Author Topic: Dawn of Worlds  (Read 115836 times)


  • Mage of Caerreyn, Level 2
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Reply #90 on: December 10, 2011, 08:27:44 PM
Alright, in the future please post that you're passing your turn if thats what you're going to do. I try to hold off doing updates until I have confirmation of everyone's moves.


  • Mage of Caerreyn, Level 2
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Reply #91 on: December 10, 2011, 09:55:35 PM
Ok, so I will do the following: Create Race (The Jaeskine), Command race (Creating the grand city of Gvantanz) and then using Advance Civilization to make the Jaeskine master metalsmiths

As for the actual description of the Jaeskine, they are physically a form of Ferret-Squirrel Taur. I'll give them a better description at a later point. I will say that they're a fairly communal race that highly values creativity and creation in general. Also, they are both adept metalsmiths, miners and generally skilled climbers.

The starting order for the Jaeskine is the Order of Rune Smiths, an organization that controls who is taught the esteemed craft of metalworking
« Last Edit: December 10, 2011, 10:00:40 PM by Fax »


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Reply #92 on: December 10, 2011, 10:43:01 PM
Ok, so I will do the following: Create Race (The Jaeskine), Command race (Creating the grand city of Gvantanz) and then using Advance Civilization to make the Jaeskine master metalsmiths

As for the actual description of the Jaeskine, they are physically a form of Ferret-Squirrel Taur. I'll give them a better description at a later point. I will say that they're a fairly communal race that highly values creativity and creation in general. Also, they are both adept metalsmiths, miners and generally skilled climbers.

The starting order for the Jaeskine is the Order of Rune Smiths, an organization that controls who is taught the esteemed craft of metalworking

Sounds cool, but.. er. Where are they?

When was the last time you hugged your sammich?


  • Mage of Caerreyn, Level 2
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Reply #93 on: December 10, 2011, 11:36:34 PM
Fax - 15 - 15 + 5 + 3 = 8
Dragyn - 26 - 0 + 9  = 35
Kenku - 17 - 12 + 5 = 10
Fen - 20 - 16 + 6 + 1 = 11
EccentricOrbit - 15 - 6 + 5 = 14
Raf_Cian - 10 - 10 + 7 + 2 = 9
Radioactive_Toast - 12 - 12 + 11 + 2 = 13
Nagolinc - 12 - 12 + 5 + 2 = 7
Donnie - 9 - 8 + 8 + 2 = 11



an eldritch abomination - sleeping somewhere deep and dark in the world
Tek'Rael, The Grey Father - a giant eyeless, tailless grey quadrupedal skink
The Grand Dragon, Raval Brightwing - wandering the skies the world round
"The Flames Hand" - a 9 tailed kitsune associated with the burning lands
Miserable Failure - A depressed walrus monoped in a knit sweater
The Lord of Balance - A potent grey fox who is a lord of balance and order.

-Turu'hraim - a reptilian-like race with a love of explosives
-Neutral (+0)
--Order: The Cult of Kerspelowd - a religion focused on explosives and explosions
---Subrace: Hraim'turu - A subrace of the Turu'hraim primarily focused on implosions

-Phoraj - a sulphur dwelling race of crustacean like traders
- (Neutral (+0)
--Order: The Guild of the Flaming Ice - The Phoraj's guild of traders and merchants/ diplomats?

-Edraei - A race of faries dedicated to serving the avatar Miserable Failure
--Order: Order of the Plaid Sweater - Dedicated to creating a beautiful sweater for Miserable Failure

-Larepin - Extremely individualistic rabbit-fox-cat people created by the Lord of Balance
-Chaotic neutral (0)
--Order: Order of the White Dragons - Warrior Priests dedicated to guiding the Larepin and providing them with wisdom

-Oryxians - Oryx people
-Good(+1), The Oryxians are very much of family based society that does its best to keep everyone within it safe and protected.
--Order:Ring of 5 and Council - Leaders of the 5 major villages(not yet cities), and the council of representatives below them, elected by the villages.

-Greryn - A race of Grey Fox people
-Nuetral(0), Wealth can lead a person down many a path
--Order: Merchants and Explorers guild: Wealthy Nobles of the Race who lead expansion and trade.

-Jaeskine - Ferret-Squirrel-Taur metalsmiths and miners
-Neutral (+0)
--Order: The Order of the Rune Smiths - Teachers of the art of metalsmithing
--Advance - Metalsmithing

-Rakey - a race of tree dwelling monkey-rats
-Good (+1)
--Order: The Watchers - A group of Rakey who are mesmerized by the great red crystal of their island and work to protect it

-The Goblins - A race of fruit bat people
-(Alignment? (expected to be [Geek (+0)]))
--Order: The order of the spiral nerd-glasses (aka the mathematicians guild) - exactly what it says on the tin. Also they act as teachers and students

-Tek - Magical grey lizard people, children of Tek'Rael.
-Good (+1)
--Order: the Grey Robes - 'a religious/magi group based in the capital city, devoted to discovering new magics and worshiping Tek'rael.'
--Advance: Magic
« Last Edit: December 11, 2011, 01:34:18 AM by Fax »


  • Mage of Caerreyn, Level 2
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Reply #94 on: December 11, 2011, 12:13:18 AM
Ok, so I will do the following: Create Race (The Jaeskine), Command race (Creating the grand city of Gvantanz) and then using Advance Civilization to make the Jaeskine master metalsmiths

As for the actual description of the Jaeskine, they are physically a form of Ferret-Squirrel Taur. I'll give them a better description at a later point. I will say that they're a fairly communal race that highly values creativity and creation in general. Also, they are both adept metalsmiths, miners and generally skilled climbers.

The starting order for the Jaeskine is the Order of Rune Smiths, an organization that controls who is taught the esteemed craft of metalworking

Sounds cool, but.. er. Where are they?
They're down around F5 and F6

William Swiftfoot

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Reply #95 on: December 11, 2011, 01:24:34 AM
Addendum to last turn

Alignment: Good(1), The Oryxians are very much of family based society that does its best to keep everyone within it safe and protected.
Order: Ring of 5 and Council - Leaders of the 5 major villages(not yet cities), and the council of representatives below them, elected by the villages.

Alignment: Nuetral(0), Wealth can lead a person down many a path
Order:Merchants and Explorers guild: Wealthy Nobles of the Race who lead expansion and trade.

As for points:
(5)Oryxians - Advance, Agriculture: The Oryxians have always been a race well known for the care of production of crops, and have learned how to work the fields due to this.

(4)Flame Hand/Greryn - Command Race: Through vision and disguising as a powerful noble of the Greryn, the Flame Hand begins of his worshipers across the southern continent. This expansion creates 4 port settlements(Astra, Aqua, Turqua, and Virmir) along the coast line between the Lands that Burn and the Great Desert, and the beginnings of the grand metropolis of Castilla east of their homelands.
(As noted by Fax, Only Castilla is a city by that action.)
« Last Edit: December 11, 2011, 01:55:43 AM by Kenku »


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Reply #96 on: December 11, 2011, 03:08:31 AM
Create Avatar:  (7)
    Noctellus, the Animate Shadow
       A Daemonic Entity, Noctellus can appear anywhere shadows obscure the light, taking them and bending them to his will and whim.   He himself is rarely seen, though where he is present, shadows take on a reddish hue.  He treats the caves within I-1 as a sacred place.

Command Avatar: Create Race (1)
    Noctellus gives some of his form to the shadows in the islands in and around I-2, forming the Noctus.  These creatures most resemble black-furred, bipedal wolves, with razor sharp claws and teeth.  They have varying patterns of slightly glowing red markings, though most have stripes.  They can control their own shadow, in the event they choose to cast one.

    Order: The Noctus have the Cult of the Animate Shadow, dedicated to the worship and service of Noctellus, ensuring that there are ample shadows for him to manifest in throughout the world.  (This is a religious order.)

Advance Civilization:  Noctus:  Shadow Magic (5)
  The Noctus, in their studies of Noctellus, gain an in-depth understanding of the essence of shadow.  Some can manipulate not only their own shadow, but the shadows of other things as well.

Command Race: Found City (4)
   Noctellus has the Noctus build an underground city on the southern edge of the large island in I-1.  They call it Shadowdeep, and dedicate it to the Cult.

Command Race:  Expand! (4)
   Noctellus tells his priests of other lands, bearing fiery volcanoes and lush jungles, frozen wastes and shining crystals.  He subtly encourages them to go and make more shadows in these places, so he may spread his influence.  They begin their exploration to the East, across the island chain to the mainland at I-6.

That's probably enough for now.  21 points spent, and my inspiration expended.  Do let me know if I've messed anything up, and I'll fix it.


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Reply #97 on: December 11, 2011, 09:55:58 AM
Right then, start with... create avatar for 7 points
Andarcas, the blond afro'd inventor.  He tries to look intimidating, and attempts to keep a reputation of productivity around him, but it reality he suffers from a rather serious lazy streak that contrasts with his bold pronouncements of what he plans to do.  Generally, he compensates by picking on Miserable Failure and declaring how much more productive he is than the monopod walrus-thing.

Aaaand... go for command avatar for 1 point and create race, the Krump , who inhabit the plains of G9, are ginormous beings who prowl the grasslands, looking for flowers, which are an integral part of their culture.  Woe betide any infidel non Krump who so much as touches one of their flowers; they tend to end up as toejam rather quickly.

Edit: Oh these guys are... +1 evil

The Krump have an order of... Templarians, who construct vast temples entirely out of nurtured plants and vines.

And... spend create subrace for 4 points of the Edraei, the Glueiao, an offshoot of the Edraei considered near heretics by their brethren for the insistence that Miserable Failure does not, in fact, need a new knitted sweater, but in fact he needs something else entirely, some new fashion that has yet to exist.  So the Glueiao seek to create new fabrics, colors, anything that could be new and exciting!

1 Point remaining
« Last Edit: December 11, 2011, 05:11:22 PM by Radioactive_Toast »

🏳️‍⚧️Princess is a contagious condition🏳️‍⚧️
She/her pronouns please ❤️


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Reply #98 on: December 11, 2011, 02:30:21 PM
Addendum to the last turn:  
The Edrai are a  Good (+1) race

This turn:
Starting Points: 7

Create Race: (-6)

The Dreoinin are a bat-like race that clings to the cliff-like edges of the bottomless pit in H6.
Although they have a high birth-rate, their population grows slowly if at all, due to their naturally quarrelsome nature.  Many a fight between dreonin ends with the loser being thrown to the bottom of the bottomless pit, as their vestigial wings do not actually allow them to fly.
They are an evil (-1) race with a fondness towards cruelty for cruelty's sake, especially when directed towards those they consider inferior, which is practically everyone and everything.
Although these unfriendly batlings rarely cooperate, they have nonetheless formed an order, the Bottomless Secrets Society whose goal is to journey ever deeper into the bottomless pit in which they live, seeking out its dark secrets.

Command Avatar: (-1)
(Create Order)

Miserable Failure flees the burning lands into self imposed exiles in order to avoid comparing himself to the beatuiful Edrai.  As he ventures northwards, he comes upon the Greryn's dwelling near their forest homeland.
Shocked and horrified by Miserable Failure's hideous appearance, the Greryn's form an order The Humane Society, whose goal is to put Miserable Failure out of his misery, a goal which the avatar ironically agrees with.

Ending points: 0

« Last Edit: December 11, 2011, 02:40:07 PM by nagolinc »


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Reply #99 on: December 11, 2011, 03:41:29 PM
Starting Points: 9
Advance Civilization (-5)
The Rakey continue to build the city of Recyled over the next hundred years (the approximate duration of a turn in the second age), but they encounter adversity given the climate. Rainforests don’t supply a surplus of expected building materials. What it does provide is wood, but the high humidity of rainforest shortens the lifespan this material.

Adversity is the mother of ingenuity, and the Watchers are always watching. With inspiration from the great red crystal, the Watchers lead the Recyled in more inventive means of building. Glues and resins derived from the local flora give the wooden structures resistance the temperature and humidity. Careful and precise scaffolding allows the construction of towering buildings that provides the most use of a small space. The scaffolding itself is more than just a construction phase innovation; the Rakey find these lattices well adaptive to their preferred means of travel.

By the end of the century the towering structures of Recyled start standing out as much the great red crystal itself. The families of Recyled don’t horde these techniques and soon other less noteworthy settlements are built with the same precision.  If anyone knew about them, it could not be denied: the Rakey are advanced in fields of Architecture.

Ending Points: 4


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Reply #100 on: December 11, 2011, 04:06:00 PM
Starting Points: 11

Command Race: (-4)

The Larepin race, obviously noticing their booming population and need for a center of civilization, construct a vast city on the coast of D5. They shall name this city Guerrier.

Create Race: (-6)


From doth Earth the race Kycamuuni emerges. A fiendishly cute, devilishly pretty, and horrifyingly soft furred race, the Kycamuuni are Zealots and chaotic evil (-1). The Kycamuuni are a 2 foot tall race with large wings on their backs, four foot long four tails with a tuft of fur on them, talons for hands and raptor claw feet. They are built for extreme speed, flight, and vicious evisceration of flesh and cutting..... however they are herbivores as identified by their buckteeth and lack of canines. Around their necks are a cute huge tuft of fur, like a muffler.

Upon the location of their birth a massive statue of their lord and jellyfish shaped god, EDOPS lies. They zealously believe all races must worship EDOPS or die, grow four tails or die, paint themselves red in blood.... or die, eat pie and love it or die full of pie. Any who disagrees with them is an enemy of all Kycamuuni. They shall take hold of their flames, horns, spears, maracas, and flutes to march on all whom would oppose.... or rather is different than their race. They set their flag down today.

They reside in F8 near the Krump, and already they are at odds, stepping on flowers, grinding them and using them as deodorant for their armpits. Worse yet the Kycamuuni find smashing and burning flower beds exceedingly entertaining and replacing them with mushrooms, much like their cute mushroom shaped houses.

Auto Create Order:
Order of the Squid in the Sky: An ultra religious secret society whom spend all day throwing squid into the air, hoping they'd find themselves in orbit and receive the blessings of EDOPS. Due to their antics with squid... they oddly made excellent chefs in sea food and thus maintain order of their religion via food fests.

Command Avatar: (-1)
The Lord of Balance woke from his century long nap with a loud yawn, loud enough to be heard by the Oryxians, Kycamuuni, and Krump. A strange yet soothing sound.... but it brought with it a harbinger of mischief. The L.O.B donned an Oryxian disguise and proceeded to perform a wedgie on each of the Ring of 5 leaders, simply as a fun activity before returning to serious activities. His antics likely has caused a civilization wide paranoia.

Points Remaining: 0
« Last Edit: December 11, 2011, 04:08:58 PM by Donnie »


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Reply #101 on: December 11, 2011, 04:24:56 PM
Command Race (4)
Tek'Rael whispers to the grey-robes in the night, advising a city be built on the central river's mouth, in the mountains. The Tek comply, and it is done; Stonespike is founded as a base for the future plans of the skink.

When was the last time you hugged your sammich?


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Reply #102 on: December 11, 2011, 04:43:19 PM
Just in case you too were wondering what Miserable Failure might look like in hideously terrifying 3d


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Reply #103 on: December 12, 2011, 05:52:12 PM
Humane society - heh.

Let's see ... what to do ...

Command Order(-3), and Advance Civilization (-5) (Building a city at B-3)

The scholars of the spiral-goggle society were running out of places to stash their various discoveries, treatises, scrolls, errata, and other correspondence. While their scattered tree-houses had been serving as their personal libraries up to this point, much contention as to who had borrowed whose lecture notes, and who had reviewed which version of what correction, lead to much confusion among the society.

Matters finally came to a head when a very lucid scroll on matrix algorithms was found being used as a tea-strainer in a local meeting-lodge. Something had to be done! The scholars pooled a large amount of resources to set up a central library in the caves adjacent to the local salt-mines in B-3. Over the course of the next century, as salt was removed from the mine, ornate galleries and halls were carved from the mine. Their dry and secure conditions made them ideal for storing the works of the society.

With better organization, (leading to further arguing as to who had discovered what first), the scholars of the spiral-goggle society began to make much accelerated progress in abstract thought and higher mathematics.  

Thus, the city of Archive was founded:

Yep, the Goblins are neutral. (Though it's hard to imagine them being much of a threat in their *present* state if they ever went evil - they mostly keep to themselves at the moment).

Let's see - other things to do while the world still has room ...

(because it just wouldn't be a Crimson-flag game without the full assortment of fox-morphs):
Create Subrace (4) (full race creation, if you want to bring biology into this and point out they are a different genus): Location: other coast of H10

The Red Reyn:

The red foxes grew up around the Greryn . Over the course of 100 years, their once savage tribes were inspired by their more skilled and settled brethren. The Greryn were at first only too happy to teach their neighbors the arts of shipbuilding and navigation. The Red Reyn also took to the sea, finding much joy in the art of sailing.

It is especially fun when they get to watch other ships burn.

The Red Reyn share much in culture and temperament with their Grey Reyn brethren, but their current culture is run by pirates. (+1 evil). When dealing with one of their ships, the jolly roger could go up at the first moment they find it amusing.

Auto Create Order: Assorted pirate ships.

(-12 or -14, depending)


Just in case you too were wondering what Miserable Failure might look like in hideously terrifying 3d
Nice. What program do you use?
« Last Edit: December 12, 2011, 07:28:27 PM by EccentricOrbit »


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Reply #104 on: December 14, 2011, 02:48:10 PM
Alright, my move will be to Command Avatar (-1) and Advance Civilization(-5)

At some points a group of Jaeskine stumble upon a cavern filled with minerals and ores, seemingly dumped there. After setting up a small workshop in the cavern and working away for a time, stockpiling various intricately worked pieces they discover the reason for the wealth of things present. The cavern happens to be one of the smaller hoards of The Grand Dragon, Raval Brightwing. Brightwing is at first furious at the destruction of parts of his hoard but is soon placated when presented with the objects constructed from it.
So pleased with the end results is he that he decides to offer the Jaeskine a deal: They may have access to his entire hoard for use as materials in turn for him having the first pick of anything they might create from it. The Jaeskine happily agree and in order to better facilitate their agreement Brightwing transports them to the seat of his primary hoard, where they construct the crafter's city of Meindwr in C9

Secondly the Order of the Rune Smiths, through endless experimentation, manage to discover and greatly advance the art of enchanting objects. With this they are able to create a multitude of hitherto impossible effects through the careful use of patterns imbedded in the objects they create.
« Last Edit: December 14, 2011, 02:50:40 PM by Fax »