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Other Realms => Game Room => Topic started by: DragonizedHope on October 05, 2019, 02:27:58 PM

Title: Remakes.
Post by: DragonizedHope on October 05, 2019, 02:27:58 PM
Remake- Verb. Make (something) again or differently.
Game remakes are becoming very popular nowadays since old games are, well, becoming practically obsolete, almost.

As a result... I've kind of become curious to see what your thoughts are on when it comes to:
-Games that have remakes, and how bad/good they were
-Games that should/shouldn't be remade, and if so, why?

I'm going to put in my own two cents on this.
Megaman X3
This was the first remade game that really popped out at me. Why? Because it actually DID have a remake- more of a port if anything, but it does fit under the definition. I would say it should've stayed a SNES only game, but the PS1 was how Capcom managed to get X4, X5, and the horrible pile that is X6 onto there.
It, in all honesty, was a decent..ish.. remake. The soundtrack is good in some cases, but I highly prefer me some sweet, sweet SNES Overdrive Guitar. At least they made Neon Tiger not suck.
Final Fantasy 4
Final Fantasy 4 is, in all honesty, one of the best Final Fantasies before it fell to bits. The plot was intriguing, the characters were decently written, there was actually fun gameplay, and the music was killer. When FF4 Advance came out for the GBA, it improved on the music HIGHLY, and even with the new Lunar Ruins content, the game was vastly improved because there was more postgame that players could attempt to clear.
And then After Years came out. After Years was a REALLY good continuation of the plot, and the moon phase system made it so you had to plan when you fought certain enemies. The Band system made you experiment which party members felt were the best for you. However, my only main problem with THAT was the difficulty curve. In The Hooded Man, orKain's tale, Mist Cliff was basically almost impossible if you weren't a high enough level. Even around level 26 I was still having trouble!
And then Complete Collection came out alongside Interlude, which.. was basically pointless, really. But CC added a few extra things to After Years, so that was cool.
Megaman X7
Despite how bad this game's reception was, I do feel like it deserves a remake. The new characters were okay, and I honestly REALLY liked the 3D aspect! They messed it up, though. Kind of. And the lock-on... that was pointless. It took all the challenge out of aiming your shots
Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded
As good as this game is, I really don't think it needs a remake. Sure, it was made when the DS was on its last legs, but it was probably the best thing- personally- that it pushed out. For the most part, anyway.
Although at the same time, I'm really salty over how the plot went down.. and how they basically made Sora's Heartless essentially one of the worst shoehorned bosses. Ever. Sure, Data Roxas was the same way, but he at least had some sort of DEVELOPMENT to him throughout the final world. I hate how people say Sora's Heartless is supposed to be the true final boss. HE'S NOT. Sure, it fixed the bugs, but it never wrapped up the story. Data Sora never went to Namine about everything, and nothing was solved.

Sonic Advance 2
This is one of the worst Sonic games in the series, bar none. This is, personally, even worse than 06. Sure, 06 was very flawed and had a horrible of bugs, but at least in that game you could REACT to what you were doing. In Advance 2, the game focuses on nothing but speed and it is SO annoying, especially when you get to Sky Canyon, one of the WORST stages in the entire game. And Cream just breaks an already poor game. SA3 and SA1 deserve to be remade more over this flaming pile of absolute garbage.

What do you guys think? Let me know!
Title: Re: Remakes.
Post by: Virmir on October 05, 2019, 07:47:11 PM
I generally despise the idea of remakes, but I can understand the reasoning and appeal in some cases. The only one you listed that I've played is FF4 on GBA, and the extra content combined with keeping the visual presentation of the original SNES version makes this quite a nice version (although the weaker sound chip of the GBA vs. the SNES makes me twitch, ha ha). Also the fact that the SNES version was dumbed down justifies this version.

I am usually adamant on playing original versions first. Of course I have the consoles and space to support the hobby, though, ha ha
Title: Re: Remakes.
Post by: DragonizedHope on October 05, 2019, 10:42:13 PM
I will admit some of the SNES tracks do sound better than the ones on the GBA.
Heck, some of the ones on the WONDERSWAN port sounded better than the GBA version at times.
Lunar Subterrane and Zeromus are two tracks from the GBA release that I find better than their SNES counterparts.
...Oh and I guess the actual main FF theme itself, because this is where it TRULY defined itself.
The Elemental Fiend and Boss music on the SNES version, however, yeah those are superior.
It really depends on which sounds less horrifying to the ears, haha.

On that note, Megaman Xtreme, Sigma Stage 2. UUUUUUUUUGH that is painful.
Title: Re: Remakes.
Post by: Turpshi on October 23, 2020, 08:41:06 PM
cracks knuckles

Alright, alright, let's take this from the top. Before I jump into a game I think should be remade, I wanted to go over an exceptional remake - or rather a collection of them - that came out somewhat recently.

The Henry Stickmin Collection

THIS is how you do a collection right. All five previous Henry Stickmin games remade from the ground up with new music, animations, characters and Easter Eggs PLUS a new game with Completing the Mission for $15? I'd say you're getting your money's worth unless you really dug the copyrighted Easter Eggs from any of the first five games; they're gone here because of copyright issues. There's also a bunch of new achievements and character bios which flesh out the story even further alongside endings which tie the whole series up in a nice big bow. Be warned, though, some of them do get genuinely rather sad.

Now onto a game that should be remade.

Sonic Unleashed

I actually really like this game.

Both halves - day and night.

But honestly, it could look even better with a couple of graphical updates and a few changes to a couple of things...most notably the Werehog levels. I know I said I really like it, but in order to like something, you have to admit that there's something bad about it. The Werehog levels drag out for far too long and often put the player in tight spots where they're forced to beat up the same enemies over and over again with absurd amounts of health even for the first night level in Apotos and the same music blaring in the background.

There's some easy ways to fix this.

For one, have enemy health scale to Werehog Sonic as he levels up and gains new abilities, so you've got a real challenge come the final few night levels.

For two, make the enemies a little bit more unique based on what part of the world you're traveling through and perhaps spice it up with more unique attacks that the Werehog will have to learn and adapt to gradually. It would add a bit more local flavor to each level and give the player an opportunity to test their skills on new foes.

Finally...NEW BATTLE MUSIC. I know the battle music in Unleashed is rather annoying - and many will agree, so why not have new arrangements of it which transition in and out of the normal night level music rather well?

Sonic Unleashed has a LOT of potential and it could be further expounded upon with a remake.