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Other Realms => Art Gallery => Topic started by: Virmir on October 18, 2019, 08:01:05 PM

Title: Halloween Sketch-a-Thon 9 (Closed)
Post by: Virmir on October 18, 2019, 08:01:05 PM


Because this is something I do: Halloween-Sketch-a-thon Season 9!

- You may request a simple sketch-- nothing complex please!  One character only.  You may also include Virmir or variants if the idea isn't too complex, but there should be some interaction between the two. (I.e.  Something more substantial than your character and Virmir in costumes.) Probably limit your request to a simple sentence or so.

- Requests should be at least vaguely Halloween-themed!  Some ideas for you: Your character in a costume, as some ghoulish creature, stuffed with candy, etc.  Have fun with it!

- You may alternatively request someone else's character as long as the character's owner is okay with it!

- PLEASE POST A REFERENCE OF WHAT YOU WANT ME TO DRAW, EVEN IF I HAVE DRAWN IT BEFORE.  If I have drawn this character, do a quick search on my art site ( and grab the link.  THIS SAVES ME TIME!!!!!!!  Also, post pictures of stuff relevant to the request, because I live in a tree and don't know what things are. If a reference does not exist, please write a SHORT description underneath the request. Generic stuff like "draw a fox doing..." is perfectly fine too.

- PLEASE NUMBER YOUR REQUEST!  Look at the person who requested before you, increment that, and post what number yours is.  If the ordering gets messed up, fix it. [;) If you know the person above you is wrong, post the right one on yours instead. [;)

- This is open to CF members who have joined before the date of this posting only.

- GROUP REQUESTS: YES, you may team up with someone else!  BOTH requestors must number his or her post.  The person with the earlier number should describe the full request and also say, "I'm with X!" and include that person's number.  The later requestor need only mention who he or she is with and post the number.

- YES, you may edit your post as many times as you like up until I'm ready to draw yours.

- YES, I will draw every single request.

- NO, this is like, not a big deal at all for me.

- YES, these are free.

- YES, you may request your drawing be cut out and sent to you separate from the others if you do not have the capability of doing this yourself! Just ask me later on when I'm not drawing. (But if you can do it yourself, please do.)

- YES, you may color your drawing yourself and/or post it anywhere you like!

- YES, YOUR REQUEST IS PROBABLY OKAY AND I DON'T NEED TO LOOK AT IT FIRST AND TELL YOU SO, SO PLEASE PEOPLE STOP ASKING ME TO LOOK ARaARRJRAKghaKGNgbghagahgrbrrgbrhgggh-- If it's not okay, then I will simply simplify or modify the drawing so that it is. Here are a few hundred examples if you need inspiration: 2018 ( 2017 ( 2016 ( 2015 (

These will be streamed and done in order of request with no regard to who is in the chat at the time. Sorry!  Although I may skip over group requests for a simpler one if I am running out of time and then come back later.

You can view past Halloween Sketch-a-thon results here! (  Same general idea this year!

Requests close the night of Saturday, October 19th! -- That's approximately 24 hours from the time of this posting.


Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-Thon 8 (Open!)
Post by: DragonizedHope on October 18, 2019, 08:01:15 PM
Character: Connor, Gum Istrala
What do I want?:
I want for this character to be bloated slightly, while in the midst of blowing a bubble the size of his own body. So in a sense.. voodoo gum, I don't know if there's any way to put it simpler.
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-Thon 8 (Open!)
Post by: ChaseTheFox on October 18, 2019, 08:01:26 PM

Chase as a skeletal fox (with no shirt but wearing his pendant) looking pretty confused as to why he's been turned into a skeleton.

Chase ref:
Pendant ref:
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-Thon 8 (Open!)
Post by: CurusKeel on October 18, 2019, 08:01:53 PM

Somehow, Curus and Patashu (#7) have been fused and transformed together into an Halloween-themed airblown dragon inflatable - based on Complete with fire and  glowy lights. You decide which section belongs to which dragon!

Curus ref (using Kurzen):
Patashu ref:
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-Thon 8 (Open!)
Post by: KieliIndustries on October 18, 2019, 08:02:03 PM
#4 and #15

(Joint Request For Jake and KieliIndustries)

After eating cursed Halloween candy, Jake, Kieli and Virmir are merged into the three heads of a hydra, and Virmir looks quite irritated by the other two.

The references
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-Thon 8 (Open!)
Post by: PinkPrincessDestiny on October 18, 2019, 08:02:38 PM
Ref: Destiny- , Arcanine-
Idea- hypno'd stuffed into a plush suit of Arcanine halloweens not complete without costumes
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-Thon 8 (Open!)
Post by: Turpshi on October 18, 2019, 08:03:03 PM

Could you draw my character Dominic as a female genie wearing a magician's outfit and coming out of a top hat? If you wanna make it more Halloweeny, you could have her holding a plastic pumpkin pail.

Dom's ref: Dom Ref (2019) (
Magician outfit ref: Magician outfit! (
Genie refs, if you need them: Ref (, Ref Dos (, Ref Tres (, Ref Quatro (, and Ref Cinco (!
Top Hat ref: High Silk Hat (
Pose ref: Like this ( but with the genie tail pulling out more.
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-Thon 8 (Open!)
Post by: Patashu on October 18, 2019, 08:03:07 PM

I am with Curus (#3).
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-Thon 8 (Open!)
Post by: PrincessHotcakes on October 18, 2019, 08:04:56 PM

With #41 Tomek

Tomek and I attacked by accessories of the characters Cynder and Krystal (respectively) from a box, and said accessories leap out and transform us

My ref:
Tomek's refs:

Kyrstal ref:

Cynder refs: (BUT ANTHRO)

Expression/poses: Freaking out, me looking horribly embarrassed at becoming a scantily clad vixen and Tomek trying to hide his enjoyment at becoming an anthro Cynder
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-Thon 8 (Open!)
Post by: Champloon on October 18, 2019, 08:05:36 PM

Derg TFing into a muscular Ridley
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-Thon 8 (Open!)
Post by: William Swiftfoot on October 18, 2019, 08:05:50 PM
#10 with #29 GeoHolms

a Kobolded Will is flailing his arms as he tries his hardest to reach for the TF Hoop to which Dragoned Geo is holding out of reach and keeping Will at by with his other hand.
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-Thon 8 (Open!)
Post by: Aurum Lupus on October 18, 2019, 08:06:44 PM
# 11
I'm chasing ghost Railfox  through a either haunted mansion or house, and I'm a Ghostbuster. I'm a wolf.
These are the only references I have. (;topic=2824.0;attach=3186;image (;topic=2824.0;attach=3186;image)

Hair style: similar to High-and-tight. As seen here in the second pic on this website
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-Thon 8 (Open!)
Post by: Creature_Unknown on October 18, 2019, 08:07:47 PM

Virmir, confused/disgruntled wearing a plush suit version of myself, a lot like how Jac drew it for you, with the oversized head, and open mouth (showing you on the inside)
Oh yeah, if you can, make the pawhands nice and big, and full of stuffing
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-Thon 8 (Open!)
Post by: ConductorRailfox on October 18, 2019, 08:07:52 PM
# 11 & 13

I (Railfox) will be a ghost which will be specific in drawing with link below. Expression: Devious

Aurum Lupus will be a ghostbuster trying to catch me.

Railfox ghost form:
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-Thon 9 (Open!)
Post by: Aira Fox on October 18, 2019, 08:10:17 PM

I'm teaming up with Russet #43.

Idea is Aira, Russet (in his jackal form), and Virmir being fused into a Cerberus, each a head.

Aira Refs:

Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-Thon 9 (Open!)
Post by: Bonfire on October 18, 2019, 08:11:06 PM

Joint Request with KieliIndustries #4
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-Thon 9 (Open!)
Post by: Talcott on October 18, 2019, 08:13:15 PM
#16 I'm with Cherry.

Cherry as a Zeraora, and me as a Lucario, comparing showing off our halloween costumes to each other. Doing the hat and cape lucario, and the band member Zeraora from the Nintendo of Japan promotion.

Talcario reference:
Cherry Zeraora reference:
Lucario and Zeraora costumes from the Nintendo of Japan thing:
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-Thon 9 (Open!)
Post by: kylr23 on October 18, 2019, 08:16:21 PM
 Kyle being turned into a fat goodra via eating from a candy bowl
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-Thon 9 (Open!)
Post by: i8cherrypie on October 18, 2019, 08:19:41 PM

I'm with Talcott.
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-Thon 9 (Open!)
Post by: Corbynprower on October 18, 2019, 08:21:45 PM

i would like a pic of me starting to turn into Amaterasu from Ōkami about 50% , hope it not too complex .w.

my ref:

Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-Thon 9 (Open!)
Post by: Caleb_Lloyd on October 18, 2019, 08:23:23 PM

Lycold Bale roboticized and is roaming a scrapyard while munching a mom van. A warning message from his midsection is buzzed out but he's ignoring anything in regards to overcapacity.

Calebgon Reference ( - Pizza Bot ( - Robot Dragon ( - Mom Van (
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-Thon 9 (Open!)
Post by: AmigaDragon on October 18, 2019, 08:25:27 PM
Lucille handing out marshmallow peeps (ghost, cat, pumpkin, bat, whatever) to Thanh... who is transforming into a peeps dragon.
Thanh reference


I'll get an idea soon™
Can you placeholder like that? if so, I'll take #21
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-Thon 9 (Open!)
Post by: Virmir on October 18, 2019, 08:33:37 PM
Placeholders are fine as long as info is in there by the time I start drawing it.
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-Thon 9 (Open!)
Post by: Generic Meatbag #14 on October 18, 2019, 08:41:08 PM
#22 Double with Dmitriy.

A really fat nondescript black vixen wearing a ranger outfit that doesn't quite fit and a similarly round Orion in a pirate's outfit, each eating from a large bag of candy between them.

Black vixen:
Outfit (Just the outfit, not the fox in it):

Orion's outfit:

Possibly prepare for a few "NFEs" depending upon how big you go to start with.
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-Thon 9 (Open!)
Post by: Karina on October 18, 2019, 08:44:35 PM
I'm with the Generic Meatbag #14 who has post #22
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-Thon 9 (Open!)
Post by: Terrev on October 18, 2019, 08:45:19 PM

My sona after attempting to cast a spell: Puffed up into a big round shape, left resting on her belly, trying and failing to grab a magic wand and spellbook sitting out of reach on the floor.

Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-Thon 9 (Open!)
Post by: Thailongz on October 18, 2019, 08:49:05 PM
 Could you draw my witch character Elizabeth as a werefox? And maybe Virmir could be either concerned or agitated by the werefox next to him.

Elizabeth Ref:

Werefox Ref:
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-Thon 9 (Open!)
Post by: Alsin on October 18, 2019, 08:54:17 PM

Allllright another one of these!

Alsin (, but instead of a marching band uniform he has on a costume of the blue robot from the linked animation!

[video] (
[image] (

Thank you!
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-Thon 9 (Open!)
Post by: Arroavantho on October 18, 2019, 09:09:30 PM

Plazma (#28), turning into an egyptian pharaohess/Cleopatra/egyptian goddess costume. Something feminine and Egyptian, basically. Then, an arrow, pointing to Arya wearing said costume.

Arya ref:
Plazma is like Plazmette in that image, but male and without the bikini.
Various costume designs for inspiration:
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-Thon 9 (Open!)
Post by: plazmastorm on October 18, 2019, 09:12:58 PM

I'm with Arro.
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-Thon 9 (Open!)
Post by: Geo Holms on October 18, 2019, 09:13:52 PM

I'm with #10 William Swiftfoot

Dragon!Geo Ref:
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-Thon 9 (Open!)
Post by: tails230 on October 18, 2019, 09:38:05 PM


I would like to see Chris turned into a feral fox-bat from eating a mystery candy. X3
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-Thon 9 (Open!)
Post by: Zukaro on October 18, 2019, 09:40:11 PM

Zukaro wearing a witch outfit and stirring a cauldron of melting foxes

Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-Thon 9 (Open!)
Post by: Air Winters on October 18, 2019, 09:43:21 PM
#32 Doing this with Donnie

Wolfsune with a similar setup like (minus a extra pair of arms) with armor based around the M46

Baconsune with clothing similar to and a armor setup to this style based on this ship to a detail level similar to the tank setup
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-Thon 9 (Open!)
Post by: foxgamer01 on October 18, 2019, 09:45:47 PM

I like to see Glorfindel wearing a Virmir costume (made by a unwilling Virmir, of course) with him posing with his staff on one hand and a wooden hammer with another.

Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-Thon 9 (Open!)
Post by: Krysto on October 18, 2019, 09:54:33 PM

Folks like to turn into werewolves.

So this year I want to turn Gumdrop into an inflatable Weremoon. A Full Weremoon - rising into the night sky!

It's time for the full moon to rise!

Ref: (
Moon Ref:

NOTE: If anyone decides to be TF into werewolf/wereXYZ, especially of the squeaky variety, you're welcome to to use me as the TF trigger.
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-Thon 9 (Open!)
Post by: Verace on October 18, 2019, 09:56:55 PM
Placeholder idea: I mean you did a fantastic job last time and I don't regret pressing the "Virmir chooses tf" button.  But if I think of something other than "monster tf" between now and when you get to me I'll fix this
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-Thon 9 (Open!)
Post by: J0s4U8 on October 18, 2019, 10:04:18 PM
#36 my character fat and virmir hypnotizing him to help get rid of all the extra candy that virmir found in his house somewhere
(I got a proper ref now yay!) heres the ref :
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-Thon 9 (Open!)
Post by: Ceber on October 18, 2019, 10:21:02 PM

Virmir as a Fat Macro wearing a very tiny cape and standing in front of a very tiny potion (He should look frustrated.)

Fat virmir ref:,_page_49
Virmir face ref:
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-Thon 9 (Open!)
Post by: Keys on October 18, 2019, 10:22:36 PM

I always overthink these things, particularly since they're sketches, so Ima go simpler and say 'Virmir into a rubberskunk lady by means of shinyrose.' You probably know the kinds of proportions I get up to nowadays, but just in case, here's two samples -
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-Thon 9 (Open!)
Post by: LurkingWolf on October 18, 2019, 10:23:55 PM

Azariah turning into a big, gooey goodra after taking a bite of a pokepuff from his Halloween candy.

Azariah ref:
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-Thon 9 (Open!)
Post by: EisenManfred on October 18, 2019, 10:28:37 PM
So can I have Eisen turning into a NidoKing from eating poke puff candy?
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-Thon 8 (Open!)
Post by: Tomek1000 on October 18, 2019, 11:31:33 PM

With #__ Tomek

Tomek and I attacked by accessories of the characters Cynder and Krystal (respectively) from a box, and said accessories leap out and transform us

My ref:
Tomek's refs:

Kyrstal ref:

Cynder refs: (BUT ANTHRO)

Expression/poses: Freaking out, me looking horribly embarrassed at becoming a scantily clad vixen and Tomek trying to hide his enjoyment at becoming an anthro Cynder

Like Toast did say i we did came up with idea together ^^
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-Thon 9 (Open!)
Post by: Dsarvess on October 19, 2019, 12:50:02 AM

Possession\transformation style thing, with malevolent spirits corrupting and transforming someone into a demon-dragonair.

Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-Thon 9 (Open!)
Post by: Russet on October 19, 2019, 01:47:32 AM

Teaming up with Aira #14

Idea is Aira, Russet (in his jackal form), and Virmir being fused into a Cerberus, each a head.

Aira Refs:

Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-Thon 9 (Open!)
Post by: KaiAdin on October 19, 2019, 06:35:52 AM

Hiii Virmir!

Couldd I Have WitchKai being Half engulfed by a harmless jello monster?
Outfit wise: maybe a flowyier/dressyier (and Darker XD) version of the PrinceKai Outfit

Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-Thon 9 (Open!)
Post by: Crabtree on October 19, 2019, 07:33:06 AM
#45 Mitch dressed as a Skitarii


Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-Thon 9 (Open!)
Post by: AlphaZeron on October 19, 2019, 07:42:30 AM

I want you to take a break on this slot. just rest for 5 minutes or something, get some snacks, stay hydrated. leave it blank!
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-Thon 9 (Open!)
Post by: Nixuelle on October 19, 2019, 07:49:22 AM

Ghostdragon. That is all.

Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-Thon 9 (Open!)
Post by: Nika on October 19, 2019, 09:02:13 AM
Hullo Virmir!
Why not Nikasune as some evil demoness this year (with requisite bag of candy), to break the vampiric trend?

Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-Thon 9 (Open!)
Post by: ArcusMike99 on October 19, 2019, 09:19:32 AM

Hiya Virmir!

How about Mike as a nice squeaky dragon cuddling Virmir!

Here's what Mike looks like as a dragon:
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-Thon 9 (Open!)
Post by: Somebody on October 19, 2019, 09:53:52 AM

Ty eating candy, unaware of the fact that he's turning into a bat.
(Rushed makeshift ref)
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-Thon 9 (Open!)
Post by: Cecilia on October 19, 2019, 11:42:11 AM


Cecilia as an Eldritch horror abomination mouse. If i must post the ref that you drew, then I will after work.
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-Thon 9 (Open!)
Post by: Tian on October 19, 2019, 12:55:35 PM

Having my Sonic character , Guan-Yu
as a demon vampire.

Which also changes , removal of wings , and headband.
and small teeth fangs on her mouth as well.

Pose is ready to pounce.
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-Thon 9 (Open!)
Post by: TyVulpintaur on October 19, 2019, 01:17:41 PM
Ty TFing into a were kangaroo
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-Thon 9 (Open!)
Post by: Rune on October 19, 2019, 01:50:45 PM

One of my characters, Kyuu, being turned into an inflatable Halloween decoration. He's basically a female ghost torso, covered in a translucent "sheet".

Kyuu: ( (Clothes are optional, but bead necklace is mandatory (they can be unchanged or inflatable)

"armless inflatable ghost" concept: (
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-Thon 9 (Open!)
Post by: Mehlahphuse on October 19, 2019, 01:56:58 PM
#55 with Trask #56

Me taking Trask out Trick-or-Treating with me dressed up as a witch. And Trask up ahead with candy in their pouch (They'll have their details in their post, #56).

Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-Thon 9 (Open!)
Post by: PrincessToyTime on October 19, 2019, 02:05:42 PM
#56 [With Mehlahphuse #55]

Trask [aka Princess Toy Time] going Trick-or-Treating with Mehlahphuse, possibly dressed as a witch as well! bubblepipe included as usual, pouch stuffed with candy from trick-or-treating, blowing bubbles happily, both of them will be all happy and such, enjoying their time! The form will be a flammie-ish thing as linked below, no halo to be included [unless you feel it is suitable for Halloween! Hopefully the links are good.] [:)

Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-Thon 9 (Open!)
Post by: Shifting Sands on October 19, 2019, 04:23:23 PM
#57 with Dray #58

Medik dressed up as Issun, sized up to be an actually visible and "normal" rider upon a feral Draykin posing as Amaterasu (you know, from Okami). If you can fit it in, slot some sort of foxy mirror on Dray's back, but I'll probably be in the way, unless you have some idea of how to make it work.

Medik: you can find your own
just kidding here
Dray: also in ref above, he's up to 9 tails but you can draw as many as you're comfortable with
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-Thon 9 (Open!)
Post by: Draykin on October 19, 2019, 04:26:05 PM
#58 with Shifty [Number #57]

Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-Thon 9 (Open!)
Post by: VoidSlice on October 19, 2019, 04:34:26 PM

Heya Virmir! Been a while!

So I'd love to see Ezmeralda as the headless horseman! (missing an arm AND a head) She could be riding a taur virmir as the horse.

Reference for Ezmeralda:
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-Thon 9 (Open!)
Post by: Nobody32 on October 19, 2019, 04:46:48 PM
Okay, how about my space witch, Cassiopeia, zapping Virmir into a space frog? (Ref:
She could be flying on her space-broom to make it more Halloween-ish.  Space-broom is a basically a broom, but with little Jetson's car styled engines on it ( ).
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-Thon 9 (Open!)
Post by: Cylonmaverick on October 19, 2019, 05:07:47 PM
#61 Hey, I joined just after you posted this, but I wanted to get a sketch for a friend of mine (Vinomath) who you’ve worked with before. It’s of his character Nafster He’s a snow leopard, and Vino asked if he could be turning into a witch. By the way, since I didn’t learn about this until today I understand if you refuse.
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-Thon 9 (Open!)
Post by: Zavier on October 19, 2019, 05:09:10 PM

Zavier dressed as Goro Majima, of the Yakuza games, preferably with some sort of impish/mischievous grin on his face.

Zavier: (yes this is literally the most up-to-date reference I can use)
Majima (outfit reference, including the baseball bat preferably, but don't worry about emulating the hair if you don't want to):
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-Thon 9 (Open!)
Post by: Pontos on October 19, 2019, 05:27:35 PM

Witch Ethanielle!

Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-Thon 9 (Open!)
Post by: Alterflane on October 19, 2019, 06:01:02 PM

My corvid gryphon, Feyeloc, as a hulking beastly version of herself (sort of like a werewolf but without changing any anatomy other than the build). She's a shapeshifter, so I'd like to see her getting into the spirit of Halloween with a candy bucket in hand. Cheerful expression.

Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-Thon 9 (Open!)
Post by: Kimera on October 19, 2019, 06:19:51 PM
s-sorry if this is t-too late
w-would it be o-okay for snow to be trick or t-treating dressed up as a magical g-girl with a b-big fat plushie version of virmir. w-with snow e-eating an e-eeveelution candy thats starting t-to tf them, v-virmir smirking at the s-sight. 
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-Thon 9 (Open!)
Post by: Virmir on October 19, 2019, 07:00:16 PM
#61 Hey, I joined just after you posted this, but I wanted to get a sketch for a friend of mine (Vinomath) who you’ve worked with before. It’s of his character Nafster He’s a snow leopard, and Vino asked if he could be turning into a witch. By the way, since I didn’t learn about this until today I understand if you refuse.

Sorry! This is only available to members who joined before this started. I do this every year though, so you're welcome to join in next time!
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-Thon 9 (Open!)
Post by: Zinc on October 19, 2019, 07:06:45 PM

Hello Virmir,

I would like my request to feature Virmir and Zinc.

I wanna feed your tail lots of candy so that you become nice and plump like you should be, much to your discontent. (Just me dumping a box of candy in your tail’s mouth)

I’d like to have a wide grin. And you can have either the “Gah” or “Mad” face. Whatever works better.


Virmir tail vore:

Thank you very much, Virmir

P.S. Don’t forget about the Virmir Dies Sketch!
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-Thon 9 (Open!)
Post by: Virmir on October 19, 2019, 07:40:54 PM
(,_part_1.png) (,_part_1)
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-Thon 9 (Open!)
Post by: Cylonmaverick on October 19, 2019, 08:06:43 PM
#61 Hey, I joined just after you posted this, but I wanted to get a sketch for a friend of mine (Vinomath) who you’ve worked with before. It’s of his character Nafster He’s a snow leopard, and Vino asked if he could be turning into a witch. By the way, since I didn’t learn about this until today I understand if you refuse.

Sorry! This is only available to members who joined before this started. I do this every year though, so you're welcome to join in next time!

Okay, thanks for responding back!
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-Thon 9 (Open!)
Post by: Joltink on October 19, 2019, 08:08:15 PM
#66 with #67

Alex as a were-nerd pokemon along with scotch. I would be midnight lycanroc, spontaneously gaining massive glasses and becoming a big nerd under the full moon

Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-Thon 9 (Open!)
Post by: Virmir on October 19, 2019, 08:10:53 PM
Okay, going to close these here, except for the people with permission to post a late request.
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-Thon 9 (Open!)
Post by: Scotch on October 19, 2019, 08:11:22 PM
#67 with #66

Scotch becoming a were-nerd lucario, aka. a lucario with nerdy glasses, some form of collared shirt, formal pants, and overalls. Joined with Alex as he becomes a were-lycanroc-nerd.


Title: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 2019, part 2
Post by: VirBot on October 19, 2019, 11:35:50 PM
(,_part_2.png) (,_part_2)

Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-Thon 9 (Closed)
Post by: Peanut Dragon on October 20, 2019, 12:32:41 AM
#68, posted late with permission!

I'd like my dragon, Ash, turning into a demonic, three-headed female naga, with a metallic or crystalline top (like you do on Marilith Lucile, but spiky). Feel free to give them lots of sharp teeth and pointy stuff! Or not, if that's too much.

Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-Thon 9 (Closed)
Post by: Snow on October 20, 2019, 02:38:27 PM
#69 (posted with permission):
How about... my squirrel mage character doing something adventurous and magical? Maybe poking a suspicious treasure chest with a magically controlled stick, or levitating on a floating wooden block, or selling loot?

Thank you for considering doing this! No pressure, if you run out of time or something.
Title: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 2019, part 3
Post by: VirBot on October 20, 2019, 05:54:52 PM
(,_part_3.png) (,_part_3)

Title: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 2019, part 4
Post by: VirBot on October 20, 2019, 11:24:24 PM
(,_part_4.png) (,_part_4)

Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-Thon 9 (Closed)
Post by: KyleTheRed on October 21, 2019, 07:40:46 AM

Posted WITH Permission., as I couldn't be here over the weekend.

Basically, this will be an inverse of last year.

Virmir in turn sitting on a candy-stuffed Kyle enjoying a halloween-themed salad or something.


Title: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 2019, part 5
Post by: VirBot on October 21, 2019, 05:18:07 PM
(,_part_5.png) (,_part_5)

Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-Thon 9 (Closed)
Post by: ModernBalloonie on October 21, 2019, 05:41:00 PM


Me and my friend Bliss being hugely overinflated advertising blimps for a halloween balloon event! and we are super blushy and our cables are becoming loose, going to float away soon! We're also tied like parade balloons. My tounge is out and my muzzle is tied shut with one of the strings. I'm also looking at bliss happily.

My ref (2 pics):

Bliss is #72
Title: Re: Halloween Sketch-a-Thon 9 (Closed)
Post by: BuoyantBliss on October 21, 2019, 05:48:36 PM
#72 (I'm with Modern #71)


Blushy and panicked, beak tied shut with a floating balloon's string
Title: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 2019, part 6
Post by: VirBot on October 21, 2019, 11:44:17 PM
(,_part_6.png) (,_part_6)

Title: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 2019, part 7
Post by: VirBot on October 24, 2019, 11:28:15 PM
(,_part_7.png) (,_part_7)

Title: Halloween Sketch-a-thon 2019, part 8
Post by: VirBot on October 25, 2019, 05:12:29 PM
(,_part_8.png) (,_part_8)