Crimson Flag Comic Forums

Other Realms => Art Gallery => Topic started by: Cody The Werewolf on April 23, 2022, 08:16:49 AM

Title: Cody's Art Exhibit
Post by: Cody The Werewolf on April 23, 2022, 08:16:49 AM
Hi guys, so I decided to start a gallery page here, this is where my art would be posted.

Anyways, happy Sant Jordi day in my culture! So what is Sant Jordi Day?

Well, it's a day where we honor an hero (Sant Jordi) who saved an princess from a evil, hungry dragon (probably the Dread Dragon Of The West, idk) that have been terrorizing the kingdom, the hero in armour then offered an rose to the saved princess as an sign of love and in return, was given an lovely poem from the princess.

It also spawned an tradition, in it, if you offer your loved one an rose then she will gift you an book in return, the day also coincidentally is set in World Book Day.

(Keep in mind that this story is based in Mallorquin and/or Catalonian culture instead.)

Anyways, meet Flor, an character I made based on this story!

She's an teenage female dragon that likes to read, she's smart & intelligent thanks to the power of K N O W L E D G E, she also has an rose hairclip which is a reference to the myth itself, always hangs out in libraries and is friends with Cody (as you can tell by her green bracelet, Cody gives his friends a color-coded bracelet as a sign of friendship).

Also, she was born with stubby wings meaning she can't fly really well (it was actually my first time drawing dragon wings), her flying can last three minutes of duration.
Title: Re: Cody's Art Exhibit
Post by: Ember on April 23, 2022, 08:25:27 AM
Wow this looks so Epic!!! you did a wonderful job keep up the good work mate! 
Title: Re: Cody's Art Exhibit
Post by: Cody The Werewolf on April 23, 2022, 08:31:42 AM
Heh, thank you   ^-^
Title: Re: Cody's Art Exhibit
Post by: Cody The Werewolf on May 01, 2022, 11:33:34 AM
Hey guys, so I went through the attic, y'know, to clean it when I stumbled upon this cutesy drawing of me and my mother that I made when I was at the age of 5 (and used to have blue shorts)!

So many memories.

Keep in mind that werewolf years are similar to human years.

Anyways, happy Mother's Day! [:)
Title: Re: Cody's Art Exhibit
Post by: Cody The Werewolf on May 03, 2022, 01:49:18 PM
*blubbing underwater* Hey everyone, for Mermay 2022, I present to you this piece I made 2 months ago (techinically not a mermaid though but why not), it was inspired by a trip to the aquarium.

Here, we see me (Cody) exploring the ocean floor in my aquatic form, it was kinda beautiful, also featuring an cameo from the grey fox himself (Virmir) while the events of Dolphin Solution are taking place.

I kinda feel happy when i'm in water, anyways, happy Mermay! |:)
Title: Re: Cody's Art Exhibit
Post by: Cody The Werewolf on May 18, 2022, 01:38:34 PM
Hey guys! Today I decided to upload another piece for Mermay 2022, here, is fanart for one of Master Mastel's characters, Mephial (in her mershark form)!

Took 6 days in finishing it.

Thank you to DragonizedHope/Kevin for the constructive criticism and also special thanks to both PrincessHotcakes & Ember The Protogen!  |:)

Note: Mephial belongs to Master Mastel on FurAffinity.
Title: Re: Cody's Art Exhibit
Post by: Cody The Werewolf on May 26, 2022, 04:32:04 PM
Hi guys, it's time I decided to release my reference sheets I have for Cody, for everyone in the forum to see & draw! [:)

These images were the very first I drew for the character back in january this year (they're a bit outdated though but it's ok). With them, you can now include him in a picture, make him travel to an deep jungle, board on a train, swim in a pool or turn him into an kangaroo, who knows, the possibilities are endless (and make sure to credit me too)!

Anyways guys, have fun! :)
Title: Re: Cody's Art Exhibit
Post by: Cody The Werewolf on June 10, 2022, 09:30:27 AM
Hi guys, after 2-3 months of slowly chipping this away, I finally present to you this fan comic I made featuring Kendo Virmir, the gray fox himself! (with sincere apologies to him [:()

Virmir doesn't like snow very much (especially snow sculptures). :(

(Also, the pants were a stylistic choice of mine, that and also the red diamond symbol, sorry. |:()

Thank you to Ember The Protogen & Xandriel (& possibly DragonizedHope) for helping me with tips & reference sheets, you guys are truly awesome! :)
Title: Re: Cody's Art Exhibit
Post by: Cody The Werewolf on June 14, 2022, 03:42:03 PM
Hey guys, today I drew fanart for Ember's Ampwave character, Ultra Blue!

I really love the character & its species very much recently, the speakers on their hands & ears, the tuners they have on their mouth, the cord-like tails, the metal shaped claws, etc, they're so fascinating to me!

Anyways, please give Ember The Protogen love & support, he's a good friend who helped me with my drawing skills, he's been having a hard time recently & this is my gift to him to cheer him up, thank you! [:)

Note: Ampwave species created by Slumberyote & Wilddogbeats.
Title: Re: Cody's Art Exhibit
Post by: Cody The Werewolf on July 09, 2022, 08:02:48 AM
Hey guys, finally completed my new drawing, here we see Cody (in his fishy aquatic form) meeting Mephial (one of Master Mastel's characters & in normal form) under the sea!

I spent too much time drawing it at nights, heh.

I basically added upgrades to Cody, making his ears more shark-like, added some new fins on his head & ankles and finally embraced the Jade & mullet/mane hairstyle that I want to go for![:)

Bubble text font by Saqib Ahmad on!

Note: Mephial belongs to Master Mastel on FurAffinity.
Title: Re: Cody's Art Exhibit
Post by: Cody The Werewolf on October 05, 2022, 10:40:11 AM
Alright, after 3 months here I present to you Donut & his aquatic form, heh (for Donut_Floofy on the Crimson Flags forums chat).

To be honest, the aquatic form took 2 months in the making while his normal form took 1 month. Also, the aquatic form is kinda big which is because I elongated the torso & girth... a bit (maybe because of his arms).

Anyways, his sprouted paw feet fins were inspired by Aquatic Harry's in The Goblet of Fire movie adaptation, you can see a lot of resemblance between the two

Speaking of feet fins, I originally wanted to include paw marks on them but I decided to respect Donut's wishes for them to look like actual fins so I did no include them.

The tentacles that replace his hands were originally fins also, meaning Donut can't grab almost anything unfortunately, however later this year they were changed to tentacles, now Donut can grab on anything. :D

His aquatic form was supposed to look like an koi fish, the white messes on his fur & fins are actually blue koi fish spots, they were originally regular red & black spots (tbh,he doesn't really like an koi fish at all though).

Finally, I wanted to include head fins that adapt to the temperature from icy cold to pleasantly cool & light but I got lazy & so I thought "hey, maybe his webbed ears can adapt to the temperature to the water".

Anyways, it was kinda fun making it, I really hope you do enjoy it, Donut. Anyways, see you next time! ;)
Title: Re: Cody's Art Exhibit
Post by: Cody The Werewolf on October 30, 2022, 10:06:45 AM
Hey guys, finished inking & coloring an sketch Virmir drew for me on Sketch-A-Thon 2022, this time it's of me swimming in the seven seas & five oceans with Virmir (who is now an aquatic water mage fox for some reason).

Basically what happened was that Virmir was tinkering with gillyweed or some other aquatic transformation stuff, he swallowed it, grew gills & felt the need to breathe underwater. Then after that, he becomes an aquatic fox, complete with gills, fins, an shark tail & ears, webbing & flippers with no feet bones (his paw pads are still there albeit marked/tattooed on his flippers).

That's when Cody shows up & decides to teach him some swimming lessons in the mean time (Virmir is still not happy about having to stay underwater for an long period of time) while they both look for sunken treasure & ships for them to donate to several museums.

When I began to tweak & refine my request, I have some doubts about whether it will be drawed or not while I wait for Sketch-A-Thon to start last friday (which is Night of The Cathedrals in Mallorca btw).

It's not really like how I imagine it but oh well, i'm so glad & happy I got my first art of Cody that's not made by me (I look so gorgeous & mystical like an sea prince), thank you Lord Virmir. [:)

(Also after the sketch was drew, I keep seeing my request number 12 everywhere, strange isn't it?)

The Sketch was done By Virmir.

I did the coloring & inking.

Also Happy Halloween!
Title: Re: Cody's Art Exhibit
Post by: Cody The Werewolf on November 26, 2022, 07:23:37 AM
Hey guys, today's art of the month is Cody but as an bat for some reason!

Originally this was supposed to be posted in October but unfortunately I have to do some inking & coloring work on the sketch Virmir drew for me on his Sketch-A-Thon 2022 event.

Anyways, this drawing was inspired by the TF sequence titled "Hanging Fruit" (also by Virmir), which depicts one of his characters turning into a bat basically.

I tried updating my 'Jade' hairstyle to make it look a little similar to Chase The Fox's, with an little bit of inspiration from my real-life hairstyle, heh. My eyes now look kinda normal to try make my drawing less weird this time (but I think it's too late since Cody's arms are now wings, heh).

Also happy late Thanksgiving, everyone! :)
Title: Re: Cody's Art Exhibit
Post by: Cody The Werewolf on December 26, 2022, 07:24:11 AM
Hi guys! Merry Early Christmas!!! Just thought I give you guys this little drawing of me wearing Santa's hat, hehe!! ^^

But what's important about christmas isn't just the presents & gifts, no, it's actually spending with your loves ones, such as your friends, family or your girlfriend, hehe, that's why it's the most happiest time of the year (that and also the hot chocolate)!

Also, I wanted to say thank you all for staying with me this year as an beginner furry artist, at first I was pretty hopeless with a lot of doubts in my mind about wanting to show you my visions, but as time went on, I slowly feel more motivated, hehe, and it's thanks to all of you, friends (especially you two, Ember & Maxitoz). ^^

But that doesn't mean the journey is over though, there's a lot more roads & turns waiting for us to take,, to explore beyond the surface of the sea, i'm sure 2023 will be as great & artistic as last year.

Anyways, see you next year, folks!

insert Looney Tunes end jingle
Title: Re: Cody's Art Exhibit
Post by: Cody The Werewolf on January 26, 2023, 08:00:06 AM
Hi guys, today is my friend's (Ember The Protogen) birthday so I thought I should gift him an drawing, heh (btw, Virmir lit the candles).

First off, I wanted to say thank you to Ember for being with me this past year, I know it has been hard for you back then, I wish I could be there for you, but things will get better someday, I love you Ember, this is my birthday present for you~

Happy 16th birthday! ^^
Title: Re: Cody's Art Exhibit
Post by: Cody The Werewolf on February 09, 2023, 09:46:39 AM
Hi guys! With a new year comes new upgrades. Today I present to you a updated version of Cody's normal form reference sheet (made in FireAlpaca)! ^^

It's crazy looking back last year, this picture is here to demonstrate how far I have come, how my skills developed over time. I think this one became my most favorite.

In this reference sheet I now have awesome ring highlights on my fur (both on my wrists & ankles) and a new moon tear pedant which grants me the ability to shapeshift the water like a water bender, hehe. ^^

Next time, i'm gonna do my aquatic form, I have a new design for my paw flippers in mind, heh. :3
Title: Re: Cody's Art Exhibit
Post by: Cody The Werewolf on March 04, 2023, 12:26:22 PM
Hey guys, back with another updated reference sheet. This time it's my aquatic form, heh.

You may notice some changes though. First off, I remove my waist & leg fins because it felt like too much & I wanted my form to be a bit simple. My muzzle gills are also removed too (like in Virmir's sketch). My shark ears are now back to normal.

Finally I updated my flippers, back then I still have no idea in what direction the flippers are going to look. I tried the ones seen in Harry Potter & The Goblet of Fire movie (during in the second task where Harry becomes aquatic), Virmir's, etc.

It wasn't until I saw KieliIndustries' TF comic titled "Merwolf Hug" & finally settled on how the flippers should look (based on the third page). You can check it out here: ^^

I hope to dive into new underwater adventures in my updated aquatic form in the future! ^w^

(Thank you to KieliIndustries, theredknight100 & Mrocha54 for inspiring my new paw flippers!) ^w^
Title: Re: Cody's Art Exhibit
Post by: Cody The Werewolf on April 22, 2023, 02:07:06 PM
Hi guys, back at it again with another art piece! This time it's me with my best friend Max. It is basically a gift for my dear friend, hehe. By the way, this is my first time drawing a human (although technically he's a shadow). ^^

Incase you're wondering why the leather bag & moon tear pedants, here are of the following respective reasons:
1. I forgot the bag & I got lazy including it
2. I decided that the moon tear's water bending powers to be fused with the main pedant.

Anyways, that's all I have for this art piece. Say, I think I wanted to draw Scrat from the Ice Age franchise next, heh (after all, HE'S OUR LORD & SAVIOR! THE DAY OF RECKONING IS UPON US! WORSHIP THE ALMIGHTY SCRAT AND HE SHALL SAVE YOU! MAY THE SCRAT BE WITH YOU! :>). Anyways, see you all next time! ^w^

(Also what the axolotls just happened above???)
Title: Re: Cody's Art Exhibit
Post by: Cody The Werewolf on May 10, 2023, 03:59:36 PM
Hi guys, it's me, today I presented to you a piece for Mermay this year, it is Cody finding some treasure underwater like the teenage fishy wolf he is! ^w^

This took about 10 days which is crazy, i'm still getting used to drawing Cody more. Here, I added a little bit of shading & shadows, heh, and also the fins are now transparent (a bit of experimentation, i'm challenging you, Chase). :3

This kinda became my favorite, heh. It will also have a little story accompanying it to get into into the Mermay mood! ^w^

Also the acorn is a reference to Ice Age 4, i'm still thinking about drawing S C R A T.
Title: Re: Cody's Art Exhibit
Post by: Cody The Werewolf on June 11, 2023, 10:54:56 AM
Hi guys, at long last I have done it.

Here's some fanart of OUR LORD & SAVIOR Scrat from the Ice Age franchise, that one squirrel who is always chasing his acorn (and it's implied he survived the extinction and is now the only specimen alive in one official sketch). I drew rthis at school in the art class, then continued at home.

There was originally a digital version but it never came into fruition after the skeleton base was made. It now lays dormant on my desktop, abandoned, not sure what to do with it.

Anyways, that's all I can say about this one, I'll be back soon and remember to PRAY THE HOLY SCRAT EVERYDAY, THE DAY OF RECKONING IS UPON US, WORHIP THE ALMIGHTY SCRAT AND HE SHALL SAVE YOU!!!! :>
Title: Re: Cody's Art Exhibit
Post by: Cody The Werewolf on July 22, 2023, 09:03:02 AM
(I forgot to post this)

Hey guys, here's some request art I did for Scrat Facts on Twitter of Scrat kissing his own acorn right before accidentally dropping it and causing several earthquakes worldwide.

Btw, I have done this in a single day, wow! :o

Btw, you should go check out Scrat Facts on Twitter:
Title: Re: Cody's Art Exhibit
Post by: Cody The Werewolf on July 22, 2023, 09:13:16 AM
So I played this game called Survive The Wave on Roblox because it has an adorable axolotl character in it. So I drew myself meeting Drop (his name btw) underwater, heh. :3

As you can see, I did a lot of shading going on here, I think I was having too much fun with it.

Also, I think some of audiences are underwater enthuasists(?), so I added an OBSCENE amount of bubbles just in case. Umm many too much, whatever.

Up next, someone requested me to do a rarepair (or shipping fanart) of choice-


Title: Re: Cody's Art Exhibit
Post by: Cody The Werewolf on August 20, 2023, 05:39:27 PM
This one I forgot to post:

So ToonFanJoeTake2 requested to do a Rarepair ship so I did. It's basically Ruby from The Lady And The Tramp 2 X Copper from The Fox And The Hound.

Sorry it took this long, i'm still unsure if I should do it or not.

Also this is my first time doing feral characters so yeah.
Title: Re: Cody's Art Exhibit
Post by: Cody The Werewolf on November 13, 2023, 04:18:48 PM
Hi guys, after chipping this slowly, it's finally here!

This is a request drawing for Luna featuring me lifting Donut (who's now an red panda otter for some reason) inside of a water bubble I created, demostrating my new water bending abilities I forgot to show wah. :3

Sorry for not uploading a drawing in about 2 months, school has taken away time for me to finish this and the homework keeps on gettibg bigger each time I succeed in one. It sucks, I know but that's life in a nutshell.

As for why Donut has a red panda color scheme, well he changed his fursona to one. I was about to draw him as that but then I realized I was supposed to be drawing an otter (which is why the ears left out).

Anyways that's all I can say for this one, thank you guys for all the support (especially Sasha and Max hehe) and I may see you next time.
Title: Re: Cody's Art Exhibit
Post by: Cody The Werewolf on December 23, 2023, 11:14:03 AM
Hi guys, this week I decided to draw something different. As you may have know from my Twitter, i'm a huge fan of Ori and The Blind Forest & Ori and The Will of The Wisps, it is one of my main inspirations when it comes to making my art. 5 years ago I wanted to draw my own spirit but only made the head. Now this year I have finally been able to finish what I started.

Meet Nodemot (originally named Letcu, that name was taken from a long forgotten Slenderman Proxy OC I invented as a child), a Light Spirit born in Niwen with the ability to paint circles/runes that teleports him to the other worlds or the dreamscape of the universe (lots of dreams) using the tip of his tail like a brush.

May or may not have appeared in your dreams or in the human world but hidden as possible.

Originally, he was going to have 3 antennas 5 years ago which is no longer the case here now.

A skill of note he has is that he can hold his breath underwater for long periods of time (though not as close as Finnegan's gills, another Spirit OC), he have obtained this since birth, it is unknown how or why but that's just how some Spirits are born.

His name translates to 'Dream Wanderer'.

So umm what do you guys think?
Title: Re: Cody's Art Exhibit
Post by: Cody The Werewolf on April 02, 2024, 01:43:21 PM
Hi guys, here's a new art piece for you all. This time it's for an art contest for the Roblox roleplay game Furana (as a loading screen). However, I don't think I will win but it doesn't really matter. :p

Here we see a wolf howling on the moon, surrounding by many colorful stars all painted by Seri, the 6-tailed kitsune responible for creating the wonderous world of Furana (which is probably where Cody lives in). Inspired by the current loading screen that is soon to be replaced.

Originally the wolf was going to be the one in said loading screen, however I have learned that its owner left the community and that I ain't gonna be given permission to use the character (there is no way to contact them). So the character in the picture was changed in the end.

Also this is not my first time using textures and filters btw. <.<
Title: Re: Cody's Art Exhibit
Post by: Cody The Werewolf on April 03, 2024, 01:55:01 PM
So umm my file is too big to post here, it seems. So I'll just put the link to it here:
Title: Re: Cody's Art Exhibit
Post by: Cody The Werewolf on April 23, 2024, 10:09:11 AM
Hey guys, happy Sant Jordi's Day! Here is a reference sheet for Rosa Drachams (originally named Flor) at least, complete with a new updated look that I felt proud! I still need to decide what her favorite book is though...

Aside from showcasing, I uploaded this drawing as a good luck charm for my father. He's currently in the hospital right now. I hope this picture will save his life, losing someone you're very close to is a very scary thing to deal with... :(

I hope Rosa will protect my father's life, I really do.

See you all in the next drawing and wish my poor father good luck.
Title: Re: Cody's Art Exhibit
Post by: Virmir on April 23, 2024, 07:06:34 PM
Wishing good health for your family, Cody!
Title: Re: Cody's Art Exhibit
Post by: Cody The Werewolf on April 24, 2024, 09:47:21 AM
Didn't expect to see a reply from you here, thank you very much, Virmir. -w-
Title: Re: Cody's Art Exhibit
Post by: Cody The Werewolf on May 11, 2024, 01:52:00 PM
Hi guys, just posting a new drawing for Mermay before my school trip to Romania. This time it's Cody playing underwater with the fishes! ^^

It's been a long time since I drawn Cody's aquatic form honestly. As you can see, I experimented quite a lot with body rotation and lightning. Now Cody can feel more at home underwater!

I've planned to add some underwater stocks to make the ocean floor feel more lively but I'm not sure, what do you guys think?

Also, unlike last drawing, I reduced the number of bubbles, I had gone very crazy with them in there.

As for the "watch", well it's partly there to cover up a mistake I made while drawing. Also, it's not a regular watch but more of a depth gauge so Cody can measure on how deep he is in now! ^w^

Anyways, happy Mermay, and remember to keep swimming!
Title: Re: Cody's Art Exhibit
Post by: Cody The Werewolf on June 08, 2024, 06:42:06 PM
Hi guys, this week was my birthday and I decided to draw this for the ocassion!

It's a recreation of an old photo my family have of baby me in a shoebox, as faithfully as possible! ^w^

Well, now that I'm 18 years old, I unfortunately have to step into the cold and complicated adult life. Infact, I'm kinda scared, I don't know if I'm going to make it or not. And the possible conclusion is that I may will be on the streets.

Human life is just so much crueler than nature. If I were another species (like a wolf for example), then life would be made easier and I wouldn't have to worry about fitting in with humans.

This is why my main sona is Cody afterall.

I miss the cyan shoebox and the classical music composure of Baby Galileo. Those two things remind me of my childhood, a safe haven outside of the world and what I would soon see. Where I didn't have to worry about anything else. And when Virmir was also a small cub like me before.

What happened? How did I get here?

Anyway, please wish me luck, tell me that hope still exists out there.

I think I may be overstaying my welcome here, so I'll get going now.

Bye, everyone.
Title: Re: Cody's Art Exhibit
Post by: Cody The Werewolf on July 12, 2024, 09:01:40 AM
Made this joke crossover drawing today of Roko Kirohoko from Rainburn VS Gregory from, well, Gregory Horror Show. Since both characters have the ability to consume souls, I suddenly thought of this dumb idea where both will fight to see who is the ultimate Soul Eater himself.
Title: Re: Cody's Art Exhibit
Post by: Virmir on July 12, 2024, 01:15:18 PM
Gah ha ha, excellent.
Title: Re: Cody's Art Exhibit
Post by: Cody The Werewolf on July 12, 2024, 01:19:16 PM
Oh, Thanks! |:O
Title: Re: Cody's Art Exhibit
Post by: Cody The Werewolf on July 29, 2024, 02:48:03 PM
Posting my Art Fight stuff here!

These are for:
1. Luna Eclipse
2. CyberKiron (featuring their bat character named Gore)
3. All Ears

These were very fun to do, I hope to participate next year's Art Fight! ^w^

(Thank you especially to Luna for the suggestion)
Title: Re: Cody's Art Exhibit
Post by: Cody The Werewolf on August 13, 2024, 04:03:32 PM
A request drawing for my friend Phantom Sage featuring him as a Sharkfox relaxing on the beach, eating fried fish! I'm not sure if you may have noticed but he's currently wearing a necklace that gives him this form along with a second Megalodon one! <.<

Say... where did everybody go?
Title: Re: Cody's Art Exhibit
Post by: Cody The Werewolf on September 11, 2024, 01:48:35 PM
New character time! Introducing Harry Hootini, the reowned owl magician of the place where Cody & Rosa live in. Inspired by a magician kit I played with at my old school, I came up with this character as a result.

Note: I won't draw any escapology art with the character due to personal reasons (which have something to do with my childhood trauma).

As mentioned, Howard has a rabbit assistant named Louie Cottontail, who I'll draw his reference sheet sometime this year. Stay tuned for that.
Title: Re: Cody's Art Exhibit
Post by: Cody The Werewolf on September 20, 2024, 05:53:12 PM
We are all torn
The ocean glows
Before heading to Art Night, I decided to do another photoshop one of my liminal spaces I captured for the occasion. Hopefully the humans won't mind having Omin (the original god) visiting their own home planet (or one of their eyes considering the Rainburn lore). I imagine in a headcanon that Omin's eyes were once confused with UFOs by the humans and dubbed them as the "Phoenix Lights". (0u0)
Title: Re: Cody's Art Exhibit
Post by: Cody The Werewolf on November 17, 2024, 09:37:00 AM
New character time! As I promised, I drew Howard Hootini's rabbit assistant; Louie Cottontail! Hope you all appreciate it. ^^

Also yes, he wears a collar with a bow tie, thought it was neccessary to mention.

Louie is a kind soul but also a nervouswreck when around the famous magician owl Howard Hootini. He cares about Howard's safety, especially when he's performing some of his risky shows and the rabbit would accidentally find himself in dangerous shenanigans. Other times, he's the star of the show whether safe (e.g. popping from an interdimensional wormhole in the form of a top hat) or dangerous (e.g. getting sawed inside a box or a BOAT IN HALF).

Howard's & Louie's relationship is kinda like Caine & Pomni from Digital Circus but also a little like Popee & Kedamono from Popee The Performer.
Title: Re: Cody's Art Exhibit
Post by: Cody The Werewolf on January 23, 2025, 01:58:24 PM
Hi guys, just finally finished this picture. I drew this last month after a weekend field trip to a refuge up in the mountains. It was horrible, I was all alone and everyone were just complete strangers that try to push all my buttons so that I can cry. I was bullied, harrassed and followed and nearly didn't get any sleep. It was chaotic and I hate it. At least, I still had someone with me at the time.

This drawing was my temporary escape from reality as I was making it. Anyway, the picture is of me in my aquatic form swimming underwater as usual. I tried doing some body leaning but couldn't in the final results. Maybe I should unlearn my shapes if I want to do more poses. Idk, what do you guys think?
Title: Re: Cody's Art Exhibit
Post by: Cody The Werewolf on February 15, 2025, 01:29:40 PM
Hi guys, finally updated Cody's normal form reference sheet after 2 years, hope you guys like the new version! ^^