Crimson Flag Comic Forums

Other Realms => Art Gallery => Topic started by: Virmir on October 22, 2021, 08:00:02 PM

Title: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Closed)
Post by: Virmir on October 22, 2021, 08:00:02 PM


Welcome to Halloween-Sketch-a-thon 11, Rain Burn Re-skin edition!

- You may request a simple sketch-- nothing complex please!  One character only.  You may also include Virmir or variants if the idea isn't too complex, but there should be some interaction between the two. (I.e.  Something more substantial than your character and Virmir in costumes.) Probably limit your request to a simple sentence or so.

- Requests should be at least vaguely Halloween-themed!  Some ideas for you: Your character in a costume, as some ghoulish creature, stuffed with candy, etc.  Have fun with it!

- You may alternatively request someone else's character as long as the character's owner is okay with it!

- PLEASE POST A REFERENCE OF WHAT YOU WANT ME TO DRAW, EVEN IF I HAVE DRAWN IT BEFORE.  If I have drawn this character, do a quick search on my art site ( and grab the link.  THIS SAVES ME TIME!!!!!!!  Also, post pictures of stuff relevant to the request, because I live in a tree and don't know what things are. If a reference does not exist, please write a SHORT description underneath the request. Generic stuff like "draw a fox doing..." is perfectly fine too.

- PLEASE NUMBER YOUR REQUEST!  Look at the person who requested before you, increment that, and post what number yours is.  If the ordering gets messed up, fix it. [;) If you know the person above you is wrong, post the right one on yours instead. [;)

- This is open to CF members who have joined before the date of this posting only.

- GROUP REQUESTS: YES, you may team up with someone else!  BOTH requestors must number his or her post.  The person with the earlier number should describe the full request and also say, "I'm with X!" and include that person's number.  The later requestor need only mention who he or she is with and post the number.

- YES, you may edit your post as many times as you like up until I'm ready to draw yours.

- YES, I will draw every single request.

- NO, this is like, not a big deal at all for me.

- YES, these are free.

- YES, you may request your drawing be cut out and sent to you separate from the others if you do not have the capability of doing this yourself! Just ask me later on when I'm not drawing. (But if you can do it yourself, please do.)

- YES, you may color your drawing yourself and/or post it anywhere you like!

- YES, YOUR REQUEST IS PROBABLY OKAY AND I DON'T NEED TO LOOK AT IT FIRST AND TELL YOU SO, SO PLEASE PEOPLE STOP ASKING ME TO LOOK ARaARRJRAKghaKGNgbghagahgrbrrgbrhgggh-- If it's not okay, then I will simply simplify or modify the drawing so that it is. Here are a few hundred examples if you need inspiration: 2020 ( 2019 ( 2018 ( 2017 ( 2016 ( 2015 (

These will be streamed and done in order of request with no regard to who is in the chat at the time. Sorry!  Although I may skip over group requests for a simpler one if I am running out of time and then come back later.

You can view past Halloween Sketch-a-thon results here! (  Same general idea this year!

Requests close the night of Saturday, October 23rd! -- That's approximately 24 hours from the time of this posting.

Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Open!)
Post by: DragonizedHope on October 22, 2021, 08:00:09 PM
Kevin (in his costume) nervously helping out a hypnotized Virmir put on a
bubble dragon costume. The latter has been infected by bubbles, explaining why
Kevin is so worried, because he fears he went too far.
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Open!)
Post by: PinkPrincessDestiny on October 22, 2021, 08:00:35 PM
Ref : and

Idea Cursed Coral induced Sea demoness tf. Thats it thats the idea.
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Open!)
Post by: ConductorRailfox on October 22, 2021, 08:00:49 PM

I’m with KyleTheRed (#99) and would like Railfox along with KyleTheRed to be inflated and surrounded by “P” Balloons.  Close enough to be a sphere.  Expression is surprised.

Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Open!)
Post by: ArcusMike99 on October 22, 2021, 08:01:07 PM

My BeanFox, using his spellbook, turning Virmir into a cute BeanFox :3
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Open!)
Post by: Krysto on October 22, 2021, 08:01:19 PM

Gumdrop and Virmir fused into an evil, giant, 2-headed, 4-armed, skele-taur monster, cackling madly with power, as per the short story I wrote.


Story Ref, in case you wanna read it again:
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Open!)
Post by: Nobody32 on October 22, 2021, 08:01:31 PM
A follow-up to
Mara’s broom couldn’t support her weight and she crashed . . .
Right on top of you.
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Open!)
Post by: Caleb_Lloyd on October 22, 2021, 08:03:17 PM
#7 --- Group pic involving Eisen/Cherry, but since Eisen won't be posting his part til the morning.... ]:P
I will pass this along to Cherry if Virmir wants to keep it official and wait for everyone to put their request in.

Derry and Eisen, hopping up on Lycold's belly and bringing their tribute of candies.
 • #27 - Derry (, a kobold (,small,wall_texture,product,750x1000.u2.jpg) wearing typical pilgrim attire. No pants neccessary but tugging on Eisen' costume with concern that they may be overdoing it.
 • #N/A - Eisen (, a gnoll (,840x830,f8f8f8-pad,1000x1000,f8f8f8.u7.jpg) wrapped up like a mummy. Just happily dumping his bag of candy, oblivious to the world
 • #7  - Lycold ( ( a dragon in kingly garb ( pinned to the ground by his belly with an expression of being overwhelmed.
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Open!)
Post by: Turpshi on October 22, 2021, 08:03:30 PM

Dominique in her Furry Godmother form holding her wand over a somewhat embarrassed Lucile, who's just been transformed into a princess thanks to sparkles from Dom's wand. Dom would be floating in the air slightly.

Dom's refs: Dom's  ( furry ( godmother ( form ( and the several ( other ( tim ( ( you've drawn them.
Dress ref: Thinking something like the dress Naftessa (in blue) is wearing (
- Dom: happy as can be to see Lucile princessified.
- Lucile: blushy and embarrassed.

Lemme know if you can't access these for whatever reason!
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Open!)
Post by: Rune on October 22, 2021, 08:03:45 PM
Ref : /

Rune stumbles into Mara's garden. Mara (or a suspiciously Mara-esque scarecrow) transforms him into a female Harpy with only his leather jacket intact.

Expression: Anger over having avian feet-hands and girly bits.
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Open!)
Post by: PrincessHotcakes on October 22, 2021, 08:04:23 PM
Mara TF'ing me into herself so that she can make a clean getaway from offscreen Virmir

My ref:
Expression: confused & blushy
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Open!)
Post by: Snow on October 22, 2021, 08:04:49 PM
Request: My squirrel mage character unexpectedly becomes a magical girl!
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Open!)
Post by: HispanicZuoh on October 22, 2021, 08:04:56 PM

Idea: For the idea, it would be my Meowstic OC in his Chargeman Ken outfit running with what appears to be the Alpha Gun and a garbage bag of candy on the other yelling: “Out of the way! I’m the harbringer of all chaos!” while Virmir is on the ground bruised (and robbed from the candy) screaming, “For the last time, I’m not an alien in disguise!!”


Meowstic OC:

Chargeman Ken:

Alpha Gun:
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Open!)
Post by: Ceber on October 22, 2021, 08:05:12 PM

Sketch Idea: I would like Justin (A taller and more buff wolf) to hold up a buff and macro Virmir who's carrying a candy shop in his hand behind himself. Virmir would look frightened with his paws dangling in the air and Justin would look mean, saying "Give me more candy!"

It should also be a full-body sketch too and Virmir should look beefier than in the ref, but not as beefy as Justin. If possible, could you add in tiny people at the base of Justin’s paws? Nothing too detailed of course.
Justin's Ref:
Virmir's Ref:
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Open!)
Post by: Peanut Dragon on October 22, 2021, 08:06:33 PM

Group request with Gorchard who's #20!

Ash as a dragonair and Gorchard as a vaporeon (both anthro), dressed up as singing popstars with their oversized tails forming a heart behind them!

Ash ref:
Gorchard ref:
A few popstar outfits for inspiration (anything silly or gaudy will do):
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Open!)
Post by: Aira Fox on October 22, 2021, 08:06:42 PM
Aira being molded/turned into a demonic/voracious beast by you to help keep trick-or-treaters away.

Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Open!)
Post by: Xandriel on October 22, 2021, 08:08:25 PM
Xandriel with a foot on virmir's back trying to pry a live metroid off of virmir's head
with anyone else who wants to join
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Open!)
Post by: SpookyJester on October 22, 2021, 08:10:49 PM
the pooltoy version of my sona being inflated/transformed into a big inflatable jack-o-lantern-pumpkin lawn decoration because she made a wish for a better Halloween costume. A wish she definitely regrets now. Essentially a follow up to the pic that will be the ref


Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Open!)
Post by: LurkingWolf on October 22, 2021, 08:11:09 PM

 Let's have Azariah run across the Fae, who hypnotize and turn him into a useful mount!

Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Open!)
Post by: Talcott on October 22, 2021, 08:11:23 PM
#19 going to be with Genericmeatbag. Idea is my sorcerer Strouddean getting fattened up on Halloween candy from a cursed candy shop. He'll have more details in his post. Included a ref of about how fat I was thinking for him. Also imagine his reaction is rather relaxed.

About this fat:
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Open!)
Post by: Gorchard on October 22, 2021, 08:12:57 PM

I'm with #14 (Peanut Dragon)
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Open!)
Post by: plazmastorm on October 22, 2021, 08:14:56 PM
Plazma mid-TF into a spooky tree after wandering into a cursed forest. Virmir is watching, not aware he's starting to turn into a tree as well.
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Open!)
Post by: PrincessToyTime on October 22, 2021, 08:16:45 PM
#22 and #48
Trask as their Pokemon form along with Alpha Zeron in the same pokeform as Trask, making us both Lati + Lugia hybrids! We'll be giving each other a festive makeover! dressing each other up with appropriate accessories and the like. Also we'll both be toys as well of course, and Alpha will have his iconic ring+chain accessory~. [:P

Refs: [Third one for updated head look.] This is for Alpha accessories too. [:)

Thanks again for doing these Virmir! <3
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Open!)
Post by: Radian on October 22, 2021, 08:20:11 PM
Ok ok uhh...

Human radian getting tgtf'd into an 8 footish tall, somewhat chubby, and squishy carousel horse anthro, potentially by rubbery shiny goop?
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Open!)
Post by: Punchweasel on October 22, 2021, 08:20:56 PM
Reference: Sona/TF-ee reference. (
similar idea: Lizard Magic by -Stripes- (

For mine I was hoping for Punch to be most of the way transformed into a medieval robe-garbed frog monk, with hypno eyes and a dropped pumpkin bucket.
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Open!)
Post by: Jau on October 22, 2021, 08:21:43 PM


My dragonsona Andrew being chased by a cow who does not appreciate my fashion choices (namely my leather jacket)
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Open!)
Post by: Champloon on October 22, 2021, 08:22:09 PM
This big Zweilous, one head/hand dumbly admiring a pumpkin hit painted on its lower half, the other hand/head upset with it.

Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Open!)
Post by: i8cherrypie on October 22, 2021, 08:22:19 PM

I'm with Caleb_Lloyd! (#7)
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Open!)
Post by: Trevor_Fox on October 22, 2021, 08:23:31 PM


-Trevor getting turned into a clone of Virmir. Done so he can go out and collect candy from Trick-or-Treating for the original Virmir

Dialogue (may help to picture the poses):

-Trevor (who's mind is already changing): "Wait! I'm going trick-or-treating as myself?! How's that going to work?!"
-Virmir (who is shoving the changing Trevor forward): "Don't worry about it. Just go!"

Reference: Trevor Fox:
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Open!)
Post by: Generic Meatbag #14 on October 22, 2021, 08:27:48 PM

Joint with Devon #37, DeanFox and Talcott #19.

Some last minute shoppers are being fattened by a haunted candy store! Possibly by floating candy, or ghost hands, your choice! The victims should be surprised, maybe attempting to resist or waddle away from their sugary fate.

References and things:
Nondescript Black Vixen:


Dean is a kitsune this time around, so add 1 extra tail for a total of 2.

We'd like to be about, yea big: but hey. Bigger can be better.

Talcott has provided links to his references in post #19.

Thanks much.
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Open!)
Post by: Dsarvess on October 22, 2021, 08:28:36 PM
Dragonair in traditional Halloween witchy outfit, around a cauldron, turning more goodra-like.

Refs: (But less tail) Dragonair (General goodra body type)
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Open!)
Post by: Somebody on October 22, 2021, 08:31:34 PM
Ty attempting to lift a spooky Halloween sword that is far too big for him.

Updated references not coming, have the one I threw together way too quickly last year. I had forgotten his striped tail, please include that since I always forget to. (
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Open!)
Post by: JerryAndTerry on October 22, 2021, 08:34:14 PM

Jerry turning into a were Arcanine ripping out of a Growlithe costume, snarling and holding a candy basket. Corbyn his friend next to him with a more surprised expression as he turns into an anthro were Ninetales, out growing a Vulpix costume, tails bursting off his own clip on tails.
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Open!)
Post by: Phantom on October 22, 2021, 08:40:53 PM

How about this? I fight off an army of living scarecrows with this resolver weapon? The Pyrotechno. This baby can fire off fireworks. You hold it against your chest, hold the top handle with your right hand and pull the lever with your left hand and the fireworks go flying at the scarecrows. Have me say "How about some fireworks, guys?"


Here's my image to use in it.
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Open!)
Post by: EspressoSkoonk on October 22, 2021, 08:42:02 PM

Thanks for the opportunity! I'd love to see my skoonk self dressed in a sneasel kigurumi!

Here's the ref!

And here's sneasel:
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Open!)
Post by: Corbynprower on October 22, 2021, 08:43:19 PM
i am with Jerry on his idea (#32)

my ref:

Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Open!)
Post by: Mehlahphuse on October 22, 2021, 08:44:12 PM

Human me turning into the Queen Vetra from your Rainburn comic after putting on her crown (human me thought it was just a costume crown).

Expression: Shocked

Human ref:

Ref of Queen Vetra:
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Open!)
Post by: Devon on October 22, 2021, 08:48:51 PM

I am taking part with Generic Meatbag (#29) and company.

Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Open!)
Post by: Niro on October 22, 2021, 08:50:09 PM

Its that time again .... missed a year or two I think ....  For this years wonderful Halloween theme... Muffin Zombie, nothing fancy just muffin zombie.  Might make it a "Muffin Chimera Rises" theme.  Have fun with it <3

Muffin Chimera from previous years:  #54 sketch
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Open!)
Post by: Cecilia on October 22, 2021, 08:55:21 PM

( (

Here's the ref, but I'm not sure if you'll need it since I would like to be drawn as an Ophanim. They look like this: ( ( ( Try and make it as mouse themed as you can.
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Open!)
Post by: Arroavantho on October 22, 2021, 08:55:46 PM

Mad surgeon Arro!
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Open!)
Post by: MaxSilverfox on October 22, 2021, 08:56:49 PM

virmir and max(thaats me) fighting the halloween-candy-zombie-apocalypse.TM with the powers of SCIENCE and MAGIC combined

human ref
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Open!)
Post by: Karina on October 22, 2021, 08:58:36 PM

Dmitriy dressed as a pirate.


Pirate outfit found here:
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Open!)
Post by: Sasha Workbench on October 22, 2021, 09:19:19 PM

Sam Lapis and Pylon being turned into Halloween things by Mara trying to get them in the Halloween spirit.

Sam will becoming a female frog as Mara looks at him hold/ rubbing his shoulders telling him that being a girl frog is alright as his feet rip from his shoes and tail is shrinking as he is hypnotized by her voice and power his clothing is getting baggy and his ears are shrinking as his tongue hangs from his mouth growing. Either that or female Puro
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Open!)
Post by: kylr23 on October 22, 2021, 09:28:54 PM
Lyra Clearwater

Being turned into a over inflated pool toy from a candy apple.
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Open!)
Post by: TexanSoda on October 22, 2021, 09:34:10 PM
Asking for big bellies ghostly bear, with a jack o lantern face on his tummy (not picky on the face for the jack o lantern)
and there doesn't have to be a shirt. Just kinda have hypno eyes, looking goofy and tongue out!
Thank you!

Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Open!)
Post by: Aurum Lupus on October 22, 2021, 09:43:57 PM
I'm with Sam and Lapis gets tfed into a werewolf vampire (he's wearing a vampire costume. Preferably one from any time between the 15th to 18th century style of vampire clothing)
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Open!)
Post by: Creature_Unknown on October 22, 2021, 09:57:02 PM

Virmir being filled up/inflated by generic ghosties
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Open!)
Post by: AlphaZeron on October 22, 2021, 09:57:25 PM

I'm with Trask! #22
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Open!)
Post by: DeltaMudkip on October 22, 2021, 10:07:18 PM
I think just somethin' like, my space-kip form (I dunno why I say form when it's my only one) being all round/fat and nomfing on some candy out of like a halloween basket, t'would be a simple but very cute thing to see. <- there's a link to one reference for this

As for the expression uhh, either just a lil' happy face like on those two pictures, or something much more sleepy-looking, could work!
(Sorry if I did this all wrong I'm sleepy/nervous)
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Open!)
Post by: Alsin on October 22, 2021, 10:07:30 PM
Alsin and Sample (#64)
but Alsin is wearing a badly made robot costume and Sample (an actual robot) is looking down at him disgruntled.


Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Open!)
Post by: Pylon on October 22, 2021, 10:16:48 PM
51 (Meeeee), 43 (LunaEclipse), and 46 (AurumLupus)

This one is for me, LunaEclipse, and Aurum Lupus. I am doing 5his message for all 3 of us because they asked for that. And we want to all be together I guess

So our idea is virmir transforming the three of us into things. Luna is becoming a female Kitsune and Aurum (i believe he would be AlpisHusky in this drawing) would be turning into a vampire. I might have messed up some of those details so I will make them clarify their tfs in more detail in their own posts with references and such. As for me I will describe what I an transforming into on my own.

I want to be transformed into a witch. Luckily for me ai already have a few drawings I made of a witch Pylon. I have one voloured in picture and another that is him stirring a mixture. Ill attach those below:

I also have a completely in text description just in case the pictures weren't clear enough:
Striped, fingerless arm warmers, toeless and heel-less thigh high socks, a form fitting best around the chest, a short skirt, big pointy hat, and a feminine body ,,uwu,,

And last but not least, thank you, Virmir, for this opportunity
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Open!)
Post by: Xodiac on October 22, 2021, 10:24:20 PM

My OC, Xodiac, but as a big, buff, and female barbarian, wearing the typical barbarian outfit (fur bikini and axe) and a grumpy expression.  Virmir is nearby with a wand and a "sorry, not sorry" expression/pose, to imply he just turned me into this.

Xodiac ref:
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Open!)
Post by: ChaseTheFox on October 22, 2021, 10:29:07 PM

Chase as a Froslass wearing the usual bandana pursuing a fleeing Virmir. Chase should be saying, "Ooo. Spooky!" Virmir can react in the appropriate Virmirish way.
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Open!)
Post by: Terrev on October 22, 2021, 10:37:28 PM

Me dressed as a witch, having a magic duel with Mara - probably just blimping each other up, lol

Ref for me (witch outfit can be whatever):
A prior year with me as a witch if ya want it:
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Open!)
Post by: Nixuelle on October 22, 2021, 11:17:32 PM

Post TF bashful, blushy, shy Nixuelle werewolf! While his outfit might have been destroyed by the changes, I’d love if his glasses were intact.
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Open!)
Post by: Sam_da_wolf on October 22, 2021, 11:27:36 PM

Hello for Halloween this year I would like my oc Sam turned into a monster with a belly mouth. With this change he would have this belly and size become a bit larger to match his new monster look. And perhaps he would have an evil grin on his face. ( if you need any more details or got any questions feel free to message me)

Ref of normal Sam:
Title: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 2021, part 1
Post by: VirBot on October 22, 2021, 11:44:40 PM
(,_part_1.png) (,_part_1)

Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Open!)
Post by: BuoyantBliss on October 22, 2021, 11:47:57 PM

Virmir said "Trick" to the wrong (offscreen) cat witch and is transforming into an inflatable haunted tree lawn ornament. A balloon bliss crow, very overinflated and looking close to popping, is tied down to one of virmir's branches, tugging up on it, the string tied around one of his talons. Virmir's expression is yours to chose. Bliss is looking distressed and blushing.

Ref for balloon crow Bliss:
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Open!)
Post by: Geo Holms on October 22, 2021, 11:55:11 PM

Geo having swapping bodies with Lucile for last minute Halloween costume being like "Thanks byyyyyye" or chirr or whatnot.

Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Open!)
Post by: Air Winters on October 23, 2021, 12:05:28 AM

My Orca Aeromroph having eaten some cursed candy and becoming a pool toy, surprised by the sudden shift
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Open!)
Post by: TyVulpintaur on October 23, 2021, 12:08:16 AM
Ty as a werewolf please
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Open!)
Post by: Verace on October 23, 2021, 12:15:01 AM
ACTUALLY better idea I'd like evil gardener yeen in overalls with pumpkins and/or maybe monster plants
General ref:
Overalls + gloves ref:
Sunhat ref:
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Open!)
Post by: AmigaDragon on October 23, 2021, 12:16:18 AM
#62 group with #63 Mishafox

Thanh & Misha as ghostbusters, Virmir & Mara are pointing at each other for them to target with proton packs. Anthro dragon Thanh's pack is nestled between his folded wings.

Thanh reference:
Proton pack:
GB uniforms:
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Open!)
Post by: MishaFox on October 23, 2021, 12:21:35 AM
Group with Amiga Dragon at # 62
# 63

Thanh & Misha as ghostbusters, Virmir & Mara are pointing at each other for them to target with proton packs. Anthro Thanh's pack is nestled between his folded wings.

Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Open!)
Post by: Sample_Text800 on October 23, 2021, 12:38:42 AM
# 64
Group with Alsin (#50)
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Open!)
Post by: J0s4U8 on October 23, 2021, 01:51:44 AM
could i please get a picture of my character fat and dressed up as a wizard in poorly fitting robes with Mara casting a weight gain spell somewhere near him please?
here is my ref
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Open!)
Post by: Russet on October 23, 2021, 02:01:07 AM

Lets see
My hare Quinten

Dressed up for Halloween as the Vampire Strahd
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Open!)
Post by: Xsnulz on October 23, 2021, 02:36:31 AM

Cheers! Thanks much for the opportunity.
I'm ( (thinkin' female side here, normally Manadragon/Flammie of diminutive size)

I'm intrigued by were-shenanigans, I also like the proximity of Halloween to Oktoberfest.
And I imagine the were-thing of a Manadragon to be the Mana Beast, catastrophic kaiju being of destruction. (Spritesheet for reference: ( ).

My thought is to inadvertently become that, and instead use a watertower as an elaborate beer stein instead of causing worldly damage.
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Open!)
Post by: VoidSlice on October 23, 2021, 03:15:54 AM

It's really cool that you do these every year!

Hmm how about Virmir wearing an Ezmeralda Costume receiving candy from my dragonsona in a Roko costume or a costume from any other character from Rainburn?

Ezmeralda reference: (Virmir can have both arms or one if you wish)
Me reference!:
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Open!)
Post by: DemonSouLz on October 23, 2021, 04:05:31 AM

info : TF into a squeaky version of himself ( TF by Virmir'd be fun ~ )

Soul's ref :
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Open!)
Post by: Bonfire on October 23, 2021, 04:11:32 AM

The dragon idea I talked to you about on Twitter. Dragon virmir turning me into a dragon
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Open!)
Post by: tails230 on October 23, 2021, 09:55:39 AM

Rune the Squid-fox.

I imagine them in a cute Puro mask costume, eating a large bowl of candy, getting plump and fat!
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Open!)
Post by: EpsilonTheDerg on October 23, 2021, 10:18:24 AM

Epsilon in their natural male dragon form dressed in Metroid: Zero Mission-like Chozo warrior uniform.

Epsilon's refs:
- (#54; uncolored, hyena instead of dragon)

Chozo warrior refs:
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Open!)
Post by: Digitalpotato on October 23, 2021, 10:56:35 AM

Hobbart as Dr. Jekyll and Virmir as Mr. Hyde.
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Open!)
Post by: Everee on October 23, 2021, 11:51:21 AM

Everee in a witches robe and hat standing beside  a brew in a cauldron, calmly stirring it with a stick.

- No scarf or glasses, please!
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Open!)
Post by: FrostedLights on October 23, 2021, 11:55:34 AM
#75 Chandri dressed as a witch
( (
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Open!)
Post by: PuffyPawsSeaDragon on October 23, 2021, 01:07:04 PM

Hopefully I'm not too late but if it's not too much: Human Ty being turned into a monstery werewolf-esque Virmir's shadow, falling into the ground/wall! Actual Virmir interaction I'm open to sort of around while I'm being turned, or both Ty and Virmir changing at the same time.

Human Ty:

If that's a bit much I'm happy falling back onto a TF into a simple broom for a witch!
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Open!)
Post by: Beobachten on October 23, 2021, 01:38:23 PM

Might be a bit late but here goes!

My Kobold maid character but dressed as a witch and probably looking a bit bashful about it!

Reference to her here!:
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Open!)
Post by: Arcaroo on October 23, 2021, 01:46:31 PM

Will edit number if needed.

Human Female werewolf-ing into wild-looking Cherry, like nasty-snarly-spiky-fur type wild?
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Open!)
Post by: Keys on October 23, 2021, 02:19:11 PM

In retrospect, grandiose decision-making feels awfully silly, given the scope of a sketch.

Anyway, let's turn Mara into a seademoness. Keys sends in a collar for her to try out, and she's mid-TF (with the usual Keysian proportions) into one. The pleasure is gentler, but the power *does* feel awfully good.

You've *just* drawn one of these, but hey, per instructions.
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Open!)
Post by: Rainyote on October 23, 2021, 02:22:50 PM

I wanted my Halloween coyote

Getting fat off Halloween candy
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Open!)
Post by: Erakir on October 23, 2021, 03:18:32 PM

Beep boop, kupo~
Have always wanted to get a moogle spider-ized by you!
This fella -
As something akin to these spidery forms: - (79 here)

Rather satisfied with the look, perhaps deviously satisfied - just what he was looking for for Halloween, a comfy crawly fella to be.
Thank you for the offer!!
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Open!)
Post by: EisenManfred on October 23, 2021, 03:33:43 PM
#82 I am with Caleb and Cherry
Having been turned into a small but buff kobold, Eisen is filling up Caleb candy hoard
and my ref has been posted by Caleb
Thanks Virmir!
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Open!)
Post by: Nika on October 23, 2021, 03:47:48 PM
Just Nika back to being a vampiress again, albeit ghost-hunting with a camera, current design is sune on the right here - I'd just go all-out with the sabre-fangs and claws this year. Three sets of wings are optional, depending on how much of a headache you want to have ]:P

Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Open!)
Post by: Zinc on October 23, 2021, 03:53:51 PM

Zinque and Lucile as cute Vampire ponies. Zinque can be rubbing up against Lucile much to Lucile’s dismay unless you have another pose in mind haha.

Thanks Virmir!

Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Open!)
Post by: Darr on October 23, 2021, 03:58:12 PM
#85 Tg'ed skunk wearing a witches dress

Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Open!)
Post by: StuffAlso on October 23, 2021, 04:19:55 PM

My character, Oliver, in a wizard robe and hat and Virmir in magical dual. Oliver's getting turned into a deer and Virmir's getting turned into a skunk by a bottle of perfume.

Oliver Ref:
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Open!)
Post by: foxgamer01 on October 23, 2021, 04:26:21 PM

Astrid, who found herself taking the kitsune contract ( ) herself, heavily pregnant (perhaps at this size ) with her blushing like crazy even as her pants button popped off.

Astrid ref:
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Open!)
Post by: Shrubie on October 23, 2021, 05:11:45 PM


I would like a mid tf of my character Shrubie turning into their chocolatey alter ego due to a witch spell gone wrong! Witch outfit optional!

Thank you Virmir!
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Open!)
Post by: Pontos on October 23, 2021, 05:19:04 PM

Ethaniel surprised and mortified by the sudden tail downgrade after being turned into a rabbit/hare after stepping on a fairy ring or magical circle trap.

Ref: (Newest pic you did of non-fem or tfd me)
Title: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 2021, part 2
Post by: VirBot on October 23, 2021, 05:39:32 PM
(,_part_2.png) (,_part_2)

Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Open!)
Post by: Zavier on October 23, 2021, 06:20:04 PM

Continuing from last year, the three gods of big ( and have followed through on their promise/threat and delivered bigness unto Virmir. Unfortunately the amount of bigness means that Virmir is now muscled up and towering over the gods like they used to loom over him. While the three of them squabble about who was responsible for the misfire of magic, Virmir realizes that he can now use this great size to his advantage - possibly immediately, to pay the gods back for bothering him. To clarify, we want you to play around with perspective again! And also to be big and buff. Suggestions on the Virmir pose - either leaning and moving in to squash/swat the three gods; or having an epiphany/a-ha moment as he stares down at the tiny animals.

With #97 and #98.
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Open!)
Post by: Jay on October 23, 2021, 07:17:26 PM

A picture post-transformation into a werewolf puppy, maybe a moon in the background!


Thanks, Virmir, for all that you do!
Thanks to Hotcakes for encouraging me to post!
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Open!)
Post by: tarn the beast on October 23, 2021, 07:26:40 PM
#92 virbot dressed as the terminator would be cool
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Open!)
Post by: William Swiftfoot on October 23, 2021, 07:29:21 PM

You know I half forgot about this, but lets go on comic theme. Will as a quetzal!

Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Open!)
Post by: Ember on October 23, 2021, 07:31:24 PM
94# me turning virmir into a protogen
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Open!)
Post by: playfingers on October 23, 2021, 07:34:11 PM

Sabey dressed in a pokemon libre-esque outfit

Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Closed)
Post by: Virmir on October 23, 2021, 08:03:44 PM
#96 granted to DeanFox because Mircosoft can't get their email inboxes straight.


That's enough of these! Closing this here! (Excepting anyone I granted late posting permission.)

Thanks for requesting!
Title: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 2021, part 3
Post by: VirBot on October 23, 2021, 11:52:47 PM
(,_part_3.png) (,_part_3)

Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Closed)
Post by: Shifting Sands on October 24, 2021, 09:49:02 AM
#97, posted with permission

I'm with #90 and #98

Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Closed)
Post by: Draykin on October 24, 2021, 12:44:51 PM
#98, posted with permission

I'm with #90 and #97
Title: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 2021, part 4
Post by: VirBot on October 24, 2021, 07:44:03 PM
(,_part_4.png) (,_part_4)

Title: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 2021, part 5
Post by: VirBot on October 25, 2021, 12:04:31 AM
(,_part_5.png) (,_part_5)

Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Closed)
Post by: KyleTheRed on October 25, 2021, 08:06:00 AM

I’m with Railfox. #3

Posted with permission.

Reference included
Title: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 2021, part 6
Post by: VirBot on October 25, 2021, 05:51:46 PM
(,_part_6.png) (,_part_6)

Title: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 2021, part 7
Post by: VirBot on October 25, 2021, 11:53:51 PM
(,_part_7.png) (,_part_7)

Title: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 2021, part 8
Post by: VirBot on October 29, 2021, 11:43:26 PM
(,_part_8.png) (,_part_8)

Title: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 2021, part 9
Post by: VirBot on October 30, 2021, 05:46:33 PM
(,_part_9.png) (,_part_9)

Title: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 2021, part 10
Post by: VirBot on October 31, 2021, 12:07:12 AM
(,_part_10.png) (,_part_10)

Okay, that's enough of that.
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 11 (Closed)
Post by: PrincessHotcakes on November 01, 2021, 12:47:08 PM
Now we can shoot for triple digits next year~