Author Topic: The Golden Gifts: A Murrping Good Christmas  (Read 5845 times)


  • Mage of Caerreyn, Level 2
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on: January 30, 2014, 08:54:38 PM
Well, this has been a long time coming. This was a planned out series of short TF stories I wanted to give out over time as gifts for my friends but due to life happening and my motivation for writing constantly being shot down cause of it things got delayed......massively. But finally the first of the series for my friend, Dafydd, is done and hopefully I'll have more done in the near future with my mate, Ravtrag, being next. Reason why Dav's is done before my mate's is cause I got something else for Rav so technically he's got two gifts on the way. :P

Anyways, please enjoy the story and please keep the criticism constructive. Thank you.


Dafydd sighed softly as he got home from work, opening the door to his apartment. It had been a long day at work with a lot of people having stupid problems needing to be fixed. Thankfully it was the weekend so he could rest a while. He took of his boots, hung up his coat, and got himself settled on his couch to relax for a bit. He was glad this was the Christmas weekend finally. Pretty much had the rest of the month off save for a day or two here and there. Also couldn't wait to see the gifts his friends got for him. He had already given them their gifts and they most appreciated what they got. Rav said he'd have his gift ready soon but Emien hadn't said a word about his. Not even so much as a little hint. Dav started to mull over if his friend was even able to get him a gift when a knock at the door interrupted his thoughts. He got up and took a look through the peep hole.

“Hey, Dav! Open up! It's Emien.” the young man on the other side of the door shouted, trying not to be too loud to avoid disturbing Dav's neighbours, blue eyes staring back into the peephole.

Dav quickly opened the door for his friend. “Emien! How did you get here? And where is Rav?” Rav was a mutual friend of theirs as well as Emien's boyfriend. He was also generally Emien's ride as Dav lived quite far from where they both lived.

“Oh, he went to grab some things. He'll be with us soon enough.” Emien smiled, walking inside and removing his coat and boots. He walked back out the door briefly to bring in a large box wrapped in golden wrapping paper. “I came to bring you your gift personally. And don't worry about waiting for Rav as he said to open it without him.”

“Awww, Emien... you shouldn't have!” Dav was beaming brightly as the gift was brought up to his couch. He was still skeptical about Rav not at least coming in to say hi first before running off to grab whatever he was gonna get, but he simply shrugged and walked over to the couch. Emien simply stepped back and motioned Dav invitingly to the box, wordlessly asking him to open it. He wasted no time getting started as he tore into the gift, shredding the wrapping paper and tossing it aside, removing the tape holding the box lid closed, and opening up the box. His eyes opened wide as his hands dive into the box and pull out a rubbery red dragon costume designed to resemble his dragon self, Dav being a dragon furry who's dragon self was that of a small red quadrupedal dragon with small black horns and a gatorish snout. The costume looked very well made and the rubbery material felt nice and smooth to the touch. It was all one piece and the zipper was on the back. The inside felt just as nice to the touch as the outside.

“Go ahead and put it on! It'll give Rav a nice surprise when he comes in and sees you.” Emien said, smiling brightly. Dav nods and rushes off into his room to put on his new costume, closing the door behind him. Emien merely sat down on the couch, waiting for his friend to finish changing. “He's gonna be so surprised when he sees his gift in full.” Emien mused, his blue eyes shifting into a shining green, a red gemstone pushing out of his forehead as the skin around the area hardened and became gold in colour.

Dav hurriedly got undressed in his room, tossing his clothes aside save for his underwear as they'd only get in the way and make wearing the suit less comfortable. He held up the suit and looked over it one more time before he started sliding himself into it steadily, putting his feet in first. The suit stretched a bit as he slid his legs inside and the fit was fairly snug, but overall it was fitting him perfectly as he moved on to his arms next, stuffing them inside the suits sleeves. Lastly, he slipped the head of the suit over his own and zipped himself up. He was amazed how well the suit fit seeing as it would have been difficult to have obtained his measurements without giving away the gift itself. Not that he was complaining as the suit fit wonderfully and looked great but it still left him wondering how Emien pulled it off. He was about to leave and ask but then he heard something hit the floor behind him. Curious, he turned around and saw that the zipper was on the floor. And not just the zipper head but the entire zipper. Thinking the suit was damaged, Dav reached behind himself to remove it only to find there was no seem or any indication that the suit was able to open. And then things started to take a stranger turn as he started to feel tingly all over.

Dav felt as if the suit was compressing against his body, squeezing him tightly. And yet it didn't feel painful but it did feel uncomfortably weird, his eyes shutting as his senses were becoming assaulted by these strange sensations. It felt like the suit was trying to glue itself to his skin. Other weird sensations followed as he felt tugging sensations coming from his face, shoulders, and the base of his spine. His face steadily pushed out as if being pulled on by an unseen hand, reshaping to fit the muzzle of the costume which starts to fuse with his forming muzzle. New bones formed and new sensations flooded Dav's mind as he suddenly felt a new pair of limbs upon his back. This feeling was followed by another as another appendage of the suit fused with his rear, giving him a working tail. His arms and legs grew shorter and his balance shifted, causing him to fall onto all fours, his bone structure changing to better suit his new posture. His hands swelled inside the gloves of the suit, feet stretching inside the boots, reforming into paws. The transformation was slowly coming to a close as his body then began to shrink a little, making Dav feel like he was being compressed, shrinking down to the size of a dog. The skin of the suit, now his own skin, became less rubbery and more tougher, forming into scales while his claws and horns became hard and boney. Finally his maw unsealed, causing Dav to gasp is he took in a deep breath, showing off sharp teeth and a slender tongue within his gator snout, his now yellow draconic eyes opening wide.

Dav panted a little and looked around, wondering what just happened. His body felt strange and everything around him seemed bigger. He tried calling out for Emien but only a “murrp” sound came out from his snout, prompting him to bring his paw up to his face in surprise. Upon seeing the paw that used to be a human hand things started to click in his mind as he examined his body further, seeing how much he had changed and finding that he could move the wings on his back and his new tail at will. The suit he put on did more then make him look like his dragon self but completely transformed him into the little, red, murrping dragon he viewed himself as on the inside. It was then he heard his bedroom door open, turning around expecting to see his friend. What he saw standing there instead was a familiar anthro gold dragoness wearing with a red gem on her forehead altered versions of his friend's clothes, a dragoness he knew all to well as it was Emien's own inner dragon self, Mehlahphuse.

“I see you are finished changing. I'm hoping you are enjoying your gift. I worked very hard on it and made sure not to miss a detail.” Mehl said, smiling brightly as she reached down to pet Dav softly on the head couldn't help but rumble softly as it felt nice to be petted like that. “You're probably wondering how I was able to pull this off in the first place and how I'm my golden self too.” She giggled as he murrped and nodded at her. “Well, lets just say I was giving a gift myself, though I don't know who it was from. But said gift did help unlock a certain “potential” within me.” She winked and tapped the gem on her forehead, the gem itself glowing softly.

Dav tilted his head a little, not sure what to think about that. But then again it didn't really matter much how Mehl was able to pull off the things she had. He actually did love the gift, barring the initial shock of it, and was happy to experience being the dragon he felt he was on the inside. He smiled and leaped up to lick Mehl on the nose affectionately, happily murrping at her in thanks for his gift. She giggled again and gave Dav loving scritches just behind his horns which made him purr, tail wagging happily.

“I'll take that as a thank you.” She said after wiping the slobber off her cheek. “Now don't worry about taking care of things for a while as me and Rav will be taking care of you till your Christmas break is over. You can change back by either having the zipper placed on your back again or even on your belly. And to become your cute lil' draggy self you'd just have to put the suit on again. But for now think of yourself as Rav and I's pet. And just to secure your pet status for the next little while...” Mehl pulled out something from behind her back which Dav didn't have to chance to see before he felt her slide it around his neck and clamp it on. She then pulled out a mirror so he could better see that she had slipped his costume collar on, the metal tag labelled “Dav” shining in the light.

“Perfect! Now you really do look like a pet dragon. Hopefully Rav is back soon with the pet supplies I told him to fetch. And before you ask, yes he's his own fluffy tailed self too.” Mehl giggled again, her green eyes beaming brightly. “Gonna make sure our little dwaggy is taken good care of while he just gets to sit back and enjoy being a pet for a while. Merry Christmas, Dav!”

With that Mehl picked up Dav gently and carried him into the living room, snuggling him to herself. Dav merely murrped contently and snuggled happily against his “owner” for the week, happy to be a cared for pet for the time being. This was the best Christmas present he could have ever asked for and was glad to be spending the holidays with his friends.


  • Chaotic Good Pooltoy/Plush hybrid Alicorn Princess
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Reply #1 on: February 01, 2014, 10:25:58 AM
A nice short story, enjoyable read Mehl! nicely done. *Hugs!* [:)

(16:30:39) Virmir: You are a pony by default now? GAH HA HA
(16:31:04) Virmir: I never knew any true ponies.
(16:31:14) Virmir: I quite like your pony look.


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Reply #2 on: February 13, 2014, 08:03:07 PM
It's a well described TF scene, although very predictable, he he he

[fox] Virmir


  • Mage of Caerreyn, Level 2
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Reply #3 on: February 16, 2014, 10:28:09 AM
It's a well described TF scene, although very predictable, he he he

Thanks, Virmir. Though to be honest I still find myself looking at the TF and wondering how I could have worded it better. But then if I kept working on this I'd never get anything done with my current (and biggest) project. *flails*