Crimson Flag Comic Forums
Other Realms => Random Topics => Topic started by: Donnie on March 21, 2016, 10:27:20 PM
Hey folks, this topic is to keep track of those who are going to be chipping in to a special commission for Jacfox to make sometime.
Trask and I figured we could pool money to make a neat large commission but had an idea to see if we can get more Sunes in. Trask and I will fund the initial $60 to get Trask and Oyabun in with a full background, but it's $10 per extra character!
The idea for the actual composition isn't settled in stone and I'll probably have to do some worldbuilding for it but for those of you who want in we can think of how it'd look.
-Ground pounding?
-Base assault!?
Generally think an expanded version of this:
So far those who I've confirmed or believe to chip in:
1) Trask
2) Me
3) Kenku
4) BlueDragon
5) Wolfe
6) Virmir
7) Draykin (under Kenku)
8) Foxgamer
Just post here to secure candidacy if you're interested. Though obviously this requires a valid Sune character. Examples of some:
Keep in mind however that until Jac opens again for commissions or get a timetable from him, this project has no deadline so don't feel pressured about finances immediately.
Probably yes! Obviously Virmir is pretty non canon for this setting, but perhaps being clueless, getting blown up, or experiencing some other sort of mishap may be amusing. Depends on the picture! I kind of like the sneaking idea. Just being GRUMPY would work there.
All I have is Ridiculous technology not required (although I kind of like the scouter). Not really attached to those particular stripe patterns or anything either.
I sort of have an idea to draw a more serious six-tailed version, but not sure if all go through with it, he he he
I'm interested in being a part of this as well. Besides, I need more pics of my sune character.
After much though and deliberation, I definitely wish to participate in this group commission.
Calebsune, privateer, stealth operative and unamused face at your command.
I guess I'm doing this group commission. Here's the general jist of what's going on.
I'll be needing everyone's approval, and then I'll be making things much more detailed. Could add a few more people in if they want. But otherwise, this is the drawing I'll be doing. Let me know what folks think and if there's ideas they want me to try and include~!
0. Space- Virmir on an asteroid saying stuffs and Draykin piloting a fighter looking at Virmir quizzically.
1. MedLabs- Trask and Blue doing science!
2. LivingQuarters- Donnie sleeping on a bed, with a half assembled gun on the floor
3. EngineReactor- Wolfesune using Holograms.
4. Bridge- Kenku just piloting the ship. Just normal
5. StorageBay- Caleb locked in a storage area, and Daren making sure he doesn't escape.
This looks like a good start.
This is the updated look I want to go with since that post back in March:
I was honestly hoping for more of a group picture with all the characters doing something together in a single setting vs. what is essentially a bunch of similar themed, but still isolated smaller drawings.
That said, if this is the idea other people want I'm okay with it. I'm not really sure what Space Virmir's role would be in the ship so maybe it is better to have me off on the side, he he he (although since there is no magic in the setting, I was thinking more of a programmer/AI developer, since that's basically magic anyway)
What were you thinking about the text, though?
Oooor, today Fizzie was talking about putting the empress aboard... CAN I BE THE GRAND VISOR?! ... IS THAT EVEN ALLOWED?! I always wanted to be a grand visor... Look, my eyes even aren't that shifty all the time. Ignore the snake staff.
Hmm...I dunno if that would be my ship. My Cruiser is a smaller high speed vessel I've probably setup like a Dragster in some ways. I believe the larger ship is Donnie's characters. On it I believe I would be in the Chief Engineers position, though, I guess I could be piloting.
Outside of that...
1. I remeber Donnie had 1 or 2 images of the ship itself. Will see if I can find it.
2. If I am piloting, I don't think I would be standing up, as I would be using Big Hero Six like holopanels and not a big solid platform...least I think Donnie can correct me.
3. If the adjustment above is made I could see him using his Robo-Arm to help pilot
4. The Holo-Hat is closer to a golf visor than a "Zorro Brim" so it should be curling.
Thats what I have right now.
There's a difference between the ideas people have for this.
Would folks want~
-an all inclusive chaotic battle of things
-diagram where folks are separate on a ship, doing character related things
Draykin, flying around in a ship, firing away at a fox mech piloted by Donnie. Donnie is being mind controlled by Wolfe(to replace Fizzie). In front, Kenku is keeping Blue head down. Not sure if he'd be having sciency stuff around. Virmir is swirly eyed and launched from the missile blast from the Mech. Daren is also there, pointing towards Caleb, who is going all stealth like and running towards the giant bot.
Likely not very canon to the Sune-verse, but Virmir being in there makes it totally uncanon.
Kenku probably has his hand floating out with him floating in front of a holo screen and is shielding Blue with what looks like a slate of grey, which is basically a blob of nanites.
I approve of getting blasted by a giant robot.
Let me know the cost estimate for getting blasted by a giant robot.
Here's an updated sketch ( Per usual, if folks have suggestions on how their character should look, post away. I will be making Kenku's change
Donnie originally stated the inclusion price of $10/char with a $40 for background. I'd add $3 to the character price because Sune have alot of little details.
If there is a $40 background subsidy, it's $13/person.
If not, it's $18/person.
Damn the mecha is looking good.
Btw, I would be happy to0 still pitch into a Jacfox pic at a later time when hes available.
This is looking good! I'm okay with either price.
The rough sketch had a bit more OOMPH to me flying away--think you can factor that in? This one looks okay but looks more like I got hit in the stomach or something, he he he
Really looking forward to this one -- sketch looks great so far, too!
I'll be finishing up a different scene for Dmitriy today/tomorrow. Afterwards I'll be working to finishing this up and making everything fancy.
Folks should paypal "Send to friends/family" the $18 to Donnie. Then I'll send him an invoice once everyone's in.
Instead, we'll be sending $18 to me. My paypal is "Carnosewyvern[at]"
Okay, money has been sent!
So, after talking with folks, we'll just do payment straight to me. Something about Paypal being more strict on "Send money to friend's/family".
Instead send $18 to my paypal which is at "Carnosewyvern[at]"
List of folks to pay
I'll have it for ya on Thursday
Here's an update on the commission
Daren and Draykin are the last 2 to pay. After that I'll be able to post the finished pic, Should be done by this weekend.
I don't really read the forums, so I missed the payment part.
Anyways, sent payment along with $5 tip.
Kenku's missing his his visor(or at least the rim of it if it's off) I can link ref for ya if needed for clarity. Also, now that I recall hwo that is working, I will be sending a second payment for Dray Thursday.
Here's the final image export. Tuned down the blue on the art, as well as changed the shiny in the sky to a moon, and some tail edits. Here you go~!
Does look a little better slightly less blue.
Good job on this!
This came out really well, Caleb, thanks! I love how pitiful BlueSune looks, hiding behind Kenku's shield!
I totally forgot I drew this, whoa.
Honestly forgot this started as a group commission for Jac and then had to do it myself.
Might want to revisit this drawing and adjust a few things.