Crimson Flag Comic Forums
Other Realms => Random Topics => Random Insanity => Topic started by: AlexShrub on March 02, 2010, 03:09:30 PM
I have an affinity for Orange Juliuses, just like probably everyone, and have learned a rather cheap way to make a super-creamy one.
For a tall-glass (1 pint)
1/2-cup Milk
1/2 -cup Orange Soda (a mix of this and Orange Concentrate'll probably be really good)
1/4-cup Sugar (preferably Powdered but the soda makes up for regular)
about 1 tsp of Vanilla Extract
and a bit of (fresh)Orange Zest for kicks (Get a micro-grater, chunks of zest = bleh)
Pour in liquids and sugar. Mix in a blender to combine.
Put in Vanilla Extract and mix more. (Now's also the time to add any Zest you might want)
Snow-ify preferred drinking-glass full of ice in an ice shaver machine-thingy
Dump into Blender and set on Liquefy or higher setting, mix until creamy.
Pour into preferred drinking glass.
(This same recipe with water+concentrate in place of soda is OK but not as creamy)
I know that there are most likely better ones than this but this is cheap, easy, and nummy.
If anyone else has any Julius recipes, here the place to post!
I have an affinity for <snip>
1/4-cup Sugar
The truth is now apparent.