Author Topic: A Soft and Cuddly Night  (Read 6634 times)


  • Mage of Caerreyn, Level 2
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  • The sunny, gold, shapeshifting dragoness :3
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on: August 10, 2012, 02:06:34 PM
Toast suggested I posted this. Tis my first TF story and was inspired by an RP between me and another friend. I'm no great writer so expect amatuer mistakes. But I do hope you enjoy it anyways.

   'Twas a perfect night for a walk. The breeze was nice, the temperature was mild, and not a cloud in the sky. This is why Emien came out for a walk through the park in the first place, to enjoy the night and gather his thoughts. He enjoyed nights like this as it helped him gather his thoughts. Lately he was thinking about his future, if he chose the right career path for himself, and whether or not he was truly prepared. Such thoughts that have been stressing himself a lot lately.

   Emien sighed to himself, “I'm glad I did finally decide to come out tonight. The nice weather makes it easier for me to relax, collect my thoughts,” Emien said to himself as he walked by a lamp post, “Of course it doesn't keep me from talking to myself like this. Bah! I need to focus.” He shook his head and sighed, “I wish I didn't have to deal with all this stuff about jobs and careers.”

   Suddenly he felt his foot bump into something soft. “hmmm?” Emien looked down and saw a quadrupedal, gold dragon plush, just sitting there in the middle of the sidewalk. Curious, he picked it up. It felt nice and soft to the touch. The underbelly had a well done plate scale pattern that felt velvety to the touch. He also thought the cartoonish face looked cute with its green glassy eyes and its adorable open maw smile, a few triangular plushy teeth sticking out.

   “I wonder how you got left here, goldy one,” he giggled to himself as he talked to the plush. He liked plushies, even had a dragon plush himself back home. “I'm betting there is a child out there who is missing you. I should take you home with me, get you cleaned up, and then help find your owner.”

   He ran his hands over the plush some more, bringing a hand up to its maw to feel out its plushy teeth and velvet maw. While running his index finger over its teeth he felt a sharp, stabbing pain. He drops the plush toy and cradles his finger. “Damn it. Must have been something sharp stuck to it or something,” He moves his hand closer to his face and takes a closer look. Surprisingly, there isn't a wound to be found considering the pain he just felt, or at least there doesn't appear to be one. Shrugging, he lowers his hand and goes to bend down to pick up the plushy, only to find it to be no where in sight.

   “Where is that plush? I could have sworn I dropped it by my feet. It couldn't have fallen far,” Emien begins looking around the spot for the toy, even checking the bushes in case he tossed it by accident and it landed there. After a few seconds of searching, his hand starts to feel tingle. At first he ignored it, but after a while it started to bother him so he went to scratch it. As soon as he touched his hand, though, he stopped. Something felt weird about it, something off. It felt... fuzzy?

   Curiously, he brought his hand to the light and cried out “What the..?!?” Covering his hand was what he thought was short gold fur. What also worried him was that three of his fingers had turned white, while his thumb and pinky looked like they have shrivelled up a bit. “What's going on? What's wrong with my hand?” He thought to himself as his hand seemed to change more. He watched bewildered as his hand became consumed by the gold fur and began to puff out. His fingernails softened and fused with his three white fingers as they puffed out as well, becoming more cone shaped as his pinky and thumb shrivelled away into his malformed hand. What was freaking Emien out the most was that he barely felt any of this, only tingling and a strange swelling sensation. About thirty seconds pass and his hand has completely changed into what Emien can only think of as a paw with fuzzy, white claws. He stares blankly at it, trying to move what used to be his fingers only to find them completely unresponsive. His entire hand was completely numb on top of that. He brought his other hand to it and was surprised at how soft his “paw” felt. The fur felt like that of the...plushy. He gave his paw a squeeze, and not only did he not feel anything cept for maybe an odd tingle but it squished like there wasn't any bone at all, like there was only cotton stuffing inside.

   Emien felt like he was losing his mind. His hand was now a stuffed paw identical to the plush toy that had vanished on him, and the transformation wasn't stopping there as he started losing feeling past his wrists, the carpet of plush fur starting to travel up his arm. His other hand was now following suit with the other as well.. He wasn't sure what to do or even know if this was real. Soon enough he wasn't able to bend his one arm due to not having an elbow there anymore, his whole arm almost consumed and the other arm not too far behind. Emien was mentally freaking out, not even moving from the spot he was standing in as he just stared at his transforming arms.

   “I'm becoming a plushy” He thought “This can't be real. Maybe if I concentrate this will all go away and turn out nothing but a hallucination.” He closed his eyes and tried to focus, visualizing his arms as they once were. However, he found it hard to focus as his feet started tingling and finding it hard to balance on them as they felt like they were collapsing under his own weight. Eventually, he lost balance and fell backward, landing on his butt. “Oof!” He cried out as he hit the ground and started trying to kick off his shoes to see what happened, his arms and hands having transformed fully and have become totally immobile. Once his shoes were off he saw his feet had changed too, having shrunk down and shaped like the hind paws of the dragon plush. His toes were gone, replaced by three soft claws on each foot.

   The changes were progressing faster now. The fur was quickly travelling up his legs as the took on a my cylindrical shape, all the bones and tissue turning into cotton and forcing his legs to point straight. His arms started lifting on their own and forced straight in front of him. On top of all that, his arms and legs started to shrink into his body, becoming stubbier. He tried moving them but they wouldn't even wiggle in the slightest. The changed reached his pelvic region and he felt an extremely strange sensation before numbness took over, followed by a tugging at his rear. Emien looked back to see a tail forming, pushing its way out of his pants, a tag popping out near the tip.

   Emien's belly and lower chest were next, the front of his belly becoming a smooth gold material with horizontal stitching popping up in sections, making it look like scutes of a reptile. He tried to call out for help but found no sound came out. He wasn't even breathing anymore, his lunges and heart now nothing more then cotton stuffing. There was another tugging sensation, this time on his back. He was able to look back to see small, golden wings begin to form on his back before the change reached his neck, forcing his head to face forward and upward.

   “What will happen to me?” He thought as he felt the transformation creep up to his head, “Will I be aware when this is over? Will I simply drift into darkness? Will I dream?” His thoughts were interrupted when he noticed he couldn't hear anything anymore. His ears had started to change, becoming fabric ear fins. His hair receded, changing into the same colour as the plushy fur covering his body and soft white horns grew from his changing head. His nose and face started pushing out. Emien could only watch as his plushy muzzle formed, the inside of the maw becoming fabric, his throat closing off, tongue vanishing, and teeth either merging together to form fabric fangs or vanishing all together. Some sticking appeared on the corners of his maw, giving him a goofy open mouthed smile. His lost the ability to blink and his eyes begin to change, his vision becoming distorted as if he was looking through a fishbowl as his eyes became green glass dragon eyes.

   “Is it over?” was his last human thought before his brain started to become cotton, thoughts and memories vanishing. But a feeling started welling up within him, the need to be cuddled and hugged. The desire to be played with filled his now cottony mind as the transformation completed itself by shrinking his body down to the size of the plush that had caused the change, his clothes vanishing without a trace. It was over. Where there once was a young man, a cute plush dragon now lay in his place.


   A mother and her child were walking through the park. It was a nice day and her son needed some time outdoors. She smiled as he ran about, burning off the sugar from that candy she gave him earlier, but made sure he didn't go to far. She then noticed he stopped up ahead and bent down, seemed to have picked up something. He then ran back to her, carrying what looked like a dragon plush.

   “Mommy, look what I found! Can I keep it, pllleeeeaaaase?” He looked up at his mom with cute, begging eyes.

   The mother took the dragon toy and inspected it, seeing if it had a tag or something identifying a previous owner if it had one. Finding nothing, she gave it back to her son. “I guess there is no harm letting you keep it. But it has to be washed as soon as we get home.”

   “YAY!” The child cried out happily and snugged the dragon tightly and walked with his mother out of the part. The plush smiled on the inside, happy to finally have someone to snuggle him.


  • Chaotic Good Pooltoy/Plush hybrid Alicorn Princess
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    • Trask's FA! [Warning: Contains Toys, Tails and TF!]
Reply #1 on: August 11, 2012, 11:34:05 AM

(16:30:39) Virmir: You are a pony by default now? GAH HA HA
(16:31:04) Virmir: I never knew any true ponies.
(16:31:14) Virmir: I quite like your pony look.


  • The possessor of the almighty tail snap
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Reply #2 on: August 12, 2012, 11:40:41 PM
This is a horrifying story. To be honest, it is written well and flows nicely, but loosing one's mind and body and having it changed against one's will really terrifies me. This is why I refuse to be pooltoy or plushy and I don't see how so many can like this. I know many people here do like it, but it's not my thing.

(07:46:59) Robak: watch the horns they are pointy
(22:04:28) Risu: omg, its raining antimuffins!
(00:42:42) * (Rage_plushie) doesn`t move. instead he ponders the secrets of the universe...and wonders why trask smells faintly of strawberries.
(00:36:36) Virmir: It's fattening celergy!


  • Mage of Caerreyn, Level 2
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Reply #3 on: August 13, 2012, 12:22:50 AM
This is a horrifying story. To be honest, it is written well and flows nicely, but loosing one's mind and body and having it changed against one's will really terrifies me. This is why I refuse to be pooltoy or plushy and I don't see how so many can like this. I know many people here do like it, but it's not my thing.

Tis hard to explain why, Evil. I'm not entirely sure why I sometimes like it myself. But at the same time it is fiction and does have a happy ending if you look at it in a different way. But tis not the same for everyone.

Also, not everyone goes for being innanimate when becoming a pool toy or plushy. There are living plushies. :3


  • The possessor of the almighty tail snap
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Reply #4 on: August 13, 2012, 08:55:07 AM
This is a horrifying story. To be honest, it is written well and flows nicely, but loosing one's mind and body and having it changed against one's will really terrifies me. This is why I refuse to be pooltoy or plushy and I don't see how so many can like this. I know many people here do like it, but it's not my thing.

Tis hard to explain why, Evil. I'm not entirely sure why I sometimes like it myself. But at the same time it is fiction and does have a happy ending if you look at it in a different way. But tis not the same for everyone.

Also, not everyone goes for being innanimate when becoming a pool toy or plushy. There are living plushies. :3

I know that some like it and there is a happy ending in a way. And Trask is a living plushy so I know that it cannot be all bad.

(07:46:59) Robak: watch the horns they are pointy
(22:04:28) Risu: omg, its raining antimuffins!
(00:42:42) * (Rage_plushie) doesn`t move. instead he ponders the secrets of the universe...and wonders why trask smells faintly of strawberries.
(00:36:36) Virmir: It's fattening celergy!


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Reply #5 on: August 14, 2012, 09:15:33 PM
I agree that it is sort of a horrifying concept if you stop and think about any sort of immobile toy transformation. [;)

That said, good transformation sequence!  You do flop between present and past tense a few times, which is a big no-no, but apart from that it's a nice visualization. Do write more!

[fox] Virmir


  • Mage of Caerreyn, Level 2
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Reply #6 on: August 15, 2012, 02:12:19 AM
I agree that it is sort of a horrifying concept if you stop and think about any sort of immobile toy transformation. [;)

That said, good transformation sequence!  You do flop between present and past tense a few times, which is a big no-no, but apart from that it's a nice visualization. Do write more!

Yeah, I try to keep everything the same tense but I often don't realize I'm flipping between the two. It happens in some of my RPs as well on occassion. Guess it helps to get some outside editing. ^^;

I do plan to write a pool toy TF story after I'm finished with one I'm working on right now which won't be posted here due to mature content. Tis gonna be a gift for a good friend of mine before he leaves for the navy. So, when I do the pool toy one I'll submit it here for you all to read. ^.=.^
« Last Edit: August 15, 2012, 02:14:40 AM by Mehlahphuse »