cracks knuckles
Alright, alright, let's take this from the top. Before I jump into a game I think should be remade, I wanted to go over an exceptional remake - or rather a collection of them - that came out somewhat recently.
The Henry Stickmin Collection
THIS is how you do a collection right. All five previous Henry Stickmin games remade from the ground up with new music, animations, characters and Easter Eggs PLUS a new game with Completing the Mission for $15? I'd say you're getting your money's worth unless you really dug the copyrighted Easter Eggs from any of the first five games; they're gone here because of copyright issues. There's also a bunch of new achievements and character bios which flesh out the story even further alongside endings which tie the whole series up in a nice big bow. Be warned, though, some of them do get genuinely rather sad.
Now onto a game that should be remade.
Sonic Unleashed
I actually really like this game.
Both halves - day and night.
But honestly, it could look even better with a couple of graphical updates and a few changes to a couple of things...most notably the Werehog levels. I know I said I really like it, but in order to like something, you have to admit that there's something bad about it. The Werehog levels drag out for far too long and often put the player in tight spots where they're forced to beat up the same enemies over and over again with absurd amounts of health even for the first night level in Apotos and the same music blaring in the background.
There's some easy ways to fix this.
For one, have enemy health scale to Werehog Sonic as he levels up and gains new abilities, so you've got a real challenge come the final few night levels.
For two, make the enemies a little bit more unique based on what part of the world you're traveling through and perhaps spice it up with more unique attacks that the Werehog will have to learn and adapt to gradually. It would add a bit more local flavor to each level and give the player an opportunity to test their skills on new foes.
Finally...NEW BATTLE MUSIC. I know the battle music in Unleashed is rather annoying - and many will agree, so why not have new arrangements of it which transition in and out of the normal night level music rather well?
Sonic Unleashed has a LOT of potential and it could be further expounded upon with a remake.