myself in my parlor.
( (
Commission for Vinomath!
No touching Virmir.
( (
I'm probably safe so long as I never say, "I wish."
( (
Can be tricky to get the hang of.
Commission for Mr. Unknown Alien!
( (
Commission for Everee!
How will you evolve your Everee?
( (
Scotch, too, can have stylish antennae-hair.
( (
Commission for Princess Hotcakes!
( (
Commission for Princess Hotcakes!
She gets antsy if I escape for too long.
( (
Commission for Shifting Sands!
( (
Meanwhile, in the Digital World.
( (
Commission for Zeelo, featuring Calex!
( (
Commission for Zeelo, featuring Werenimal!
( (
Commission for Zeelo, featuring Aurum!
( (
Hate it when this happens.
( (
Commission for Zavier, featuring Medik!
This is a problem.
( (
Commission for Geo!
It's probably not cursed.
( (
Commission for BeachsideFurry!
( (
Sometimes it's easier to just play along.
( (
Commission for Borealis!
Hate it when this happens.
( (
Congratulations to Ezmeralda for achieving pinnacle fox fashion. Not many foxes make it this far.
( (
Linework commission for Nobody32!
( (
Well, it worked.
Commission for Electuroo!
( (
Hate it when this happens.
( (
With two blend options.
Commission for Zeelo!
( (
A notable observation.
( (
Commission for Poke789!
Luckily this magic bowling ball dropped into my front yard.
( (
Re-forming those molecules is hard.
( (
Commission for Surge!
They are potent things.
( (
Commission for Zinc!
Hug-rabies are the worst.
( (
I'm a perfectly normal-sized dragon!
(,_page_12.png) (,_page_12)
Commission for Xodiac!
(,_page_22.png) (,_page_22)
Commission for Xodiac!
( (
Commission for Zeelo!
( (
Commission for SegarusBadger!
( (
I knew I shouldn't have touched the bottom screen.
( (
Commission for Luga!
( (
I dunno.
( (
Never eat Hot Springs Eggs for breakfast.
( (
The earliest concept doodles of Brand, trying to get his design down in 2021 before I started drawing Rain Burn proper. Figured I should post this before it gets too old!
( (
Finalized group shot of the cast, from 2021 before starting on the comic proper. I had all their designs down by this point, and I used this group shot to determine their color pallets. I wanted them to all look good together. The only minor change is I simplified the eyes a bit for the comic itself.
( (
Brand (and Saida) reference! Originally drawn for the comic's inception in 2021. I kept it very expression-neutral because, well, you know. ;)
( (
Saida (and Brand) reference! Originally drawn for the comic's inception in 2021. I kept it very expression-neutral because, well, you know. ;)
( (
Roko reference! Before certain things happen, at least.
( (
Unused Roko Balloon design with three tails from 2021. It makes sense that he would have gone with three tails, but I just couldn't make it look right, and good trees I'm going to have to draw him thousands of times. That's way more surface area to snag and pop, anyway.
( (
The final Roko Balloon reference, from 2021. I saturated his color a bit more in balloon form.
( (
( (
( (
They can be pretty much any color.
( (
Aves are pretty much always green.
( (
I might give them a better name at some point.
( (
( (
Awwwwwwwww yeeeeeeeeeeah~
( (
Usually appear with limited opacity.
Might get a proper name later in the comic. STAY TUNED.
( (
( (
Commission for Connork!
( (
Four page commission for Keys!
I'm sure that's fine.
( (
Four page commission for Keys!
They must be tasty.
( (
Four page commission for Keys!
They might have some side effects.
( (
Four page commission for Keys!
This is probably fine.
( (
Well, there goes our plans.
( (
Commission for BigGreenWolfe!
(,_page_16.png) (,_page_16)
Six page commission for Keys!
Looks safe enough.
(,_page_26.png) (,_page_26)
Six page commission for Keys!
That's not a good color.
( (
They are basically flying turnips.
( (
He's a grass type.
(,_page_36.png) (,_page_36)
Six page commission for Keys!
This wasn't in the manual.
(,_page_46.png) (,_page_46)
Six page commission for Keys!
That might be inconvenient.
( (
(,_page_56.png) (,_page_56)
Six page comic commission for Keys!
This is going to make doors awkward.
(,_page_66.png) (,_page_66)
Six page comic commission for Keys!
Well, the cape doesn't fit any more.
( (
CORRUPTED Chase, who paid me off in Pokemon Cards.
( (
Just one small adjustment and Chase will be good to go.
(,_page_14.png) (,_page_14)
Four page comic for Chase!
(,_page_24.png) (,_page_24)
Chase is really good at this.
(,_page_34.png) (,_page_34)
Much better.
(,_page_44.png) (,_page_44)
He tasted kind of weird.
( (
Time for fire head.
( (
I don't trust Shifty.
( (
Pink Princess Destiny unlocks her true potential.
(,_page_12.png) (,_page_12)
Is Tomek lost? They don't think so.
(,_page_22.png) (,_page_22)
Luckily they set Tomek on the right path.
Yeeees now Tiana can be a hot raptor heroine~~~~
( (
Walas gets an agility boost.
(,_page_16.png) (,_page_16)
Saving caterpies is what you do for a living when you are trapped in the Pokemon World. I'm sure Zinc will be helpful.
(,_page_26.png) (,_page_26)
Anyone familiar with the series knows exactly why he did that.
(,_page_36.png) (,_page_36)
This could be a problem.
(,_page_46.png) (,_page_46)
Hate it when this happens.
Rest in peace, Zinc & Virmir. :(
(,_page_56.png) (,_page_56)
This is only marginally better.
(,_page_66.png) (,_page_66)
We are leaving the Air Continent right now.
( (
Knows Vine Whip.
( (
Old vegetable.
( (
Art assets for a custom Pokemon card AlphaZeron is going to print for me!
( (
I recently discovered the IDW Sonic comics.
( (
Don't you hate it when you're just picking up sticks from your yard and...
( (
They are very filling.
Luna Eclipse
( (
With green shoes.
( (
Hate it when this happens.
*is still swimming in his water bubble* Blub?
Genesis Does, quality 16-bit art? You wouldn't get this from Nintendo.
( (
Anti-Valentines! Print out, cut out, give to people you wish to sever any relation with.
2022 Batch
2021 Batch
2020 Batch
2019 Batch
2018 Batch
2017 Batch
2016 Batch
2015 Batch
2014 Batch
2013 Batch
2012 Batch
( (
Somewhat passable.
( (
Princess Hotcakes gives Tomek Tiana a massage.
( (
40 BMI in 30 seconds.
Now to figure out which of many suspects spiked my drink.
How many frames?
156, but not really. I drew every body part on its own layer and unhid them as needed per each frame. There are 34 sizes of belly, 10 or so eyes, 6 ears, 5 chest sizes, etc.
What is the FPS?
Various, but the quickest frames are at 1/20th per second, so 20.
( (
We are partially strongly uncertain this was the correct decision.
( (
Rainbow Dash
Rainbow Dash
Rainbow Dash
Rainbow Dash
Rainbow Dash
Rainbow Dash
Rainbow Dash
Rainbow Dash
Rainbow Dash
Rainbow Dash
Rainbow Dash
Too Many Dashies :>
( (
Rainbow Dash
Rainbow Dash
Rainbow Dash
Rainbow Dash
Rainbow Dash
Rainbow Dash
Rainbow Dash
Rainbow Dash
Rainbow Dash
Rainbow Dash
Rainbow Dash
But what about Rainbow Dash?
( (
I originaly wanted the fly-trap hands when conceiving Ayal's monster form, but when it came time to design it, I though, naaaaah, no need to complex the design. Then when it came time to draw the actual comic pages I realized, "come on, what am I doing?" and put them back in on-the-fly.
( (
Practicing Zinc's normal smile.
( (
Page of Perries.
Welcome to The Perry Zone! :>
( (
Mildly inconvenient.
( (
Page of Brands.
(,_youve_become_a_pony_villain,_page_1.png) (,_youve_become_a_pony_villain,_page_1)
Probably about time I got around to drawing this. Just a hooffull of pages.
(,_youve_become_a_pony_villain,_page_2.png) (,_youve_become_a_pony_villain,_page_2)
Seems manageable so far.
(,_youve_become_a_pony_villain,_page_3.png) (,_youve_become_a_pony_villain,_page_3)
I have seen every G4 Pony episode but I skipped all of the songs.
(,_youve_become_a_pony_villain,_page_4.png) (,_youve_become_a_pony_villain,_page_4)
I'm not an unreasonable pony.
(,_youve_become_a_pony_villain,_page_5.png) (,_youve_become_a_pony_villain,_page_5)
It was purely self defense.
(,_youve_become_a_pony_villain,_page_6.png) (,_youve_become_a_pony_villain,_page_6)
That's probably not a good thing.
(,_youve_become_a_pony_villain,_page_6.png) (,_youve_become_a_pony_villain,_page_6)
That's probably not a good thing.
Hopefully they make her on of them.
(,_youve_become_a_pony_villain,_page_7.png) (,_youve_become_a_pony_villain,_page_7)
When I die, this is how I want to go out.
This was supposed to just be a silly handful of pages that ends here but I went and got ideas for a part 2 for sometime later, hence TO BE CONTINUED.
( (
Wanted to give a traditional media comic a shot.
( (
> No
> Red
( (
Princess Hotcakes and Connor get Medik ready for a day's work.
( (
Zinc showed me what he found and--
( (
Needed more Virmir-Eevee.
( (
He's got a point.
( (
Don't get caught missing minimum goodra time quotas.
Luna Eclipse
Pink Princess Destiny
( (
Well now we know why I had to wear the swimsuit.
( (
I like the shark one, heh. Feels like a sequel to my request.
Though is it just me or i'm getting a strange sense dejá vu from the gas one? Like I was in the same place as Virmir but in a different situation?
Sorry, I just spaced out for a sec umm heh. ^^'
( (
I kind of want to do a full comic on this concept but need to come up with a better B plot than lower back pain and odd cravings.
( (
Actually better than expected.
( (
You ever worry about spontaneously transforming into a taur while on a ladder?
(,_youve_become_a_pony_villain,_page_8.png) (,_youve_become_a_pony_villain,_page_8)
Back to this.
I know that purple hoof.
(,_youve_become_a_pony_villain,_page_9.png) (,_youve_become_a_pony_villain,_page_9)
Well, that's a problem.
(,_youve_become_a_pony_villain,_page_10.png) (,_youve_become_a_pony_villain,_page_10)
How cold.
( (
( (
Status ailment discussion with Zinc.
(,_youve_become_a_pony_villain,_page_11.png) (,_youve_become_a_pony_villain,_page_11)
Discomfort magic is the worst.
(,_youve_become_a_pony_villain,_page_12.png) (,_youve_become_a_pony_villain,_page_12)
Original version of Evil Twilight melting is inspirational.
( (
Eevee problems.
(,_youve_become_a_pony_villain,_page_13.png) (,_youve_become_a_pony_villain,_page_13)
Ice physics.
( (
Ready to go save that tree in Super Mystery Dungeon.
(,_youve_become_a_pony_villain,_page_14.png) (,_youve_become_a_pony_villain,_page_14)
This comic's plot is basically me spontaneously wanting to draw pony violence.
( (
Status effects: Mute, INT Down
(,_youve_become_a_pony_villain,_page_15.png) (,_youve_become_a_pony_villain,_page_15)
Hate it when this happens.
(,_youve_become_a_pony_villain,_page_16.png) (,_youve_become_a_pony_villain,_page_16)
( (
If/when I do a Stuck In Sonic World comic, it won't take place in Green Hill Zone because I'm not drawing those squares every panel.
(,_youve_become_a_pony_villain,_page_17.png) (,_youve_become_a_pony_villain,_page_17)
More Pony Violence.
And hey the first thread to reach 150 pages
If I was still striving to do one poem a day in the written forms with no limit on putting them all in one section, I woukd have beaten it... gosh darn limits of the human body.
(,_page_13.png) (,_page_13)
In which I explore a magical computing device with Joltink.
(,_page_23.png) (,_page_23)
This magical computation device appears to be infected with Scotch.
(,_youve_become_a_pony_villain,_page_18.png) (,_youve_become_a_pony_villain,_page_18)
All ice villains are obligated to say this.
I think I just died of cringe
(,_page_33.png) (,_page_33)
In which Joltink uses his special power.
(,_youve_become_a_pony_villain,_page_19.png) (,_youve_become_a_pony_villain,_page_19)
Oh right, she's in this comic too.
( (
Lineart commission for Xian! Featuring CrabbedLeaf and Vincent.
They'll make good scarecrows.
( (
Commission for Delta-Ket!
( (
Commission for Caleb Lloyd!
( (
Commission for Walas!
( (
Commission for Walas!
( (
Commission for Walas
(,_youve_become_a_pony_villain,_page_20.png) (,_youve_become_a_pony_villain,_page_20)
We probably just need more fire.
( (
Commission for Ceber!
( (
Commission for Ceber!
( (
Commission for IDS Agent!
( (
Commission for IDS Agent!
( (
Commission for IDS Agent!
( (
Commission for LegacySoul!
( (
Commission for ShadowWolf526!
( (
Commission for ShadowWolf526!
( (
They are horses in the sea so they have hooves.
( (
Inflation fans rejoice.
( (
Eel mook.
( (
Rain Burn is pretty much just a "things I want to draw" checklist.
so you want to draw more fish? :3
Hence, this entire chapter.
(,_youve_become_a_pony_villain,_page_21.png) (,_youve_become_a_pony_villain,_page_21)
Well, it's probably quicker.
( (
Needed a doodle to go on the title page for the book.
( (
Commission for LadyLilith64!
( (
Commission for LadyLilith64!
( (
Commission for Foxgamer01!
( (
Commission for Foxgamer01!
Well, blast.
( (
Commission for Foxgamer01!
( (
Commission for Princess Hotcakes!
( (
Commission for Princess Hotcakes!
*Helpless squirk* =D;;;
( (
Commision for Ash!
( (
Commission for Ash!
( (
Commission for Princess Hotcakes, featuring Dsarvess!
( (
Commission for Princess Hotcakes!
( (
Commission for Red the Merwolf!
(,_youve_become_a_pony_villain,_page_22.png) (,_youve_become_a_pony_villain,_page_22)
I see puuuuuuuurple.........
( (
Commission for ConductorRailfox, featuring Elliot!
( (
Commission for FreyFox!
( (
Commission for ConductorRailfox!
(,_youve_become_a_pony_villain,_page_23.png) (,_youve_become_a_pony_villain,_page_23)
The side effects are comatosism.
( (
Never wear these things.
( (
Commission for Dragonized Hope and Shifting Sands!
I haven't played this game yet.
( (
Commission for DragonizedHope and Joat!
( (
Commission for SashaWorkbench, featuring LapisHusky!
( (
Line art commission for Furryjedi1235!
( (
Commission for DigitalPotato!
(,_youve_become_a_pony_villain,_page_24.png) (,_youve_become_a_pony_villain,_page_24)
WELP. Time to roll credits.
( (
Color version of the Crimson Flag ad I made a while back:
Needed a color version to stick at the end of the upcoming Rain Burn book.
( (
Commission for Russet featuring Victor!
Mwa ha ha ha... some recent artwork. [:)
( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
Well I can't wait for you to open the commission again.
( (
Commission for Perfect Pixie!
( (
Commission for Fire Yoshi!
Hate it when this happens.
( (
Commission for Mochi!
( (
Commission for Jovan! Background upgrade of a previous commission.
( (
Commission for Jovan!
(,_youve_become_a_pony_villain,_page_25.png) (,_youve_become_a_pony_villain,_page_25)
Purple magic is not strong enough.
(,_youve_become_a_pony_villain,_page_26.png) (,_youve_become_a_pony_villain,_page_26)
Hello, there.
( (
Linework commission for Nobody32!
( (
Commission for Rey!
This is pretty much the only way I know how to make food too.
( (
Commission for NotMolo!
Chapter 5 villain reveal????
(,_part_2.png) (,_part_2)
Commission for Keys!
Looks like a bigger problem.
First part:
( (
Duration: 12 hours.
Commission for Arroavantho!
( (
Commission for Plazmette!
( (
Commission for Plazmette! Who is highly contagious.
(,_youve_become_a_pony_villain,_page_27.png) (,_youve_become_a_pony_villain,_page_27)
Pony Violence
( (
Commission for Keys!
( (
Commission for Arroavantho!
( (
Commission for Caleb Lloyd!
(,_youve_become_a_pony_villain,_page_28.png) (,_youve_become_a_pony_villain,_page_28)
It's good to follow the rules.
( (
Commission for DragonizedHope!
No one told me this armor was ice themed!
( (
Commission for Shrubie!
(,_youve_become_a_pony_villain,_page_29.png) (,_youve_become_a_pony_villain,_page_29)
She'll probably reform just fine.
( (
Commission for Rory!
( (
Commission for Plazmette!
(,_youve_become_a_pony_villain,_page_30.png) (,_youve_become_a_pony_villain,_page_30)
Winter always does this.
The pones of ponyville 0.001 seconds after finding out the princess helped get rid of christmas:
( (
Commission for PrincessHotcakes, featuring Markolh!
( (
Commission for Princess Hotcakes and Renlu!
( (
Commission for Zeelo and Lockely!
( (
Anti-Valentines! Print out, cut out, give to people you wish to sever any relation with.
2023 Batch
2022 Batch
2021 Batch
2020 Batch
2019 Batch
2018 Batch
2017 Batch
2016 Batch
2015 Batch
2014 Batch
2013 Batch
2012 Batch
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Commission for Erakir!
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Commission for Plazmette!
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My fantasy is to become very casually acquaintanced with Twilight Sparkle.
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Line art commission for Nobody32!
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Line art commission for Nobody32!
Hmm, transparent background makes it fairly unviewable on (dark theme) Discord.
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Commission for Cecilia!
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Commission for LegacySoul, featuring Railfox!
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It's probably fine.
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Commission for Rory!
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Linework commission for Nobody32!
You seriously don't have $5?
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So, what's a few casualties?
Virmir really has become homelander.
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Okay, that's enough Ponies for now.
But there will be more Ponies later.
There will always be more Ponies.
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Commission for Erakir!
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Commission for Erakir and Khloe!
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Commission for Geo!
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Page of Riolu-Zincs.
So glad virmir is the great artist he is, imagine if he failed out of the academy?
This probably would've happened:
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Commission for Aira Toby!
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Commission for Agentxy14!
Eh, it's not that good. *to ebay*
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Featuring Zinc!
Fearows are pretty easy to take out, right?
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Hate it when this happens.
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Commission for Princess Hotcakes!
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Zinc and Virmir were transformed into items.
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Commission for Surgelion!
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Commission for Rory!
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Lineart commission for Nobody32!
Hate it when this happens.
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Because Zinc and myself are taller as deer, our mass scales with our... wait...
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Commission for Poke789!
Sequel to
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Salad discussion with DragonizedHope, Shifting Sands, and Princess Hotcakes.
What the bababooey did I just read?
It's not bad, it's just... why?
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Commission for BigGreenWolfe!
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Commission for Seda, Zeelo, Avi, and Werenimal!
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Commission for Everee, Dr. Dooggle, and company!
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Page of Virmirgons.
It'll make you go wow!
wow. [:O
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Commission for Zeelo and Arzure!
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Commission for Poke789!
Sequel to
They get along perfectly now.
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It's Scotch.
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A lot more Scotch.
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Bro is just re-using assets from other comics now with the orb and all the stuff in the chest.
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Tiana orders hot wings.
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LadyLilith64 obtains a dozen eggs.
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Commission for Keys!
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Commission for Princess Hotcakes and her PMD crew!
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Commission for Princess Hotcakes and her PMD crew!
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Commission for Princess Hotcakes and her PMD RP group!
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Commission for Princess Hotcakes and her PMD RP group!
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I recently discovered the masterpiece that is Unico In the Island of Magic.
Alternate to
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Commission for Princess Hotcakes and her PMD crew!
Why does the croagunk guy look like Jax from TADC?
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Doodle for Somebody (actual username)!
I wonder what it does.
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Commission for Erakir!
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Commission for Erakir!
miguel o hara spiderman sound effect
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Commission for Erakir!
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Commission for Erakir!
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Defending myself against Zinc.
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Further defense against Zinc.
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Further defense against Zinc.
Zinc looks better this way and should be kept this way until Thanksgiving :D
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Commission for Erakir!
Guest appearance bunnies:
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Page of Luciles.
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Page 1 of a 16 page comic commission for Zavier!
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Comic commission for Zavier! Featuring Draykin and Medik.
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Just a quick, 10-or-so page thing.
Hate it when this happens.
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At least it dropped an item.
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Comic commission for Zavier! Featuring Draykin and Medik.
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Comic commission for Zavier! Featuring Draykin and Medik.
This motel better have wi-fi.
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Shutter doors are such a pain.
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When you finally figure out the solution to the puzzle but reeeeally don't want to do it.
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Zinc is an Axew and really easy to catch.
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Brand And Saida, bodyswapped and then turned fishy.
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Needed some NPCs for Chapter 4.
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Brand And Saida, bodyswapped and then turned fishy.
fish :>
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Commission comic for Zavier! Featuring Medik.
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Commission for Zavier! Featuring Medik.
Sleep-jewlery is not fair.
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If you want to be like Saida, you can get the book at
OR you can be like Brand and just read it online
OR you can be like Roko and consume the souls of insects and fish.
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Commission for Zavier! Featuring Draykin.
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Commission for Zavier!
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Does it have to be this sticky?
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It just gets everywhere.
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Commission for Zavier!
Uh oh...
I guess the god's only hope of coming out of this alive is to take him on all together. I doubt they'll be willing to work together though, with how competitive they are.
If he takes them one one one though, they're doomed for sure.
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Commission for Zavier!
Some mornings...
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Commission for Zavier!
Hate it when this happens.
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Trying to keep it together.
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Commission for Zavier!
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Commission for Zavier!
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Commission for Zavier!
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Commission for Zavier!
It's hard to breathe up here.
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Should be easy, riiiiight?
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The basic rule of thumb is, if you can still draw, it's not really that big of a deal.
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Commission for Zavier! Featuring Draykin and Medik.
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Last page!
Commission for Zavier! Featuring Draykin and Medik.
Hate it when this happens.
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Lately I've been wondering, "what if I make a 200-ish page Pokemon Mystery Dungeon comic?"
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He was missing something.
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Turns out we're the same size.
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Mmmrrhgh... whaaaaa...?
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Doodle for Somebody!
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When you wake up and realize it's bee time.
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The pink one can jump.
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Kobold instincts.
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Kevin is on fire now.
Rest in peace
Rest in peace
I doubt it, I always imagined bubble dragons as water types, so fire moves are not too effective
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When you finally unlock evolution post game and--
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Now accepting donations.
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It's very filling.
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This is still passing, right?
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Rat serves orange jello.
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The chance of spontaneously transforming into a spider increases in October.
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PMD comic coming up in a couple of months or so.
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Be careful handling enchanted dragon eggs.
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Touched up and finished off another sketchbook entry.
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Zinc can step up to the job.
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I tend to be an Option A myself.
I'm obviously an option B guy. Better for me to still have my legs and fish tail, hehe.
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Hate it when this happens.
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Anti-Valentines! Print out, cut out, give to people you wish to sever any relation with.
2024 Batch
2023 Batch
2022 Batch
2021 Batch
2020 Batch
2019 Batch
2018 Batch
2017 Batch
2016 Batch
2015 Batch
2014 Batch
2013 Batch
2012 Batch
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Anti-Valentines! Print out, cut out, give to people you wish to sever any relation with.
2024 Batch
2023 Batch
2022 Batch
2021 Batch
2020 Batch
2019 Batch
2018 Batch
2017 Batch
2016 Batch
2015 Batch
2014 Batch
2013 Batch
2012 Batch
soooo water familiarity?
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I actually don't hate the idea now that I've been aware for it for a week (it's no more dumb than me putting eyelashes on girl pokemon) so we'll see if it makes it into a comic within the next 5-10 years.
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Primavirmireon pre-evolution reveal.
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Doodle for Geronex!
Also, check out some Spanish Rain Burn:
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Time for Tails.
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PrincessHotcakes Penelope takes a seat.
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Ten taurs for 2025.