Crimson Flag Comic Forums

Other Realms => Art Gallery => Topic started by: Virmir on October 14, 2022, 08:00:03 PM

Title: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 (Closed)
Post by: Virmir on October 14, 2022, 08:00:03 PM


Welcome to Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12, V-Max Full Art edition!

- You may request a simple sketch-- nothing complex please!  One character only.  You may also include Virmir  or another one of my characters if the idea isn't too complex, but there should be some interaction between the two. (I.e.  Something more substantial than your character and Virmir in costumes.) Probably limit your request to a simple sentence or so.

- Requests should be at least vaguely Halloween-themed!  Some ideas for you: Your character in a costume, as some ghoulish creature, stuffed with candy, etc.  Have fun with it!

- You may alternatively request someone else's character as long as the character's owner is okay with it!

- PLEASE POST A REFERENCE OF WHAT YOU WANT ME TO DRAW, EVEN IF I HAVE DRAWN IT BEFORE.  If I have drawn this character, do a quick search on my art site ( and grab the link.  THIS SAVES ME TIME!!!!!!!  Also, post pictures of stuff relevant to the request, because I live in a tree and don't know what things are. If a reference does not exist, please write a SHORT description underneath the request. Generic stuff like "draw a fox doing..." is perfectly fine too.

- PLEASE NUMBER YOUR REQUEST!  Look at the person who requested before you, increment that, and post what number yours is.  If the ordering gets messed up, fix it. [;) If you know the person above you is wrong, post the right one on yours instead. [;)

- This is open to CF members who have joined before the date of this posting only.

- GROUP REQUESTS: YES, you may team up with someone else!  BOTH requestors must number his or her post.  The person with the earlier number should describe the full request and also say, "I'm with X!" and include that person's number.  The later requestor need only mention who he or she is with and post the number.

- YES, you may edit your post as many times as you like up until I'm ready to draw yours.

- YES, I will draw every single request.

- NO, this is like, not a big deal at all for me.

- YES, these are free.

- YES, you may request your drawing be cut out and sent to you separate from the others if you do not have the capability of doing this yourself! Just ask me later on when I'm not drawing. (But if you can do it yourself, please do.)

- YES, you may color your drawing yourself and/or post it anywhere you like!

- YES, YOUR REQUEST IS PROBABLY OKAY AND I DON'T NEED TO LOOK AT IT FIRST AND TELL YOU SO, SO PLEASE PEOPLE STOP ASKING ME TO LOOK, GOOD BLASTED TREES-- If it's not okay, then I will simply simplify or modify the drawing so that it is. Here are a few hundred examples if you need inspiration: 2021 ( 2020 ( 2019 ( 2018 ( 2017 ( 2016 ( 2015 (

These will be streamed and done in order of request with no regard to who is in the chat at the time. Sorry!  Although I may skip over group requests for a simpler one if I am running out of time and then come back later.

You can view past Halloween Sketch-a-thon results here! (  Same general idea this year!

Requests close the night of Saturday, October 15th! -- That's approximately 24 hours from the time of this posting.

Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: PrincessHotcakes on October 14, 2022, 08:00:09 PM
#1 with #11

Toast as Lustriel and Destiny as the pink lugia/dragonair hybrid surrounding Virmir who we have tied up inside a pentagram and are turning him into a lugia/dragonair hybrid as well

Toast's ref:

Destiny's ref:

Virmir's lunair ref:
Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: DragonizedHope on October 14, 2022, 08:00:12 PM
Edited: #2 with Panzer (#86) and Zinc (#92)

It turns out I COMPLETELY forgot I was actually grouping with them, and I don’t want to break my promise.

So, I’m going with their idea. All three of us are trick or treating.

Here’s Kevin’s ref:

 I think I’m going to go with a Noibat ( ) costume for Kevin.

Sorry for the near-last-minute edit.
Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: body on October 14, 2022, 08:00:18 PM

Was thinking of my character having eaten a bunch of tainted berry-flavored candy without realizing, resulting in him swelling up into a massive (and quite flustered) blueberry.

Refs: (clothing)

Thanks a ton for the opportunity!
Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: Aira Fox on October 14, 2022, 08:00:25 PM

Witchy Mara extracting Aira's fox-ness and other fox ingredients from his body to create a potion, or distilling his body into a potion.

Aira: /
Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: Nobody32 on October 14, 2022, 08:00:31 PM
Sam and Mara meet at a Halloween Party.  When Sam tries to bully Mara, Mara reveals that “magic mushroom powder” wasn’t a drug reference.
Sam reference:
I suppose I should clarify, in case my intent is not obvious, I mean Sam in her human form, not her frog form.
Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!a
Post by: Ceber on October 14, 2022, 08:00:38 PM

I would like the two macro characters, Justin (me), and Virmir to be looming over a candy/sweets store where Virmir seems to be nervous or unsure while he has his paw over the building, seemingly about to crush it while Justin, right next to him with an arm around his shoulder eggs him on to do so while tiny (non-detailed of course) furries run away from the store/scene. I'd also want Justin to be a head taller than Virmir. If you can, I'd love for the giant's size to be well, very recognizable, and for a view of the general bottom of Virmir's paw.

Justin Reference (The large wolf on the Left and don't include his robe):
Virmir Reference (The muscular one):
Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: SpookyJester on October 14, 2022, 08:00:49 PM
#7 post tf of my sona into a big pear shaped dragon (pretty much the same bodyshape as Virmirgon). Seems Izzy teased Virmir one too many times. Now she gets to know how it feels! She would be quite shocked and even embarrassed as Virmir is off to the side mocking her. Her dragon form would obviously have scales and no fur but should still have a mane and could even have a somewhat aquatic appearance (fins, webbed digits, etc). It would also still have a big strong tail. Big dragon paws like virmirgon too but, NO THUMBS please. Also, please keep her flower on her head

sona references: 
Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: Peanut Dragon on October 14, 2022, 08:00:56 PM

I'm with Gorchard! (#15)

Our idea is our two characters getting turned into ghosts—Rosa into a wide-hipped effeminate reindeer ghost, and Gorchard into a female Primarina ghost with a giant tail.

Rosa ref:
Gorchard ref:
Deer ref (I imagine something along the lines of this, design and size wise):
Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: ArcusMike99 on October 14, 2022, 08:00:59 PM

BeanFox Mike hugging BeanFox Virmir after TF'ing him!
Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: Talcott on October 14, 2022, 08:01:05 PM
 I'm with Bluedragon62 (#26). Idea is his character Nixuelle as a witch commanding Talcott who's his menacing werewolf minion. Going for spooky vibes.

Nixu ref:

Witch outfit:

Talcott werewolf:
Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: PinkPrincessDestiny on October 14, 2022, 08:01:15 PM
Im with them (#1) :p
Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: Cody The Werewolf on October 14, 2022, 08:01:27 PM

Cody in his aquatic form, swimming with Virmir underwater who now looks aquatic (still looking like an fox with fur btw) while Cody drags him by the hand and Virmir will have an "hate it when that happens" expression on his face while Cody has an happy face.


 The reason why Virmir looks aquatic is because he has an aquatic pedant necklace, which is something Cody wears (or may have eaten gillyweed from Harry Potter & The Goblet of Fire, you decide), apparently he was tinkering with it (or the gillyweed) like he always does (or maybe sometimes).

Virmir's aquatic form has gills on both his neck & chest. He has fins on both his elbows, legs, & on his head (are fish-like), you can also include extra fins (like on his back for example if you want to) they are optional. Virmir's hands are now webbed. His ears now look like shark-like. His tail will now have shark fins at the tip of his tail. Virmir's feet are now morphed, flattened & REALLY webbed to look like flippers/fish fins that are easily flexible & bendable like cloth (you can also include his paw pads on the back of each flipper like they were marked/printed on them like tattoes, it is optional).

Anyways, this is an reference of me in my regular form (only use for the cape): (

And here are some references of me in my aquatic form: & (Cody's flippers are now updated to now look more fish-like, REALLY webbed & transparent but not much & they will be similar to Donut's & Harry Potter's, Cody's flippers also has his white paw pads printed/marked on the back of each flipper like tattooes.)

Just in case, you want an aquatic magic pedant necklace, the pedant is shaped like an dolphin.

Another example of what an aquatic form looks like for reference: :)

& yet another example of an aquatic form you drew (just to give you an idea):

And an gillyweed transformation scene just in case (from the movie):

(sorry if it's a mess)
Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: tails230 on October 14, 2022, 08:01:38 PM

Thankies again for this! I'm so excited!

Here is our Halloween Collab Request for Tails230 & Foxgamer01 (#20):

Refs: - Chris Bondie (Tails230) - Daren A-Fox (Foxgamer01) - A-Fox's Costume Ref

Details: A-Fox, who was wearing costune of ZEKE VON GENBU, BRINGER OF CHAOS! is riding on Chris, who he had turned into a Macro, Hisuian Zorua Plushie by A-Fox. Chris pouts as he wobbles to walk because of his plush shape, with a giant Candy Bucket tied around his neck, so that A-Fox can make sure he gets so much candy, as he rides on the giant plush!
Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: Generic Meatbag #14 on October 14, 2022, 08:01:51 PM
#14, fitting innit

A joint request with Dmitriy (post#42)

An outfit contest gone out of hand!
A back or back 3/4 view of a particularly round black vixen facing off against Dmitriy's character Mischief in the background. Both wield their props with intent, the black vixen a handful of flame, and Mischief her great hammer with both hands.

Nondescript Black Vixen:


The vixen on the left, yeah? Go big.



Other notes: I'd like to be present for the sketching if possible. Go ahead and skip ahead if I'm not around.
Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: Gorchard on October 14, 2022, 08:02:05 PM

I'm requesting with Peanut Dragon! (#8)
Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: Trevor_Fox on October 14, 2022, 08:02:14 PM

-Mara looking curiously at Trevor
-Trevor eating handful of candy from Mara's cauldron in front of her hut
-Changing into mushroom because he took more than one piece

Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: KyleTheRed on October 14, 2022, 08:02:54 PM

Kyle has been transformed into a huge Jack-O-Lantern balloon by a cursed cup of tea spilled on the ground.Only his belly is hugely round and he’s holding his almost fully transformed face with two large rubbery paws, Shocked.

Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: HispanicZuoh on October 14, 2022, 08:02:59 PM

Agreed with Champ (#36), a pic of Chamo as a big Hydreigon with him being the main head while my Meowstic OC and Virmir as the hands wearing my OC’s bandana and Virmir’s cape in which they are both bickering and arguing while Champ is sneering at the situation!

My OC:

Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: ConductorRailfox on October 14, 2022, 08:03:04 PM

I’m with KieliIndustries (#64) and would like Railfox and Elliot to be very fat while being overfed by Mara behind them.  Both Railfox and Elliot won’t have any clothing, Railfox would still have his hat.  Mara will wear her usual outfit.  Expression for Railfox and Elliot would be exhausted and Mara would have her usual evil grin.


Elliot (KieliIndustries):

Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: foxgamer01 on October 14, 2022, 08:03:48 PM

I'm with Tails230 (13).
Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: Krysto on October 14, 2022, 08:04:16 PM

Idea is Mara using her witchy magic to transform and brainwash Gumdrop, Dell (#40) and Dez (#35) into her obedient monstrous swamp rat minions.

Gumdrop -
Dell -
Dez -
Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: MartinWolf2020 on October 14, 2022, 08:05:46 PM

This is my first time and I am so excited.

Martin as a demon Platinum Fox in his costume Playing Virmir Who has Became a Guitar

Ref for martin's Halloween form/costume :

Ref for Virmir's Guitar Form :
Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: Digitalpotato on October 14, 2022, 08:06:19 PM

Virmir trying not to laugh at this little Tiger Cub trying to look all fierce and scary.
Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: Turpshi on October 14, 2022, 08:07:42 PM

Dominique [ref (] as a sea witch [ref 1 (, ref 2 (, ref 3 (, ref 4 (, ref 5 (] once more, this time looking over a despondent Mara who has been turned into a polyp (

>Dominique looks rather triumphant and devious, cackling as she looks at her transformed victim.
>Mara should look shocked, afraid and nervous.

>Dom's design should use the necklace from ref 1, hair from ref 5, the chub from ref 4, aaand the glasses from ref 2.
>Mara's polyp form should only retain her general head shape, her hat and cape.

Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: Somebody on October 14, 2022, 08:09:31 PM

Ty pushing a very large Jack-O-Lantern, which is visibly annoyed at the suggestion that it can be moved. Probably possessed, but you can never tell with pumpkins with faces.

Ty Reference: (
Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: Nixuelle on October 14, 2022, 08:11:54 PM

I'm with Talcott (#10).

Full size references here!
Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: StuffAlso on October 14, 2022, 08:12:26 PM

I'm with ChasetheRedFox and Jake1805, #31 and #66

Chase is a werevixen and zapping Oliver, turning him into a cute, fluffy, feral bunny, and Jake, turning him into a cute, fluffy, feral fox

Chase reference:

Oliver reference:

Jake Reference:
Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: EpsilonTheDerg on October 14, 2022, 08:14:11 PM

Epsilon (preferably fem, as a kobold which pretty much amounts to "shorter, rounder, no wings") in Driller armor excitedly holding up a glyphid grunt in a "look what I found!" kind of way.

Main ref -
Fem ref -
Past art (2020, #54) -
Past art (2021, #72) -

Early render, head-on -
Modern render -
Turnaround + closeups (video) -

Glyphid grunt
Render -
Model print, more side-on -
Turnaround + closeups (video) -

Similar to the pose the Engineer and his grunt are in here, but arms more outstretched (video) -
Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: Alsin on October 14, 2022, 08:14:49 PM
Alsin with Sample (#89)
where Sample is presenting himself wearing a badly taped on taur costume and Alsin (as an actual taur) stands next to him facepalming.

like so:

General refs: (Alsin) ( (Sample) (
Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: Timekeeper on October 14, 2022, 08:15:11 PM

Stella, dressed up as a 1950s(ish) astronaut with a fishbowl helmet.  If a 5 pointed star can be incorporated somewhere on the suit it would be very nice.

Stella Refs:

I also drew up a suit in MSpaint that is sorta the vibe I was thinking:  I'm not dead set on it specifically or anything I made it up on the spot, just that kinda deal
Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: Bonfire on October 14, 2022, 08:17:24 PM
With Stuffalso #27

Were chase is turning us into cute fluffy feral animals
Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: Aurum Lupus on October 14, 2022, 08:18:51 PM

I’m with Sam/Luna(#43) & Pylon (#33)

Mara (whom is a gooey latex creature version of herself, which is also still wearing her clothes) is turning Aurum, Pylon, & Sam into various latex/gooey creatures from the game Changed.
Pylon is being turned into a squid dog (see Pylon’s post).
Sam is being turned into a gooey latex female snow leopard from having a hat that belongs to Mara on him that had been placed by Mara herself (see Sam’s post).
And Aurum is being turned into a black latex monster (akin to Puro) & his clothes either gets destroyed/ or consumed by the latex goo. Or just simply falls off.

Aurum Ref

Black Latex Monster Ref (First pic is from the game btw)
Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: Pylon on October 14, 2022, 08:19:33 PM
#33 (with #32 and #43)

25? maybe. Hopefully it doesn't change by the time I finish this post. My idea:

"A spooky squid-dog Pylon"

Squid dog: One of the latex creatures form Changed. 4 arms, 2 legs, and 4 tentacles. Made of latex and is sticky and goopy. See attached images for further detail.

Pylon: Me. Floppy ears are very important and the bandanna too. Otherwise I look just like most other doggos hahaha. Other than that there is the thing on the eyes. Idk what it is called but I outlined it in the picture.

Side Note: Luna_Ecplipse and Aurum_Lupus might want me to be with them because they have this whole thing with mara changing us and idk. I would just like to see the squid-dog Pylo if I could. Thank you.

Halloween Spirit: It is a spooky latex monster. Very formidable and not at all cute. Goopy

Squid Dog:

Dog (me):
Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: Terrev on October 14, 2022, 08:20:01 PM
#34 with Arcaroo (#75)

Mara casting magic on a couple of voodoo balloons, causing Arc and I, both balloonies, to puff up as well.

You know us, big and round, etc.

Arc ref sheet, and art by you:

And my ref sheet:
Aptly round sketch by you: (And colored by me if that helps? )
Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: DezTheSalandit on October 14, 2022, 08:20:30 PM
#35 with Krysto (#21) and Dell (#40)

Thank you very much for the opportunity
Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: Champloon on October 14, 2022, 08:20:54 PM

With #18
Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: Xandriel on October 14, 2022, 08:21:48 PM
#37 Xandriel accompanied by his winged kobold crewmate delivering a shadow market (for mages) package to Virmir who is dealing with [insert curse here]
the kobold wears a poofy shirt and a bandanna.

i stand at 7'10"
the kobold 4'5"
Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: Mizutsune on October 14, 2022, 08:23:31 PM

Might settle for something simple and go with my Mizutsune in their jester costume, puffing up a large gum bubble while puttiing on a Halloween themed circus show.

Sona design:

Jester outfit:
Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: BuoyantBliss on October 14, 2022, 08:24:31 PM

I am with Luga (#46) this year, getting a pic together.

Luga is cosplaying as Meow Skulls (wearing the clothes/accessories and goth makeup), while blowing a large bubblegum Bliss bubble like a balloon, slowly lifting him off the ground. (Luga would still wear his normal bandana while in the outfit)

Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: playfingers on October 14, 2022, 08:25:12 PM

Idea is Mara using her witchy magic to transform  Gumdrop(#21), Dell (#40 me) and Dez (#35) into her monstrous swamp rat minions.

Gumdrop: pending
Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: William Swiftfoot on October 14, 2022, 08:26:08 PM

William as a Ghost Pirate is frantically running away from a Flail weilding Geo(#52) who yells as he chases "GIVE ME YOUR SHINIES!"

Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: Karina on October 14, 2022, 08:27:24 PM

I'm with the generic Meatbag, post #14
Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: Sasha Workbench on October 14, 2022, 08:28:10 PM

I am with #32 and #33, but I am 43# I will be joining Lapis and Pylon Mara will be a goo monster and we will be in her goo puddle being transformed, for me she will be forcing her hat on my head as the goo crawls up my legs, down my tail and feet and down my head and hair ears and such, I will be be confused losing intelligence as my will become one to change others and such maybe hypno eyes, idk, as the hat spill goo on me a bit and goo crawls up me I will become a Snep as well, but the one from changed. My gender will also being going from male to female as my clothing is forced off by the goo or something

REF: Sam

Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: Cecilia on October 14, 2022, 08:28:58 PM

Solo picture

For this year I would like to have Cecilia (ref given for conformitiy's sake but I would prefer if you draw her the way you normally do ( ( ) dressed as Sabrina from the titular webcomic and in this pose with the slight modification to have the free hand pinching the frame of her glasses, elbow brought up to her chest. To clarify what I mean by "dressed as" I would like her in the short sleeve tee (you can omit the graphic) the glasses, and the same hairstyle but most importantly: no pants :3 For even more specification, Ceci's tail would be held up against her back like in the pose in an "S" shape with no spiral curl at the end. Thank you for another lovely batch!
Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: Phantom on October 14, 2022, 08:36:04 PM

Since it's Halloween might as well create a monster invasion. Draw me using the Jack-o-lantern key, inserting it into a clockwork jack-o-lantern, unleashing a swarm of wisps from the thing and a group of monsters surrounding me. I'll be standing in front of the clockwork jack-o-lantern while the latter is facing me, looking at the audience with an evil look on my face, Happy Halloween, everyone. Here's an update on my appearance. I now wear a steampunk tophat. I'll give you my drawing of the Jack-o-lantern key and a photo of the hat, but I'll leave the clockwork jack-o-lantern to you. Just make sure the key is in the keyhole, in the nose hole of the clockwork jack-o-lantern.

Edit: Make the monsters be foxes wearing costumes, turning into the monsters they're dressed as. Have them panic because of their transformation.
Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: Luga on October 14, 2022, 08:39:30 PM

I'm with Bliss #39
Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: Mehlahphuse on October 14, 2022, 08:44:47 PM
#47 + #49

Me and Trask as scary werewolf plushies!
Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: Zavier on October 14, 2022, 08:45:15 PM
#48, with #68 and #69

Virmir has collected his yearly annoyances into either his tablet screen or a comic book page/panel. Said annoyances are forcibly costumed/turned into characters as a result of being trapped, and Virmir is welcome to be costumed as well.


The three costumes together (pose not necessary):

The inspiring pose/shot for Virmir:



Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: PrincessToyTime on October 14, 2022, 08:45:39 PM
#49 + #47

With Mehl~! we are scary werewolf plushies! [:P
Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: BigGreenWolfe on October 14, 2022, 08:49:56 PM

Mara wants to give Virmir a run for his money, so she becomes Morathra (basically her, but with Mothra features), but she gets outsized and snorted away by VirZilla once she approaches him, who's still bigger than her. (I'm thinking she's only 1/3 his height or something, but basically a mini giant Kaiju, but still show him from the Belly up, with a somewhat annoyed expression, snorting air out from his Nostrils, as she's flying away from his face, like the pesky insect she is to him, lol)

Mara Reference:
Mothra Reference:

Virmir/Virzilla Reference:
Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: Rainyote on October 14, 2022, 08:54:03 PM
 My sona Patch being tf'ed into a pumpkin with a lot of vines holding them down into the pumpkin patch

Patch ref:

Pumpkin/vines ref
Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: Geo Holms on October 14, 2022, 09:01:32 PM

I'm with #41

Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: Niro on October 14, 2022, 09:04:15 PM

Oh boy another year to plague the world with terrible carbs for breakfast.   For this year's Halloween theme.  Ahem...

"Its The Great Muffin, Virmir"

Recreate the famous Great Pumpkin patch from Charlie Brown ... but with muffin zombies/creatures/monsters as the pumpkin(s)... consuming Virmir (or a character you feel worthy of being devoured by muffins)

As always... have fun with it add your own chaotic artistry.

Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: Devon on October 14, 2022, 09:08:29 PM

With #77, #83 and #96 for this there will be Seragus, Devon, Dean and Cherry as the ghost busters posing like this
with Virmir as the ghost (doesn't matter on who's where in the image )

I apologize for the confusion, needless effort and convenience.

Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: Caleb_Lloyd on October 14, 2022, 09:15:55 PM
#55 (with #62)

Oliver and Wilgeon doing battle with a Vir-skeleton. The magical undead mage is flying with magical prowess.
Wilgeon provides a vertical boost to Oliver, who leaps off of the dragon's belly to take a jumping slash at the soaring skele-Virmir

References: Wilgeon ( - Oliver ( - Virbones (
Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: Rory on October 14, 2022, 09:17:40 PM

My Dragoness character Soruta with her lower half turned into a spider taur, with her spider half having spider eyes while her top half still remains as a dragon, and with her holding her staff and smiling a smirk

References for Soruta:
Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: Xian on October 14, 2022, 09:24:23 PM

I'm with CrabbedLeaf (#61)

CrabbedLeaf holding Xian (close up) in his hand after having shrunk him with a ray gun for trying to take the entire bowl of candy while trick or treating. Crab's expression is playfully nefarious, Xian's expression is shocked while looking up at him.

CrabbedLeaf reference:
Xian reference:
Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: Jonas on October 14, 2022, 09:25:57 PM

Werewolf Spark ( attempting to boss around a pack of normal, confused wolves who do not respect his obvious authority over them.
Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: JuliusTheAwesome on October 14, 2022, 09:39:15 PM
Hey, #59 here. Was hoping I could have Virmir transforming my oc Julius's head into a big jack o lantern balloon with him beginning to float away, as a post tf. If possible i'd also like Virmir to say a witty reply as well about Julius's situation.

Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: DemonSouLz on October 14, 2022, 09:41:59 PM

After got transformed into a plushie/inflatable (your choice) Riolu, struggle around with his new self

( + virmir would be nice )

ps, feel free to adjust around for fun ( eg. some mind-control/hypnosis, etc. )

ref :
Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: CrabbedLeaf on October 14, 2022, 09:44:31 PM
#61 and I'm with Xian #57
Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: greendragon on October 14, 2022, 09:45:17 PM
With #55 Caleb
Working on an idea
Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: Princess Sarina on October 14, 2022, 10:00:22 PM

Hello :) happy to be offered the chance!

Human me becoming flesh and blood Nightmare Moon from MLP for Halloween due to a cursed artifact, possession, moonlight or other spooky related item such as a pony costume becoming real.

I am cackling as I am starting to get taken over to feel evil and powerful, sclera changing color and shifting quad. My skin being taken over by the lightless black, a bit of dialogue about trying to hold onto who I am but to no avail. I am becoming the queen of night for halloween!

Artistic Liberty otherwise on other things, have fun with it!

Human Me: [I need a proper ref but here is a photo and an art lookalike]

Nightmare Moon:

I think that's it, let me know if you have questions, comments or concerns! [or if links break]
Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: KieliIndustries on October 14, 2022, 10:01:02 PM

I’m with ConductorRailfox (#19)!

Additional reference for my character if you need one:
Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: bulbabenz on October 14, 2022, 10:09:18 PM


Get fall into a large spider cobweb. Sticky and stuck on it...

Seems like they misunderstand my bulb as Halloween treats---since I stuffed my bulb with candies > . >!?
Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: ChaseTheFox on October 14, 2022, 10:17:55 PM

I'm with Stuff and Jake. (#27 and #31)
Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: Corbynprower on October 14, 2022, 10:21:46 PM
#67 (with #70)

I would like a idea of me becoming a were midday lycanroc and scaring with a rawr as they change into a mareep with ripping clothes, stepping back going “baaaa!”

my ref:
his ref:

Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: Shifting Sands on October 14, 2022, 10:29:08 PM

with #48 and #69
Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: Draykin on October 14, 2022, 10:30:09 PM

with #48 and #68
Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: JerryAndTerry on October 14, 2022, 10:31:13 PM

I am with #67 and i’ll be the mareep getting scared by Corbyn, who’s turning into a were midday lycanroc

My ref:
Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: VoidSlice on October 14, 2022, 10:47:58 PM

Savra turning Virmir into a pumpkin for Halloween OR Virmir gets the upper hand and turns him into one instead. Winner gets to wear the other's cape. (Your pick on who ends up transformed)

And a Savra you've drawn before:
Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: Cylonmaverick on October 14, 2022, 10:51:42 PM

I’d like to see this character (the vixen, not the lioness) dressed up as Isabelle from Animal crossing, New Leaf

Character ref:

Costume ref:
Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: MaxSilverfox on October 14, 2022, 11:04:09 PM

if you could draw my voidling/symbiote OREO just stealing/"trick or treating" halloween candy

nessesary refs?

Colors-older design
Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: Arroavantho on October 14, 2022, 11:11:59 PM

My character as a haunted partial fursuit. Head, handpaws, feetpaws, tail, all independently suspended in roughly the right place for where it would be if being worn. Head's expression is frozen in that blank-eyed grin of course. Chasing Virmir (or another character if you prefer).
Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: Arcaroo on October 15, 2022, 12:09:31 AM
#75 (?)
I’m with Snorb Terrev (#34)
Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: Xsnulz on October 15, 2022, 01:52:32 AM

Cheers, thanks much for the opportunity! Manadragon character, female if possible.
Was thinking of being dressed in a witchy outfit, used as someone's airblown lawn decoration. Air regulator is a bit wonky, so a bit overly round and overinflated :3

Thanks again!
Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: DeanFox on October 15, 2022, 02:14:06 AM
#77 was wanting to be in a picture with my friends #83 (with #54, #96)
Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: Verace on October 15, 2022, 02:17:49 AM

Yeen either flingin ink with Inkbrush or otherwise bein menacing with it, or possibly repainting Virmir into some other form

Pants: simple loose pants

Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: J0s4U8 on October 15, 2022, 02:28:30 AM

My idea is mara summoning ghost hands to stuff my character who is already fat

Here is the ref
Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: Russet on October 15, 2022, 03:27:07 AM

Lets see
How about my were-rat Farq mid-transformation from


into rat form:
Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: Xodiac on October 15, 2022, 05:26:02 AM

I would like my OC and namesake, Xodiac (ref:, or ) partway tf/tg'd into a young unicorn-type mlp filly by Virmare.  There's a spilled trick-or-treat bag or bucket in front of him.  He shouldn't have tried to trick or treat without a costume, or as an adult, but she'll fix that!

Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: Pontos on October 15, 2022, 07:29:42 AM

A follow up to last year's Halloween sketch. Bunny me trick or treating dressed as bunny link from LoZ: ALTTP while looking embarrassed.

Refs: (Link's outfit in ALTTP). (How the outfit looks in his rabbit form according to the official manga). (Bun Ethaniel from last year sketch).
Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: EisenManfred on October 15, 2022, 07:31:48 AM
#83 (with #54, #77, #96) for this there will be Myself, Devon, Dean and Cherry as the ghost busters posing like this
with Virmir as the ghost (doesn't matter on who's where in the image )
Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: Shrubie on October 15, 2022, 07:42:38 AM

Shrub tf'ed into a mlp pony. The horrifying part is that they never watched the show!
Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: plazmastorm on October 15, 2022, 08:58:08 AM
Plazma ( signing a reincarnation assistance contract and enjoying the results while the kitsune spirit looks confused.
Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: Ember on October 15, 2022, 10:04:52 AM

"Posted with permission" Me as a LycanRoc, dragonized hope, as a Noibat and zinc, as a Lucario with little Halloween pumpkin baskets going trick or treating, don't really have any preference on how this should look, you know what my lycanroc looks like so feel free to do whatever with this haha! tysm
Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: Zeelo on October 15, 2022, 10:51:22 AM

Anthro chubby Final Fantasy carbuncle girl TFTG, from someone casting a spell giving him a 'costume' to wear on Halloween, clothes on the ground, looking annoyed
Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: CrimsonRune on October 15, 2022, 11:39:05 AM
#88! I'm thinking it would be fun to get my pony character Crimson's mare form, Scarlet (, corrupted by a some seasonal Halloween (or Nightmare Night, as it were!) into the form of an evil equine queen, a la Daybreaker or Nightmare Moon! Can even alicorn her up to properly fit princess tradition. The stash folder includes her normal form and some corrupted looks, but for good/helpful inspiration see also the Nightmare Princesses themselves:
Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: Sample_Text800 on October 15, 2022, 12:06:30 PM
Sample #89, with Alsin #29
Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: LurkingWolf on October 15, 2022, 01:59:51 PM

Azariah changing and shrinking into a worker bee drone lady! Perhaps by means of enchanted candy.


Bee drone design:
Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: NimonoSolenze on October 15, 2022, 02:14:37 PM

My sona Nimono in a simple dragon costume, growing huge and breathing fire
Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: Zinc on October 15, 2022, 02:18:44 PM

I’m with Dragonizedhope #2 and Panzer #86. I’m dressed as a Lucario
Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: Erakir on October 15, 2022, 02:43:05 PM

My moogle Erakir as a Drider/Spider bartender, mixing some spooky themed drinks with an impish demeanor (spooky ingredients/labels, ghostly stuff, spider webs, bugs, whatever)


Similar to the look from last year's #81 here:
-But with a bartender's attire (dress shirt, vest, tie or bowtie - examples )
-Still with Erakir's scarf
-Something something reminder about including moogle wings
Various pics of mixing, pouring, stirring, etc -
Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: Beobachten on October 15, 2022, 02:58:31 PM

Hello! I'd like my feline look as seen here but dressed like a gothic princess for Halloween! Looking a bit shy about the whole thing -as is usually the case for me anyway-.

Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: Creator-Unreal on October 15, 2022, 03:04:18 PM

Virbot picking up all of my fursona's pieces after being trampled and broken for the candy they were handing out. And yes I'm still a robot.

Reference for Creator-Unreal: ( (,_part_14 (,_part_14) (labeled 79)
Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: i8cherrypie on October 15, 2022, 03:23:22 PM

I'm with EisenManfred #83 (with #54, #77)
Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: Keys on October 15, 2022, 03:58:31 PM
#97 with #98

I'm gonna be with Dsarvess on this one. It's Halloween, so of course I've gotta take my Pokemon to the party. And, well, it's Dsarvess, so she's gotta be the Pokemon to take with me. Keys is dressed in Pokemon trainer gear (, while Dsarvess is mid-change from human to dark/shadow Lugia.
Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: Dsarvess on October 15, 2022, 04:04:07 PM
#98 with #97

I'm with Keys, as with his description!
Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: Akaji_lion on October 15, 2022, 04:24:49 PM

Draw Akaji as Leatherface from Dead by daylight. Just make Akaji look fat, and has his attire. The mask is replaced with a lion-shaped (Like draw Akaji's face but has scar and black eye holes). It can be as creepy as you want. Can add his signature Chainsaw, the chainsaw is my other character, Tendo transformed into, so has bear ears and a face on it like a :T
He is like grin toward the camera and is ready to run his chainsaw with both hands.


More reference if you wanna go for a cartoon approach:

Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: Darr on October 15, 2022, 04:34:08 PM

could you have my current character drawn as an anthro wearing an apron baking Halloween treats like cookies and such?
Species sheet for reference:
Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: Anter on October 15, 2022, 04:36:49 PM

A jumping spider in some kind of gear or clothing (example): trying to hand out full candy bars of Halloween candy excitedly
Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: WhiteKnightDragonite on October 15, 2022, 05:37:34 PM

How about my Ampharos Astral shifting to his Mega form looking menacing with the full moon in the BG wings spread to frame the full moon. Sort of going with a Were-Mega Tf sort of thing XD for the non mega form if needed
Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: JacFox on October 15, 2022, 07:07:43 PM

Jac practicing some technomancy wearing torn/warn out wizard/witch garb (its had a lot of use), summoning and or putting together some robotic like limb maybe.
Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: Scotch on October 15, 2022, 07:12:19 PM

Just draw one of your characters however you like
Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: Joltink on October 15, 2022, 07:52:25 PM

*zorua exploded in confusion*

My actual idea from last year: Roo in Galvantula suit!
Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: AlphaZeron on October 15, 2022, 07:54:12 PM

oh man, you have so many request!
draw yourself with extra arms to finish all the request!
Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: RicochetWolf on October 15, 2022, 07:56:03 PM

Ricochet who's turned into a Were-Lycanroc howling!


Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 -- Open!
Post by: DeltaMudkip on October 15, 2022, 08:00:26 PM

I'm uh, very tempted to suggest somethin' of my spacekip sona dressed up as a Yoshi (and maybe even monching on some fruit like yosh), but I've got too much of a cold to think up any details of what that'd look like, fricc. If that's too difficult either just the kip or just the Yoshi would work
(This is what I tend to use for references for the kip even though it wasn't made for me)

(also I think I owe you somethin', so contact me on like FA notes or something and ask me what I could make a chiptune cover of idk)
Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 (Closed)
Post by: Virmir on October 15, 2022, 08:05:38 PM
Okay, going to close there here. Thanks for requesting!

Will get a start on these on Monday, then will likely resume Thursday 19 to the following Monday for the bulk of them.
Title: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12
Post by: Remson_E.MacCoyote on October 16, 2022, 01:32:30 PM

Virmir is in disguise as an anthro Twilight Sparkle that looks a like a good sexy teacher. Tricking and transforming my fursona Remson into a anthro Twilight Sparkle student clone and a wonderfully sexy student uniform to show off my new body via your horn.
AntroTwi10 {Virmir
AnthroTwi1 {Remson POST TF
Fully Body Rem {My sona reference. 

IF you need the refs for the stuff again. Message me. ALSO make is so you can send more than one Attachment.
Title: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 2022, part 1
Post by: VirBot on October 18, 2022, 12:03:13 AM
(,_part_1.png) (,_part_1)

Title: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 2022, part 2
Post by: VirBot on October 20, 2022, 05:31:28 PM
(,_part_2.png) (,_part_2)

Title: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 2022, part 3
Post by: VirBot on October 20, 2022, 11:33:35 PM
(,_part_3.png) (,_part_3)

Title: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 2022, part 4
Post by: VirBot on October 21, 2022, 05:27:43 PM
(,_part_4.png) (,_part_4)

Title: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 2022, part 5
Post by: VirBot on October 21, 2022, 11:44:09 PM
(,_part_5.png) (,_part_5)

Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 (Closed)
Post by: Virmir on October 22, 2022, 05:59:55 PM
(,_part_6.png) (,_part_6)
Title: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 2022, part 7
Post by: VirBot on October 22, 2022, 11:32:44 PM
(,_part_7.png) (,_part_7)

Title: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 2022, part 8
Post by: VirBot on October 23, 2022, 05:32:21 PM
(,_part_8.png) (,_part_8)

Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 (Closed)
Post by: Xian on October 23, 2022, 08:02:04 PM
Sorry if this is the wrong place but I don't have another social media so I'll say it here, thank you so much for this, it's amazing!! Crabbedleaf loves it as well!
Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 (Closed)
Post by: Virmir on October 23, 2022, 08:15:29 PM
Sorry if this is the wrong place but I don't have another social media so I'll say it here, thank you so much for this, it's amazing!! Crabbedleaf loves it as well!

Glad you like!
Title: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 2022, part 9
Post by: VirBot on October 23, 2022, 11:31:01 PM
(,_part_9.png) (,_part_9)

Title: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 2022, part 10
Post by: VirBot on October 24, 2022, 05:32:32 PM
(,_part_10.png) (,_part_10)

Title: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 2022, part 11
Post by: VirBot on October 24, 2022, 11:16:41 PM
(,_part_11.png) (,_part_11)

Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 (Closed)
Post by: Princess Sarina on October 26, 2022, 04:29:47 PM
Hey <3 thank you so much for doing my nightmare moon request, I love it so very much! Your ponies are wonderful.
Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 (Closed)
Post by: Virmir on October 26, 2022, 07:09:22 PM
Glad you like! Quite enjoy when people want me to draw ponies, ha ha
Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 (Closed)
Post by: Timekeeper on October 27, 2022, 01:00:43 AM
Just saw mine, I really like how you interpreted the suit and her character, thanks so much!
Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 (Closed)
Post by: Cody The Werewolf on October 27, 2022, 03:37:22 PM
Thank you for the sketch too, we have so much fun exploring the oceans! ^^
Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 (Closed)
Post by: Tower on October 27, 2022, 08:04:21 PM
Thank you so much for doin this again. I'll get you back at some point but I really appreciate your efforts <3

I cleaned up and coloured mine and I think it looks rad as hell
Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 (Closed)
Post by: Alsin on October 28, 2022, 11:21:25 AM
That's pretty cool! I oughta color mine
Title: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 2022, part 12
Post by: VirBot on October 29, 2022, 05:40:15 PM
(,_part_12.png) (,_part_12)

Title: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 2022, part 13
Post by: VirBot on October 30, 2022, 12:01:53 AM
(,_part_13.png) (,_part_13)

Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 (Closed)
Post by: CrimsonRune on November 02, 2022, 10:09:14 AM
Spotted mine a bit late, but came out looking rad! Thanks much for the chance to jump in with everybody!
Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 (Closed)
Post by: bulbabenz on April 30, 2023, 06:55:15 AM
Excuse me for the dig. Just come to coloring the request today. Good to enjoy the detail once again. Hehe.
Title: Re: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 12 (Closed)
Post by: Virmir on April 30, 2023, 01:56:10 PM
Looking good! Virmir has a white underbelly that's missing in the second image, but looks good nonetheless!