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Messages - Huffzie

Pages: 1 2
Random Topics / Re: Weird Dreams
« on: June 30, 2016, 06:08:00 PM »
I sure had a strange dream and even though it was rather short I couldn't forget it for the rest of the day.

So its basically started with me unable to move sitting on a chair. I guess I was tied down. I cant recall that. Anyway the room was fairly empty with pretty much bright white colour all around. The light bulb hanging from the ceiling flickering. (The basics for a bad horrorfilm).

So as I was sitting there with the flickering light which left me in pitch black every so often, suddenly something appears on the other end of the room. It was small, had fur all over its body and was standing on his legs. I dint know what exactly it was, but I am pretty sure it was some kind of mammal, maybe an otter or something like that. It was just standing there, staring at the ground, not moving an inch. Some few times the lights went off. Longer now as before. As they went back on I noticed that the head of the little mammal was now looking at me directly. Those eyes were colourless as in dead I would say.

The flickering continues. And everytime the lights went out and back on, the mammal twitches a little. Some nearly visible motion-followings as it starts moving towards me everytime the room goes black.

And then (I think because of dream logic) 2 other mammals appear just besides the first one in the middle. Same features and moving towards me. At this point I am freaking out. I am struggling to move but wont let me. Just my eyes could shift ad they flail in to all directions. I was helpless.

More and more mammals appear all around the first one. Twitching differently like they fight for getting to me first. A couple of seconds later the mammals were all around me sitting on my legs or like that. Every single one of them still staring into my eyes like deathglares. Then nothing happened for a couple of minutes. Then, and that's the freakiest part for me, they started to closing down on me. With those shiftless and colourless eyes. I was just accepting it, watching it like my death is coming. They were merely a few inches away from my face as the light slowly drained. And then the next thing I remember is sitting upright in my bed sweating a little.

It was nearly 3 am at this point and after that I just watched videos about soccer and stuff to keep me distracted.
Not like other nightmares I had this one was scary in a bizarre way.

I want a good dream in exchange for that torture.

Random Topics / Re: Height comparison
« on: June 30, 2016, 05:20:11 PM »
I am standing 5'10" tall, not ears intended. But that counts for the mornings when i wake up. In the afternoon i shrink down to 5'9" :D.this is serious. Lol

Random Insanity / Re: Discribe our chat room!
« on: June 30, 2016, 04:32:08 PM »
The feeling to be free with restrictions. Thats funny

Game Room / Re: steam group
« on: June 26, 2016, 01:52:49 PM »
Well I'm even more late. Can I join anyway? Don't have many games but still I like to play games with everybody as long as noobs are accepted. :)
Steam name is '  ingameplayercd  '

Random Topics / Re: Virmir (Mis)-Pronunciation Statistics
« on: June 25, 2016, 02:32:56 AM »
When I read 'Virmir' for the first time I pronounced it "Weh mir".
It's german and even though there is no direct translation(because its like a phrase), it means like "Oh boy".
So my instincts were right by 'warning' me about Virmir. ;D

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