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Topics - mathgrant

Pages: 1 2
Game Room / Botticelli (an intellectual game of guessing identities)
« on: August 05, 2011, 02:57:01 PM »

I am thinking of a famous person, real or fictional, living or dead. The last initial of this person is B. Your goal is to deduce the identity of this person.

To play Botticelli, you must ask me questions whose answers are also people with the last initial B. For example, you might ask, "Were you succeeded by Barack Obama as President of the United States?" requiring me to answer, "I am not George W. Bush." If I am stumped and cannot give a valid answer, the rest of the forum will be given 48 hours and one chance to give a valid answer; if they succeed, then you have earned the right to ask me a general yes/no question about my identity (such as "Are you alive?", "Are you real?", "Are you male?", or "Are you most well-known for your contributions to politics?"). If your question is so easy that I can answer it, or so hard that nobody else can give the right answer within 48 hours, then you do not earn the right to ask me a general question.

Nobody in this game is allowed to use outside resources, except that I am allowed to use them to answer general yes/no questions if I do not know the answer myself.

Any one person may only ask one indirect question at a time.

I think that's it for rules. Ask away!

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